#Avalanna and Justin
avalannarouth162 · 1 year
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biebernsaint-blog · 7 years
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kym-truestory · 7 years
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I'll never forget 💜
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cuteandreamateo · 5 years
Justin Bieber: His Story (Advance Happy Birthday)
Justin Bieber was born on March 1, 1994 in London, Ontario, Canada. His zodiac sign is Pisces. And, his complete name is Justin Drew Bieber. His parents are Jeremy Bieber and Patricia "Pattie" Mallette. Justin is of Scottish, Canadian, French, German, Irish, and English ancestry. Interesting, isn't it?
Celebrating Birthday for Justin
For Justin, birthday celebration is so important. Justin has been a loving big brother to his siblings, especially to his little haf-brother. Not only that, Justin typically posts on social media together with his little brother, who is also adorable like him. The siblings of Justin are Allie, Jazmyn, Bay and Jaxon.
Early Life of Justin Bieber
Justin has been interested in music since he was little. He also love playing drums and guitar is his favorite. Living peacefully, Justin was raised by his mother. One time, his mother decided to create a YouTube channel So that she can upload cute videos of Justin. It's because Justin has been so cute since he was a kid.
The Rise of Justin to Fame
Through YouTube, Pattie will be able to let her relatives see how cute her son is. This YouTube Channel is "Kidraul". Pattie was not expecting that the said YouTube channel she created would be the key to Justin's fame.
Scooter Braun is a talent manager. And, when he was watching videos on YouTube, he saw the videos of Justin. And, he got amazed. After watching, Scooter immediately called the mother of Justin to give his offer. That time, Justin's big career began. Interestingly, Usher, who is also a famous singer, got impressed with Justin. In fact, they have a song together about "Happy Birthday".
The first single(album) of Justin was released in November 2009. The title is "My World". The following albums of Justin became so sensational globally. Justin was able to visit various countries to perform in numerous concerts.
Additional Information
They say that Justin is a relative of Hillary Clinton, Madonna, Angelina Jolie, and Celine Dion. I got curious about this. I stumbled upon a website that says Justin is a relative of those famous celebrities because of "matrilineal ancestry". Matrilineal ancestry is the process of identifying the person's relatives by knowing the mother of mother.
For example, your mother is Maria. Then, the mother of Maria is Gloria. Then, the mother of Gloria is Cristina, and so on and so forth. That's what matrilineal ancestry is.
If you want to know more about the ancestry of Justin, there's a link at the reference section below for your knowledge.
Justin and His Fans
Justin is a loving person, especially towards his fans. In fact, he has been giving meaningful time for youths that have medical challenges like Avalanna. Avalanna is a cute little girl that was diagnosed having a brain cancer. Avalanna had battled every single day to live longer.
Avalanna is an avid fan of Justin. In fact, Avalanna had made numerous social media posts to show her deep admiration to Justin. Justin and his crew saw all the efforts of Avalanna. She was then invited to meet Justin personally. Avalanna's wish was granted. She met Justin on February 14, 2012. It's a special day because it was Valentine's Day.
Justin had shown his love as a big brother to Avalanna. Justin treated her like how Justin is treating his young siblings. And, Avalanna loved Justin more than ever. Many people's tears fell when Avalanna passed away. Rest in peace precious little angel. After Avalanna departed, Justin continued helping other young individuals who are sick.
Justin's Lovelife
Let's now talk about Justin's lovelife. Selena Gomez was the former girlfriend of Justin. A lot of fans admire them. In fact, Justin and Selena became the most famous showbiz couple during previous years. Sadly, their relationship with each other didn't go well later on. It became like a rollercoaster ride. Numerous instances of break-up and re-unite happened. In the end, they were not able to save their relationship and they parted ways for good.
Perhaps, you heard news or watched a few videos telling negative stuff about Justin. But, Justin emphasized that "He is just human." He is right. We, as human being, sometimes experience ups and downs in life. The important thing is for every mistake we encounter in life, learn to say "Sorry" and learn from it.
Currently, Justin is contented and is so happy being a loving and faithful husband of Hailey Rhode Bieber. To you Justin Bieber, Advance Happy Birthday! We wish you all the best and may you have the greatest birthday celebration this coming March 1. We love you and we will always sing your songs!
