#Arcana Famiglia Imagines
perplexedflower · 1 year
Debito Fluff Alphabet - [Z]eal
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Fandom: La storia della Arcana Famiglia.
Category: F/M.
Relationship: Debito x Female Reader.
Type: Fluff Alphabet.
Z) Zeal: What he is willing to do for the relationship/the lines he is willing to cross.
Debito isn't necessarily a very zealous person in his day-to-day life and only gets passionate about very few specific things; the rest of the time, he's relatively laid-back. But when it comes to those very few specific things, those things he strongly cares about, he's willing to go to great lengths, especially if they involve his morals and the things he stands for. This is something you've had the chance to witness, as Debito's partner: ever since the first day you two got together, it was very obvious to you that he would be ready to do anything for you, no matter what it would ensue. In fact, he made this clear to you by letting you know directly that he loved you too much to let anything bad happen to you, and that he'd always be there for you, for whichever reason you may need him. Financially speaking, he's willing to spend a considerable amount of money for you, which you've always been highly grateful for, although you know this is in no way something that bothers him: as the head of the Coins division and the man in charge of money circulation for not only the Family but the entirety of Regalo as well, you're well-aware that his lifestyle is highly comfortable on a financial level, and that he can afford all of the things he's ever willing to get you. Debito is willing to cross more than just a couple of lines for you, even if it involves breaking the law; you know of this, as you've gotten to see this side of him before, and every time it's happened, a part of you quivered. You know, just as well as he knows himself that his emotions can take over him under certain circumstances, especially if he's got pent-up anger. It's no secret to anyone he's sworn to kill Jolly in the past for all the things he's done to him, and it's no secret to you he would be willing to go as far as hurting or even killing others for your sake, to protect you to the extreme.
Mini Scene
"Keep quiet, pretty face."
"Let her go, you bastard!"
Debito and I had been on our respective ways to work when the unexpected happened: a man ran toward us, visibly a criminal, followed by a few members of the Swords division, chasing after him. But when he came across us, when he noticed I was a member of the Family, he saw an occasion and took it. Before I even knew it, he had jumped on me and had taken me hostage, keeping me as leverage.
And here I was, held still by this man, a dagger against my side, piercing deeper inside my skin every time he grew angrier.
"Wait... I know you." He exclaimed at Debito. "Yeah, you're that kid who runs Isis Regalo, eh?"
Debito had one of his twin pistols pointed at the man's head, ready to shoot at any second, a look of fury on his face.
"I've lost a lot of money because of your stupid casino, you know?" He said angrily. "So, while we're here, and since you seem to care for the lady, why don't we add some of your money to the deal?"
"The only thing I'll be giving you is a bullet to the head, asshole!" Debito shouted.
But he could not shoot: although the man was a criminal and needed to be neutralized, it would have been wrong to kill him, he had to be arrested alive.
Debito's threat made the man dive his dagger deeper into my skin; until the pain suddenly stopped altogether.
In the blink of an eye, he was thrown face-first onto the ground in a strong blast. When I turned around, I saw Pace standing behind me, his fist glowing with his stigmata and an upset expression on his face.
"Good thing I happened to pass by..." He said as he stared down at the unconscious man. "Are you okay, [Y/N]?"
"Y-Yes, thank you so much, Pace." I replied with a shaky breath.
Debito came running to me, his pistol still in hand, and held me tight in his embrace.
"I know you really wanted to make this man pay, Debito." I softly said against his skin. "But I'm glad you didn't. I don't want you to shed any more blood for me."
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solartranslations · 8 months
AF2 Arcana Academia: Debito
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Debito: [Now that La Primavera is over, spring brings more new changes to Regalo]
Debito: [Arcana Academia]
Debito: [Sparked by the lord’s plan to turn the island into a center for learning, Arcana Famiglia aims to establish a school]
Debito: [With a goal to promote learning among the citizens]
Debito: [Today, everyone in the Family is once again busily fulfilling their young Donna’s wishes]
~*Scene: Hallway*~
Debito: Ugh…what a pain…
Debito: [Bambina’s the one who made this request, so I have to take it seriously. But…]
Debito: [Being by the book really isn’t my thing]
Debito: Well, I can’t say no since she asked so nicely
~*Flashback: Coins’ Waiting Room*~
Debito: An economics class?
