#Best Home WiFi System Singapore
fireshotpteltd · 23 days
Enhancing Your Home WiFi Experience
Is your WiFi connection struggling to keep up with your household's demands? A well-installed home WiFi network can make all the difference. From streaming movies to working remotely, ensure your internet is fast, reliable, and covers every corner of your home. Don't let slow speeds or weak signals disrupt your daily routine—upgrade your WiFi setup today!
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privacykilop · 2 years
English avira phantom vpn english download
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#English avira phantom vpn english download android
#English avira phantom vpn english download software
#English avira phantom vpn english download trial
#English avira phantom vpn english download trial
If you don’t want to make a paid plan right away, Avira Phantom offers a free trial that you can use as many times as you want. Pricing and OpportunitiesĪvira Phantom only offers two different pricing plans and both offer the same features, but if you become a long-term member, you pay less each month.Īvira offers a 30-day refund for those who are not satisfied with their purchase or a 14-day warranty for monthly subscribers.
#English avira phantom vpn english download android
If your Smart TV is running on an Android operating system, you can try downloading Avira’s Android app, but there is no guarantee that it will work. It is not possible to use the Avira Phantom on game consoles or streaming devices because it is not compatible with any router model. Fortunately, Avira allows you to use VPN on an unlimited number of devices at the same time.
#English avira phantom vpn english download software
Unlike most other VPN services, Avira is not compatible with any router this means that you must download the VPN software to each device. Platforms and DevicesĪvira Phantom provides the usual range of custom VPN applications for various devices, including: Good loading speeds in the same country are not bad for torrents. We have recorded a 4ms latency connecting to the UK server. The lag time of the Avira VPN was surprisingly low, making it a solid choice for sharp gamers. However, even if you plan to use VPN on multiple devices at the same time, it will be fast enough for most everyday users. Speed and ReliabilityĪvira Phantom’s speeds have really improved in recent months, especially if you plan to connect to a server in the same country as your physical location.Īlthough Avira VPN cannot compete with our fastest VPN services in connections to the US and Asia, it is still not very good over longer distances. US-based users can choose from Avira Phantom servers in 12 different cities, including the following. Only two countries at the city level are Australia (Melbourne and Sydney) and the USA. There are four server locations in Asia (Hong Kong, India, Japan and Singapore), but only one in South America (Chile) and none in Africa. The server coverage of Avira VPN is the best in Europe, which accounts for 24 of their total locations. This probably means that the total number of servers and IP addresses is small, which can lead to slower speeds during peak times. We asked Avira for more information, but they refused to disclose any private information. In addition, we have not been able to find out exactly how many individual servers and IP addresses Avira has. Server LocationsĪvira VPN has a limited server network covering only 38 countries. However, if you like VPN services with many advanced features to choose from, you can look at other VPNs. If you are looking for a VPN with tidy and accessible software, Avira is the perfect choice. This leaves Avira Phantom far behind its competitors. With the exception of a VPN kill key and the option to automatically protect untrusted WiFi networks, there are no advanced settings for Avira configurable options. Avira’s home screen shows only the power button and your current virtual location.Īvira is incomplete when it comes to advanced features. The Avira Phantom has a very simple VPN application that is almost the same on both the desktop and mobile phone.
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car-lozsigns · 2 years
A few minutes more (pt5)
Synopsis: You and Carlos had crossed paths more than you thought was possible over a short weekend but time was not on your side. A love story that’s about the slow burn and companionship built connection, and how sometimes right place wrong time is the best of the available options
Author Note: I wanted a fluff story to read so decided to write one for myself. So this story will be split between POV and time jumps as they are my favourite to read. The plan is for this to be very slow paced, so if you’re reading this, considered yourself warned that this will not have a quick conclusion.
Warning: Still slow, filler chapter? Planes?
Link to Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 6, Part 7
Part 5 
The flight to Singapore felt quick, maybe it was because you knew that you were almost half way home with the next flight much shorter only about 5 or so hours; maybe it was from your layover in Amsterdam and talking to someone who you had connected so well with on that night in October. You weren’t going to admit to yourself which one it was, at least not so blatantly to yourself just yet, but lets just say but you usually were not this energised after being squished in between two snoring people in a metal box hovering in the air for half a day. Over the PA system the announcement that you were descending into Singapore was made, signalling that you only had an hr left to go before your connecting flight. The screens lit up with a loop of transfer flights showing on the screens, you looking to see which gate your connection was scheduled to depart at, which you started to make your way to as your disembarked, following by a few other disgruntled looking passengers obviously on the same one. Unlike your previous stop, you arrived at the gate with plenty of time, well at least 30 mins before you could board which you took the opportunity to switch back on your phone.
Connecting your headphones, you switched back on your music, before typing out a message to your sister who was going to pick you up when you landed. With the airport wifi finally connected, your phone slowly came back to life, notifications trickling through after your time spent in the air. Majority of these were work emails, and you realised because you ended up spending most of your time with Carlos you hadn’t turned on your out of office before getting on your flight. Clearing out those outlook notifications, should have given you a notification free phone, but there were a few from WhatsApp and a few from Instagram. It appears that while you were in the air that Carlos had killed the rest of his time before going to Mexico doing a deep dive of your account.
First up were the insta likes, nothing too unexpected considering your most recent photo posted was from the event that you had met him at. He had liked that picture as well as the song recommendation that you had posted before it. Once again, nothing strange there as music is the best way to connect to others if you don’t have the right words to express your emotions. The surprising one however were the string of likes from photos that were a few years old. One of them from when you had moved overseas, a couple from when you were on holidays with your friends and some dating right back to the beginning of your profile when you were still at uni.
Well, you thought, at least you don’t need to be worried about scrolling and accidentally liking his posts, he seems to have done that to you and intentionally. It was refreshing to see that he wasn’t bothered by the stigma that is attached to old posts, you’ve never been bothered by it, as wasn’t that the point of posting on a social media platform. In your opinion if there is a picture on your profile, giving your permission for it to be viewed, it can be liked, regardless of if it was when it was posted for 5 years ago, it’s still there for viewing. The photos that he had liked didn’t seem to be random. They were from the stories you had shared with him which he evidently did remember and wanted to make it clear he was listening as you had told them. The final instagram notification was a message from him where he had shared back to you a picture of you and one of your friends. It was her 21st birthday which you had captioned at the time “21 years your bestie”. Carlos had worked out this was the friend you had your falling out and had sent this pic to you with a heart followed by, “and she helped you become the person you are today”. You hadn’t thought it was obvious, but scrolling quickly through your page you saw that she was the only one your pictures that weren’t your family or a group of friends. Damn, Carlos had a keen eye. 
Before addressing Carlos’ other messages you clicked on his profile, having enough time to look through the collection of pictures this time instead of running to board your flight. Despite his profile not having a picture or a description, his page seemed to reflect a similar lifestyle to yours. Much of his time spent with friends and family, with every photo practically located either on a beach, on the open water or with the sun visibly shining in the corner of the frame. Carlos had talked about being Spanish, and he did speak with a small lilt, however you didn’t think much of it when you were with him. Most of your time was focusing on his stories and not the accent they were told in. You realised though going through his page that every caption was in Spanish as well as comments, not a single word in English.
Damn, there goes that idea of trying to find more out from what his friends had said. You only spoke English, a by-product of the Australian schooling system, you could barely speak your own language let alone fathom another. You made a note to mention it to Carlos to go through where each of his holidays and who was who in the pictures. You shared a like on his most recent pic in the Netherlands, as well as one from his family trip to Mexico at this time last year. You looked up from your phone and saw that people are started to mill around the boarding gate. You turned down the volume of your music and heard over the speaker system that they were starting boarding with priority and a range of seat numbers first. Your row was not in that list so you remained seated, telling yourself that once you open the messages you’ll get ready to board, knowing that this flight wasn’t too full based on those around you waiting with a smattering of empty seats between them all.
