#BUT I'M NOT SKIPPING THEM I want them >:(
jkvjimin · 4 months
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[7/?] random gifs of maknae line cr. qdeoks
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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This isn't what it looks like.
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margizaa · 1 year
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To be those foxes... | You can find the progress on my Insta ^^ Come say hi!
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starmocha · 4 months
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MC: I'd tell him to rest more often.
Zayne: It would be better if you told him to keep it up.
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linusbenjamin · 1 year
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We have to go back, Kate.
#lost#lostedit#tvedit#lost spoilers#kate austen#jack shephard#nikolatexla#hi anon this is for you and all jate shippers <3#there are so many scenes of them but unfortunately i don't have all the eps#especially the scenes where they kissing and the first time they met :')#so i want to talk about that last gif a bit 😩😭#i don't want to talk about charlie's death i don't think i can handle this#oh my god i thought sarah was coming out of the car and WHO CAME INSTEAD#when i first saw bearded jack i kinda thought it's probably after the island but i wasn't sure#so i saw kate and my heart skipped a beat#i literally cried when jack said i want every single plane to crash#now who is waiting for kate and whose funeral was that...#i can't describe how i felt during that scene so i'm moving to the next issues#so i met daniel miles and charlotte today aghhhh#and the man who gave them order is the man with hurley in hospital... interesting#i'm having a hard time understanding locke rn because he absolutely didn't have to shoot naomi#i mean he's acting like ben. ben shot him and now he does the same thing to sbd else#and hurley saw jacob. and i couldn't figure out who's sitting on that chair... thought maybe jack's father but no#and hurley said oceanic six??? only six people survived huh...#and the best part is... ben was sayid's boss#I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS#my heart didn't just skip a beat. it stopped right there#this show's the best thing that's ever happened to me#people say its finale was garbage you know what i really don't care
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Being a Jason Grace truther is bracing yourself everytime you see videos talking about "unbearably boring character povs" knowing dam well who the comments are going to be talking about and skipping the video all together because of that reason
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dumbasswhatever · 1 year
looking for a replacement for duolingo and i am truly losing my mind at how far these language learning apps go to try to hide the fact that they require a paid subscription to learn just about anything
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riddlerosehearts · 28 days
i just recently read the last runway and taiyuki actually makes me so insane like first of all what do you MEAN taichi and yuki were childhood friends when they were 4-5 years old who didn't realize at first that they ever knew each other because they lost touch and were only reunited over a whole decade later after taichi literally just joined mankai company to be a spy at first?! what do you mean taichi's childhood crush, who he still thinks about and refers to as his first love, who he liked so much that he ran away from home just to try to find "her" when "she" moved away, was literally yuki?? the same person who he has to help make the play costumes as a punishment for destroying costumes when he was being a spy??
and also wtf do you MEAN the last runway came out exactly one year after mantou fist, the event that focused on taichi finally learning that the "girl" he lived next door to and had a crush on was yuki? the event where he lamented not being able to invite his first love, the only friend he had that knew the old him, to watch him play the lead role and see how much he'd changed... only to then discover that he could invite his childhood love to watch him because it was yuki, and get extremely flustered not about having had a crush on a boy but about the fact that yuki has seen him at his worst and has been spending so much time with him when they make costumes together?!
and what do you mean taichi doesn't even tell him they were childhood friends and then yuki has to figure it out on his own after literally going to taichi's house (AND GETTING ASKED BY TAICHI'S SIBLINGS IF YUKI IS HIS GIRLFRIEND!!) and finding out that he's still keeping an old tattered scarf that yuki had made for taichi--who he used to call "chibi" back then 🥺--and that taichi calls his TREASURE? what do you mean yuki also decides not to openly tell taichi he remembers their childhood friendship and instead just makes him a whole new scarf to replace the old one?? and that taichi immediately puts the new scarf on and doesn't wanna take it off even in the heat because it's his treasure?? what do you meeeeean both taichi and yuki finally realize that they were friends when they were little and neither of them say a word to each other about it 😭 taichi literally acts like his childhood crush on yuki never went away. they have a plotline that sounds like it belongs in a romcom. they're just insane.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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Why would you—That's not—I just wanted to ask for help, why did you have to go and make it awkward???