Felicita: Yeah. It was our most popular request
Felicita: And I think you’re the only one in the Family who could teach that
Debito: I guess I am the most qualified, being the Executive of the Coins and all
Debito: Sure, I’ll do it. But, on one condition
Felicita: What?
Debito: Ask me again, but call me “professor” when you do
Felicita: Huh…!?
Debito: Pretty simple, right?
Felicita: …
Debito: If you’re embarrassed, you can whisper it in my ear so nobody else will hear it
Felicita: ……
Felicita: ………
Debito: Oh, is that a no?
>…You’re so mean
>That’s not fair
Debito: How so? It’s all good fun
Debito: It’s just a little something to morivate me… Not a bad deal, right?
Debito: Unfair? How so?
Felicita: You won’t do it if I say no, right?
Felicita: Which means I have to…so it’s not fair
Debito: You really don’t want to? But it’ll make me happy
Debito: What’s so bad about being unfair?
Felicita: Please…Debito
Debito: No “Professor”?
Felicita: …Please, Professor
Debito: Haha, if you ask like that, then it suddenly doesn’t feel like a pain
Felicita: …
Debito: What’re you embarrassed about, Felicita?
>Stop staring at me
>I’m not embarrassed
Debito: Now you’re getting even more embarrassed?
Felicita: Why are you so sure I’m embarrassed…
Debito: Am I wrong?
Felicita: Very!
Debito: Oh? But then, why’s your adorable face all red?
Felicita: …That’s just because I’m angry
Debito: Whatever could have made you angry?
Felicita: Forget it…!
~*End Flashback*~
Debito: *chuckle*…
Pace: What are you smirking for, Debito?
Debito: Huh? I wouldn’t do something that lame
Pace: Uh, you totally were though
Debito: You’re imagining it
Pace: No way. My eyes don’t lie!
Debito: Sure your glasses weren’t fogged up? Or did you just lose it after agreeing to teach?
Pace: I have not!
Debito: Wait, don’t you have class?
Pace: Oh, right! I don’t have time to waste with you!
Pace: See you, Debito. Keep the smirking in the hall to a minimum!
Debito: I said I wasn’t! Just get lost!
Debito: Ugh, what’s with him
Felicita: …
Debito: Oh…Bambina…
~*Scene: Bedroom*~
Felicita: !?
Debito: Oh, put those down. This is a school, right?
Felicita: Debito!? …You’re the one who suddenly pulled me
Debito: Really? Guess you’d pull your knives out if any other student did this
Felicita: That, might be true…
Debito: Well, that’s comforting in a way
Felicita: What’s that mean…?
Debito: Anyway, I have a favor to ask you, Bambina
Debito: Won’t you give me a reward for teaching my classes properly?
>Where’s this coming from?
>What kind of reward?
Debito: Is it a surprise? …For once, I’m actually working hard to fulfill your request
Debito: You can give me a little something
Debito: Can’t you…?
Debito: Hm? You’re being awfully agreeable. So you’ll give me what I want?
Felicita: I know you’ve been working hard, so I want to do what I can
Debito: Huh… Are you sure about that?
Felicita: Thanks for teaching so much to the students
Felicita: They’re all really happy
Debito: But you’re the only one I want to make happy
Debito: Bambina, do you enjoy my classes?
Felicita: Yeah
Debito: Then, how about I give you a special lesson?
Felicita: Special lesson?
Debito: Yeah. One just for you. I’ll teach you everything there is to know about amore
Debito: Of course, I’d teach you that outside of class too
Felicita: I don’t really need that
Debito: Don’t say that. There’s tons that I want you to teach me
Debito: Oh, for instance…what you really think of me
Felicita: …Are you teasing me again?
Debito: Then, what do you need to be able to take my feelings for you seriously?
Felicita: Huh…?
Debito: Classes are a pain, so I wouldn’t teach them if you didn’t ask me to
Debito: If you hadn’t asked me, I wouldn’t be taking it as well as I am
Debito: Bambina…I love you
Debito: Not as Donna, but as a woman
Debito: So much that I have childish thoughts, like wanting you to only think about me
Felicita: D-Debito, you’re too close…
Debito: I’m not. In fact, this is still too far away
Debito: So, Bambina. Stop leading me on already
Debito: How can I make you understand? I’m saying all this but you still don’t believe me
Debito: If words won’t convey it, can I show you some other way…?
