#August - offer on house is accepted + packing to move + car dies + buy new car + see if we'll be able to close before need to be out of apt
a-story-teller · 1 month
Going to test drive a caaaar tomorrow 🚗🚗🚗
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maggyme13 · 4 years
Sugar (11/?)
AN: In the next couple of chapters we will enter a bit of SOns of Anarchy territory.
THANK YOU to all those lovely readers that reblogged and let me know what they thought^^
Sugar- Masterlist
Part 10
„Let´s see what he wants.“, you told Bucky. Your car door was already open.
“Try to get his name. I can send it to NY and get Info on him. I have the feeling there is more behind his visit than he will tell us.”, he answered and you nodded. You had the same feeling.
“As I told you before Mrs Lowman, we offer you fifty thousand and paying of the mortgage fees. This is more than you will get when the bank sells it. That would be nothing. In the case you sell it to us, you we will give you enough time to pack your things and find a good retirement home. And later your Children won´t need to pay of your dept in the hopefully far future.”, you heard the stranger explain to your mother, using a very sweet and fake politeness.
You did not like him.
Wait what?
“Asd I told you before: I will not sell. This is my house and one day I will die in it.”, your Mother answered stubbornly and with determination in her voice.
“Ma, we are back. You alright?”, you interrupted the man, stepping right between him and your mother.
“Yes, no worries. What about you? Were you sufficient?”, she smiled and the two of you stepped inside the home.
“Me too. Your son will call his friend and tell him to look for another place to stay. We brought cakes from the bakery you love so much. Ms Muller sends her best wishes.”
“Oh how nice of her. I was already making some tee and coffee. Bucky, be so kind and close the door please. These winds are not good for my old bones. Thank you dear.”
“Sir.”, was the last thing you heard before the closing of the door.
“What just happened is not of your or your brothers concern. Understood?”, your mothers words were final and you knew there was no way to get something out of her if she did not want to speak about it.
“Fine. I know there is not way to get you to speak. So let´s eat cake and forget the whole incident.”
“Heimdal, this is (y/n). Can you research something for me?”, you spoke into the receiver of your phone.
Loki had after all once told you to ask him if you needed any information.
“Of course Ms (y/n). Does it happen to do with your mothers house?”, the secretary asked, and you once again wondered how he knew what he did, “Mr Laufeyson had asked me to keep an eye on it and declare interest should it ever be foreclosed.”
“Okay. Did you find out about it during the background-check on me?”
“We did, indeed. So what can I do for you.”, his voice was warm.
“How much dies the bank demand and can you get information on an August Marks? He offered My ma money and something feels off about him.”
“The bank demands 75 000 Dollars for the once it will be sold. This will be in three days if my information is right. May I also inform you that Mr Laufeyson already green-lighted this endeavor, so you have all the money you need to your disposal.”
“He already did? Is it possible then, that you buy it for me, please? And to let them know not to let the other interested know about it?”, you hummed; not comfortable about the fact that Loki had already put everything in motion, but grateful.
“Of course Ms (y/n). I will buy the house in your name; you will only have to sign the papers, but I can arrange that to happen online. I will call you once I have any other information you asked for. Have a great evening.”.
The two of you said your goodbyes and the call ended with a lot of weight lifted from your chest. Your mother would not lose her home.
“Are you going to tell your Ma?”, Bucky had joined you on the terrace in the back garden.
“And get my ass whooped? No thank you. I will tell her once it is done and she needs to know. I have to tell my brother though. Sigh”, You groaned.
With the head on the top of the table, you dialed your brothers number.
“What?”, the man in question answered your call.
“Ma´s going to loose her house.”, there was no intention of you to even try to be polite.
“You kidding?”
“A man was offering to buy it when we returned. She is behind on her payments and the house will be sold in three days for 75k.”, you informed him further.
“Fuck. I have 10k most. Need to ask the club.”, he mumbled into the form and you could see him scratching is head in frustration.
“No need. I already called work. They are going to give me the money and I will pay it back with my paychecks. I just wanted to inform you about that and that the man felt off.”
“You gotta let Ma living there?”. Of course he ignored the fact you were worried about that man.
“Rent free; just like we did until we moved out. This way she can´t argue.”
“Good. Now, what guy?”
