#At least I have my IRL BFF - who's the same orientation as me - and a few online mutuals who understand.šŸ’—
stargazerlillian Ā· 9 months
Dreamt last night that my mother bought me a pride flag for me to hang on my wall... took me 10 straight minutes after waking up to remember that I tried to come out/explain my orientation to her twice over 8 years ago and she didn't believe me.šŸ’”
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laveritaswoman Ā· 6 years
And the Award for Best Fake Offscreen Ship Between Two Co-Stars Goes to ...
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Well ladies and gentlemen, the last four years have been a long, crazy adventure for SC shippers in the OL fandom. But on January 22, 2018, our shipper boat took a direct hit courtesy of a barely noticeable news brief inĀ People magazine: OLā€™s leading lady CB ā€œconfirmed at the GGsā€ that she and ā€œfellow Irishmanā€ (*cough, cough*) TM are engaged and CB is ā€œvery happy!ā€Ā  Very. Ā Happy.Ā  And just so everyone (read: shippers) is clear on the timing, ā€œshe was first seen with (T) in 2015.ā€ So I guess thatā€™s supposed to mean theyā€™ve been dating since 2015, right? But we have to guess at that because C hasnā€™t spoken to any other media outlet about T or her engagement, and has yet to post anything about it on her social media. She didnā€™t even mention it during on-air GG red carpet interviews on the very night she shared the news withĀ PeopleĀ (apparently because People had the ā€œexclusiveā€). Instead of talking about her pretty big life event (at least for most people) when she was asked ā€œso whatā€™s new,ā€ she spent her on-camera time speaking about sending S home and the Timeā€™s Up ā€œblackout,ā€ all while hiding her engagement ring from view.Ā 
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Hey, SamCait shipper sisters, how did we miss this? So C has really been with T for the last 2+ years and not with S? But, but, just ā€¦ how? Well, ā€œobviouslyā€ we werenā€™t paying attention! Oh wait, we were paying attention, but we thought SC were together ā€” even though they denied a relationship ā€” because their actions rarely matched their words. That and the fact that we noticed that C and S never really showed any interest in or paid any attention to their SO adjacents. So why were shippers, journos and many others led to the believe that SC were a couple, despite their words to the contrary? Well, ACTING, obviously. S and C are actors, you know, and pretty good ones at that. So what do I, as a shipper (or former, IDK) think about all this? If this CT engagement is TRUTH and S and C never had a relationship IRL or arenā€™t covering up one now, then SC deserve ALL the acting awards for making us think they were together offscreen as well as on. S and C truly and completely convinced me and thousands of others (yes, thousands ... just check @jamesandclairefraser followers) that they were SOs offscreen too. But why, if they are such stellar actors, didnā€™t they just play the part of ā€œgreat offscreen friends and co-stars,ā€ instead of showing so much sizzling, sexually-charged chemistry offscreen that many were convinced they were together IRL? Especially if they really, really wanted us to believe they were not together. Why was C able to play the offscreen good friends co-star part so convincingly with Tobias, but unable to do the same with S? We know Ron Moore would have probably approved of SC toning it down, because he did his level best to make the show about aĀ ā€œlove triangle, not a JC love story. Why didnā€™t the show staff or their agents tell them to take it down a notch, that fans would still love them and TPTB would still approve of aĀ ā€œfriendly friends co-starsā€ act as long as the high ratings and money continued pouring in?