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littlespoonevan · 10 months
one thing i still genuinely do not understand is why all of these teen shows set in high school aren't just set in college instead. when i think of all the shows i watched in my teens/early 20s they all have the exact same problems and all of those problems could be solved if they were just. set in college instead?????????? actors don't look 16?? that's cool bc they're in college so they can reasonably be anywhere from 18-24. parents seemingly non-existent or disappear for episodes at a time??? nbd all the characters moved out for college so they don't see their parents that often. characters going to endless parties, having unlimited access to alcohol, and sleeping with a different person every ep??? sure makes a lot more sense if they're in college!!!! characters randomly having free time in the middle of the day??? everyone's college schedule is different!
like!!! there are so many shows that completely lose the run of themselves by s3 bc their characters start off 16 and now they're supposed to be graduating and all the plans they had and colleges they wanted to go to now need to Go Away bc they need a reason for them all to still stay in the same setting which means basically messing up 2-3 seasons worth of character development. and i just cannot understand how none of these tv execs thought, hey maybe if we make them freshman in college this would make more sense bc we'd at least have a plan for 4 seasons and even if we reach graduation we could still feasibly transition them into their career paths without disrupting the existing dynamic??????????? teenagers would still watch that, the demographic wouldn't change???????? college is still a tumultuous time where people are growing and learning and making mistakes and having new experiences?????????? where are all the shows set in college where are they?????????????????????????
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The Many Illustrators of A Tale of Two Cities 7: A. A. Dixon
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"'Collins' Clear-Type Press, let me ask you a question.'"
This is a very long post.
This week's edition has, in my research, become quite the edition.
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Sadly, this image is the best source for the cover wrapper illustration that I could find.
You are likely familiar with Arthur Augustus Dixon's illustrations for the 1905 Collins Pocket Edition of A Tale of Two Cities. Several of them are very common to find in Internet searches and articles about the book, if not other editions of the book itself.
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But the question raised by my research for this week's edition is: Are you familiar with all of them?
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Thing is, as the source above states (read the whole article if you have the time, it's very interesting!), Dixon created twelve illustrations for this novel.
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And sure enough, this source from the Internet Archive and this source from @oldillustrations (hello!) both have eleven of the same illustrations - with the twelfth presumably being for the wrapper, as seen in this source (previously cited) from the Victorian Web.
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Alright, so that's three separate sources, all with (effectively) the same set of elaborate illustrations from 1905. Neat!
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...but if you start counting...
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...you'll notice that this seems...
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...like a lot more than twelve!
Basically, there are five illustrations by A. A. Dixon that are completely unaccounted for in any of the three sources previously cited.
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For the purposes of this post, the cover wrapper is considered #0 and is not pictured in these banners.
In full-size set of illustrations in this post, this source from Google Books is the source of four of those mystery illustrations:
#3: "'He stared at her with a fearful look.'" #6: "'Drive him fast to his tomb.'" #7: "He said, 'Farewell!'" #12: "'She appeared with folded arms.'" #9 ("'Patriots and friends, we are ready!'") and #11 ("'You are consigned to La Force.'") are sourced from Google Books in the full-size versions in this post simply because the Internet Archive versions of those two illustrations had cropping issues.
To me, this is mystery enough on its own. Why would another version of the book suddenly have more than the originally-stated number of illustrations by this artist? Especially considering that the Google Books source does not have #13 ("''I know you, Evremonde!''") - why would it be missing one of the "main" set?
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It gets even more interesting.
As you'll notice in the banner, we're still one off: Keen-eyed observers of the full-size set of illustrations might have already noticed that #14 ("'Carton and the spy returned.'") looks a bit different than the rest of them - a bit like what happened in the previous edition of this series!
That's because that Dixon illustration comes from this completely random source - a post from a blog called the Paperback Palette dating back to 2018 - that I happened across on Google Images of all places while sitting on an airplane trying to set up this post last week!
And to top it all off, that source is missing #6!
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At this point, if your first instinct is, reasonably, that perhaps Dixon didn't actually illustrate these extra five and that it was someone imitating him for later editions, then know that that was my instinct too - until I (dare I say it again) checked those signatures!!!
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(I edited the colors to prevent flashing.)
All five of those illustrations bear Dixon's signature, so it's safe to assume that they are A. A. Dixon originals - from 1905, even.
Interestingly, #s 1, 10, 13, 15, and 16 don't have signatures! Does this mean anything? Probably not - as an artist myself, I often forget to put my own signature - but still, I can't resist mentioning it!
So the most likely explanation here is simply that the publishing house originally commissioned A. A. Dixon for more than twelve illustrations and then held on to some of them, eventually choosing to publish them in other editions. Still, we can't say for sure.
