#Benjamin F. Morris
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fortisfilia · 1 year ago
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Promised Masterpost
Pairing: Tom Riddle x f!reader
Status: Completed (rewritten in 2024)
Total word count: 45k
Info: This is a rewrite of a story I've posted on my old account years ago. If it sounds familiar, that might be why :)
In this story, Tom didn't grow up as an orphan, but with his grandfather and uncle. Reader's sister got very sick and the Gaunts offer their help. But not without asking for something in return.
Links for other platforms: AO3 | Wattpad
Part 1 - Dinner Guests
Part 2 - Back in Hogwarts
Part 3 - Parallels and Potions
Part 4 - One and the Same
Part 5 - Making believe
Part 6 - Of Vows and Wrangles
Part 7 - Gift Giving
Part 8 - Slughorn's Party
Part 9 - Never trust a Snake
Part 10 - Mors Grano
Part 11 - The Earth's Centre
Part 12 - Pillow Talk and Butterbeer
Part 13 - Pranks and proper Paybacks
Part 14 - Gaunt Manor
Part 15 - A Dagger for a Devotee
Part 16 - 30th June 1945
Part 17 - Epilogue
Find the sequel to Promised here.
Camille Kegley
Benjamin Hilt
Freda Morris
Bonus (blurbs and drabbles, sent in by readers or answered by me):
Tom teaching you a spell
How Tom would react if he saw you crying
You comfort Tom when he gets letters from Marvolo
Tom taking care of you when you're sick
Tom taking care of you when you're sick II
How Tom would react if you wore his clothes
When it's cold outside
Kissing you while you're asleep
Tom calling Ben on the phone
Tom and reader seeing Lord Voldemort
Tom blushing and being mad about it
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abbiistabbii · 8 months ago
Ok so can we talk about how the US Congress funded two art pieces depicting George Washington as a God? Like, fucking seriously?
First one is in the occulus of the Capitol Rotunda dome and it's called the Apotheosis of Washington.
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So first off the name: Apotheosis means "the elevation of someone to divine status." Something the Romans did a lot (the Founding Fathers were horny for Ancient Rome) during the Empire days was deify dead emperors, which, you know, is real personality cultish.
This painting shows Washington, being taken up into the clouds in a pose akin to a Greek God like Zeus. Below him is Columbia (a pre-Uncle Sam personification of America) crushing tyrants and kings. Along the edges you have Minerva with Benjamin Franklin, Samuel F. B. Morse, and Robert Fulton, Poseidon and Venus laying a telegraph cable, Mercury giving money to Robert Morris, Vulcan with Canons and a Steam Locomotive, and Ceres helping farmers.
OK, and to stress how much this is "Washington being made a God", the guy who painted this, Constantino Brumidi, started out his art career painting religious shit for the Vatican. The US Congress hired this man who was primarily known for his work painting art for the Catholic Church to paint George Washington being made a God.
Oh, but you know how I said there are two? Well guess fucking what, Congress commissioned another thing depicting George Washington as a God.
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This is "George Washington" by Horatio Greenough, also known as "Washington Enthroned" and depicts Washington as a Greek God, clothes, pose and all.
Now this too was made for the Rotunda, but people found it controversial, not because it depicted George Washington as a fuckin' God, but because he was Half naked. People's main issue was the man was half naked, not that he was being depicted as a Greek fucking God.
Now I know you are all going to be all "Aren't you from the UK with the Monarchy and..."
We don't treat any historical figure like this. Kings, Queens, Prime Ministers. Nobody is literally depicted as a God in a serious work of art.
The most any Monarch gets is a statue, or something named after them. The tower containing Big Ben is named after Elizabeth the Second. Winston Churchill is used a lot in Nationalistic shit but even the shaggiest of flag shagger would think depicting the man as a God is too far. We have some big monuments to some figures, Sir Walter Scott has a 61.11 m high gothic tower in Princes street in Edinburgh, William Wallace has a Tower in 67 m tall tower just outside Stirling, but nobody is like depicting them as a God. But here you are, America, depicting Washington as a fucking God like that's a normal things healthy countries do.
Fuck, Mount Rushmore was funded by the Government too, where they saw a Mountain Sacred to the Dakota and was all "Let's carve the Heads of Presidents on that." They saw a sacred site and decided to deify not just Washington, but four other presidents too.
Jesus Christ America.
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john-laurens · 3 months ago
Philadelphia May 17th 1780 Dear Sir, I embrace the earliest & best opportunity of acknowledging the receipt of yours, dated, Wilmington 21st April, & need not, I trust, express how much I join with you in anxious expectation of hearing the fate of our Capital, & the brave men within it.  I am, however, not without my hopes, & am convinced, that if Sir Henry has not succeeded before this time, he never will.  The Garrison & inhabitants of New York have been thrown into the greatest confusion by news received from Europe, repeated councils of war have been held, repeated expresses sent off to Clinton, & the citizens, as well as the military, are called out to fatigue duty; they are erecting works between the two rivers, and a battery at the lookout on Staten Island, whilst a number of vessels have been prepared, & are ready to be sunk, with a view of obstructing the entrance of the harbor.  These facts, joined to the information we have received from Europe, lend us to expect the appearance of a friendly force.  I thought it of the greatest consequence that our friends in Carolina should be immediately made acquainted with our expectations in this matter, as it may be attended with no small influence upon their councils.  As my Colleague Matthews is on a committee at Camp, I am deprived of his advice with respect to that part of your letter, which hints the expediency of transmitting to Mr. Adams, a similar commission, to that which you now hold, but have thought it best upon reflection not to say mention any thing about the matter, answering in general terms to all enquiries, that you were at Wilmington, & waiting for a safe opportunity to embark.  Should we be so unfortunate as to lose Charles Town, it will not then be too late to transmit a commission to Mr. Adams, but should our enemies be disappointed, you will in that case, I flatter myself, my dear Sir, be prevailed upon to make the attempt, & may do it with a far greater prospect of success, if not embarrassed with the interference of another Person._ We have had quires of paper from our Ministers abroad, but they contain little else but extracts from French & English Newspapers, except on one head which I have alluded to in the other page of this letter, & which prudence forbids my discussing on paper._ Should any thing material take place, I should esteem it a particular favor to hear from you, & will endeavor to deserve it, by giving every degree of information from this quarter. I am, dear Sir, With the greatest respect & esteem, Your most obdnt & hum. Servant, F. Kinloch. The Marquis de la Fayette is arrived, & has, I believe, some information to communicate. Governor Morris had the misfortune, to be thrown out of his Phaeton the other day, & has lost his leg by amputation. I enclose the last Newspapers, which I beg you would be so kind as to forward to the Governor.
Francis Kinloch to Henry Laurens, in a letter dated May 17, 1780. Transcribed from the copy held at the Huntington Library.
This is a fairly short letter, but there's so much going on!
Francis and Henry directly interacted several times throughout their lives, but this may be the only surviving letter between the two.
"acknowledging the receipt of yours, dated, Wilmington 21st April" - Letter not found. Henry Laurens was in Wilmington, NC at this time and was looking to secure passage to the Netherlands.
"I join with you in anxious expectation of hearing the fate of our Capital, & the brave men within it.  I am, however, not without my hopes, & am convinced, that if Sir Henry has not succeeded before this time, he never will." - Kinloch was referring to Sir Henry Clinton's siege on Charleston, SC, which lasted for three months. Despite Kinloch's optimism, General Benjamin Lincoln had already surrendered to the British on May 12, 1780. Kinloch was serving on the Continental Congress in Philadelphia at the time, so the news had not yet reached him.
"These facts, joined to the information we have received from Europe, lend us to expect the appearance of a friendly force." - This and other references to news from Europe are likely a reference to reinforcements arriving from France. The comte de Rochambeau and 5,500 men set sail for America in May 1780.
"which hints the expediency of transmitting to Mr. Adams, a similar commission, to that which you now hold" - In the fall of 1779, Congress had named Henry Laurens as minister to the Netherlands in hopes of securing a treaty and a loan with the country. Henry would never make it to the Netherlands - his ship was intercepted by a British frigate, and he was imprisoned in the Tower of London. John Adams later served as envoy to the Netherlands during 1780-1782.
