#Atlas may x reader
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If you don’t mind, may I request headcanons for the lackadaisy characters reacting to the reader(GN) saving them by taking a bullet that was going to hit them and almost dies from it?
GN reader, most of these imply the reader and character are in a romantic relationship or at least close. obvs mentions of injury, blood, morphine, hospitals etc and the angst that follows! Our kitties arent doing well :(
♣️Rocky - The fact you took a bullet for him is ... a lot. That takes processing, something Rocky isn't good at. It ends up manifesting as a long, drawn-out anxiety attack that gives him jitters, a little dissociation and mild mania. Eventually the Arbogasts asks Freckle to just get him out of the house and do something with him; they'd call when you woke up. When you're awake, the tabby is making his usual quips and chatter, but his off-kilter mood is obvious to even your morphine-addled mind. Rocky's more disheveled than usual and clearly hasn't slept. His shirt still has blood on it - your blood.
He's is ready to go absolutely feral on the person who did this, channeling all his fear and guilt into a single plan of revenge. He's so full of this manic energy that it's hard for him to keep still, let alone eat or sleep. But first! You're awake! Even if it's clear he's unwell, he's trying to smile and assure you that you'll be back on your feet in no time! So don't you worry, he and Freckle will take care of it. No amount of exhausted arguing will divert him from this.
You're stuck in bed for days, so you don't know exactly what happens. It's up to Freckle to tell you, as he went along with his cousin - but he's tight lipped about it, and fidgety, like always. Once that's dealt with, Rocky's fixating switches to fussing over you. And his heart is in the right place, but ... he's exhausted, all that lack of sleep and emotional turmoil catching up. Eventually he just passes out on the bed and you let him curl up at your side for a while. Rocky's excellent company (and a questionable nurse) in the following weeks. He has plenty of stories, music and chatter to keep you occupied.
♣️Freckle - He is, uh, not coping with this well. At all. He jumps to action to shoot whoever did this... Several times, and keeps shooting long after they're dead. He doesn't stop until his cousin calls out to him. Freckle is in something of a daze on the way to the back-alley doctor - wow, people have a lot of blood in their body, but now it's all over you - and doesn't start throwing up until the bullet gets pulled out of you.
He's sent out of the makeshift operating room because even Rocky can tell he won't cope with it. How could he? Isn't this his fault? Maybe if he reacted sooner, it wouldn't have happened. The poor guy is sleepless for days and consumed with too much guilt to visit until he's all but dragged in your sickroom by Ivy. Freckle fidgets often and struggles to look into your eyes - it goes a long way to just reassure him and promise you aren't angry. He shot the bastard who did it, after all.
He visits most days, bringing soup (his mother seems to think you have a terrible flu?) and slowly, slowly talking more and relaxing. He has a better bedside manner than he thinks; Freckle's a fairly quiet companion and has a good idea of what you need. Changing your bandages makes him feel pretty awful, but he's a good help. If you decide to continue bootlegging after your recovery, he's extra jumpy and protective of you.
♣️Ivy - Ohhh nonononono no, this is not happening. She's grabbing your shoulders and yanking you toward her, ignoring the blood getting all over her. She's a mess and doesn't even think of the danger you're both in; the bullets and gunfire keeps on all around while she holds onto you and tries to pull you to safety. Small as she is, with pure determination and adrenaline, she makes it.
You don't remember much after that, but the girl's right in your face as you slowly come to. Ivy looks a complete mess; having been crying for the the last hour, and before that watching intently while a bullet was yanked out of you. At least she washed the blood off her arms, but the clothes she was wearing are utterly ruined. Ivy alternates between chattering apologies and quiet fidgeting, even if you're too loopy to respond properly.
Eventually she has some strings pulled to get you to a nice hospital, with no one asking questions. This whole situation alters her for the worse; she gets more frequent nightmares and struggles to focus in school. Nearly every day she comes by you bring you snacks and magazines and nice flowers for your room; sometimes seeming a little frantic, like she was trying to make up for something.
♣️Mitzi - She is furious. Someone told her when you woke up, and you hear her swishing dress and clacking heels rushing down the hall. Her eyes are red, her make up is ruined and she practically shakes you. Even though you're still full of morphine, she demands you promise to never, EVER do that again. Zib has to remind her that a) you're still drugged out of your mind and b) the bandages are getting bloody.
While she'd want you in a proper hospital, they'd ask too many questions. You stay in the apartment above the cafe. She's too squeamish (and guilty) to help change your bandages, but she does bring you food, some records to listen to, an extra pillow, and so on. It's obvious Mitzi struggles to talk casually, as if nothing happened. When you're sleeping, she'll sit at your bedside. If it seems like the wound - or maybe a dream? - is bothering you, she gently pets your hair until you settle.
♣️Viktor - He's only in shock for a few seconds before instinct and absolute fury takes over. The perpetrator is not alive for long, but their last moments are painful. Not that you're around to see it - you've longed passed out from bloodloss. The only thing keeping Viktor from totally rampaging is the awareness that you're in a critical condition.
His old soldier training takes over; he's able to push emotions aside and get you to Elsa, the only one he trusts with this situation. While you're being operated on, he's still stewing. If whoever is responsible still has friends or a leader around, well, that won't be the case for long. Mordecai considers stopping the big Slovak to make him see reason ... but just ends up helping him instead. 'Keeping him out of trouble', the shadowy man claims, but really he's just as angry.
Once you're awake and coherent, it takes Viktor a while to sit in with you. He's disheveled and tired, and has trouble meeting your eyes. His bedside manner is ... basically nonexistent, but earlier Elsa walked him through the basics of what foods are best and how the bandages need to be fixed. After this, he's adamant about not wanting you on jobs any more, even if you're recovering well. The fact you took the bullet for him is even worse, in his mind. He could've taken it; you should have let him take it.
♣️Zib - Nope, he's not okay. Definitely not coping well with this situation. It's bad enough he got involved in one gunfight, now a second and this happens? He wants to get the hell out of this speakeasy. Anyone can see how jittery he is. Zib alternates between smoking too much and avoiding your sickbed, or drinking too much and sleeping by your side. When it's two am and he's resting beside you and listening to your labored breathing, he really wishes he was shot instead.
He thinks he's pretty shit at caring for anyone, but he's actually not bad, especially when he's half-sober. Helping with the bandages gets him feeling queasy and guilty, but getting food and keeping you company isn't so bad. Now and then, he asks if you still want to hang around this place - what do you think about leaving, with him and the band? If you're a triggerman for Lackadaisy, why don't you reconsider? Is it really worth it? And so on.
Expect a lot of late-night discussions when he's restless and can't keep his mind wandering. What if you had died, what if you get sick like this, what if you just left with him? Where would you all go? More than once you've fallen asleep in the middle of his talking, but he doesn't mind.
♣️Atlas - Everything is spinning, but you can feel his arms around you. You don't realize how much blood has soaked through his suit. And for the first time, you hear him shout - his voice resonates through his chest as you rest against it.
Eventually you wake up in a hospital bed, though the blanket is something from home and there's flowers all over the windowsill - wait, is that a radio? The nurses don't say much, but you're also not in a state to talk. You aren't sure if it's been one day or many, but finally he visits. He looks more tired than you've seen him, and far more solemn. He puts his hand on your's and explains you'll be leaving the hospital soon and recovering in his manor, along with a live-in nurse. This is quite a shock if you two aren't married, but if you are, it's nice to go home again. The guest room is already set up with what you need.
You don't hear whatever came of that triggerman, though the Lackadaisy staff whisper about Viktor and Mordecai being away for some time. Atlas doesn't want you about the cafe or speakeasy anymore, or out on your own in general. It'll take time for you to recover, but even longer for his paranoia and agitation to lessen. He seems the same to his business associates and employees, but those who know him better ...
🏵Serafine - She only pauses for a moment, then jumps to action. Serafine doesn't have to say anything to Nico, he's already picking you up while she mows down whoever shot you. Outwardly she's calm, inwardly she's furious. At the gunman, at herself, at you. Well, they keep a doctor on call for this reason. Serafine holds you very carefully in the car ride to the hotel, alternating between talking about revenge and reassuring you that you'll be just fine. No need to fret.
Everything's fuzzy after that. Serafine isn't there when you awaken, but you're in her bed. If you're a girl, you're probably in her nightie, too (when did your clothes get changed?). There's warm food on the nightstand, enough morphine to take out an elephant and a little vase of flowers. It's like any other morning when you wake up in her bed, well. Except the drugs and the hole in your chest.
Eventually she comes back, with more food and a disturbingly calm demeanor. Whoever that gunner was, well, they're dealt with, and so is their boss. Isn't that good news, cher(ie)? You just rest up and you'll be back on your feet. The stitches are neat and the bandages aren't too tight - understandable, considering how much she was threatening the doctor. Nico tells you all about it later.
🏵Nico - He uh, probably manhandles you more than he should as he gets you into the car. He wants to retaliate - to bash in the gunman's head rather than put a bullet in it - but Nico knows a bad shot when he sees it. He grits his teeth and keeps you in his arms while Serafine floors it, not caring how much blood gets on his clothes or white coat.
As much as he wants to sit in on the operation, it makes him restless. So he settles for pacing in and out of the room, often reminding the doctor how unfortunate it'll be for him if something goes wrong. He's quietly boiling in the perpatrator, too; by the time you're bandaged and tucked in bed, he and his sister already have a plan of retaliation. While you're still doped up and asleep, he gives you a kiss on the brow and disappears to get the job done.
Once you come to, there's flowers on the nightstand and a maid coming in with room service. You stay in the Savoy's suite during your recovery; Nico only sleeps on the couch because he moves a lot in his sleep and doesn't want to disturb you (he still naps right by your side). He's not careful enough to help with changing bandages, but he's excellent company when you're bored. Nico only laughs when you bring up the gunman. Old news, he's taken care of it. He'll even share the grisly details.
🏵Mordecai - He doesn't react to the blood immediately. His mind tells him to clear the area first - but. That's a lot of blood. He's acutely aware the bullet was meant for him. The logical side starts to short-circuit once you're in the backseat of the car, bleeding all over the coat he wrapped around you. He knows how to put pressure on a wound, and he thinks he's staying calm, but he snaps viciously at Niko to stop screwing around and drive faster.
He bothers the doctor so much while they work - hovering, observing, commenting - he gets pulled out of the room. Whoever shot you is going to be dealt with, and whoever ordered the hit. Mordecai just wants to make sure you'll survive the next few hours, as that'll determine how he deals with them.
The first few days he's agitated and not sleeping well. Mordecai alternates between fussing and fixating on your wound, and bothering the hell out of whoever's looking after you. He really doesn't settle until the gunman is well and dead, and you're more coherent and talking. Expect lots of lecturing about how stupid it was for you to get in the way, how you need to fix the bandage this way or that, and have you been eating? When Mordecai's away, the Savoys like to come in and cackle about what he did to the gunman. They were also apparently given instructions by him not to bother you, which they gleefully ignore.
🏔Wick - He's completely frozen in place, stuck by distress and panic. It occurs to him to shout for help not when more bullets fly by, but when you start coughing up blood. He has enough wherewithal to get you to the hospital - somehow driving without crashing into anything - but once you're taken away, he just crumples. He's utterly distraught.
Once his mental faculties have recovered just enough to let him stand, he paces. And paces. The receptionist in the waiting room manages to get him to make a phone call; he tries to inform Lacy to just take the day off tomorrow, but the events of the evening all come spilling out. If you both were innocent bystanders in the incident, that's one thing, but if you were involved in some criminal business and that's what put Wick in the line of fire ... well, Lacy has some choice words for her hopelessly infatuated boss.
Once you're stable and resting, he finally allows himself to breathe. The receptionist all but shoves him home because he looks like a mess and he's frightening other patients. By the time you can accept visitors he's (somewhat) rested and bringing you flowers. There's still an awkwardness, so ... at some point, talking about everything is gonna have to happen. But Wick wants you to rest first, and he needs to figure out his own thoughts, without the whiskey.
#ive rewritten this many times im tired of looking at it LMAO pls enjoy#lackadaisy x reader#rocky rickaby x reader#freckle mcmurray x reader#ivy pepper x reader#viktor vasko x reader#mitzi may x reader#zib zibowski x reader#atlas may x reader#serafine savoy x reader#nico savoy x reader#mordecai heller x reader#wick sable x reader#sedgewick sable x reader#calvin mcmurray x reader#dorian zibowski x reader#nicodeme savoy x reader
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Can you please make an other atlas may prompt or an atlas may x reader since you’re basically the only one that does atlas may x reader prompts, but it could be anything as long as you want to and have the time to do this i appreciate it
A/n: 👏👏.
Prompts used:
— “you lay a hand on them one more time and i’ll take it clean off of you.”
— “they’re with me. and so long as they are, you’re never going to have anything to do with them again. clear?”
— “i’m cold. cuddle with me.”

A small yelp escaped your lips as your hand recoiled, you were only looking at the watch. You wanted to buy something for him since your anniversary was coming up. "I."
"Filth like you shouldn't be in here."
'Filth?..sure you weren't wearing your best dress but filth?'
