#Best Gynecologist In Mumbai For Infertility
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drneelima · 3 months ago
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yashodaivffertilitycentre · 11 months ago
Sonography Meaning In Hindi (सोनोग्राफी का मतलब और महत्व)
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परिचय: (Introduction)
सोनोग्राफी,(Sonography) या अल्ट्रासाउंड, गर्भावस्था और चिकित्सा नागरिकता में महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाती है। यह गाइड इसके महत्व, लाभ, और सुरक्षा उपायों की जांच करता है। आइए नवी मुंबई में सोनोग्राफी की बारीकियों की जांच करें, विशेष रूप से यह गर्भावस्था और Yashoda IVF Center द्वारा दी जाने वाली विशेषज्ञता से संबंधित है।
सोनोग्राफी क्या है? (What is sonography?)
सोनोग्राफी, या अल्ट्रासाउंड, एक गैर-संवेदनशील नैदानिक प्रक्रिया है जो शब्द तरंगों का उपयोग करती है ताकि शरीर के अंदर की अंगों और ऊतकों की वास्तविक समय में छवियां बनाई जा सकें। यह नवी मुंबई में सर्वश्रेष्ठ आईवीएफ केंद्र (Best IVF Center in Navi Mumbai) के मार्गदर्शन में, भ्रूण के विकास पर नज़र रखता है और गर्भावस्था के दौरान माँ के स्वास्थ्य का आकलन करता है ताकि सुचारू प्रसव और प्रसव प्रक्रिया सुनिश्चित हो सके।
सोनोग्राफी कैसे किया जाता है? (How is Sonography Performed?)
सोनोग्राफी दर्दरहित और सुरक्षित होती है, क्योंकि इसमें किसी भी विकीरण या आक्रामक प्रक्रिया की आवश्यकता नहीं होती है। एक ट्रांसड्यूसर उच्च आवृत्ति की ध्वनि तरंगें उत्पन्न करता है जो शरीर में प्रवेश करती हैं, ताकि एक स्क्रीन पर छवियां बनाई जा सके। इसे पेट के बाहर (ट्रांसएब्डोमिनल) या योनि के माध्यम से (ट्रांसवैजिनल) आकार्षित किया जा सकता है, जो अध्ययन की विशेष आवश्यकताओं पर निर्भर करता है। व्यापक समझ के लिए मराठी में IVF उपचार (IVF Treatment in Marathi) के बारे में और जानें।
गर्भावस्था में सोनोग्राफी के प्रकार: (Types of Sonography in Pregnancy)
1.            ट्रांसएब्डोमिनल सोनोग्राफी: इस विधि में उल्ट्रासाउंड प्रोब को पेट पर रखकर गर्भाशय और भ्रूण को दृश्य बनाया जाता है। यह अव्यावर्तन, भ्रूण के विकास का मूल्यांकन, और गर्भावस्था की पुष्टि के लिए अक्सर उपयोग किया जाता है।
2.            ट्रांसवैजिनल सोनोग्राफी (टीवीएस): टीवीएस योनि में उल्ट्रासाउंड प्रोब डालकर स्पष्ट छवियां प्रदान करता है। यह गर्भावस्था के प्रारंभिक चरणों में गर्भावस्था, भ्रूण की ध्वनि निदान, और भ्रूण के विकास जैसे मुद्दों में व्यापक अन्वेषण प्रदान करता है।
गर्भावस्था में सोनोग्राफी के लाभ:  (Benefits of Sonography in Pregnancy)
सोनोग्राफी गर्भावस्था के दौरान विभिन्न उद्देश्यों के लिए सेवारत है:
•             गर्भावस्था की पुष्टि और गर्भावस्था की आयु का अनुमान लगाना।
•             भ्रूण क�� स्थिति, विकास, और विकास का ट्रैकिंग करना।
•             एकाधिक गर्भावस्था या असामान्यताओं का पता लगाना।
•             मातृ जनन अंगों और सर्वीक्षण स्वास्थ्य का मूल्यांकन करना।
•             गर्भपात या बाह्य गर्भावस्था जैसी बीमारियों का निदान करना।
•             अम्निओसेंटेसिस या भ्रूण सर्जरी जैसे चिकित्सा हस्तक्षेपों का मार्गदर्शन करना।
सुरक्षित गर्भावस्था में सोनोग्राफी की भूमिका:  (Role of Sonography in Ensuring Safe Pregnancy)
सोनोग्राफी प्रीतिलय देखभाल में महत्वपूर्ण है क्योंकि इससे मां और अजन्म शिशु का स्वास्थ्य निश्चित होता है। प्रसूतिशास्त्री और महिला रोग विशेषज्ञ इसे अच्छी गुणवत्ता और गैर-संवादनशील प्रकृति के लिए एक नैदानिक साधन के रूप में पसंद करते हैं। नवी मुंबई के सर्वोत्तम आईवीएफ केंद्रों में नियमित सोनोग्राफिक मूल्यांकन संभावित जटिलताओं की शुरुआती पहचान को सुनिश्चित करता है, जो समय पर हस्तक्षेपों और व्यक्तिगत देखभाल को सुनिश्चित करता है।
नवी मुंबई के सर्वोत्तम आईवीएफ केंद्र में सोनोग्राफी: (Sonography at the Best IVF Centre in Navi Mumbai)
नवी मुंबई के सर्वोत्तम आईवीएफ केंद्रों, जैसे कि यशोदा आईवीएफ फर्टिलिटी सेंटर, विस्तृत प्रीतिलय देखभाल को प्राथमिकता देते हैं, समेत सोनोग्राफी का। उनके पास उन्नत उपकरण और अनुभवी सोनोग्राफर होते हैं, जो गर्भावस्था के दौरान सटीक मूल्यांकन और विस्तृत मूल्यांकन सुनिश्चित करते हैं। सोनोग्राफी को उनकी सेवाओं में शामिल करके, ये केंद्र गर्भवती माता-पिता को अभूतपूर्व समर्थन और आत्मविश्वास प्रदान करते हैं, जिससे एक सकारात्मक गर्भावस्था अनुभव हो सके।
सोनोग्राफी की सुरक्षा और प्रभावकारिता: (Safety and Effectiveness of Sonography)
सोनोग्राफी को मां और भ्रूण दोनों के लिए सुरक्षित माना जाता है, जब यह प्रशिक्षित पेशेवरों द्वारा किया जाता है। इसकी क्षमता वास्तविक समय में छवियों और नैदानिक सटीकता प्रदान करने में योगदान करती है, जिससे गर्भावस्था की देखभाल में इसका व्यापक उपयोग होता है। इसके अतिरिक्त, सोनोग्राफी की विविधता व्यक्तिगत रोगी की आवश्यकताओं पर ध्यान केंद्रित अनुमान करने की अनुमति देती है, चिकित्सा हस्तक्षेपों की प्रभावीता को बढ़ाती है और श्रेष्ठ गर्भावस्था परिणामों को प्रोत्साहित करती है।
निष्कर्ष: (Conclusion)
सोनोग्राफी, प्रीतिलय देखभाल का एक आधारशिला, गर्भावस्था और भ्रूण विकास के अनमोल अन्दाज़ प्रदान करती है। इसकी गैर-संवादनशील प्रकृति, साथ ही उन्नत छवि क्षमताओं के साथ, मातृ और भ्रूण स्वास्थ्य की निगरानी के लिए यह एक अनिवार्य उपकरण बनाती है। नवी मुंबई के सर्वोत्तम आईवीएफ केंद्रों (Best IVF Centre in Navi Mumbai) में, सोनोग्राफी सुरक्षित गर्भावस्था सुनिश्चित करने और अज्ञात माता-पिता को ज्ञान और आत्मविश्वास प्रदान करने में एक महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाती है। जैसे ही प्रौद्योगिकी विकसित होती है, सोनोग्राफी स्वस्थ प्रसूतिशास्त्र और मातृपूर्णता की यात्रा में एक स्थायी साथी बनी रहती है।
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wecareivfsurrogacy · 7 days ago
Fibroid Removal Surgery in India
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Fibroids, or uterine leiomyomas, are non-cancerous growths in the uterus that can cause various symptoms, including heavy menstrual bleeding, pelvic pain, and infertility. Women who experience these symptoms or who have large fibroids often seek treatment to alleviate discomfort and improve their chances of conception. One of the most effective treatments is fibroid removal surgery, which can be performed in different ways, depending on the size, location, and number of fibroids present.