"The Marquis de la Fayette is arrived, & has, I believe, some information to communicate." - A Lafayette mention! Lafayette had recently traveled to France to secure additional aid for the American cause, and he recently returned to America with news of the impending support.
"Governor Morris had the misfortune, to be thrown out of his Phaeton the other day, & has lost his leg by amputation." - An iconic story. I did not have "Francis Kinloch writes to Henry Laurens about Gouverneur Morris's amputated leg" on my 1780 bingo card, yet here we are.
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todaysdocument · 1 year ago
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Discharge Petition for H.R. 7152, the Civil Rights Act of 1964
Record Group 233: Records of the U.S. House of RepresentativesSeries: General Records
This item, H.R. 7152, the Civil Rights Act of 1964, faced strong opposition in the House Rules Committee. Howard Smith, Chairman of the committee, refused to schedule hearings for the bill. Emanuel Celler, Chairman of the Judiciary Committee, attempted to use this discharge petition to move the bill out of committee without holding hearings. The petition failed to gain the required majority of Congress (218 signatures), but forced Chairman Smith to schedule hearings.
88th CONGRESS. House of Representatives No. 5 Motion to Discharge a Committee from the Consideration of a RESOLUTION (State whether bill, joint resolution, or resolution) December 9, 1963 To the Clerk of the House of Representatives: Pursuant to Clause 4 of Rule XXVII (see rule on page 7), I EMANUEL CELLER (Name of Member), move to discharge to the Commitee on RULES (Committee) from the consideration of the RESOLUTION; H. Res. 574 entitled, a RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE CONSIDERATION OF THE BILL (H. R. 7152) which was referred to said committee November 27, 1963 in support of which motion the undersigned Members of the House of Representatives affix their signatures, to wit: 1. Emanuel Celler 2. John J. Rooney 3. Seymour Halpern 4. James G Fulton 5. Thomas W Pelly 6. Robt N. C. Nix 7. Jeffery Cohelan 8. W A Barrett 9. William S. Mailiard 10. 11. Augustus F. Hawkins 12. Otis G. Pike 13. Benjamin S Rosenthal 14. Spark M Matsunaga 15. Frank M. Clark 16. William L Dawson 17. Melvin Price 18. John C. Kluczynski 19. Barratt O'Hara 20. George E. Shipley 21. Dan Rostenkowski 22. Ralph J. Rivers[page] 2 23. Everett G. Burkhalter 24. Robert L. Leggett 25. William L St Onge 26. Edward P. Boland 27. Winfield K. Denton 28. David J. Flood 29. 30. Lucian N. Nedzi 31. James Roosevelt 32. Henry C Reuss 33. Charles S. Joelson 34. Samuel N. Friedel 35. George M. Rhodes 36. William F. Ryan 37. Clarence D. Long 38. Charles C. Diggs Jr 39. Morris K. Udall 40. Wm J. Randall 41. 42. Donald M. Fraser 43. Joseph G. Minish 44. Edith Green 45. Neil Staebler 46. 47. Ralph R. Harding 48. Frank M. Karsten 49. 50. John H. Dent 51. John Brademas 52. John E. Moss 53. Jacob H. Gilbert 54. Leonor K. Sullivan 55. John F. Shelley 56. 57. Lionel Van Deerlin 58. Carlton R. Sickles 59. 60. Edward R. Finnegan 61. Julia Butler Hansen 62. Richard Bolling 63. Ken Heckler 64. Herman Toll 65. Ray J Madden 66. J Edward Roush 67. James A. Burke 68. Frank C. Osmers Jr 69. Adam Powell 70. 71. Fred Schwengel 72. Philip J. Philiben 73. Byron G. Rogers 74. John F. Baldwin 75. Joseph Karth 76. 77. Roland V. Libonati 78. John V. Lindsay 79. Stanley R. Tupper 80. Joseph M. McDade 81. Wm Broomfield 82. 83. 84. Robert J Corbett 85. 86. Craig Hosmer87. Robert N. Giaimo 88. Claude Pepper 89. William T Murphy 90. George H. Fallon 91. Hugh L. Carey 92. Robert T. Secrest 93. Harley O. Staggers 94. Thor C. Tollefson 95. Edward J. Patten 96. 97. Al Ullman 98. Bernard F. Grabowski 99. John A. Blatnik 100. 101. Florence P. Dwyer 102. Thomas L. ? 103. 104. Peter W. Rodino 105. Milton W. Glenn 106. Harlan Hagen 107. James A. Byrne 108. John M. Murphy 109. Henry B. Gonzalez 110. Arnold Olson 111. Harold D Donahue 112. Kenneth J. Gray 113. James C. Healey 114. Michael A Feighan 115. Thomas R. O'Neill 116. Alphonzo Bell 117. George M. Wallhauser 118. Richard S. Schweiker 119. 120. Albert Thomas 121. 122. Graham Purcell 123. Homer Thornberry 124. 125. Leo W. O'Brien 126. Thomas E. Morgan 127. Joseph M. Montoya 128. Leonard Farbstein 129. John S. Monagan 130. Brad Morse 131. Neil Smith 132. Harry R. Sheppard 133. Don Edwards 134. James G. O'Hara 135. 136. Fred B. Rooney 137. George E. Brown Jr. 138. 139. Edward R. Roybal 140. Harris. B McDowell jr. 141. Torbert H. McDonall 142. Edward A. Garmatz 143. Richard E. Lankford 144. Richard Fulton 145. Elizabeth Kee 146. James J. Delaney 147. Frank Thompson Jr 148. 149. Lester R. Johnson 150. Charles A. Buckley4 151. Richard T. Hanna 152. James Corman 153. Paul A Fino 154. Harold M. Ryan 155. Martha W. Griffiths 156. Adam E. Konski 157. Chas W. Wilson 158. Michael J. Kewan 160. Alex Brooks 161. Clark W. Thompson 162. John D. Gringell [?] 163. Thomas P. Gill 164. Edna F. Kelly 165. Eugene J. Keogh 166 John. B. Duncan 167. Elmer J. Dolland 168. Joe Caul 169. Arnold Olsen 170. Monte B. Fascell [?] 171. [not deciphered] 172. J. Dulek 173. Joe W. [undeciphered] 174. J. J. Pickle [Numbers 175 through 214 are blank]
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lboogie1906 · 21 days ago
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Roberts v. Boston, 59 Mass. (5 Cush.) 198 (1850) was a court case seeking to end racial discrimination in Boston public schools. The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court ruled in favor of Boston, finding no constitutional basis for the suit. The case was cited by the SCOTUS in Plessy v. Ferguson, which established the “separate but equal” standard.
Roberts v. Boston centered on Sarah C. Roberts, a five-year-old African American girl. She was enrolled in Abiel Smith School, an underfunded all-Black common school, far from her home in Boston. Her father, Benjamin F. Roberts, African American, attempted to enroll her at closer, whites-only schools. After Sarah Roberts was denied based on her race and was physically removed from one school, her father wrote to the state legislature to seek a solution. The Supreme Court of Massachusetts heard the case, in which Benjamin Roberts listed his daughter Sarah as the Plaintiff and the City of Boston as the Defendant. Not all African Americans supported Roberts; most believed in “separate but equal” schooling and questioned the kind of education their children would receive from a white teacher. The defendant’s attorney was Peleg Chandler, the plaintiff’s attorneys were Charles Sumner and Robert Morris, and the judge was Lemuel Shaw. Sumner noted the distance that Sarah had to travel and the psychological trauma the girl would experience having to go to an all-Black, sub-standard school. Despite the plaintiff’s lawyers’ best efforts, Shaw ruled for the defendant in November 1849.