Frowning you lowered your gaze holding your hand to your chest. You were about to reply until you heard the chime of the door, Atlas's voice deep as he stepped into the shop.
“you lay a hand on them one more time and i’ll take it clean off of you.” His voice was calm but the coldness rang clear.
Stepping up behind you, he let his arm wrap around your waist tugging you close. “they’re with me. and so long as they are, you’re never going to have anything to do with them again. clear?”
The shop keeper nodding his head, the man stuttering out response apologizing.
"She will take that necklace."
"Yes! Of course Mr. Atlas!" The man bowed as he handed you the necklace.
Nodding, Atlas clasped it around your neck then placed a kiss to the side of your head only to glare at the man. "We'll be leaving now."
"H-have a good day Mr and Mrs. May."
Biting back a scoff, Atlas guided you out of the shop keeping you close.
"Is there anything you want love?"
"Can we go home? I'm cold and I want to cuddle."
Atlas hummed grasping your chin. "Anything for you love
#blurbs#blurb#atlas may#atlas may x reader#lackadaisy x reader#lackadaisy#lackadaisy x you#atlas may lackadaisy
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Atlas May x F!Reader
> Requested by @yourfavoritemexicanenby | Finally out of my writer's block! (Fanfare sound effect)
IMPORTANT DETAILS: Atlas is not in an established relationship with Mitzi.
Similar to his young protoge, Mordecai Heller, Atlas is a very quiet and reserved partner, but as opposed to him, he's very openly loving in spite of that. He's no stranger to showering you with love, he just prefers to do it in ways he finds to be more meaningful and intimate, like gift giving, acts of service, and physical affection. When he does voice his love, though, he's rather suave and poetic about it.
And on the topic of gift giving, it's a given that Atlas can and will spoil you. His earnings are pretty evenly distributed between adorning you with all sorts of jewels, silver and shiny things, and taking you out on expensive, classy dates. He takes pride in making you happy, as well as that added benefit of getting to see you all dolled up, and getting to have you on his arm to show off out in public.
He likes having you rest your head on his lap or lean on his shoulder while he's reading a book or the paper. It's a simple, everyday comfort for him; just something nice to help him unwind.
During and after the Lackadaisy's open hours, he loves taking you out onto the open floor and dancing with you. He's slow and intimate with it, and whispers where you're meant to put your feet, your body and your hands to the steps of the song. It's the farthest he probably goes in terms of PDA, but even then, he's more focused on you than he is on the crowd surrounding you both.
He's not big on petnames or terms of endearment, but he opts towards things like 'darling' and 'dear heart'.
I like to think he does the thing where he takes your hand in his and kisses your knuckles...yeah. ♡
Other notes: This ones a lot shorter than most just because A) I wanted to get something out since it's been a while and B) it was difficult to come up with anything from here because there's so little out about Atlas (personality-wise, at least)
There are also a few similarities between Mordecai and Atlas' headcanons I noticed, which spawned the idea of Mordecai getting his view of romance and partnership from spending so much time around Atlas
#lackadaisy#lackadaisy x reader#lackadaisy cats#lackadaisy comic#lackadaisy x f reader#lackadaisy x f!reader#atlas may x reader#atlas may x f!reader#atlas may
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Someone PLEASE needs to do this
Like something about zuko and fire bending reader being engaged. Like she’s a royal and they’re being “forced to get married” but they actually fall in love. They support each other through everything and they’re literally stuck at the hip. They sneak out to see each other and whenever they have to go to formal events they can’t wait to see each other and they goof around all night. She knows all of his secrets and how he feels about his father and mother.
Reader somewhat gets along with Azula. Reader doesn’t like the way she treats zuko sometimes but she acknowledges she is only a product of the adults around her so she has a soft spot for her.
Then when zuko get exiled he’s so caught up on getting his fathers approval. He promises to her he’ll be back before she knows it. He knows how hard it is for her in the palace. She tries to go with him just as his ship is leaving, pleading with him one last time; insisting she can be of help. He declines her kinda harsh but she understands and bids him farewell. She walks away but remembers she has to give him something. A token of good luck. When she runs back to give it to him she over hears Zuko talking to someone telling them he didn’t want reader to come because she’d be baggage, a burden, dead weight. Reader is hurt and goes back to her room in the palace and cries her sorrows away. She really thought he thought more of her, he always complimented her when she firebent, she was taught by the best and he still thought of her as deadweight?
In Reality Zuko only said that because he knew he wasn’t going to come back for a while, he knew it would inevitably she would fall for someone else during the time he was away. What if he came back with his hopes up only to find her in the arms of someone else, someone who was there for her, who would care and love her then and there. He wasn’t good for her. And the faster he convinced himself he could move on, the less he would cling to her when he inevitably saw her again.
Time passes by and reader comes to the conclusion from the help of overthinking, that he never loved her. It was all a facade to win the approval of his father. If he really cared for her , he would know how awful it was in the palace without him. He abandoned her. And for what to find some kid?
She joins azula. She’s really good at fire bending and she hates to see azula practically destroy herself and the people around her for some approval. So she decided if no one will properly take care of her, she will. Over time Reader has disconnected her feelings from the actions she takes under Azula. Her only concern right now is Azula. She realizes Azula at her core is a wounded little girl and she takes care of her as her own.
IDK when or where reader and zuko reconnects or see glimpses of each other again but when he sees how she cares for Azula he melts away. You’re so scary to people around you but soft and nurturing towards his sister. He wants that. He needs it. At one point when you challenge him to fight due to anger from maybe hurting Azula in some type of way or jealousy due to his kindness towards katara. When you firebent in the past you made sure your flames wouldn’t hurt him but now they’re coming at him full force and he doesn’t know what to do.
@ me if u do plz give credit 👉👈🥺 I can’t write like that
#prince zuko#atla zuko#angst#x reader#zuko x reader#the last airbender#avatar the last airbender#princess azula#zuko x you#zuko x y/n#fire lord zuko#atla azula#atla angst#atla prompt#atla mai#atla live action
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it's not fair that there are so few fics of my favorite white boys 😭

#patrick zweig x reader#challengers#daniel atlas x reader#now you see me#rodrick heffley x reader#diary of a wimpy kid#riff lorton x reader#west side story#nero sparda x reader#devil may cry#conner kent x reader#dc titans
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'Fake' Feelings
Zuko x Reader
Summary- In a pinch, you have to pretend to be in a relationship with Zuko. Little do you know it was never pretend for Zuko.
A/N- HAPPY BIRTHDAY @thethreeeyed-raven!!!!! This isn't my typical fandom as y'all know. I wrote this as a birthday gift to my best best best online friend. SHE'S AWESOME. Go check her fics out <3<3! CONTAINS A SINGLE BAD WORD >:)
Word Count- 2,468
"Mai, I already told you. I can't be with you!" Zuko was getting frustrated. While he did love Mai at one point, that was a long time ago. Zuko was now the Fire Lord, their relationship seemed like ages ago.
"And why not Zuko? We've been through this a hundred times. You always come running back, you're so pathetic. May as well cut the middle part and we can act like nothing happened." She stepped closer, pressing herself on his arm. "Like we always do..."
Zuko had finally realized how Mai controlled him. When he was weaker he was naive, now he knew what he wanted. Someone who never put him down, someone who never called him 'Pathetic.'
He immediately thought of you. How you were so strong, but never put others down to feel powerful. How you always spoke your mind, but only out of the kindness you hid deep down.
Your walls were built up so high, but he knew who you were. He knew how beautiful you were.
"I can't be with you because I'm dating someone else." The words left his mouth faster than he could think.
This stopped Mai in her tracks. "Excuse me?"
"Yeah, you're not the only one I am allowed to go out with. We've been broken up for awhile now." Zuko was no longer on the defense, but the attack.
"You do know that I am the only one who could love you. Who could love a traitor, a banished prince. Who else, huh?" Her arms were crossed, a smirk on her face. She knew she outwitted him.
Releasing his bit lip, Zuko exclaims your name.
Her face dropped. She knew exactly who you were. She was furious.
"We'll see about that..." With that, she left the room.
You were on your way to visit Zuko, one of your closest friends, for a 'friend reunion' Sokka had planned. You were of course excited to see him after so long. Though, the ride on Appa was miserable. About a hundred "are we there yet"s and "I'm hungry"s from Sokka.
The five of you- Sokka, Toph, Katara, and Aang made it safely to The Fire Nation shortly.
Upon landing, a man in red robes greeted everyone.
"The Fire Lord sends his deepest regards, as he could not see to you himself. You are instructed to follow me to your rooms." He had a stoic expression, but you guessed he greeted people all the time.
Oh well, Zuko must be very busy as a Fire Lord. You were sad, but couldn't blame him.
What you didn't know was that Zuko was pacing his room, definitely not busy. In reality, he cleared his schedule as much as possible for the week you were all visiting.
How was he going to tell you? He was deeply embarrassed, not to mention Mai might try and pull something with you. He knew not to underestimate her.
The thought of her trying to hurt you was enough to rack up the nerve to confess. He just needed a moment alone with you.
A grand dinner was prepared for the Avatars arrival, the rest of you reaped the rewards of being his friends.
"This is SOO good!" Sokka exclaimed, "Zuko sure has a way with food....." He slammed a fist on the table, before quickly lifting more food to his mouth,
"Sokka, you know he has chefs who make the food, right? Please tell me you know that..." You deadpanned, looking at him.
"Uh... Yeah! Yeah, definitely...." He looked down, that was until a new voice appeared.
"Sokka, did you really think I cooked all this?" Zuko walked to the seat at the head of the table. You noticed you were sat to his right.
It was a Fire Nation tradition that the Lady of the house would sit to the right of the Lord... You brushed the thought off quickly, writing it all off as a coincidence.
"W-well I don't know! You've been working ALL DAY!" Sokka squawked.
The dinner went on smoothly, well as smoothly a dinner can go with this group. You could feel the servants and servers rolling their eyes at all the unprofessional comments, jokes, and laughter.
You didn't care, you were just happy Zuko was able to be himself.
Hours later, when everyone was worn out and had their stomachs filled, they started to head to bed.
You were one of the last to leave, having been helping tidy up as much as you could.
You thanked and farewelled the servers, trying your best to remember where your room was.
The Palace was much bigger than you remembered. The halls upon halls blurred together. You were soon lost.
Every direction you turned looked the same, you started to breathe heavy.
You could already see it, 'cause of death, starvation in the Fire Nation Palace.' Or maybe dehydration would take you quicker?
A man passed by, you were saved! Though, the closer you got the bigger his scowl grew.
"Excuse me, I think I'm lost. Can you help me?" You were nervous asking, it was so 'common' for someone to get lost in a palace. You were sure your cheeks were red.
His face was dark, his eyes covered by his demeanor. For some reason he seemed annoyed at you.
A hand rested on your shoulder from behind. It started you, putting you into a 'fight mode.'
Turning around swiftly calmed your nerves as quickly as they came. It was Zuko.
"Can I help you?" Zuko was talking to the strange man, who was no longer so 'big and bad.'
"No Fire Lord Zuko, my apologies." He barred his head in a bow and left.
You had a small smile on your lips, "Thanks, he was starting to scare me." While you were positive you could have taken the man, you were tired and didn't really feel like fighting.
"Of course, I can show you to your room." He held his arm out, you took it.
The gesture was friendly, you told yourself. Nothing more.
You must have been lost for awhile, as it took a few minutes to get to your room. The small talk exchanged was nice, but something told you Zuko was hiding something.
At your door, he stopped. "Zuko, do you want to come in? You seem restless."
"Actually, I do have something to tell you..." The tone of his voice scared you.
"Oh, then please sit." He joined you on the edge of your end. The door shut behind you two.
You pushed a strand of hair back, nervously sitting. "What's wrong?"
"I'm not really sure how to tell you this... I really am ashamed to have to ask you for a really big favor..." You had seen him on edge a lot, he was quite the stressor. Nothing like this, though.
"Zuko, anything. What do you need me to do?" You questioned.
He looked down at his hands, "You can tell me. I'm in no position to judge you, you know that."
"I uh," He rubbed the back of his neck, "I told Mai that we were dating so she would stop trying to get with me." He spit out so fast you almost missed what he said.
Well that's not what you thought he would say...
"That's not the worst part." He lowered his face to his hands, "The ball in four days, well I told her you were going with me... She's got Ty Lee lining up suitors for her. Trying to make me mad. Also she uh, she's probably told everyone now..."
"Oh." You were at a loss for words.
"I... I don't know... I'm sorry. This is stupid, at the ball I'll tell everyone what happened. I am so, so sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen! It just slipped out an-"
"What if you don't have to tell everyone?"
You hadn't looked at him since he started talking. Honestly, a night with Zuko at a ball? It sounded like a dream. Zuko was handsome, kind, generous, and you'd had a crush on him for months. You knew he wouldn't ever really date you... So you might as well seize the opportunity, right? What could go wrong!
The two of you decided it would be wise to not tell anyone else it was fake, as Sokka, Toph, and Aang had big mouths. They'd slip up sooner or later. As for Katara, she wouldn't have kept that big of a secret from Aang.