And as to why some are missing from the more "complete" sets - human error, most likely!
If you scrub through the Google Books source, you'll notice that #s 11 and 12 actually repeat (one even changes color, which I have no explanation for) - it's most likely either that the book was accidentally printed with repeats of #s 11 and 12 where 13 and 14 were supposed to go or that the person scanning this edition made a similar error.
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As an aside, it's so interesting that the illustrations are evenly spaced throughout the book - I had not noticed that until now!
And as for the Paperback Palette source, it's most likely that the blogger accidentally skipped over an image while combing through their edition or just glossed over it when posting the batch (I understand that from experience!) We can see this by adding up the letters in some of the illustrations' captions - doing so reveals that the letters are meant to go to P, the sixteenth letter of the alphabet.
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Thus, one must be missing! Case closed!
Except... It's actually (going by both the chronology of the book and the order in which this set was found in Google Books) missing the wrong letter! Here, it seems that In the Google Books source, #7 in the full set is given the seventh letter in the alphabet, G - whereas in the Paperback Palette source, "#7" is labeled as the sixth, F:
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This implies not only that #6 is absent from the Paperback Palette source but also that there is a missing mystery illustration located between this source's H and K - that is to say, before or after #9!
EXCEPT... For one, this isn't the only inconsistency I've noticed - there are several places where the letters seem shifted in a strange way. I've seen #2 listed as "C" and #9 listed both as "H" and "I2i" (???), just as two examples. (My theory is that the cover wrapper and the frontispiece may be at play here, but who knows?)
More importantly, though, it seems that, for some mysterious reason, all of the sources with relatively consistent use of these letters (i.e. all but the Victorian Web) - even the sources with only eleven interior illustrations - still give #15 in the full set the fifteenth letter, O. Which, of course, may make all of this pretty moot anyway.
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Dare I say..."Oh."
Suffice it to say, just as much as major sources like the Internet Archive and Google Books are vital to this sort of research and preservation work, so are smaller websites and bloggers! After all, without the Victorian Web and the Paperback Palette, we as collective netizens likely wouldn't have ever known about the cover wrapper or illustration #14 (not to mention that the versions of the illustrations from the set posted by @oldillustrations have by far the best image quality and standardization that I've found! Please go check them out if you haven't yet!).
As for the reasons behind Collins' Clear-Type Press not publishing all of the illustrations from the beginning (if that's the explanation we're to go with here), I suppose the question I'd like to ask is:
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why? why would you put us through this?
& the standard endnote for all posts in this series:
This post is intended to act as the start of a forum on the given illustrator, so if anyone has anything to add - requests to see certain drawings in higher definition (since Tumblr compresses images), corrections to factual errors, sources for better-quality versions of the illustrations, further reading, fun facts, any questions, or just general commentary - simply do so on this post, be it in a comment/tags or the replies!💫
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percytheboykisser · 2 months
guys i'm flipping out i need the wisdom saga NOWWWWWWUSDUUDUDIGK
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disposal-blueeee · 1 year
guess what ! doodles . again
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edgar , nny and devi belong to johnen vasquez (even if i only drew nny and devi at the bottom)
scriabin by zarla-s
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papayafiles · 2 months
every time lando comes on the radio to explain how the rules work and how other drivers "aren't allowed to do that" he sounds more and more tired... when will he realize that no one else cares about following the rules as much as he does... when will he say fuck it and go wild. overtake off the track. push people off. lie on the radio. ignore team orders. make the useless fia penalize you if they can get their shit together take those on track positions!!!!
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starheirxero · 3 months
Earth's entire character revolves around making people happy! She is the caretaker, the therapist, the golden child.
She is kind to a fault, always wanting everyone to be happy, and putting the people around her above her.
She was created and taught to do so. It's her purpose.
Taking the character trait that defines her the most, and twisting it into something sinister?? Holy shit, I love that!!!
This truly makes her feel in-character, while still giving her a chilling edge!
Instead of simply trying to make people happy, she's actively forcing them to! Even brainwashing them with camps!
And if they can't be happy? If they won't be? Then they are tainting her perfect utopia, and need to die.
This Earth seems to idolize the Creator a lot more, or he, at the very least, generally seems to have rubbed off on her, considering her apathy towards her sinister actions!
I cannot describe to you, how much I love this!!
I'm also really interested in her dynamic with her brothers, and the general world-building!