Roberts brought the issue to the state legislature with Sumner’s help and in 1855, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts banned segregated schools in the state. This was the first law prohibiting segregated schools in the US. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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gayhomebody · 1 year ago
Books I've read in 2024
'Bleak House' by Charles Dickens
'Bandits' by Eric Hobsbawm
'Soledad Brother: The Prison Letters of George Jackson' by George Jackson
'The Violence of Britishness: Racism, Borders and the Conditions of Citizenship' by Nadya Ali
'Black Power' by Kwame Ture and Charles V. Hamilton
History Today February 2024 Vol. 74 Issue 2
'The Autobiography of an Unknown Indian' by Nirad C. Chaudhuri
'Booth' by Karen Joy Fowler
'Making Sense of Russia's Invasion of Ukraine' by Paul Le Blanc
History Today March 2024 Vol. 74 Issue 3
'Walter Benjamin's Archive'
Granta 15, Spring 1985, 'The Fall of Saigon' by James Fenton
'Kitchen Confidential: Insider's Edition' by Anthony Bourdain
'End British Support for Zionism, Isolate the Israeli State' by FRFI
'East into Upper East: Plain Tales from New York and New Delhi' by Ruth Prawer Jhabvala
'From the Four Corners' by Jan Morris
'Common Sense and The American Crisis I' by Thomas Paine
'Renaissance Europe, 1480-1520' by J. R. Hale
'Reformation Europe, 1517-1559' by G. R. Elton
'Europe Divided, 1559-1598' by J. H. Elliott
'Bukharin and the Bolshevik Revolution: A Political Biography, 1888-1938' by Stephen F. Cohen
'A Short History of Nearly Everything' by Bill Bryson
'Israel's War on Gaza' by Gilbert Achcar
'What does Israel fear from Palestine?' by Raja Shehadeh
'Fascism and Dictatorship: The Third International and the Problem of Fascism' by Nicos Poulantzas
'A Grand Tour of the Roman Empire' by Marcus Sidonius Falx with Jerry Toner
'The Roman Empire' by Colin Wells
'Lessons of October' by Leon Trotsky (Reread)
'Coming up for Air' by George Orwell
'Fathers and Sons' by Ivan Turgenev
'A Christmas Carol' by Charles Dickens (Reread)
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indiejones · 1 year ago
Rajesh Khanna
Lionel Messi
Leonardo Da Vinci
Online Indie
Muhammad Ali
Joan of Arc
William Shakespeare
Vincent Van Gogh
J. K. Rowling
David Lean
Nadia Comaneci
Diego Maradona
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Meena Kumari
Julius Caesar
Harrison Ford
Ludwig Van Beethoven
William W. Cargill
Fritz Hoffmann-La Roche
Samuel Curtis Johnson
Sam Walton
John D. Rockefeller
Andrew Carnegie
Roy Thomson
Tim Berners-Lee
Marie Curie
James J. Hill
Cornelius Vanderbilt
Roman Polanski
Samuel Slater
J. P. Morgan
Cary Grant
Dmitri Mendeleev
John Harvard
Alain Delon
Ramakrishna Paramhansa (Official God)
The Lumiere Brothers, Auguste & Louis
Carl Friedrich Benz
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
Ramana Maharishi
Mark Twain
Swami Sri Yukteswar Giri
Bruce Lee
Bhagwan Krishna (Official God)
Rene Descartes
John F. Kennedy
Bhagwan Ganesha (Official God)
Walt Disney
Albert Einstein
Nikola Tesla
Alfred Hitchcock
William Randolph Hearst
Cosimo de’ Medici
Johann Sebastian Bach
Alec Guinness
Christopher Plummer
Jackie Chan
Guru Dutt
Amma Karunamayi/ Mata Parvati (Official God)
Peter Sellers
Gerard Depardieu
Joseph Safra
Robert Morris
Sean Connery
Petr Kellner
Aristotle Onassis
Usain Bolt
Jack Welch
Alfredo di Stefano
Elizabeth Taylor
Michael Jordan
Paul Muni
Steven Spielberg
Louis Pasteur
Ingrid Bergman
Norma Shearer
Dr. B. R. Ambedkar
Ayn Rand
Jesus Christ (Official God)
Luciano Pavarotti
Alain Resnais
Frank Sinatra
Allah (Official God)
Richard Nixon
Charlie Chaplin
Thomas Alva Edison
Alexander Graham Bell
Wright Brothers
Arjun (of Bhagwan Krishna’s Gita)
Jim Simons
George Lucas
Swami Sri Lahiri Mahasaya
Carl Lewis
Brett Favre
Helen Keller
Bernard Mannes Baruch
Buddha (Official God)
Hugh Grant
K. L. Saigal
Roger Federer
Rash Behari Bose
Tiger Woods
William Blake
Jesse Owens
Claude Miller
Bernardo Bertolucci
Subhash Chandra Bose
Satyajit Ray
Chiang Kai-Shek
John Logie Baird
Geeta Dutt
Raphael (painter)
Bhagwan Shiva (Official God)
Radha (Ancient Krishna devotee)
George Orwell
Jorge Paulo Lemann
Catherine Deneuve
Pierre-Auguste Renoir
Bill Gates
Bhagwan Ram (Official God)
Michael Phelps
Michael Faraday
Audrey Hepburn
Dalai Lama
Grace Kelly
Mikhail Gorbachev
Vladimir Putin
Galileo Galilei
Gary Cooper
Roger Moore
John Huston
Blaise Pascal
Humphrey Bogart
Rudyard Kipling
Samuel Morse
Wayne Gretzky
Yogi Berra
Barry Levinson
Patrice Chereau (director)
Jerry Lewis
Louis Daguerre
James Watt
Henri Rousseau
Nikita Krushchev
Jack Dorsey
Dev Anand
Elia Kazan
Alexander Fleming
David Selznick
Frank Marshall
Viswanathan Anand
Major Dhyan Chand
Swami Vivekananda
Felix Rohatyn
Sam Spiegel
Anand Bakshi
Victor Hugo
Bhagwan Sri Sathya Sai Baba (Official God)
Steve Jobs
Srinivasa Ramanujam
Lord Hanuman
Stanley Kubrick
Diego Velazquez
Ernest Hemingway
Francis Ford Coppola
Michael Douglas
Kirk Douglas
Mario Lemieux
Kishore Kumar
James Stewart
Douglas Fairbanks
Babe Ruth
Raj Kapoor
Titian aka Tiziano Vecelli
El Greco
Francisco de Goya
Jim Carrey
Mohammad Rafi
Steffi Graf
Gustave Courbet
Rani Laxmibai of Jhansi
Milos Forman
Steve Wozniak
Georgia O’ Keeffe
Mala Sinha
Magic Johnson
Leo Tolstoy
Henry Fonda
Albrecht Durer
Benazir Bhutto
Cal Ripken Jr
Samuel Goldwyn
Mumtaz (actress)
Nicolaus Copernicus
Pablo Picasso
George Clooney
Olivia de Havilland
Prem Chand
Imran Khan
Pete Sampras
Ratan Tata
Meerabai (16th c. Krishna devotee)
Queen Elizabeth II
Pope John Paul II
James Cameron
Jack Ma
Warren Buffett
Romy Schneider
C. V. Raman
Aung San Suu Kyi
Benjamin Netanyahu
Frank Capra
Michael Schumacher
Steve Forbes
Paramhansa Yogananda
Tom Hanks
Kamal Amrohi
Hans Holbein
Shammi Kapoor
Gerardus Mercator
Edith Piaf
Bhagwan Shirdi Sai Baba (Official God) .