So, for the next few days you and Zuko spent every second together. At first, it was coming up with plans for the ball. It turned into getting more physically comfortable with each other. That eventually escalated to spilling each other's deepest secrets, ya know... just in case...
Even in four days, you found yourself going from a crush to madly in love. You found out his quirks, what made him tick, his hidden likes and dislikes. Not a second was spent apart.
The afternoon before the ball you were stressed. It had been easy up until the ball. You just had to be yourself around Zuko, now you had to pretend in front of hundreds...
Katara helped you pick out a beautiful red and black dress. To match Zuko's of course.
A big scene was planned out between the two of you, Zuko would introduce you to everyone in an announcement and you'd walk don't the grand starts arm in arm with him.
It was fun to imagine and talk about, but now the 'what ifs' were running wild.
You somehow made your way to Zuko's room, knocking hesitantly. He begrudgingly opened, but became excited when he saw you.
"Zuko, I'm terrified." He quickly guided you into his room.
"What happened?"
"What if I fall? What if no one likes me? It's a lot of steps it-" He cut you off.
"Hey, it's okay... We can throw everything out the window. Just saw the words."
You swallowed thick. "No, no just... Just promise you'll be there? For me?"
Your name was a whisper on his lips, "Ill always be here for you... Just imagines its only us up there... Just normal day."
You nodded, more relaxed knowing he'd be by your side through I tall. It also gave you a wicked feeling of comfort to know he was still willing to do whatever you preferred. He would have ended the lie immediately if you asked, but you wanted to be there for him as well. To make sure Mai would leave him alone.
The Palace was bustling with people, waiters, food, activities, and entertainment. It all came to an abrupt stop when Lord Zuko appeared.
It was comical, trumpets blared and all head turned.
"Fire Lord Zuko, accompanied by-" Your name seemed unreal on his lips. To be announced with a Fire Lord? You felt you didn't deserve it.
You slowly walked into view of everyone, whispers erupting. To be 'accompanied by' was essentially dating for Lords and Ladys.
All eyes were on you as you took Zuko's arm, walking down the steps. You felt light, your grip tightening on Zukos.
"Almost there, I'm right here." His words were all the comfort you needed.
Music resumed and the party goers continued their fun.
That was expect for one person. Mai. She marched up to you, her questioning eyes on guard. Watching her march over sparked a fury in you, the fire started and didn't stop until you spoke.
"Hello Mai. How can I help you? Is your father well, since he lost his job as Governor and all..." You passively aggressively asked, a mock frown on your face.
"What would you know about Governor dad's and all? You grew up poor." Damn, she got you there.
"I guess the difference in poor and rich is personality. Cause you don't have one..." You shrugged your shoulders at her, biting back a laugh.
"At least Zuko loved me for who I am, not who I was pretending to be." She remarked, not really knowing why Zuko loved her or you.
"Damn Mai, you must know a lot about pretending. Seeing as you're a two faced bitch. Should I go and tell Ty Lee you called her an 'easy bed'." A gasp left her lips in shock, how did you know she said that? Well, you wouldn't tell her, but a gossiping Fire Sage spilled the beans.
Zuko, who had been temporarily called away to exchange pleasantries with a Navy Captain, had returned.
"Mai, I see you've met my girlfriend." He said, snaking a hand around your waist. Chills were sent up your spine.
She gave a scoff, "It'll never last. You're only in it because he's the Fire Lord." She pointed to you, then him, "And you, you just seemed to pick up the next girl you saw laying around. Talk about a downgrade. When you get tired of her, i'll be waiting." She walked away.
"What is her problem!" You exclaimed, face hot with anger.
"Jealousy, I think." He said.
You turned to face him completely. "What for, she doesn't even seem to like you anymore?"
"Maybe cause you're prettier than her?" He said, not realizing his own words.
Your cheeks were now flushed for a different reason. You swiped your lips with your tongue before speaking, "Thank you..."
Hours of dancing, partying, and eating went by. Everyone bought the act easily, you and Zuko were naturals at dating. The fun died down, and many were starting to go back home.
Zuko walked you back to your room, hand in hand.
"Thank you. I really cannot thank you enough, just ask. Whatever you want is yours." Zuko said, still grasping your hands at your bedroom door.
"I don't need anything. This was really fun actually, I know you were just pretending... but i've had the best time the past five days."
"Pretend?" His face screwed up, like he was in denial.
You blinked a few times, own lip curling. "Well, I mean... You made it pretty clear this was all just an act. I-I am not hurt." You were, but wouldn't let him know.
"Words cannot express how genuine these days have been... Oh gosh, I haven't felt this free since I was a child." He pressed on, serious.
"Y-you mean, none of this has been fake to you?"
"Well, I know you signed up for 'fake'." He looked over you, face uncertain.
With a step forward you spoke, "This hasn't been fake for me either..."
"Really?" He pressed his chest to your slightly, hand wavering around your waist. "Because I don't think I could live if you're lying right now."
"Will this answer your questions?" You leaned up, closing the gap and kissing him.
A/N-Thank you for reading, I haven't fully watched ATLA In a little bit sorry if Zuko is OOC!! When it's not midnight and I'm not super tired, I will edit any mistakes!
#avatar the last airbender#netflix avatar#avatar aang#Zuko x reader#prince zuko#zuko x y/n#zuko x reader#katara atla#mai atla#fire nation#azula
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Smoke and Shadow
part one
pairings: Zuko x Princess!reader
notes: it’s finally here! hope you guys enjoy this and sorry it took so long! and ofc reminder that reading the comics is suggested for this piece
summary: The Princess decides to pay Zuko a visit only to find the Fire Nation in disarray.
~ part of the fire lilies series ~
Returning home from the Fire Nation always feels bittersweet; you miss your people, but you know that once you’re back in the South the ache of homesickness will be replaced by your longing to be at Zuko’s side. You once thought the end of the war would mean easier days for your relationship, but being the leaders of two different nations seemed to keep you apart more often than it kept you together. Leaving him never got any easier, but you knew in your heart that this was for the best. You had duties to fulfill and people to take care of, so you’d just have to be patient. Things will settle eventually and the distance will become easier, you just have to see it through.
“Do you really have to go? You just got here!” Kiyi complains with a frown as she watches you pack your things and prepare for your return home.
“I’m sorry, Kiyi, but my people need me.“
“Can’t someone else do it?” She retorts, prompting you to let out a small laugh of amusement. She certainly had her older brother’s attitude at times.
“I’m afraid not. I have a tribe to rebuild and students to teach,” you explain to her. “Things don’t run very smoothly when the Chief is away for too long.”
“Will you at least come back and visit me?” The little girl begs, and you can’t really find a way to say no to her when she looks at you with her best pleading eyes. “I want to see more water bending tricks!”
“I promise to come back as soon as I have the time,” you assure her before giving her a tight hug. You’ve grown rather attached to Zuko’s little sister since meeting her, so it’s not easy having to say goodbye.
A gentle knock at your door alerts both you and Kiyi of someone’s presence, but once you see Zuko’s face peeking through the doorway you smile and part from the girl so that she can run out to play in the palace halls. “My love, the ship is ready to leave when you are.”
“I suppose I’m ready,” you sigh with a melancholic smile, melting into Zuko’s touch when he pulls you into his embrace. “It’s going to be hard being away from you.”
“I know,” he comforts while resting his warm hand upon your cool cheek, “but it’s nothing we can’t handle. We’ll be together again soon.”
“I’m already counting down the days,” you profess earnestly, eliciting a soft chuckle from him in return. Rubbing his nose affectionately against your own, Zuko angles his face to reach your lips and press a tender kiss against your own. It’s the last one you’ll be sharing for some time, and he makes sure to savor it for as long as possible. Your kiss is impossibly sweet, your smell of fire lilies intoxicating, and it pains him to have to pull away from you.
“I love you, y/n. I hope you know that.”
You smile before pulling him in for another kiss, enjoying your perfect goodbye.
A month has passed since you left the Fire Nation, and the South has developed swimmingly. With the help of your sister tribe, the outer villages have slowly begun to transform into cities equipped with new buildings, homes, and even town halls. Progress is steady and your tribe is growing, and it will only be a matter of time before the Southern Water Tribe is restored to its rightful glory.
As your advisor, Hakoda has agreed to oversee the Southern Reconstruction Project so that you may focus on teaching the next generation of water benders with Master Pakku. Your time as Chief is spent either at your school or in your office to approve new construction plans and debrief with Hakoda about the progress of the rebuilding project. You’re as busy as ever, but you couldn’t be any happier.
“Sifu y/n, why do we have to learn about healing?” One of your students complains as you set out the practice mannequins for the children. “I don’t want to heal, I want to fight!”
“Healing is just as important as bending,” you explain thoughtfully. “As a wise woman once told me, ‘You cannot bend something that is broken, but you can heal something that is hurt.’ Some situations require a gentle hand, and it’s important your bending has balance. Healing can save lives, and your gift can be used to help your people.”
“Sifu y/n,” another student says with her hand raised eagerly in the air, “is it true you healed Fire Lord Zuko from a lightning strike?”
“It is,” you reply with a fond smile, laughing at the amazed gasps your students share at the story. “I wouldn’t have been able to save his life if I hadn’t known how to heal, and that’s why it’s important for you all to learn. Now any last questions before we begin?”
A little hand raises into the air and you nod, signaling them to continue. “Do you miss Zuko?”
“Always,” you sigh wistfully, the familiar ache of longing pulling at your heart strings. You wondered what he was doing now and if he was thinking of you in this moment.
After teaching your healing class, you retire to your office for the evening to look over the new construction plans Hakoda has prepared for you. However, your mind seems to be elsewhere for the night as you find yourself repeatedly looking upon the frame on your desk. The night of your coronation you’d had a local artist paint a portrait of Zuko and yourself. You shared the biggest smiles, the two of you adorned in formal water tribe attire for the festivities ahead. It had been a perfect night, and the painting served as a reminder of the wonderful time you’d had together.
Sighing, you look over your schedule for the upcoming week. Nothing too major seems to be taking place, so maybe it wouldn’t hurt if you took a short trip to the Fire Nation to see how Zuko and Kiyi were doing. Hakoda could handle the reconstruction project on his own for a few days, and Pakku could look after your students in your absence.
Grabbing a scroll and a brush, you quickly begin scribbling out a lengthy list of items for Hakoda and Pakku to oversee while you’re gone. It seems your mind is made up, and as soon as your affairs are in order you’ll be using the secret tunnel to travel to the Fire Nation to finally see Zuko again.
Zuko was exhausted.
Carrying the guilt he felt for his sister’s kidnapping as well as the awkward tension that came with working alongside his ex-girlfriend wasn’t exactly helping him keep his peace. More children were going missing with every night that passed, and it seemed he wasn’t any closer to catching his sister and her group of Kemurikage. A part of him wished it really was spirits tormenting his people instead of his sister, but he figured she’d have to turn up eventually.
“We’ll find them, Zuko,” Mai comforts, carefully resting her hand upon his tense shoulder as he stares down at the array of scrolls scattered across his desk. Various passages about the Kemurikage and information about the men part of the New Ozai Society line the endless papers, and yet none of it has gotten them any closer to figuring out where the missing children or Azula are.
“I hope you’re right,” he murmurs before shifting his gaze to the bush of fire lilies out in the courtyard. It dawns on him then that he hasn’t had the time to write to you lately, and he feels you deserve to know about Kiyi‘s disappearance and Azula’s return. He’s sure you’d know just what to do, just what to say to make him feel better, and he needs the comfort now more than anything. “I should write y/n. She cares for Kiyi just as much as I do, she should know.”
Mai’s mood immediately sours at the mention of the Southern Princess, but she’s able to mask it well enough for Zuko’s sake. Despite being willing to work with her ex-boyfriend to find her missing brother, their past relationship was still a sore subject for her. It’s not exactly easy getting over the fact that the boy you thought was in love with you was really just using you to get over someone else.
Their talk at the Boiling Rock hadn’t given her any real closure, and her encounter with the Princess at the flower shop didn’t leave the greatest impression on the girl. Mai still couldn’t see what was so special about her, and she didn’t understand what kind of future Zuko saw with her. She supposed it didn’t matter what she thought anymore, and it didn’t matter what Zuko did with his life. She was with Kei Lo now, and the Fire Lord was no longer her concern.
“Is writing a letter to your girlfriend really your top priority right now?” She can’t help but to retort sarcastically, prompting Zuko to scowl.
“Y/n could be a great help to us,” he argues defensively. “She views things more clearly than I do at times and keeps me from making rash decisions.“
“So is she your girlfriend or your babysitter?”
“I know, I know,” she sighs with a passive wave of her hand. “I’m sorry.”
Frowning, Zuko lets out a quiet breath before turning to meet her gaze. He’s unsure of how to approach such a sensitive subject, but he knows he must if any progress is to be made. “I know you’re still mad at me, and I know no apology will fix the hurt I caused you, but you have to put it behind you if we’re going to work together. Y/n is my girlfriend, and Kei Lo is your boyfriend, so why are things still so awkward between us?”
