#Bimbo celeb
anyaheartx · 7 months
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Hello?? 911?
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lowkey-bimbo · 10 months
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This movie was a cultural moment
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iceicebaby000 · 2 years
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aikifii · 1 year
Hey!! So starting Tumblr again feels weird as fuck, as I had an account like 6 years ago but with the takeover of other apps like Ig Tumblr just died. But tbh by logging back on shits still pretty active!! For a little background info I’ve grown up in Los Angeles and have lived here my whole life. My mom moved here in 2003 (when the shitty Hollywood scene was kinda taking off) and she’s seen some crazy shit. This blog will just be about interesting underground celebrity gossip (probably will be just mainstream gossip in the end) from all decades!! I mean gotta love the 2000’s for trashy gossip but other decades earlier or later definitely have there moments. Also feel free to message me abt anything, pop culture related, not pop culture related, anything idc!! Love you,
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anyaheartx · 6 months
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Paris Hiltons alter ego
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youremyheaven · 3 months
Vedic Astrology Primer:
1.Beginner's Guide To Vedic Astrology
2. A Basic Guide To Nakshatras
3. Vedic Astrology Books
my first vedic post :-)
mongoose yoni, hasta girlies and retro vibes 🐀💃🏼👯‍♀️
bimbos, venusians and mermaids 🧜🏼‍♀️👭
simple observations
vedic analysis of singers, fairies and cougars 👀 🎶🧚🏼‍♀️
butterfly motif and vedic astrology 🦋
the astrology of big boobs and mistresses 🌕🌕
courtesans and great actors🥵🎭
actors, desirable women and muscle daddies 🎭💃🏼💪🏼
why are cancer girlies so in demand 🦀♋
muscle men and ingenues 🤪🧚🏼‍♀️😩
nice guys, loners, unhappy childhoods 🤓🥰
snakes, scorpios and sex workers 🐍🦂
serpents, trophy wives and nose jobs 🐍🤰🏼👃🏼
Random Vedic Astrology Observations
pt 2 of random vedic observations
Random Astrology Observations
Vedic Observations
Wealth giving naks & Revati's kinky side
Appetite in Astrology 
Are Rashis As Important As Nakshatras?
Random Astrology Observations
K-Pop Astrology:
BTS rising sign speculation
BTS & their celeb crushes
Blackpink Rising Sign Speculation
Pisces Influence on Kpop
BTS & Their Possible Vedic Rising Signs pt 2
RM New Album is Vishaka Coded?
Jennie is a Jyeshta Rising?
Vedic Symbolism & Imagery:
a cool vedic post about symbols and motifs
angel imagery in vedic astro 👼🏼🧚🏼‍♀️
Astrology of Appearance:
The Astrology of Appearance
The Astrology of Appearance pt 2
The Astrology of Appearance pt 3
Astrology of Doppelgangers
The Astrology of Beauty Marks
Doll Beauty in Astrology
Hourglasses: The Astrology of Body Types ⏳🥵💃🏼
Astrology of Appearance: Yoni Animal Edition
Cancer Girls & Baby Voice
Rahu & Ketu eyes
Yin vs Yang Eyes
Appearance Analysis: Angelina Jolie
Lunar men and their eyes
Lunar men and their eyes pt 2
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lowkey-bimbo · 9 months
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So I've never seen Schmigadoon BUT this line is like so my vibe.
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hanasnx · 8 months
Waaaaitttt I saw the Hayden suggestions and I’ve unashamedly thought about the very top one many many times cause I’m embarrassingly craving that y/n moment and I’ve gone to a decent amount of cons and met a fair amount of celebs I’ve debated about using one of the pheromone perfumes to meet Hayden. But like yess he sees you during the photo op and he’s instantly drawn to you. He doesn’t pay much attention to that thought cause he’s got a long line to get through and photo ops are fast paced but then when you go up to get your autograph that’s when he can sneakily make a move. When you get an autograph the handlers write your name for the celeb on a sticky note and usually the celeb doesn’t take it off so like I’m thinking he quickly scribbles his number on it and you’re so star struck you don’t notice it until you’re away from his table..but that’s how you end up in his hotel room that night with your legs up over your head.