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indiesole · 1 year ago
Rajesh Khanna
Lionel Messi
Leonardo Da Vinci
Muhammad Ali
Joan of Arc
William Shakespeare
Vincent Van Gogh
Online Indie
J. K. Rowling
David Lean
Nadia Comaneci
Diego Maradona
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Meena Kumari
Julius Caesar
Harrison Ford
Ludwig Van Beethoven
William W. Cargill
Fritz Hoffmann-La Roche
Samuel Curtis Johnson
Sam Walton
John D. Rockefeller
Andrew Carnegie
Roy Thomson
Tim Berners-Lee
Marie Curie
James J. Hill
Cornelius Vanderbilt
Roman Polanski
Samuel Slater
J. P. Morgan
Cary Grant
Dmitri Mendeleev
John Harvard
Alain Delon
Ramakrishna Paramhansa (Official God)
The Lumiere Brothers, Auguste & Louis
Carl Friedrich Benz
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
Ramana Maharishi
Mark Twain
Swami Sri Yukteswar Giri
Bruce Lee
Bhagwan Krishna (Official God)
Rene Descartes
John F. Kennedy
Bhagwan Ganesha (Official God)
Walt Disney
Albert Einstein
Nikola Tesla
Alfred Hitchcock
William Randolph Hearst
Cosimo de’ Medici
Johann Sebastian Bach
Alec Guinness
Christopher Plummer
Jackie Chan
Guru Dutt
Amma Karunamayi/ Mata Parvati (Official God)
Peter Sellers
Gerard Depardieu
Joseph Safra
Robert Morris
Sean Connery
Petr Kellner
Aristotle Onassis
Usain Bolt
Jack Welch
Alfredo di Stefano
Elizabeth Taylor
Michael Jordan
Paul Muni
Steven Spielberg
Louis Pasteur
Ingrid Bergman
Norma Shearer
Dr. B. R. Ambedkar
Ayn Rand
Jesus Christ (Official God)
Luciano Pavarotti
Alain Resnais
Frank Sinatra
Allah (Official God)
Richard Nixon
Charlie Chaplin
Thomas Alva Edison
Alexander Graham Bell
Wright Brothers
Arjun (of Bhagwan Krishna’s Gita)
Jim Simons
George Lucas
Swami Sri Lahiri Mahasaya
Carl Lewis
Brett Favre
Helen Keller
Bernard Mannes Baruch
Buddha (Official God)
Hugh Grant
K. L. Saigal
Roger Federer
Rash Behari Bose
Tiger Woods
William Blake
Jesse Owens
Claude Miller
Bernardo Bertolucci
Subhash Chandra Bose
Satyajit Ray
Chiang Kai-Shek
John Logie Baird
Geeta Dutt
Raphael (painter)
Bhagwan Shiva (Official God)
Radha (Ancient Krishna devotee)
George Orwell
Jorge Paulo Lemann
Catherine Deneuve
Pierre-Auguste Renoir
Bill Gates
Bhagwan Ram (Official God)
Michael Phelps
Michael Faraday
Audrey Hepburn
Dalai Lama
Grace Kelly
Mikhail Gorbachev
Vladimir Putin
Galileo Galilei
Gary Cooper
Roger Moore
John Huston
Blaise Pascal
Humphrey Bogart
Rudyard Kipling
Samuel Morse
Wayne Gretzky
Yogi Berra
Barry Levinson
Patrice Chereau (director)
Jerry Lewis
Louis Daguerre
James Watt
Henri Rousseau
Nikita Krushchev
Jack Dorsey
Dev Anand
Elia Kazan
Alexander Fleming
David Selznick
Frank Marshall
Viswanathan Anand
Major Dhyan Chand
Swami Vivekananda
Felix Rohatyn
Sam Spiegel
Anand Bakshi
Victor Hugo
Bhagwan Sri Sathya Sai Baba (Official God)
Steve Jobs
Srinivasa Ramanujam
Lord Hanuman
Stanley Kubrick
Diego Velazquez
Ernest Hemingway
Francis Ford Coppola
Michael Douglas
Kirk Douglas
Mario Lemieux
Kishore Kumar
James Stewart
Douglas Fairbanks
Babe Ruth
Raj Kapoor
Titian aka Tiziano Vecelli
El Greco
Francisco de Goya
Jim Carrey
Mohammad Rafi
Steffi Graf
Gustave Courbet
Rani Laxmibai of Jhansi
Milos Forman
Steve Wozniak
Georgia O’ Keeffe
Mala Sinha
Magic Johnson
Leo Tolstoy
Henry Fonda
Albrecht Durer
Benazir Bhutto
Cal Ripken Jr
Samuel Goldwyn
Mumtaz (actress)
Nicolaus Copernicus
Pablo Picasso
George Clooney
Olivia de Havilland
Prem Chand
Imran Khan
Pete Sampras
Ratan Tata
Meerabai (16th c. Krishna devotee)
Queen Elizabeth II
Pope John Paul II
James Cameron
Jack Ma
Warren Buffett
Romy Schneider
C. V. Raman
Aung San Suu Kyi
Benjamin Netanyahu
Frank Capra
Michael Schumacher
Steve Forbes
Paramhansa Yogananda
Tom Hanks
Kamal Amrohi
Hans Holbein
Shammi Kapoor
Gerardus Mercator
Edith Piaf
Bhagwan Shirdi Sai Baba (Official God)
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angelajennings · 8 months ago
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Experimental Film & Video Exhibition, CICA Museum, Gimpo-si, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea,  April 24th to May 19th, 2024.
Featuring artists: Maddie Butler, Tiffany Carbonneau, Teresita Carson, Jennifer Cha, Hee Joon CHOI (최희준), Elena Efeoglou, Benjamin F. Stumpf and Antje Feger, Michael Hofmann, Angie Jennings, Sinhyung Kim (김신형), Sulju Kim (김설주), Jun Kuromiya, Olivia JS Lee (이정수), Seung jae LEE (이승재), Gwen Gunyung Lee (이근영), Jiaqi Liu, Hallie Maxwell & Matthew Thorley, Paige L Morris, SohyeonLee Park (박소현이), Park Sojeong(박소정), Jih-E Peng, Roxane Revon, Cecilia Suhr, Luna Beller-Tadiar, Team OutLier (Semi Kwon 권세미 & Sooyeon Bang 방수연 & EuiSuk Seo 서의석), Amanda VanValkenburg, Alyssa Wood, Soyoung Yang (양소영), Tianchenglong Yao, Wendelin Zhu & Monica Zhang & Xin Zhao, Ben Zucker
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themomsandthecity · 2 years ago
180+ Cute Baby Boy Names
Brainstorming baby names can be one of the most fun (and important) aspects of planning for the arrival of your little one, but it can also feel really overwhelming. If you don't have certain requirements, like wanting a name that runs in the family, the possibilities can seem endless. Our names are the first thing tied to our identities, and we know how daunting that sounds - so we're here to ease you of any stress you have on your hunt for cute baby boy names. Choosing a cute boy name that will be equally fitting for an adorable infant and the adult he grows into can be a challenge, which is why we compiled this list of cute, unique boy names. You're sure to find an option that flow well with your last name or other kids' names among the cute names for boys we rounded up here. You might even find two that you like to help you out with a middle name option. (Oh, and if you want options for cute girls' names, we have you covered for that too, with our list of cute girl names.) Cute Names For Boys A Abe, Addison, Adrian, Aiden, Amir, Amos, Ansel, Archie, Ari, Arlo, Asher, Atticus, August, Austin, Avery, Axel B Beau, Beckett, Bentley, Benicio, Benito, Benjamin, Billy, Bishop, Blake, Bodhi, Briggs, Brody, Brooks C Caleb, Campbell, Carter, Caspian, Charlie, Cody, Colby, Cole, Colton, Cooper, Crew, Crosby, Cruz D Dallas, Dash, Dawson, Dax, Deacon, Declan, Diego, Dillan, Donovan, Dorian, Duke, Dustin, Dylan E Easton, Eden, Eli, Elias, Elliott, Emerson, Emmett, Ender, Enrique, Enzo, Everest, Ewan, Ezra F Felipe, Finley, Finn, Fletcher, Ford, Frankie G Gabriel, Gage, Gavin, Graham, Grant, Gray, Greyson, Griffin, Gus Related: 117 Unique Names For Girls That Are Both Rare and Timeless H Harley, Henry, Hudson, Hugh, Hurley I Ian, Idris, Ira, Isaac, Isaiah J Jacob, Jack, Jaime, Jasper, Jaxon, Jayden, Jett, Jude, Julian K Kai, Khalil, Kingsley, Knox L Larkin, Leo, Liam, Logan, Luke M Mason, Maverick, Max, Memphis, Miles, Milo, Morris N Nate, Neo, Nico, Noah, Noe, Nolan O Oden, Oliver, Omari, Oscar, Otis, Owen P Percy, Peyton, Phoenix, Pierce, Porter Q Quest, Quentin, Quincy, Quinn Related: 50 Adorable and Meaningful Names For Baby Boys in 2022 R Remy, Rein, Rhett, Rhys, Roman, Ronin, Rowan, Ryan, Ryder S Samuel, Sawyer, Santiago, Sebastian, Shane, Silas T Tate, Theodore, Titan, Tobias, Toby, Trenton U Uri, Uriah, Uriel, Ulysses, Usher, Uwe V Valentino, Van, Virgil W Walker, Wesley, Wren, Wrenynn, Wyatt X Xander, Xavi, Xavier Y Yasir, Yates, Yonah, York, Yunis, Yuri Z Zachary, Zaiden, Zander, Zane https://www.popsugar.com/family/Cute-Boy-Names-43713664?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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literateish · 3 years ago
books i’ve read in 2022.