“It’s not that simple, Zuko,” Mai snaps, a bitter scowl masking her features. “It’s not just that you broke my heart, it’s that I was stupid enough to let you! I should have known I’d never be enough for you, and you talking about her is like throwing salt in the wound. It’s like a constant reminder that I was never good enough for you, that what we had was all just a lie. I never want to feel that way again, but I feel it every time I’m around you. I’m like the pathetic ex-girlfriend you can’t get away from.”
“I can’t believe I still care about you,” she grumbles sullenly.
“I care for you too,” he insists before gently taking one of her hands in his own. “Maybe not in the way you want me to, but I do. I always have, even when we were children and I pushed you into the fountain to put out that apple on your head. You’re a good friend, and I owe you more than I can ever repay you for what you did at Boiling Rock. Can’t we still be friends?”
Mai is silent, her gaze set firmly upon her hand in his own. The sensation is warm and familiar, comforting, but she knows the hurt that is to come if she agrees to his request. Maybe one day she can learn to love Kei Lo and fill the emptiness, be the one doing the using instead of the one being used, but she can’t accomplish this feat with Zuko in the picture.
The room is quiet and tense, but still she does not remove her hand.
And neither of them notice the figure in the doorway watching the scene unfold.
You’re surprised to find Zuko’s end of the tunnel blocked off by Fire Nation guards. He hadn’t been expecting you of course, but you didn’t think you’d find the passage closed off like this. What had happened while you were away to promote such a drastic measure?
“Excuse me,” you call gently so as to not startle the guards that face away from you, “I’m here to see Fire Lord Zuko. May I cross?”
“I’m sorry, but no one is allowed in or out of the Capital City,” one guard states gruffly, but his companion waves him off dismissively.
“She’s the Southern Chief and the Fire Lord’s girlfriend,” he explains before gesturing you to continue forward. “I’m sure he wouldn’t be happy to hear we’d blocked his beloved from seeing him.”
“O-Oh, my apologies,” the first guard stutters sheepishly before clearing himself out of your path.
“What’s going on? Why is the Capital City in lockdown?”
“Children of the Fire Nation have been going missing and the people are becoming restless,” he explains. "The Fire Lord wants everyone to stay put until a culprit has been caught and the children are returned safe.”
“How awful,” you murmur quietly before an uneasy feeling begins to hit you. “Have you heard anything of Kiyi, Ursa’s daughter? Is she safe?”
The two guards exchange solemn glances, and that’s all you need to know before immediately rushing towards the palace. If Kiyi is in danger, you want to do everything you can to help Zuko find her and the other missing children before it’s too late. Who knows what danger they could be in?
Your trek to the palace isn’t easy, what with the protests and unrest occurring on the streets as a result of Zuko’s harsh restrictions, but you manage to weave your way through the chaos and make it to your destination. You’re a bit overwhelmed by the commotion, blind to the conflict that’s been occurring in your absence and unaware of what exactly is going on, but you do your best to focus on finding Zuko first.
Surprisingly, the palace hallways are relatively empty, and you slow your sprint to a walk once you reach the throne room corridors. The pristine gold doors are left open, and the sound of Zuko’s voice carries through the air. Already you can feel the worry melting away just by hearing him speak, and though you want nothing more than to run in and throw yourself into his arms you stop to listen. You want to make sure you’re not interrupting anything important before you announce yourself.
“I care for you…” you hear him say, prompting your brows to furrow slightly in uncertainty. You can’t exactly make out everything he’s saying or what the context of his conversation is, but you’re able to note the soft gentleness in his tone, and a part of you is starting to feel strange listening in. Who is he speaking to in such a manner?
Peeking your head around the corner, you can’t help but feel your heart begin to sink to your stomach at the sight before you.
Zuko stands in the center of the throne room, gently clasping one of Mai’s hands in his own as he speaks to her in a comforting manner. You’re not sure what exactly they’re saying to each other or why she’s there, but watching the scene unfold before you fills you with dread and insecurity. Surely Zuko wouldn’t be unfaithful to you… would he?
You’ve worked hard to build your trust in him again after all you’d both been through, but you can’t help but question what he’s been up to in your absence. Why was he with his ex-girlfriend, and why he was holding her hand in what looked to be like an intimate moment? Was he thinking of leaving you again? Had he changed his mind about your relationship? What had you just walked in on?
“Zuko?” You call meekly, as if you shouldn’t be there interrupting their moment and as if you’re not his actual girlfriend. The two startle at the intrusion, but when Zuko realizes that you’re actually there before him he immediately releases his hold on her and runs towards you.
“Y/n!” He exclaims, engulfing you in the tightest hug imaginable. You’re unsure how to react at first, still reeling from what you’d just seen, but eventually you return his hug. Your weary gaze sets upon Mai who keeps her eyes down to the ground and refuses to look you in the face.
“Am I interrupting something?” You warily ask when he finally pulls away. He falters for a moment, almost offended by your insinuation.
“No! No, of course not,” he rushes to explain. “We were just… talking.”
“It kind of looked like it was more than just talking to me,” you say defensively. You don’t want to be jealous or accusatory, but you can’t help it. How could you not question them being alone together and holding hands?
“Princess, I swear there is nothing going on,” Zuko pleads earnestly, taking both of your hands in his own. “Mai is only here because the children of the Fire Nation are going missing and she’s helping me find them.”
“They took my little brother,” she adds quietly, solemn gaze still focused on the ground.
“They took Kiyi,” Zuko utters sorrowfully. His eyes are full of shame and worry, and you find it difficult to be upset with him when he looks so hurt and vulnerable.
“I’m so sorry,” you murmur softly before pulling him in for a tight hug.
“I have the city on lockdown until I’m able to find the people responsible, and I’m doing everything I can to get them back. I’m sorry you had to find out like this, I didn’t mean to exclude you. I swear I was just going to write you and ask for your help.”
“You never have to ask,” you say with a comforting smile. “I came to surprise you because I missed you, and I’m glad I did.“
“So am I,” Zuko professes earnestly before cupping your face and pulling you in for a kiss.
Neither of you notice Mai leaving the room.
Zuko catches you up on everything- the Kemurikage, the “Safe Nation Society,” the kidnapping of Tom-Tom and Kiyi, Azula’s return, and Ukano’s possible connection to Zuko’s sister. It was a lot to process, but you were quick to get up to speed so that you’d be able to do all you could to help.
“I don’t think you should have kicked Aang out of the throne room,” you chide Zuko after hearing him recount his disagreement with the Avatar. Fire Nation guards escort you to the Capital City prison as you converse, and Zuko hopes that by the time you reach your destination Mai’s father will be caught and ready for questioning.
“I tried to do things his way, but if he isn’t going to see things my way then I can’t have him around,” he tries to explain.
“Zuko, I saw firsthand how restless your people have become as a result of your harsh lockdown rules. Aang might be right,” you try to reason with him. “I don’t think causing fear and uncertainty is going to help us find the missing children.”
“I had to do something,” he argues weakly, “I have to get my sister back and stop Azula before it’s too late.”
“You will,” you assure him firmly, giving his arm a comforting squeeze.
As the two of you talk, Mai trails along quietly behind you both. A whirlwind of emotions are festering in her mind; she wants her brother returned to her, but she feels guilty exposing her father to Zuko and his guards and costing him his freedom. It feels like she’s working with the enemy, and perhaps in a way that’s true.
She can’t help the scowl that plays upon her features as she watches you and Zuko walk arm in arm to the prison. While she’s fretting over her family, it almost seems as if you two don’t have a care in the world about anything but each other. That isn’t true, of course, but her resentment clouds her better judgement, and all she can feel is disdain for the couple in front of her.
You were Chief of the Southern Water Tribe, a master bender, kind, beautiful. She could understand why any guy would want you, but why did Zuko? And why did you have to want him back? You had practically everything, you grew up a Princess, so why couldn’t you have just let her have this one thing? Why did you have to take him back and take him away from her after she’d finally gotten the one thing she’d always wanted?
“I’m sorry about your brother,” a voice says, pulling Mai away from her thoughts. So wrapped up in her cynicism, she hadn’t even realized they’d made it to the prison. A couple feet away, Zuko speaks to one of his men about the riot that had broken out on behalf of the Safe Nation Society. And in front of her you stand, your features kind and your words remorseful despite the tension you share.
“Thanks,” she says flatly, unsure of what else to say. The last time she’d spoken to you had been in the flower shop, and it hadn’t exactly been a pleasant conversation. She knows that you’re trying, and she knows this is all just as uncomfortable for you as it is for her, but she still isn’t so easily swayed. She doesn’t think you deserve her sympathy or understanding, and she doesn’t plan to go out of her way to be nice to you.
“I don’t have any siblings so I can’t imagine what you’re going through, but I want to help however I can if you’ll let me.”
“You can help by staying out of the way,” she replies bluntly, her gaze hardening much to your surprise. “Zuko promised he’d help me find Tom-Tom, and I don’t need you distracting him while you’re here.”
“I want to help him find Kiyi,” you argue defensively, “I’m not going to get in the way of something as important as finding the missing children. Why can’t you believe that?”
“Because you have a really good track record of getting in the way of things that are important to me.”
Stunned by her admission, you can’t help but find yourself falling short of words. You knew Mai didn’t exactly think highly of you or approve of your relationship, but did she really still believe that you’d stolen Zuko away from her? You’re not to blame for what Zuko did to her or what she went through. You’ve endured just as much hurt as she has if not worse, and it isn’t fair for her to paint you as the problem.
“I didn’t even know about you and Zuko until we were already broken up! I’ve never personally tried to hurt you, and I don’t expect you to like me, but you need to get over yourself. Zuko isn’t what’s important here, you and I are not what’s important, it’s the kids. It’s Tom-Tom and Kiyi and all the children that are probably so frightened and alone. Can we at least agree on that?!”
It’s silent for a moment, you and Mai simply starting each other down for what feels like ages until she finally relents. Her tense shoulders slowly fall in defeat and she sighs, somewhat embarrassed at her little outburst. She’d been letting her emotions get the better of her lately, failing to conceal them like she was usually so good at doing, and it was painfully embarrassing for her to come to this realization.
“You’re right,” she murmurs, “let’s just focus on finding the children. The sooner this is all over the sooner we never have to see each other again anyway.”
“Fine by me,” you huff indignantly. Though Mai has more to say, she isn’t given the time to once she spots her boyfriend being escorted towards the prison in handcuffs.
“Kei Lo!” She exclaims before turning to the Fire Lord. “Zuko, this is obviously a mistake! Get him out of those cuffs!”
“I’m not so sure,” Zuko says hesitantly, looking to you for guidance to see if he’s making the right choice. You merely give him a hesitant shrug, not really wanting to get involved in their quarrel. You don’t know the full story, so it’s better to just stay out of it.
“Are you serious? You need her permission to let my boyfriend go?” She exclaims exasperatedly. “Release him!”
“What were you doing with the Safe Nation Society, Kei Lo?” Zuko prods firmly, ignoring Mai’s complaints.
“They ran into me! Literally!” The boy argues to try and prove his innocence.
“You’ve betrayed your allies bedore, who’s to say you aren’t acting as a double agent now!”
“Zuko! Stop being ridiculous!” Mai scolds angrily before looking to you. “Tell him he’s being ridiculous.”
“I’d rather not get involved…” you trail off awkwardly, only irritating her further.
Eventually Zuko allows for Kei Lo’s release, but you can tell by the look on his face that he isn’t too happy about it. His firm gaze seems to be burning holes into the back of Kei Lo’s head as he watches Mai embrace the boy, and a part of you wonders if he’s feeling some sort of jealousy towards him. Surely he wouldn’t be, he has no reason or right to be jealous, at least you think so anyway.
“Zuko?” You utter softly, placing a careful hand on his back to get his attention. “If I ask you something… will you be honest with me? Even if it’s something I don’t want to hear?”
“Of course, my love,” he says earnestly before giving you his full undivided attention. “What is it?”
“Do you… do you still-“
You startle away from Zuko at the sudden intrusion, eyes widening as you see Aang sprinting towards your boyfriend with Suki and Ty Lee in tow. You’re honestly surprised to see him considering he should have been heading back to the South with Katara and Sokka by now, and based upon his reaction it seems he’s just as surprised to see you.
“Y/n! What are you doing here?” He exclaims in bewilderment.
“I could ask you the same thing,” Zuko interrupts. “I thought you left.”
“Well you thought wrong, buddy!” Aang corrects him impatiently. “We’ve been looking all over for you! Suki, Ty Lee, and I found something you need to see! Come on!”
“Fire Lord,” one of Zuko’s men interrupts, “the sun will set before we know it. We need to make a plan our people will rise up again.”
Zuko shares a quiet glance with the men before looking to Aang. You know what his answer is going to be, and you know that the Avatar isn’t going to like it.
“I’m sorry, Aang, but General Mak is right. I need to handle this my own way.”
“Even if your way is stupid?!” He rebuffs indignantly.
“What Aang means to say,” you correct, trying to put a nicer spin on his words, “is that maybe the approach you’ve been taking isn’t working. Maybe keeping your people on lockdown like they’re criminals in their own homes will only make things worse. You need to change your approach.”