India has become a leading destination for fibroid removal surgery, offering high-quality care at affordable costs. Many patients from around the world travel to India to benefit from the expertise of skilled surgeons and the advanced medical technology available in the country.
Types of Fibroid Removal Surgery
There are several types of fibroid removal surgeries performed in India, including:
Myomectomy: This is the surgical removal of fibroids while preserving the uterus. It can be performed via different approaches:
Abdominal Myomectomy: The fibroids are removed through an incision in the abdomen.
Laparoscopic Myomectomy: A minimally invasive procedure, also known as keyhole surgery, where the fibroids are removed through small incisions.
Hysteroscopic Myomectomy: Used for fibroids inside the uterine cavity, this procedure is performed through the cervix with a thin, lighted tube.
Hysterectomy: In cases where the fibroids are severe or when the patient no longer desires fertility, a hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) may be recommended.
Why Choose India for Fibroid Removal Surgery?
Affordable Cost: Fibroid removal surgery in India is significantly less expensive than in many Western countries. The cost can be up to 60-70% lower, without compromising on the quality of care.
Experienced Surgeons: India has a large number of highly trained and experienced gynecologists and surgeons specializing in fibroid treatment. Many of them have received training in renowned medical institutions worldwide.
State-of-the-Art Facilities: Indian hospitals and clinics offering fibroid removal surgery are equipped with modern technology, ensuring safe and effective procedures. Many of these hospitals maintain international accreditation, ensuring high standards of care.
Medical Tourism: India is a top destination for medical tourism, with patients from around the world choosing to undergo treatments, including fibroid removal surgery, at world-class hospitals in cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, and Chennai.
Recovery and Aftercare
Recovery time after fibroid removal surgery depends on the type of surgery performed. After a laparoscopic myomectomy, patients may return to normal activities in about 1-2 weeks. For an abdominal myomectomy, recovery can take 4-6 weeks. Post-surgery, patients will be monitored for any complications, and follow-up visits will be scheduled to ensure proper healing.
Patients should avoid heavy physical activities and sexual intercourse for a few weeks after surgery to allow the uterus to heal. A balanced diet and adequate hydration are also important for a smooth recovery.
Fibroid removal surgery in India offers an excellent solution for women who are suffering from fibroids and seeking effective treatment. With affordable costs, skilled professionals, and top-notch medical facilities, India is an ideal destination for those looking to undergo fibroid surgery. If you are considering fibroid removal surgery, consulting with a qualified surgeon can help determine the best course of action for your health and well-being.
For more information on fibroid removal surgery in India, you can visit IVF Surrogacy.
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Top 10 IVF Doctors In India – Best IVF Doctor In India
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Originally posted on: https://worldfertilityservices.com/blog/top-10-ivf-doctors-in-india/ 
Adduce the top 10 IVF doctors in India in this article in our honor, India is a hub of certain most renowned IVF doctors who are capable of serving the finest fertility treatment to infertility couples or individuals as well. India fertility clinics offer advanced fertility treatments. In the further headings or paragraphs, we have discussed the best 10 IVF doctors in India and how you consult with them before IVF treatment. 
On the other hand, we’ll also evaluate the other essential points that make it more interesting. IVF stands for In Vitro Fertilization treatment in which doctors treat the sterile patient very convenient way, IVF specialists always sharp during the laboratory procedures for conceiving a baby. Let’s take a survey of the whole article to consider all the necessary keys to clarify doubts.
Top 10 IVF Doctors In India – Which IVF Clinic Has The Highest Success Rate In India?
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Here, we are going to disclose the list of the top 10 IVF doctors in India who are highly educated or experienced in the medical world. India is home town to several esteemed IVF specialists who are renowned for their contribution or specialization to reproductive medicine. 
In the adherent sentences, we have shared the list of the top 10 doctors in India to get rid of infertility issues that happened due to bad habits or genetic disorders disease. Let’s without wasting precious time let’s conduct them.
Dr. Firuza Parikh – Mumbai, India
The famous IVF hospital is known as Jaslok Hospital in which Dr. Firuza Parikh is a director of IVF and has over 30 years of experience to do fertility treatment to conceive a baby in the initial stage. She has been also a professor at Yale University School of Medicine. Any infertility couple can go to Mumbai for their sterile solution through her expertise.
Dr. Indira Hinduja – Mumbai, India IVF Specialist
Dr. Indira Hinduja is a pioneer in infertility treatment, She is the only one credited with India’s first test-tube baby during her 45 years of experience in the medical world. She can get better outcomes in the initial stage of the IVF treatment. You may also book an appointment with her, and consult your infertility issues to rectify the way of conceiving a baby.
Dr. Mona Dahiya – Delhi, India
For infertility remedies, Dr. Mona Dahiya is a perfect choice just because she has done over 10,000 IVF treatments for that reason she is recognized for her expertise in fertility, IUI, and ICSI treatment. Along with it, has over 100 publications in international, and national journals. Without any dilemma, you may visit her Clinic, and consult for further process to continue IVF treatment.
Dr. Kamini Rao – Bengaluru, India
She is also one of the best IVF doctors who are founder, and medical director of Milann which is known as the top fertility center in Bengaluru, India. Dr. Rao is renowned for her robust contributions to reproductive medicine, and she received several awards for her excellence in fertility successful treatments. You have many choices to pick one reliable or relevant IVF doctor from the mentioned list.
Dr. Pratima Grover – Hyderabad, India
For female fertility treatment, Dr. Pratima Grover is renowned for her expertise. In the manner of this, she is also providing a consultant gynecologist at Sai Kiran Hospital which is located in Hyderabad. Along with it, she spreading her fertility knowledge across India as a top consultation for infertility treatment. Delving deep into ovarian stimulation, follicular monitoring, Oocyte donor, and gestational all of them is done by her. She is deeply passionate about doing her work to provide redemption for sterile couples.
Dr. Neha Gupta – Delhi, India
Dr. Neha Gupta is a senior IVF specialist who has enough experience in the medical world especially for fertility treatments. In Contrast, she is a top consultant for correcting infertility couples who go the wrong path. If we take a closer look at her achievements, then she got an M.B.B.S, and a diploma in Assisted Reproductive Technology Act 2021 or completing her IVF training. Besides this, you can consult or hire her for their infertility with the best nature or politeness doctor behavior. As per previous records or treatments, maybe no more doctor provides better care throughout the fertility treatment.