the complete list of the 68 books i read this year.
i set my goal as 52 books to read in 2022 (one book per month) and i’m very happy that i achieved that! in 2021 i read 26 books, which was very impressive for me, so the fact that i’ve read more than twice that this year is incredible.
a quiet kind of thunder by sara barnard
the wife of bath by geoffrey chaucer
the diary of a young girl by anne frank
always by morris gleitzman
crooked kingdom by leigh bardugo
the spanish love deception by elena armas
the ballad of songbirds and snakes by suzanne collins
mary barton by elizabeth gaskell
do androids dream of electric sheep by philip k dick
the lonely londoners by sam selvon
the love hypothesis by ali hazelwood
it ends with us by colleen hoover
one last stop by casey mcquiston
fun home by alison bechdel
the mad women’s ball by victoria mas
ugly love by colleen hoover
twelfth night by william shakespeare
aristotle and dante discover the secrets of the universe by benjamin alire saenz
aristotle and dante dive into the waters of the world by benjamin alone saenz
they both die at the end by adam silvera
heartstopper by alice oseman
normal people by sally rooney
one day in the life of ivan denisovich by aleksandr solzhenitsyn
my policeman by bethan roberts
delilah green doesn’t care by ashley herring blake
all your perfects by colleen hoover
confess by colleen hoover
the perks of being a wallflower by stephen chbosky
one true loves by taylor jenkins reid
beach read by emiky henry
red, white, and royal blue by casey mcquiston
call me by your name by andre aciman
humans by matt haig
how to stop time by matt haig
a man called ove by fredrik backman
you and me on vacation by emily henry
find me by andre aciman
still life by sarah winman
a court of thorns and roses by sarah j maas
a court of mist and fury by sarah j maas
a court of wings and ruin by sarah j maas
a court of frost and starlight by sarah j maas
a court of silver flames by sarah j maas
book lovers by emily henry
sorcery of thorns by margaret rogerson
malibu rising by taylor jenkins reid
the poppy war by r. f. kuang
forget me twice by carina taylor
love on the brain by ali hazelwood
finding audrey by sophie kinsella
pride and prejudice by jane austen
felix ever after by kacen callender
ariadne by jennifer saint
cemetery boys by aiden thomas
the hunger games by suzanne collins
mary and the wrongs of woman by mary wollstonecraft
it happened one summer by tessa bailey
oh whistle and i’ll come to you my lad by m. r. james
a room of one’s own by virginia woolf
the strange case of dr jekyll and mr hyde by robert louis stevenson
the picture of dorian gray by oscar wilde
dracula by bram stoker
silence of the lambs by thomas harris
northanger abbey by jane austen
frankenstein by mary shelley
story of your life by ted chiang
before i do by sophie cousens
heart of darkness by joseph conrad
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esoteric-absurdity · 2 years ago
Welcome to Esoteric Absurdity
Esoteric “New Age�� belief sets are the New Gnosticism, as combated by Saint Irenaeus. I am fascinated by these belief sets, come with me and learn about these strange ideas that fall outside my own deeply held beliefs; DM me or send an ask. Ask me questions! Let’s talk.
Book List
A list of esoteric books I desire
This is Not a Place of Honour
Dianetics: the Modern Science of Mental Health by L. Ron Hubbard
The Urantia Book by William S. Sadler (channeled)
How and When Heaven's Gate May Be Entered by The Class
Ti & Do the Father & “Jesus” Heaven’s Gate Ufo Two Witnesses by Sawyer
Isis Unveiled by Helena Blavatsky
The Secret Doctrine by Helena Blavatsky
The Voice of Silence by Helena Blavatsky
Unveiled Mysteries by Guy & Edna Ballard (channeled)
Atlas of Creation by Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)
The Lost Teaching of Jesus by Elizabeth Prophet
The Lost Years of Jesus by Elizabeth Prophet
Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy
Initiations of the Aquarian Masters by Jacob Watson
The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ by Levi H. Dowling
The Book of the Law by Aleister Crowley
From Bethlehem to Calvary by Alice Bailey
Esoteric Psychology by Alice Bailey
Fama Fraternitatis Rosae Crucis by Anonymous (translated by Thomas Vaughan)
The Reappearance of the Christ and the Masters of Wisdom by Benjamin Creme
The Initiates of the Flame by Manly Hall
The Bridge to Freedom by Geraldine Innocente
Atlantis: The Antediluvian World by Ignatius Donnelly
Chariots of the Gods? Unsolved Mysteries of the Past by Erich von Däniken
The Twelfth Planet by Zecharia Sitchin
The Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants and Pearl of Great Price by Joseph Smith
The Psychic Powers of Christ by John S. M. Ward
The Lost Wisdom of Melchizedek by John S.M. Ward & J. R. Cuffe
The Human Atmosphere by Walter J. Kilner
The Divine Principal by Sun Myung Moon
The Ten Principles from El Cantare by Ryuho Okawa
The Laws of the Sun by Ryuho Okawa
The Golden Laws by Ryuho Okawa
The Nine Dimensions by Ryuho Okawa
The Rebirth of Buddha by Ryuho Okawa
The Dyadic Cyclone by John C. Lilly
Love Changes Everything by David Icke
Heaven and Hell by Emanuel Swedenborg, Trans. George F. Dole
The Genesis Flood: The Biblical Record and its Scientific Implications by John C. Whitcomb & Henry M. Morris
Some books I actually recommend:
Let's Sell These People a Piece of Blue Sky: Hubbard, Dianetics and Scientology by Jon Atack