6 messages were sitting unopened. The first few were in response to what you had sent while in Europe but not received until you had landed. The first was audio asking you to let him know when you had landed.  The next 5 were from him about his own flight. He had taken your request literally, sending you a photo log of each leg of his journey and not just when he arrived. He had sent you pictures of the queue while boarding, the empty seat next to him, a picture of the open ocean with an edge of a beach in sight as his flight was descending and finally another low angle selfie  showing him outside in some blaring sun with a thumbs up and sunglasses on. The last one he had followed up and captioned it “made it in one piece”. You couldn’t help but smile stupidly at your phone at the selfie. You returned the favour and shot a selfie of you seated at the gate; headphones on, travel pillow buckled around your neck snuggly against shoulders, eyes crinkled to accompany your toothy grin. Before you could dwell on how tired you looked you hit send, keeping in line with his selfie, even if you think he pulled off a long haul flight looking a lot less worse for wear than you had.
The queue had dropped back to only a few people with most people already boarded the plane. You gathered your backpack and boarding pass and made your way to your row, well and truly ready to start the last flight home. You settled yourself down, phone already on aeroplane mode and eye mask in hand ready to snooze upright if you needed to. This time more luck was on your side with no one sharing the row giving you all the space to lie across the four seats instead of trying to sleep vertical.
You didn’t look to check what time it was in Mexico, but you weren’t expecting a response as quickly as you had received one. Carlos’ phone lit up while he was laying by the pool in the villa his family was had rented for the trip. Seeing the screen illuminate, Carlos practically jumped from his seat as if he had been shocked, physically standing up to pick the phone up, hoping that it was you who had messaged him.
He typed back a quick response, hit send and started to type out a longer one. He stopped mid-sentence, deleted his paragraph and decided to hit call instead. He knew you were at the airport so you should have time to talk, he had looked up the time it would be in Singapore, seeing it wasn’t too late he tried to call, it going unanswered twice. Carlos’s hopes dropped a little, disappointed you had ignored him, putting it down to you not wanting to talk before your flight. Carlos however had jumped to the wrong conclusion, you very much would have answered the phone, however after your boarding pass was scanned in, you had already turned your phone off, as you didn’t think there was any chance of Carlos replying soon, let alone instantaneously which he had tried.
He realised that the missed calls didn’t connect through as delivered, meaning you were back in the air. He put his phone down dejectedly and went back to staring out at the pool. He picked up his phone once more to check what the flight time would be and upon seeing it was 5 hrs, Carlos knew he had to distract himself, even though it was his first day of his family trip, he knew that unless was physically doing something with others or a task that would be difficult with his phone in hand, he’d be sitting down all day just staring at it to light up with your name. Can’t wait for a text on a jet ski Carlos thought, so he walked back into the villa to find his dad and see if he would be up for going around the bay with him for the afternoon. His dad never passed up an opportunity to spend time with his son, considering how when he was younger Carlos Sr was away most of his son’s childhood doing his own racing.  Seeing his son travel across the world for F1 made him reflect on how much he had grown up, how much he had missed seeing as well as his own time in his twenties and how at Carlos’s age, he was already married and had their eldest child. Carlos Sr agreed to help his son start getting the jet-ski’s prepared while Carlos Jr found himself thinking if you had ever jet skied or not.
This leg of the trip you had managed to sleep better than the long haul. Spreading out across 4 seats had felt like a cheater’s version of business, telling yourself next time you go on a long flight to save up and see if you could swing a reclining seat, first class was out of the question but surely you could squeeze in business for one of the legs or maybe premium economy. Stretching and then moving to sit upright in your seat, you saw that the other passengers were waking up slowly too, the lights from the windows removing their automatic dim, letting in the early morning sunshine into the cabin. You had missed this. Sure the UK had summer, where the sun made an appearance every few weeks, but nothing tugged at your heartstrings like the biting Australian heat and sun. You were a summer person through and through, which definitely didn’t help you trying to beat you SADs this year. Seeing the morning sun and catching a glimpse of the ocean and rural coastline through one of the windows at the end of your row meant that you were close to landing, the pilot coming over the sound system confirming your expected landing time at your destination. Although the warmth of the cabin was welcome, you felt exceptionally sticky, irritable and groggy. The leggings and hoodie had been a great idea when leaving Europe but in Australia you were dressed for completely the wrong season. You realised as well that the shirt underneath Carlos’ jumper was also long-sleeved which would not help you feel any cooler once you had landed. You wondered if your sister would be ok with driving you home with you sitting in just your bra and leggings.
You flicked your phone back on, seeing if you had reception at this altitude, which you did not. Regardless, you typed out a message to your sister who would be picking you up , hitting send so that once closer to the airport it would deliver.
Once disembarked from the plane, you made your way through to customs, with your phone now again, coming to life. Your sister had got your message and would be waiting for you at arrivals. You also saw you had two missed calls and messages from Carlos, checking the time of them you thought it must have been just before your flight took off. Snapping back a pic of the queue at customs, you let Carlos know you had landed safe and that you planned on sleeping when you got home to get through the jet lag if your sister could hold off chatting for long enough. Phone back in pocket you progressed through customs, collected your bags and made your way through to the arrival hall. First person out of the archway was your sister, standing as close as she physically could without jumping the barricade to the arrivals.
“Y/N” she shouted, just in case you had missed her, which no-one arriving could of as she was waving her arms obnoxiously, letting everyone else know that she missed her loved one more than all of them combined. You jogged the small distance between you, as fast as the heavy suitcase rolling behind you would allow. You embraced her as tightly as you could her commenting in your ear ”Urgh you smell like plane, lucky I love you and have air freshener in the car” You laughed at her comment but the chuckle caught midway through you throat. You knew you had missed her this past 6 months, but you didn’t think it was enough to start crying in public which you had. You tried to stifle the happy sob in her shirt, but the thin white cotton did nothing to stop the sound escaping.
“I know you missed me but no need to get tears all over me! If I wanted a shower I’d have one at home, I don’t need your tears to do that!” she teased, but you heard the emotion in her voice. Sensing she had her own tears stuck in her throat, you made to pull away but she just pulled you in closer in order to mask her own emotions of having her best friend in her arms again. You finally managed to pull out from her grasp and with one of your hands wiped the last of your tears from your cheek but promptly wiping them on your sisters shirt loosely hanging off her broad shoulders. The loving smile finally dropping from her face before replaced with the threat of “Alright back on the plane you go, I forgot how annoying you are, I want to swap with someone else” . Empty threat be as it may, she grabbed your suitcase and you both made your way out of the airport finally on your way home.
Link to Part 6
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survey--s · 3 years
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What are some of your favourite cities you’ve been to? Melbourne, Paris, Edinburgh, Florence, Vancouver and Singapore.
Would you allow your children to date prior to 16? (assuming you want any) I don’t see that it’s my business to dictate to them like that. I went on “dates” at younger ages than that - all we did was go to McDonald’s and the cinema, lol. But then I’m of the belief that restricting your kids only leads to them rebelling in the long run.
Did you ever go through a phase where you thought guys in bands were ‘hot?’ Sure, as a teenager that was pretty common.
What’s something about adult life you were never warned of or prepared for? How much bills, rent, utilities etc. cost every month, ha.
Did your parents teach you proper table manners when you were growing up? Yeah, they taught me the basics like no elbows on tables etc, but it was only really enforced when we went out for meals.
What was the last thing you baked? Cheesy garlic bread.
Do you live more than 5 hours away from the nearest international border? No, I live about two hours from the border with Scotland.
Does your town have a farmer’s market? No, the nearest one is about a thirty minute drive from here, but I’ve never been to it as it falls during the week and I have to work.
What was the last restaurant you made a reservation at? I have no idea...The Newfield, maybe?
When did you last feel lonely? I honestly couldn’t tell you.
Can you easily tell when others are masking their true emotions? No.
How often do you wash your car? Ha, you’re funny. It really needs cleaning out but with my job it just ends up filthy by 10am on Monday morning so it seems a bit pointless. I might do it between jobs tomorrow if it’s not raining, though.
When did you last lend money to a friend? I don’t lend money.
Which app on your phone do you tend to get the most notifications from? Facebook.
Do you own a Dutch oven? If so, what was the last thing you cooked in it? I have no idea what that is.
Do you find it easy to put yourself in somebody else’s shoes? Sometimes, but it really depends on the circumstances.
What is currently on your kitchen table? Nothing.
What is your favorite time period in history to learn about? The Tudors or the Victorians.
How old were you when you met your current best friend? I met my husband five and a half years ago.