Reference: The French-Canadian ancestry of Justin Bieber http://www.perche-quebec.com/files/justin-bieber/individus/justin-bieber-en.htm
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kidrauhlspurpose · 6 years
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January 13th 2012- Justin met Avalanna. 
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weaknesszpacks · 7 years
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Headers Javalanna (Justin Bieber + Avalanna Routh)
Credit @uijelenur or like this post
The headers are a special request. Rest in piece, little baby!
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exposingsmgask · 7 years
was Selena nice to Avalanna? did she even got to meet her?
Yes and yes. Selena isn't so evil to the point where she will be rude to a little sick girl. And I think she met her the first day Justin met her.
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ohitsanxiety · 8 years
Never there (Justin Bieber imagine )
Please pick up the phone. Please pick up the phone. *hey it’s Justin. Sorry I didn’t answer but I’ll call you back later* *beep* “Hey J its Y/N im going into labor. Your mom is taking me to the hospital right now. I know you’re half way across the world but I just wanted to let you know that I love you. You’re probably on stage right now and won’t get this until after your show but please just call me as soon as you can. I will send you pictures of our baby girl when she is born. Well we just got to the hospital so I have to go. I love you so much and I can’t wait for you to come home and see her. Alright, bye.”   You said and then hung up the phone and hopped out of the car, grabbing your hospital bag, and headed for the entrance.   “Oh my goodness I can’t believe this is finally happening! I’m so excited. Im going to go check you in then get you a wheel chair. Just sit down for a minute.” Pattie said then left to the check in counter. You thought you would text Scooter and let him know what’s happening since he was always on his phone and he was practically like a father to you since your real one was a dead beat. *text convo* Y/N: hey Scooter. Just thought I’d let you know that the baby is coming soon. We just got the hospital and we are checking in now. I tried calling Justin but he didn’t answer so I left him a message. I’ll keep you updated as things move along. Scooter: oh my goodness! I will be on a plane as soon as I can! Im so sorry we aren’t there for you at this moment Y/N. Justin is actually out at his after party right now but I know he will be back soon and when he gets back we will be on the first flight home. Stay strong. Love you kid. Y/N: who’s he out with tonight? And I know how important Justins career and fans are to him so I get it that you guys have to go away. And I can’t wait to see you guys. The doctor is bringing the wheel chair to take me to my room so ill text you in a little bit. *end of text convo*   The doctor had you grab all of your things and then he rolled you back into a hallway labeled labor and delivery and gave you a room. He asked you the normal question and took your heart rate and blood pressure and all that stuff then he had you put on a hospital gown. After you were done he came back and had to check how dilated you were and he said you were only at 2. Your contractions were really starting to hurt after the first hour and the doctor came and checked on you every so often. “Honey I know it is hurting know but just think in a few hours you are going to be holding your beautiful baby girl in your arms.” Pattie said with a smile. You know she was trying to make you feel better but nothing was helping you at this point. You just wanted Justin to be here. Speaking of Justin, you never did see if Scooter texted you back about him. *text convo* Scooter: … he’s out with Hailey. But don’t work yourself up about it Y/N. They’re just friends. Scooter: how are things going? Scooter: Y/N? Scooter: Justin just got here Scooter: we are heading to the airport now. *end* He was out with Hailey… he was out partying with some girl while you’re here in labor with his child. The doctor had just came in and said you were dilated to a 9 so it would only be about 15 minutes until you had to push. Patties face lit up when the doctor said that. You told the doctors you wanted to have her in the room with you and so they gave her one of those outfit things and she went and got suited up. You decided to let all of the fans know what was happening since they’ve been so supportive throughout this whole pregnancy. (Twitter) @Y/T/N: its time guys! Im going to deliver in a few minutes just thought I’d let you know <3 After twitter you decided to check instagram and you honestly went into shock when you saw Justins most recent picture. It was him and Hailey… kissing. You honestly wanted to break down in tears. Pattie walked in with a huge smile on her face but it instantly dropped when she the tears in your eyes. “What’s wrong” she asked, giving you a hug. You handed her the phone, not being able to comprehend any words, and she looked speechless as she saw the picture. “I am so sorry honey. You don’t deserve this. I promise he will be in big trouble when I see him. But right now you can’t worry about it. We have to go and deliver your baby” she said trying to make the situation better. It did put a little smile on your face. You’re really about to have a baby. The doctor wheeled you out on your gurney and took you to a delivery room. Even though Justin basically cheated on you, you wanted nothing more