#Avallac'h Icons
lyrieuxsicons · 1 year
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Who? // : Avallac'h From? // : The Witcher 3 Amount? // : 983 Size? // : 100 x100 px
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revoevokukil · 1 year
1, 13, 22, and 23 for the choose violence asks :-)
the character everyone gets wrong
Avallac'h. (You asked me.) Ciri. Not your Innocence, not your saviour, not your lesbian icon. Very likely to make you her collateral damage. Eredin. (Semi-blank slate syndrome.)
13. worst blorboficiation
Triss (TW3) & Jaskier (TWN). Honestly, I don't know. I think most romantic fan-content is inherently susceptible to do this, no matter what. But with Triss & Dandelion it's just painful.
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
The Witcher is Sapkowski's Wicca fan-letter (& a pagan Arthurian one).
23. ship you’ve unwillingly come around to
I don't think I've unwillingly come around to any ship. I don't have that many ships I would feel strongly about in TW to begin with, and I can begin to find most things interesting. As I am called upon to choose violence, though…
I used to dislike Ciri/Eredin circa 6-7 years ago. In retrospect, it had less to do with the ship & more to do with the fanon around it. The (post-TW3) fanon in question: a feisty maiden who'll eventually give into how good the D is and wish to bear the child of the desirous rapist maniac, who is nevertheless honest & upright about being a rapist maniac & is therefore a solid groom.
I guess some of it has to do with the way shipping tends to inherently tilt the narrative and characterisations. With the added conundrum that Eredin's feather-thin characterisation is mostly a composite-fantasy of Ciri's, serving that very purpose. Two classic tilts at which I eyeroll: 1) the nominal monster's miraculous transformation into a paragon of virtue & 2) the heroine's self-effacing, full co-optation into a true love narrative - after rape, black eyes, bullying, insults, etc. (Both frequent with this pair; a "not a bad guy after all" take and a "Mr Psychopath" one.) There is more wiggle-room in writing (2) - hope and self-delusion are powerful things & Ciri is vulnerable to both - but unhealthy relationships are tough to write believably regardless, and even more so when dealing with illusions of health. The more common outcome is the reduction of the heroine to a vessel of the audience's attraction toward the monster, or, even more frequently, the nominal monster's whitewashing, uwufication, and softening up into boyfriend-looking material. Speaking of: Ciri. Ciri won't be material, she's convinced of it ever since the age of 10; ship-fics kind of are the ultimate sewing factory, there's no escaping it (just hope for proficiency).
On a more object-level: military machismo leaves me dead cold, and Eredin's game characterisation - which generated the above fanons in conjunction with "rough caresses" & myrtle flower - does not fly with me. The pilfering of Avallac'h's and Auberon's traits & plot significances to thicken Eredin's meagre book-characterisation flies with me even less. Eredin frequently got built up as a reaction to Avallac'h in fanon and never really obtained "his own thing" (unless it be solely the animal magnetism of a darkly strongman in the eyes of a teenager). I also happened one too many times into the circus of Eredin & Ciri/Eredin fans going on a crusade against Avallac'h or Ciri/Avallac'h by attempting to build up a moral high ground for E over A in the Aen Elle quicksand. (Reee! Ship wars! Discourse! Somehow the opposite almost never occurred, tho.) No comment, or it'll be all comments (dm me, I guess, lol). Consequently, it almost seemed like a huge amount of energy in the writing of these two was spent on signalling why Eredin is "a real man" and the best dick around among his fellow war criminals instead of giving him an independently interesting position in the lore, in relation to his fellow elves, and in relation to Ciri. Not to mention, a discernible arc & internal conflict. Does that matter in smut? I guess not. Does it matter to me (also in smut)? Yes.
Basically, I used to find Ciri/Eredin forced everywhere but in Ciri's desirous dream sequences or in a dark-fic's ravishing plotlines (& even there I didn't find the "I must have you & you will like it" Eredin very compelling given his indifference in the book). However, I have come around to this pairing over the years because I have met some cool people with fun and unconventional takes on the elf, and I think there are a few thematically rich veins to be mined with him in relation to Ciri. So throwing games & game fanon out of the window definitely helped & is allowing me to work out Eredin's "own thing" in a way that excites me; alas what excites me in shipping and in unhealthy ships is not romantic wish fulfilment. Off with Holofernes' head, non-muff! Off. But before you do it let me investigate him; romantic lens is like an amplifier of all other interesting things that are going on inside characters - and that's what shipping is about to me in large part; uncovering those things.
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trialedsage-archive · 4 years
I'm gonna be working on setting up my vampire blog over here. Putting the finishing touches on his theme, then I'll be making graphics and maybe icons. If there's time, I'll also be making some mobile friendly docs for both him and Avallac'h.
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xgamerxiconsx · 8 years
Under the cut you will find 60+ Icons of Avallac'h from The Witcher 3. Feel free to use for your roleplaying needs! :)  
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revoevokukil · 4 years
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Just look at this bs! How dare this haloed denizen, this troll extraordinaire under Devil's Mountain be this handsome? Utter nonsense.
“Someone else will help her now” i.e. Avallac'h.
Telling Geralt to the face: soz dad, Ciri's destiny is not only connected to you - no respect. Iconic kurwa 🦊.
But if suitor nefarious why sexy? 🤔
- (also acknowledge this: Avallac’h is the patron of monsters under Mount Gorgon, while Sapkowski got the character from myths where Avallac'h is the Welsh god of evil spirits (later, elves) & ruler of Avalon.) Art by Yagi Hikaru
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