Have you ever kissed a smoker? Yes, but it’s really not very pleasant to me.
What is the minimum age to obtain a driver’s license in your state/country? Seventeen for cars, 16 for mopeds.
^Do you think this is an appropriate age, or should it be higher/lower? Sure, it’s fine.
If you won the lottery, do you think any of your family members would ask you to give them some of your money? Probably in a jokey way, sure.
What is one of the craziest thing you’ve seen happen at your workplace? Someone got sacked for eating donuts on the shop floor, ha.
Do you own any home automation gadgets like wifi thermostats or wifi bulbs? We have WiFi heating systems.
How old were you when you started to seriously think about what career path you wanted to pursue? I never thought seriously about it, I just kind of fell into random jobs, I guess.
Have you ever disliked a book so much that you didn’t finish it? Yeah, a few times. I’m not going to force myself to read something that I don’t enjoy.
Would you rather read a book, or listen to the audiobook? Read a book. Audiobooks just don’t do it for me at all.
Do you think tomorrow will be a better day than today? Who knows. I hope I don’t have another headache tomorrow, that’s for sure.
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weewu · 4 years
Linksys Singapore Launches New Velop MX4200 WiFi 6 Mesh Router (Starhub Exclusive)
Earlier this month, both Starhub and Linksys announce the exclusive launch of the Linksys Velop MX4200 WiFi 6 Mesh System router in Singapore. Referred to as StarHub Smart WiFi Pro under the partnership, Linksys’ MX4200 combines Mesh networking and next-generation WiFi 6 technology for coverage, low latency and speed – offering the best of two worlds for an unrivalled home broadband experience.
Key Product Features of the Velop MX4200
Wi-Fi  Certified 6 – Built with the latest generation WiFi technology and security standards set by the Wi-Fi Alliance, WiFi 6 certification ensures increased capacity, device battery life and network safety for customers and their devices.  
Linksys Intelligent Mesh – in-house mesh system that is compatible with other Linksys’s product. Flexible and scalable for existing Linksys consumers who can expand their network as needs grow, with a simple addition of any Linksys mesh node/router. 
Qualcomm Networking Pro 800 platform – With 8 streams of tri-band WiFi 6 connectivity, and a 64-bit 1.4GHz Quad-Core ARM processor powering dynamic data processing and management, the Velop MX4200 provides game-changing network advancements that enhance efficiency, range and power consumption and deliver more capacity for online gaming, video calls and meetings, and 8K streaming on their devices.
Tri-band dynamic backhaul – Unlike some mesh systems that use a dedicated backhaul and limit the number of bands that the user can connect to, Linksys uses a dynamic backhaul, allowing access to all 3 bands throughout the home. Linksys’ dynamic backhaul technology chooses the best band to connect between nodes. 
(Far Right) The Velop MX4200 is fully compatible with other Velop Mesh System. Source: Instagram @weewu
StarHub is launching the Smart WiFi Pro (Usual price: $399) at no extra cost for customers who sign up for or renew their StarHub 2Gbps Fibre Broadband plans. Other StarHub Fibre Broadband customers can purchase this router at $0 upfront cost on an instalment plan from as low as $12 monthly.  Cash and carry router purchase is also available for in-contract (broadband) customers at $288 per unit (via ePOS), available at Starhub Shops and Platinum Shops.
Linksys Singapore Launches New Velop MX4200 WiFi 6 Mesh Router (Starhub Exclusive) was originally published on The Neo Dimension
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spideymood · 6 years
Password Secret - Tom Holland
Pairings: tom holland x reader
Synopsis: A special late-night phone call escalated into something completely different.
Prompt: "Why is that your password".
Word count: A solid 2.3k
Author's note: So I just got back from Estonia with my orchestra, and I'm finally writing again! sorry for the long breaks. Anyway, this is for @noir-spiderr 's 3k Writing Challenge.
Warnings: Hmm, a lot of dialogue. And probably crappy writing...and a lot of strong language and curse words.
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· • ●· • ●· • ●
"Ah shit!" a stressed Tom Holland shouted. "My wifi-connection just disappeared."
" Fuck, I really need the script for my call with Rachel." The brit glanced at his phone in disbelief.
"Why don't you use mobile data?" Harrison, his blue-eyed best friend suggested.
The two mates currently sat at a cafe in Singapore, hiding from the press. In the process of hiding, Tom remembered that he had a phone call with one of the producers of the next film he was cast in, Beneath A Scarlet Sky. He was supposed to discuss the script and dates for principal photography with the producer.
"Another country my mobile data network doesn't work. I can only call people." Tom put his phone on the table as he took a sip from his iced tea from the cafe. "Can I borrow your phone?"
"Sorry. You know I never bring my phone if we're only going out eating lunch. Besides, what's the problem, haven't you already read the script before?" Harrison excused.
"Err, I might have or not read the script..."
"What the fuck Tom?" Harrison said in disbelief. "I literally gave you the script in paper-version two weeks ago, you div."
"I know. I've just been so, ehm, so busy lately. I kinda forgot it." The heat from the big city made it hard for Tom to not sweat. Due to the current situation, Tom couldn't stop thinking of potentially lose the part in the movie. "Fuck. Rachel's gonna call soon."
The hot weather in the south-west Asian country was a big contrast to the weather in England. He had spent the last days of break, before going on a press tour, with his friends and family.
"Ah shit, I even forgot to transfer the script to my google docs. It's in my Mac...in London." As the problem couldn't get worse, he would have no access to the script even if he found a place with free wifi.
"You're such an idiot Tom." Harrison sighed.
"Hey, you're the PA. Shouldn't you help me out with stuff like this?" Tom asked while trying to figure out a plan.
"Man, I only came with you since I wanted a vacation. I left all my stuff at the hotel - which is 30 minutes walk away," he answered as he took a long sip of iced coffee. "But if the script is at home, maybe we can get someone to log in on your Mac and send it to you?"
"Haz! That's a great idea!" Tom exclaimed, getting a little faith. "What the hell, man. When did you become so smart?"
"You dickhead! I've always been the smarter one." Harrison replied as he laughed.
"Who should I call? The twins are out of town, mum and dad are visiting my aunt." Tom listed up all possible people who could help him out.
Tom's eyes widened. "Fuck. The only person who lives close and is possibly available is Y/N."
"Y/N Y/L/N?! Our neighbour Y/N?" Harrison looked at Tom as if he was crazy.
"Do you even have her number? If so, when and how did you get the guts to ask for her number?" Harrison mocked.
"Ha-ha, very funny," Tom replied sarcastically. "She actually gave me her number after I helped her out once."
"What are you waiting for?" His best mate asked. "You've got approximately twenty minutes before Rachel calls!" Harrison questioned.
Tom took the clue and dialled your number. He put the phone by his ear as he waited for a response.
· • ●· • ●· • ●
When you gave Tom Holland your number, you never imagined he would call you in the middle of the night.
It had been a tiring day and all you wanted was to get a good night's sleep. Unfortunately, one British guy was in the way of your wish.
As the loud sound from your phone signalized that someone called, you couldn't help but groan. You checked the clock. Three o'clock in the morning. Freaking three o'clock.
"What the hell?" you mumbled as you stretched your hand to pick up your phone. An unknown number appeared on the display.
You had two choices. Pick up the phone and realize someone was calling the wrong number, or not picking up at all. On autopilot, you answered the call before thinking furthermore. "Hello?"
"Is this Y/N Y/L/N?" a British voice said. The voice seemed familiar, but you couldn't guess which person it was.
"Uh yes. Who's this?"
"Hi, uh, Y/N! It's Tom. Y'know. Neighbour Tom. The one who lives in the apartment across the hall?" Tom rambled as you tried to process everything he said.
"What the hell, Tom? It's three in the morning!" you groaned.
Tom went silent. He was so stressed out by the situation that he forgot there were different time zones. "Holy shit, I'm so sorry, love. It's just...um...I need your help."
"What can I do for you, maybe ruin someone else's beauty sleep?" You snapped. When you were tired and sleepy, you tended to become sassy. Immediately as you said it, you regretted it. Tom probably had a good excuse to call you. "Sorry, I didn't mean it. I'm just very tired I guess."
