#Best Fashion Entrance Coaching
Having an adoptive son like Alfred and him finding out that she's an awesome swordswoman, he would probably gift her a toy- maybe even real lightsaber for Christmas or for her b day.
And since swords became old fashioned, she's probably ecstatic about it and start doing tricks with it.
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england x reader || married au || bonus, water park fights
this made me think about that skin in league of legends with a really good dualist. I will mention it later.
🤍 It started at the water park, you were with Alfred, Arthur and Matthew. 
You hid your face from the sun, your hand over your skin and roots of your hair still damp from the pool.
Walking with Alfred towards the main entrance, you two went to walk around in need of the warmth.
Being in water for hours, swimming around  and often sleeping on the fake plastic grass where you found a spot in the shade this morning occasionally made you cold.
The warm water from the special pool wasn’t warm enough anymore and neither Arthur’s body and his embrace could warm you up.
Even with a beautiful blue sky and a mid day sun, the wind occasionally gave you chills, only your towel as coverage.
So now you’re walking around with the American around the water park. You carefully walk bare foot over the designed path so the travertine tiles being exposed all day to the sun would bring heat to your feet and bodies.
As your feet take every step it burned, but rapidly the heat became comfortable.
The same heat earlier absolutely burning your skin now feels incredible against it.
You notice the main pool facing the entrance, few life guards standing around the fake rocks and high chairs surrounding the different areas, all connected to the same pool. However only random lines separated the areas, many people just walking over them to jump in another pool.
The lifeguards, mostly students on their summer jobs have been the same ones over a week now. They were really nice to you  and Arthur. They occasionally talk to families or say hello to the kids asking them random questions. 
“Is there an event today ?” 
You stopped, making the blue eyed American next to you also stop, few steps after. 
Alfred looks up at the main pool and takes a step closer to the fake orange-pink rocks. Many people were sitting down in the pool, with aqua bikes below them.
“Aqua bike event— I think”
Alfred’s head turns to you.
“I didn’t know, I thought it was only around 11 in the morning.” You said.
“Maybe they changed, happens” Alfred added.
You two put your forearms over the rocks, the heat radiating from their fake materials making the most uncomfortable place in the park suddenly the best spot to lay on. 
You two leaned, watching curiously the group, it just looked interesting to watch people do aquabiking, specifically when you were facing-laid against this warm rock.
“Your birthday is tomorrow Alfred— do you want me to sign you up to the aqua bike morning session ?” You joked, still looking over the kids, older people and many randoms trying to follow the instruction of their “coach”.
The woman keeps screaming, instructions from her bike, out of the water and blasting electro, dubstep songs for people to get into the activity.
You were amazed by how the instructor skin was glowing under the sun, her job being, biking under no shade, almost in a full gym outfit, only sunglasses covering her eyes, screaming over the blasting electronic music and doing the same amount of exercise as the people in water, but outside from the pool. However, when the music became a bit less louder from a minute ago, your heard clicking sounds.
The clicking sounds could be anything. You didn’t turn around at first, thinking that it could just be someone fighting with their beach umbrella and the wind, or trying to hold their whole’s family umbrella and bags in one trip. Casual family water park problems you experienced in your life already, specifically with all the colonies, and still with Alfred and Matthews sometimes. 
The clacking sound sounding like plastic kept going, you didn’t notice Alfred leaving your side silently as you were fully staring at the people biking in water to the music beat.
It’s only when you noticed his silhouette missing from your side that you turned around, looking for his familiar figure. 
Quickly you did notice him, arms crossed over his chest looking at kids, fighting with plastic light sabers, known from their design in the movie Stars wars. 
Kids aged around 6 to 12 were in pairs, fighting for fun. 
You approached the American, three steps away from you, now concentrated by the kids activity.
Yoh kept your towel tightly around your body, noticing the families around the kids laid on their towels sleeping, tanning or just sitting there watching over nothing. 
Alfred sees the woman giving the light sabers to kids coming up to her, she walks over to the him and you.
“What’s happening there ?" Alfred asks, pointing to the light sabers and kids,
“We just got these for people who wanna play around, we can teach you quickly how to fight with those, obviously it’s all for fun,” the woman says, looking behind her to the pairs fighting around, nothing serious.
“Do we have to pay or something?” The American asked,
“ Absolutely not, it’s all fun and games, just don’t run and hit the people laying around—“ she laughed, earning from you and Alfred childish smiles.
“Can we try?” You blurted out, the woman nodding, handing you light sabers.
“Don’t hit your eyes or the head of course— you should be fine!” She warns, but her vibe becoming more friendly as she looks at a dad playing with his daughter behind.
“Thank you,” you and Alfred thanked the woman before walking in an empty spot, near all the pairs but not too far away from the people laying around. 
“It’s just like fighting with our pool fries—“
Alfred teased, starting to make moves with the green lightsaber in his hands.
“I did beat you with those, lightsabers are no different—“ you commented,
“You have more experience and did fought with real swords— it’s not fair—“ Alfred fake cried, still hitting your lightsaber lightly. 
You two were barely fighting, keeping it playful, to not go overboard and hurt a someone.
Alfred was smiling, really happy to be able to share this moment with the woman he saw as his mother figure. 
He was happier then, he was a child, but he is happy and grateful now. 
This smile over his face gives him a glimpse of memories he has with you. When you would fight for fun with Arthur in the living room or telling pirate stories before bed to him and Matthew playing the fights described in the stories. 
He remembers the costumes Arthur would take out from his special closet, how he would love with amazement your fake duels. Furthermore, your feet work and how each of you would dodge the others swords. 
When you thought it was time to go back to Arthur and Matthew, probably either sleeping on the plastic grass with two towels on top of their heads, laid over their stomachs. Alfred told you he’ll join you in a few minutes. Saying he wants to check out something.
“I’ll be back with them then, at the towels.” 
You announced to the blonde, earning a nod from him as he walked away.
You walked back to your husband and the Canadian next to him, chuckling over their tans forming on their skin, when you could clearly see from their swim trunks their original skin color. 
“Alfred says he is coming soon,” you announced, now sure that they knew about your presence next to them. The towels over their heads did block their views, plus they couldn’t really know from the sound of your steps if it was you or any other stranger walking around instead of taking the right walking path.
Later on, Alfred came back, hurriedly walking to you. By then, Matthew sat back up, his back against the wall behind him, phone in hands looking at pictures you took of them.
You noticed the plastic grey package in Alfred’s hands immediately,
“What did you bought again ? We already have pool fries and water guns—“
“Happy early birthday—“ he cut you, shoving the object in your hands.
“Oh well, thank you but what is it— ? A lightsaber— why ?”
You smiled as you asked and looked up to Alfred, his talking figure in front of your sitting on, hiding the sun perfectly.
“You’re the most amazing swordswoman I met, plus the old man right there,” he points to Arthur, still head fully under his towel and mumbling insults to his own “son”,
“Said you didn’t have any lightsaber from Star Wars— so I got you one!"
Alfred finished,
“No need to Alfie, oh but thank you— I’ll try it now if you want—“ you thanked and opened the plastic package, trying the lightsaber in your hands. This one being bigger and heavier than the ones the woman gave you earlier, obviously for kids. 
You felt the lightsaber in your hands, the sounds coming from it and vibrations, faking the movie effects. When done doing pretty tricks with it and turning it back off, you hugged your older son. Thanking him again for the lovely gift, it wasn’t much, but the thoughts and memories associated with this plastic toy meant more than a real sword and meant more duels with your boys.
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amemixfan · 2 years
Y’all let me tell y’all about the absolute mess that is Love Royale.