The Skeptic's Annotated Bible by Steve Wells
Mormonism: Shadow or Reality? by Jerald and Sandra Tanner
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databass3 · 4 years ago
Concept art
Tomma Abts
Lawrence Abu Hamdan
Franz Ackermann
Richard Aldrich
Brian Alfred
Francis Alys
Kai Althoff
Yoshitaka Amano
Ghada Amer
Even Amundsen
Hurvin Anderson
Richard Anderson
Wes Anderson
Tadao Ando
Ida Applebroog
Juan Araujo
Tauba Auerbach
Laurel Austin
Michael J. Austin
Andrew Baker
John Baldessari
Antonio Ballester Moreno
Matthew Barney
Darren Bartley
Georg Baselitz
James Baxter
Carole Benzaken
Cesar Biojo
Benjamin Björklund
Aaron Blaise
Rob Bliss
Michael Borremans
Lisa Brice
Cecily Brown
Glenn Brown
Borja Buces Renard
Bernard Buffet
Rafal Bujnowski
Ricardo Cabral
Varda Caivano
Francisco Calvelo
Brian Calvin
Helen Cammock
Gonzalo Cárcamo
Gillian Carnegie
Merlin Carpenter
Maurizio Cattelan
Gigi Cavenago
Vija Celmins
Zeen Chin
Chuck Close
James Coleman
Philipp Comarella
Iris Compiet
Sarah Crowner
Ángela de la Cruz
John Currin
Amy Cutler
Henry Darger
Ian Davenport
Noah Davis
Philippe Decrauzat
Benjamin Degen
Dominik Derow
Rineke Dijkstra
John Dilworth
Markus Döbeli
Peter Doig
Kaye Donachie
Pierre Dorion
Vladimir Dubossarsky
Marlene Dumas
Geirrod Van Dyke
Cecilia Edefalk
Thomas Eggerer
Tim Eitel
Franz Erhard Walther
Marco Espinosa
Helmut Federle
Roberto Ferri
Eric Fischl
Tom Fox
Moby Francke
Lucian Freud
Bernard Frize
Michael Fullerton
Julio Galan
Jorge Galindo
Ellen Gallagher
Fran Garcés
Mario García Torres
Tim Gardner
Jennifer Gennari
Nikolay Georgiev
Kim Jung Gi
Geng Gianyi
Ari Gibson
Wanjin Gim
Wayne Gonzales
Katharina Grosse
Mark Grothan
James Gurney
Wade Guyton
Peter Halley
Josephine Halvorson
James B. Ham
Peter Han
N. S. Harsha
Eberhard Havekost
Mary Heilmann
Sophie von Hellerman
Lubaina Himid
Mah Hirano
Damien Hirst
Howard Hodgkin
Gary Hume
Jackqueline Humphries
Steve Huston
Callum Innes
Toyo Ito
Eliza Ivanova
James Jean
Ruan Jia
Chantal Joffe
Chris Johanson
Jama Jurabaev
Yishai Jusidman
Johannes Kahrs
Alex Kaneuski
Jacob Kassay
Alex Katz
Kurt Kauper
Anselm Kiefer
Karen Kilimnik
Martin Kippenberger
R. B. Kitaj
Martin Kobe
Jutta Koether
Ayami Kojima
Satoshi Kon
Peter Konig
Alex Konstad
Karl Kopinski
Kekai Kotaki
Elke Krystufek
Kengo Kuma
Stefan Kürten
Studio Laika
Jim Lambie
Maria Lassnig
Sol LeWitt
Songsong Li
Wanjie Li
Fang Lijun
Michael Lin
Dela Longfish
Rael Lyra
Jorge Macchi
Marcin Maciejowski
Elizabeth Magill
Michael Majerus
Victor Man
Finnian MacManus
Margherita Manzelli
Marta Marcé
Louis de Masi
I Nyoman Masriadi
Gbariele di Matteo
Leonard McComb
Crash McCreery
Ian McKeever
Lucy McKenzie
Jonathan Meese
Julie Mehretu
Beatriz Milhazes
Yue Minjun
Steve Mitchell
Dianna Molzan
Baran Mong
Guillermo Mora
Sarah Morris
Justin Mortimer
Olivier Mosset
Hamoudi Moussa
Craig Mullins
Haruki Murakami
Oscar Murillo
Catherine Murphy
Ishbel Myerscough
Yutaka Nakamura
Yusuke Nakano
Yoshitomo Nara
Shirin Neshat
Ernesto Neto
Yasushi Nirasawa
Guillaume Normand
Kazuya Nuri
Albert Oelhen
Kazuo Oga
Julien Opie
Silke Otto-Knapp
Karla Ortiz
Blinky Palermo
Philip Pearlstein
Stuart Pearson Wright
Enoc Perez
Burno Perramant
Raymond Pettibon
Elizabeth Peyton
Richard Philipps
Lari Pitman
Sigmar Polke
Richard Powell
Richard Prince
Charlotte Prodger
Vitaly Pushnitsky
R. H. Quaytman
Joe Quesada
Neo Rauch
Blake Rayne
Paula Rego
Carol Rhodes
Daniel Richter
Gerhard Richter
Matthew Ritchie
Paul Robertson
Scott Robertson
Clare Rojas
Georges Rousse
Royal Art Lodge
Nick Runge
Robert Ryman
Vyacheslav Safronov
Andrew Salgado
David Salle
Dennis Sarazhin
Juliao Sarmento
Wilhelm Sasnal
Jenny Saville
Adrian Schiess
David Schnell
Maaike Schoorel
Max Schulz
Sean Sevestre
Tai Shani
George Shaw
Kate Shepherd
Mª José Sicilia
Shazia Sikander
Amy Sillman
Dirk Skreber
Sylvia Sleigh
Matt Smith
Glenn Sorensen
SPA Studios
Hito Steyerl
Ken Sugimori
Tatsuyuki Tanaka
Furio Tedeschi
Mark Tennant
Francisco Toledo
Robbie Trevino
James Turrell
Luc Tuymans
Nicolás Uribe
Adriana Varejao
Max Verehin
Ángel Vergara
Pieter Vermeersch
Jack Vettriano
Glenn Vilppu
Bill Viola
Takumi Wada
Kara Walker
Corinne Wasmuht
Steve Wang
Jonathan Wateridge
Alison Watt
Jeff Watts
Robert Watts
Matthias Weischer
Morgan Weistling
Wendy White
Terryl Whitlatch
Richard Williams
Sue Williams
Christopher Wool
Zhang Xiaogang
Santiago Ydañez
Lynette Yiadom-Boakye
Yoh Yoshinari
Donglu Yu
Liang Yuanwei
Lisa Yuskavage
Luiz Zerbini
Su Zhang
Feng Zhu
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fortisfiliae · 5 years ago
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Promised Masterpost
Pairing: Tom Riddle x f!reader
Status: Completed
Total word count: 43k
In this story, Tom didn’t grow up as an orphan, but with his grandfather and uncle. Reader’s sister got very sick and the Gaunts offer their help. But not without asking for something in return.
Find the rewritten version of Promised here.
Links for other platforms: AO3 | Wattpad
Part 1 - Dinner Guests
Part 2 - Back in Hogwarts
Part 3 - Parallels and Potions
Part 4 - One and the Same
Part 5 - Making believe
Part 6 - Of Vows and Wrangles
Part 7 - Gift Giving 
Part 8 - Slughorn’s Party
Part 9 - Never trust a Snake
Part 10 - Mors Grano
Part 11 - The Earth’s Centre
Part 12 - Pillow Talk and Butterbeer
Part 13 - Pranks and proper Paybacks
Part 14 - Gaunt Manor
Part 15 - A Dagger for a Devotee
Part 16 - 30th June 1945
Part 17 - Epilogue
Find the sequel to Promised on my new account, here.
