#Bellamy Amaryllis
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#pokemon#pokeart#my art#shiny gardevoir#gardevoir#mareep#sort of#professor amaryllis#rose the gardevoir#maxx the mareep#Bellamy Amaryllis
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tags: hurt/comfort, getting together, miscommunication, memory loss
content warnings: panic attacks, emetophobia, alcohol, suggestive themes
//i decided to finally take the roleplay thread we wrote out between these two posts here and here all the way back in december and format it into an actual fic people can read in case anyone wanted to see what happened between casi and amy back then!! if you want a little more bonus content for why these two are the way they are. just keep in mind this stuff would not be known in character. mind the suggestive content tag as while they dont do anything actually not safe for work here its heavily implied thats where things were going
#arc: road trip#blog: sneasedtomeetyou#bellamy amaryllis#casimir ginkgo#aiko mori#aracelis ginkgo#writing#art: rabbit#art: me#writing: me#writing: rabbit
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:{ A Video file is embedded. Valencia Island, Orange Archipelago. 10/24/24 9:48 am. }:
The video starts rather abruptly, thrusting us into the midst of an argument between Casi and Professor Ivy. Casi storms around the large entryway of the lab, Ivy standing still and firing back responses to whatever the researcher has shouted. Occasionally we get a glimpse of the area around them, dusty and cluttered with miscellaneous items that appear to be placed there arbitrarily, as if the lab is running out of space to hold all it contains. When the microphone is close enough to pick up the conversation we begin to hear what the cause of the argument is.
"Rose and Miairu aren't dangerous! You must know that by now! They've lived here for a decade and have never harmed anyone." His voice is hoarse. It's clear that this argument has been dragging on for some time.
“Here I am able to rehabilitate them and prevent any damage that they may cause in the wrong hands.” Ivy remarks. “They would fare no better with Professor Amaryllis.”
“Well they certainly aren’t improving in a place like this!” To emphasize his point, Casi kicks one of the trash bags that littered the space. The living quarters had already filled up with miscellaneous garbage after the storm, and now had begun bleeding into the entryway. “How would anyone get better here? It’s a dump!”
A strange trap door opens up near Casi’s feet and a trio of Ivy’s assistants peak out. “Could you quit stomping around up there? We’re trying to get some work done.”
In response Casi lets out a growl of frustration and shoves her foot down onto the trap door, slamming it shut on top of them with a thunk. There's a muffled yelp from down below.
“Professor Ginkgo you can’t start slamming doors on people!” Ivy’s voice is cold but there's an undercurrent of anger that no guise of professionalism could possibly hide. “You expect me to believe that someone like you could do better when you can't even control your own outbursts? Do you genuinely believe that leaving two volatile pokemon in the hands of you two would be in anything but a disaster waiting to happen?”
��Casi-” The presence of Bellamy had almost entirely gone unnoticed until they spoke up, trying to get a word in between the two feuding professors and not making all that much headway. There is an energy in them that's hard to read, gripping and releasing the head of their cane and shifting their weight just slightly from heel to heel when not actively trying to put a hand on the pacing Casimir’s shoulder, to no avail. More than anything, though, they seem exhausted. The dark circles under their eyes and the heavy way they move betray the lack of sleep and overexertion they've been living with.
“They’re volatile because their needs aren’t met! Miairu isn’t causing trouble for no reason, she's a gengar, she’s sensory seeking! She’s bored!” Casi doesn’t even seem to notice Amy reaching out, turning on her heel and pacing the other direction. “And Rose isn’t playing with people’s emotions; she's struggling to maintain her own. If you put them in a proper environment and gave them the actual enrichment they need they’d get better instead of being stagnant for a decade!”
“And you believe that you are the ones to fill that need?” Ivy laughs, a dry, scoffing sound that practically radiates disdain. “Professor Amaryllis, the man that can’t even care for himself? And you, look at you. As volatile and unruly as either of those pokemon, you can not control your own emotional state and you intend on trying to control her? And what happens when Rose tampers with your emotions, pushes you past your already violent limits? Or when Miairu destroys expensive lab equipment and gets your employees hurt? No.”
The shorter man grits his teeth, taking intentional strides in Ivy’s direction. “I don’t believe you are any more qualified to decide that than either of us are. You continually blackmail my girlfriend and overwork them only to pretend that’s somehow their fault? Don’t you dare think you can talk down to me, Professor. You and I both know that I have more than enough experience in the field of caring for pokemon. Anything else is just an excuse. These pokemon do not belong to you in the first place!”