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In case you missed it, Fusebox released a new game this afternoon. Fusebox, the British company that makes Love Island the Game decided to try their hand at a game about the British royal family.
And it’s about as “good” as you can imagine. Obvious spoilers below.
Let’s hit the basics:
•MC (female main character but looks like there will be a future male option) is an American who is now living in London. Previously, she was a PR person for influencers. Now she’s decided to try her hand at working for Buckingham Palace as a member of the firm (because that elevation of careers is such a natural trajectory).
•The interview goes terribly. MC gets a ton of insta notifications letting her know that her ex is now engaged during the interview. Of course, she decides to check her socials while in the midst of said interview and has a chance to respond to social media while the interviewer (the Queen’s personal secretary) stares at her. My high school career center coach would pop a blood vessel if she saw that.
•She of course does not get the job. The secretary (Mr. Crawford?) tells her that the position has already been filled. Apparently some hotshot daughter of an ambassador was hired right before MC walked in, but they didn’t bother canceling her appointment. MC gets escorted out by said daughter of the ambassador who (in true Fusebox fashion) is bitchy and will be your new rival.
•As she gets escorted out, MC has a chance to meet Duchess Meghan Markle. (I’ll get to how the game portrays the royals in a sec).
•MC makes it outside the palace and is told by her best friend that there is a bunch of secret messages left behind by Princess Diana throughout the palace. Her friend suggests her sneaking about to find one since she’s already at the palace. MC decides that trespassing on what is one of the most secure buildings in London is a great idea because YOLO. No, seriously. She says YOLO at one point.
•At the stables, MC meets a mysterious guy named Rory who escorts her to Diana’s secret message. She manages to uncover a hidden message under the plank which mentions William. While there, Rory gets called off somewhere else and leaves her.
•As MC wanders around, she stumbles into a fight between Prince William and Prince Harry. The fight is over some secret between the two which ends when William takes a swing at Harry and gives him a shiner. MC snaps a photo of the moment and either posts it online or keeps it to herself when she gets caught by security.
•She is then arrested for trespassing and privacy violations. While arrested, she meets the second LI (forgot his name) who is a chef. He brings her food while Crawford steps out after threatening to have her thrown in prison. There’s a potential moment with the second LI where you can use his cellphone to talk to your best friend and check your social media to see if the photo went viral.
•Crawford then returns and tells her that someone wants to meet her. Princess Kate arrives through a secret entrance and decides to rescue MC. She heard about what happened and is impressed MC made the bold choice of posting a photo online of the royals fighting / or I’m guessing kept it private if you didn’t. She floats the idea that MC should be hired for PR anyway since she’s what the monarchy needs for their future.
•MC then gets to meet the rest of the Fab 4. They make their introductions and fight with each other about the Oprah interview. After their argument, they decide to take a vote over whether to hire MC or not. The vote is in a tie with Meghan casting the tie breaker to hire her.
•There’s then a chance to speak with either Kate or Harry in private before MC makes it back to Crawford. Crawford agrees to hire her since the Fab 4 are in agreement but on a trial basis. Apparently Queen Elizabeth will make some announcement in 14 days and MC has until then to impress the Firm and stay on permanently as an employee.
•From there, MC begins her trial run. She is tasked with helping William and Meghan choose things to auction off at a banquet for charity. She also has a moment to speak with Meghan privately (and do yoga with her) or speak with William privately (and ride a helicopter with him).
•The current episode ends with Rory (the first LI) taking MC to the throne room as he escorts her to her new room. In typical Rory style, he gets a phone call and has to step out. While he’s out, MC has the option to either sit on the Queen’s throne or stare at it.
•Of course, she gets caught doing whatever she chooses. Queen Elizabeth herself strides in with her corgis and tells her that she hopes she won’t regret what she just did before the episode fades to black.
That was a summary of the current 3 episode out. There will be a total of 14 in the game and they will be released on an unknown schedule similar to Love Island. I will be playing them when they’re out because, to quote MC, YOLO.
Now let’s talk Royals.
The game has the Fab 4 and Queen Elizabeth in its cast list. Each one has a very cartoonish personality.
•William is dressed in 18th century riding apparel and wears a gaudy crown in the animated cut scenes of him. He’s very into tradition and is quarreling with Harry over something. He dislikes Meghan and initially dislikes MC then slowly comes around.
•Kate is portrayed as an angel (seriously). Her animated sequence shows her with a halo and a singing choir. The game shows her as being the perfect wife and demure royal. She is the one who saves MC and takes an immediate liking to her.
•Harry is again in his bad boy persona. He seems more relaxed than the rest about protocol and quarrels with William over the treatment of him and Meghan. Fusebox seems to have a personal bone to pick with him and Meghan since his cut scene defines him as the one who “always complains and over explains.”
•Megan is portrayed as a semi-arrogant actress. She poses for photos constantly to the point where MC is confused and asks if she thinks she’s on camera. She also laughs at royal tradition and makes jokes about how she likes to break protocol like moving back to London with her family without telling anyone. The more default expression she has is a half smirk showing amusement.
•Each royal is a cartoonish character. They constantly bicker amongst themselves with shade being thrown about the Oprah interviews and the fight between Harry and William from his book. MC can either choose a side in their feud or try and advocate for them to reconcile for the Queen’s sake.
•Princess Diana is also mentioned frequently as she left behind secret messages around the palace. More than anything, this made me feel icky considering the game is using her as a plot point after she had such a tragic life and horrific death.
•Oh, and I almost forgot! The most surprising thing about this game is-
Yes, all of them! MC can flirt with any of them. She can have a moment with Harry or Meghan to flirt with them and can have her hand stroked by Kate or William. It seems the game is setting them up to be LIs as MC can even tell the royal stylist she has her eye set on a royal, and the stylist encourages her as it would make for a juicy scandal.
Curious as to how players will feel about that given these are real people, political figureheads, and married to each other.
As for the game itself:
The game is expensive. There’s very limited MC customizing options with only 4 skin tones, 4 hair styles, and 4 hair colors. The premium outfits cost between 20 to 70 (!) diamonds or more. You can choose to either dress up like Meghan or Kate depending on who you like most or forge your own style.
The premium scenes are higher than what Fusebox usually charges (17+ for private moments compared to Love Island’s 10).
And it runs on a ticket system which replenishes every so often. Asides from the extraordinarily high cost of premium stuff, it’s a standard Fusebox game in that regard.
So my final verdict:
It’s a hot mess.
Fusebox is a British company that is laying on the parody thick. MC is your typical cringy, influencer adjacent American in a world of British royalty where she can either follow royal protocol or break it and mend the rift between the family or cause more scandal. The royals themselves are cartoonish and love interests. The plot is still to be revealed given only the first 3 episodes are out but it seems to be blissfully short.
Really, it’s exactly the kind of game you’d expect Fusebox to produce.
My final thoughts?
I’m gonna keep playing.
It’s so, so cringe and bad that it’s amusing. If you treat it as one big drunk, fever dream, you can get through it and maybe it’ll keep you entertained for a bit.
Curious to hear y’all’s opinions.
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Flavor of Love: Tell me Event!
This one is for @ophirius 
This took some time, but I hope it was worth the wait. Life just happened and I’m so sorry. Anyway, I had a fun time deciding who you could match with!
Congratulations, your chosen lover is Vil!
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This is quite the story to tell if I do say so myself, but here we go!