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And what about the other actors on the show? Surely, in countless interviews after the IFH, donā€™t you think Tobias ā€” another great actor ā€” would have observed SC sitting ā€œno room for jaysusā€ close, grooming each other, making crazy flirty eye contact and little mouth pouts at one another, all the while telling reporters ā€œweā€™re not together ... just great acting ... sorry fans canā€™t separate us from our characters.ā€ Donā€™t you think that after at least one of these interviews, that Tobias -- a cool, forthright guy who S and C highly respect for his acting chops -- would have pulled them aside and said, ā€œHey guys, nice interview and you both showed great chemistry and the audience/interviewer loved you, but you may want to tone it down since some people are still convinced you two are together when youā€™re ā€˜obviouslyā€™ not.ā€ I donā€™t think if Tobias said this to S and C that they would have said ā€œOh Tobias, youā€™re full of shit because weā€™re not misleading anyone. If our fans canā€™t see that our sexed-up off-screen antics are just an act, then theyā€™re just crazy and delusional!ā€ Why did joking jokers like Steven Cree and Richard Rankin just politely listen, smile, and not make one sarcastic remark on-air when SC launched into their loved-up innuendo at panels and Cons? Donā€™t you think a no-shit guy like Cree would have jokingly called them out during the interviews (or in tweets afterwards) by saying something like, ā€œSince were talking awards season, I nominate S and C for the MTV Fandom Award for Best Fake Offscreen Ship Between Two Co-Stars.ā€ If jokes like these had been peppered throughout interviews fairly regularly, it would have gone a long way toward getting people off the ship and preventing new ones from boarding.Ā 
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And why, even when she acted onscreen post-IFH with S and C, would Rosie Day tweet C this birthday greeting on Cā€™s PUBLIC Twitter account in 2016: ā€œ@caitrionambalfe HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Hope you have the loveliest day ā€¦ And @SamHeughan treats you like the queen you areā€ (followed by 11 interesting, some might even say, ā€œsuggestive of a relationshipā€ emojis, including a heart, champagne and wine -- things you might have on a date, for instance)? Couldnā€™t Rosie have tweeted instead ā€œHope everyone on set treats you like the queen you areā€? or ā€œHope #TonyMcGill treats you like the queen you areā€ (followed by suggestive emojis)? WHY did Rosie have to make Cā€™s bday best wishes about S? And then C responded: Ā ā€œThank you honey xxx.ā€ If C didnā€™t want delusional fans to get the wrong message, she should have tweeted Rosie back: ā€œThank you honey. My civilian SO and I have great plans for this evening.ā€ That would have shut down all the shipper celebrations that ensued shortly after that tweetfest and still allowed C ā€œprivacy.ā€ And they continued crossing the line into sexual innuendo, whistling and checking out each otherā€™s ā€œassets,ā€ as well as knowing too much about each otherā€™s personal habits (4 a.m. workout ā€¦ no) and identical interests and likes (sancerre, Netflix and chill, banoffee pie).Ā 
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Come on, SC (or at least ā€œCaptain Sā€) had to know they were pushing things too far when shippers were shipping and tweeting them like crazy and every article was about their ā€œamazing chemistryā€ and asking whether it was acting or for real. Again I ask, WHY DIDNā€T ANYONE TELL THEM THEY WERE TAKING THE CHEMISTRY THING TOO FAR AND MAKING PEOPLE THINK THEY WERE TOGETHER IRL? And if people did warn them about this ā€” hell, someone must have ā€” why didnā€™t SC listen for years and years?Ā  Oh, thatā€™s right, anyone who would think they were together offscreen must just be crazy and delusional! No one with two wits about them could possibly be getting mixed messages ... and SC ALREADY told everyone in a joint interview in early 2016 that they werenā€™t together.Ā 