For one, she actively mentions, that their hatred for her comes from a place of prejudice, because she's a robot. The Creator's robot, to make it worse.
I love, how they consistently throw in humans' distaste for animatronics, and the latter's lack of rights!
Though in this case, that's definitely not it-
She also generally seems to take more of an older sister role? The way she talks to her Lunar sounds like an indeared older sibling, using a higher tone and generally seeming amused by their antics! Also her mentions of them being "silly" again, much like an older sibling indulging in her little sibling's games. This also plays into her patiently explaining everything.
I can't quite say for her dynamic with Moon, though it has shifted somehow!
There's little to go off, when analyzing the brothers, though they too seem generally more apathetic, and honestly tired. Especially Moon.
It's also interesting to note, that this Lunar apparently has a lot of memory issues, the humans actively meddling with their systems to put them against their sister! So much so, that Earth seems very much used to it!
This world fascinates me so much, and I hope, we'll see them again!
With her comeback, I also have hopes to see the other AUs again!
Listen- I need Lunara to make an appearance- I need them to be an antagonistic maniac- I need to know more about their resets, and how long it's been going on- I need them in my life-
I really hope to see a glimpse of Lord Lunar and Servant Eclipse again, and see if their dynamic has shifted since Gregory came by-
I want God Eclipse to be a smug bastard-
I also want go give a shout out to Ruin for being absolutely UNHINGED when it comes to building- Buddy legit built a high tech spaceship in underneath a year, and got a hold on several whiterstorm pieces-
And it feels CRIMINAL not to at least mention Earth's dream episode- Which I haven't done, cause brain fog-
It made me incredibly emotional too!! It's just-
The atmosphere was so incredibly somber…
Earth KNEW, he wasn't real, yet still found comfort in his memory-
YEHWYSYAYAYYAYAYA I KNOW RIGHT!!!!! GENUINELY I'M SO HAPPY THEY BROUGHT HER BACK AND SHOWED OFF MORE OF HER CHARACTER AND HER WORLD IT MADE ME SO HAPPYYYY!!!! I always thought it was a lil weak sauce that, last time, they just went "she's a dictator, evil enough!" so having them revisit her to elaborate and make her properly villainous is EVERYTHING TO MEEEE
AND YEA YEA YEA I LOVEEEE HOW THEY TWISTED HER MOTIVE!!! Exactly like u said abt her having more the Creator's influence, I adore that it's still distinctly her goal, it's just that she's not as emphatic about what she has to do to achieve that goal! And YEA the fact people were particularly displeased about her being the Creator's creation fascinates me.
In my heart I'm imagining someone in her universe made a very online callout post about her and her ties to the creator HSKAHSKS "ouf, unfollowing her now. i was a fan of her 'keep everyone happy' goal but i didn't know she was made by That guy 😬" LMAO
BUT ALSO WITH HER SIBLINGS YEAH YEAH YEAH!!!!! She's definitely more authoritative with them, especially with Moon just outright calling her "boss"?!?!!! Whatever is happening there has me SO INTRIGUED. It definitely make me wonder what the lead-up to all this looked like...
I was sort of talking about smth similar with a friend earlier, like. if any of them ever pushed back at any point, only to be put in their place, or if they've just always been too scared to work against her.....
SPECIFICALLY LUNAR HAS ME SO FASCINATED THO YEAH. I cannot explain why for the lofe of me but the fact they're usually a target of the rebel's attacks and have constant memory issues as a result just scratches smth in my brain I rlly like it HAKAHXK
Genuinely that whole ep was DEVASTATING. The whole "you don't know what he'd say, do you?" coming out of his own mouth had me MESSED UPPP 😭😭😭 1 MILLION EMOTIONS ATTACK FOREVER
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kittiesfordays · 3 months
i was putting off watching two worlds (because of all the sex scenes to be very honest) and i finally got to it yesterday, finished today
tell me why i was so wrecked over "evil" tai dying? he was trying to do a good thing helping kram and then he goes and dies????? i was so upset.
no one gave him a chance until kram found him in that cave. no one showed him kindness. then kram did, and in time "evil" tai revealed himself to not be so evil and when he tried to help he gets bit by a snake and dies????????????????????????
when i tell you, out of all the things to be upset about in this show, that just hurt me sosososososo bad? i don't have the words to express why it hurt me so bad.
OH AND ALSO when he said, while dying?, he's never been to the cave but something drew him there? bitch.
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