First off you may believe that you’re a team mint but actually you’re just a baby strawberry who has the potential to blossom into a team white chocolate. Now I’m not saying that you’re immature or you don’t have that punch like a mint, rather you lean towards the sweet and tart side of a strawberry. Keep in mind that with a strawberry comes a coffee as they’re the caretakers of a strawberry. For example, if you look at Rook his baby strawberry is Epel. Your coffee is Trey but because it is Trey that makes you more inclined to see his fellow coffee team members. Hence the storyline of how you meet Vil, at the start you might not notice it but in the end, you’ll realize how oblivious you were to your own feelings for him. Meaning, Vil would be the one to fall first in the relationship. What makes Vil for you is because you’re the opposite of what he’s into, not that he’ll dislike it or be entranced like a mint, rather he is perplexed.  
Vil, who is so used to people falling for him, needs someone who sees him as himself and goes against him. So, judging by your information you seem to be that perfect fit. The feeling I get from you is that you won’t actively say or talk about how hot he is, rather you’ll view him as the same level of human being. Which is exactly what makes him fall head over heels for you, yet with him being a coffee entitles him to some dark troubles. Those dark troubles would be his inferiority complex or lack of self-confidence. Whatever it maybe you’ll be the one to yell at him to get his head out of the clouds. Though, it might not be as grand as when Ace yelled at Trey it’ll still have a big impact on Vil.
Now we get to the part in which you realize your own feelings. To be honest I don’t know why but I picture you being the oblivious one. Like Vil could show up with a bundle of white roses and you’ll assume it’s for Trey to cook with. This is when your best friend comes into play, with your case it’s Ace Trappola. Yes, that feisty first year is all yours to do dumb crap with, but he’s also there to keep you intact. Anyway, he’ll notice your romantic feelings towards Vil first and once he gets tired of you being too oblivious and asking for help from him, hell will rise. Ace will not hold back on telling you that you’re into Vil, thus pushing you towards that jump.
Vil might be a hot mess though, I mean he might freak out cuz you’re not getting the signs. In that event, it’ll play out where he’s going to give it one last shot. Just when he’s about to give up, you’re screaming and shouting that you like him back. All while the fish mafia is blowing explosives in the background. Seriously though, you and Vil would be that one couple that everyone knows you’re dating without having to announce it.
To conclude, Vil is a real sweetheart, but he’s not going to be cheesy as he still got that coffee side. Plus, your teasing wouldn’t bother him as I can picture his fans teasing him as well, you’ll still get a reaction though. Yet, you should never lower your guard with Vil as that coffee side will kick in as you’ll find yourself being teased.
Some possible dates include:
The classic dinner date at monstro lounge
Extreme sports, I dunno I think it might just happen on a whim
Fashion shows, either being in it or watching
Watching Epel suffer while Vil coaches him in ballet, though I don’t know if you can call that a date
Incoming! Ace Trappola! 
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As mentioned earlier you would have Trey as your guardian since you’re a baby strawberry. Therefore, with one member of Heartslabyul you get the whole dorm. While you’ll definitely be close to the rest, Ace just hits home for you.
Unlike the other four, Ace is someone who’s not afraid to say what he wants. He can read the room and tell how someone is feeling, but he won’t slack off in telling them the truth. Ace is going to be keeping you in line like how he makes sure the other first years don’t do something too crazy. Think of it as Ace’s weird moments of wisdom like in the ghost marriage story where he tells the bride she’s crazy as heck. I’m not saying he’ll do this to you 24/7 but he’s the only student there who has the guts to do so. Which makes him a good friend because you want someone who will not cheer you, but someone who can constructively criticize you.
Another thing about Ace is the crazy stuff he does while a part of Heartslabyul, I have a feeling you’ll enjoy that life. That’s another reason as to why Ace is a good friend for you. The two of you would be some crazy wild cards together.
Hangouts to look forward to with Ace:
Getting caught by Jade or Floyd for something
Hiding from Riddle
Basketball club activities
Suspicious activity
Suspicious activity part 2
Taking crazily weird photos
Cleaning up any messes that are made aka the evidence
Trying sweets made from Trey
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edushrine · 1 month
How to Choose the Best Online NEET Coaching Platform
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NEET (National Eligibility and Entrance Test) is one of India's most challenging entrance examinations, and students aspiring to enter medical courses dedicate significant time and resources to their preparation. With the growing popularity of online education, traditional classroom coaching is now complemented by online platforms, offering flexibility and convenience to students. However, selecting an effective online NEET coaching platform can be tricky, especially with the abundance of options available. This article will guide you through choosing the best NEET online coaching in Karnataka, where the demand for quality coaching is high.
1. Understand your learning style and needs.
Before diving into all the available options, it's essential to identify your learning style and needs first. Some students thrive best in an immersive learning experience with regular teacher interactions, while others prefer an ad hoc approach. Knowing whether you prefer live classes, pre-recorded sessions, or both options can help narrow down platforms that best cater to you and your desired study method.
Assuming you live in Bangalore and are searching for NEET online coaching, live sessions may prove particularly attractive as they emulate the classroom setting you already know.
2. Evaluate faculty
One of the critical criteria when selecting an online NEET coaching platform is faculty quality. Top-rated platforms typically employ highly qualified educators with extensive NEET preparation experience who possess both subject knowledge and the skills required for conveying complex ideas in an easy-to-grab fashion.
When searching for the ideal online coaching for the NEET in Bangalore, pay special attention to the credentials and experience of the faculty. Platforms featuring educators with proven success in NEET coaching, provide superior instruction, which will lead to your success on exam day.
3. Verify comprehensive study material.
Study materials for NEET exams must be thorough and well-curated, making an essential difference in performance on test day. The top NEET online coaching platforms often offer comprehensive study resources that cover every part of the syllabus in depth, such as detailed notes, practice questions, past-year papers, and high-quality video lectures.
Karnataka students seeking the best NEET online coaching should look for platforms that provide study material explicitly tailored for NEET exams, adhering to updated exam patterns and syllabus updates.
4. Evaluate flexibility and accessibility.
Flexibility and accessibility are two significant benefits of online coaching platforms. The top platforms provide flexible schedules so students can attend classes conveniently or access resources when studying. This is particularly beneficial to those with other commitments or who prefer learning at certain times of the day.
When searching for the ideal online coaching for NEET in Bangalore, ensure that the platform allows for convenient class access from different devices and locations; this ensures your study plan stays caught up, regardless of where your location may take you.
5. Search for customized learning tools.
One key advantage of online NEET coaching is that learning experiences are tailored to each student's needs through cutting-edge technology. Features like adaptive tests, performance analytics, and personalized study plans help identify areas that need improvement most quickly and provide targeted assistance in areas where improvement may be most significant.
If you're searching for the top online coaching for NEET in Bangalore, platforms that provide personalized learning tools significantly enhance your preparation by giving insight into your strengths and weaknesses, allowing you to fine-tune your study strategy.
6. Consider student support services.
Effective student support services can make all the difference in your online learning experience. The top NEET coaching platforms offer comprehensive student support. systems such as doubt-clearing sessions, peer interactions, mentor support, or counselor assistance and access.
When looking for the ideal NEET online coaching in Bangalore, ensure that the platform provides real-time support via live chats, forums, or direct sessions with instructors. Such assistance can prove essential when stuck on complex concepts or planning your preparation strategy.
7. Evaluate success stories and testimonials. A platform's success rate and student testimonials provide evidence of its efficacy. Look for platforms that boast high NEET pass rates as well as admissions into top medical colleges.
If you're searching for the top NEET online coaching in Karnataka, pay special attention to student reviews from within your region. Their experiences can provide invaluable insight into whether or not the platform meets specific student needs in Karnataka.
8. Consider both cost and value for money.
Cost should always be an important consideration when selecting an online NEET coaching platform, but it is equally essential to consider both the cost and the value of your investment. More expensive platforms might provide access to resources, experienced faculty, and additional support that more than offset any added expenses.