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And still, the innuendo went on and on. S saw no reason why he shouldnā€™t whistle at Cā€™s butt on the T2 red carpet. And C didnā€™t see why she shouldnā€™t compare her co-starā€™s genitals to a beer bottle, or a shrimp. And they could call each other ā€œhubbyā€ and ā€œwifeyā€ in tweets. And why would SC fans ever think the cute little emojiā€™s in their tweets were flirty little sexual innuendos? Come on, S and C just liked to make their tweets more colorful-looking and interesting by adding eggplants, blowfish, shrimp, peaches, umbrellas and cake ā€” no one should have read anything more into it. And donā€™t all female co-stars simulate checking their male co-starā€™s ā€œballsā€ and post it on social media ... trying to drum up fan support for a fave charity? And god, no, why would anyone ever think that feeling up your co-starā€™s breasts during photo shoots (repeatedly), telling the world you donā€™t wear modesty patches while simulating sex, being captured for perpetuity in S1 of OL moaning your co-starā€™s real name, and tweeting whilst sitting in bed together might be inappropriate ... if youā€™re not in an actual relationship with one another? Apparently, S and Cā€™s real SOs were totally chill all these years with their sexually-oriented offscreen antics, so why werenā€™t fans similarly chill? And because they said they were ā€œobviouslyā€ not together and just bff co-stars, they saw no reason that they couldnā€™t publicly stroke, whistle, grab breasts and tweet each other in a variety of sexual ways (and oddly, no one accused them of sexually harassing each other and neither did they). Why would anyone misinterpret their actions and ship them together? But some of us did.Ā 
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So, in what ā€œmayā€ be the conclusion of a 4-year roller coaster ride for a shipperdom filled with elation, creative brilliance, forged friendships, disbelief, battles with antiā€™s and trolls, ā€œdelusion,ā€ anger, and gaslighting, here is what may well be the final honor shippers and ex-shippers alike bestow upon SC:Ā ā€œBest Fake Offscreen Ship Between Two Co-stars.ā€ Indeed.
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kostovas Ā· 7 years
my diary post about my feelings before going to college
august 22, 2017, 10:06 pm, my room in El Paso
The way that I tend to deal with my problems/worries is that I donā€™t think about them and ignore them and keep ignoring them until they get so big that Iā€™m forced to think about and deal with them.
That is basically what I have been doing this entire summer. I donā€™t even remember the last time I wrote in my diary and Iā€™ve decided to start typing it out instead since Iā€™m afraid I wonā€™t have the motivation to literally write out my diary in COLLEGE, aka, the problem/worry, which branches out into a bunch of other little problems/worries (Iā€™m going to be living 10 hours away from home, what if I mess up while doing the laundry, what if the work is too hard, my parents are going to be sad,) that I have been pushing away
Although to be honest about 90% of the summer consisted of me in my room writing fan fiction or watching Netflix or scrolling through twitter, I still really didnā€™t think much about itā€¦
Orientation? Did I even write about it? It was fine, it was good, I instantly clicked with my roommate sara, yes, same name as me, and my orientation-roommate was nice but I have a weird after-taste about her because she told me she was Latina because although she is German Swedish Irish french Spanish insert a billion other super white ethnicities here, her mom is from New Mexico!
Orientation just felt like a more cramped, panicked version of NSLC camp which I went to last year. NSLC was like, a random pocket-universe where I met new people who I spontaneously had a lot in common with and thought about my future in entertainment business with just for fun. Orientation is where I met new people who I very un-spontaneously had at least one thing in common with, starting ut, and thought about my future for real.
I feel like Iā€™ve got some things down, aka my class schedule and what music I could potentially listen to while walking around campus (my Austin playlist is a lot of vampire weekend and sza and I know that sounds like a weird combo but it feels insanely fitting) but for the most part I still very much have ABSOLUTELY ZERO IDEA WHAT I AM DOING!
Iā€¦. AM PANICKING BIG TIME RIGHT NOWā€¦ I CRIED LIKE A MINUTE BEFORE I STARTED WRITING THISā€¦ WHICH I HAVE NOT DONE (at least not over anything that wasnā€™t a book or a tv show or a movie) THIS ENTIRE SUMMER!!!
This summer, although filled with a lot of nothing and empty spaces, felt so perfect and so teenage-me. Maybe not truly me, truly what I would have done in my perfect world, but justā€¦ what I would do as a teenager. I know Iā€™m still technically going to be a teenager for at least awhile in college, but, not like this. Not the El Paso bred high school boredom tennis court by Lorde Gilmore girls crying teenager. Iā€™ll be something else, whatever it is, and I have no idea what. I am afraid to meet her. I am excited I am scared I am going to vomit all over this new computer I bought for college
I went to a lot of movies this summer, mostly with nicole and mostly at the Alamo draft house and mostly before they came out (baby driver, good time, which I both liked but baby driver way more).