Felicita: Debito, just tell me. We can talk, so give me some space…!
Debito: I won’t
Debito: The woman I love is right in front of me, so how could I walk away?
Debito: Especially when you’re looking right back at me
Debito: I could never walk away…
Felicita: …
Debito: Come on, Bambina, talk to me. If you don’t, I might just end up kissing you
Felicita: You wouldn’t do that
Debito: …Why are you so sure?
Felicita: Because you wouldn’t do anything I didn’t like
Debito: …Hmph, I really can’t fool you, Bambina
Debito: But you won’t be able to placate me with that forever
Debito: What’s truly unfair is how my infatuation with you is one-sided
Debito: *kiss*
Debito: It’ll just be the forhead today. But next time…well, I hope you’ll have figured out your feelings by then
Debito: The only thing I want is you
Felicita: …Okay, what do you want?
Debito: Hmm. Well, first…
Luca: Ojou-sama! Ojou-sama!
Debito: Huh?
Luca: Pace, are you sure you saw Ojou-sama here?
Pace: Yeah. She said you called for her. This is the spot
Luca: I see. Then where did she go?
Debito: Bambina, were you waiting for Luca?
Felicita: Yeah
Debito: …I guess giving up while I’m ahead is the best option here…
Pace: Maybe she’s in one of the classrooms over there?
Luca: But we agreed to meet here. Why would she go in there?
Pace: I dunno. Oh, maybe…
Luca: What?
Pace: I remember! I saw Debito near here with a smirk on his face!
Luca: Debito…with a smirk on his face?
Debito: Damn it, Pace! I told you I wasn’t smirking!
Pace: Ah, there he is! And Ojou, too… So she was with Debito
Luca: Debito…?
Debito: Guh!
Luca: What were you doing in there alone with Ojou-sama?
Debito: Nothing. Right, Bambina?
Felicita: Yeah. We were just talking
Luca: Talking about what?
Felicita: He wanted a reward for working so hard…
Pace: Ooh, a reward! I want one from you too, Ojou!
Luca: A reward? While alone? How very interesting. Could you tell me more about that, Debito?
Debito: It’s nothing you need to hear, Luca-chan…yet, anyway
Luca: Did you just say “yet”? What does “yet” refer to!?
Debito: Ah, shut up! Can’t I at least have a reward!
Pace: I want one too!
Luca: Well, of course I would also like one!!
Debito: Huh!? You want one too!?
Luca: Isn’t that obvious!
~*Scene: Bedroom*~
Pace: Anyway, Ojou. Could you give us a kiss for all our hard work…?
Debito: No way!
Luca: You can’t be serious!
Felicita: …*sigh*
~*End of Scene*~
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otomes-world · 2 years
Love otome games but a lot don’t write for certain one like Hakuoki, Alice in the Country of Hearts, amnesia,brothers conflict and dandelions sadly but diabolical lovers is going good do you have a favorite guy?? And if I could ask what kind of yandere do u think each brother would be (ex manipulative, obsessive, possessive) ? Sorry this was so long 😅
Oh! I knew this ones! I started with brocon xd For otome games (which you mentioned) I prefer Alice, my favorite part is Joker. I don't know why, maybe because of lore or maybe I just liked idea that there was world where everyone existing. Also, I simply like Pierce, this cute mouse. I as anyone I think started from Blood, but after some time I was gravitating toward Peter and later Sydney. So, I think you can request this fandoms, except, maybe hakuoki and dendelion. I don't know characters so well compared to same amnesia and so on.
For, dia brothers.. I think Ayato would be possessive. He wasn't able to play freely 'cause of Cordelia, so I think he would like idea to 'have' something or someone only for himself.
Raito/Light in other side would be obsessive. He prefer to think that love=passion, so then mc would try to change his mind, he would be interested.
Reiji is manipulative. Should I really explain why?..
Shu... he's kinda tricky. I think he could be manipulative, but at the same time he would just ignore mc. He would not care much for suddenly appeared human. Just don't irritate him or show yourself in from of him and everything would be okay.
Kanato is manipulator. He's the most annoying to have around. You know Floid, right? Imagine him and double, triple it. If you would not lost your hearing or so much blood at the end of the day, you could already consider yourself as lucky.