"No no no, it's my fault." Tom nervously answered. "So, I need you to break into my apartment and email me a script for an upcoming movie."
"Tom, what the fuck?" you replied shocked. "You sure I'm not dreaming? Is this a prank or something?"
"I wish it was only a prank. 'M sorry, but I need that script, and you're the only one I know that can send it to me on the little time I have." Tom excused.
Tom said desperately. "Or else I'll lose the part, which I really don't want to."
You took a deep breath before answering. "Okay, I'll do it. You did me a favour once, it's my time to pay. Tell me how to break into your apartment."
· • ●· • ●· • ●
Tom let out a relieved sigh. "Thank you thank you so much! You're an angel!" Harrison eyed his best mate suspicious. The two-minutes long phone call was the longest conversation Tom had ever had with Y/N, as far as Harrison knew.
"Well, you're not exactly breaking into my apartment. Just pick up the keys hidden behind the nearest lamp." Tom described as he waited for a response. "Y'know, the one lamp that flashes all the time."
"I just need to get dressed, wait a sec." was all he heard from the other side of the line.
You opened your door, on the way to do the special favour. "When I gave you my number, I never imagined you would call for such favour or even call in the middle of the night too."
"How many times do I have to say that I'm sorry?"
"I don't know? Maybe ten times more?" you answered as you laughed. "Alright, I got the keys. I'm unlocking the door."
"So I have an alarm system. The display for a code will be on your left side. The code is 772017."
"That's a lot of 'sevens' for a code. Is it a date or something? In 2017?" you suggested as you entered the code and turned off the alarm system. "You should consider changing it, y'know. Too many sevens."
"I mean, I see a giant Spider-man Homecoming poster with the premiere date which is oddly alike the code to turn off your alarm system." you continued.
"Well, about tha-"
"-you're a famous actor, you should at least secure your home a little better. I bet the bad guys from Home Alone could break in and steal all your stuff easily," you stated.
"Hey stop judging my security system! And the thieves from Home Alone were good thieves. They were just, uh, dumber than that eleven-year-old kid." Tom said defensively.
You searched through his apartment for his Mac. "Chill I was just joking. But you should consider changing it or something. Some fans of yours could track you down and everything."
"Alright then, darling," Tom said in defeat. Harrison couldn't help but laugh at the scene. He had no idea what the conversation had transferred to, but he couldn't stop but grin. "I think I left my Mac on the kitchen counter. Or wait, maybe it's in my cupboard."
"Why do you have so many Spider-man posters and figurines. Are you that self-obsessed?" you chuckled.
"Bingo! Found it." you reached towards the closed computer, as Tom waited on the other line for updates about the situation. "Tom, uh, I need your password."
Tom froze the moment you mentioned 'your' and 'password'. He should have known. His eyes went wide when he realized what his password was. "Wait a sec!" Tom put his call on mute as he let out a stressed sigh. "Shit shit shit. Fucking hell!"
"What?" Harrison asked as he saw the stressed expression on his best mate's face.
"She needs my password."
"Of course she does, you dumbass." Harrison laughed. Tom replied by sending him a death glare. "What? Why is it such a problem?"
"Because, um, oh fuck," Tom exclaimed. "Promise not to laugh, okay." Harrison shrugged as Tom took a deep breath. "It's 'mrs(your name and last name)holland'. That's the password."
"What the hell, Tom." Harrison laughed. "Why is that your password?" He facepalmed as he watched his nerve-wracked friend in a crisis.
"I don't know! I just, I don't know, I needed a password no one would guess!" Tom explained vividly as his best mate cracked up. "Don't you dare laugh, you dickhead."
"You dumbass. What the actual fuck, you div!" Harrison rolled his eyes. "How're ya gonna tell her?"
"I honestly don't know. I mean, I don't want to seem like a creep or something, but I really need that fucking script." Tom heavily sighed.
"You're on your own, mate." Harrison saluted jokingly.
Tom turned off mute on the call and put the phone to his ear. "Tom? Are you there?" he heard.
"Yeah yeah. Sorry. Bad connection, I think." he excused.
"Anyway, I need your password," you said again. You couldn't help but grin when you saw a picture of Tom and his presumable brothers doing a human pyramid. The camera had captured the exact moment Tom fell backwards while his family had worried face expressions.
"Yeah, 'bout that. Um, please don't take this personal, okay. I'm not a creep or something, I promise. Gosh, I'm so sorry." Tom rambled. "But yeah, um, the password is 'mrs(your name and last name)holland'".
The other line went silent until you laughed. "Wait, what? You're joking, right?"
"I honestly wish I was."
"Holy shit, you're serious?" you exclaimed. You quickly typed the said password. Surprisingly, you got in.
"I never thought this night could escalate into something even weirder, but it just got up to another level," you mumbled.
"Just tell me you logged in." Tom groaned as he was again reminded of the somewhat awkward situation.
"Yes yes, I'm in. I'm guessing the script is in the 'script' folder. What's the name of the film, again?" you asked as you searched on his computer.
"It's 'Beneath a Scarlet Sky'," Tom replied quickly. "Transfer it to my email, please."
"On it."
As you saved the file and tried to remember how to transfer files through mail, Tom ran frantically around the streets trying to find a place with free wifi. Of course, he used to be afraid of people hacking his phone through unsecured free wifi, but he didn't have time to care.
In the end, he found a small shop selling Christmas decorations all year. "Okay, I just sent it."
"Thank you thank you, darling! You're an angel!" Tom thanked. He refreshed his mail several times until the script file turned up. "I just got it!"
"Yay!" you cheered as you turned Tom's Mac off. "I guess my job here is done." you yawned.
"Shit, I'm so sorry. Fuck, I forgot it's three in the morning in London. Thank you so much, love! You really helped me out." Tom thanked and rambled.
"Is there anything I can do for you? Any favour?" he asked flustered.
"I'm glad to help you out, Tom," you answered.
"But I guess, um, we should - well go out on a first date before, y'know, we get married. Haha." you hinted. "I, uh, I mean, it would be nice to get to know you better."
Tom's face reddened as he was reminded of the password scene earlier. He was still embarrassed. "Um, I, just, uh, please don't make me try to explain."
"I'm not going to bug you about it. It's just a bit, y'know, weird, Tom. But I mean, I'm not going to judge you. My name makes a perfect password, right? Hahah." you couldn't help but facepalm as you said the last sentence.
"Um, yeah, it really does. I guess." Tom replied awkwardly.
"Just come by my flat when you're back in town. I know a place with delicious pastries and hot beverages. I mean, only if you want to." you suggested.
"Yes! I mean, of course. I would love to meet up with you, darling." Tom answered excitedly.
"Great!" you replied quickly. "Anyway, good luck with the, um, meeting about the film. I can't wait to see you in it!"
"Thanks! Um, sleep well, Y/N. I hope I didn't bother you too much. I will surely call you another time. Probably when you're not asleep, right, ahahah. Yeah." Tom laughed nervously. "Good night."
"G'night." you smiled as you ended the special call.
The week after the incident, a very happy Tom Holland knocked on your door with bright sunflowers in his hands.
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Anyway, just wanna say that it makes me so happy to hear your responses to this!! So please leave a message or something <3
And it will also make me happy if you reblog this so others can read this ;D
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Add yourself to my taglist?
Permanent: @ultrunning @suncityparker  @starlightfound @hydrated-bag-of-bones @jubaydahk @ewolfwitchwisegirl @noir-spiderr @hollandharrison @lustful-holland @beautifulwisdom2001 @sweetieparker @isthisnotit @marvel-pilot @petersrogers @courteousdolan @positiveparker @casuallytumblingdownthestairs @teenwolfbitches2 @fockeytom @veronicas-littleworld @peter-prkr @spider-mendes @hermionedeservesbetterthanron @ive-got-more-wit @ilikealotofpeople-younotsomuch @brokenuntilapril26th2019 @mikalaka @sunshinehollandd
Permanent Tom Holland: @parkerpuffwrites @reengard @othersillyfangirl @inlovewithmobtom @the-queen-procrastinator @tomshufflepuff @southsidespidey
Tom Holland imagines: @makennac17 @alexindahouse
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is6621 · 6 years
In-Flight Entertainment at its Finest! - Matt Razek
I recently took a non-stop flight from Boston to LA for a conference and am constantly amazed at how in-flight entertainment has changed over the years. Gone are the days of large phones that you need to swipe your credit card to make a quick call from the air. 