-Bimbo Baggins
MINORS DNI 18+ NOTES: i gatekept this message it was so good
HAYDEN CHRISTENSEN tries to stay in his lane. Over the years he's gotten exceptionally good at minding his business, minding his manners, and staying out of trouble. Mixing business with pleasure is a very steep cliff, one he rarely dares to approach. However, you had caught his eye in a way that hadn't occurred in a very long time. To give everyone fair treatment during these photo ops, his attention is solely on them during, and he did not mind at all holding your gaze when you shook his hand politely. Habitually, when you'd leaned over in front of him to give one of the attendants something he didn't care to look at, he snuck a generous glance at your ass. As soon as you stepped back to stand next to him for the picture, he accommodated you, moving aside so you could tuck under his arm, and scolded himself for giving in to the temptation.
"Can we do a sort of Anidala-wedding scene pose?" you had asked with such hope, gazing up at him with stars in your eyes. He took too long to answer.
"Of course." He nodded as soon as he got a hold of himself. "Can you show me what you mean?"
Gently, you directed him, handling his broad shoulders to turn him towards you so you could look deeply into his eyes for the picture. For one second, he could swear his heart skipped a beat. Next thing he knew, the picture flashed and you were saying your thank yous and goodbyes. A seed of disappointment grew in his chest, but he moved on.
Only to find himself eager sitting in his seat at the sight of you in the autograph line. A grin spreads on his features as you approach his booth.
"Hi again." you exhale, beaming.
"Good to see you." Hayden replies, pointing out the obvious humor of coming across you twice in a row. He's thankful, scribbling his signature onto the picture frame you'd bought earlier right after your photo op with him. A split second decision is made and it gives him no time to second-guess it when he's adding his number to the sticky note. It's his WhatsApp, just to stay safe, but you don't get time to even look at it, your attention solely on him when you thank him again. He nods at you, and watches you walk away. Once more, his eyes flash to your behind and how it sways in your little cosplay outfit.
It's not always about instant attraction for him, he has to get to know the person to know if he truly likes them, but there's something about you that draws him in. He wants to get to know you, even if he might be compromising his privacy. The ball is in your court, all he has to do is wait for you to notice the gift he left on your sticky note.
"What's that?" your friend asks, pointing to your picture frame in your hand. You grin widely at them.
"Hayden Christensen signed my picture with him— Look!" you exclaim, raising the item into view only to see what your friend was actually referring to. Your expression drops at the sight of ten numbers in a recognizable pattern. A phone number. You face away from your friend in an instant, keeping it to yourself and shielding it with your body. "No way. No fucking way—"
"Is that a phone number? Lemme see—!"
You pinch your shoulder, jerking it away from their touch as you ogle at the sticky note. "There's no way..." It's a dream, it's a fantasy, you're going to wake up any second and then have to get ready to go to con to meet Hayden Christensen for the first time.
"Relax! It's probably the staff member that wrote your name on the sticky note!" your friend reasons, poking their head around your neck and through your hair to sneak a peek. "'Sides, he's like a thousand years old."
"Be quiet for a second, lemme think." you say as you stride away and out of the exit area, scanning your surroundings for a place to chill out and sit.
"If you're that bothered, we should test it! C'mon."
"Okay, okay. Let me find service I have to download an app."
You don't even know how it happened, all of it was a blur. One moment you were texting to verify the number was who you thought it was and ignored your gut feeling when you were texted back two simple words: "Call me."
With all the power within you, you tried to remain as calm as possible while on the phone with him. Constantly, you reminded yourself that "He's just some guy." So you could fathom having a real conversation with him. It turned into him inviting you out, somewhere respectful and secluded to talk after his panel, snowballed into visiting his hotel bar, and then up to his room to sit on his balcony.
"You mind if a smoke?" he'd asked. You shook your head. And it was the first time you'd tried a cigarette. The end still wet from his lips around it, and he cupped his big hands around the mouth of it so he could light it for you.
It must've been the alcohol, or the long day, but when you'd kissed him you were sure you were possessed. His lips were soft like silk, warm and plump, and he slid his hand behind your neck to make sure you couldn't run away. Tongues coated in nicotine curled against one another, experimenting as if afraid to turn the other one away.
Taller than you, you had to crane your neck, but he held you so carefully. Gentler still even when he draw you away while your lips were still pouted and pliantly awaiting his return. "I'm sorry, I apologize. I don't know what came over me." he exhaled, releasing you. But you didn't listen, clutching onto collar of his jacket to draw him right back in.
"Oh, right there. Right there!" you plea, clawing at the hotel pillows above your head as Hayden rolls his hips into you. Big hands tuck into the crooks of your knees, folding your legs over you to hit that spongy spot inside you. Cunt up to the sky, he's slamming into you like he's done it before, a sheen of sweat to his forehead. "That's so fucking good, Hayden," you draw out the words in a sultry whine, and for one second you can't believe that you get to say those words right now. Quickly drawn back in to the moment as soon as he bottoms out for the umpteenth time, screwing your fanatic brains out.
