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keylovesstuff · 2 years ago
Alright I'm posting so that must mean I'm sharing another fic lmao
Finding A Balance
They really tried to find a home and proper humans to raise Peach. Granted their map was more than outdated of the neighboring worlds that surrounded their area but, they were sure her species despite how little there were, inhabited the places. With all that info they took the last known warp pipe that connected to the place of the day. They spent about a week following the same routine:
Take Peach to a town
Talk to the locals to see if anyone had recognized her or reported a child of her description missing. 
The second step took up the majority of the day as they underestimated just how needy traveling with a three year old could be and two, just finding people who would let them get more than one word out. It was something every two or three minutes. She would tell them she was hungry, they'd step into a cafe or food court,  and pay a few gold coins once they found something suitable. They had a couple of close calls when it came to frequent potty breaks but they managed.  Rarely would she voice aloud of being tired, they often had to go off of Peach's body language or sudden change in mood. Anyway they would find a moderately quiet area and take turns staying with her while she rested. They would end the day watching her play with children (in a park if there was one) as they talked to a few more stragglers about their way.
finally they would take the pipe from which they came back to Toad Town and Peach would always go home with Toadsworth.
They came close to finding her a family once on their last day. A kind couple willing to take her in and give her a wonderful life. Peach interacted with them well and with her addition fit in the picture perfectly with those two. The toads felt bittersweet happiness as they were actually able to give her what they felt she deserves. It was only when both groups of people started heading separate ways, Peach with the couple that she started to cry, reaching out  frantically to the Mushroom people. The person put her down and she ran straight into Toadsworth's arms hugging him as tightly as she could.  Both sets of people came to the same conclusion almost immediately...This child knew where and who she wanted to be with.
The Toads adored her and when it was announced that they would be taking care of her permanently, They gathered all their talents together to provide her with the necessities. They had already washed and dried the clothes she arrived in daily, while she wore a t-shirt and slightly big pants at night. Now that she was living with them, Tailors got together and crafted a variety of different outfits and even shoes. Toadsworth shared with them his vast knowledge about humans so they all could be more attuned to her needs. Some took special interest in hairstyling, took the time to better develop their vaccines and medications in case she became ill, and educate her on their customs.  They eventually put her in their school system with all the other children and she continued to flourish.  Peach loved everyone just as much as they did her but, anyone would be lying if they said she didn't favor her primary caretaker Toadsworth above anyone else.
When not in school, the girl was practically his shadow and if he was alone, she wasn't too far behind.  Peach took great joy and pride in everything she presented to Toadsworth. A drawing? He was the first to see, Learnt a new skill? She showed him as soon as she got home,  Had a particularly amazing day? She'd tell him all about it in great detail. Peach, like all children, also sought him out for comfort when experiencing distressing emotions. Had a bad dream? She'd still crawl into bed with him even though she grew much taller, Lacking confidence with something new? She'd go to him for encouragement, Had a bad day? While it took some coaxing, he would go through it all with her and promised a better tomorrow.
It was that bond they shared, the natural leadership, love, and small acts that she showed to everyone that caught the newly formed councils attention. After coming across a book titled "What all best Kingdom's had" , They had been going over potential candidates for leaders as their people were growing in numbers. They wanted someone who everyone would gather under and follow loyally. If the history books were anything to go off on and news of neighboring kingdoms, some humans made amazing rulers. With a bit of convincing they got Toadsworth to talk to a young Peach of the possibility of leading them all one day, on the condition that once her training was done he'd be her second in command.  Peach accepted the proposition at the age of eleven and a half, promising to give it her best to ensure that everyone had a peaceful and happy life when she was in charge. It seemed as though the first year of training drove a wedge in between their bond.