Subaru.. I had liked him, but then I saw Mukami brothers and my sympathy said goodbye to him. If serious he could be both possesive and obsessive. Crysta was.. not very good mother, and I completely understand her. Her own brother had interesting hobbies. So, then mc show him even scratch of affection he would take it.
You didn't ask, but Ruki my god how i love his voice- is very intelligent, and very loyal too. I think he would be mix of all three.
Yuma's case similar to Subaru, I won't dig to deeply.
Azusa is masochistic, he thinks that pain=love. Sound similar too? Year, it's Raito's case.
Kou is star, idol. He already have everything he could ever ask, even if he's not he could always take it from fans. So, firstly I think he could have Raito's traits, however at the same time he would denied it and in the end would grow possesive too.
If you have any themes you'd like to chat I will be happy to answer! For sure I can say I don't know much about Nightshade, Steam prison, Code realize, MyssMess, Arcana famiglia, priore bashou.. -it's all that i remembered- mostly all old ones I know pretty well.
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Rules and current anime masterlist
• All right guys here’s the deal: there’s three admins, one of whom probably won’t be very active from what we’ve heard is behind-the-scenes. The other two should be pretty active with replies, but we’ll also need time to write them out (which usually takes an hour or two at the least), and to run them by each other and verify that they’re suitable to post.
• The admins will post for Scenarios/imagines, headcanons, match-ups, and character reactions GIFs. Who is willing to do what is as follows:
   - Ray will answer for SFW scenarios, any headcanons (NSFW and SFW), match-ups, and character reaction GIFs. Ray will not answer anything involving abuse (which means Maggs is the only one answering Diabolik Lovers).
• Edit: Maggs will not answer abuse asks, but she will answer BSDM. I am very against actual abuse, but in knowledge that it can be a consentual scenario at times I figured I needed to clarify. BDSM does not equate to abuse.
   - Maggs will reply for all scenarios (NSFW and SFW), any headcanons (NSFW and SFW), match-ups, and character reaction GIFs.
   - Ash will answer any requests for aesthetics/moodboards, and any imagines that she is able to do. (I’m more behind-the-scenes, but I’m here!).
• Whether we close the askbox for requests or not, you’re always welcome to just drop in and talk to us. We don’t bite! Maggs claims to be Trash Queen--(please fight her for this title I’m sick of hearing about it) and Ray is a little awkward, but we’re pretty nice.
• Please try to be respectful! It may not seem like it from the other side of a computer, but the admins are only human. We can only answer requests so quickly and we don’t appreciate or tolerate hate messages--anon or no. Should we receive hate mail, it will just be deleted or reported.
• Edit: While we don’t accept hate, we do accept constructive criticism. We’re writers; we need to learn from our mistakes. But there’s a fine line between hating and helping. If your ask is not ill-intentioned, it should be fairly obvious.
When we made our first post, we mentioned the animes we’ll write for. Currently, we can’t write for all of those (we haven’t gotten far enough in to do so), so here are the animes we know enough about right now (and the admins that will write for them right now):
• Arcana Famiglia (Ray, Maggs)
• Sword Art Online (Maggs)
• Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon (Maggs)
• Brothers Conflict (Ray and Maggs)
• Uta No Prince Sama (Ray and Maggs[Maggs especially])
• Ouran High School Host Club (Ray and Maggs[Maggs especially])
• Alice in the Country of Hearts (Ray and Maggs[Ray especially])
• Amnesia (Ray)
• Diabolik Lovers (Maggs - Ash is working on watching this!!)
• Phantasy Star Online 2:The Animation (Maggs)
• Mikagura School Suite (Ray and Maggs)
• Yona of the Dawn (Ray and Maggs)
• Inu x Boku:SS (Ray)
• Kamigami No Asobi (Ray and Maggs)
• Mystic Messenger(Ray and Maggs)
• Fire Emblem:Awakening(Ray and Maggs)
• Fire Emblem Fates:Conquest(Ray and Maggs)
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perplexedflower · 1 year
Debito Fluff Alphabet - [Y]earning
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Fandom: La storia della Arcana Famiglia.
Category: F/M.
Relationship: Debito x Female Reader.
Type: Fluff Alphabet.
Y) Yearning: How he copes when missing you.