“I’m sorry, Princess, but I know what’s best for my people.”
“I’ve seen your people, and they’re not happy. They’re scared, and I know you want to find Kiyi and stop Azula but you need to start thinking rationally first.”
“Can you please just trust that I know what I’m doing? Help me come up with a new plan to keep the Fire Nation citizens in order and find Azula and Ukano so that we can find Kiyi.”
His pleading eyes beg for your understanding and support, but you’re hesitant. You know that Zuko means well, but you don’t agree with his methods at all. Being a leader yourself, you know that fear and unrest is not the way to solve problems. You must treat your people with trust and respect like they deserve, otherwise they won’t be able to do the same for you.
Luckily, Aang buts in before you’re able to shoot Zuko’s request down. An air scooter is abruptly thrown beneath your boyfriend, lifting him up and carrying him away to spirits know where- if the situation weren’t so serious you’d laugh at how discombobulated Zuko looks being swept up off his feet and whisked away by a ball of air.
“Aang, slow down!” You call out before sprinting after the pair. Suki and Ty Lee are right beside you chasing them down. “Why are our reunions always so chaotic?”
“I don’t think this group knows how to live without chaos,” Suki quips with a breathless laugh. “It’s good to see you, y/n. Ty Lee and I will catch you up on everything on the way there.”
“I’d love nothing more,” you applaud gratefully.
You can only hope that whatever it is they’ve found will make things much easier from here on out.
Because you’re not sure how much more of this you can take.
| atla tags: @sirkekselord @niktwazny303
| zuko tags: @thebluelcdy @royahllty @the-firebender-girl @ilovespideyyy @yiyibetch @eridanuswave @lammello @a-monsters-love @knaite-solo @taeeemin
| fire lilies tags: @emberislandplayers @kikaninchen-2 @music-geek19 @thia-aep @thyunnamed @haylaansmi @nataliahaslosthershit @idkdude776 @aangsupremacy @thirstyforsometea @ihaveaproblem98 @brown-eyed-thang @xapham @misnmatchedsox @chewymoustachio @that-bucket-hat-gal @chilifrylizard2 @kyomihann @kaylove12 @kiwihoee @freggietale @moon-spirit-yue @bubblegum-bee-otch
#fire lilies#atla#smoke and shadow#zuko#zuko x reader#zuko imagine#zuko x princess!reader#prince zuko x reader#prince zuko imagine#atla x reader#zuko x mai#mai
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Hello, hope you’re having a good week I was wondering if you would be interested in doing a head cannon for azula mai and Tylee x reader separately reader hasn’t lost their V card
when reader hasn’t lost their virginity
Ozai angels
[slight nsfw warning
characters are aged up]
has experience:
-she honestly made fun of you
-she scoffed at you but she broke down and accepted to help you out
-she’s a bit demanding and insulting when coming to it because she wants it how SHE wants it. She would say, “hey! that’s not right!” or “come on do better than that!”
- soon later once you got the hang of it she’ll start praising you left and right with a big grin on her face
-when you two are done, having her smile on her face she traces your jaw and neck with her long nails an whispered “I guess your not an idiot at all.” She loves you trust me.
-she’ll be too embarrassed to admit it
-she’ll deny it to the end but when you said it haven’t either she’ll start to say, “I do know how it goes just…never got to do it for real”
-she’s also still demanding but not like that just wanting more of it
-she’ll claw your skin since it was too much since she never got to experience it
-after she would just be so speechless for the first time, she never felt this way before. It was good.
has experience:
-she was surprised to say the least but also annoyed not by you just by that she has to explain everything
-she would be nice about it she’ll calmly guide you, “keep going your doing alright.” or “take your time your new to this.”
- she makes you comfortable to learn and be less nervous around when doing things intimately
-she would guide you to make her feel good and you learn the best from her
-after she’ll smile at you and said you did good as she laid with you and pressing a kiss on your forehead
-she wasn’t nervous or anything just a little bit worried that she’ll ruin the experience
- but you made her feel better once you said you never expierenced it either
- she said on her calming voice “that’s nice. at least we can both mess up without worrying.”
- during it you never saw much emotion from her before which was something you loved seeing. She didn’t even know she could experience that.
- after eveything she was smiling and satisfied while laying on your chest
Ty lee
has experience:
- she was so caring and nice
- she’ll gladly help you through it, she guides you what makes her feel good
-she’s a PRAISER she’ll say to you, “your doing so good” or “just like that”
-she would tell you what to do in the nicest way ever where if you mess up she’ll be understanding
-after she’ll continue praising you for doing good and kissing you
- she was also nervous
-she was glad when you weren’t expierenced
-with a smile she said “I’m glad we can experience this together!”
-during it she was worried about messing up in pleasing you, but you eventually calmed her down which made her enjoy it more
-after you too cuddled as she kept saying how good it was and it was the best thing ever
#atla#avatar the last airbender#atla x reader#atla smut#azula atla#atla azula#ty lee atla#atla ty lee#mai atla#atla mai#azula#mai#ty lee#azula x reader#mai x reader#ty lee x reader#atla headcanons#azula headcanon#mai headcanons#ty lee headcanons#azula smut#ty lee smut#mai smut#azula headcanons#mai headcanon#ty lee headcanon
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Poly-Dating The "Mean Queens" Would Include:
Obsessed: Constantly thinking about you and wanting to be around you.
Possessiveness: Very protective and jealous when others attempt to come between us.
Intrusive behavior: Interfering in your interactions with other people.
Extreme emotions: Feeling love or hatred towards you with intense passion.
Threatening: Using threats of harm or violence to keep you in line.
Constant gifts and favors, expecting gratitude and attention.
You and Azula maintain a tumultuous and intensely passionate relationship, marked by her possessive and controlling nature.
The dynamic between the three in the relationship would likely be characterized by a constant power struggle, with Azula attempting to assert her dominance and control over the others. She would be possessive and territorial, making it clear that she sees you as hers alone.
Possessiveness: Very protective and jealous when others attempt to come between you four.
Intrusive behavior: Interfering in your interactions with other people.
Emotional manipulation: Using emotional tactics to gain your attention and prevent you from leaving.
Extreme emotional dependency: Having extreme emotions and relying on you as a source of emotional support.
Mai is the more rational and grounded member of the group, providing balance and stability to the relationship.
Mai, on the other hand, would be the most introverted of the three, expressing her feelings and needs less directly but still deeply loyal to you.
Thoughtful gestures such as cooking their favorite meals or offering emotional support.
Ty Lee:
Intense love and attraction: Deeply in love with you and always showing affection.
Paranoia: Always suspicious of others and your loyalty, often leading to accusations or questioning.
Deep understanding: Having a profound understanding of your thoughts, feelings, and desires.
Scheduling and Time Allocation: Sharing the partner's time equally and fairly among the three would be crucial. This could include rotating schedules or dedicating specific days to each individual.
Ty Lee's bubbly and cheerful personality keeps the atmosphere light and fun, counteracting Azula's aggressive tendencies.
Ty Lee would likely try to maintain a sense of peace and harmony, though she might struggle to balance Azula's demanding nature and Mai's independence.
Freely gives affection and physical touch to express her love.
All three:
Controlling: Making decisions for you and controlling your actions.
Love bombing: Overwhelming you with an intense amount of love, gifts, and attention.
Special treatment: Giving you VIP treatment and doing anything in their power to make you comfortable and happy.
Sacrifice: Willing to sacrifice anything for you, even their own well-being.
Extreme Dependency: Relying on you for emotional stability and security and unable to function without you.
This dynamic would likely lead to frequent conflicts, disagreements, and resentments among the four individuals involved in the polyamorous relationship.
#azula x reader#yandere azula#atla azula#princess azula#mai#mai x reader#yandere mai#mai atla#ty lee#ty lee x reader#yandere ty lee#avatar the last airbender x reader#avatar the last airbender#atla#dating would include
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Hello Libra, I just like to say that I really love your work and I love how you depict all these characters so well!
I was wondering if you can do some jealousy headcanons for the Lackadaisy characters?
Danke!! GN reader, most reference a relationship or romantic interest.
♣️Rocky - His jealousy is very obvious to anyone who bothers to pay attention. It is not less obvious or pathetic when you're in a relationship, either. Rocky will find any excuse to interrupt you and the other person, scare them off, redirect your attention, and so forth. It can become very distracting and annoying, so it's best to address the problem right away. The jealousy 100% stems from Rocky's fears of abandonment - not that he'd recognize that - so reassuring him and soothing that insecurity helps a lot. Sometimes his jealous reactions are just that, knee-jerk reactions that he doesn't fully think through. It's safe to say the insecurity is less of an issue the longer you both are together, especially if you're already a very affirming and affectionate partner.
♣️Freckle - The big-eyed boy has a quiet, passive jealousy that he may not notice right away. It stems from inadequacy, and he believes himself to be inadequate in many things, especially when it comes to relationships. He doesn't exactly have a lot of experience, you know? It'll be a constant needling build-up, though his uh, night time shooty activities helps get a lot of that aggression out. He's very open to talking things over, but you'd have to bring it up first. Freckle would rather stew in Catholic-level feelings of guilt before ever talking about it; but talks help a lot! Reassuring him goes a long way, and making sure he brings up his negative feelings before they get so bad.
♣️Ivy - While she's quite easygoing and not prone to jealous thoughts that often, when they do pop up, it manifests as an intense "my best-friend-who-I-tooootally-have-platonic-feelings-for-is-dating-someone-new-and-I-suddenly-hate-that-person". She pouts, she plots, she makes her displeasure known to you - she just gets an off feeling from that person. No, it's not mature, and she can get pretty catty about it - but she's also only 18~19. If you're femme then Ivy can easily dismiss her feelings as just missing her best friend - it'll take extra time to realize they aren't entirely platonic. If you both were together and already had conversations about this, that burning jealousy melts away to a little spark she feels now and again. She'll ignore it, knowing it's just a dumb thing that'll pass as soon as you're back at her side.
♣Mitzi - As much as she acts like she's above such things, Mitzi is the same as anyone else in developing jealous feelings. She recognizes them at once and just wants to bury them down, it's so embarrassing. It's even worse if she gets antsy about someone being overly friendly or flirty with you. What is she, a schoolgirl? The anger at herself might irk Mitzi even more than the person whose being so forward with you. She can get quite passive aggressive toward them, coating her barbs with honey - and that might get directed toward you if she feels you're also being too friendly with them. None of this lasts long - Mitzi would rather have a drink and kiss and make up. She's too old too ladylike for this silly nonsense.
♣Viktor - Just because he recognizes what he's feeling doesn't mean the old Slovak processes them in a healthy way (like, at all). To strangers, he's his usual frightening self, but to those who know him they can tell there's a distinct animosity coming off him. He's not a possessive type, but Viktor already feels miserable about himself and that he doesn't deserve you in the slightest - the idea of someone better coming along is not an impossibility. Now, he can't simply grab them by the neck and throw them out a window just for talking .. .and that'd upset you. So Viktor settles for being in a terrible mood until you soothe him. Attempting to talk him through it just makes him feel worse about himself.
♣Zib - Oh, he recognizes it quick, and Zib haaaates feeling this way. It's so pathetic, so annoying. He should be the bigger person, just suck it up and walk away, but ... nah. If he's been drinking, he's absolutely going to make snide comments and act inappropriate. You drag his drunk ass aside and he does feel a little (kinda) bad about he acted ... some days he's better about it. It's so cliche, but he knows what he's like as a partner. He doesn't offer much, and even if you've made it clear you still care about him, the insecurities and negative feelings can dig into him... especially after booze. He perks right up after some cuddling.
♣Atlas - He doesn't show it outwardly at all. Atlas keeps his impassive expression, outsiders can't tell the difference, but you and his two closest triggermen might pick up the iciness in his eyes. Eventually, that frost would melt into his voice. He would consider any jealous feelings beneath him, if he deigned to call them that. Instead, he'd translate it as disrespect: Whoever is being too personal with you and inspiring these feelings is disrespecting him. It's ... probably best that they move on.
🏵Serafine - Jealousy isn't something that comes easily to her. She's too free-spirited, and she doesn't like the idea of holding another down. She'd hate for you to restrict her, so why should she do the same to you? That said, there are a few times when it comes up. There are always those who want to flirt with you and get too close for her liking, but ... it's also fun to watch. She lets the little pangs of jealousy build up until you return to her side, and Serafine will tease you for doing it on purpose. There's a reason she likes to leave lipstick stains and bites on you. Note, if you try to incite jealousy in her on purpose, she'll see it as a game - but if you're seriously trying to provoke something, it's just irksome. Isn't that a bit childish?
🏵Nico - Like his sister, Nico isn't one for jealousy. He's inspired plenty of it and isn't a fan, and like Serafine, he won't tie you down if you don't do the same to him. Truthfully, he has much less patience for it. Some may think he doesn't feel jealous at all; but Nico is actually just good at dealing with it in a healthy way. He waits until you're back at his side and showers extra attention on you - it's pretty funny when the person who was flirting starts glaring at you. As long as you're not intentionally trying to get a rise out of him, he's chill.