At first Toadsworth assumed the distance forming between them was due to her reaching the age of puberty that all humans experienced and he was holding off on discussing that with her till he did more research on the topic. Maybe it was a little bit of that but, some days after training she'd close herself off into her room. Peach would sometimes slip up sometimes when addressing him, at some point he insisted she call him by his name and not father.  It hurt him to do this but he had to remind himself it was for the benefit of the future. So many times throughout just the first year he wanted to pull her out of it all with the visible emotional toll she showed. That would bring about consequences for the future if she didn't go through all the formal training is what he would tell himself. It was for the future of the kingdom they were trying to build that he had to change their dynamic, while it was hard, it was for the best.
Now here she was nervously sitting at the table eating her breakfast after coming home late for another night this month. He gave her a lecture about it all before the two went to bed. Peach looked like she wanted to share something with him, but failed to find the right words to start. Toadsworth settled on reminding her to fix her posture and stop chewing her nails at the table, which she quickly followed with a yes sir. He had to get her to lessons in thirty minutes and be in a meeting in an hour. While going over a brief guideline of her schedule for the day she interrupted him, finally telling him what was on her mind.
"I met the Prince of the darklands last night and they offered to fix the houses. I'm going to meet him when I go on break." Peach told him slowly, getting no reaction she continued. "He also promised to help us with resources around the areas no one else goes and that he'd be our first ally" she added. That got a reaction from him.
"You are in no way permitted to be making alliances as you please without the supervision of the council" He told her slightly raising his voice. "You will nullify any contract you have with this Prince when we meet him." He stated not leaving any room for further discussion.
That was one of their first arguments and a decision that he had wished he made her follow through with if he was able to see the future. To her credit, this guy, Prince Bowser was a man of his word and that was one thing Toadsworth could respect. In no time his charge, Kamek, was called to restore the damaged houses to their original states with his magic. The pair decided to stick around for a little while after that to see just what kind of training they had their future Princess doing. It was laughable and Bowser said as much while adding that it would not prepare her for enemies in other worlds, she could navigate his world without almost dying before he joined her. They were all taken aback for a moment by his bluntness and then explained to him the process of what they had Peach going through. The Koopa Prince shocked them again when he offered up not only his knowledge of other worlds but his own minions to aid her in becoming better at combat.
The council while skeptical at first huddled up and considered the pros and cons, finding more benefits, they agreed. Bowser even sweetened up the deal with what he told Peach that night. This guy along with his people would venture into the unknown lands and guide them in conversing with other Kingdoms when it was time. This is what they were working up to, it did help to have some assistance., and opportunities like this don't come by very often. Again, Toadsworth was just amazed at how well Bowser held up his end of the bargain. They ended up uncovering red mushrooms that increased their size and strength for a little while and that came in handy for producing new buildings, one of those being the castle. Toadsworth was apprehensive about Bowser introducing Peach to his minions who did not hold back in training sessions.
"Please, if she can't handle the most simple people from my world with mushrooms. You guys might wanna rethink who you want as a ruler." Bowser scoffed at Toadsworth's ridiculous question if 'all this was really necessary' "Hey what part of all you jump on their heads don't you get?" He asked Peach as she fell off the course from a Piranha plant reverting back to normal. The elder toad was about to say something about how he addressed Peach but she spoke first.
"Not everyone is some mutated fire breather. I want the fire flower now" she told him with a pout.
"Nope you need to complete it first with the mushroom since it's your primary power up here, then I'll think about giving you the flower" He said nodding towards the fire flower on the ground. With the toads supervision, they allowed Bowser to assist with the training. "Oh and you'll have to do it all again in heels and dress. What do you think the environment will give you a chance to change?" He added waving her back to the course with a laugh as she grumbled rubbing her arm.
This was the first of many instances throughout the years that had Toadsworth questioning the 'friendship' that the two had. Sometimes he would come in at the end of a conversation where Bowser would be giving her backhanded compliments. Peach, for the most part, would laugh it off and when Toadsworth addressed them about it, they would tell him it would better prepare her for conferences with other rulers and that they'd be more brutal in their deliveries. The elder toad could somewhat understand the point but that didn't mean he had to like it and he doubted it would be appropriate for an advisor to speak out of turn. Another thing about Bowser that started to grind his gears was just how egotistical he could be at times and how Peach would just brush it off. One particular day where the Koopa haggled a toad merchant to give him food for the simple fact that they would not have that specific item if it weren't for his connections. Outrage overtook him at first and then the thought that his behavior influenced their new Princess to act this way. 
