#Bea's happy to be involved in Amelia's life tbh
apothekosm · 5 months
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POV: You got your ass beat for refusing to give up information. Nearly to the frayed edge of your life, but rather than let you die on a street somewhere, the assassin that beat you up (left) has brought you to the closest physician she knows (right) who just pulled your soul back from the underworld so the aforementioned assassin can continue interrogating you for the info she so rightly deserves.
Once it 'slipped' that Bea's healing abilities were a lot more 'cosmic universality' than 'columbia university', she feared that Amelia would treat her differently. Maybe become more withdrawn, or begin questioning aspects of their relationship that had never passed even the most strenuous 'vibe' checks.
What actually happened was that Amelia took it all in stride. Not so easily flapped, she actually relied on Beatrice for a bit more than her own booboos and emotional investiture. Now, while 'heal this guy so I can get back to fucking him up' isn't exactly the most wholesome use of her emotional healing gift, it's the nature of the request (a reliance, and a trust) that matters, and not its form.
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