When selecting an online coaching platform for NEET in Bangalore, compare its pricing against its features. A higher fee might be worth paying if it provides superior study material, experienced instructors, and increased success rates.
9. Take advantage of free trials and demo classes.
Many online coaching platforms provide free trials or demo classes so that users can experience first-hand what that platform's teaching style, interface, and overall experience are like before committing fully. Taking advantage of such offerings can provide an excellent way of testing an online platform's teaching style, interface, and overall experience before committing.
Participating in demo classes can provide invaluable insight into which NEET online coaching platforms best match your learning preferences.
10. Conduct exam simulations and mock tests.
Mock tests are essential to NEET exam preparation. The best online coaching platforms provide many simulated exam environments so their clients can gain confidence and time management skills as part of the preparation process.
Students searching for NEET online coaching in Bangalore must select a platform that offers a comprehensive mock test series to replicate the actual NEET examination pattern, difficulty level, and timing to provide a realistic practice experience.
Selecting the optimal online NEET coaching platform is an essential decision that can dramatically affect your preparation and performance in the exam. By considering factors like learning style, faculty quality, study material quality, flexibility of customized tools, cost, and learning style, you can make an informed choice that meets your needs and goals. Whether it's the best NEET online coaching in Bangalore or not, finding an appropriate platform will enable you to realize your dream of becoming a medical professional!
By carefully considering all your options and exploring each, you will ensure that you select a platform that prepares you for NEET and supports academic development and success.
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designexamcoaching · 3 months
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Best NIFT Coaching
If you're aiming to crack the NIFT (National Institute of Fashion Technology) entrance exam, choosing the right coaching center is crucial for your success. Sanyukta Design, the Best NIFT coaching has established itself as the premier institute for NIFT preparation. With a blend of experienced faculty, innovative teaching methods, and a student-centric approach, Sanyukta Design ensures that aspiring fashion designers get the guidance and training they need to excel in this competitive exam.
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whitepolaris · 5 months
Satanic Imps, Warring Witches, and More
For graveyard fans, Memory Hill is a must-see. It was founded in 1804 in Milledgeville, Georgia's capital for sixty-one years. One mass burial site contains the dead from Old Georgia Lunatic Asylum, interred in trenches. Another mass grave holds forty-nine unknown Confederate buried in a clockwise fashion, facing points of the compass.
But that's not all that's strange about this cemetery. It also the final resting place of a man driven to despair by death. Thomas Jefferson Fish was devastated when his wife and daughter died young. He had a substantial brick mausoleum constructed in Memory Hill, then carried his favorite rocking chair into the crypt and locked the door. There he killed himself with a pistol. Visitors often knock on the bricked-up entrance to the crypt because local legend clams that occasionally Fish will deliver a faint answering rap.
And there's P. J. Taylor, who set off some very odd vibes in the cemetery. Taylor was convinced that the burial place harbored evil spirits. For the eternal protection of himself and his wife, Elizabeth, he commissioned an elaborate wrought-iron fence to surround their plot. Incorporated in the fence are eighty-seven devilish imps, small effigies that peer outward to drive off evil spirits. Each Halloween at midnight, legend says, the imps awake to clank, yell, and scream. If the fence is touched at that time, the imps will be released on the world.
Nearby is the newly marked graves of Dixie Haygood, who has gotten the local reputation of a witch. Locals are careful not to get between Dixie and the sun, according to cemetery historian Louis Andrews, who explains, "'Cause you know that witches live and feed on the sun, so don't ever block the witch's view of the sun. She'll put a curse on you."
Adjacent to Haygood's plot is the grave of John Yates, who is believed to have been posthumously cursed by Haygood or to have been a witch himself. "We can't keep him in the ground!" said Andrews. "Every time we dig six feet and put more concrete and cement on him, he comes out and throws his tombstone helter-skelter, all over the ground. . . . The only answer we know at this point is that it's a War of the Witches."
Although the grave itself has been lost, an isolated gravestone honors America's last Wild West outlaw, Bill Miner, known as the Gray Fox, who rode with the James, Dalton, and Younger gangs. In 1914, late in his life, Miner attempted to rob a train in Gainesville, but perhaps old age had gotten the beset of him by then. He failed and was incarcerated at the state prison in Milledgeville. He attempted to escape three times, failed at that, too, and died behind cars at the age of seventy-one.
Other burials include Mary Ann Nelson, madam of Kitty's House of Pleasure, the city's best cathouse during its years as a state capital; Susan Myrick, who coached the Gone with The Wind cast in speaking southern dialect; and Flannery O'Connor, one of Georgia's finest writers.
And there's more violence at this seemingly peaceful spot. Alice Fox Holliman spent a day in 1965 sitting on a bench near her mother's grave, then took out a pistol and killed herself. Marcy C. Berry also rests here. She killed her two brothers with poisoned coffee. Although she was found innocent, her can of poison was later discovered. Marcy eventually married Lester Tidwell, but the union fell apart when she attempted to kill him with a butcher knife.
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acslkko · 8 months
NIFT Entrance Exam Excellence in Lucknow: Unleash Your Creative Potential with ACS - Best NIFT Coaching
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The National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT) Entrance Exam is a gateway for aspiring fashion designers to enter the prestigious world of fashion education. Lucknow, with its rich cultural heritage, has become a hub for creative minds looking to pursue a career in fashion. One institution stands out in guiding and nurturing these talents — ACS, known for being the best NIFT coaching center in the city.
Unlocking Creative Potential: NIFT is renowned for its rigorous entrance exam that evaluates a candidate’s aptitude, creativity, and design sensibilities. ACS, with its proven track record, has been instrumental in unlocking the creative potential of countless aspirants. The coaching center provides a conducive learning environment, fostering innovation and originality.
Personalized Guidance: Understanding the unique needs of each student is a priority at ACS. The coaching institute goes beyond conventional teaching methods, offering personalized guidance to help students navigate through the intricacies of the NIFT Entrance Exam. The faculty at ACS comprises experienced professionals and experts from the fashion industry, ensuring that students receive the best insights into the field.
Comprehensive Curriculum: ACS takes pride in its comprehensive curriculum tailored specifically for the NIFT Entrance Exam. The syllabus covers all aspects of the examination, including design aptitude, creative thinking, problem-solving, and general knowledge. Regular mock tests and practice sessions are conducted to acclimatize students to the exam pattern, ensuring they enter the actual exam with confidence.
State-of-the-Art Facilities: To provide an immersive learning experience, ACS boasts state-of-the-art facilities equipped with modern classrooms, design studios, and resource centers. The infrastructure is designed to simulate the real exam environment, enabling students to adapt seamlessly to the challenges posed by the NIFT Entrance Exam.
Success Stories: The success stories of ACS alumni speak volumes about the institute’s commitment to excellence. Many students who underwent coaching at ACS have successfully secured coveted seats in NIFT, establishing themselves as successful professionals in the fashion industry. The institute takes pride in being a stepping stone for budding designers, helping them carve their niche in the competitive world of fashion.
Conclusion: For aspiring fashion enthusiasts in Lucknow, ACS emerges as the beacon of hope and guidance on the path to NIFT success. The institute’s dedication to unleashing creative potential, personalized guidance, comprehensive curriculum, and success stories make ACS the best NIFT coaching center in Lucknow. Choosing ACS means embarking on a transformative journey toward a promising and fulfilling career in the dynamic realm of fashion.
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archie-tan7 · 1 year
If I could turn back time, what would I do differently and why?