Camille Kegley
Benjamin Hilt
Freda Morris
Bonus (blurbs and drabbles, sent in by readers or answered by me):
Tom teaching you a spell
How Tom would react if he saw you crying
You comfort Tom when he gets letters from Marvolo
Tom taking care of you when you’re sick
Tom taking care of you when you’re sick II
How Tom would react if you wore his clothes
When it’s cold outside
Kissing you while you’re asleep
Tom calling Ben on the phone
Tom and the reader seeing Lord Voldemort
Tom blushing and being mad about it
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brookstonalmanac · 4 years ago
Events 6.11
173 – Marcomannic Wars: The Roman army in Moravia is encircled by the Quadi, who have broken the peace treaty (171). In a violent thunderstorm emperor Marcus Aurelius defeats and subdues them in the so-called "miracle of the rain". 631 – Emperor Taizong of Tang sends envoys to the Xueyantuo bearing gold and silk in order to seek the release of Chinese prisoners captured during the transition from Sui to Tang. 786 – A Hasanid Alid uprising in Mecca is crushed by the Abbasids at the Battle of Fakhkh. 980 – Vladimir the Great consolidates the Kievan realm from Ukraine to the Baltic Sea. He is proclaimed ruler (knyaz) of all Kievan Rus'. 1011 – Lombard Revolt: Greek citizens of Bari rise up against the Lombard rebels led by Melus and deliver the city to Basil Mesardonites, Byzantine governor (catepan) of the Catepanate of Italy. 1118 – Roger of Salerno, Prince of Antioch, captures Azaz from the Seljuk Turks. 1157 – Albert I of Brandenburg, also called The Bear (Ger: Albrecht der Bär), becomes the founder of the Margraviate of Brandenburg, Germany and the first margrave. 1345 – The megas doux Alexios Apokaukos, chief minister of the Byzantine Empire, is lynched by political prisoners. 1429 – Hundred Years' War: Start of the Battle of Jargeau. 1488 – Battle of Sauchieburn: Fought between rebel Lords and James III of Scotland, resulting in the death of the king. 1509 – Henry VIII of England marries Catherine of Aragon. 1594 – Philip II recognizes the rights and privileges of the local nobles and chieftains in the Philippines, which paved way to the stabilization of the rule of the Principalía (an elite ruling class of native nobility in Spanish Philippines). 1748 – Denmark adopts the characteristic Nordic Cross flag later taken up by all other Scandinavian countries. 1770 – British explorer Captain James Cook runs aground on the Great Barrier Reef. 1775 – The American Revolutionary War's first naval engagement, the Battle of Machias, results in the capture of a small British naval vessel. 1776 – The Continental Congress appoints Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Roger Sherman, and Robert R. Livingston to the Committee of Five to draft a declaration of independence. 1788 – Russian explorer Gerasim Izmailov reaches Alaska. 1805 – A fire consumes large portions of Detroit in the Michigan Territory. 1825 – The first cornerstone is laid for Fort Hamilton in New York City. 1837 – The Broad Street Riot occurs in Boston, fueled by ethnic tensions between Yankees and Irish. 1865 – The Naval Battle of the Riachuelo is fought on the rivulet Riachuelo (Argentina), between the Paraguayan Navy on one side and the Brazilian Navy on the other. The Brazilian victory was crucial for the later success of the Triple Alliance (Brazil, Uruguay, and Argentina) in the Paraguayan War. 1892 – The Limelight Department, one of the world's first film studios, is officially established in Melbourne, Australia. 1895 – Paris–Bordeaux–Paris, sometimes called the first automobile race in history or the "first motor race", takes place. 1898 – The Hundred Days' Reform, a planned movement to reform social, political, and educational institutions in China, is started by the Guangxu Emperor, but is suspended by Empress Dowager Cixi after 104 days. (The failed reform led to the abolition of the Imperial examination in 1905.) 1901 – The boundaries of the Colony of New Zealand are extended by the UK to include the Cook Islands. 1903 – A group of Serbian officers stormed the royal palace and assassinated King Alexander Obrenović and his wife, Queen Draga. 1917 – King Alexander assumes the throne of Greece after his father, Constantine I, abdicates under pressure from allied armies occupying Athens. 1919 – Sir Barton wins the Belmont Stakes, becoming the first horse to win the U.S. Triple Crown. 1920 – During the U.S. Republican National Convention in Chicago, U.S. Republican Party leaders gathered in a room at the Blackstone Hotel to come to a consensus on their candidate for the U.S. presidential election, leading the Associated Press to coin the political phrase "smoke-filled room". 1935 – Inventor Edwin Armstrong gives the first public demonstration of FM broadcasting in the United States at Alpine, New Jersey. 1936 – The London International Surrealist Exhibition opens. 1937 – Great Purge: The Soviet Union under Joseph Stalin executes eight army leaders. 1938 – Second Sino-Japanese War: The Battle of Wuhan starts. 1940 – World War II: The Siege of Malta begins with a series of Italian air raids. 1942 – World War II: The United States agrees to send Lend-Lease aid to the Soviet Union. 1942 – Free French Forces retreat from Bir Hakeim after having successfully delayed the Axis advance. 1944 – USS Missouri, the last battleship built by the United States Navy and future site of the signing of the Japanese Instrument of Surrender, is commissioned. 1955 – Eighty-three spectators are killed and at least 100 are injured after an Austin-Healey and a Mercedes-Benz collide at the 24 Hours of Le Mans, the deadliest ever accident in motorsports. 1956 – Start of Gal Oya riots, the first reported ethnic riots that target minority Sri Lankan Tamils in the Eastern Province. The total number of deaths is reportedly 150. 1962 – Frank Morris, John Anglin and Clarence Anglin allegedly become the only prisoners to escape from the prison on Alcatraz Island. 1963 – American Civil Rights Movement: Governor of Alabama George Wallace defiantly stands at the door of Foster Auditorium at the University of Alabama in an attempt to block two black students, Vivian Malone and James Hood, from attending that school. Later in the day, accompanied by federalized National Guard troops, they are able to register. 1963 – Buddhist monk Thích Quảng Đức burns himself with gasoline in a busy Saigon intersection to protest the lack of religious freedom in South Vietnam. 1963 – John F. Kennedy addresses Americans from the Oval Office proposing the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which would revolutionize American society by guaranteeing equal access to public facilities, ending segregation in education, and guaranteeing federal protection for voting rights. 1964 – World War II veteran Walter Seifert attacks an elementary school in Cologne, Germany, killing at least eight children and two teachers and seriously injuring several more with a home-made flamethrower and a lance. 1968 – Lloyd J. Old identified the first cell surface antigens that could differentiate among different cell types. 1970 – After being appointed on May 15, Anna Mae Hays and Elizabeth P. Hoisington officially receive their ranks as U.S. Army Generals, becoming the first women to do so. 1971 – The U.S. Government forcibly removes the last holdouts to the Native American Occupation of Alcatraz, ending 19 months of control. 1978 – Altaf Hussain founds the student political movement All Pakistan Muhajir Students Organisation (APMSO) in Karachi University. 1981 – A magnitude 6.9 earthquake at Golbaf, Iran, kills at least 2,000. 1987 – Diane Abbott, Paul Boateng and Bernie Grant are elected as the first black MPs in Great Britain. 1998 – Compaq Computer pays US$9 billion for Digital Equipment Corporation in the largest high-tech acquisition. 2001 – Timothy McVeigh is executed for his role in the Oklahoma City bombing. 2002 – Antonio Meucci is acknowledged as the first inventor of the telephone by the United States Congress. 2004 – Cassini–Huygens makes its closest flyby of the Saturn moon Phoebe. 2007 – Mudslides in Chittagong, Bangladesh, kill 130 people. 2008 – Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper makes a historic official apology to Canada's First Nations in regard to abuses at a Canadian Indian residential school. 2008 – The Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope is launched into orbit. 2010 – The first African FIFA World Cup kicks off in South Africa. 2012 – More than 80 people die in a landslide triggered by two earthquakes in Afghanistan; an entire village is buried. 2013 – Greece's public broadcaster ERT is shut down by then-prime minister Antonis Samaras. It would open exactly two years later by then-prime minister Alexis Tsipras.
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tasksweekly · 5 years ago
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There’s a masterlist below compiled of over 130+ Montserratian faceclaims categorised by gender with their occupation and ethnicity denoted if there was a reliable source. If you want an extra challenge use random.org to pick a random number! Of course everything listed below are just suggestions and you can pick whichever faceclaim or whichever project you desire.
Any questions can be sent here and all tutorials have been linked below the cut for ease of access! REMEMBER to tag your resources with #TASKSWEEKLY and we will reblog them onto the main! This task can be tagged with whatever you want but if you want us to see it please be sure that our tag is the first five tags, @ mention us or send us a messaging linking us to your post!
THE TASK - scroll down for FC’s!
STEP 1: Decide on a FC you wish to create resources for! You can always do more than one but who are you starting with? There are links to masterlists you can use in order to find them and if you want help, just send us a message and we can pick one for you at random!
STEP 2: Pick what you want to create! You can obviously do more than one thing, but what do you want to start off with? Screencaps, RP icons, GIF packs, masterlists, PNG’s, fancasts, alternative FC’s - LITERALLY anything you desire!
STEP 3: Look back on tasks that we have created previously for tutorials on the thing you are creating unless you have whatever it is you are doing mastered - then of course feel free to just get on and do it. :)
STEP 4: Upload and tag with #TASKSWEEKLY! If you didn’t use your own screencaps/images make sure to credit where you got them from as we will not reblog packs which do not credit caps or original gifs from the original maker.
THINGS YOU CAN MAKE FOR THIS TASK -  examples are linked!
Stumped for ideas? Maybe make a masterlist or graphic of your favourite faceclaims. A masterlist of names. Plot ideas or screencaps from a music video preformed by an artist. Masterlist of quotes and lyrics that can be used for starters, thread titles or tags. Guides on culture and customs.
RP icons [of all sizes]
Gif Pack [maybe gif icons if you wish]
PNG packs
Dash Icons
Character Aesthetics
Graphic Templates - can be chara header, promo, border or background PSD’s!
FC Masterlists - underused, with resources, without resources!
FC Help - could be related, family templates, alternatives.
Written Guides.
and whatever else you can think of / make!
Maizie Williams (1951) Afro-Montserratian - singer and model
Michelle Gomez (1966) Montserratian [Portuguese] / Scottish - actress.
Diane Parish (1969) Afro-Montserratian / Afro-Dominiquais - actress.