When he shared this information with Peach, she assured him that she would handle his behavior and that his actions didn't mirror her own. He was shocked months later, she had come to him, telling him that the King had proposed to her and immediately interjected.
"Absolutely not, a brute like that is far from fit to rule by your side you will go to him at once-" Toadsworth all but commanded pacing back and forth in her private quarters. She spoke just loud enough to get through to the advisor before his blood pressure could raise any higher.
"I did reject it. I personally don't like him in that way enough to marry" She told him while brushing her hair at the vanity stand. Seeing him relax in the reflection of the mirror.
"Oh well, I will commend you for that decision. Your people will be most satisfied without having to answer to his orders." He nodded contently, taking a seat in his designated chair.
"Well to be honest I didn't have the Kingdom in mind when I said 'no'" she continued wiping off the day's makeup "I mean I know what you're going to say-" she added mouthing along as he started.
"When you become a Princess your people's well-being comes first." He recited as he's done time and again. "We will find you an appropriate suitor when the time is ready" clearing his throat.
"While I appreciate any advice you and the council share, I'm sure I can choose someone with great qualities" Peach told him while organizing her beauty supplies.
"Well my dear, choosing who you're friends and allies with is far different than choosing a romantic partner."  He cautiously said adjusting his glasses.
"Are you really on this again? You're acting like I accepted his proposal" she complained, raising her voice slightly. "He really is a good friend and I've talked to him. We wouldn't be where we are right now without his help." She stood and walked over to the bookcase and scanned it for an interesting pick.
"I understand that Princess but, now that you're in a leadership role you should really consider the company you keep around. Sometimes it's best to leave old friends in the past." Toadsworth offered, much to Peach's growing annoyance.
"Look Toadsworth, can we talk about this some other time? I already told you I rejected his proposal, He's been a huge help, and I'm old enough to make reasonable decisions. " She loaded onto with a roll of the eyes and then gave a soft sigh. "Look I'm sorry for the outburst but I want you guys to start trusting me, your Princess. This is what you guys trained me for remember?" She walked towards him and led the elder to the door.
"Very well, please do think about what I said and be ready tomorrow morning by 7am sharp we have a meeting in the grand hall" He reminded her. Peach nodded and added a few "okay" to let him know she was listening before closing the door with a goodnight.
Toadsworth had a hard time pinpointing when it became harder to have a conversation with Peach. Perhaps now being a Princess she was feeling the pressure while trying to explore her independence.  Was he crowding her too much? This advisor position was just as new to him as her role was to her. He wanted to do the job well and watch her prosper.  Maybe he should change his approach, give her more positive validation and give her advice to push her in the right direction when she comes for it. That's exactly what he did when she anxiously asked him a week later on how the people seemed to be faring as she hadn't been in contact with him.  Toadsworth for the most part was honest in his response, everyone was thriving but for some reason she didn't believe it.
This went on for a few more weeks at most and Toadsworth was honestly glad he hadn't seen Bowser around in a while. After the last discussion, Peach would never bring him up as a topic and Toadsworth never asked about him either. He was about to break their silent agreement by assuming the King was responsible for her prolonged anxiety. One day after finishing all her duties she excused herself and an hour later, she and Bowser were sipping tea together on the balcony. Later that night he did ask about things and she just brushed it off saying it was nothing too serious and they had worked it out. While unconvinced, he didn't press further and the days that followed she returned to the confident young leader she was taught to be. The next two years went by with little hiccups here and there but otherwise no problems especially when it came to interacting with other diplomats.