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While scheduling and specific airlines are still important criteria for individuals to think about when flying, some will consider all of the perks that they get just by purchasing a ticket to be on the flight. Whether you are flying for 60 minutes or 20 hours, in-flight time used to be a time to disconnect from the outside world and read, listen to music, sew, knit, talk to your neighbor, nap, etc. Now, many individuals feel more connected to the outside world because, well, what else are you going to do in an enclosed tube in the sky for 20 hours except for find something to do with technology? My recent 6 hour flight was some of the most productive time I’ve had all month because I was able to focus on what I needed to do and didn’t have the distractions of those around me. I was able to utilize the perks that my airline provided in order to make for a more enjoyable experience.
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Many of the main airlines have a pretty detailed in-flight plan. The top 5 for best plan, as described by SmarterTravel, are:
Virgin America
Singapore Airlines
Air Canada
These airlines all typically offer wifi. Airlines have gone from having 1-2 screens on the entire plane that passengers could choose to watch the one movie option playing throughout the flight. Now, passengers get to choose what they want to watch; in most cases this is also free. Take JetBlue. They have TV screens on most of their flights that allow for individuals to choose what they want to watch individually. They also offer free wifi. The quality of their wifi is much stronger than even other companies who ask you to pay for it on the flight. While I wouldn’t put Southwest on the same level, they do offer other perks. Southwest charges $8/day for not the most easily available wifi. Though, their entertainment perks work out if you have your own device that can connect to the internet. For free, just by connecting to wifi and having an internet-enabled device, you can watch TV, movies, and shows. Additionally, on both of these airlines, you have the opportunity to track your flight and know exactly where you are at all times. One article compared the feeling on some flights of feeling like you are “back in your living room”. 
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In the end, all of these additional perks are costing airlines lots of money and some have even talked over the last few years about trying to pair down televisions and other forms of entrainment. However, living in the digital age, it will be easy to predict how customers will react. Customers consider more  perks in their decision than they do most other things. For instance, a 6 hour Frontier flight may not be worth no wifi or internet capability; whereas, a 6 hour JetBlue flight (for a slightly more expensive price) is definitely worth the brand new movie releases, music, TV, and more.
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As for the future, there are definitely opportunities for airlines to continue improving their in-flight media entertainment. It will be important for them to take customer feedback into consideration. Airlines will attract different types of customers; do what it is that your customers would recommend on a typical flight. One article commented on intense technology changes on the horizon including removing all windows from the plane and having high-definition screens along the floor, ceiling, and walls of the plane (all angles) that would show what is going on outside of the plan to everyone - regardless of where their seat is. As you can see in the chart above, the global flying market is projected to continue to grow into the future, so it would make sense for airlines to invest in their entertainment systems. I know it definitely made my flight much more bearable, and as I said above, made it feel like I was home in my living room just doing some work. I wonder what fun things they’ll come up with next!
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cracked-wood · 5 years
Turbo VPN for PC
Free Turbo VPN – unlimited Free VPN APK download For pc: simply download free apps apk and install faster VPN – unlimited Free VPN APK for the computer.VPN unlimited free gives you what you need.
Pcappsdownload.Com works as apk downloader that covers one-of-a-kind free android apk, rapid VPN – limitless android apps and android video games for computer home windows 7,8,8.1,10, XP, Vista OS, Mac OS, Chrome OS or even Ubuntu OS. Our android video games or free android apps are licensed Full variant for pc.
Our website online lets you install rapid VPN – unlimited android apps/video games available on Google Play retailer. That you may download android apps and android video games to the computer of your computer. In case you like this android app that you can are attempt Amazon Underground APK too.
In the event you’ve fed up with playing your TurboVPN android software in your small Android monitor, let us exhibit you how you can run VPN limitless free android apps on home windows. Which you can run Android APPS/APK games on laptop or computer making use of an Android emulator app.Which you could download APK here.
Also, Read VPN Master for PC
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Turbo VPN is a software utility which allows users to browse the web utilizing a confidential IP address. This type of process is mostly used to avoid traditional protocols with reference to film downloads and additionally it is a strong firewall with regard to hackers and different threats. There is not any charge to download this smartphone app and installation takes simplest seconds.
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turbo VPN boasts a number of proxy servers founded inside the world atmosphere. It's accordingly a totally stable software and the chances are high that a connection will continuously be to be had. It features with nearly all of data carriers including (however not restrained to) 3G, 4G, and LTE. Customers are ready to spark off this virtual personal network with a single faucet and connection speeds are most often enough for most standards. Countless languages are presently supplied.
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Turbo VPN for PC works in most international locations even though the builders claim that it isn't on hand in China. The whole file measurement of this bundle is 29.6 megabytes; particularly lightweight when in comparison with equivalent services. Customers are capable to revel in a free trial version. Once the trial expires, their iTunes account will likely be charged a monthly subscription price. This carrier can be canceled at any time.
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Learn how to set up Turbo VPN for pc
Android emulators are now a factor on the windows neighborhood. It's famous that there are thousands of apps and games on the Play retailer. And most of them have no Widows variant in addition with. As a consequence, this is the upward push of Android emulators.
Earlier than we are able to start, let me remind you that the Nox App participant, the Android emulator that we're going to use on this step-with the aid of-step advisor is around 400Mb in file dimension. So if you have a sluggish web connection that would take a little longer to finish. So we would endorse that you simply use download booster program to accelerate the download velocity. Let’s start.
Also, Read Super VPN for PC 
To start the process first is to download the Android emulator below and the faster VPN APK above.
You probably have mounted a download manager and booster, the download should take about simply a couple of minutes.
When all download is capable, double-click on the emulator installer to start the setup system.
Follow the guideline and opt for the preferred installation folder. If you wish to have, you employ the home windows default program files folder for all of the program set up in your windows system.
The process will have to take about a minute or two relying on your approach speed. But as soon as the installation finishes, go to the major desktop.
On the important computing device, you must find the Nox App participant shortcut icon. Double-click on the Nox icon to initiate the emulator.
On account that this is your first launch of the software, you are going to discover a short advisor on the best way to use the controls of the emulator even as playing games or just navigating via the interface.
Whenever you attain the fundamental computer of the Android emulator, you are going to need to depart the app strolling within the background and go to the turbo VPN APK that you just downloaded earlier together with the emulator.
You may drag and drop the APK to the Nox walking window, or that you may simply double-click on the APK file to begin the setup.
After just a few moments, the rapid VPN icon must show up on the fundamental computing device together with different hooked up apps.
That you may now click on the rapid VPN icon to begin the app.
That’s it. You may browse away and talk over with any website that you need to look without demanding about being tracked or placed.
How you can Use turbo VPN
access Blocked web pages on Android phone and pill
To unblock the blocked internet sites on an Android cell or pill you should utilize satisfactory free VPN apps comparable to Turbo VPN for Windows – unlimited Free VPN,  Orbot – Proxy with Tor, Hola Free VPN, and IFast VPN. You can use any of them to entry blocked websites but individually, I advocate the faster VP, as a minimum for me it really works great.                                                                     
If you need the rapid VPN to attach mechanically when it begins. Then faucet on the burger icon given on the left aspect of the faster VPN app when it begins. Now from the menu choose the settings choice beneath which turn on the “join when rapid VPN starts” choice with the aid of sliding toggle button.
Now the app presents both paid and free VPN servers. To pick the free server faucet on the globe icon given on the proper prime facet of the display. You're going to get a record of the faster VP app’s free VPN servers from distinctive regions corresponding to The Netherlands, Singapore, India, United Kingdom, Germany, Canada and the U.S. Opt for any of them. Here, even as writing the article we had been making use of the VPN server from the United Kingdom. If you consider app relatively works for then you which you could additionally go for the VIP servers for top-place connectivity.VPN servers to unblock sites on Android cellular tap on the server you need to connect and the rapid VP app will mechanically join it to the respective server in few seconds.                     Choose Android VPN server to access blocked web pages
After connecting its time to experiment whether or not the VPN server is working or no longer. So, we opened Google Chrome and seek for Google.