"You feelin' good? Yeah?" he exhales, and his tongue forms over his upper lip as he splays a hand under your ass. It feels so big on you as it lifts your hips up into his thrusts. "Keep those legs up for me." You do as you're told, replacing his touch on your thighs to make sure, and you overlay one of his hands. A strangely intimate and endearing detail he takes to heart, watching your little fingers grab at his in the crook of your knee while he's yanking your cunt up by your asscheek.
"Please don't stop, please!" You want to stay here all night, all next day, forever. You want to live in this little bubble.
In a way, he helps you to achieve that by giving you his real number when it's time to leave his hotel room, and makes you promise to take his call whenever he's in the area again.
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cyberghouleo · 1 year
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masterlist ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Warning: Everything nsfw I write is always aged up, everything else is as normal unless stated otherwise!
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✦ Receiving oral headcanons nsfw
✦ Proxy twitter au (part 1) (part 2), (part 3) (part 4), (part 5), (part 6) sfw
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✦ “You know that I'll be your Paparazzi” smut, bimbo! reader, 2.8k
{Brian comes home to his girlfriend sleeping in only his shirt and panties. He lets her know he's back from a mission in the nontraditional way.}
✦ Receiving oral headcanons nsfw
✦ Proxy twitter au (part 1) (part 2), (part 3) (part 4), (part 5), (part 6) sfw
✦ Reader who has an ed and sh headcanons sfw
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✦ Receiving oral headcanons nsfw
✦ “She won't ever get enough once she gets a little touch" smut, bimbo! reader, 2.8k
{Tim starts becoming infatuated with someone he was supposed to be stalking. After weeks of being around you, he decides he can’t take it anymore.}
✦ Innocent reader headcanons nsfw
✦ Proxy twitter au (part 1) (part 2), (part 3) (part 4), (part 5), (part 6) sfw
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✦ Bimbo! reader headcanons nsfw
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✦ bodyguard! ghost x celeb! reader headcanons nsfw
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✦ Stuck With You smut 4.1k
{After training you and Bakugou find each other in an unfortunate situation in one of the elevators.}
✦ Stuck With You Pt 2 fluff 1.1k
{Waking up next to Bakugou isn't that terrible, even though he is a dick.}
✦ Riding Through The Distractions smut 3k
{You wanted his attention and you were having a few certain thoughts about him, so you decided to deal with those problems the best way you knew how to.}
✦ A New Addition smut 2.5k
{After some teasing, you learn about the new addition to your boyfriend's body.}
✦ Sleep Tight smut 1.8k
{Sleeping with Bakugou is a whole different experience when he decides to tease you relentlessly.}
✦ Fallen For You smut 4.3k
{An innocent angel falls into Bakugou hands, and he has to change that.}
✦ You Know I’m No Good smut, angst, 2.1k
{Bakugou comes back early to find some difficult news involving you. Promises are optional to some.}
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✦ Boredom smut 3.5k
{Being on a ship for 3 or so years in space can lead to discovering some lingering thoughts. Good thing you were there to help him with those.}
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✦ She’s My Collar smut 1.3k
{Rantaro was cool with most things, which ended up translating nicely kink wise too.}
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Chris IS married, GET OVER IT!
It's on all of the major outlets. Seriously, stop living in denial. For those who have no idea, yes, Cape Cod is a small area, so a lot of people would know, but Chris could afford to pay anyone off not to say a thing. Plus, people on the cape respects locals privacy. It's just how it is here. As a greater Boston native myself, the Cape and Nantucket area are very famous celeb locations or vacations and weddings, and anyone involved is tight lipped about it. Chris does not have to sell his story to the tabloids, or tell anyone about it. It's none of your business. Also, just look up public records and you'll find a marriage certificate.
I'm assuming the majority of you who are still in denial about the whole situation only knew him after Marvel was grooming him to be the real life Captain America. Chris is your typical Massachusetts fuckboy. He always partied, he always had girls around, whether he was in LA or at home in Boston. He let news of his relationship get public after he was obligated to work for and represent Marvel. You were all fooled. If anything, he was straining to keep himself behaved in the decade he was with Marvel. In every interview he made innuendo and inappropriate responses, making many costars laugh.
He's really only had a few serious relationships, just two inside the Marvel era and both of those were on and off. He did his best to make himself look like a relationship type guy.