Meeting Prince Haru of the flower Kingdom had been a breath of fresh air not only for Toadsworth and the citizens but for Peach as well. Sure she kept Bowser around but the advisor could settle with that due to Haru's positive influence. When he saw the two of them together, his heart swelled with pride. The two were similar in their values,  mannerisms,  and morals which was perfect in his eyes. Though surprised at first, he quickly recovered when the gentleman asked for his blessings.  He would have liked for the two to be involved a little while longer but they were so happy together and he was sure his answer would be the same now as well as in the future. Peach had shown remarkable leadership skills as a Princess that she would make a fabulous Queen for both kingdoms.
Going as far as telling her such, days and even weeks into her engagement. Toadsworth thought that would bring her excitement for the future, but it seemed to make her more worried. He also assured Peach that they would still be there along with Haru to guide and teach her how to be an exceptional Queen.  Still she wore a look of uncertainty at his words as the big day grew closer. Two days till the scheduled day she had a breakdown insisting that she just wasn't ready and wanted to call it all off. That night was probably the first time in awhile the two reverted to the original days. Peach cried in his arms all through the night and once she calmed down enough, they spoke through everything.
They worked out the best way to let everyone know that things were canceled and that they appreciated all the efforts that went towards it so far. Peach later told him that Haru, while saddened, took it well and they mutually agreed to end their relationship but promised to be there for each other and their Kingdoms. After that the Princess spent months doing all she could to make the mushroom kingdom great on its own. Toadsworth thought there was another disagreement at the time but Peach told him she wanted to see what she could as a leader on her own without being tied to anyone.  Bowser still came to visit from time to time but they became less frequent as duties for both took priority. The most confident she had been in years, not only were her people proud of everything she was doing but her reputation spread to other kingdoms. One particular day, she took a visit to the Ice kingdom and the council had complete faith in her to handle the meeting on her own.
Toadsworth was in his private office finishing the final calculations of the Kingdoms finances when there was a knock at his door. That was unusual since everyone had gone home or returned to their private chambers within the castle for the evening. In fact, the only reason he was still up other than putting in some overtime was to wait and greet the Princess when she returned. Thinking that it was her, he opened the door to reveal the Koopa King at this late hour. Shocked, he told him the Princess wasn't available for an audience especially at this time of night and that he could return tomorrow at a more convenient time. He gave no chance for him to respond, starting to close the door before it was abruptly held open in its place by Bowser's large palm. The King requested a conversation with the elder toad and although he was hesitant he allowed him to enter leaving the door slightly ajar and sit in the chair in front of his desk.
"Absolutely not. The Princess is not looking for any commitments at the moment and you would be the last on the list of candidates if I have any say." Toadsworth sternly slammed his fist on the table after the King told him that he would be marrying Peach.
"That wasn't me asking for your permission, gramps." Bowser responded coldly with a low menacing laugh.
"Over my dead body will you force the Princess to do anything against her will." He growled and glared unafraid at the King three times his size. "Get out now!" He demanded, pointing at the door.
"If that's all it takes" he started standing up slowly with an evil chuckle. Slamming a fist in the desk breaking it in half. 
With little reaction time Toadsworth was able to push the rolling chair he was seated in away from the intended area of impact. He wasn't quite lucky with what came next as Bowser retracted into his shell spinning around and towards him. The force knocked the mushroom back into the wall. Before he lost consciousness,  he faintly saw the King standing over him claws up ready to finish the job and heard the sound of a glass breaking along with Peaches scream. 
The moment he awoke he was met with the white ceiling and the steady beeps coming from the monitor. Slowly he turned his head on the pillow and was met with the sleeping form of the Princess at the desk facing towards him. Head in her arms he saw that even with her eyes closed, her eyebrows were furrowed with worry and that her cheeks were stained with a streak of dried tears. A yawn he didn't know he was holding in was what caused the Princess to abruptly wake up. It took her a moment to take in her surroundings before she faced him, water filled her eyes for the few moments they held eye contact with each other.
"Toadsworth" she cried out moving first causing the chair she was sitting in to fall on the floor as she quickly jumped up. "You're ok. I thought, I thought you were" Peach started, arms wrapped around the man, hiccuping a bit as she started to cry, not daring to finish the sentence.