Dr. Rita Bakshi – Delhi, India
Nowadays, she is at the peak of the hills just because when you hear her achievements, for instance, she is the founder, and chairperson of the International Fertility Society which is known as the oldest fertility clinic in Delhi, India that offers comprehensive IVF services to infertile couples or individuals. Dr. Rita Bakshi is especially dedicated to fertility and women’s health and holds a diploma. IVF, IUI, ICSI, and surrogacy treatments are included in her specialty list. Dr, Rita Bakshi always tries to decrease the straining of infertility from the head of patients. If you’re enthusiastic about relieving your sterile issues, then you must go for a consultation with her.
Dr. Sandeep Mane – Mumbai, India
Now, we bring a male IVF fertility doctor to the list of the top 10 IVF doctors in India. He is known as a master of IVF, and several different fertility concern treatments. He has a well-known nature and knows a decent way of giving the most appropriate or correct IVF courses to juniors. Let’s take a closer look at his IVF success rate is about 60% or he always tries to enhance it day-by-day. He completed his M.B.B.S from Mumbai University, and he has 27 years of experience.
Dr. Raajam Murali – Bangalore, India
Dr. Raajam Murali is a leading female doctor who performs as an infertility specialist with decades of experience. She and her MoMSoon team have helped thousands of infertile couples get babies through assisted reproduction. She is a highly recommended IVF doctor in India. Dr. Raajam frequently receives invitations to speak as a guest speaker and actively participates in conferences and meetings organized by national and international organizations. She is in charge of standardizing the newest cutting-edge technology provided by MOMSOON and keeps herself informed about the most recent advancements in the area.
Dr. J. Kavya – Chennai, India
Dr. J. Kavya has ten years of expertise as a fellow in reproductive medicine and an infertility consultant. She received her training at the esteemed Bangalore Medical College in the fields of obstetrics and gynecology. She has also had substantial training in embryology, gynecological and obstetric ultrasound, and laphysteroscopic surgery. Her ability to speak five languages helps patients feel more at ease and confident enough to talk about their issues. Her responsibilities will include prenatal care, hysterolaproscopic surgery, egg retrieval, embryo transfers, and patient counseling.
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What Is The IVF Treatment In India Cost? – IVF Package Cost
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The clinic, the patient’s location, and their particular medical requirements all affect how much IVF treatment costs in India. A single IVF cycle typically costs between ₹1,20,000 and ₹2,50,000. Consultations, hormonal drugs, egg harvesting, fertilization, and embryo transfer are usually included in this. 
The utilization of donor eggs or sperm, Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI), or Preimplantation Genetic Testing (PGT) could raise the total cost by ₹50,000 to ₹1,00,000. For patients who might need several tries, some clinics provide packages that cover several cycles, which can be more affordable.
Can I Get Free IVF Treatment In India? – Get Subsidise IVF Treatment
Yes, under some programs, free IVF therapy is offered in several government facilities in India. For instance, as part of a groundbreaking government initiative, Goa Medical College and Hospital (GMCH) provides free IVF treatment to qualified couples. Through this program, couples from low-income backgrounds who might not otherwise be able to pay for private clinic services will be able to access cutting-edge fertility treatments.
Some state-run hospitals and public healthcare institutions may provide subsidized IVF procedures as part of larger reproductive health programs, even if free IVF therapy is not currently a national program. For information about qualifying requirements and the application procedure, couples interested in free or subsidized IVF may speak with local health offices or government institutions.
Which IVF Clinic Is The Best In India For Fertility Treatment?
One of the top IVF clinics in India, World Fertility Services is well-known for its cutting-edge technology, excellent success rates, and patient-centered philosophy. The Delhi-based clinic serves both local and foreign clients by providing a wide range of assisted reproductive technologies, such as IVF, ICSI, IUI, egg donation, surrogacy, and more. 
Experienced embryologists, fertility specialists, and support personnel work in the clinic, offering individualized care to meet each patient’s specific needs. In addition, World Fertility Services is renowned for its clear pricing, reasonably priced treatment packages, and financial aid options such as EMI plans. 
To guarantee the greatest results, the clinic adheres to worldwide medical standards and uses cutting-edge equipment. It is a popular option for couples looking for infertility solutions in India because of its dedication to moral behavior and patient satisfaction.
Which Month Is Best For IVF In India? – Which Season Is Best For IVF Treatment
Instead of any medical reason the best month for IVF procedures in India often depends on individual circumstances. Eventually, there is no specific month or season for fertility treatment it depends on the patient’s health condition or financial aspects. In resisting some infertility couples prefer the cooler months such as October to February, because the weather is pleasant especially, for those infertility couples who travel from hotter or more humid regions. However, all these things are based on the couple’s readiness, emotionally, physically, and financially. On the other hand, as well as the fertility clinic’s recommendations.
What Is The Age Limit For IVF Treatment? – Age Limit For  Fertility Treatment
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Although the age limit for IVF treatment varies by nation and clinic, women up to 50 are typically regarded as suitable for IVF as long as they fulfill certain health requirements. 
The Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) Regulation Act, 2021 in India sets a 50-year-old age limit for women having IVF and a 55-year-old age limit for males. However, as IVF success rates drastically decrease with age due to decreased egg quality and quantity, many clinics advise beginning treatment before the age of 45.
Clinics frequently recommend donor eggs for women over 40 to increase success rates. Before beginning IVF, it is essential to have comprehensive medical evaluations to determine general health and fertility potential.
How To Make IVF Successful The First Time? – Easy To Make Easier IVF Treatment
It’s crucial to adhere to a thorough strategy that covers medical, lifestyle, and emotional preparation to improve the likelihood of IVF success on the first try. Selecting a trustworthy fertility clinic with knowledgeable staff and excellent success rates should be your first step. To ensure the best course of action for your unique needs, undergo comprehensive fertility evaluations to customize the treatment strategy.
It’s critical to keep up a healthy lifestyle; prioritize stress reduction, regular exercise, a balanced diet, and enough sleep. Steer clear of smoking, binge drinking, and caffeine as they can have a detrimental effect on fertility. For the best egg production and uterine health, it is essential to take drugs and hormonal therapies as prescribed by the doctor.
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Which Part Of IVF Is Painful? – Why IVF Treatment Is Painful?
Even while the majority of the IVF procedure is quite easy to handle, some people may have mild to moderate pain or discomfort during some phases. The following are the main phases where discomfort or pain may be felt:
The stimulation of the ovaries
The ovaries are stimulated to create more than one egg with hormonal injections. Due to ovarian enlargement, some women may experience lower abdominal pain, cramps, or bloating during this time.
Recovery of Eggs
Usually carried out under sedation or anesthesia, the procedure entails taking eggs from the ovaries using a tiny needle. Although the surgery is mostly painless, there may be some moderate discomfort or spotting afterward.
Embryo Transfer
This is a painless step, but in some cases, women might feel slight discomfort cause of the speculum or the catheter used to place the embryo into the vagina.
Which Tablet Is Best For Conceiving? – Intake Relevant Tablets In IVF Treatment
The underlying reason for infertility and the patient’s health state determine which pill is best for conceiving. Letrozole (Femara) and Clomiphene Citrate (Clomid) are often given fertility drugs that induce ovulation in women with ovulatory problems or irregular cycles. These drugs increase the likelihood of conception by assisting the ovaries in producing and releasing eggs.
Metformin may be suggested for women with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) to enhance insulin sensitivity and control menstrual periods. Additionally, folic acid supplements are frequently recommended to avoid neural tube abnormalities in the early stages of pregnancy and to enhance general reproductive health.
