#Bath with Bubblez
blissfullybubblez · 16 days
🌸💖 When You're Feeling Down: Little Tips for Lifting Your Spirits 💖🌸
Hello, my lovely friends! 🌈✨
We all have days when we're feeling a bit down, and that's perfectly okay. It's important to be gentle with ourselves and find ways to lift our spirits. Here are some little tips that might help you feel better when you're feeling blue:
Snuggle Your Stuffies 🧸💕: Hugging your favorite stuffed animals can provide a lot of comfort. Their softness and familiarity can help you feel safe and loved.
Coloring Time 🎨🖍️: Grab your coloring books and crayons! Getting lost in a world of colors and creativity can be a wonderful way to distract your mind and soothe your soul.
Watch a Comforting Show 📺🌈: Pop on your favorite cartoon or feel-good movie. Let the whimsical stories and characters transport you to a happier place.
Listen to Calming Music 🎶💤: Create a playlist of your favorite lullabies or gentle tunes. Music can be incredibly soothing and help ease anxious thoughts.
Take a Bubble Bath 🛁🫧: A warm, bubbly bath can be incredibly relaxing. Add some fun bath toys or scented bath bombs to make it extra special.
Cuddle Up in a Cozy Blanket 🛋️✨: Wrapping yourself in a soft, cozy blanket can make you feel secure and warm. Add your favorite pillow or stuffed animal for extra comfort.
Write in a Journal 📓🖊️: Sometimes, writing down your thoughts and feelings can help you process them. Use colorful pens and stickers to make it more fun!
Play with Toys 🧩🚗: Whether it's building with blocks, playing with dolls, or any other toys you love, playtime can help take your mind off things and bring a smile to your face.
Spend Time Outside 🌳🌼: If you can, take a short walk or sit in a garden. Nature has a wonderful way of calming us and making us feel more grounded.
Talk to a Loved One 🗣️💖: Sometimes, just talking to someone who understands and cares about you can make a big difference. Don't hesitate to reach out to a friend, family member, or your caregiver.
Remember, it's okay to have tough days. Be kind to yourself and give yourself the time and space you need to feel better. You're never alone, and there are always little things you can do to brighten your day. 🌟💕
Sending you all lots of love and warm hugs, Bubblez 🌼🦋
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ghoulchurch · 6 years
this bubble bath formula says to put in a ‘generous amount’ and i don’t want to use it all up but at the same time... want more bubblez
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annamonsterrblood · 3 years
You can't run in hell, you gotta try to commit, gotta become a monster if you wanna survive in this shit. You gotta carve a hole big enough that you'll fit. But best know who I am, my name is Bubblez Bathe, bitch!
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imaginegladions · 7 years
What would be some headcannons for gladion and the protaganist giving their pokemon bathes (+1 Cookie for lotsa bubblez owo)
Refer here.
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elirluna · 6 years
141; 19; 27?
141. Night or Day?
night. i’m more creative & productive at night
19. Do you like bubble baths?
yes im a kid i like bubblez
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?
i would accept any skin color, they’re all beautiful!!
thank youu x 💫
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bonanzza · 6 years
1, 7, 12, 18
7. hike through a forest wlw or stroll along the beach wlwi really cant choose, but maybe beach
12. bath bomb wlw or bubble bath wlwgod i love both, but perhaps gimme a lady covered in bubblez
18. write her a love letter wlw or give her flowers wlw ok this ask meme is a joke. write her a love letter AND give her flowers with it
( send me cute wlw asks )
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