Oooohh, I like this question. Umm, so first of all, let's begin from the beginning. Okay, so the exact point in time where I want to go back is 7th grade. The first time I decided to not go outside and watch Kdramas instead. Yup, not doing that again. Even if it was hard, I would try my best to make time for playing outside, maybe not with others since I understand why an 11-year-old me felt so left out. But I would not ignore her physical health. And also, I would find a good music teacher, or if not, then learn vocal techniques online. Try to bond more with Papa. Understand Mumma more. Guide my younger brother better. Be a better friend to my bestie. Read more. Start maintaing a diary and also hiding it better. Be more friendly to people and a bit extroverted. STOP eating junk food and develop healthier eating habits filled with nutrition. Develop and MAINTAIN good hygiene.
In 8th grade, I would stop being resentful of a senior who got selected for a solo singing part instead of me. Also, I would learn skincare and exercise routines. I would also be more confident in class since I always feared being wrong. Who cares if I'm wrong? Fuck that shit. Be more grateful towards my friends who really cared about me. I would take singing and music more seriously as a hobby. Study more and get that academic excellence award. Start to learn more about the world aka read newspaper.
In 9th grade, again I would just maintain good physical activity and skin care. Plus, get motivated to do well academically from my friends. I would work on my self-esteem issues and just be more self-aware and self-reflective. Also, stop being less of a bitch to my parents. Plus, read more books. Also, I would stand up for the class prefect position. I would NEVER write that cringey ass letter to my then friends about being insecure and instead actually open up. And also, stop my benchmate for fatshaming me. Develop a habit of writing creative stuff.
In 10th grade, I would take my studies more seriously because I'm pretty confident that I could become one of the toppers in my school and they would fucking put my name on the school website to make sure everyone knows and I get the credit I deserve. I would let go of my infatuation to my then crush. Again, I would be more outspoken and friendly. I would actually enjoy my trip, instead of being a depressed bitch and also have a good time in that pool. I would consistently journal, read books, writing, practice singing and studying. Most importantly, I would not take Science stream and not join coaching for medical entrance exam. Fuck that shit. I would choose humanities and work towards my career of a psychologist. I would start treatment for PCOS.
In 11th grade, I would either actually pay attention in class or study the books on my own. I would continue singing, reading and introspection. I would learn more housework and kitchen. Learn about personal finance. Make a career plan. Talk to my school friends more often. Work on my glow-up. Take my medications. Do well in exams. Participate in competitions. Develop writing skills for temporary jobs. Stay away from online addiction. Start doing hair care. Not talk with any stranger on the Internet. Guide my brother better. Get therapy.
In 12th grade, I would take my studies even more seriously. Become THAT girl: healthy diet, workout, journaling, meditation, academics, social life, skincare, hair care. Definitely get into my dream college. Have a plan for my career in psychology in college. Work on developing my style: fashion, makeup, walk, personality. Separate my fantasy from reality. Continue everything from above.
Post-college entrance exam, start action on career before college starts. Internships, read journals and books, find connections on LinkedIn. Make goals for all the 4 years of college and achieve them. Make sure I am confident in myself: looks, personality, knowledge and empathy. Learn to dance (party-style). Read philosophy and non-fiction books.
In 1st year of college, take my studies seriously early on since current university is fucked up. Talk to a lot of a people first and then join friend groups. Find one person to stick to and become "besties". If not, then be okay with being a loner. Hang out my actual current bestie more because she deserves better than this. Be more active. Start gym. Become more knowledgeable. Do internships from home, build good rapport with teachers. Learn more psychology. Join the NGO thing. Start building resume and ensure good CGPA.
Well, the reason for all these things is pretty obvious. I do NOT like myself currently. I'm not doing well in any of the aspects of my life. Like I'm not using any of my gifts or privileges well enough. I'm SO disappointed in me and I literally fail myself all the time. And being aware of that doesn't help. At all.
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Why Prepare for Nata 2020 Entrance with BRDS?
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NATA stands for National Aptitude Test in Architecture. It is a national level entrance exam for admission into various architecture colleges in India. NATA is a tough entrance exam and requires thorough preparation. As this is a national level test for admission into leading architecture colleges, a detailed and in-depth preparation is required to crack the exam. Students preparing for NATA 2020 entrance exam should be under guidance of a good coaching institute. This is because result-oriented coaching institutes provide best study material, quality guidance, regular mock test, and comprehensive knowledge on all the subjects. Bhanwar Rathore Design Studio (BRDS) is one such renowned coaching institute that provides comprehensive NATA coaching for the students. The institute’s study materials are prepared by alumni from prestigious institutes such as IIT, NID, and CEPT. So, if you are preparing for NATA 2020, then you must get enrol at BRDS for extensive coaching and guidance on architecture. Visit the website: http://brdsindia.com/ and read more about the institute’s success stories. Established in 2005, BRDS is the leading coaching institute for design and architecture coaching in India. It has the record of maintain highest selection of students, and maximum result producer in NATA entrance exam every year. The institute provides exam-oriented and thoroughly researched study materials for architecture programs. These extensive study materials are latest and updated as per recent exam patterns. BRDS’ NATA study materials are finalized by faculties from renowned institutes such as SPA, CEPT and many other leading institutes. The NATA study material contains 19 modules for the students. These modules include all subjects required for the exam. Apart from this, the institute provides extensive methods for NATA entrance preparations. This includes NATA mock test series, NATA 1001 original question bank, NATA sample papers, NATA 10 year’s original papers etc. This approach for test preparation is highly effective because this will give you an idea what would be your final rank in NATA exam. Also, you would get to understand how to manage and utilize time during exam. It would give you an edge over other students appearing the same test. BRDS provides modern infrastructure and facilities to the students so that the students get the best from their coaching institute. Some of the facilities include lecture halls, audio-visual hall with 500 educational videos and short videos on various subjects, theater hall, art and crafts workshop, library with over 500 national and international books, magazines of design subjects, teaching materials, technical videos, computer lab with update software and equipment, portfolio room for creating professional portfolio of art and design, fully Wi-Fi campus, and hostel facilities for the students. Also, the institute offers classroom coaching program, and online coaching programs to the students that covers all the stages of design for NATA entrance test. In association with top corporations and educational organizations, BRDS regularly conducts design hunt competitions for students to offer young minds with new opportunity. BRDS has experienced mentors and highly qualified faculties from industries who are established fashion designers, animators, product designers, communication designers, and architecture graduates and postgraduates from distinguished institutes such as NIFT, NID, IIT, CEPT, SPA, MSU and DCA. So, if you are planning to prepare for NATA 2020 entrance exam and register for the new academic session. Read the full article
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opusway · 1 year
Find Your NIFT Dream with the Best Coaching Institute
Are you passionate about fashion and design? Do you dream of studying at the National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT) and pursuing a successful career in the fashion industry? If so, finding the best coaching institute in Kolkata can be the key to unlocking your potential and securing your place at NIFT. In this article, we will explore the importance of NIFT coaching institutes in Kolkata and guide you on how to find the one that suits your needs.
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Introduction to NIFT
The National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT) is a prestigious institution in India that offers undergraduate and postgraduate programs in fashion design, textile design, accessory design, fashion communication, and more. With its rigorous selection process and competitive entrance exams, NIFT attracts talented individuals who aspire to excel in the world of fashion and design.
The Importance of NIFT Coaching Institutes in Kolkata
NIFT coaching institutes in Kolkata play a crucial role in preparing students for the challenging NIFT entrance exams. These coaching institutes provide the necessary guidance, support, and resources to help students navigate through the exam syllabus and improve their chances of securing admission to NIFT. With the right coaching, students can enhance their skills, gain confidence, and excel in the competitive fashion industry.