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What Can I Drink To Conceive Faster For Recovery? – Let’s Recover In IVF Treatment
Including fertility-friendly beverages in your regimen can help promote conception and recuperation after fertility treatments. Water is necessary to stay hydrated and enhance the quality of cervical mucus, both of which are critical for fertilization and sperm motility. Green tea may increase overall fertility by enhancing egg health, while herbal teas, such as red raspberry leaf tea, are high in antioxidants and can help tone the uterus.
Reproductive health can be improved by consuming freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices, particularly those that are high in folate (such as orange or spinach juice). Smoothies that contain fertility-promoting foods, such as almonds, avocados, and berries, are high in nutrients and promote hormonal equilibrium. Since vitamin D is important for reproductive health, milk or almond milk supplemented with it is also advantageous.
Is Surrogacy Different From IVF Treatment In India? – Differentiate Between IVF & Surrogacy
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In terms of assisted reproductive technologies, surrogacy and IVF treatment are distinct, but they are closely related. To create a pregnancy, IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) entails fertilizing an egg with sperm in a lab and then putting the resulting embryo into the uterus of the intended mother. Helping the intended parents conceive and carry their child themselves is the main goal of IVF.
However, in surrogacy, a different woman—referred to as the surrogate—bears and delivers a child for the intended parents. IVF is typically used in surrogacy to produce the embryo, which is subsequently placed in the surrogate’s uterus. When a medical condition, such as uterine abnormalities, prevents the intended mother from carrying a pregnancy, surrogacy is usually the solution.
Final Words – Top 10 IVF Doctors In India
In the determination of the top 10 IVF doctors in India that will assist infertility couples or individuals. In this content, you may get all the essential information about fertility treatment or get familiar with its components. Let’s recognize the best doctors who are renowned or known for their expertise. 
Albeit, we would like to advise you the top IVF doctor, for instance, Dr. Rita Bakshi who is an expert in fertility expertise or a huge knowledge to enhance the success rate or get positive outcomes in India. www.worldfertilityservices.com is one of the websites where you can find more interesting articles related to fertility or other medical treatments that will help to become a parent whether you’re suffering from infertility.
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specialist-in-lucknow · 15 days ago
best gynecologist in Lucknow indira nagar
"Dr. Ishita Priyam Singh is a Consultant in Obstetrics and Gynaecology at Max Super Speciality Hospital, Lucknow having 10+ years of experience in High-risk pregnancy and endoscopic gynecologic surgeries. BECAme from one of the best B- Schools of India i-CEAT & Chikitsa Mumbai, she routinely performs painless deliveries, and laparoscopic surgeries including hysterectomy for fibroid tumors in ladies & Gynecology cancer surgeries. Her practice offers the facilities of modern maternity care, introducing LDR suites, hysteroscopy and infertility treatments including ovulation induction and IUI. Dr. Ishita ensures that all her patients receive professional care through a sensitive procedure. Best Gynaecologist in Lucknow, Infertility Specialist."
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draditigodbolegyn · 23 days ago
Is This the Best Gynecologist in Thane for Your Women’s Health Needs?
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Gynecologist in Thane: Your Trusted Partner for Women’s Health
When it comes to women’s health, finding a reliable and experienced gynecologist is essential. If you’re searching for a gynecologist in Thane, Dr. Aditi Godbole is a name that stands out. With her extensive expertise in gynecological care, she offers solutions tailored to every stage of a woman’s life, from adolescence to post-menopause. Her approach is centered on personalized care, ensuring patients feel comfortable, informed, and confident about their health.
Dr. Godbole specializes in a variety of gynecological services, including routine check-ups, high-risk pregnancy care, menstrual disorders, infertility consultations, and preventive care. Whether you are seeking advice on contraception, treatment for PCOS, or support during pregnancy, Dr. Aditi Godbole’s clinic in Thane East provides the ideal setting for compassionate and expert care.
What Does Dr. Aditi Godbole Suggest for Precautions as a Gynecologist in Thane?
Dr. Aditi Godbole emphasizes the importance of proactive health measures for women at all stages of life. Below are some of her key recommendations:
1. Regular Health Screenings
Routine check-ups are crucial. Women should schedule annual gynecological exams, Pap smears, and breast screenings to detect any issues early and ensure long-term well-being.
2. Balanced Diet and Exercise
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is a cornerstone of gynecological health. Dr. Godbole advises incorporating a nutrient-rich diet and regular physical activity into daily routines. This not only helps manage weight but also reduces the risk of hormonal imbalances and reproductive health issues.
3. Menstrual Hygiene
Practicing good menstrual hygiene is essential for preventing infections and discomfort. Dr. Godbole encourages the use of clean and appropriate sanitary products, timely changing of pads or tampons, and seeking medical advice if any irregularities occur.
4. Pregnancy Precautions
For expectant mothers, Dr. Godbole provides comprehensive prenatal care. She recommends regular visits, balanced nutrition, and avoiding stressors to ensure a smooth and safe pregnancy journey.
5. Stress Management
Stress can impact hormonal balance, leading to various gynecological issues. Techniques like yoga, meditation, and other relaxation methods are often suggested by Dr. Godbole to help manage stress effectively.
Clinic Location and Easy Accessibility
Dr. Aditi Godbole’s clinic is conveniently located at: Ground Floor, Gaala No. 15, Sai Tirth Towers, Station Rd, Sidharth Nagar, Kopri, Thane East, Thane, Maharashtra 400603.
Patients can reach the clinic effortlessly:
By Western Line: Travelers from the western suburbs can switch to the Central Line at Dadar or Kurla, and reach Thane station conveniently. From Thane station, it’s just a short walk to the clinic.
By Central Line: The clinic is a 5-minute walk from Thane station, making it easily accessible for residents across the Central Line.
For Patients Outside Mumbai: Outstation patients can take a train to Thane station, which is well-connected to various cities. For those traveling by road, the clinic is easily accessible via Eastern Express Highway.
This prime location, combined with Dr. Godbole’s compassionate approach, ensures a seamless experience for patients seeking top-notch gynecological care.
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drarohitasgaonkar · 26 days ago
Best Gynaecologist in Thane for Women’s Health
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Finding a trusted gynecologist is vital for women seeking expert care for their health needs. Thane is home to many experienced professionals specializing in comprehensive care, including prenatal and postnatal support, menstrual disorder treatments, hormonal balance, and preventive care.
The best gynaecologist in Thane ensures not only accurate diagnosis but also patient comfort and understanding. From managing high-risk pregnancies to infertility treatments and routine check-ups, these experts offer personalized solutions tailored to individual needs. Equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and advanced diagnostic tools, top gynecologists in Thane provide exceptional care.
Many specialists focus on minimally invasive surgeries, such as laparoscopic procedures, for conditions like fibroids, ovarian cysts, and endometriosis. Choosing the right gynecologist combines medical expertise, advanced technology, and a compassionate approach to maintain overall reproductive health and wellness. Consult a professional with excellent reviews and recommendations to ensure optimal outcomes.
Stages of Care with the Best Gynaecologist in Thane
Consultation and Diagnosis
A detailed consultation helps understand medical history, symptoms, and concerns. Diagnostic tests may be suggested for accurate evaluation.
Treatment Planning
Personalized treatment plans include medications, lifestyle changes, or further interventions as needed.
Preventive Care and Screening
Routine check-ups, including pap smears, breast exams, and pelvic scans, ensure early detection of potential health issues.