Debito is not the kind of man to heavily miss things or people, although there are things he would have trouble living without on a daily basis. But when it comes to individuals, it is no hard task for him to get through the days without being around certain people, without missing them too much. This is also something that applies to you, and something that you've come to notice over time: while Luca could not survive even 24 hours without seeing Felicità, Debito has no trouble not seeing you for a day, though it doesn't mean it won't make him even just a little sad. Whenever the two of you have to part ways for a certain period of time, which, granted, very rarely happens anyway, you know that he's got his yearning under control, and that he's got his tricks and methods to deal with it. These include thinking of you in detail, reminding himself of the last time you and he spent time together, reminiscing about your voice, your smell, your body, and you can be sure that he also thinks ahead of time of what your reunion will be like, the things he'll do with you and the places he'll take you to once you come back to each other. When recalling all these things, Debito never thinks of the bad times, the bad moments, the bad things that you two have gone through, and instead will focus on the positive, on the good memories. You also know that whenever you're not around him for some time, he won't hesitate to talk about you to other people, just to make it seem as though you're there, with him, a way to maintain your presence by his side, until you come back to him, or that he comes back to you. It's rare for the two of you to get separated from each other, mainly because both of you are part of the Family, and so you see each other every day; but you're aware that during those rare times, when one of you has to leave the other for some time, he'll manage to cope just fine without you, waiting to see you again.
Mini Scene
"You're sure you're going to be okay without me?"
"For the third time, amore, yes."
"Alright... I just wanted to make sure." I said with a gentle smile and a chuckle as I slowly nodded.
Debito and I were in his bedroom, halfway through the morning, the two of us lying on his bed. While he was resting on his stomach, shirtless, I was sitting on his lower back, passionately rubbing his back with my hands, massaging it up and down.
"... I just don't want to see you running back to me with tears in your eye when you come back." I continued with a playful scoff.
"Hey, Bambina, you know I won't." He claimed in an assertive tone, as if to maintain his image.
Later that day, Debito would have to leave the Family and the manor for a short period of time, just a few days, but it was the first time he and I would be away from each other for so long, although his trip would not even make him leave the island, simply taking him to its other side. I knew I had nothing to worry about, I knew he would not have trouble coping with missing me, but I could not help but tease him; and, deep down, imagining him missing my presence around him felt satisfying, comforting, even.
"I can always come with you, if you really want me to." I added as I leaned closer against his naked back.
"Love, you know you-"
"I know I can't, yes." I cut him off with a smile. "It's essential for me to stay here, for the Family and my division, yada yada..."
With the palm of my hands still pressing the skin of his back, Debito suddenly and silently turned around, flipping his body around underneath mine. Now sitting over his crotch, his bare chest facing me, he grabbed my sides and dragged me down on him, until our faces were only inches apart from one another.
"Hey, Bambina, are you maybe saying all this because you're the one who's gonna miss me?" He asked me with a teasing smile, his head slightly tilted.
He scoffed upon seeing my red cheeks and shy pout, then kissed my lips with passion.
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perplexedflower · 1 year
Debito Fluff Alphabet - [X]OXO
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Fandom: La storia della Arcana Famiglia.
Category: F/M.
Relationship: Debito x Female Reader.
Type: Fluff Alphabet.
X) XOXO: How affectionate he is/how much he likes to kiss and cuddle.
On a daily basis, how affectionate Debito is varies, as it depends on multiple factors; but, most of the time, under most circumstances, he will be relatively neutral. It's not often that he displays signs of affection to others, even less so expresses them verbally and in an honest manner. Now, this doesn't mean he's cold-hearted: in his eyes, showing affection for others, especially when done too often is a sign of weakness, hence why he minimizes it, except when he's confident enough to do it, after having been eased into a sense of security. This mostly happens whenever someone shows him affection first, expressing it one way or another, which will then lead him to feel more confident sharing his own affection, in which case he won't mind doing so. And one person he especially doesn't mind showing affection for is you: as his partner, Debito never thinks twice before displaying all his affection to you, whether in public or in private. He cares little for what others think when it comes to you because all that matters to him is for you to know how much he loves you. When he's with you, it's very clear he's got all the affection in the world, stored in his heart, destined specially for you. Debito loves to kiss, just as much as he loves to cuddle, though you receive more kisses than cuddles from him in your day-to-day life, but that's only because he minds kissing you in public much less than cuddling you: he won't mind the two of you sitting next to each other, shoulder to shoulder, his arm around your body, and you leaning close to him, but it rarely goes beyond that. He rather prefers keeping the cuddles for when the two of you are alone with one another, messily lying together on his bed, no matter the time of day, and this is when you truly get to see how affectionate he is. In those moments that you treasure, you can never help but smile at how adorable Debito is with you.