Now, in a mid life crisis, he starts seeing AB because she's young and known as an easy, dirty video making girl. He just has to breathe and she'll come running. They his their relationship for so long because Marvel wanted him to look as pure as possible, a single dog dad who is a total Mama's boy. What you need to understand is, Chris Evans is NOT and is nowhere near Captain America status. Yes he does charity work, but that's what nice people and most celebs do. They have the ability to draw attention to causes that are usually overlooked.
His family probably isn't super keen on her, but he's freaking out about life, and was probably pressured into this by AB. I doubt this marriage will last a year. She just seems like the type to sign and ditch, so she can make off with alimony. If he can't see that it's because he's blinded by his fuckboy lifestyle and the pressure of mid life. He knows he isn't who everyone wants him to be, so he's doing his best in the only way he knows how, with a dumb bimbo. That's why his relationships with Jessica, Minka and Jenny didn't work out, because they were serious and he still wasn't ready yet. Now, with 40 years in the books he's compromising and making the best of a situation he put himself in.
Once again, stop trying to make false claims because you are in denial. Stop trying to mask the reality that is taking over your distorted projected image of him and yourselves together. I've lost all respect for him, and if you haven't, you are indeed mistaken. He is not who he was groomed to be and you all need to get that in your heads. She just wants money, he just wants pussy and put together it'll be a shit show. You would never get looked at by him in real life and even if you did, you wouldn't last long. Take a hint from Elsa and just
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foxydivaxx · 11 months
Sanji: Chronicles Of King Nasty Chapter 1
This fanfic is sort of Sanji’s memoir with a twist. How? Just read on.
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Ezreal sighs as he stares at the book in his hands. He was still in rehab and has yet to get out. His former manager sent him this book, a memoir by his idol, Sanji.
He was skeptical as he thought he knew everything about the man. He remembers meeting him when he was 5 years old. He smiles at that memory. Did he mention it in this book?
Sanji was 15 at the time. 13 years have passed since then. He was this close to becoming a pop star until his dreams came crashing down about 3 years ago. Ezreal is now 18 and confused as hell.
He might as well get started. The book was a black paperback with Sanji’s photo on it. He opens it and reads the first page:
Everyone thinks they know it all. The glitz, the glamour, the fame. They believe every tabloid headline as gospel truth forgetting that every celeb they hold to fucked up pedestals are fucking humans with real feelings…
“So true,” says Ezreal. He then starts getting flashbacks to his debut. He had the hottest single at the time. But there was a problem; his stupid record label was at odds with his vision for himself. His drug addiction worsened during that period and that greatly affected his performances as well. Now he wonders how Aogiri and Sangi did it back then. Did they face the same industry bullshit he faced? He is already getting sucked into the story with just that first paragraph. Damn, he is good at this.
Now I am sure y’all are wondering why I am even bothering to write this book. Truth is, I have so much to get off my chest. So much has happened over the years, that some of you might have heard of but never fully understood. Time to unpack the load. And yes this is me addressing my stupid father who thought he could get away with his latest publicity stunt. No bitch!! We have given you enough chances but you keep on blowing it!! This shit ends now!!
In order to understand how all this shit, how about we start all the way from the beginning? Now most of you may already know that my father is Judge Vinsmoke, a rap legend and frontrunner for World’s Shittiest Father and Husband….
Ezreal pauses here. He did not know that Judge was Sanji’s dad as Sanji used a completely different legal name back in the day. Now he understands why. He remembers seeing an interview with Judge where Judge called Sanji a chipmunk and talentless bimbo. Imagine calling your son that on live television. Thankfully, Sanji put him on blast a couple weeks later.
On the other side, we have my beloved mother, the legendary Miss Sora Bernard, one of the greatest popstars on Earth and an amazing mother to boot.
Why am I bringing them up? Well, our story here begins with both of them. Way before Your Truly was born, the both of them were the hottest couple in town at the time.
Starting off dating in their teens, they were seen as a match made in Heaven. But appearances can be deceiving, a lesson this fucked industry keeps teaching me.
You see, that old man was a nasty piece of shit. Mum got pregnant for him when they were 18 but the bastard forced her to abort the child in her bathroom whilst playing a guitar, claiming that the music would soothe the pain...
Ezreal gasps upon reading that. No wonder Sanji turned out the way he did. It all started from here. He knows about Sanji's mum as he talks about the woman a lot and he even met her at the fan sign event where he met Sanji, she seemed like a sweet lady. Hard to believe that this woman went through hell raising her kids.