🏵Mordecai - He's awful about it, made worse that he refuses to acknowledge it. It really doesn't kick in until you both have this sort-of-kind-of understanding that's a mess to navigate to begin with, never mind if jealousy comes into play. Mordecai both feels it strongly and denies it with as much strength. Some stranger trying to be smooth is irksome, but not the end of the world. But someone who has a sustained relationship with you? Who gets to touch you and be close to you on the regular? Nope. He's argumentative and prickly anytime they come up. By the time he figures out what his feelings are about, he'd rather chew off his own tail than ever bring it up.
🏵Wes - His flavor of jealousy tends to come from either inadequacy or possessiveness. If the person flattering you and getting too close is some idiot he works alongside, you better believe his hackles raise and he puts them in their place. If it's someone he can't immediately beat down, or if they seem ... well, better than him in some way, the jealousy quietly simmers underneath. Your initial attempts to talk it out are bust, considering the time period and his own machismo ... but he can come around once you reassure him. And wait, didn't he want this to be a casual thing? What's he getting so worked up about, anyway?
🏔Wick - When they build up, he quickly recognizes the jealous feelings in himself. It's something Wick is familiar with, and dislikes - as if it's a personal failing, and not a thing everyone goes through. Depending on how long it sticks around, he can become a little withdrawn and even unsure. It just feels so childish, but he's still glad to get some reassurances. He insists it's not necessary, but Wick still gives you that dopey, painfully affectionate smile you're used to. He's also someone who handles it maturely, and they seem to go as quickly as they come. They may linger if there's already some obstacle between you two - maybe he hasn't brought up his feelings, you're masc so he can't be as open with his affection, and so on - but he's still recognizing these negative feelings and willing to work through them.
#lackadaisy x reader#rocky rickaby x reader#freckle mcmurray x reader#calvin mcmurray x reader#ivy pepper x reader#mitzi may x reader#viktor vasko x reader#dorian zibowski x reader#zib zibowski x reader#atlas may x reader#serafine savoy x reader#nicodeme savoy x reader#mordecai heller x reader#wes clyde x reader#wick sable x reader#sedgewick sable x reader
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⟣ honey calcite (confidence) || Atlas May ||
A/n: Since we don't know much of Atlas, I can see him being the polar opposite of Asa sweet, being a man of few words
Prompt used:
⟣ honey calcite (confidence) - "if you could see yourself the way i see you, you'd never be insecure about anything ever again."
crystal prompts ˗ˏˋ꒰ 🐚 ꒱

Atlas was a man of few words, he didn't say much but he knew what to say when he did. You knew that working for him and it only cemented the information when you married the man.
He always seemed to know how to make you feel better, always knew what to say and today was no different.
It was one of those days, the one's where you have no energy for anything. The day where you couldn't stand to even look at yourself in a mirror because you hated your appearance.
Atlas had stepped into the bedroom, he had wanted to take you out to that restaurant you liked so much since he noticed how down you've been feeling but seeing you curled under the massive amount of blankets he had a feeling that it won't be happening anytime soon.
"Darling." Stepping close, Atlas sat on the edge of the bed. "Can you please look at me."
Sniffling you poked your head out peering at the man with a small pout on your lips. "Yes."
Brushing away a stray tear, he gave you a gentle smile. "Would you like to go out?"
"No...I never want to go out again. I don't know why you even married me...I'm ugly."
Frowning, Atlas grasped your chin forcing you to look at him. "if you could see yourself the way i see you, you'd never be insecure about anything ever again."
Adverting your gaze for a moment, you gave him a weak smile. He always knew what to say, how to male your heart flutter. "And how's that?"
"Beautiful....my soulmate." Atlas pressed his head against yours.
Now smiling, you shifted your body to slump into his, your head nuzzling into his chest. "I guess we can go out."
"Are you sure?" Atlas rubbed your back gently.
"I'm sure."
#drabbles#drabble#atlas may#atlas may x reader#atlas may x you#atlas may lackadaisy#atlas lackadaisy#lackadaisy#lackadaisy atlas#lackadaisy x reader
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Y/n enters the room where Mai and Zuko are making out
Y/n; you need to start locking your door
Zuko; or you could start knocking
Y/n; I have a question
Mai; this should be interesting
Y/n; so Azula and I have been cuddling every night and it’s nice and all but she falls asleep and she’s got all that space on her side of the bed and I would kinda like to have some room when I sleep if you know what I mean
Zuko: my sister cuddling?
Y/n; yeah
Mai; sorry, y/n can’t help you wear cuddly sleepers,
Mai leaves the room 
Zuko waits till Mai leaves
Zuko; OK so the cuddling thing this is what I do
Y/n; oh, but I thought you two were cuddly sleepers 🙃
Zuko;😒 she is, I’m like you I need the room, so I just roll her to her side of the bed when she’s asleep, it’s that easy
y/n; OK what if she wakes up
Zuko; well, then, it was nice knowing you 🙃
Y/n;😒 that’s reassuring 
The next day Azula Mai and tylee are having lunch together Azula arm is heavily bandaged 
Tylee; Azula, what happened to your arm?
Azula; oh, you can blame y/n they spun me right off the bed last night
Tylee: spinning that’s so cute you guys play games in bed🥹
Azula: no, no not like that They said Zuko does this thing where he rolls Mai to her side of the bed when she falls asleep 
Mai; WHAT?
Azula: apparently our partners absolutely need their space when they sleep 🙄
Mai: oh he won’t have to worry about that tonight 😡
Next day Zuko walks up to y/n in the garden
Zuko; I’ve been looking for you
Y/n; join the club
Zuko; this isn’t funny Mai has been giving me the cold shoulder 
Y/n; what does that have to do with me?
Zuko; think about it
Y/n; Oh, she must’ve found out
Zuko; more like somebody else told somebody else then told her
Y/n; 😬 my fault, azula has forbidden me from taking any more of your advice
Zuko; good cause I’m not sharing anything else with you 😡
y/n; at least she knows you need your space when you sleep 
Zuko; I slept on the couch last night.
Y/n; 😬
#atla#azula x reader#azula fic#azula imagine#fire nation#zuko#mai imagine#maiko#avatar the last airbender#azula#avatar#atla x reader
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Hey 💕 I was wondering if you write for mai from atla?? She's so underrated and if you do, could you write what she's like dating a very lively, happy, positive fem reader??
Mai with a very happy! positive! fem! S/O
note -> Mai is so underrated fr!
warnings -> none.
content includes -> fluff, she's slightly weirded out but it's okay, protective! Mai.
Mai doesn’t understand how someone can be so happy all the time but when it's you she doesn't really mind it. Your relationship definitely turned some heads considering the fact she's always so grumpy and you are always happy.
Mai is quite protective of you, she knows that some people will try and use you because of how much you want to help others so as your wonderful girlfriend she's gonna make sure those people stay away from you.
Mai doesn’t like showing affection, at least not in public, she would show her affection in subtle ways like holding your hand or having an arm around your waist. But if you are more clingy she will let you hug her and be close to her, she just wouldn't return the affection immediately.
She is amused by your ability to stay happy at all times. You somehow always find the good things in any situation, she usually doesn’t mind it unless you are in a life threatening situation.
Before she met you Mai looked at the world through gray glasses, but ever since you came around her view on the world started to change. Now she can enjoy the simplest things in life.
#mai#mai x reader#atla#atla x reader#avatar the last airbender x reader#avatar the last airbender#avatar#avatar x reader
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Imagine Azula having a crush on you and everyone but you knowing it
You walked into the dining room to hear Ty Lee and Mai talking. Ty lee seemed to be worried about something and Mai nodded along. "Just invite y/n too and she'll be in a good mood" Mai replied and your ear perked up "invite y/n where now?". Mai and Ty lee jumped vividly. "Y/n" Ty lee said shooting you a smile "good morning how are you?". You smiled "morning, i’m good how are you?". "Really great" Ty Lee smiled and you nodded "so this thing you're inviting me to?". Ty lee nodded "yeah so basically the Kyoshi Warriors need some fire benders to help with the winter preparations and I was wondering if you and Azula could spare half an hour or so?". You nodded "of course! I'm seeing her after this for training so I’ll ask her then. What time do you need us for?". "Erm this evening if it’s okay?" Ty lee asked and you nodded "sure!". You tucked into your breakfast missing the sly smirk Mai shot Ty lee.
You asked Azula and she agreed to help so together you made your way to the foundations below the palace where the heating system lay. Ty Lee and Suki were waiting for you. “Thanks for coming” Suki smiled “we’ve got a few firebenders but the two of you will definitely be a strong force”. “Of course, Y/n and Azula have always been an excellent duo” Ty lee grinned and Azula made a noise. You didn’t notice and simply smiled back at Ty lee “of course we do, that’s why we’re best friends” and you shot Azula a fond look. Azula smiled back at you but you noticed she seemed nervous. You made a mental note to ask her about that later when you were alone and turned to Suki “now, where do you want us?”.
Azula’s POV
Once you’d helped balance the heating system Azula excused herself hoping to avoid any further teasing from Ty lee. Suki accompanied her back up to the palace but apparently the warrior had caught onto Ty lee’s teasing. “I have to admit I was surprised you could make it tonight” Suki told her “I figured your schedule would be far too busy to spare even half an hour”. Azula nodded “it is, I had to push several things around just to be here. Hence why I’m rushing away now”. Suki nodded “I guess you must really care a lot about Ty Lee and y/n”. The warrior stressed your name and Azula tensed. “Of course” Azula nodded “now excuse me i’m going this way” and she left the warrior. Azula could’ve sworn she heard the sound of chuckling and it took all her willpower to prevent a blush creeping up her neck. She’d be having stern words with Ty lee, that was for sure.
Your POV
To celebrate winter a ball was thrown every year and the annual event was fast approaching. When you questioned Ty lee on what she planned on wearing she admitted she wasn’t sure. You could always tell when there was something Ty lee was leaving out so encouraged her and she admitted there was something she’d like to try. The Kyoshi Warriors were all very close and apparently they regularly went shopping together and had chosen their outfits for the ball as a group. Ty lee liked how fun the group fashion shopping-spree sounded and confessed she wished she could do that with her friends but Mai and Azula hated shopping with a passion. You frowned recognising her predicament but you didn’t see why they both couldn’t do this one thing for Ty lee. She was always there when Azula needed her and you’d lost count of the number of times she’s skipped social events for Mai. So you agreed to talk to them both, determined to make Ty lee’s wish come true.
You had dinner as a group often and the next time it happened you decided to broach the subject. Ty lee left early for her guard duty and you figured it was the perfect time. You set down your cutlery and breathed “So...I have something to ask you both. It’s a thing Ty lee would like us to try”. "What thing?" Azula asked immediately and you smiled nervously. "Hear me out before you dismiss the idea. She wants is to go shopping and choose outfits for the ball together". Mai groaned instinctively "eugh but shopping is the worst! Especially in groups". Azula nodded "that is true, what is even the need? We’re all capable of selecting clothing". “The idea is to have some fun together” you smiled undeterred “we can pick out outfits for each other and give advice and encouragement. We can make a whole day of it and anyway it will make Ty lee so happy! Isn’t that enough". "No" Mai replied and you sighed "what about you Azula? What do you think?". Mai saw Azula’s conflicted expression and began to worry. You stared at Azula with wide pleading eyes and Mai could feel her ally slipping with every second. Azula eventually sighed "fine...I guess this once couldn't hurt". You squealed and wrapped yourself around Azula. "Thank you you’re the greatest" you cried pecking her cheek "sorry Mai but 3 against 1 we’re going! I'll go find Ty lee" and you rushed away.
Azula’s POV
"Traitor" Mai hissed the second you’d left and Azula blushed. "I'm no such thing. I just agree this will be a nice thing for Ty lee". "Sure you did this for Ty lee" Mai said and Azula blushed "whatever perverted thought you have about y/n...". "I never mentioned y/n" Mai smiled and Azula blushed. "whatever" and she rushed from the dining room.