This seems to give Bellamy a pause and for the half of a breath of silence they blink and seem to almost freeze in their tracks. “...Girlfriend?” The quiet question and look of puzzlement cast towards Casimir is lost to anyone but the camera as Ivy quickly cuts them off.
“You think me unqualified, do you Casimir?” There's a moment's pause as she exhales through her nose before a thin, cold smile reaches across her face. “Then I suppose there's nothing else for it, is there. If I am not doing my due diligence, as you accuse me, and you both are so clearly woefully unequipped to care for such volatile pokemon, then it seems I must look for other avenues for their housing.” Her smile widens just slightly, her contempt barely hidden. “I’m sure there is some other facility that’s trained to handle such dangerous creatures.”
“What- No!” Amy for the first time in this video speaks up, their carefully held calm broken by the fear in their voice. “You can’t do that!”
That expression seems to set Casi off, he takes a final few steps before coming to stand directly in front of Ivy, his body still and his expression stony. The usual loud frustration gave way to something else, something much more serious, quiet, intense. “Professor Ivy, if you do that I will make the rest of your life a living hell. I can promise you that.”
Ivy’s face drops, her smile becoming something calculating and dark as she looks down on the man trying so hard to be intimidating. “Is that a threat, Casimir?”
Casi stands his ground, “Yeah. It is.”
There's a tension, a fire between the two professors as the video cuts to black.
:{ Transcript ends. }:
#:{this post brought to you by poryphone™}:#echo posting#a valencian detour#pokemon irl#pokeblogging#pkmn irl#lore#Tenshi 🌸#miairu the gengar#rose the gardevoir#video post
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Say the line, Caleb!
Slut Congratulations to Doctor Professor Bellamy "Amy" "Wild Days" Amaryllis, Hudband to All!
#pokeblogging#pkmn irl#irl pkmn#pokemon irl#caleb responds#I don't think Amy is ever going to forgive me after this
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i need some tylenol. these people are fucking idiots.
[An embedded link from the Nimbassa City Times, containing the followning article.]
Professor Amaryllis; Public Danger?
[A large photo takes up the top portion of the article. Bellamy Amaryllis is centered, anger on their face, one hand out over the pokemon to the left of the image. To his right stands Dave, a step back with his mask up, expression unreadable. The mareep to the left crackles with static, the bright sparks lighting up the professor from below, making quite a sight in the darkness.]
As many of our readers know, last night, April 14th, 2023, Professor Bellamy Amaryllis, known for his successful TV show, 'Wild Days' was married to a man only known as "Dave". The union has been rightfully questioned, for the 12 year age gap, for the seemingly impulsive nature of the wedding, and even the supposedly platonic union.
But, that is not why we are here today, as late last night one of our reporters gained access to exclusive information in regards to this wedding, and the relationship between the "happy" couple. Late last night, one of our reporters who wishes to remain anonymous for reasons you will soon see, went up to the couple for a interview, and snapped this photograph.
[A photo with flash, Dave and Bellamy are faceing eachother, Amy's arms around Dave's shoulders, Dave holding one arm around Amy's waist, the other grasping onto a cane. Daves pant leg is ripped, some blood can be seen on the fabric around the tear.]
This photo seems completely normal, just the happy couple in a lovers embrace, but look back at the groom's right leg, a gash! Now, a small gash like that wouldn't need a cane, so we suspect that the groom's leg had been poisoned! It is common knowledge that the Professor is a poison type specialist, so we are sure our lovely readers can connect the dots
That's right, the Professor poisoned his own boyfriend! But why? Was he planning on running? Maybe to look like he was a hero for helping the groom walk? It truly is a mystery, and a very telling one that Amaryllis never made a true comment on! When our brave reporter tried to ask she was attacked by the Professor, threatened by the violent creature he keeps by his side. Luckily our brave reporter came out unharmed.
What do you think, dear reader? Comment below!
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Could have sworn that I saw that guy send out his Rattata to destroy his opponents pokeballs once
We are aware of multiple previous incidents in which Skipp Normannson has used his Rattata (nicknamed Cable) to shatter his opponents' pokeballs in order to steal their pokemon. Particularly, this was his primary strategy for stealing pokemon back in Kanto.
The only documented.case of him using this strategy in Hoenn was in a recorded instance with Professor Bellamy Amaryllis. Prof. Amaryllis has declined to press charges in the matter, stating that, "he learned his lesson without the need for police intervention." This is presumably in reference to the accidental poisoning that Skipp suffered in his attempt at stealing Prof. Amaryllis's Valencia Nidorino (nicknamed Bruno).