Reproductive Health Management
Fertility treatments, contraception guidance, and managing menstrual disorders are key aspects of care.
Pregnancy and Postnatal Care
Comprehensive care from prenatal monitoring to safe delivery and postpartum recovery.
Surgical Interventions (If Needed)
Minimally invasive procedures like laparoscopic surgeries address fibroids, cysts, or endometriosis with precision.
Each stage focuses on ensuring optimal health outcomes under expert guidance.
Precautions by Dr. Arohi Tasgaonkar
Dr. Arohi Tasgaonkar, a leading gynecologist in Thane, emphasizes these precautions for maintaining optimal health:
Pre-Consultation Preparation: Keep a detailed record of medical history, including previous treatments and surgeries, to aid diagnosis and treatment planning.
Regular Health Screenings: Routine check-ups, including Pap smears and cervical cancer screenings, are crucial for early detection. For pregnancy care, regular monitoring is essential.
Healthy Lifestyle Choices: A balanced diet, moderate exercise, stress management, hydration, and adequate sleep are vital for reproductive health.
Timely Medical Attention: Address symptoms like irregular bleeding, abdominal pain, or discomfort promptly to prevent complications from conditions like PCOD, fibroids, or infections.
Post-Surgical Care: Follow aftercare instructions, including rest and prescribed medication, for quick recovery after minimally invasive procedures.
Clinic Location and Directions
Dr. Arohi Tasgaonkar’s clinic is located at Ghodbunder Road, Thane. For precise navigation, refer to this Google Maps link.
From Western Line:
Take a train to Borivali Station.
From Borivali, board a bus or cab towards Ghodbunder Road or use ride apps like Ola or Uber.
From Central Line:
Reach Thane Station.
From Thane Station, take a local bus or auto-rickshaw to Ghodbunder Road (20-30 minutes depending on traffic).
From Outside Mumbai:
Train: Long-distance trains frequently stop at Thane Station.
Flight: Land at Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj International Airport. From there, take a cab to Ghodbunder Road, which takes about 1-1.5 hours.
Check real-time travel options via Google Maps for updated routes. Consult Dr. Tasgaonkar for comprehensive gynecological care in Thane.
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thanawalamaternity · 1 month ago
Top IVF clinic in Navi Mumbai
A top IVF clinic requires advanced medical technology, experienced specialists, and a compassionate, patient-focused approach to address diverse infertility challenges. Comprehensive diagnostic tools, cutting-edge laboratory facilities, and personalized treatment plans are essential for optimizing success rates. A well-rounded clinic also prioritizes emotional support, ensuring couples feel guided throughout their fertility journey.
Thanawala Maternity Home & IVF Clinic in Navi Mumbai, embodies these principles, making it one of the best fertility centers in the region. Under the leadership of Dr. Uday, a highly experienced gynecologist and fertility expert with over 35 years of practice, the clinic offers advanced reproductive services, including IVF, IUI, and ICSI.
Dr. Thanawala’s expertise, combined with the clinic’s state-of-the-art technology, allows for precise diagnostics and tailored treatment plans, addressing both male and female infertility. With a strong
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medjournalhealthcare · 1 month ago
Comprehensive Guide to Follicle Study in Thane: Procedure, Benefits, and Cost
In the journey of fertility treatments, understanding the reproductive system is crucial. One essential diagnostic tool that aids this process is the Follicle Study Procedure in Thane. This non-invasive ultrasound scan is a key step in monitoring ovulation and follicle growth, ensuring the highest chances of success for those trying to conceive.
About Dr. Rita Modi
Dr. Rita Modi is a highly accomplished Consultant Infertility Specialist in Thane with over two decades of expertise in fertility care. Practicing across Thane and Mumbai, Dr. Modi offers a comprehensive range of infertility treatments, seamlessly integrating advanced Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART) with personalized counseling and time-tested conventional methods.
Her unwavering commitment to excellence and the use of innovative laboratory techniques have helped her achieve remarkable success rates. Renowned for her compassionate care, Dr. Modi has become a trusted name in fertility treatments, helping countless couples turn their dream of parenthood into reality.
What is a Follicular Study?
A follicular study is a specialized ultrasound procedure that monitors the growth and development of ovarian follicles. These follicles, small fluid-filled sacs in the ovaries, nurture the eggs as they mature. This diagnostic tool provides valuable insights into ovulation timing, enabling couples to effectively plan their conception journey.
How is a Follicular Study Done?
The procedure involves a series of transvaginal ultrasounds conducted over multiple days during the menstrual cycle. These scans measure follicle size and growth, ensuring proper ovulation timing. Performed at leading fertility clinics in Thane, the procedure is comfortable and conducted by experienced professionals who ensure precise and reliable results.
Importance of Follicular Study in Fertility Treatments
The follicular study is indispensable for women undergoing fertility treatments like IUI or IVF. It pinpoints the optimal time for fertilization and implantation, significantly enhancing the likelihood of conception.
Why is Follicular Monitoring Necessary?
Follicular monitoring serves several critical purposes, including:
Identifying the exact timing of ovulation.
Diagnosing ovulatory disorders.
Evaluating the effectiveness of fertility medications.
With the guidance of a skilled Follicle Monitoring Specialist in Thane, couples can achieve accurate ovulation tracking and improve their chances of successful conception.
Benefits of Follicle Study in Thane
Precise ovulation prediction for better planning.
Tailored fertility plans based on individual cycles.
High-quality scans conducted at top fertility clinics.
Support from the Best Gynecologist for Follicle Study in Thane for personalized care and guidance.
When Should a Follicular Scan Be Done?
A follicular scan typically begins on the 9th or 10th day of the menstrual cycle. The number and frequency of scans depend on the size of the follicles and how they respond to medications.
Ideal Follicle Size for Pregnancy
The optimal size for a mature follicle to ensure successful ovulation is between 18 to 25 mm. Monitoring follicular growth is critical, as it directly influences egg quality and the chances of conception.
Are There Any Side Effects of a Follicular Ultrasound Scan?
Follicular ultrasounds are safe, non-invasive, and well-tolerated. In rare cases, women may experience mild discomfort during the scan. At affordable follicular study clinics in Thane, expert gynecologists ensure a smooth and comfortable experience.
Cost of Follicular Study in Thane
The cost of a follicular study in Thane varies based on the number of scans required. Reputed clinics offer transparent pricing, providing high-quality services that are both affordable and reliable.
Why Choose Dr. Rita Modi for Fertility Care in Thane?
Dr. Rita Modi stands out as a leading IVF Specialist Doctor in thane, known for her advanced diagnostic techniques and compassionate care. With her patient-centric approach and expertise in fertility treatments, she provides hope and success to couples on their journey toward parenthood.
FAQs About Follicle Study
Q: What is the purpose of a follicle study? A: It helps in tracking ovulation and optimizing fertility treatments.
Q: How many scans are needed during a follicle study? A: Typically, 3–4 scans are performed during a cycle.
Q: Is the procedure painful? A: No, it is a painless and safe diagnostic method.
Q: Can I get the scan done locally? A: Yes, you can visit the Advanced Follicle Study Test in Thane for expert
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drneelima · 4 months ago
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maheshnadgir · 1 month ago
Comprehensive Guide to Follicle Study in Thane: Procedure, Benefits, and Cost
Understanding the reproductive system is fundamental to successful fertility treatments. One vital diagnostic tool in this process is the Follicle Study Procedure in Thane. This non-invasive ultrasound scan is designed to monitor ovulation and follicle growth, playing a crucial role in improving the chances of conception for couples trying to conceive.