So the four of you found yourself in a boutique a few days before the ball. You and Ty lee were very enthusiastic and Azula watched as you had soon selected several outfits for each girl which you thought would suit them. However when it came to choosing an outfit for yourself you realised you hadn’t even thought about it. Standing there empty-handed Mai smirked at you. "Maybe this is why you should be less social" she teased and you smiled "I'll be fine I don’t care what I wear I'll just pick....this" you said grabbing the first dress you saw. Azula paused as she saw the chosen item. It was a stunning gold dress, she knew it would match your body type and skin colouring perfectly. "How do you just pick up a beautiful dress like that?" Azula asked and you smiled "magic hands, now let's try them on". You rushed to the changing room and the woman paused "I'm sorry we only have 2 private changing rooms available and there’s a time limit. We’re very busy with the ball just around the corner”. Azula glared "I knew I should’ve booked this whole place out". She felt her anger rising up inside her and was about to tell this woman exactly who she was when you placed a hand on her arm and all that fell away. You shot her a smile and stepped forwards "it’s okay we can just share them! Mai and Ty lee in one and me and you in another". The woman nodded "that would work”. Azula turned bright red "but share changing rooms...are we really that desperate". "You said you would do this" Ty lee whined and you frowned "it won’t be that bad Azula I promise". Azula sighed but gave in. Azula let you lead her into a changing room and froze when the door closed. You hung up your one dress and began pulling your coat off. Azula felt the heat rise to her cheeks and panicked. Did she walk out? Could she make covering her eyes seem casual or would that be too weird? Should she just act as normal? You chatted to her through all of this and Azula had no idea what to do. You began pulling your clothes over your head obliviously and then you got tangled. "I don’t think I undid all the buttons" you laughed "Azula can you help?". "Me?" Azula cried. She had her eyes glued to the floor and now you wanted her to look at you! "Who else?" you giggled "can you just help pull it over my head please?" you asked. Azula frowned and looked at you. "The dress is tangled on your necklace" she explained and you sighed "knew it! Can you loosen it?". Azula did so, pleased you couldn't see the huge blush on her face as she tried not to look at you. Finally your t-shirt came over your head and your face came into view. Your hair was all messy and your face was so close to hers. Azula thought you looked effortlessly beautiful and she hastened to look away. "Thanks" you grinned before turning to grab the dress you’d brought to try on. Azula turned away and gave you privacy. "Aren’t you trying anything on" you asked and Azula paused. She’d actually forgotten that was the whole point of this but the thought of undressing in front of you made her even more embarrassed so she shook her head. "No I just remembered I already have a dress I want to wear to the party anyway". "That’s good" you smiled "what does it look like?". "It’s nothing special" Azula tried brushing the subject away. "I'm sure that's not true" you replied instantly "can you zip me up?". Azula turned back around to see you’d gotten the dress on and it looked stunning. The gown hugged your body in a flattering fashion and it looked as if it had been tailored for you. You just looked great in everything apparently. Azula stared at you in shock before she realised you were watching her. "Azula?" you asked “a little help?” and she nodded "yes of course”. Azula brought her shaking hands to your zipper and pulled it up. "So how does it look?" you asked spinning around and Azula shook her head "you look so beautiful". You blushed and Azula did too "I mean the dress is beautiful and it really suits you". "Thanks Azula you’re so kind to me" you smiled hugging her. You let go far too soon for Azula’s liking and opened the door "Mai, Ty lee are you ready?”.
Once the other two girls appeared compliments and opinions were exchanged while Azula stood there awkwardly. It was decided Mai’s dress needed accessories and you disappeared back into the shop to find something for her. Ty lee and Mai chattered amongst themselves but Azula’s lack of outfit didn’t go unnoticed for long. "Azula where's your dress?" Ty lee asked and she shrugged "I decided to wear an old one". "So you just..went into the changing room with y/n for fun?" Mai asked with a smirk and Azula blushed. "No I helped her zip it up and I'm going to wait out here now anyway". The duo laughed and Azula was getting ready to shout at them when you returned with the wrap for Mai. “I’ve got it! What did I miss? Wait are you guys actually enjoying this?” you asked grinning. Ty lee nodded and Mai smiled devilishly “you know I hated it at first but now I’m getting into it. This is fun” she grinned shooting Azula a look and the princess groaned. This was going to be a long afternoon.
Finally the day of the ball arrived and Azula, of course was one of the first ones present. Azula watched the people enter the hall, mentally taking notes and putting names to faces.
About an hour into the party Azula began to wonder where you were. Most of the guests appeared to be here and the party was now in full swing but still there was no sign of you. Azula paced wondering what was keeping you.
You entered with Ty lee and that answered Azula’s question. The chi blocker was late to everything of course she'd held you up. Azula watched as you descended the staircase and felt her skin erupt in goosebumps. Whenever she saw you she just got lost for a few seconds and this time she let herself. She noticed how a piece of hair had slipped out of your bun but how if anything it framed your face wonderfully, making you look even more glamorous. She noticed how the bracelet you always wore on your arm jingled up and down as you spoke animated to Ty lee. She saw how your eyes sparkled with excitement as you surveyed the room. And then they landed on Azula herself. You smiled immediately in response to her and Azula felt a warm sensation sweep over her. The smile was all for her and she basked in it before turning away so as to not creep you out. "Y/n and Ty lee look good" Zuko commented and Azula nodded "they certainly do". “Although you probably think more so for the former”. Azula’s head snapped around rapidly. “Mai told you?” she hissed and her brother chuckled “yes but she didn’t have to. You’re very territorial, sister. Anyone comes near y/n and you’re ready to maim them in case they hurt her. You’ve all but declared her yours”. Azula rolled her eyes “you don’t know what you’re talking about and I’m hardly going to take dating advice from you. It took how many years before you acknowledged your feelings for Mai and even then she was the one who asked you out because you were too scared!”. Azula had meant to provoke her brother into storming away but he only smiled. “Try and change the topic all you want but it doesn’t change how smitten you are for y/n and speaking of...you should be careful Azula someones stealing your girlfriend" Zuko teased with a glint in his eye.
Azula immediately froze and spun around to find you in the centre of the dance floor with some boy. She narrowed her eyes and glared "what is that boy of yours doing here?". Zuko smiled "who Jet? I invited him to the party, if I remember right he's quite a smooth talker isn’t he Katara?". The water bender, who apparently had been rudely listening to the whole conversation, nodded smugly. "He is. Quite the ladies man". Azula narrowed her eyes and the pair exchanged a smile. "Well I don’t care" Azula said in a weak attempt to brush off their comments. She was quiet for three seconds before she burst "and y/n’s gay anyway so he’s wasting his time". Your laughter suddenly broke across the room and Zuko smirked "I’m sure you’re right”. Azula glared and Katara took pity "you know Azula if you just told y/n...". "Told her what! There’s nothing to tell!" she cried and Katara raised her hands in surrender. "Okay but if you did like y/n, then telling her would solve all your issues". "You don’t know anything about me" Azula snapped and stormed away.
Azua simmered on the edge of the dance floor, watching you laugh and smile while wishing the boy would trip over and hurt himself. She kept grabbing drinks from nearby trays for something to distract herself and was beginning to feel the effect of them. Azula drummed her finger against the empty cup and tried to deal with all the feelings swirling around in her head.
She felt annoyed that everyone she knew had been teasing her mercilessly for her crush. She felt anger at that boy for presuming to touch you and even slightly miffed at you for not telling him to back off. She felt anxious being in a social setting surrounded by so many people who were more extroverted and socially advanced than her. But mostly she just felt sad. She wanted you to look at her the way Zuko looked at Mai. She wanted you to hang off her arm and laugh at her quips. She wanted to be able to dance with you like that boy was and to be confident enough to tell you how she felt.
But she wasn’t and so she’d have to stick with the consequences.
Then suddenly, as if summoned by her thoughts, you stopped dancing and made your way directly towards her. Azula pretended to look busy but considering she was standing alone that was hard. She stared at the hem of her sleeve and pulled a stoic face when you appeared. “Hey” you smiled “how are you enjoying the ball?”. Azula snorted “as much as I always do”. You smiled “I thought you might say that so came here to shake you out of your slump”. “And how do you suppose to do that?” Azula asked. You just smiled. "I want you to dance with me" you replied and Azula froze. "Me? But why?" she managed and you smiled hooking your arm through hers. “Because it will stop you stewing over your thoughts”. Azula paused "but I...you know I've never been good at this why don’t go get Ty lee?". "Because I want to dance with you not Ty lee" you replied and Azula suppressed a shiver. "Okay" she nodded and you smiled. You wrapped her hands around your waist and placed yours around her neck. It was dangerous being this close to you. Azula had worked out being closer to you triggered her weakness more and this was as close as she’d ever been to you. To make it worse she couldn't avoid looking you in the eye either. She had to stare into those dazzling orbs and try not think about how beautiful they were. "You lied to me" you said suddenly and Azula froze "what do you mean?". "You told me you weren’t wearing anything special and you turn up in a dress like that?”. Azula blushed "you've seen this on me a thousand times". "So?" You asked "you look wonderful in it every single time. The red matches your hair and skin tone well and you know how much it brings out your eyes. Admit it you wear this dress on purpose" you teased and Azuka blushed. "I didn’t but seeing how good a reception it apparently receives" she replied and you smiled "every time". Azula couldn’t think of a reply so she looked away. She was aware the others were probably watching, laughing at her red cheeks but she tried not to think about it. All she had to do was get through these next few minutes and then she could calm down. When the song ended you knew Azula would want to stop so led her away from the dance floor. You asked Azula if she wanted a drink and she agreed so you headed to the bar. However you never arrived. On the way there you bumped into the avatar. You apparently knew him well and chatted when Sokka appeared. "Azula" he said nodding to her and Aang looked up confused. "Ow sorry Azula I didn’t see you there. Are the two of you enjoying your evening?" he asked. Azula nodded "so far it's been pleasant". Aang smiled "I’m glad to hear it and can I say the two of you make a lovely couple". Azula flinched as the Avatar’s words sunk over her. Was this child really joining in with this whole teasing her for her crush thing? The subtle mischievous look on his face told Azula he was. You obliviously looked from Aang to Azula "ow we’re...we’re not a couple". "You’re not?" Sokka asked joining in with the act. "No" you said blushing slightly and Sokka hodded. "Huh...sorry I figured you two were...". "It’s fine" you smiled and Azula could feel her face burning. She couldn’t even speak she was so angry. Had Zuko put them up to this? Mai? Her thoughts swirled and she finally couldn’t cope. She stormed was angrily and exited the ballroom. She raced through the corridor and stormed towards her own wing. Once there she began attacking the practice dummy in her room trying to get all her pent up rage out.
She did not think she would be followed. "Azula?" you asked knocking softly on the door before entering. Azula paused mid-punch. She was aware she’d probably ruined her makeup and looked a mess but she didn’t care. You stood frozen in the doorway "are you okay...Sokka and Aang didn’t mean anything by their comments". Azula sighed "it's fine I just need some time". You nodded but didn’t leave. "Was it that bad?" you suddenly asked in a small voice. Azula didn’t hesitate "yes". You shrunk away at that and looked down "okay...sorry I didn’t realise being mistaken for my girlfriend was so terrible" and you left. Azula immediately realised that was that you'd been asking and froze. "Y/n!" She yelled and chased you. You hadn't gone far but didn’t stop when she called out to you. "Y/n I didn’t mean that" she called "I meant being teased! Or course i didn’t mean you!". You stopped walking and eyed her wearily "are you sure?". Azula nodded "totally". "Then what made you so angry?". Azula sighed "I can’t tell you". "Why not?" You asked upset "if it’s about me then I deserve to know". "But it will ruin things between us" Azula explained and you frowned. "What could possibly ruin our relationship?". "Trust me this will" Azula replied and you stared back at her stubbornly "why don’t you trust me enough to believe that it won't?". Azula sighed "y/n...". "Azula please” you cried and she sighed "I like you! There are you happy". You froze "like me as in...". "In that way" Azula nodded and you went silent. "I..." you started but Azula cut you off "wait not here. Anyone could be listening. Can we go back to my room?". If she was going to be rejected she’d rather it be done in private. You nodded and followed her back into her room. Azula closed the door as you both entered and turned back around. "So I guess you might have questions?” she asked and you nodded. "Kind of...why did liking me make you so angry?". Azula shook her head "liking you didn’t...well not alone. It was more the principle, the fact people were using it to tease me and make jokes. It makes me feel humiliated and weak". You nodded "because you like me?". "Yes" Azula nodded "liking someone who doesn't like you back is always embarrassing or so i’ve heard". "But who says I don’t like you back?" you asked. Azula froze "what?". You smiled softly and walked closer "who says I don’t like you back?". Azula paused "I...just assumed". "Your brain is usually impeccable Azula but not this time...see if you’d have asked me out or even to this ball tonight I'd have said yes because I like you". "Romantically?" Azula asked and you chuckled "yes, was my flirting on the dance floor that bad?". Azula shook her head "no I noticed I just figured you didn’t mean it in the way I heard it". You nodded "i don’t know why it didn’t occur to me subtle flirts wouldn’t work...here let's try something more straightforward”. You came to stand right in front of her and your eyes softened "Princess Azula can I kiss you?". Azula nodded and you moved even closer your lips meeting hers. Azula got lost in the sensation from the start. She’d wanted this and you for so long it was surreal. She wanted to make to most of it and to experience every second of it. All she could feel was you and it intoxicating. She wasn’t even aware her hands were wandering when you suddenly pulled away. You were bright pink, excitement and something else clearly lingered in your eye but you also looked down bashfully. "I think maybe just a kiss for now?" you asked and Azula was horrified. "I...of course I'm so sorry I just got over-excited". You noticed Azula's worry and immediately reassured her she had done anything wrong. You gripped her hands and smiled reassuringly. "No I enjoyed it greatly just I'm kind of new to this so would like to take this slow. I want you too but I don’t want to rush into this. I want to savour it and you". Now Azula was the one blushing "I...that sounds..." Azula trailed off and you smiled "alright?". Azula nodded "of course! Better than alright that's why I trailed off...i like you a lot! If that was evident from that kiss..." Azula trailed off "anyway I'd love to date you". Azula cringed at her own words and you noticed smiling fondly at her. "I'd love to date you too" you smiled pecking her lips "how about tomorrow night we go to dinner?". Azula nodded "yes! I can have the restaurant cleared for us and the best chiefs brought in". You smiled "as much as I love the passion how about we just slip out of the palace and visit one in disguise? Then we could stroll around the park after and watch the sunset? I love your title but I don’t need anything special. Just you is perfect". Again Azula was lost for worse and she babbled before being able to speak "yes of course".