I got my drivers license and I passed the test by literally oNE POINT
I drove by myself to nicoles apartment and we had weird conversations about our psychic feelings and premonitions about our own lives and deaths. That was the first time I drove by myself and it was for about five minutes and I sung out loud to dua lipa the entire time because I feel like falling asleep any time I go in a moving vehicle and theres no music and my dad drove me back later because it was raining.
I also drove to pick up alondra the Friday before she left for college. Her first day of school was today and she left like a week early. Sheā€™s in South Carolina at college of Charleston and Iā€™m even scared for her. We got chick fil a and went home and talked about da Vinci and being Latina outside of El Paso and random memories and feelings and nothing and everything and nothing again
I hung out with my grandpa a lot, who has been staying here all summer. Yesterday he showed me a picture of my great grandpa who I had never seen before and I was so shocked, he looked like a real Mexican movie star cowboy, I have no idea what John Wayne looks like but he should look like my great grandpa, panfilo vela. Yesterday in particular my grandpa worried about pregnant women because the solar eclipse was happening and they were not wearing safety pins, a latino superstition he said so firmly as a scientific fact that I was really confused and briefly wondering if there was some sort of pregnant womenā€™s medical pin. My dad said ā€˜thatā€™s part of his charmā€™ā€™ believing things so intensely, I guess. I think I got some of that from him
I went to San Antonio last week with tia 1 and valerie and Abuelita and my family. Tia 2 is usually the one to go on vacations with us, but she has this new best friend who she is in a two-person cult with, with her BFF/Bestie/Twinsie (yes, she is a 40+ year old woman, who calls her that) being the leader and her being the devout follower, paying for all her tickets to schiltterbaun and the movies and everything she buys while shopping and all her food and yelling at her employees for getting mad at her for something to do with a water bottle I donā€™t know but itā€™s definitely throwing off the balance of the universe.
But it was fun, tia 1 is very loud and charismatic and doesnt give any fucks and now I like to say ā€œno mas mis chicharrones truenan aquiā€ also I am mad I am not more tan
I learned how to make crepes I have made at least 7 successful ones
Okay. so. crying. Hereā€™s a text I sent to the vampire weekend group chat earlier:
(redacted) I really feel like my dad raised me mostly and he just took me out to the fanciest dinner of my life as a ā€œfather-daughter dinnerā€ before college and he ran into some friends who were older than him and they were like ā€œur gonna miss her itā€™s gonna suck!ā€ And I think my dad almost cried and we talked about heaven in the car and now Iā€™m home and thereā€™s boxes in my room and Iā€™m staring at them and crying
end text
My dad put together those boxes for me with longhorn tape. Burnt orange duct tape with white longhorn shapes on them, literally Thatā€™s where my arts and crafts related headassery comes from
Iā€™m going to be staying in a dorm at UT with my own restroom and now Iā€™m thinking do I even really know how to clean a shower NOT REALLY
Iā€™m gonna end up googling it while Iā€™m there
I feel like I donā€™t actually know how to iron like Iā€™m doing it wrong for sure
The restaurant was called cafe central itā€™s in downtown El Paso which I think is really truly beautiful even though objectively itā€™s ugly Iā€™m super emotional and so I think itā€™s extremely beautiful and itā€™s just. I feel . Itā€™s just how I feel.
I feel so in touch with the El Paso city it doesnā€™t even feel real. I feel like all the abandoned buildings are just cardboard cutouts and I have the power to knock them over with my fingertips. the homeless guys there donā€™t even scare me that much even though they probably should, not even the old lady with the bandaids all over her hands who stole Isaacā€™s hot dog once
god. That dinner was so fancy and I kept thinking about all these early 2000s chick flicks where a girl eats in a fancy restaurant for one reason or another and I kept thinking about how I love my dad and I kept thinking about how why do we need four different knives and I kept thinking about how that place started in 1918 so it probably wouldnā€™t have allowed someone who looked like my dad in there for awhile but there I was sitting with my dark brown dad eating food with names and ingredients I have literally never heard of and the chocolate cake melted into itself and chamomile tea is a gift from god
I read a lot of matt Murdock fanfiction today.