"I'm not going anywhere as long as you need me my Princess" Toadsworth promised her, wrapping his arms around her and combining his hands through her hair in comfort.
"Then you'll surely live forever cause I'm always going to need you" She tightened her arms more around him more but not enough to cause him any discomfort. 
Like her duties, Peach made it a priority to visit Toadsworth room every time she had a break until he was fit enough to be released. He had tried to ask her what had gone down between her and Bowser that night and she insisted that he not worry about it and focus on recovering. Peach told him once he was back in good health, she would tell him everything. So now, here they were in Toadsworth private quarters, both of them sitting beside each other on his bed. 
"After I restrained him with the Ice flower I bought back, I grabbed the halberd from one of the toad guards that came." She paused hands twitching a bit. He put his hand atop of hers and the action immediately ceased. "I was going to end him right then, I didn't care if his people would retaliate...in that moment I promised to fight them with all I had for my people" Peach told him staring at the floor, she closed her eyes and sniffled. "But I couldn't do it." Unsuccessfully she let tears fall.
"You're ok," he told her, rubbing her hand. It took about five minutes before she calmed herself down. "What happened next?" he urged her to continue.
"He mocked me for not being able to go through with it and proposed to me again. Said that as his wife he'd show me how to follow through with the action." Peach now had her hands clenched in fists. "I told him, I wouldn't marry him if he had the most powerful weapon in the world" she finished. 
Toadsworth only hummed in response. Knowing how determined that guy could be, he wouldn't put it past him to do just that. The advisor took a mental note to do some research on other powerups and if he found something of interest to bring it up with the council at a future meeting. He looked at the Princess as she once again started talking.
"I told him that I no longer wish to have an alliance with him and he said, If you'd rather be an enemy than an ally, then I'll make ruling impossible" she said his statement a shudder and it sent a shiver down his spine.  Another note to come up with solutions to up the security around the entire Kingdom. "Then he called for Kamek, who appeared and poofed them both out of there. We all ran over to you, a couple of guards went to wake up the medics and we took you to the infirmary" with that statement her story was finished and she looked him in the eyes. "I should have listened to you over the years. I'm sorry that it took him attacking and almost killing you to realize that." She removed her hands from under his and leaned down to hug him.
"Of course I forgive you my dear, you have a good heart and that makes you a great leader. This is something you'll grow from" He returned the hug and they stayed like that for a while.
It had been a quiet five years since the encounter. They put many precautions in place starting with blocking the pipe to the darklands. No one was able to go in and nothing was able to come out. They relied on communications with allies that were still in contact with the darklands to know about their movements. Currently it looked as though his army was searching for something as they kept going back and forth to different worlds. With all the research they still weren't able to pinpoint what exactly as they crossed out everything they came across due to its rarity. Toadsworth was approaching his 50th birthday and as luck would have it he won a sweepstakes to the beautiful isles of delfino.
He hadn't taken a vacation in forever and everyone including the Princess insisted that he deserved it with all the work he put in on the daily. With all the encouragement around he decided to take it, Buying his plane ticket and Packing his bags. It came to the day of his departure and as he was heading down the corridor he was approached by the Princess, who had just finished up with everything for the day.
"Oh is it that time for you to leave already?" She phrased it as more of a statement than a question. "Um well I hope you have a good time. I'll do my best to make sure everything stays in place while you're away" Peach told him, feigning confidence. He smiled and walked toward her holding onto her hand.
"I know you'll be able to do it Princess. We will figure out what he's planning and make sure everyone is protected." He promised, squeezing her hand.
"Right. I'll try to keep you updated with the letters. Stay safe and have a nice time. I'll miss you." She squeezed his hand back and leaned down to kiss the top of his head. Thinking about it for a moment she then bent down all the way and gave him one final hug.
"A month will be over before you know it my dear. You can do it, we're all here for you" He hugged her back and she nodded against him.
A day later, a council member came bursting into the throne room telling everyone the Ice kingdom had fallen.
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