Mini Scene
"Woaah, Libertà!" Felicità exclaimed in the distance. "This one is huge!"
"Hehe, impressive, right Princess?" Libertà said with a proud smile.
"M-Milady!" Luca cried out as he launched himself at Felicità. "Is fishing this impressive? Should I learn to fish as well?"
Looking at the three of them from where I was sitting, I giggled with a smile as I snuggled closer to Debito.
That day, all of us were on the sea, on a boat under the guidance of Dante and Libertà; work had taken a toll on all the divisions, on all of us, so we took this time to let go and unwind.
While Dante was busy navigating the boat in the captain's cabin, Libertà was showing Felicità how to fish, under the wary eye of Luca. Pace had gotten hungry pretty early on, so he sat down at a table to eat and was soon joined by Debito and me, then Nova, who mostly kept quiet.
I felt the sea breeze brush against my skin and closed my eyes as I took a deep breath in, enjoying the moment fully. Then, I suddenly felt two tender lips kiss my cheek, which made me open my eyes to Debito, a smile on his face. I smiled back at him before I kissed his lips in return, which I knew was what he was needy for.
"Do you like it out here, amore?" He asked me with a gleam in his eye.
"I really do, the sea is so calm and soothing." I replied with a bright smile. "It almost makes me want to take a nap..."
Out of instinct, I leaned yet even closer against him, until my body was fully pressed against his, forcing him into somewhat of a lying position; and by the way his body twitched just slightly the second I began to lie down on him, I could tell Debito was feeling hesitant.
"Hey, Bambina..."
"I know, you don't like cuddling too much in public." I cut him off before he could add anything else. "But you've got no issue kissing me plenty in public, so what's the big deal?"
With a hint of pink on his cheeks, he glanced at Pace and Nova, his usual smile vanishing into a pout.
"It's not the same thing, amore..."
0 notes
perplexedflower · 1 year
Debito Fluff Alphabet - [W]ild Card
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Fandom: La storia della Arcana Famiglia.
Category: F/M.
Relationship: Debito x Female Reader.
Type: Fluff Alphabet.
W) Wild Card: Pick a random fluff headcanon.
There are certain things in life that matter a lot to Debito, things that he cherishes every day, things he cannot live without, things that have become so essential to him, it seems they were invented specifically for him: and alcohol is one of these things. It's absolutely no secret to anyone that he loves alcohol, of all kinds, and highly enjoys drinking on a daily basis. Now, this doesn't make him an alcoholic nonetheless, primarily because he never drinks for the sole purpose of getting drunk, but simply because he genuinely has a taste for it, appreciating it on a flavor aspect. And, frankly, he's able to hold his liquor quite well, which rarely leads him to become drunk, anyway; speaking from personal experience, you know it takes many rounds for him to grow intoxicated, which is a side of him you have only very rarely seen. Although he enjoys alcohol as an entire concept, his favorite kind is wine, specifically red wine, and that's also not a fact unknown to others; especially not you. Drinking is not an issue for you, given you're of age to consume alcohol, and it has never been something you've disliked or found unpleasant. However, before you started dating Debito, you had never really had a particular taste for alcohol of any kind, and you would drink only on few occasions, under certain circumstances, and around certain people: but since you've become his partner, you've grown quite knowledgeable on everything alcohol-related, especially when it regards wine. Every so often, it happens that he will make you try certain bottles, making you more acquainted with the various tastes and flavors that exist. It is more than safe to assume that your consumption of alcohol and alcoholic beverages has gone up since your relationship with him started, but even nowadays, you never drink to excess, and you're quite delighted to see Debito introduce you to something he loves, sharing his knowledge with you.
Mini Scene
"Will that be all for you, Miss?"
"Yes, thank you. Oh, but before you go, could I please have the wine list, if you have it on you?"
"Of course. Here you go."