Qualities of the Best NIFT Coaching Institute in Kolkata
When searching for the best NIFT coaching institute in Kolkata, it is important to consider certain qualities that make an institute stand out. Here are some key factors to look for:
Curriculum and Teaching Methodology
A top-notch NIFT coaching institute in Kolkata will have a well-structured curriculum that covers all the essential topics and concepts required for the entrance exams. The teaching methodology should be effective and engaging, with interactive sessions, practical exercises, and hands-on experiences to facilitate better learning.
Experienced Faculty and Mentorship
Experienced and knowledgeable faculty members are a crucial part of a good coaching institute. The best NIFT coaching institutes in Kolkata employ industry professionals and experts who can provide valuable insights and mentorship to aspiring NIFT students. Their guidance helps students understand the nuances of the fashion industry and develop a strong foundation in their chosen field.
Study Material and Resources
A comprehensive study material package is vital for NIFT preparation. The best coaching institutes in Kolkata provide well-researched study materials, including textbooks, practice papers, sample questions, and reference guides. These resources equip students with the necessary knowledge and help them practice extensively for the exams.
Mock Tests and Practice Sessions
Mock tests and practice sessions are essential for students to familiarize themselves with the NIFT exam pattern and improve their time management skills. Reputed coaching institutes in Kolkata conduct regular mock tests and practice sessions to assess students' progress, identify areas of improvement, and boost their confidence.
Past Results and Success Rate
The track record of a coaching institute speaks volumes about its effectiveness. Look for NIFT coaching institutes in Kolkata that have a history of producing successful NIFT aspirants who have secured admission to prestigious fashion institutions. Checking past results can give you an idea of the institute's credibility and its ability to guide students towards success.
Infrastructure and Facilities
A conducive learning environment with proper infrastructure and facilities is crucial for effective coaching. The best coaching institutes in Kolkata provide well-equipped classrooms, libraries, computer labs, and other resources that enhance the learning experience. A comfortable and inspiring atmosphere helps students stay motivated and focused on their goals.
Personal Attention and Guidance
Individual attention and personalized guidance are key factors in nurturing students' talents and addressing their specific needs. The best NIFT coaching institutes in Kolkata maintain a low student-to-faculty ratio, ensuring that each student receives adequate attention and guidance from their mentors. This personalized approach enables students to clarify their doubts, strengthen their weak areas, and progress effectively.
Industry Exposure and Workshops
To excel in the fashion industry, exposure to the latest trends, techniques, and industry practices is crucial. Reputed coaching institutes in Kolkata organize workshops, seminars, and guest lectures by industry professionals, providing students with valuable insights and exposure to real-world scenarios. This exposure helps students develop a broader perspective and stay updated with the evolving fashion landscape.
Reviews and Testimonials
Before finalizing a coaching institute, it is advisable to research and read reviews and testimonials from previous students. Genuine reviews can provide insights into the institute's teaching methodology, faculty, study material, infrastructure, and overall student satisfaction. This research will help you make an informed decision based on the experiences of others.
Location and Accessibility
Considering the location and accessibility of the coaching institute is important. Look for NIFT coaching institutes in Kolkata that are conveniently located and easily accessible, saving you valuable time and energy during your preparation journey. Also, consider factors such as transportation facilities, nearby accommodation options, and the availability of study spaces outside coaching hours.
Fee Structure and Scholarships
While the quality of coaching should be your primary consideration, it is also important to evaluate the fee structure and available scholarships. Reputed coaching institutes in Kolkata offer transparent fee structures and provide scholarships or financial aid to deserving students. Consider your budget and explore scholarship opportunities to ensure that you can pursue your NIFT dream without financial constraints.
Finding the best NIFT coaching institute in Kolkata is a crucial step towards achieving your dream career in the fashion industry. By considering factors such as curriculum, faculty, study material, infrastructure, industry exposure, and student reviews, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your aspirations and goals. With the right guidance and dedicated preparation, you can turn your NIFT dream into a reality.
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angelenohq · 1 year
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in the city of angels.
NAME: Aubrielle "Brie" Barlow-Jönsson FACE CLAIM: Florence Pugh AGE & DATE OF BIRTH: 28 & January 21st, 1995 HOMETOWN: Los Angeles, California TIME IN LOS ANGELES: Born and raised, returned in 2018 after college NEIGHBORHOOD: Beverly Hills OCCUPATION: Stylist, fashion journalist/blogger
trigger warning: abortion
As the story goes — Edward Barlow and Cynthia Sinclair meet in the early 90s, in the midst of LA Fashion Week. Immediately they spark a whirlwind romance that graces the cover of nearly every tabloid. The heir to the Barlow Hotels fortune with Miss Universe on his arm was the perfect recipe to create a brand new It couple. The truth is far less romantic, though – Thanks to a bit of strong arming and large checks, tabloids never got a hold on a certain secret: Edward had been cheating on his wife with Cynthia for months before he’d left the woman and started his seemingly perfect life with the newest It Girl. Barely six months had passed after the divorce was finalized, and Cynthia sported a diamond on her left hand, the two wed in an entirely over the top ceremony before the year was over. Their image is pristine, with a life others could only dream of. Of course, the Barlows were always happy to flaunt their wealth each time they left their penthouse, serving as a staple in the Los Angeles social scene. Two years later, they welcomed their first child – Brie.
Brie is a mini-me of her mother from day one, in both looks and soon, attitude – Something Cynthia happily curated herself. From the start, her entire existence (along with her younger sister) is turned into a way for their mother to prove she’s ‘better’, in comparison to her husband’s first marriage. As a child, Brie didn’t see the reasoning – She just believed her mom was particular when it came to how she and her sister acted. It’s not until she’s older that she sees what was going on – That her mother never saw her older sister the same way Brie did, deciding that Thea was someone who messed with her image rather than a member of the family.
As soon as her mother got her chance, Brie started the pageant circuit. In the 80s, Cynthia had been the reigning Queen of the pageant world, winning countless crowns before finally embarking on the piece de resistance of the time – Miss Universe. Soon after, she transitioned her career into modeling and philanthropy, then motherhood. Brie was entranced by it all from the start, idolizing the image of perfection her mother put on display for the world. Being the center of attention was something she loved, thrived in. The outfits and theatrics only made it more exciting. While most children spent their days on the playground and playing with toys – Her free time was spent in etiquette classes and meeting with her pageant coach. As a young girl, it became all too easy to conflate the real world and the stage; Whether she was top of her class, crowned Miss Pageant-of-the-month, establishing herself as the “queen” of her social circle. Brie poised herself as something others should aspire to, ambitious to a fault as she pushed her way past others if her efforts on her own weren’t enough. Manipulation and sabotage helped her move along, becoming almost second nature to step on a few toes each time she sought out a new goal or desire.
This all created a notable reputation for Brie – That of a wolf in sheep’s clothing for those who knew her, and that of a driven young woman to those who didn’t. She was solid teflon, strategic in everything she does – Keeping a spotless image, refusing to let any cracks show. Somewhere along the way, reality and image warped together – Being the best was what got her trophies, attention and opportunities, her mother’s love. There was never an option for failure and growth, only perfection in everything she does. She comes by it honestly, having learned from a young age that if she’s not first, she’s last – Her mother’s direction and criticism warp her mindset, reminding her daughter that she’ll never be able to reach the standard held for her. The way Brie sees it – What’s the point of doing anything if you can’t be the best? It’s an ideal she’s always lived by, contributing to both her successes and self-resentment, a narrative only further perpetuated by her family.
