#BRUCE springsteen
tedhead · 2 days
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Clarence Clemons and Bruce Springsteen performing at the Providence Civic Center, Rhode Island, August 25, 1978. Photo by Arthur D’Amario.
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Jungleland (Bruce Springsteen)
Outside the street's on fire in a real death waltz/Between what's flesh and what's fantasy/And the poets down here don't write nothing at all They just stand back and let it all be/And in the quick of a knife, they reach for their moment and try to make an honest stand/But they wind up wounded, not even dead/Tonight in Jungleland
"Oh man. I was introduced to this song as “the greatest song ever made” as a kid. Jesus, it really might be, at least it’s definitely up there. It’s about a piece of shit guy who lives like a piece of shit and dies like a piece of shit while a crazy world goes on around him just out of his reach. It’s so amazing, you need to listen to the whole thing front to back, the violins in the middle really fuck me up good. If you don’t expect an orchestral rock opera song from Bruce Springsteen (early in his catalog too) then you need to listen to more Springsteen. I love this whole album, and this is the ultimate closing track."
Traveller's Oncore (Outer Wilds)
Listen. The entire game comes to this moment. And you hear Travellers. But then you play the DLC, and when you get to the end…it changes you. You know that at the end of it all your friends are there. And it’s the universe loving you back. (If I say any more it’ll defo be spoilers for outerwilds and you Have to go into that game blind.)
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up-beattt · 1 day
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1978: Photo by Lynn Goldsmith 2024: Photo by Rob DeMartin
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zeroaddzero · 1 day
Bruce: Backstreets is about friendship :)
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doublydaring · 5 months
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Bruce Springsteen, Born to Run
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cafffine · 10 months
you need to listen to Bruce Springsteen’s live albums not just his studio stuff because his crowd work has three modes it’s either “Clarence you should walk me on a leash” or “one time I fell down the stairs and I still think about it….do you still think about it?” or “this songs for my dad who only loved me sort of which was worse than not at all. he’s not in the crowd tonight. or maybe he is. if you see him please god tell me.” and before anyone can react to any of that he’s hootin and hollerin and Clarence Clemons is doing things with a saxophone that are now illegal in more than 15 US states
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bloodcrownedking · 4 months
Learning to drive so that i may have a more complex and nuanced understanding of the themes within bruce springsteens music
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proto-language · 7 months
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sideshow-tornado · 5 months
"All I do know is as we age, the weight of our unsorted baggage becomes heavier. With each passing year, the price of our refusal to do that sorting rises higher and higher...Long ago, the defenses I built to withstand the stress of my childhood, to save what I had of myself, outlived their usefulness, and I've become an abuser of their once lifesaving powers. I relied on them wrongly to isolate myself, seal my alienation, cut me off from life, control others, and contain my emotions to a damaging degree. Now the bill collector is knocking, and his payment'll be in tears."
- Bruce Springsteen
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tedhead · 2 years
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the gender performance of dolly parton and bruce springsteen (sources: x x)
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gimmeshelter · 6 months
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martin scorsese and bruce springsteen discussing catholicism as a major inspiration in their life and art (x)
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geminiscene · 1 year
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"This is uh. When I was growing up me and my dad used to go at it all the time. Over almost anything, but uh, I used to have really long hair way down past my shoulders, I was 17 or 18, oh man he used to hate it. And we got to where we were fighting so much that I'd spend a lot of time out of the house. And in the summertime it wasn't so bad, 'cause it was warm and your friends were out. But in the winter I remember standin' downtown and it would get so cold, when the wind would blow. I had this phone booth that I used to stand in and I used to call my girl for hours at a time just talking to her all night long.
"And finally I'd get my nerve up to go home. I'd stand there in the driveway and he'd be waiting for me in the kitchen. And I'd tuck my hair down in my collar and I'd walk in, and he'd call me back to sit down with him. And the first thing he'd always ask me was what did I think I was doin' with myself? And the worst part about it was I could never explain it to him.
"I remember I got in a motorcycle accident once and I was laid up in bed and he had a barber come in and cut my hair. And man, I can remember telling him that I hated him and that I would never ever forget it.
"And he used to tell me 'Man, I can't wait until the army gets you. When the army gets you they're gonna make a man outta you. They're gonna cut all that hair off, and they'll make a man outta you.'
"This was I guess in '68 and there was a lot of guys from the neighborhood goin' to Vietnam. I remember the drummer in my first band comin' over to my house with his marine uniform on, saying that he was goin' and that he didn't know where it was. And a lot of guys went and a lot of guys didn't come back. And a lot that came back weren't the same anymore.
"And I remember the day I got my draft notice. I hid it from my folks, and three days before my physical me and my friends went out and we stayed up all night. And we got on the bus to go that morning, man we were all so scared. [Laughs]. and I went, and I failed. [Crowd cheering.]
"And I came home, — [laughs] it's nothing to applaud about — But I remember comin' home after I'd been gone for three days, and walkin' in the kitchen and my mother and father were sittin' there, and my father said, 'Where you been?' and I said, uh, 'I went to take my physical.'
"He says, 'What happened?' I said, 'They didn't take me.'
"And he said, 'That's good.'"
-Bruce Springsteen, on Live/1975-85
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thisnameisfalse · 7 months
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