By using the default, Google perpetually opened its search engine according to the country. For illustration, if you are in Indian it'll be Google.Co.In, for Russia– Google.Ru and in the identical approach; If I'm utilizing the faster VP, well-nigh I must be in United Kingdon then my Google search engine domain might be Google.Co.Uk.  And the same you can see in the given screenshot.
More Info Clicks helpsforpc.com
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laptoprentalsg · 2 years
Best Wireless Router
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Many people are searching for the best wireless router. However, each person's needs and preferences will dictate which router is best. One person's needs may dictate what the best wireless router is for them.
For computer games to be successful, a specific type of wireless router is required. The router must have a strong signal and good bandwidth. A router that is reliable is the best. Packet loss can have a devastating effect on gaming experience. A good gaming wireless router should also offer quality service software. This will allow you to limit bandwidth for certain activities, such as downloading or browsing the internet, while allowing you to increase bandwidth for gaming.
This contrasts with the best wireless router to connect large homes, where range is important. This is why a person looking for a router must look at routers with a large range. Routers with multiple antennas are better than routers without them. The signal strength will improve the more material between the antenna (and the computer), and this includes wireless routers.
A router with dual band would be the best choice for someone who wants to set up a wireless home entertainment system with Wi-Fi enabled TVs and gaming consoles. The TV and console games can use one band while other similar devices and laptops could use the other. This way both sets of devices don't compete for bandwidth and computer gamers won't have to deal with someone streaming a movie from their Wi-Fi enabled TV Event wifi rental Singapore.
There are many other uses for a router, but these are the most common. A person who is looking for a wireless router should not just ask about the best, as the best router will depend on the situation.
Once you've identified your router needs, you can start looking for the right router.
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whiteluz2022 · 2 years
Must-Know Singapore Home Lighting Trends In 2022
From your choice of flooring to the colour of your walls, many aspects of your home interior play a role in making it an aesthetically pleasing one. Of all the different elements you have to take into consideration when renovating a home, there is no denying that lighting plays a huge role in enhancing the mood and ambiance of your living space. When used correctly, lighting becomes more than a mere decorative feature. But, like every other feature of interior design, lighting trends are constantly changing. One moment, eye-catching chandeliers are in trend, and the next, a simple industrial-inspired light is all the rave. If you’re looking to switch up the lighting in your home, we guide you through the latest home lighting trends that have taken Singapore by storm.
Trend #1: Minimalistic Lights
Still a common interior trend followed by homeowners and renowned designers, it comes as no surprise that minimalism has recently been translated into lighting fixtures as well. Focusing on functionality, lighting systems that merge with the architecture of your home make a subtle statement by being an understated design component. Versatile and classic, minimalistic lighting fixtures, like spotlights, will complement any design scheme.
Trend #2: Smart Home Lighting
Modern decoration that is simpler, sleeker, and better in terms of functions and capabilities are now trending. With the increasing appeal of smart homes, it only makes sense that smart home lighting is gaining popularity. From smart light bulbs that can be connected to your home WiFi system for easy control to smart LED light strips that attach to the back of your TV sets for the best home TV setup, the integration of a smart lighting control system is a bandwagon you will want to hop on.
Trend #3: Neon Signs
Wait, you think you’ve read it wrong? Or somehow, you’re wondering if this article is even credible? As a matter of fact, neon signs are actually in. Evoking nostalgia on the current interior design trends is obvious, and neon signs are a part of it. For the past years, neon signs have been associated with cafes, bars, nightclubs, and hipster joints. But this year, it is making its way into your homes.
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fireshotpteltd · 1 month
Fireshot - Wifi Connectivity
Every home is unique, and so are your WiFi needs. Fireshot offers tailored WiFi design services, creating networks that are perfectly suited to your space and usage, ensuring robust and consistent connectivity for all your devices.
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fireshotpteltd · 1 month
Common WiFi Issues and How to Fix Them
In today’s connected world, a stable WiFi connection is essential for work, entertainment, and staying in touch with loved ones. However, many people experience issues with their WiFi network that can be frustrating and disruptive. From slow speeds to frequent disconnections, WiFi problems can arise for various reasons. This article will explore some common WiFi issues and provide practical solutions to help you get your network back on track.
1. Slow Internet Speeds
One of the most common WiFi issues people face is slow internet speeds. This can be caused by several factors, including network congestion, interference, or outdated equipment. Here are some potential solutions:
Check Your Internet Plan: Ensure that your internet plan provides sufficient speed for your household’s needs. If you’ve recently added more devices or started streaming in 4K, you may need to upgrade to a faster plan.
Restart Your Router: Sometimes, a simple reboot can resolve slow speeds. Turn off your router for a minute and then turn it back on to reset the connection.
Reduce Interference: WiFi signals can be disrupted by other electronic devices, such as microwaves, cordless phones, and Bluetooth devices. Try to minimize the number of devices near your router to reduce interference.
Update Your Router’s Firmware: Outdated firmware can slow down your WiFi network. Check for updates on your router’s web interface or app, and install any available updates.
Optimize Router Placement: Place your router in a central, elevated location, away from walls and large furniture, to improve signal distribution throughout your home.
2. WiFi Dead Zones
WiFi dead zones are areas in your home where the WiFi signal is weak or non-existent. These dead zones can be caused by the layout of your home, the placement of your router, or interference from walls and other obstacles.
Relocate Your Router: If your router is placed in a corner or surrounded by walls, try moving it to a more central location to improve coverage.
Upgrade to a Better Router: Older routers may not provide sufficient coverage for larger homes. Consider upgrading to a router with better range or a WiFi system for more reliable coverage.
Minimize Interference: Thick walls, metal objects, and electronic devices can interfere with WiFi signals. Try to position your router away from these obstacles to reduce interference.
3. Frequent Disconnections
Experiencing frequent WiFi disconnections can be incredibly frustrating, especially when you’re in the middle of an important task. Several factors can cause this issue:
Overloaded Network: If too many devices are connected to your network, it can become overloaded, leading to disconnections. Disconnect devices that aren’t in use, or upgrade to a plan with higher bandwidth.
Router Overheating: Routers can overheat if they are placed in an enclosed space or if they’ve been running continuously for an extended period. Ensure your router is well-ventilated and consider restarting it periodically.
Firmware Issues: Outdated firmware can cause stability issues. Check for firmware updates regularly and apply them as needed.
Interference from Neighboring Networks: In densely populated areas, interference from neighboring WiFi networks can cause disconnections. Changing your router’s WiFi channel can help reduce this interference.
4. Poor WiFi Performance on Specific Devices
If you notice that only certain devices are experiencing WiFi issues, the problem may be device-specific rather than network-wide.
Update Device Drivers: Ensure that the WiFi drivers on your device are up to date. Manufacturers frequently release updates to improve performance and compatibility.
Check for Device Interference: Some devices may be more sensitive to interference than others. Ensure that your device is not placed near other electronics that could disrupt the signal.
Switch to 5 GHz Band: If your router supports dual-band WiFi, try connecting your device to the 5 GHz band. This band is less congested and offers faster speeds, although it has a shorter range.
Reset Network Settings: If a specific device is still having issues, try resetting its network settings to default. This can often resolve connectivity problems.
5. Unable to Connect to WiFi
Sometimes, devices may fail to connect to the WiFi network altogether. This can be due to several reasons:
Incorrect Password: Double-check that you’re entering the correct WiFi password. If you’ve changed your WiFi settings recently, ensure you’re using the updated credentials.
Router Issues: If multiple devices cannot connect to the WiFi, the issue may be with your router. Restart the router and check for any firmware updates.
Network Congestion: In heavily populated areas, WiFi networks can become congested, making it difficult to connect. Switching to a less congested WiFi channel can help.
Device-Specific Problems: If only one device is unable to connect, try restarting the device, forgetting the network, and reconnecting.
6. Security Concerns
Ensuring your WiFi network is secure is essential to prevent unauthorized access, which can slow down your network and compromise your personal information.
Change Default Router Passwords: Many routers come with default login credentials, which should be changed immediately to prevent unauthorized access.
Enable WPA3 Encryption: WPA3 is the latest and most secure encryption standard for WiFi networks. If your router supports it, enable WPA3 to protect your network.