than for him to be by your side right now. “Alright on 3 im going to need a big push okay? 1, 2, 3” the doctor said over and over as you pushed and pushed for what felt like hours. You had never felt so much pain in your entire life and you were just ready to get her out. Then all of the sudden you felt all of the pressure release out of your body and you knew she was here. You heard the little cries and happy tears came to your eyes. The doctor handed her to you and she was the most beautiful thing you had ever seen in your entire life. You decided to name her Skylar Avalanna Bieber. After you had her for a minute the doctors had to take her away to wash her off and stuff. Pattie was standing there with a huge smile on her face and you gave her a huge smile back. *1 hour later* They still hadn’t brought your baby back and you were honestly starting to get worried. You and Pattie were just sitting there holding each other’s hands praying to god that your baby would be okay. Finally the doctor walked in with a sad face and your stomach dropped as he spoke. “ I’m sorry miss but your baby didn’t make it. Her lungs filled with fluid and she couldn’t get any oxygen. We tried are best to drain the fluid but her heart gave out to quickly. This isn’t your fault it just happens sometimes. Im so sorry again miss. I leave you alone for a while. If you need me just push the button” he said and then left the room.   Pattie had tears streaming down her face but never the less sat up on the bed and just held you as you screamed and wailed and cried violently. After about 2 hours of constant crying, your tears dried up and you just lay on the bed with the most broken heart you’d ever had. Eventually Pattie left the room to go and collect herself.  A few minutes later you heard the door bust open and happy voices leak through. Once they saw you they all got silent. You heard the doctor’s voice enter the room and tell them all to go out into the hallway. “I’m really sorry to inform you guys of this but the baby didn’t make it.” He said then a huge wail came from you were assuming Justin’s mouth. After a few minutes everyone slowly came in the room. No one spoke a word. I don’t think there is really anything you can say when this happens. Justin walked over to you and tried to hug you but you pushed him away. Then something in you just became angry. Angry that he wasn’t here. He wasn’t here for you when you were giving birth to your daughter. He was out with some girl. Kissing some girl. “So did you have fun with Hailey” you said as tears started flowing out of your eyes again. You looked over at all of them to see worried faces and Justin’s face just dropped. “Did you have fun kissing that bitch while I was giving birth to our fucking daughter.” you said sitting up. Justin just stood there speechless and so did everyone else. “Why weren’t you here Justin? Why for one god damn day couldn’t you just be there for me? I needed you and you weren’t here. You’re never here. I fucking hate you I hate you I hate you” you said hitting his chest over and over before finally collapsing into his arms and screaming. “Why did this happen to us?” you asked Justin but he stayed silent just rubbing your back. Eventually everyone drifted over and hugged you while crying. After a while everyone left the room except Justin. He just sat there holding your hand. You knew you shouldn’t forgive him but you needed him right now. “I got to hold her you know. She was so beautiful. She looked just like you.” You said as a single stray tear left your eye. You looked at Justin to see tears falling out of his eyes. “Im so sorry I wasn’t here for you. I would give up anything to have been able to see her just one time. Just to be able to hold her.” He said as tears were flowing from his eyes. You couldn’t help but feel sorry for him. This was his daughter too. “Justin can you just hold me please” you said wanting nothing more than to be comforted by him at the moment. He nodded and laid down with you in the bed and wrapped him arms around you. “I love you so much baby girl. Im so sorry this happened.” He said. You didn’t even have the energy to respond. You just felt dead inside knowing you would never be able to see or hold your daughter again.   You and Justin laid there all night in silence, letting out a tear every now and then. Neither of you could sleep. Even though you guys were both in so much pain you knew that you guys had to tell the fans who had probably been expecting baby pictures. Twitter- @JustinBieber: Skylar Avalanna Bieber. 6 pounds. 3 ounces. 18 inches. R.I.P my baby girl. Daddy will miss you and love you forever. Twitter- @Y/T/N- im sorry to inform you all but our baby girl skylar has passed away. Mommy will miss you forever and im sorry.   You both posted and got responses immediately with im sorry messages. “What are we supposed to do now Justin” you said knowing that you were going to get discharged today. How were you going to just go on with life knowing the baby girl you carried inside you for nine months isn’t coming home with you? “We just have to take it day by day. Be there for each other. Know that everything is going to be okay eventually” he says kissing your forehead. “Nothing will ever be okay again” you said. You gave him a kiss hoping that it would somehow fill the void in your heart. In that very moment you felt a little hand touch your cheek and you knew it was her. You knew that even though she wasn’t physically here, she was here. You knew she was safe with god and that you would see your again.