Her determination is what gets her admission to Stanford, what launches her career as a stylist, and lands her a diamond on her left hand. The latter comes from a long-time boyfriend through her college years – Elliott Jonsson. They mirrored her parents in a certain way – With him also being from a prominent family in Los Angeles, the two in the works to create lucrative careers while also being featured on Page Six. She loves him, even if their relationship isn’t exactly a wholesome romance. They’re similar to a fault, their relationship built on extremes – While there’s a deep love for one another, they’re yelling in one another’s faces just as often as they are declaring their love. Regardless of all of that, he’s her first love – Someone who she’s certain she’ll spend her life with. And after she graduates, the person she moves back to Los Angeles with.
From the moment she returns to Beverly Hills, she puts her work ethic and a heavy dose of nepotism to the test to truly jump start her career. Through college, she’d worked as a stylist for various big names in San Francisco, but now that she’s finished school and returned home – Determination to make herself a staple in the fashion industry motivates her. Having the last name Barlow attached to her fashion blog, it’s not long before she takes off. Seemingly overnight, she’s styling celebrity clients for the red carpet, and writing for major fashion magazines – Solidifying her opinion as something to hold in high regard. She does this all in the midst of planning the event of the year – her own wedding. The ceremony was an accumulation of all her hard work and schemes, to be the true beginning to the next chapter in her life: Happily Ever After.
A voice in the back of her head reminded her that it was a bad idea, that they were absolutely rushing and were too young – But she was in love, and wasn’t going to hear it. As far as she could see, she’d done everything right; The right look, the right career, the right dress, the right guy. If she had to force the puzzle pieces together, so be it. Marriage doesn’t change the volatility of their relationship, the only difference is now they share a bank account and both signed a pre-nup. They’re two sides of the same coin, and no matter how deeply they love one another, their lives will always be made up of power plays and mind games – Willfully remaining blind to what is right in front of them.
They’re married for nearly three years when their time finally runs out – Two pink lines on a pregnancy test serve as a wake up call for both of them, even if they don’t realize it. It puts a certain perspective into their relationship, one Brie refuses to admit to herself until it’s too late: They can’t do /this/ for the rest of their lives. What is supposed to be her fairytale ending shouldn’t be an endless cycle of being in love one moment and miserable the next. They both end up agreeing that they don’t want children, nor are either ready to make that kind of commitment. (There’s a confusing knot in her stomach when she realizes later that ‘with you’ went unsaid when she told him she doesn’t want kids.) Ultimately, a trip to the doctor ends the possibility of them being parents, but the elephant in the room remains despite the fact that she refuses to acknowledge it.
They don’t talk about it. At least, Brie doesn’t – It’s not the abortion that bothers her, but everything else around her. It’s the distant look in Elliott’s eyes, the way their relationship has shifted. It’s unspoken and unexplained, but she feels it – From him, from herself. She finally gets an answer a few months later, when she returns home to an empty house.
Elliott’s gone.
It’s like he truly disappeared – No call, no text, no note. All of his clothes remain in the closet, his home office still in order, car in the driveway. It’s an eerie feeling, one that initially makes her panic. Part of her assumed he’d gone on a bender, that he’d gotten drunk and ended up in Colorado or something equally as ridiculous and grandiose. It’s what she told herself as the first night went on, when her call reaches his voicemail until the inbox is full and his mother tells her she hasn’t seen him. A terrible, sinking feeling quickly settles in. There’s no miscommunication or misunderstand – Her husband has left her.
Needless to say, the devastation she’s left with is unmatched. Brie has never been one to let her emotions control her, but the weight of this betrayal is one she’s never felt before – It has her spiraling for weeks, unable to emerge from her own bed or put on the facade she’s become so accustomed to putting on. There’s no way to spin this, no way to brush it under the rug and pretend she’s not devastated. She’d done everything right – Worked hard and fought to remain at the top, maintain the seemingly spotless image she’d crafted. And yet, she’s left alone, reminded that despite her best efforts, Brie will never be enough.
The iron grip of control she once had on her life has loosened, much to her chagrin. As time goes on, every time she tries to hide a crack in her armor a new one appears Brie attempts to carry on as if nothing is wrong, as if her entire life wasn’t uprooted and she wasn’t left behind. She plays the role she’s known for so long, lifting her chin high and pretending she’s not stuck with the sinking feeling that she really is the villain she worries she may be. As time goes on, it becomes more and more difficult to put up a front – Fielding questions about her failed marriage and her husband’s disappearing act pull an Oscar worthy performance from her. Putting a heavy focus on work helps, makes it easier to compartmentalize when she has something else to put her energy into, instead of trying to figure out how to move on.
Before she knows it a year has passed since he left, and she’s figured out how to live a quasi-single life, though her mother continues to remind her that she’s alone. Critiques from gossip magazines, strangers, friends – That’s easy to brush off, roll her eyes and come back with a hurtful retort to get the attention away from her wounds. But the commentary from her mother stings, pokes at her bruises and hurts more than Brie wants to admit it does. Cynthia has always been the one person who can throw her off course, never failing to leave her daughter feeling small and deflated.
A fact that leads her to a terrible lie: In the midst of a conversation about Cynthia’s best friend, Debrah – Brie tells her mother she’s dating the woman’s son. The lie passed her lips before she could stop it, having never been able to be rational when it comes to her mother; Especially when she starts making backhanded comments about her daughter’s inability to keep her husband. Debrah’s son, Gabriel, had been Brie’s childhood best friend. The two were inseparable as kids, before somewhere along the way the blonde had left him behind in favor of the attention and popularity her status could bring. They had remained in one another’s lives reluctantly – There was no escaping when their mother’s still adored one another, or their friend groups overlapped. Friendship had turned to annoyance, the two unable to remain in the same room without ending up in an argument or making snide remarks. As adults, this had mellowed out – They simply lived their different lives, occasionally bumping into each other at a social event.
But thanks to Brie’s impulsive and misguided attempt at getting her mother off her back – They spent the holiday season under the guise of being happy and in love. She brought Gabriel on the annual Barlow Family Christmas Vacation as her boyfriend, though their relationship had been entirely fabricated. And thanks to their mother’s friendship, he’d been roped in before he had the chance to say no. It had been the performance of a lifetime, one that her family seemed to buy (sans her sisters, who saw right through the arrangement), and for a brief moment – Brie had found her mother’s approval once again. Their deal was simple: Spend two weeks fake dating, and then she’d ‘break up’ with him. Having Gabe back in her life was strange, but oddly easy to fall back into age-old habits – Somewhere along the way, it becomes far too easy to get caught up in the lie and lines begin to blur on what’s reality and what’s fiction. He was supposed to be a way to keep her mother’s critiques at bay, to avoid the woman poking bruises – They weren’t supposed to sleep together while ‘dating’, nor were they supposed to continue to do so after.
Everything remains unsaid and undefined after the holidays, the two beginning to straddle the line between friends and more. It leaves her naively believing that she’s finding control over her life again – Hopeful that pieces have begun to fall back into place, in the way that they’re supposed to. She’s trying to move on, in spite of the way her life has been derailed. Brie’s reached a turning point, able to continue in furthering her career, to put things back in order, and get back to being who she’s meant to be. An accidental phone call pulls her back to reality, though. She hadn’t meant to answer the unfamiliar number, but the LA area code has her assuming it’s a client – Not her estranged husband’s assistant, letting her know Elliott’s flight back to Los Angeles has been delayed. Within a matter of seconds, she’s sent back to square one.