About Dr. Rita Modi
Dr. Rita Modi is a distinguished Consultant Infertility Specialist  in Thane in Thane with over 20 years of experience in fertility care. Serving patients in both Thane and Mumbai, Dr. Modi offers comprehensive fertility solutions, combining advanced Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART) with tailored counseling and evidence-based conventional treatments.
Renowned for her expertise, Dr. Modi applies cutting-edge laboratory techniques and adheres to best practices to enhance success rates. Her compassionate approach and unwavering dedication have made her a trusted partner for countless couples in their journey toward parenthood.
What is a Follicular Study?
A follicular study is a specialized ultrasound test that tracks the growth and development of ovarian follicles. These small fluid-filled sacs house maturing eggs in the ovaries. By monitoring these follicles, the procedure provides crucial insights into ovulation timing, helping couples effectively plan their conception efforts.
How is a Follicular Study Performed?
The procedure involves a series of transvaginal ultrasound scans conducted over several days during the menstrual cycle. These scans measure the size and progression of follicles to ensure proper ovulation timing. At leading clinics in Thane, skilled professionals perform the procedure with precision, ensuring patient comfort and accurate results.
Importance of Follicular Study in Fertility Treatments
The follicular study is essential for women undergoing treatments like IUI or IVF. It helps determine the ideal time for fertilization and implantation, thereby increasing the likelihood of conception.
Why is Follicular Monitoring Necessary?
Follicular monitoring is instrumental in:
Pinpointing the exact timing of ovulation.
Diagnosing ovulation-related disorders.
Evaluating the efficacy of fertility medications.
Under the guidance of an experienced Follicular Monitoring Specialist in Thane, couples can optimize their conception plans and improve their chances of success.
Benefits of Follicle Study in Thane
Accurate prediction of ovulation timing.
Customized fertility plans tailored to individual cycles.
High-quality scans performed at top fertility clinics.
Personalized care from the Best Gynecologist for Follicle Study in Thane.
When Should a Follicular Scan Be Conducted?
A follicular scan typically begins on the 9th or 10th day of the menstrual cycle. The frequency and number of scans depend on the size of the follicles and their response to fertility medications.
Ideal Follicle Size for Pregnancy
The optimal size for a mature follicle is between 18 to 25 mm for successful ovulation. Monitoring follicle size is critical, as it directly impacts egg quality and the likelihood of conception.
Are There Any Side Effects of a Follicular Ultrasound Scan?
Follicular ultrasounds are safe, painless, and non-invasive. In rare cases, some women might experience mild discomfort during the scan. At reputable clinics in Thane offering affordable follicular studies, experienced gynecologists ensure a comfortable and hassle-free experience for every patient.
Cost of Follicular Study in Thane
The cost of a follicular study can vary based on the number of scans required during the treatment cycle. Leading clinics in Thane provide transparent pricing and high-quality services, ensuring affordability without compromising on care.
Why Choose Dr. Rita Modi for Fertility Treatments in Thane?
Dr. Rita Modi is a leading  IVF Specialist Doctor in thane, renowned for her advanced diagnostic techniques and patient-focused approach. With a strong commitment to compassionate care and personalized treatment plans, Dr. Modi helps couples navigate their fertility journey with confidence and success.
FAQs About Follicle Study
Q: What is the purpose of a follicle study?A: It helps in tracking ovulation and optimizing fertility treatments.
Q: How many scans are needed during a follicle study?A: Typically, 3-4 scans are performed during a cycle.
Q: Is the procedure painful?A: No, it is a painless and safe diagnostic method.
Q: Can I get the scan done locally?A: Yes, you can visit the Advanced Follicle Study Test in Thane for expert care.
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Uterine Fibroids Surgery India - Best Hospital For Fibroid Surgery In India
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India's sophisticated medical facilities, highly qualified surgeons, and affordable treatment alternatives make uterine fibroid surgery a highly sought-after medical operation. The purpose of the procedure is to remove uterine fibroids, which are non-cancerous growths that can result in infertility, pelvic pain, and excessive monthly bleeding. India provides a range of surgical treatments, such as hysterectomy, which involves removing the uterus entirely in extreme situations, and myomectomy, which maintains the uterus. 
Modern technology and skilled gynecologists specializing in minimally invasive procedures like robotic or laparoscopic surgery are features of top hospitals in places like Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, and Chennai. These procedures guarantee a quicker recovery and fewer complications. 
Depending on the treatment type, hospital, and location, uterine fibroid surgery in India usually costs between INR 60,000 and INR 1,50,000. India is a popular destination for foreign patients due to its excellent medical treatment, reasonable costs, and extensive post-surgery assistance.
What Are The Ways Of Uterine Fibroid Removal Surgery Cost In India?
The type of surgery, the facility, the city, and the patient's health status are some variables that affect the cost of uterine fibroids removal surgery in India. The two main surgical treatments are a hysterectomy, which removes the uterus entirely in more severe cases, and a myomectomy, which removes fibroids while leaving the uterus intact. 
Open surgery, laparoscopic (minimally invasive), or robotic-assisted techniques can all be used to execute the treatment; however, because of the complex technology involved, laparoscopic and robotic approaches are typically more costly. In India, uterine fibroid ectomy surgery normally costs between INR 60,000 and INR 2,50,000. Diagnostic testing, prescription drugs, hospital stays, and post-operative care could all incur additional expenses. Patients can choose smaller cities with reduced healthcare expenditures or look at government facilities, which sometimes provide subsidized rates, to cut costs. 
To make the therapy more accessible, several institutions additionally offer health insurance coverage and EMI options. India is a popular location for fibroid removal surgery because it offers affordable packages that cover operation, lodging, and travel help to patients from outside.
Which Is The Best Hospital For Fibroid Surgery In India?
India is a leading destination for Fibroid surgery and several top Hospitals are included, for instance, AIIMS Hospital comes as an initial choice or recommendation for fertility issues. It is a renowned place to ensure positive outcomes that give relaxation to infertility patients. 
You may consult your infertility issues with AIIMS IVF specialists who suggest or vision you a correct fertility treatment as per your condition. This fertility Hospital always offers tailored IVF treatment plans to keep all infertility patients the same. For both domestic and foreign patients, these facilities provide individualized treatment programs, cost-effective packages, and support services. 
To meet specific needs, patients benefit from interdisciplinary teams of anesthesiologists, surgeons, and fertility specialists. While money, location, and surgeon experience all play a role in selecting the best hospital, India's best medical centers guarantee top-notch uterine fibroid surgery care.
Can A 7 cm Fibroid Be Removed Laparoscopically?
Yes, a 7 cm fibroid can usually be removed laparoscopically, particularly if it is easily accessible or situated in the uterus' outer layers (subserosal fibroids). Using a camera and specialized tools, a surgeon can remove fibroids through tiny incisions during a laparoscopic myomectomy, a minimally invasive surgical procedure. Compared to open surgery, this technique is recommended because it has fewer incisions, less blood loss, quicker healing, and shorter hospital stays.
However, the size, location, and number of the fibroid, as well as the patient's general health, all affect how feasible it is to remove a 7 cm tumor laparoscopically. The technique may occasionally be changed to an open surgery if the fibroid is excessively big, deeply entrenched in the uterine wall, or if problems occur during the process. It is crucial to speak with a skilled gynecologist who can evaluate your unique circumstances and choose the best surgical strategy.