Heidi D'Amelio (1972) Montserratian [Irish, French], Kaskaskia, Haitian [Cajun, French], Basque, Breton, Italian, Swiss, German, French, Spanish, Irish, English - instagrammer (heididamelio).
Angela Yee (1976) Afro-Montserratian / Cantonese Chinese - actress, model, tv personality, and radio personality.
Pippa Bennett-Warner (1988) Afro-Montserratian - actress.
Dixie D'Amelio (2001) Montserratian [Irish, French], Kaskaskia, Haitian [Cajun, French], Basque, Breton, Italian, Swiss, German, French, Spanish, Irish, English / Italian - tiktoker (dixiedamelio) and dancer.
Charli D’Amelio (2004) Montserratian [Irish, French], Kaskaskia, Haitian [Cajun, French], Basque, Breton, Italian, Swiss, German, French, Spanish, Irish, English / Italian - tiktoker (charlidamelio) and dancer.
Emari Dyer (?) Afro-Montserratian - model (instagram: westindiandolly)
Gabrielle Graham (?) Afro-Montserratian / Afro-Jamaican - actress, singer, and dancer.
Samorezworld (?) Afro-Montserratian, Afro-Haitian - youtuber. 
Sharissa Ryan (?) Afro-Montserratian - model, Miss Montserrat 2014-2015, and Miss Jaycees Caribbean Queen 2015.
F - Athletes:
Rechelle Meade (?) Afro-Montserratian - sprinter.
Q-Tip / Kamaal Ibn John Fareed (1970) Afro-Montserratian / African-American [including Bissau-Guinean] - actor, DJ, rapper, singer, bassist, guitarist, keyboardist, drummer, and producer.
Wil Wheaton (1972) Montserratian, Portuguese Jewish, Dutch Jewish, Irish, Welsh, French, Dutch, German, English - actor, tv personality, blogger, and writer.
David Jordan (1985) Afro-Montserratian / Bengali Indian - singer-songwriter.
Kadiff Kirwan (1989) Afro-Montserratian - actor.
Layton Williams (1994) Afro-Montserratian, Afro-Jamaican / English - actor, singer, and dancer.
M - Athletes:
William Duberry (1944) Afro-Montserratian - cricketer.
Alford Corriette (1948) Afro-Montserratian - cricketer.
Fred Sowerby (1948) Afro-Montserratian - hurdler.
Jim Allen (1951) Afro-Montserratian - cricketer.
Austin White (1959) Montserratian - cricketer.
Fitzroy Buffonge (1960) Afro-Montserratian - cricketer.
Livingstone Bramble (1960) Afro-Montserratian / Afro-Kittian - boxer.
Kenny Dyer (1964) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Mark Stephney (1965) Afro-Montserratian - cricketer.
Cecil Lake (1965) Montserratian - footballer.
David Lane (1965) Montserratian - cricketer.
Ottley Laborde (1967) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Ruel Fox (1968) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Paul Furlong (1968) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Richard Dyer (1968) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Keith Piper (1969) Afro-Montserratian - cricketer.
Daren Sweeney (1970) Afro-Montserratian - cricketer.
Trevor Semper (1970) Afro-Montserratian - cricketer.
Lesroy Weekes (1971) Afro-Montserratian - cricketer.
Davon Williams (1972) Afro-Montserratian - cricketer.
Lesroy Irish (1972) Afro-Montserratian - cricketer.
Elton Williams (1973) Afro-Montserratian / Afro-Guyanese - footballer.
Peter Phyll (1974) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Michael Duberry (1975) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Bruce Dyer (1975) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Junior Mendes (1976) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Wayne Dyer (1977) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Stanford Jarrett (1977) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Alex Daley (1977) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Clifford Joseph (1978) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
McPherson Meade (1979) Afro-Montserratian - cricketer.
Zhaun Sweeney (1979) Afro-Montserratian - cricketer.
Darren Tuitt (1980) Afro-Montserratian - sprinter.
Jaylee Hodgson (1980) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Delroy Facey (1980) Afro-Montserratian / Afro-Grenadian - footballer.
Kurt Joyce (1980) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Simon Peddie (1980 or 1981) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Matt Piper (1981) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Vladimir Farrell (1981) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Sean Howson (1981) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Lloyd Dyer (1982) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Olsen Murrain (1982) Montserratian - cricketer.
Dorian Harper (1982) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Nesta Piper (1982) Afro-Montserratian - cricketer.
Marlon Campbell (1983) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Brian Stephney (1983) Afro-Montserratian - cricketer.
Shane Greenaway (1983) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Dean Morgan (1983) Afro-Montserratian / English - footballer.
Solomon Henry (1983) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Calvin Petrie (1984) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Ellis Remy (1984) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Jaafar Munroe (1984) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Lionel Baker (1984) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Andrew Julius (1984) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Jermaine Sweeney (1984) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Darryl Roach (1984) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Rowan Taylor (1984) Montserratian - footballer.
Alexander Bramble (1984) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Nathan Pond (1985) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Kelvin Ponde (1985) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Micah Hilton (1985) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Spencer Weir-Daley (1985) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Big E / Ettore Ewen (1986) Afro-Montserratian / Afro-Jamaican - wrestler and powerlifter.
Anthony Griffith (1986) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Bradley Woods-Garness (1986) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Dolston Tuit (1986) Afro-Montserratian - cricketer.
Michael Henry (1986) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Benjamin Manning (1986) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Leovan O'Garro (1987) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Corrin Brooks-Meade (1988) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Shabazz Baidoo (1988) Afro-Montserratian / Ghanaian - footballer.
Michael Williams (1988) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Craig Braham-Barrett (1988) Afro-Montserratian / Afro-Jamaican - footballer.
Adrian Clifton (1989) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Dean Mason (1989) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
P. K. Subban (1989) Afro-Montserratian / Afro-Jamaican - ice hockey player.
Nyron Dyer (1989) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Jaison Peters (1989) Afro-Montserratian - cricketer.
Lyle Taylor (1990) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Quinton Boatswain (1990) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Julian Wade (1990) Afro-Montserratian / Afro-Dominiquais - footballer.
Omari Allen (1990) Afro-Montserratian - cricketer.
Marvin Farrell (1990) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Alex Dyer (1990) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Massiah McDonald (1990 or 1991) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Shernyl Burns (1991) Afro-Montserratian - sprinter and cricketer.
Matthew Whichelow (1991) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
James Comley (1991) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Nic Taylor (1991) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Dale Lee (1991) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Ellary White (1991) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Ronsford Beaton (1992) Afro-Montserratian - cricketer.
Kendall Allen (1992) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Lester Ryan (1993) Afro-Montserratian - sprinter.
Malcolm Subban (1993) Afro-Montserratian / Afro-Jamaican - ice hockey player.
Donervon Daniels (1993) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Julius Morris (1994) Afro-Montserratian - sprinter.
Terrell Miller (1994) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Jamal Willer (1994) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Brandon Comley (1995) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Jordan Subban (1995) Afro-Montserratian / Afro-Jamaican - ice hockey player.
Clifford Newby-Harris (1995) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Darnell Furlong (1995) Afro-Montserratian / English - footballer.
Jamie Allen (1995) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Dajour Buffonge (1996) Afro-Montserratian / Afro-Antiguan - footballer.
Matty Willock (1996) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Joey Taylor (1997) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
DJ Buffonge (1998) Afro-Montserratian / Afro-Antiguan - footballer.
Chris Willock (1998) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Joe Willock (1999) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Marshall Willock (2000) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Danny Facey (?) Afro-Montserratian / Afro-Grenadian - footballer.
Michael Bramble (?) Afro-Montserratian - footballer.
Vendol Moore (?) Afro-Montserratian - cricketer.
Lennox Cooper (?) Montserratian - footballer.
Oris Fergus (?) Montserratian - cricketer.
Billy Dee Williams (1937) Afro-Montserratian / African-American - Genderfluid (He/Him/His, She/Her/Her’s) - actor, singer, and artist.
Tesfaye Bramble (1980) Afro-Montserratian - footballer. - Convicted of rape.
Titus Bramble (1981) Afro-Montserratian - footballer. - Accused of rape.
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