Use a Strong WiFi Password: Create a strong, unique password for your WiFi network. Avoid using easily guessable passwords like “password123” or your name.
Monitor Connected Devices: Regularly check which devices are connected to your network. If you see any unfamiliar devices, change your password and consider upgrading your security settings.
WiFi issues can be frustrating, but with the right approach, most problems can be resolved quickly. Whether you’re dealing with slow speeds, dead zones, or frequent disconnections, the solutions provided in this article can help you optimize your home WiFi network for better performance and reliability. By understanding the common causes of WiFi problems and taking proactive steps to address them, you can enjoy a seamless and efficient online experience in your home.
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lookatthedawn · 6 years
Chinese Visa (cont.)
I go back to the Chinese embassy armed with; passport and passport xerox copy, two passport pictures, traveler's insurance, one-way ticket (I've been told I have to buy my return ticket from China), a copy of the hotel reservation in Nanning and the filled-out-four-page visa application form.  I also have downloaded in both my phone and computer, my bank statement for the last two months. I'm hoping the virtual image will suffice.  
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I wait in line, pass the metal detector check-up, and present my documents to the guard, who checks my photos, shows me where the scissors are, and tells me to cut them apart.  Once I'm done he takes both of my pictures, staples one on the cover of my passport, hands my documents back and tells me to wait.  I sit down next to an American guy in his early twenties. He indicates his passport with his picture stapled to it. "It says here that we're not supposed to staple anything on it".  That's when I remember I had read that too.  Oh, well! My fellow visa-applicant has just arrived in Hanoi and is hoping to get a visa for a three-month stay in China.  After about ten minutes the guard sends him to window five.  Having met the lady at that window I'm hoping he sends me to another, with someone who has learned how to smile.  Once the American is done he tells me they need a phone number in Hanoi and that he'll get his answer on Monday.  The guard interrupts him to tell me to go to window five.  Sigh! Grumpy lady checks my documents and finds them wanting.  "Where's the bank statement?" "I have them in my compu--" "No, I need the paper copy." "But I--" "There's a photocopy place over there," she points to the right of the embassy.  She takes my documents, puts them aside and urges me to go get the copies of my statements.   I find the photocopy place close to the Singapore embassy. Three people run it and they are all busy.  There are no walls around their business, just some makeshift tables for the computers and a tarpaulin to protect them from the sun.  And yet, business is blooming. In fact, they don't need my business, I need theirs.  I ask them if I can use their computer to download a file, one of the guys says no, he needs his computer. Can I just connect my computer to your printer?  No.  He asks that I send him the files.  I tell him I don't have wifi.  A young man, who I had seen previously at the embassy and who's there for the same reason, offers to share his wifi, which I eagerly accept.   But I'm uncomfortable with all that, wondering whether I'm giving away too much information, exposing my identity to theft, doing everything I've been told never to do, and while I'm thinking that, the guy hands me my printed bank statement.  I pay 10,000 VNDs and rush back to the embassy.
The guard at the door already knows me and almost smiles.  He is a serious young man, aware of everyone around him and highly competent.  I do not like their system, but I'm in awe of his execution.  He stands between the windows and the people like a conductor, his eyes sweeping the place and spotting misconduct or instances where his attention and interference is needed.  He's serious but not unfriendly.  I tell him that the lady at window 5 is waiting for me, he nods and steps aside for me to pass.   I hand her the statements for two months, even though she had not specified how many she wanted.  She takes all my documents and gives me a paper with Monday's date on it.  "Come back Monday at 4 pm." "But how much--" "Come back Monday.  Monday at four." I thank her and leave.  The whole process is unsettling.  I have no idea whether I'll get the visa or not.  My only comfort is that  I have done everything they asked to the best of my abilities.  I decide to put the whole thing out of my mind for the time being and enjoy the coming weekend. It storms all day Monday, July 17th, but as I'm about to leave the office to walk to the Chinese embassy, the rain mercifully stops.  I arrive exactly at four and explain what I had come for.  I have the impression the guard already knows and Monday afternoons are probably designated for getting answers on visa requests.  "Window five," he says. The lady at the booth gives me a pink invoice in the value of thirty dollars. "Pay at the bank and come back in two days." She writes the bank address on a piece of paper and hands it to me. Does that mean my visa has been approved? I show the pink slip to the guard, who repeats the instructions:  pay at the bank in the morning and come back to the embassy in the afternoon.  I'm too excited to ask why I can't do both at the same time.   However, I still have a little problem; I don't have $30 dollars.  All cash I had in USD has gone to pay for visas for Cambodia and Laos.  To compound on this problem, I also don't have VNDongs. I have lost my ATM card, remember? My options are; a) cash advance from a credit card.  Two problems with that; high-interest rate and the fact that I don't have the PIN with me.  I could call home and ask someone to kindly go through a lot of papers to find it.  I keep this option in the backburner.  b) borrow money from someone, people who know me for less than two months.  Not very promising. I hope my host has collected the money I've transferred to her for the rent and is willing to lend me some.  I'm trying a transfer service I have never used before (sendvalu) and in name of caution, I have transferred only half of what was needed.  My agreement with my host is to send more than I owe her and have her return me the rest.  We're expecting an email notifying us that the money is available any time now. It's the night before I'm supposed to go to the bank and embassy and the money is still not available, so Thao kindly agrees to lend me the necessary to pay for the visa.  "You're crazy about China," she jokes.  She's mistaken.  I'm not crazy about China.  China is the lover who's trying to get away.  I would be as crazy about Thailand or Cambodia, had I experienced so much trouble getting a visa to these places.  Then again, it is true that I've loved the Chinese culture, especially Chinese medicine, for the longest time.  And how could I not have a soft spot for the country where tai chi, the martial art I've practiced since 1988, originated? I'm told that the bank does accept payment in VND, but charges about $200.000 VND to do so.  That's about $9 I'd rather keep.  So, next day I walk to the ICBC (Industrial and Commercial Bank of China), stopping at every bank on the way, hoping they can exchange Dongs into USD.  My Vietnamese is as poor as ever and most bank tellers speak limited English, which makes communication a challenge.  I explain what I need and they nod solicitously, but as soon as they see Dongs in my hand, they shake their heads and say that they don't sell dollars.  I try, perhaps, ten different banks before finally arriving at the ICBC where I show the pink slip to the girl behind the counter.  She tells me it's $30, and that's because I'm traveling with a Brazilian passport. Someone with an American passport would have to pay $140 (!). "Can I pay with Vietnamese Dong?" "No, dollar only." "Where can I buy dollars?" She writes the address on a paper and asks the guard to show me how to get there.  He urges me to hire a motorcycle, but for someone who has walked for over an hour, ten minutes is nothing.  I expected a bank but this is a currency exchange house.  I enter it, prepared to pay a hefty fee for the service, but to my surprise, they don't charge a fee at all.  As I walk back to the ICBC, I'm surprised at how much happiness those $30 dollars evoked.    
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I quickly get my pink slip stamped and start on my way to work.  Midway there I realize that a shortcut to the Chinese embassy will take about ten minutes while coming from work will take more than an hour.  Yes, the guard had told me to go after 3 pm. but since I'm this close I decide to try my luck in the morning. Once at the embassy, I show my stamped pink slip and they let me in and give me my passport. I open it and voila! the visa to China!  I am thrilled to have it in my hands.  In Hanoi it's July 19th, but in Brazil, it's still July 18th, 10 pm.  Fifty years before, a little baby girl had been born in a tiny Brazilian village and her parents, the only two people present at her birth, decided to name her Miralva.  
Happy Fiftieth birthday to me!  
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ilora · 4 years
How To Find Commercial CCTV Camera Systems That Suits You
You want to refine your choices by knowing which of the CCTV Camera Company can be found right now. Hi Amanda, do you have an energy source in your shed / laboratory? If so, the Relink RLC-411WS Wireless Digital Security Camera should serve you fantastically, / product / rlc-411ws /. It’s super easy to organize and only use your internet knowledge if you remotely access the camera for a fixed view or when motion alerts are sent to you. Or, if there’s no power in your place, you can also check out our flagship product Reolink Argus 2, a rechargeable battery powered wireless security camera, / product / argus-2 /.