How Much Does Uterine Fibroid Removal Cost? - Uterine Fibroid Cost In India
Depending on the surgery type, hospital, region, and specific patient requirements, the cost of uterine fibroid ectomy might vary significantly. The typical price in India is between INR 60,000 and INR 2,50,000. The type of operation (myomectomy, which removes fibroids while leaving the uterus intact) or hysterectomy, which removes the uterus, as well as the surgical technique (open surgery, laparoscopic, or robotic-assisted), have a big influence on the cost. Despite being less intrusive, laparoscopic and robotic procedures are usually more costly because they require sophisticated tools and technology.
Diagnostic testing, prescription drugs, hospital stays, and aftercare may incur additional expenses. Fibroid removal operations are frequently covered by insurance policies, however, patients should confirm the exact details of their policy. To make the surgery more inexpensive, several clinics and hospitals now provide EMI options. To comprehend the charges and obtain individualized treatment advice, speaking with a trained professional at a respectable hospital is essential.
How To Remove Fibroid Without Surgery? - Fibroid Removal Step With Surgery
Fibroids can sometimes be treated without surgery using various non-invasive or minimally invasive methods, depending on their size, location, and symptoms. One option is medication, such as Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone (GnRH) agonists, which shrink fibroids by reducing estrogen levels, though this is usually a temporary solution. Hormonal birth control can also help manage symptoms like heavy bleeding, but it doesn't reduce fibroid size.
Uterine Fibroid Embolization (UFE), a minimally invasive technique that involves injecting tiny particles into the blood vessels supplying the fibroid to cut off its blood supply and cause it to shrink, is another successful non-surgical strategy. Another non-invasive procedure that uses high-intensity ultrasound waves to kill fibroid tissue is MRI-guided focused ultrasound.
Which Is More Painful, Myomectomy Or C-Section?
Depending on the patient, the surgical method, and the scope of the treatment, the degree of discomfort following a myomectomy or C-section can differ. Although both surgeries are generally regarded as significant operations, their goals and levels of difficulty vary.
A C-section entails making an incision in the abdomen and uterus to deliver the baby. The combined burden of recovering from surgery and tending to a newborn might make recovery difficult. Medication is normally used to alleviate pain, but the recuperation time usually lasts six to eight weeks.
In contrast, uterine fibroids are removed during a myomectomy, leaving the uterus intact for future conception or symptom alleviation. The recovery and agony are similar to those of a C-section if open surgery is used. However, smaller incisions are typically made during laparoscopic or robotic-assisted myomectomy, which means less pain and a quicker recovery—typically within two to four weeks.
Because laparoscopic myomectomy is less intrusive than open myomectomy or C-sections, it is generally less uncomfortable. For individualized pain treatment and recovery advice based on their unique situation, patients should speak with their physician.
What Is The Newest Way To Remove Fibroid?
The newest and most advanced method for removing fibroids is MR-guided Focused Ultrasound Surgery (MRgFUS). This non-invasive treatment uses high-intensity ultrasound waves to target and destroy fibroid tissue while preserving the surrounding healthy uterine tissue. The procedure is performed under the guidance of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), which provides precise visualization of the fibroids and ensures accurate delivery of ultrasound energy. 
MRgFUS does not require any incisions, making it a safe and effective option with minimal downtime. Patients typically resume normal activities within a day or two. It is most suitable for women with symptomatic fibroids who wish to avoid surgery and maintain their fertility. 
Other innovative approaches include Uterine Fibroid Embolization (UFE), a minimally invasive technique that cuts off the fibroid's blood supply, causing it to shrink, and robotic-assisted laparoscopic surgery, which provides high precision and quicker recovery.
How Many Hours Does Fibroid Surgery Take?
The duration of fibroid surgery depends on the type of procedure performed, the number and size of fibroids, and their location. On average, a myomectomy (surgical removal of fibroids while preserving the uterus) can take anywhere from 1 to 4 hours. 
Minimally invasive procedures, such as laparoscopic or robotic-assisted myomectomy, typically take about 2 to 3 hours, as they involve smaller incisions and advanced techniques. Open surgery, or abdominal myomectomy, may take longer, especially if there are multiple or large fibroids.
Do You Bleed After Fibroid Surgery? - Causes After Uterine Fibroid Surgery IN India
Eventually, after the complete uterine surgery in India, the patient might stay tight or feel narrow around themself during the time of bed rest. During the manner of the surgery period, the patient can feel bleeding from the vaginal part, sometimes she can feel a certain discharge for 1 to 2 weeks after surgery. On the other side, patients shouldn’t try or do strenuous, exercise, lifting, and lifting heavy substances at home. After 6 weeks patient will come to the normal position or can perform all the activities that they do in their daily life. You may also consult with your doctor to get the right prescription for treatment to get back in the fast form. If you want to recover from your disease, then you must take complete rest for fast recovery.
What Are The Main Cause Of Uterine Fibroid? - Uterine Fibroids Surgery India
Infested couples or individuals can be facilely under the uterine fibroid, the main cause of fibroid indicates a summary in which several fibroids contain changes in genes that are different from those such as muscle cells, and hormones. While delving into the deep research two hormones known as estrogen, and progesterone cause the tissues the line the inside of the uterus during the period time for pregnancy. These kinds of hormones also assist in growing fibroids.
Final Words - Uterine Fibroids Surgery In India
In the declaration of uterine fibroid Surgery in India, we are glad to disclose all essential points that will assist you in achieving a better outcome during uterine fibroid surgery in India. We also mentioned the best Hospitals at affordable prices for lower-class infertility women or individuals.  You must consider all the things in the upper case of content to clarify all important significant keys. On the other hand, you can also read more articles on our official website, for instance, www.worldfertilityservices.com where you can search for the latest or interesting blogs every day. We hope that you understand all the things that we have discussed in the whole article. You can also share your thoughts or blogs to engage the audience to increase knowledge in the medical world.
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drasmitadongare · 2 months ago
Best Gynecologist in Wakad: Dr. Asmita Dongare
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Are you experiencing gynecological issues? Are You Searching for the best gynecologist in Wakad or the surrounding area? If you’ve been Googling “best gynecologist in Wakad” or “best gynecologist near me,” you’ve come to the right place. Dr. Asmita Dongare is a renowned gynecologist in Wakad, who is known for her exceptional skills, experience, and compassionate approach towards her patients. She has been providing top-notch gynecological care to women in Wakad and its surrounding areas for many years and has earned a reputation as one of the best gynecologists in the region. Dr. Asmita is currently working as a consultant of Obstetrician & Gynecologists’ at Cloverleaf Specialty Clinic,Wakad.
Cloverleaf Specialty Clinic, Wakad: Best Gynecologist in Wakad:
Cloverleaf Specialty Clinic, situated in the heart of Wakad, is renowned for offering exceptional maternity care at an affordable cost. Our mission is to ensure a safe and fulfilling motherhood experience for every patient. As a leading Obstetrician-Gynecologist in Wakad, PCMC, Pune, we are dedicated to providing personalized and professional care, earning the trust and appreciation of our patients for services in Maternity, Infertility, and Childcare.
Why Choose Dr. Asmita Dongare for any gynecological treatment in Wakad?
Dr. Asmita Dongare is one of the best gynecologists in Wakad Pune, With over 15 years of experience in the field, she is one of the most qualified and trusted doctors in the city. With her exceptional skills, experience, and compassionate approach, she is the best choice for women seeking gynecological care in Wakad and its surrounding areas. She is the best female gynecologist in Wakad, Pune.