The two of you returned to the party hand in hand and of course your friends were like bloodhounds and appeared seconds later. Ty lee gasped so loudly half the room looked over and Mai’s eyes were wider than Azula had ever seen them. “You told her?” Sokka cried disappointed “we were just starting to have fun”. “Yeah...we never get to tease you about anything” Zuko pouted. As your friends all nodded along an idea came to you. "Wait you mean you all knew and have been teasing Azula this entire time?" you asked. Everyone paused and your eyes turned darker. "That is so horrible!" you cried "all of you! Ty lee? Mai?". The girls looked down and you looked to Zuko "Firelord? Even you?". Zuko babbled "we didn’t mean any harm by it" and you just swatted him. "Didn’t mean any harm by it! Remember that time I nudged you when Mai entered the room and you wouldn’t speak to me for a week! And now you did this to your little sister! And you" you said turning to Aang "you're the Avatar!". Azula smiled watching as you took on everyone in the room scolding them. A smug expression settled on her face and she laughed to herself. "My girlfriend is the greatest" she said quietly. The next morning Azula woke up the following morning with a jolt. The night came flooding back to her but she wasn’t sure if her crush admitting she liked her back was a dream or real. She looked around her room for any hints but didn't find any. Snoring suddenly startled her and she jumped before spotting Ty Lee asleep on her sofa. The chi blocker was too tired to walk home so had crashed at Azula’s. Azula quickly rushed and woke her up "Ty lee get up I need to ask you something". Ty Lee groaned "Azula it's barely even light...". "Did y/n and me start dating last night?". Ty Lee opened her eyes "really? You can’t remember?". "No I can remember but I'm not sure If it was real, it seems like one of those things that was too good to be true. Did it really happen?". Ty Lee smiled "it did Azula, y/n likes you back". Warmth filled Azula and a smile worked its way onto her face without her even noticing. She sat back in bed and Ty lee giggled softly. "That is good news" she said awkwardly in reply. There were several things that Azula knew she should be worried about. The fact she’d never been on a date or to a real restaurant before were two big ones but in this moment none of that mattered. A smile worked its way onto Azula’s face and she basked in the moment. Her crush liked her back, nothing else mattered.
#azula#azula x reader#azula imagine#princess azula#princess azula x reader#avatar#avatar imagine#avatar azula#avatar the last airbender#avatar the last airbender imagine#atla#atla azula#atla imagine#zuko#firelord zuko#mai#maiko#avatar zuko#avatar mai#ty lee#avatar ty lee#aang#sokka#katara#avatar aang#avatar sokka#avatar katara#fire nation#kyoshi warrior
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Can you do hcs for Rocky Rickaby with Atlas May's daughter! reader?
Yeah ofc, I'll try!
I assumed that Atlas's child is also Mitzi's since they were married in the comic, in case it is not what you wanted let me know! I can try changing some stuff up.
Summary: Rocky Rickaby x May's daughter!reader
Warnings: established relationship. Female!reader.
About the parents...
Okay so first of all, Atlas wouldn't be too happy to see you dating Rocky, however Mitzi would let that slip somehow. After all she was the one to grow fond of Rocky and bring him to the speakeasy.
At first your parents especially Atlas would be a bit very skeptical towards you spending some alone time with your new boyfriend, but they would get used to it over time as long as you'd be safe and sound around him.
Despite that, him taking you out to any kind of bootlegging/smuggling mission, or anything akin to that would be a big NO.
Your dad might not be a big fan of your boyfriend, but at least he makes you happy and that's what counts, right? He'll let your partner live... For now.
And now let's switch to Rocky
He'd be over the moon to be in a relationship with you. Like, c'mon... A GIRLFRIEND?! Who is the DAUGHTER of his MOTHER FIGURE?! It's like killing two birds with one stone. Wait maybe let's not use this certain saying-...
He's trying to be as careful as he can around you, which might be kind of hard for him considering the way he is, but he's trying okay? He doesn't want anything bad happening to his precious partner after all.
Rocky definitely soaks up all your affection. Have you seen that short comic on lackadaisy site called "beam" where Mitzi complimented him? It's the same way with you. You compliment him, say a nice word or call him any cute pet names? He's all giddy and fuzzy. Don't overdo it or the consequences might be catastrophic.
(No survivors reference, haha, get it? ಥ‿ಥ)
He'd probably get a bit more comfortable around Atlas too. You can sometimes see him trying to crack a bad joke or nudge your dad with his elbow, but the result is very similar to when he does that to Viktor, however it's less violent.
If anybody ever tries to hit on you, Rocky's quick to react.
He slides up to the guy who tried to hit on you and wraps his arm around the guy's shoulders. "Hey there pal! Sorry to tell you, but this girl is taken, however do not worry! I have just someone you can talk to instead!" Then with that huge maniac grin, he slowly reaches to his coat and is about to pull something out, but the other guy is already skedaddling halfway through the room. Rocky pauses his hand mid air with a small piece of paper in it. His shoulders dropped and he put on a sad expression on his face. "Oh what a loss! Im sure he would've got along with Walter!"
"Who's Walter?" You ask with amusement.
Suddenly you heard something in a distance behind you. "Oh, sometimes I play the drums-"
After Atlas's death, Rocky tried to be there for you and Mitzi, doing his best to help as much as he could even tho his actions didn't always have the intended outcome. Despite everything he loves you dearly.
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Someone Else
pairings: Zuko x Princess!reader, Zuko x Mai
notes: i was writing smoke and shadow when i realized i should probably give more insight to zuko and mai’s relationship in the fire lilies universe before i delved into the story. also someone requested i cover their conversation on boiling rock so here it is :)
summary: Zuko is forced to confront his past
~ part of the fire lilies series ~
As Zuko struggled against the hold of the calloused prison guards who were dragging him away to whatever punishment awaited him, he couldn’t help but think of y/n.
He remembered the way she’d struggled against the crystals that held her and his uncle captive in the catacombs and how she’d urged him to go on without her to help the Avatar. Her eyes had sparkled beautifully in the light, and it had been the last time she had looked upon him with love and care. Now when she looked at him, her eyes were cold and void of any love for him. They looked upon him with anger and resentment, and he knew he deserved it. He deserved every last bit of her animosity.
Growing closer to the open cell, Zuko began to contemplate the possibility of Sokka’s plan failing. He feared he may never get to see y/n again and make things right, apologize to her for the hurt and anguish he’d caused, and she’d spend the rest of her life hating him for what he’d done. The chance of never returning to his Princess seemed a far worse fate than anything the warden had planned for him on Boiling Rock.
The guards finally toss the Prince into the cell, his body colliding harshly with the floor.
“I didn’t do anything wrong!” Zuko protests with a groan before pulling himself up onto the sole chair in the room.
“Come on, Zuko,” a voice chides harshly, its owner carefully emerging from the shadows, “we all know that’s a lie.”
“Mai?” Zuko utters in surprise, his stomach immediately twisting itself into knots. Guilt creeps in his gut at the sight of her, and he dreads the conversation he knows is coming. He’d hoped he’d never have to face her again, but it seemed fate had other plans.
“How did you know I was here?”
“Because I know you so well,” she replies sarcastically, her cold glare never leaving his slumped figure on the chair.
“But how-“
“The warden’s my uncle, you idiot,” Mai chides. Her features soften for a moment as she reaches into her robes, the heartbreak and betrayal overpowering her anger for a moment. However, her wrath returns as she presents Zuko with his own letter. “The truth is, I guess I don’t know you.”
Zuko is silent, his eyes guiltily scanning over the scroll. Perhaps it had been wrong of him to end their relationship in such a way, but she probably wouldn’t have let him live to see another day if he’d looked her in the face and told her there was someone else. How can you look the girl you’ve known since you were children in the eyes and tell her you’d only used her to get over your previous girlfriend?
“All I get is a letter?” She scoffs indignantly. “You couldn’t even look me in the eyes to tell me you were leaving me for someone else?! You couldn’t even leave me my dignity and rip my heart out in person?”
“I didn’t mean to-“ Zuko begins to say, but this only seems to anger her further.
“You didn’t mean to?!” Mai retorts before unfurling the scroll to read the letter aloud. “‘Dear Mai, I’m sorry that you have to find out this way, but I’m leaving.’”
“Stop!” He interjects, subtle irritation clear in his tone and his features. “This isn’t about you.”
“Right,” Mai drawls dully. “It was never about me. It was always about her.”
“You told me she never meant anything to you, but that was a lie, wasn’t it?” She insists, and Zuko’s silence only infuriates her more. “Wasn’t it?”
“…It was,” he relents quietly, his guilty eyes finally meeting her stern gaze. “But this isn’t about her or you. This is about the Fire Nation.”
“Thanks Zuko, that makes feel all better,” Mai replies dryly before harshly tossing the scroll at his head.
Rubbing the spot where the paper had made contact, the Prince rises from his seat and looks at his ex with an empathetic gaze. “I never wanted to hurt you.”
“Then why did you do it? Were you just dating me to get over her? Was any of it real, or did you just pretend I was her while we were together to make yourself feel better?”
“You have to understand I didn’t mean for things to turn out this way,” Zuko pleads earnestly, guilt clear upon his face. “It was never my intention to break your heart. I thought being with you would help me feel at home again, and in a way it did. You were familiar, someone I cared about. I thought maybe with time…”
“Did you ever even love me?!” She cries angrily. The truth was ugly, and the tightness in her chest was suffocating. How was she supposed to react to the news that she’d been used by the boy she’d been in love with since she was a young girl? She thought she’d finally won his heart only to learn none of it had been real.
Zuko remains silent, and that’s enough of an answer for her.
“You know, you two deserve each other,” she spits harshly, her words like venom. “A selfish Prince and a selfish Princess. I guess I know what you see in her now.”
“Don’t speak about her that way,” Zuko snaps. Mai laughs bitterly in return.
“I hope she’s not stupid enough to take you back. I hope she breaks your heart the way you broke mine,” she utters quietly. “You deserve it.”
“It’s not like that,” he argues, “I didn’t leave just for her. I have to do this to save my country.”
“Save it?” She repeats incredulously. “You’re betraying your country. Joining the Avatar and going after the South’s water bending Princess? You’re a traitor.”
“That’s not how I see it,” Zuko rebuts firmly. A tense silence fills the room as Mai indignantly crosses her arms over her chest and turns her body away from him. “And I hope you’ll see it that way too.”
“I won’t let you fool me again,” she replies coldly. Though her exterior is hard and angry, her heart is crumbling inside. Mai desperately wanted to know why she hadn’t been enough for Zuko. Why couldn’t he love her the way he’d loved the Princess? What did y/n have that she didn’t? Why her? Why not me?
Their conversation is cut short by the prison guard sent to protect Mai from the ongoing riot, and Zuko uses the opportunity to escape the cell and lock it from the outside. Though he’s free from captivity, he finds himself frozen in place by the girl’s gaze. Her eyes are full of wrath, but they shine with tears that refuse to fall. Locking into her intense stare, the guilt begins to creep up on him again. He’ll never be able to undo the hurt he’s caused her, but he hopes that maybe one day she’ll be able to forgive him.
Breaking away from her gaze, Zuko rushes towards the courtyard to join Sokka and Suki in their escape plan. Mai’s heartbroken eyes still haunt him, but the image is soon replaced with that of y/n’s. Unlike Mai, her eyes had been full of sadness when she’d been met with his betrayal in Ba Sing Se. She hadn’t been angry, she’d been disappointed, and that had felt worse.
His legs urged him to run faster now, his motivation to return home to his Princess stronger than ever.
Zuko was going to make things right, he had to. And he hoped she’d give him the chance.
| atla tags: @sirkekselord @chronic-daydreamer @niktwazny303
| zuko tags: @thebluelcdy @royahllty @the-firebender-girl @ilovespideyyy @yiyibetch @eridanuswave @lammello @a-monsters-love @knaite-solo @taeeemin
| fire lilies tags: @titaniafire @emberislandplayers @kikaninchen-2 @music-geek19 @thia-aep @thyunnamed @haylaansmi @nataliahaslosthershit @idkdude776 @aangsupremacy @thirstyforsometea @ihaveaproblem98 @brown-eyed-thang @xapham @misnmatchedsox @chewymoustachio @that-bucket-hat-gal @chilifrylizard2 @kyomihann @kaylove12 @kiwihoee @freggietale @moon-spirit-yue @bubblegum-bee-otch
#fire lilies#zuko#mai#zuko x reader#zuko x princess!reader#zuko imagine#prince zuko x reader#prince zuko imagine#prince zuko#atla#atla x reader#atla imagine#mai is giving washing machine heart energy
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