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shipradigital · 2 years
Vidya Ashram Career Institute In Lucknow  is a prestigious Institute for the preparation of various competitive exams for the last 6 years. Right from the very beginning, it was our vision to impart quality education in a conducive ambiance where a kind of deep mutual understanding and trust develops between the mentors and the students. In this endeavor, we strive hard and slowly but steadily developed a system so simple and effective that results start trickling in. On a consistent basis, we produced over 3500 selections in IIT-JEE & over 3000 in various medical entrance examinations. One of our salient features is that we firmly believe that preparing for Boards and Competitive exams are not two different things. But they should be merged with each other with such finesse and aplomb that an aspiring student remains least stressed and enjoys the rigorous daunting challenge of performing superbly in both. Integration of both the Boards and competitive exams is designed, planned, and executed at Vidya Ashram in excellent fashion.
Our aim is to become one of the most admired brands in the education sector and help young aspirants make their dreams come true through quality teaching, technology-enabled systems, and commitment. We believe that the hard labor and efforts of children require the right channel to blossom into success stories. With our clear-cut, straightforward .
Best IIT-JEE coaching in Lucknow: Vidya Ashram Career Institute in Lucknow provides the Best IIT-JEE Coaching in Lucknow by the experienced faculties from Delhi, Kota & Patna, test series, study material, and doubt classes.
Best JEE coaching in Lucknow: vidya Ashram career Institute in Lucknow provides the Best JEE Main Coaching in Lucknow by the experienced faculties from Delhi, Kota & Patna, test series, study material, and doubt classes
Top NEET Coaching in Lucknow: vidya Ashram in Lucknow provides the top NEET Coaching in Lucknow by the experienced faculties with advanced teaching.
Best NEET coaching in Lucknow. Vidya Ashram in Lucknow provides the Best NEET Coaching in Lucknow by the experienced faculties with advanced teaching.
Our mission is to create an environment of academic excellence enabled by modern pedagogy and technology to impart quality education to students aspiring for the best engineering, medical and commerce colleges of the country through personalised learning schedules, individual attention, top-notch teaching faculty, and the best educational infrastructure. We strive to inculcate in our children an analytical bend of mind, critical thinking, and on undying curiosity, qualities which we believe help in nurturing successful lifelong learners.
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designexamcoaching · 3 months
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NIFT Coaching
Sanyukta Singh design Studio is India's leading Best Coaching Institute for Design Entrance Exams. We offer the country's most advanced Design course to crack top design exams. A smart interactive display panel is used to release lectures. is supported by the largest global network of fashion and interior design institutes with a presence in India. Over the past 7 years, we have worked in the design field and successfully provided the design industry with 10,000+ of the best professionals with qualified instructors from NIFT, NID, & IIT. 
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 The day our students were eagerly waiting for is finally here. On the upcoming Sunday, the battlefield deciding your designer future has been set up for you to ace.
On February 5, 2023, Sunday, the National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT) will hold written exams for NIFT 2023.
All the young aspirants who aim to be a designer, prepare for the NIFT entrance to get into the top design colleges and receive the best training. The GAT exam will be given from 9:30 am to 12:00 pm, while the CAT exam will be given from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm.
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Focusing on both the sections equally and penning down your full potential onto the examination, we hope you excel with perfection.
As the hustle follows, ths study tips provided by us hopefully help the aspirants self analyse and calmly attempt the exam without hastily making silly mistakes under stress.
Whatever may be the result, as an ambitious person, you should aim on putting your best foot forward and leaving the rest to destiny.
Dezine Quest, the top nift coaching in Patna, introduced a last-minute revision class for students to motivate them and give them question attempting tips in an effortless way. This workshop took place on 3rd February, at 5PM, as the class was filled up with nervous anticipating aspirants.
The leading NIFT coaching wishes all the aspirants their best luck. For this attempt and all the choices ahead, we will stand behind you as a constant guide, whenever you need us.
More Visit: NIFT Coaching in Ranchi
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acslkko · 8 months
Unlock Your Design Potential: ACS - Raebareli's Premier Choice for Best Coaching in NIFT Entrance Exam
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The National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT) Entrance Exam is the gateway to pursuing a successful career in the dynamic and creative field of fashion design. Aspiring designers know the importance of securing admission to NIFT, and the right coaching plays a crucial role in achieving this goal. In Raebareli, look no further than the Academy of Creative Students (ACS), known for being the best coaching institute for NIFT Entrance Exam preparation.
Excellence in Education
ACS stands out in Raebareli for its unwavering commitment to providing top-notch education to aspiring fashion designers. The institute has garnered a reputation for excellence in coaching, with a dedicated team of experienced faculty members who are experts in the field of fashion design. Students at ACS benefit from a comprehensive and well-structured curriculum designed to cover all aspects of the NIFT Entrance Exam.
Comprehensive Course Structure
ACS takes pride in offering a comprehensive course structure that covers every aspect of the NIFT Entrance Exam syllabus. From design concepts to general ability and awareness, ACS ensures that students are well-prepared for all sections of the exam. The institute employs a result-oriented teaching methodology, incorporating mock tests, group discussions, and interactive sessions to enhance the learning experience.
Personalized Attention
One of the key factors that set ACS apart is its commitment to providing personalized attention to each student. Recognizing that every student is unique, the institute maintains small class sizes to facilitate individualized interaction between students and faculty. This personalized approach ensures that students receive the guidance and support they need to excel in their NIFT Entrance Exam.
State-of-the-Art Facilities
ACS understands the importance of providing a conducive learning environment. The institute boasts state-of-the-art facilities, including well-equipped classrooms, design studios, and a resource-rich library. The infrastructure at ACS is designed to foster creativity and innovation, essential elements in the field of fashion design.
Success Stories
The success stories of ACS alumni speak volumes about the institute's effectiveness in preparing students for the NIFT Entrance Exam. Many ACS graduates have not only cleared the exam with flying colors but have also gone on to make a mark in the fashion industry. The institute takes pride in nurturing talent and helping students achieve their dreams.
Enroll at ACS for a Bright Future
If you aspire to pursue a career in fashion design and are seeking the best coaching for the Best Coaching for NIFT Entrance Exam in Raebareli, look no further than ACS. With its commitment to excellence, personalized attention, and state-of-the-art facilities, ACS stands as the premier choice for aspiring designers. Unlock your design potential with ACS and embark on a journey towards a successful and fulfilling career in the world of fashion.
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The Best Teaching Methodology by Dezine Quest NIFT Coaching in Patna
Dezine Quest, set up in 2007 has evolved its teaching methodology through the years and truly justifies the tag of being the best NIFT coaching in Patna. With its premium team of professional faculty from fields of design, fashion, and textiles from NIFT Delhi, NID, and other prestigious D schools, Dezine Quest trains students’ individual creative potential.
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For a young learner who needs guidance for their NIFT/NID/UCEED/B.Arch/NATA preparation coaching in Patna, Dezine Quest, as the leading institution to provide NIFT classes, applies its effective teaching methodology of interactive live classes, practice sessions, doubt-clearing discussions, and personal mentoring for each student to focus on the portion they lack at.
Focusing on separate technicalities of CAT and GAT, and providing adequate study materials and detailed assignments considering General knowledge, English, Mathematics, reasoning, and technical and creative sketching. Dezine Quest allows its students access to its 24x7 education app to incorporate ease and comfort along with time management. Making designing a fun learning experience for the students has been their prime priority with smart classes, outdoor workshops, and educational trips. The supportive team of Dezine Quest focuses on the consistent evaluation of progress reports so as to give tips to the students for overall better performance, proving itself to be the top NIFT coaching in Patna.
The various mock tests, revisions, and situation tests really help the learners build confidence and correct their mistakes before the main entrance. Dezine Quest NIFT Coaching in Delhi has been striving towards implementing theoretical knowledge to real-life experiences and bringing life to their imagination as future designers.
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