“A man of the name of August Marks. He seemed polite, and fake. Like there was a specific reason to buy the house. And it can´t be the location. A man dressed like that, does not buy a house in this neighborhood. Hap-”, you frowned and sat up right alarmed, “are you growling? Why are you sounding like an angry Bumblebee?”
“Big, short hair, Black, expensive suit?”, he finally asked.
“Yes. Why?”
“Not of your concern.”
“Happy, do you know this man because of your Job ?” , you breathed into the phone, but you got no answer.
“I take that as a yes. Do I need to get Ma somewhere else?”
“Okay, I trust you because unlike me, you love Ma and don´t want to see her dead. I am calling you when the house is mine.”
“Good.” Klick
“Do I need to call the Boss and get Sam and maybe some more down here?”, your bodyguard asked, worry in his voice.
“The night will tell. If Bikers show up. Yes. If not, then no.”, you answered him honesty.
“Makes sense.”, the man admitted, “I will stay up tonight and keep an eye out for anyone. No arguments. It is my job as your bodyguard and friend. And I have Bumble to keep me company.”
No bikers came the following night or day and so you believed that it all was as coincidence. Maybe Heimdal will find out more soon.
It was midday of the day you would be a newly made house owner when a knock sounded from the front-door and Bumble started barking.
It was Marks.
“Mrs Lowman, do you take our offer or not?”, he greeted your mother.
“We are not going to sell.”, she answered, but sadness was in her voice. She knew the bank would be selling her house this day. You had noticed her being quieter than usual the last two days.
“I am sorry to hear that. But you leave me choice now.”, he answered and at once reached into his jacket to- receive his mobile phone.
For a split second though, you had to admit, the thought of him pulling out a gun crossed your mind.
“This is August Marks of Pope Enterprise. I am calling to buy the house under the Number 666Ac. I will wait, thank you.”
A smirk threatened to spread over your face.
“What do you mean it is already sold. I INFORMED you last Month on my intentions to buy this object.- Yes, please give me the number of the buyer. Who was it you said?- Asgard, in the name of (y/n)(y/ln). Thank you and good bye.”, breathing in a few times to calm down, you saw him dialing the number you had given the bank for exactly this reason.
It only took a few seconds for his call to connect and your phone to ring. A look of confusion entered his face, that turned into disbelief and anger real quick when you answered with, “I am not going to sell. Have a nice day. Now, please leave my property or I will have to call the cops and my attorney for trespassing.”, in the sweetest and most innocent customer-service voice you were able to muster.
Huffing and with angry strides, he finally left and drove of in his expensive car.
You laughed. Until a smack on the back on your head shut you up.
“MA!”, you whined.
“I can´t remember asking for help.”, your mother scolded you.
“You didn´t. Does not change the fact that I did.”, you huffed.
“How much dept are you in now?”
“None. My boss payed for it and take the money from my paychecks every month.”, you explained, “So don´t worry, Ma.”
“Because you sacrificed everything to make sure Happy and I can have an almost normal childhood. I am just paying it back, so no more arguments.”, you hugged your mother with tears in your eyes.
“Thank you. I will make you your favorite cake. No Arguments”
And with this declaration, your mother ended the hug and disappeared into the kitchen where you immediately heard the clinking of bowls.
Keeping your promise, you called your brother:
“Your house now?”
“Yes, and Mr Marks was not happy about hearing it and that I do not intent to sell it ever.”, you hummed, still amused about the look the man had.
“Ya told him?”, your brother asked, almost getting pissed.
“Kind of, he came to make Ma a last offer. When she declined he called the bank to buy it in front of her face. Did not work out like he thought and when he called the new owner, me, he had no other choice than leaving in a sour mood.”
“Pack Ma´s things, you are going to spend Christmas in Charming. You have three hours.”, and with that the call ended, again.
“I swear, if he puts us into lockdown, I am leaving and telling Ma exactly why.”, you growled into the air before calling out to your Mother, “MA. Happy invited us to spend Christmas in Charming with him. And he won´t accept a no!”
“Jesus. What did my Son get himself into now.”,you heard her curse as an aswer.
Part 12
AN 2.0. Will she be locked up? and what will happen once she enters charming?
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I couldnt tag a few of you… sorry.
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