Swann is an Australia-based company that has gone from being a basement-run business to promoting products around the world. They provide many security products to help secure homes and businesses.
We have trained sales engineers who can assist you in designing a system that meets your needs and price range. We understand that prepackaged security methods generally don’t always match well which is why we supply our own digital security camera system. Our CCTV experts are ready to help you in the process of selecting the right security cameras for your small business or residence.
Since you have some cellular protection in your monitoring location, mobile speed cameras, such as Reolink Go, would also be a useful option for you, / lp / reolink-go /. It works on the 4G / 3G community and is ideal for areas with limited or no WiFi community. Hope the information above will help you land on the correct option.
You can control Wi-Fi security camera systems to perform your function, corresponding to / product / rlk4-210wb2 /, / product / rlk4-210wb4 /, each of which aids motion recording even when there is no network. Also, the cameras are waterproof and could be brave in bad weather. Or, if you prefer the next resolution security system that could work without the internet, you can try PoE security digital camera methods, such as / product / rlk8-410b4 /. In case the perpetrators appear, they will be captured by the security cameras and the recorded videos would be the strongest evidence. One of the arguably most affordable ways to provide office security is with video surveillance or CCTV security systems.
CCTV Camera Pro is a direct supplier of security cameras, video surveillance systems and CCTV tools. We provide both IP and analogue CCTV surveillance techniques. We supply our equipment to owners, corporate homeowners, government corporations and any other type of group, any measurement.
The highly superior technology of the latest security cameras allows companies to reduce costs and threats by defending their property with continuous and continuous monitoring of their services. Apex CCTV is a direct supplier of CCTV cameras and digital security camera systems for industrial, industrial, government and residential surveillance functions. We try to give you only the highest quality of security and CCTV digital camera equipment, each affordable and reliable.
From primary techniques that only have two cameras and limited options to advanced methods with NVRs and huge amounts of cameras, Swann does it all. With so many security methods on the market at the moment, you may find it a little bit problematic to find the best WiFi CCTV camera price in Bangladesh. The terms security and surveillance cameras are very broad. If you search the internet, you will have access to numerous product options.
We supply security products to the federal government, businesses and homeowners of all styles and sizes. We provide complete HD security digital camera methods which include a DVR, cameras, cables, connectors and power supplies. Buying qualified grade security digital camera equipment from CCTV Camera World ensures that you get a high road quality that is unmatched in the security camera industry. We manufacture all the products we stock and all of our cameras and recorders include a 1-3 year warranty and are backed by experienced service professionals located in the USA.
We can use a combination of common definition or over definition cameras and multifunctional system with Wi-Fi security cameras. We provide everything needed to install the system, along with cables, connectors, power boxes and displays. You can count on us for LIFETIME TECHNICAL SUPPORT for the products purchased. CCTV Camera World is a provider of security cameras, video recorders, surveillance techniques and all other CCTV problems.
ApexCCTV is an authorized supplier of GeoVision, Hikvision, Dahua, Samsung and Sony products. We professionally install, service and store everything we have set up and do not use subcontractors in any way. Our thousands of customers recognize that we are passionate about offering the best quality methods and unprecedented service, which is what drastically sets us apart within the company. As specialists in video surveillance methods and technologies, our buyers rely on our SMART security camera systems to protect their investments. Samriddhi Automations is a local CCTV manufacturer.
It designs and manufactures technologically superior CCTV camera s in-house at its Haridwar manufacturing facility under the model name “Sparsh”. A revolutionary and quality-conscious company, Sparsh was selected by Sony Singapore to design and manufacture its CCD card cameras for the Indian market. Texas Instruments offers technology support to Sparsh for its IP cameras.
So, while choosing a CCTV camera company in Bangladesh, definitely do your research. The company you hire for your security solution can change the face of your business. Along with the good CCTV Company there are many frauds and dishonest companies that will exploit you, rob you if you are not well informed about the products. They could charge you too much. They might provide a cheap, low-quality product, and they might even avoid providing after-sales service. So market research is very crucial for you. I would recommend you a CCTV camera company in Bangladesh that will definitely meet your expectations. You will see them in the link below be sure to check them out. Find the Google business Page here CCTV Camera Price in Bangladesh | CCTV Camera Company in Bangladesh.
from WordPress https://bestobd12.wordpress.com/2020/09/30/how-to-find-commercial-cctv-camera-systems-that-suits-you/
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Dahua UK, Specialist IP CCTV Cameras, Megapixel & HD CCTV
- camera ip wifi Hải Nam Top Dahua Camera Secrets
Dahua Camera - the Story
On the Region feature, you can exclude sections of the image you don't need the camera to be triggered from. Inside my opinion the picture is quite warm and accurate. Since you can see in the picture above, there are 3 options you may try depending on the date you entered.
To begin the configuration you will need to connect your camera to your network utilizing the Ethernet cable. The camera is IP67 weatherproof and features IK10 vandal-proof protection too. It was prewired when the house was built. The outdoor cameras that are now supported have limited use for outdoor monitoring as a result of their short night vision range. You should open up the entire camera in order to get the card slot, check the picture below to observe where the slot is situated.
The camera includes a manual on a mini-CD. In Domoticz you may add cameras that you may use to take snapshots as soon as an event happens. Dahua CCTV cameras also have garnered the interest of security enthusiasts around the world through their reliable performance again and again. Many webcams have an integrated microphone that can be accessed using a particular URL.
Check whether there is any risk Have a comprehensive look at the security panel and any other beeping devices like smoke alarms or Carbon Monoxide Detectors, to make sure that the beeping wasn't due to a legitimate threat. Follow a few easy steps and you'll be all set. Also waiting for over an hour for tech support each time you call is a pain. As more time passes, the potential areas where the youngster can be will widen, it gets more time-consuming to search manually, and the chances of locating the kid decreases. It's unacceptable to need to wait that long. Especially because it is a really lousy idea to have precisely the same root password on all the cameras. Before proceeding with remote online access, it's a very good idea to try out local access first.
As an alternative for simple calculations you'll be able to use our free internet lens calculator. You turn to appear at the clock. Once you figure out which ports have to be opened, you are going to have to speak with your router's manual and search for the port forwarding or virtual servers section. Only forward the ports that you have to use.
The Fight Against Dahua Camera
You check thoroughly but not one of the lights indicate an issue, and that means you push the pound button and block the beeping. If you own a lot of light the issue is not quite as bad. Since there's a street light on the other side of the street, the camera wouldn't automatically shift to night mode.
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Be certain that the Motion is enabled and you may adjust the other settings. Moreover the entire setup will appear sleek, however it depends from where you are. Alarm methods differ on the best way to bypass zones. A modern CCTV camera system may be an ideal add-on to any wise home solution. The installation is straightforward and just requires your attention in regards to selecting the components which you would love to install. In the eventuality which you've installed a surveillance system which includes several cameras cleverly positioned around the outside of your premises, then there's a chance which you are searching for a tool that makes it possible camera dahua giá rẻ for you to configure it so you are updated on all events captured. Most entry level systems don't have such settings.
You might want to speak to the vendor of the camera system to determine which ports will need to get opened. A number of our online products have night vision technology which means that you may guarantee having the ability to monitor the situation if it's a very bright day or an extremely dark night. Some little manufacturers simply don't have the ability to be sure the security. The business that started small in 2003 has grown to be a leader in the area in all of Singapore. Usually, employing an internet service is a one-two-three step practice. Go through your house and test all the battery operated parts of your complete security network with the assistance of a battery tester.
Under the dome cover there's a reset button. Click the entry which you just created so that it's highlighted in green then press OK. Click the online entry which you created so that it's highlighted in green then press OK. - Camera an ninh Hải Nam
You might want to have a house security camera or perhaps one on an office or business building, regardless of what its purpose we are here in order to help. Whatever you're searching for when it regards commercial or home CCTV cameras, with JMC Secure you're bound to get the ideal product to fit your requirements. There may be numerous explanations for why you would want to monitor your residence or business with the support of a computer. On the surface of the page just beneath the No-IP logo you will understand an area to put in your email address and password. The Integrated Remote Station enables you to access your security cameras locally on your netork together with remotely on the Internet.
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