He even threatened to ruin her career should word get out, and the poor woman complied. I am saying this because so many women out there are suffering in silence because of bastards like him.
Eventually they got married when she was just 21. A year later, she gave birth to my older sister, Reiju. The following year, she got pregnant again. They thought it was just one boy, but it turned out to be four.
Ezreal raises an eyebrow. So that old man was that nasty! Why would you threaten a woman like that and even force her to terminate her pregnancy?! No wonder the man treats his kids like shit. He knows that Sanji has 3 brothers. He has met them before and they are nice guys and a bit crazy like Sanji himself.
Father was the one that named all of us because in his delusional mind, he is the head of the house and there we his kids are his property. Yes we are not humans but rather we are mere products, not so different from the industry we operate in. How ironic.
“He has a point.” Considering his recent hellish experience, he gets what Sanji was trying to say there. His record label and pretty much every single major record label do not respect artistes. Instead, they treat artistes as products that they can use and discard.
When his label decided to drop him, it made front page news worldwide. It was all over social media and a lot of people got a kick out of mocking him and his supposed downfall.
Becomes ironic as his idol went through another media shitstorm recently regarding his personal life and went incognito soon afterward and then this book gets released. Maybe this book is meant to address all the shit people have been saying about him and Zoro.
He has yet to have a dating scandal but man Sanji went through shit. Wait...could this book be a manual of sorts for broken idols?
We were given numbers in our names to reflect dad’s sick ideology and also to identify each child as we the quadruplets looked so much alike when we were little.Like same blonde hair and eyes. Even Mother got confused at times.
The first few years were weird but still normal. Mum was the only parent involved in our lives. Father never gave a shit and was busy riding around town, fucking any woman he saw, and spending cash recklessly. Now bitches wonder how we got broke. Well, that is the fucking answer!!
Thank goodness for my siblings. We had each other and were always there for each other. We would always play and mess around. It was during those early years my talents began to reveal themselves. I was singing Mum’s song one day and everyone just froze. I remember being confused. “Why are you staring like that?” i did not realize that I was blessed with talent till mother told me. 
Ever since that day, I began participating in talent shows. What made me determined to be the star that I would become is seeing Doflamingo performing on the Late Show. His charisma and swagger won me over. I began to listen to his songs and would copy his dance moves and style.
Ezreal howled with laughter. That sounds like his own story too. How relatable. He often envied those that had siblings as he was an only child. That plus his parents split after he was born.
Singing was a coping mechanism for him so he would often sing to himself and make himself feel better and forget whatever bullshit had happened that day.
He smiles fondly as he remembers his younger years when he would be singing into his makeshift mike which was his brush and he would dance to whatever popular song was hot at the time. He even participated in talent shows as well.
What made him want to become an artiste was watching Aogiri's debut music video 15 years ago. Sanji was the one that caught his attention that day. Those colored round glasses, the all-black leather outfit, his swag, everything won him. That caught his attention and he made his mother buy Aogiri's CDS and merch, thus becoming a super fan. He still has Aogiri posters on his wall.
My brothers and I were such cheeky little brats. Like, we always pranked Dad and made his life hellish and showed him his place in the house. Unfortunately, those innocent days came to a halt. When I was 8, my Father and mum got into a heated argument in the kitchen. I remember Reiju and Ichiji trying to drag me, Niji, and Yonji away from the room.
The next thing I knew, we heard a loud gunshot. We all froze as we saw Dad, towering over our mother, gun in hand pointed at her, and mum on the floor with blood all over the place.
Ezreal pauses as he feels his eyes begin to water. He does not know Sanji personally, but….no child deserves to go through that shit.
Reiju screamed whilst I rushed towards Mother and hugged her with tears in my eyes. I remember staring dad in the eyes despite my pain and saying to him, “Remember this day old fart because I will not rest until I become the greatest popstar this world has ever seen!! When I achieve that, I shall personally disgrace you and expose you for the evil bastard you truly are!!”
Before the old man can do anything, the police and paramedics arrive, and the bastard gets arrested. I would see that bastard until years after my debut. Mother survived that, but the incident still scars her to date. She filed for divorce from the old man and was granted custody of her kids and thus a new chapter begins….
Ezreal finished the first chapter that day. “Many would dismiss this as a plot from a movie. Yet it isn’t. Gonna read a chapter a day.”
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anyaheartx · 6 months
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The definition of POWER!!!
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joszns · 1 year
rules 🎧
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➠ men and/or straight people do not interact! ever !!!!