How am I 18 years old? I donā€™t want toā€¦ do anything everā€¦ I want to read fan fiction and lay face down on the floor, but not even those two things can be accomplished at the same time.
NOTE: (redacted) means I took something out in case some certain irl people read this, maybe I shouldā€™ve taken the thing about tia 2 out but, well, I am somewhat at peace with death
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angel-nero Ā· 7 years
I was tagged by @wonderseverythingabove @glaspaladin and @kageyama-tobiyo sorta idk
Five Things Youā€™ll Find In My Bag
mints/halls (i drink too much Coke to be eating mints and I bought two packages andā€¦ oh god)
Five Things In My Bedroom:
huge ass scary wardrobe
clothes everywhere
a lot of lamps cus I like to draw and I am super blind.
no posters cus they never keep there. old 14 years old me wasnt happy about itĀ 
Five Things Iā€™ve Always Wanted To Do In My Life:
play piano
learn more languages
travel a lotā€Ø
dance ballet
Five Things That Make Me Happy:
art supplies
good education
my dog! Fuck! I love my dog!
buying things I want
Five Things On My To-Do List:
enter uni
study for uni
laundry yeah same
Five Things People May Not Know About Me:
I get anxious a motherfucking lot about everything and no one irl knows besides my bffs. And family last year.
I eat a lot but canā€™t win weight and i am super skinny and look sick all the fucking time butā€¦..
I might actually be v sick lmao. Im doing studies rnĀ 
apparently I have french accent LMAO šŸ¤ šŸ’¦ some mx pals even asked me if Iā€™m french and im like???? No??? i just cant focken speak right, okay?Ā 
Im a coastal who doesnt likes seafood and old ppl constantly tell me shit about how i am missing the joy of life or how i am actually not a resident. yea, u rite, i am an alienĀ 
Name?: Gabriela
Nicknames?: Bowie in school šŸ¤ šŸ’¦ gab, gabs, babe (gabe), uh, gabalooney toones? Idk dawn is nuts. dont call me gaby pls that's my momĀ 
Zodiac?: aries, constantly annoyed and an annoyance
Sexual Orientation?: Fuck this question honestly
Ethnicity?: mexican/Spanish but born in MĆ©xico, you get? Mexican
Favorite Fruit?: grapes
Favorite Season?: Summer. im a sucker for summer, find me in the beach, its too fucking hot so everyone wants to die
Favorite Flower?: idk i dont frikin care leave them alone
Favorite Scent?: scents that ainā€™t too strong. I rather breathe fresh air for all my life cus sometimes, no matter what smell, get me nervous šŸ¤ šŸ’¦ justā€¦ never food. any food
Favorite Animal?: all animals are cute I donā€™t play favorites
Coffee, Tea, or Hot Chocolate?: Hot chocolate even if it kills me. then coffee and kill tea. The only iā€™ve had is fuze tea lmao. tea i believe is fucking bad in here and this city is too hot to actually care. i love frappes
Cat or dog?: dogs
Dream Trip?: idk, bexā€™s ufo spots is actually a good one but i wouldnā€™t like to go to merica. Alsoā€¦ i wanna go to yucatĆ”n and see the place where the meteorito crashed and killed the fucking dinosaurs. and i think yucatĆ”n has a beach w pink water!!!! but nvm i checked and apparently you cant see shit. just take me somewhere idc
Number of Followers?: never will tell u
What do I post about?:Ā i have two blogs. I used to post Queen/beatles pics and gifs and shitposts. In this one i was sooo quiet for like, 2 and a half years, I barely followed anyone and stopped entering once cus all i saw was su and v0ltr0n i was so lost in my dash šŸ¤ šŸ’¦ came back this year and its good šŸ˜Ž andā€¦ā€¦ idk just texts i tag under bullshit.txt if u wanna block em. i wont b posting jaaaackshit
Do I get asks on a regular basis?:Ā blep? Sometimes. I laugh cus when I was so quiet I answered em all on private. Look, that experience is fuckin hilarious to me cus i didnt have hopes of the anime fandoms or whatever Ā Ā 
Favorite Band?: queen. But i love a lot of music bruh. Queen was my first fav band so shut the fuck up and eat dirt if you say something
