#Because Jophi got loud and Sachi saw his brother and got all '!!!!!'
soulsxng--a · 5 years
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“I, Jophiel, Angel of Judgement, find thee guilty of the accused treason against Heaven and her people. As there is no apparent reason for imprisonment in this particular case, your punishment shall be the same death that you passed upon the victims of your heinous acts.” The tip of the angel’s sword is lowered from where it touched against the center of the accused’s chest, returned promptly to the sheathe on Jophiel’s hip. 
“Kneel, scum.” He spat, hand reaching out to press down on the other’s shoulder roughly, completely unfazed by the pleading of the terrified man. “Should you wish to plead to anyone for benevolence, it is my brother that carries out the decisions of the trials here. I should warn you, however, I do not foresee him giving mercy to one that would murder and mutilate a mere child, among other things.”
The taller angel nods to Sachiel then, ruffling his hair as he passed to leave the room. “I leave him to you then, Sa-hiu. You know my judgement. Come find Tahariel and I once you’ve finished here, if you would.”
“I will, Jophi-hii. Thank you for your hard work.” The smaller responded, smiling at his elder brother before turning to face the perpetrator. When he did, his smile had turned cold, almost menacing as he walked over to the kneeling man, leaning down and cupping his face in hands that were slowly becoming hotter and hotter.
“Shh, shhh...it’s alright now, young one. You needn’t beg. I forgive you.” He whispers, voice carrying every ounce of it’s lulling hypnotism. The man visibly relaxes, smiles in relief, and begins to thank the archangel before him, when the heat radiating from Sachiel’s hands suddenly becomes searingly hot. 
Divine flames ignite over thin fingers, crawls over the man’s skin and spreads quickly over the rest of his body. There’s no smoke-- there never is, but the light from the fire is bright enough that it makes up for it. Sachi steps back, sighing softly as one or two agonized screams escape the quickly burning figure.
“I forgive you, and I free you of the sins you have committed this life. May you find peace, and a fresh beginning, should the Fates choose to gift you with reincarnation in the future. And should you find yourself stricken with the urge to repeat past atrocities, remember I’ll be there to forgive you then, too.”
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“And remember, as you’ve learned today, that forgiveness isn’t always kind. Perhaps then, you’ll change your mind, and choose a different path.”
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