➠i wont tolerate homophobia, transphobia, racism, or fat phobia on my account. this is a safe space for myself as well as other people in my community.
➠ minors can interact with non-nsfw fics, will tag those with a ꨄ︎ and a special tag. (will add tag here when i publish a non nsfw fic)
͙✧* will NOT write
≫ ellie x a male self insert/male character in general. (this does not include butch or transmasc self insert fics, i myself am butch <3)
≫real people/celebs
≫kinks like ageplay, cnc, foot fetish, mommy/daddy kinks, anything else im uncomfortable with that isn’t listed will just be ignored if requested, no hard feelings
≫abusive reader/abusive ellie
≫any depiction of self harm, will tag appropriately if it is mentioned
≫any request I don’t feel comfortable/up to skill in writing. this can range from mental health issues to just anything really, if i ignore a request it’s most likely due to it making me uncomfortable/me simply not having the skill to write <3!
͙✧* requests are open!
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zumpietoo · 1 year
Oh Geez, Yet Again....
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A) no, Cole looks totally sexy in all pics
B) yet AGAIN, false equivalency between posed, red carpet/pap pics, fully groomed and dressed by others versus, chilling in your own clothes. No shortage of, ironically, pics of Peepster, actually, fully made up, etc looking like utter shit, nonetheless.
C) Cole didn't "lose" PP, he dumped her ass. Because she was a cheating, slutty, hot (and not in a good way) neurotic nightmare mess. And turns out they were very on/off again, with endless splits during the time they were together.
D) These pics are like 5 years old, too....
That said, this is actually an excellent opportunity to further discuss what, exactly, their objective here is....(which, BTW, they'll never, ever accomplish):
It becomes moar and moar apparent this isn't even remotely about "destroying" him----because, dudes, how exactly would you 10 total child sock accounts, blathering endless lies/endlessly contradicting yourselves/being painfully out of the know about a total stranger everrrr remotely accomplish that? On your semi-hidden tumblr, no less?
Plus you've previously claimed victory (nope), took a "vacay" (mommeee cut off your phone/internet, I guess)---and still returned.
You'd also be waay less devoted to Peepster and pushing the myth of her "winning" the break up, menny years later and by having to hire Walmart Coles to power couple (until even that wasn't enough and THEY either dumped or cheated on her) as "proof". Oh or that she's a prostitute, herself, to dudes who are and were firmly committed to others.
You wouldn't, again, bizarrely pretend a long term, ongoing relationship COLE has "failed/never happened", based entirely on painfully shallow criteria....you wouldn't be so obsessed with me and/or spreading weird, again based in painfully shallow criteria, lies about me that only show how very little you know of how real humans interact in the real world....
Or perpetuate all your endless, weird false equivalencies (my fave being shaming me for bargain hunting (and that even being a total lie) is kewl, but I'M elitist for pointing out one celeb is richer than another?)...
Soooo.....what IS their objective?
THEY'RE the ones who want SH to reconcile....but only in the form of Cole grovelling back to PP, calling her hiz kween, announcing she's most wonderfulest being ever....(she's a dumb bimbo bitch, let's all be real....she was able to depict a facade for awhile, largely because Cole probably guided her. No moar), admitting she dumped him cuz OMG!!! Cheetah!!! (all of which is untrue, buuut....it's what they want)...
And why? Cuz, again, they're obsessed with this narrative (it pops up about other wimmin periodically, as well....and, again, is always in patently untrue cases).....AND they self inserted as PP (even if they sometimes want to fuck her too) and their values are so shallow, they really do think there IS no greater achievement than for a woman to be purely decorative....even when she no longer is.
So dudes, I see you. And I laugh at you. The problem here is, you lost....a loonnggg time ago. And you'll never stop losing. And it kills you, so you've created an entirely separate, new narrative....thusly.
As I think of it, it further explains why I'M cast as a villain, because (as even MOMMEEEE admitted), I always "leaned Cole". I always really only liked PP because COLE liked her....and it turns out, probably not nearly so much as we all thought, at the time.
And you hate that/me for it, because you view that as a betrayal, too. It kinda places all this weirdness in my askbox (during their menny break ups, turns out), in further perspective, too----they were fed lies/made fanfic and then wanted me to agree, so repeatedly looked to gaslight me thusly.
That I remained consistently pro-Cole is precisely what made them hate soooo, soooo, sooooooooo hard.
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bimbohunt · 2 years
Can you post something of your favourite all-time celeb/model bimbo?
Aletta Ocean : no competition
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