To our readers: if you or anyone else was a victim of a similar attempt at pokemon theft by Skipp Normannson, please contact us at our tipline ([email protected]).
Thank you for your continued support and cooperation.
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<a picture is posted; it's a little dim, but one will almost certainly be able to make out one (1) bryony blumenthal (aka @flowerliker) cuddling with one (1) bellamy amaryllis (@professor-amaryllis) on a couch together. lulu the orthworm has a blanket in his tendrils and is looking at the camera in a questioning manner>
so. training went a lil longer than i thought today but um.
...this is the cutest thing i think i've ever seen??? ohmigosh. well, amy made it here safe and sound at least! buuuut i think i'll let 'em rest :)
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[A letter, on Goldenrod Ecological Society letterhead, with Professor Bellamy Amaryllis's name at the top, but the word Professor on it has been crossed out. Included is a photo:
Bellamy and Dave Amaryllis standing next to a truly massive battle scarred Nidoking, who seems to be asleep in an enclosure, a cast on his leg. The two are waving, each holding an egg, and Maxx, a mareep with a bandaged tail, and Quincy, a rotom mill about at their feet.]
Hello Ray,
I am glad to hear you are eating again, I was quite worried about you. If I may ask, why do you think they would be poisoned? I assure you that you are quite safe there. I am glad they tasted good though, if there are any other foods you would prefer, let me or Briar know.
I assure you though, escaping is not necessary. We only want to see you healed and well, once you have recovered you will be free to do as you wish, stay or go. Wherever it is you want to go, whoever you want to see. You will not die there, or anywhere any time soon.
Dave and I have opted to keep two of the eggs, they are quite precious to me, and I know they will thrive in out care. It leaves three more eggs, but I already have an idea of who I will ask to care for them. Poison types can be quite misunderstood, but they are worthy of the same care and love as other pokemon, though my thoughts on this are probably quite obvious given my specialty.
I gave Brokehorn a pat for you. He really is quite beautiful up close, it is humbling every time I remember how large he really is. He should recover quickly, and be on his way soon, I do not think one could tame a pokemon like that if they wanted to. Should not, even.
-Your Friend, Bellamy
<Bzzt! I'll make sure this gets to Ray soon! They just got their team back and they're kind in the middle of a group cuddle. I don't think Scorch has let go of them since he got released into the room.
Though... I don't recognize this little guy. He seems to have been left out. Hello, friend! Who are—>
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[an image of a table. On top lays a completely straight purple-pink-ish stick with some kind of knob or bulge on one end]
Meet Rhubarb! (Somehow i had absolutely no trouble choosing a nickname for him lol. Maybe because his color is very close to the plant, you know?) Another new family member, so soon after Cheese and Cracker! Thank you very much @professor-amaryllis for trusting me with this little guy! He's one of the ekans Bellamy... rescued(?) from those scam people. He's apparently very healthy, just a little weirdo. He likes being completely straight for some reason. And that during pride month! How dare you??? (lighthearted)
The adoption was very quick, we got it done in like an hour (?) at Bryony's party. I didn't actually think they'd do it right there tho, took me a bit by surprise. But I'm very very happy to have Rhubarb with me now, he's so cute. (And ngl, i always wanted an ekans/arbok)
[a second picture, this time a selfie. Tix is handling the small ekans carefully, who is wrapped around their arm almost perfectly sitting on top of the arbok tattoo that winds up their left arm] (don't worry, he is not a stick all the time)
(PS: we've arrived at home safe and sound)
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[A letter, on Goldenrod Ecological Society letterhead, with Professor Bellamy Amaryllis's name at the top, but the word Professor on it has been crossed out. Included with the letter is an embroidery on pale yellow fabric, the image is of Soleil, a sunflora, with a few flowers scattered around here and there. There are also a few different vegan Johtoian snacks.]
Dear Bryony,
Your friendship means quite a lot to me, and I have been thinking on this quite a bit lately. The kindness you have shown me since we have met, the companionship through both good times and bad, our video calls, all of these things mean quite a bit to me, and I hope you know it is with no small meaning that I call you my best friend.
Working on this over the last couple of weeks has given me a lot of time to think, albeit in intervals, an hour here or there devoted to something small but positive, creating something new. It really is incredible how something so simple as thread can come together into something so intricate. I am still learning, and I know this is not the most beautiful piece in the world, but I hope you like it.
