#BGC 17x04
spotlightsaga · 8 years
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Kevin Cage of @spotlightsaga reviews... BGC (S17E04) Squad Goals Airdate: March 7, 2017 @oxygen Ratings: 0.410 Million :: 0.18 18-49 Demo Share Score: 5.75/10 **********SPOILERS BELOW********** #BGC17 is certainly LIVE, and I'm rly loving Francesca... She reminds me of my best friend; tattoos, blonde hair, dancer, athletic, East Coast flavor, standing up for what she thinks is right, and not backing down... It looks like the polls on twitter and other social media put Fran as the fan favorite right now that she's come out of her shell and we've seen more of who she is. The woman isn't perfect but she owns who she is, that's rare for a girl who is just 22 years old at the time of filming. I'm personally even coming around to Kiki, who I think came in the house a little too eager, now that theres been time to drop the walls down and see the genuine person inside. Sayyora I liked from the very beginning, I have a lot of respect for someone who goes out and gets a higher education like Sayyora. Once again, I'll say keep an eye on her, because she's smarter than the average bear. Seven seemed to be the fan favorite in the beginning, but it's crazy how things can change so quickly. I see good in all of the ladies, but they are all very young (except for Key), and having cameras in your face and knowing that there is a pressure from the show's audience to be 'Bad' can be just as emotionally trying as being locked up in a small loft with a bunch of other young females that have that same mindset. It's already getting to Seven and that's a shame because I think underneath the facade that's suddenly veiled her, I believe there's a really amazing person underneath. The pressure of being on these types of shows can be unbelievable... And I thought the metaphor/comparison of the girls saying they felt like 'gerbils in a science experiment' was right on the nose. I guess now it's time to talk about the bad... Cuz there's always 'The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly', right? It's just the way the world works, and in the BGC house that general rule is amplified. Deshayla made a comment when she became upset by Fran to her mother, who for some reason was instigating her daughter to violence (great parenting, Mom) that was unacceptable. When we get upset, really really upset, words sometimes come out that we don't mean or that is generally out of character... Right now we are so divided as a country that it's really time to start looking for what bonds us, what makes us the same, and stop blurting out what separates us. I'm all for Free Speech, but it's not without its consequences. 'White Bitch' 'Black Bitch' 'Red Bitch' 'Blue Bitch' 'Muslim Bitch' 'Christian Bitch' 'Faggot Bitch' 'Dyke Bitch'; This is HATE SPEECH, and we have to stop or we're never going to progress. Things have gotten so bad and no we are not all going to get along and sing 'Koombayah', but what do all of those phrases I just wrote have in common? 'Bitch' So let's start with just saying 'Bitch' and then we'll work on that word later. One thing at a time but spitting on someone is also deplorable, don't do that mhhhkay? Keyaira, Keyaira, Keyaira... This is 2017 and you are approaching 30. Why does everything have to end with screaming and confrontation? What are you mad at? What happened to you? You are such a beautiful woman and you act out and say such ugly things. Now you guys can find me at @SpotlightSaga on twitter and sometimes I livetweet shows. BGC tweeting can be a bit rough, there are a lot of young minds out there that think this type of behavior is fun or acceptable, so I'm quick to block if anyone approaches looking to fight... But there is love in my heart and if a civil conversation that is challenging for both sides takes place ANYWHERE, I invite it. We don't have to agree with each other but it's important to hear each other out, gain perspective. Key seems to be inviting the fights, but blocking those that attempt to offer perspective. Key was fighting with one of her followers, per usual, when she used the word 'Midget'. Guys, this is derogatory term, people afflicted with dwarfism and achondroplasia see that word as dehumanizing. I pointed out to Key that this was the case and she blocked me. I wasn't looking for a fight, I was just offering perspective. Meanwhile she continued to verbally fight with viewers. This is the type of person this woman is. She has a lot of growing to do, and at 26 I fear that something has happened in her life that has really negatively affected her deeply. Oh you thought that was it? We've covered, the good, the bad, and now it's time to cover THE UGLY. In #BGC5 Catya was quietly removed from the show during a trip to Jamaica. It was made to look like she was leaving on her own accord, but really she had stabbed one of the male strippers with a fork. 12 seasons later, Susan picks up a comb with a sharp metal end and producers rush her out of the house. I know this is the BGC house, and this is the last season, but if shows of this nature are being made... A psych screening must be in order. VH1's massive slew of reality 'Of Love' shows and 'I Love Money' were all canned and the network and the production company 51 Minds had to completely revamp because they let someone through who ended up killing and mutilating Jasmine Fiore. That man, Ryan Jenkins, was to be runner-up on 'Megan Wants a Millionaire' and the winner of the 3rd season of 'I Love Money'. Hands only, fight only for your base moral values and only if you have to, defend yourself... But keep the sharp objects out of your hand. BGC17 is out of control.
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