Education and Experience: Dr. Asmita Dongare received her medical degree from Grant Medical College, Mumbai and then she completed a Diploma in Gynecology and Obstetrics from YCM Hospital Pimpri in 2007. She has years of experience in the field and has helped numerous women with their gynecological needs. She stays updated with the latest advancements in the field and uses the latest technology and techniques to provide the best possible care to her patients.
Compassionate Care: Dr. Asmita Dongare believes in treating her patients with the utmost care and compassion. She takes the time to listen to her patient’s concerns and provides them with personalized care based on their individual needs. She is known for her gentle approach and makes sure that her patients are comfortable and relaxed during their visits.
Range of Services: Dr. Asmita Dongare provides a wide range of gynecological services, including prenatal care, childbirth, and postpartum care, as well as treatment for gynecological conditions such as infertility, menstrual irregularities, and High-Risk Pregnancy, medical abortion, and uterus removal. She also performs gynecological surgeries such as c-sections and she provides one of the best breastfeeding counseling for new mothers.
Patient-centered Approach: Dr. Asmita Dongare follows a patient-centred approach and works in close collaboration with her patients to provide them with the best possible care. She takes the time to educate her patients about their conditions and helps them make informed decisions about their health. She is dedicated to helping her patients achieve and maintain good health.
If you are looking the best female gynecologist in the Wakad area look no further than Dr. Asmita Dongare. With her unwavering dedication to women’s health and a track record of excellence, she is the ideal choice for comprehensive and compassionate gynecological care. Schedule your appointment today and experience healthcare that prioritizes your well-being.
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specialist-in-lucknow · 23 days ago
best gynecologist in Lucknow | gynecologist in gomti nagar
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"Dr. Ishita Priyam Singh is a Consultant in Obstetrics and Gynaecology at Max Super Speciality Hospital, Lucknow having 10+ years of experience in High-risk pregnancy and endoscopic gynecologic surgeries. BECAme from one of the best B- Schools of India i-CEAT & Chikitsa Mumbai, she routinely performs painless deliveries, and laparoscopic surgeries including hysterectomy for fibroid tumors in ladies & Gynecology cancer surgeries. Her practice offers the facilities of modern maternity care, introducing LDR suites, hysteroscopy and infertility treatments including ovulation induction and IUI. Dr. Ishita ensures that all her patients receive professional care through a sensitive procedure. Best Gynaecologist in Lucknow, Infertility Specialist."https://maps.app.goo.gl/QRMM3QRHG4DFdmUs7
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understandingfertility · 2 months ago
Affordable IVF Treatment Costs in Indore: A Complete Guide
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For couples struggling with infertility, IVF (In-Vitro Fertilization) offers a beacon of hope. Indore, a rapidly developing city in India, has become a hub for high-quality, affordable IVF treatment. In this blog, we’ll explore everything you need to know about IVF treatment cost in Indore and provide insights to help you make an informed decision.
Understanding IVF Treatment
IVF is a medical process where eggs are fertilized with sperm outside the body and then implanted into the uterus. This procedure is widely used to treat infertility issues caused by various factors, including hormonal imbalances, low sperm count, or unexplained infertility.
Given its complexity, IVF costs can vary significantly based on several factors such as technology, expertise, and location.
What is the Average IVF Treatment Cost in Indore?
One of the key advantages of choosing Indore for IVF is its affordability. The IVF treatment cost in Indore typically ranges from ₹1,00,000 to ₹2,50,000 per cycle. However, this cost can vary depending on factors like the clinic, the doctor’s experience, and any additional treatments required.
When compared to metropolitan cities like Mumbai or Delhi, IVF costs in Indore are much lower while maintaining a high standard of care.
Factors Affecting IVF Costs in Indore
Medical DiagnosisA thorough diagnosis is essential before starting IVF. Tests like ultrasound scans, hormone testing, and semen analysis can add to the overall cost.
Type of IVF TreatmentDifferent IVF procedures, such as ICSI (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection) or donor eggs/sperm, can increase expenses.
Medication CostsHormonal medications to stimulate egg production are necessary and can cost between ₹20,000 and ₹50,000 per cycle.
Laboratory and EquipmentAdvanced labs and technology significantly impact the pricing.
Additional TreatmentsSome cases require additional treatments, such as embryo freezing or genetic testing, which can raise costs by ₹20,000 to ₹60,000.
Affordable IVF Clinics in Indore
Indore boasts several reputed fertility clinics offering world-class facilities at reasonable rates. Here are a few renowned options:
Indore Infertility ClinicKnown for its affordable IVF packages and experienced specialists.
Mohak Infertility CenterA leading name in IVF services with a strong track record of success.
CHL HospitalOffers advanced IVF technology with expert gynecologists and embryologists.
Care Women CentreKnown for its personalized approach and budget-friendly treatments.
Why Choose Indore for IVF?
Cost-Effective TreatmentsThe IVF treatment cost in Indore is among the most affordable in India without compromising on quality.
Experienced SpecialistsIndore is home to some of the best fertility specialists with years of expertise.
Modern InfrastructureFertility clinics in Indore are equipped with state-of-the-art technology, ensuring high success rates.
Convenient LocationIndore is well-connected to major cities, making it an accessible and affordable choice for outstation patients.
How to Choose the Right IVF Clinic in Indore
Check Success RatesLook for clinics with transparent data on their success rates.
Evaluate CostsEnsure the treatment package includes all necessary expenses to avoid hidden costs.
Read Patient ReviewsReviews and testimonials provide valuable insights into the quality of care.
Consult the SpecialistsBook consultations to discuss your case and understand the clinic’s approach.
Tips to Minimize IVF Costs
Research ClinicsCompare costs and services offered by different clinics in Indore.
Plan FinancesMany clinics offer EMI options or financial assistance plans.
Choose the Right TimeProper planning and timely treatment can improve success rates, reducing the need for multiple cycles.
Seek Insurance CoverageSome insurance policies now offer partial coverage for IVF treatments.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Are IVF treatments in Indore reliable?A: Yes, clinics in Indore offer highly reliable and advanced IVF treatments with experienced specialists.
Q: What is the success rate of IVF in Indore?A: The success rate varies but generally ranges between 40% and 60%, depending on the patient’s age and health.
Q: Are there hidden charges in IVF treatment costs in Indore?A: Most clinics in Indore provide transparent pricing, but it’s always advisable to confirm what’s included in the package.
The IVF treatment cost in Indore makes it a top choice for couples seeking affordable and effective fertility solutions. With its combination of expert care, modern facilities, and competitive pricing, Indore offers hope to countless families dreaming of parenthood. By choosing the right clinic and understanding the costs, you can embark on this journey with confidence.
Take the first step toward parenthood in Indore—where quality meets affordability.
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drshettyivf · 4 months ago
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Bring joy to your life, IVF center in Mulund
At Shetty's IVF, Women & Child Clinic, an infertility Clinics in Mumbai you can find the joy of parenthood through IVF and array of fertility treatments with the use of state-of-the-art technology and the department led by the top gynecologist in Mulund West, Dr. Kavya Rashmi Rao. From IVF, ICSI, IUI to laparoscopic surgery, we are well equipped to address any fertility issue and perform procedures effectively and successfully. For more details on Shetty's IVF, Women & Child Clinic, IVF center in Mulund visit our website: https://drshettysclinic.com/best-ivf-centre-in-mumbai/
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