Thank you again for teaching me. This and so many other things. I look forward to seeing you again soon.
p.s. I made sure the snacks were kosher, or at least the nice woman at the market assured me they were.
-Yours, Amy
[a photo of Soleil the Sunflora, holding up the embroidery where it's set up in a decorative wooden hoop and smiling delightedly. look! that's her!!!]
oh i forgot to show you all the gift amy gave me!!!! the secret embroidery project they would not tell me about!!!!!! we have still been having our usual calls so of course i told them how much i appreciated it already but now i get to embarrass them in front of all of you hehe 🥰 look at how much soleil likes it!!!! that's how you know it's good 🌻
anyway amy keeps saying it was nothing special and not that good but i think it is absolutely perfect!!!!! and i am so excited to see what else you make too 💛
oh also amy when you visit again will you please bring more of those little cookies you mailed over 🥺 they were really good and i already ate them all so now i have no more... 😞
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#my art#pokemon#houndoom#weavile#lapras#pokeart#pokemon irl#bellamy amaryllis#casimir ginkgo#sneaks the weavile#delerium the houndoom
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So there's a specific kind of congratulations pioneered by fans of Professor Bellamy "Wild Days" Amaryllis. Have you perhaps heard of it? It relates to you and Lysandre.
No- I have absolutely no clue what you’re talking about, care to tell me?
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Weird Pokemon Name of the Day:
It's a twofer
Bellamy the Duosion and Amaryllis the Farigiraf
@professor-amaryllis you have a fan
#it was a VERY close battle#but they won#congrats on the badge nature documentary watcher#for better context they had a team of 6#all psychic pokemon#only those two had notable names#the Milotic was just named Milotic#pokeblogging#irl pokemon#weird pokemon name of the day
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Hello there! My name is Professor Bellamy Amaryllis, though most people who know me call me Amy. My kid @eartheats encouraged me to make an account on here- I guess that's what all the cool kids are doing nowadays, haha!
I’m agender and intersex and use They/He pronouns- She for some specific people as well. I'm Polyam, as well, so no need to go telling my partner about seeing me out and about- I assure you she knows!
If you were a child or have been around children anytime in the last 7 years you might know me as the Wild Guy, from my TV show Professor Amaryllis’s Wild Days! While I've been off the air for a year or so it's bloomed in popularity even still- it's hard to go too far without someone knowing who I am, hah!
I'm a poison specialist (though I have an affinity for fairy types as well) and one of the overseeing professors at the Goldenrod Ecological Society, really just a fancy title for the person who makes sure all the science is ethical, reliable and well documented. It's a lot of admin and outreach work and while it keeps me busy it's quite fulfilling.
This is a personal account, so I’ll be talking more about my life than my job, so sorry if you’re looking for a blog of just pokemon facts, because this certainly is not it.
//This is a soft reset of amy- you may notice that a good 90% of post from 2023 have been deleted! I realized that my early rp was not in line with what i'm doing with amy going forward! most plots, major events, and interactions from that time have been Retconned or Rewritten!! if you have questions feel free to DM me!
Hello!!! My name is Rabbit and I’m an adult, so be warned that there may be suggestive themes at times on this blog! I also will be doing some high stakes stuff!
I don’t interact with sentient pokemon or eebie deebies with very few and select exceptions (if you arent sure, ask!), and I’m picky about players with legendaries as well, as I have a specific cannon I’m working with!! No magic anons, crossover blogs, crack rp, or dream mail, though some peliper mail sent to amy's GES location is acceptable (within reason!! no magic anon but item things ahaha)
Amy’s a flawed character so please keep in mind that not everything he says is the objective truth! He can be biased, emotional, unprofessional and he can and will lie, though he prefers to tell half truths and avoid topics first.
Amy has a very detailed past, and he has his secrets and motives!! there’s usually at least something going on under the surface hehe so I wish you luck in trying to puzzle this man out! This character is my own personal Pepe Sylvia red string board and I enjoy playing him that way :)
I hope we can have fun together, but please please please remember that there is a person behind this blog, be nice!! or at least just not incredibly hateful. some negative asks can be fun but think before you send things please.
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ooooh which one has you most enthralled?
There will never be a greater Soap Opera than the roller coaster that is Professor Bellamy "Wild Days" Amaryllis' love life.
Zygarde having her trans awakening and getting adopted by a seamstress and a ghost is a close second.
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Lots of accusations. Can you SHOW us evidence?
The evidence is too graphic to show on a website like this.
A number of his murders were filmed. Many people already saw the attempted murder of Bellamy Amaryllis.
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