#B y e
iovetecchou · 1 year
the silly
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junryou · 1 year
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MegaMay ☆ Crossover ☆「失われた魂を導く神の光」
Featuring two of my fave Capcom characters. The caption roughly translates to, “A divine light to guide lost souls.”
reblog, do not repost
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deathsweetblossoms · 2 years
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I rub my thumb over the stub of my missing finger top, bitten off by one of Madoc's guards, and realize abruptly that if I told Cardan about it, he might understand. Maybe more than anyone, he'd comprehend the odd mingling of fear and shame I feel -- even now -- when I think of it. For all our conflicts, there are moments when we understand each other entirely too well. (Jude, QON, Ch 20)
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He considers explaining how much he despised the palace as a child, how he dreamed of escaping Elfhame. She knows most of that already. (Cardan, HTKOELTHS)
Once, she told Cardan the story of confronting Madoc after she'd drugged him, but before the poison began to work. (Cardan, HTKOELTHS)
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Soft evidence of Jude and Cardan removing their armor, “one piece at a time”, via sharing their stories with each other.
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simlit · 1 year
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Chosen of the Sun | | forest // thirty-three
| @amuhav
next / previous / beginning
TAYUIN: You promise you won’t be angry? KYRIE: I won’t be. TAYUIN: I… saw you and Eve in the courtyard. I didn’t know you two were so close. KYRIE: That upsets you? TAYUIN: No. It’s just… I thought… KYRIE: Tay— TAYUIN: It felt like coming second. TAYUIN: I thought we were similar, but I don’t have anyone, and you have her. It made me angry. It made me wish you would just leave me alone, so I don’t get any stupid ideas. It would be easier if you hated me and treated me like everyone else. Then I’d know how to handle this. I’m not used to people being kind to me unless they want something. You’re… not like that. But I realized that doesn’t make me special to you. It’s just the way you are. It was my own fault for thinking otherwise. KYRIE: That isn’t your fault. TAYUIN: What do you mean? KYRIE: That feeling didn’t come out of nowhere. I put that idea in your head. TAYUIN: You were just being yourself. KYRIE: Yes, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t led you to believe certain things. I guess I should be more careful. TAYUIN: Yeah, I guess you should. KYRIE: Except I want you to believe them. Because they’re true. TAYUIN: What? KYRIE: laughing You were just jealous, all along. That’s adorable. TAYUIN: It’s not funny! KYRIE: It’s really funny. TAYUIN: Why do I even bother trying to talk to you? I hate you! KYRIE: No, you don’t. That’s the problem. TAYUIN: I knew I shouldn’t have come. KYRIE: Tayuin. TAYUIN: What do you w— KYRIE: I never said you weren’t special.
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cerealmonster15 · 1 year
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andy-clutterbuck · 2 years
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TWD Euro Tour: Portugal | 2017
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dabihaul666 · 14 days
CORE IS FUCKING MARRIED???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
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saltpepperbeard · 1 year
Yuri on ice 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀
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tmrrwppl · 2 months
"The anger in her mind came from his side, but the heat in her blood was all her, and her raising... where she was regularly told she was not worthy and useless."
*chin hands*
Y'all ever wonder what it would have been like if Clari had grown up with Jed and the Jamesons?
She'd have two little cousins to annoy, an Auntie who was much more preferred for any booboos she got as a clumsy child, an uncle who would probably throw her in the air like a football for the fun of it, and a god father who was charmingly british and acted more like a doting grandpa and always had weird snacks for her to try when he babysat.
And then the plan would still happen and the Jamesons would move away and then Clari would be left with her dad turning more and more reclusive until she finally broke out and he immediately put her into the Ultra training program where she got to briefly meet Killian and John before they both disappeared within a year or two of each other. She's hella sheltered from the reality people of her kind face.
And she's a constant reminder to everyone that she's the boss's kid, so she basically has no friends until Stephen finally breaks out and joins Ultra, but even then he doesn't trust her cause she's Jed's kid and he's suspicious of Jed. And even Aunt Marla is suspicious of her.
And she's just... 'Oh.'
Cause she doesn't know anything about her dad other than he's a bit weird and a geneticist.
tbh Luca is the only one who likes being around her, cause he's oblivious, until he finds out the superpowers are real.