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avalannarouth162 · 1 year
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jbieberau1d · 8 years
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Nació el 1 de marzo de 1994, Ontario Canadá a las 12:56:08 ya no habían mantas azules asique le dieron una morada. Hoy está cumpliendo 23 añitos el hombre que me dio un proposito, el que me enseñó a creer y a nunca decir nunca, lo vi crecer, lo vi en tus peores momentos, vi todos sus errores y aún sigo aquí. Recuerdo la primera vez que lo escuché, apenas sabía quien era, tuve un camino difícil, sufrí de críticas sólo por tenerte como ídolo, como un ejemplo para mí, pero no les hice caso. Prometiste nunca dejarme caer y no lo hiciste, me resulta difícil ver que el niño que canta One Time y Down to earth, ese chico de apenas 16 años, hoy este cumpliendo 23, el tiempo pasa volando, recuerdo el "pipi de dinosaurio", las supras, recuerdo siempre soñar ser la One less lonely girl. Con "My World" me conquistaste, con "Believe" me hiciste llorar, con "Journals" te comprendí, y con "Purpose" no te dejé ir. Estoy tan orgullosa del ídolo que tengo. Extraño con todo mi ser a la Mss. Bieber, Avalanna, sé que ella te protege, y esta muy orgullosa de todo lo que conseguiste, seguro Mamá Jan también lo está, y todos los del #TEAMBIEBER, mi pequeño. Juré quedarme y eso es lo que estoy haciendo. #justinbieber #happybirthdayjustin #jb #belieber #believe #purposetour #purpose #myworld #myworldtour #baby #love #cutie #idol #proudbelieber #proud #belieberfamily #bieberfamily #teambelieber #swag #dreamofyou #beauty #yougivemepurpose #myboy #myidol #cantstoplovingyou #kidrauhl #stillkidrauhl #justintaller #justinb #justin #stillkidrauhljusttaller
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kym-truestory · 7 years
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This, legit, kinda makes me wanna cry
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A string from center illuminations, a center designed throw as well as cushion scenarios, plus a vintage table linen filled with hearts occupy no area at all, but can easily improve your rv in moments, with every area having that lovey-dovey feeling. In 1949, the also lovely Yvonne De Carlo played her in Tragedy Jane and also Sam Bass. Having know Avalanna Routh's want to encounter him face to face after her moms and dads interested him by means of Facebook, Justin shocked Avalanna through soaring her as well as her loved ones from Boston to New york city for an unique Valentine's Day visit.
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2-13-12 is when Justin met Avalanna. #RipAvalanna 💜💜💜
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lauraramargosian · 5 years
RT @SecuteBeliebz: best relationship justin bieber x avalanna 🖤 happy birthday to this angel 😍❤️ https://t.co/2vKcfeO89e
best relationship justin bieber x avalanna 🖤 happy birthday to this angel 😍❤️ pic.twitter.com/2vKcfeO89e
— Steve (@SecuteBeliebz) October 25, 2019
from Twitter https://twitter.com/LauraraMonique
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weaknesszpacks · 7 years
Faz header do Justin com a Avalanna, por favor ?
Prontinho, amore aqui. Espero que goste! Me emocionei fazendo :/ 
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avalannarouth162 · 1 year
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