Aesthetic?: bleeeh bleh bleeeh bru the sun, keith, the desert, the beach, the sky, the universe, fight club and trainspotting, big buildings, parties, cool stories, me dyin
Fictional Character Iā€™d Date?:Ā  Eren šŸ¤ šŸ’¦. Listenā€¦. I love him, and i knew about him when we were both 15ā€¦ itā€™s specialā€¦.. and now we are both 19ā€¦.. and weā€™re so alike. I picked him so we could b friends actually he a little motherfuck
Hogwarts House?: gryffindorĀ 
Rules: BOLD the statements that are true for you!
I am 5'7" or taller
I wear glasses (all the fucking time)
I have at least one tattoo
I have at least one piercing
I have blonde hair
I have brown eyes
I have short hair
My abs are at least somewhat defined (i didnt even kno about this i checked a birthday pics w my friends and i had a croptop an suddenly i had abs. its from laughing probably)
I have or have had braces
I love meeting new people
People tell me that Iā€™m funny
Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me
I enjoy physical challenges
I enjoy mental challenges
Iā€™m playfully rude with people I know well
I started saying something ironically and now I canā€™t stop saying it
There is something I would change about my personality
I can sing well (my throat is super fucked fam i barely can speak :/)
I can play an instrument
I can do over 30 pushups without stopping
Iā€™m a fast runner
I can draw well
I have a good memory
Iā€™m good at doing math in my head
I can hold my breath underwater for under a minute
I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestlingĀ 
I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch
I know how to throw a proper punch
I enjoy playing sports (bleeh sometimes)
Iā€™m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else
Iā€™m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else
I have learned a new song in the past week
I work out at least once a week
Iā€™ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months
I have drawn something in the past month
I enjoy writing
I do or have done martial arts
I have had my first kiss
I have had alcohol
I have scored the winning goal in a sports game
I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting
I have been at an overnight event
I have been in a taxi
I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year
I have beaten a video game in one day
I have visited another country
I have been to one of my favorite bandā€™s concerts
Iā€™m in a relationship
I have a crush on a celebrity
I have a crush on someone I know
I have been in at least 3 relationshipsĀ 
I have never been in a relationshipĀ (almost v close actually)
I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them
I get crushes easily
I have had a crush on someone for over a year
I have been in a relationship for at least a year
I have had feelings for a friend
I have at least one person I consider a ā€œbest friendā€
I live close at my school
My parents are still together
I have at least one sibling
I live in the united states
There is snow right now where I live
I have hung out with a friend in the past month
I have a smartphone
I have at least 15 CDā€™s
I share my room with someone
I have breakdanced
I know a person named Jamie
I have had a teacher with a last name thatā€™s hard to pronounce (axayactl but its easy tho and whe called him axa!)
I have dyed my hair
Iā€™m listening to one song on repeat right now
I have punched someone in the past week
I know someone who has gone to jail
I have broken a bone
I have eaten a waffle today
I know what I want to do with my life (yah whatever who care)
I speak at least 2 languages
I have made a new friend in the past year
i dont kno who to tag, idk who is down for this lm but if you see this and wanna do itā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ bbbbleaaassseeeee consider yourselfie tagged ily we dont have to b mutuals. tag me tho so i can read it!!!!!!!! iā€˜d love toĀ 
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