She just wanted her family that she had when she was little back.
... I'm not sure if this is better or worse than her canon.
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winterreigned · 3 months
Sansa's reaction to Robb dying in a fire. :) ( u can make this funny or serious idc ) // @theyoungwclf
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𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐇 𝐆𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐓𝐒 𝐔𝐒 𝐀𝐋𝐋 ; no one is immune to the cold grasps of bony fingers, pulling you to the depths of eternity. this is a fact of life, one sansa stark has faced head first several times now. grandparents, distant relatives, most recently her father ──── though nothing has prepared her for robb. her eldest brother, though so much more, a best friend, confidante..
it is the dead of night when there's a knock on the door. she assumes it's jon locking himself out again. maybe even arya's little boyfriend unsuccessfully sneaking in once more. sansa pays it no mind, offers an agitated grumble and tosses in her bed. it isn't until she hearts the guttural screams and wailing of her mother that she flies out of bed, running urgently down the stairs. all of the stark children are awake, all but one.
there are no words to confirm her suspicion, weeping mother before an apologetic man in a fire uniform. it tells sansa everything she needs to know.
when ned stark had passed, the police came in the dead of night. a warm summer night, sticky with humidity, much like this one. when the police rang the bell and catelyn fell apart, it was robb who held the family together ──── the much needed glue to the shattered glass pieces. the months after, robb stepped up in any way. it is in this moment now, sansa realizes this role has now been passed along to her.
❝ arya , bring bran and rickon upstairs. call jon. do not tell him on the phone, we cannot have him driving recklessly. ❞ it is shaky hands, wobbly knees, tangled red hair and eyes still blurry from sleep. THIS CANNOT BE REAL, THIS CANNOT BE REAL. it is a horror movie, yet all the same she is living it. sansa is unsure of what possesses her, what skills have suddenly come to be to help her survive this ; to ensure her siblings and mother do. but with a capability she was a stranger to, sansa crouches before her mother, cradling her in comfort. it is a messy mix of tears, unknown where sansa's begin and where catelyn's end. rocking, together, mother and daughter, desperately mourning the loss of the remaining light in the stark's life.
it is some hours later, time has frozen. sansa is a walking zombie, bound to human nature and instinct and defied expectations. feet venture to his room, legs carry her to robb's unmade bed, and in an instant she's unfolding and sobbing in the bed sheets. cheap cologne lingers, and for a moment it is if he is there. so many nights teary eyed she spent in here, whether it be father's death, joffrey, fights with arya.. now she must face it all alone.
❝ you've gotten me through everything, how the hell am i going to get through anything else with out you? ❞
𝐈𝐓 𝐈𝐒 𝐒𝐈𝐗 𝐘𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐒 𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐑, a baby cradled in her arms. a boy with auburn locks like his mother, already curled and growing atop his head. eyes a blue you can swim in, just like his uncle.
❝ welcome to the world, robb stark. oh, how we love you.❞
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magnoliamyrrh · 1 year
what level of baffoonery do u want in your posts?
this person: yes
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switchytransboy · 2 years
i love being a strong boy who can be disarmed with tickles.
there i said it 🫠
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apocalypticsinn · 1 year
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Lord of Darkness and Mystress of Magick 
 Black Hat and Ambrosia once again because they- Make me feel things LOL
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thisis-elijah · 6 months
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tmrrwppl · 1 year
Komix is hiding feels in the tags again!
re: I think there’s a reason we were born unable to kill. It destroys something, a part of your soul you don’t get back.
@nightiingaled @rpopups
#he's not wrong#Roger isn't sure how to live with what he did to John#what he allowed to happen to Killian#to so many others who died in the attempt#and the rest who completely lost their souls after#he's not religious not really#but Jed got good name from an uncle who never made it out of Poland with his sisters#and their grandmother also said being Jewish was about celebrating life#and that resounded with him#and he can't knit the actions and the beliefs together
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handgiven · 1 year
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in the end I believe scientists are hopeless romantics desperate in love with the idea that the world makes sense. be loved, fox mulder.
graphics for @spookyagentfmulder (from this askbox prompt)
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