With a kind smile, the waiter leaned in front of me and handed me the menu of all the wines the restaurant had to offer, and I grabbed it with a smile of my own.
"Thank you." I told him with a slight bow of the head before he left our table.
I was just about to open the wine list and take a look at which bottle I would taste-test, when I noticed Luca and Pace were staring at me with expressions of surprise, their eyes fixed on the menu in my hands.
"... What's up with you two?" I asked them with a scoff.
"I've never seen you ask for the wine list before." Pace said with his head slightly tilted.
"When have you started taking an interest in alcohol?" Luca asked with legitimate curiosity.
"When I started dating him." I answered with a gesture of the head at Debito while I chuckled.
Sitting right next to me, Debito smiled at all of us, a smile that exuded pride.
"Bambina's a bit of an expert on wines, now." He declared as he passed an arm around my shoulders, pulling me closer to him.
"To be honest, this is the first time I'm ordering a bottle on my own." I told Luca and Pace. "Up until now, it's always been Debito who'd buy one for the two of us, mainly for him but also for me to try some of it."
"So, what makes today a different occasion?" Luca asked us.
"Well, last time we ate out together, I realized the reason why Bambina never bought wine herself is that she knew I'd pay for it if she used the excuse of tasting it from my glass." Debito said with a playful smile as he started to pinch my sides. "Isn't that right, amore mio?"
Shameful, I opened the wine list fully and placed it in front of me, bringing it up to my face to hide my blush; fighting through Debito's hands tickling my waist, I cleared my throat with an embarrassed smile.
"So, hum... what bottle would you guys like to try out?"
0 notes
perplexedflower · 1 year
Debito Fluff Alphabet - [V]alue
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Fandom: La storia della Arcana Famiglia.
Category: F/M.
Relationship: Debito x Female Reader.
Type: Fluff Alphabet.
V) Value: How important the relationship is to him/what its worth is in comparison to other things in his life.
For Debito, most things in life are games, and he approaches them with this particular mindset: he's got one goal, one purpose, one ideal for which he's aiming, for which he thrives, and everything else around him comes second. Now, this doesn't mean he never takes anything seriously, but it does mean he won't consider certain things as important in comparison to others, and so he's most likely not to put much interest into them, except if he absolutely needs to. He enjoys taking most things lightly, not pressuring himself too much and simply having a good time with them. However, one thing that has become important in Debito's life and grown quite significant in his eyes is his relationship with you: since the two of you have gotten together, he's made it a point that you mean a lot to him, just as much as the couple you form, and he'd do anything to keep it going, to keep you from ever stop loving him. Despite what some people may assume of him, he's in no way ashamed of claiming to people how important you are to him, which always warms your heart and makes you feel loved. You're grateful for him regarding your relationship as such an important part of his life, and there's no doubt you see it the exact same way. Debito may be young, but his life is already quite full, leading him to have to handle many things at once, whether it be his role in the Family, his work at Isis Regalo, his business in money management, or even his own personal matters; and now, he's also got you. At first, when you first started dating him, you learned of how busy his lifestyle was already, and despite how confident he seems and how laid back he is when handling it all, you couldn't help but feel guilty to add even more onto his plate. Nowadays, you look back on it and laugh, knowing he sees you and your couple as one of the most important things in his life.
Mini Scene
"... Debito, how important am I to you?"
My impromptu question almost made Debito choke on the sip of red wine he was drinking, which he managed to swallow nonetheless, after which he turned to me with his glass still in hand.
"Where's that coming from, Bambina?" He asked me with a curious expression and an ounce of worry in his voice.
While Debito was sitting on his teal-colored velvet armchair, sipping wine from one of the many bottles he kept in his room, I was lying on his bed, on my stomach, facing him with my head resting on the palms of my hands.
"Luca." I told him as I watched him bring his glass back up to his lips. "We were having a chat the other day, and we eventually came to talk about you and I, our relationship, and since he's older, he's got more experience with relationships of all kinds, so I left our conversation with good life lessons."
"You and Luca talk about stuff like that?" He rhetorically asked me with a playful smile.
His smile further widened as he stared at me, seemingly scanning my body up and down.
"Well, Bambina, I have to admit that when I see you like this, lying on my bed, you feel really important to me..." He said in a teasing tone as he set his glass down on the table in front of him.
"Debito, I'm serious..." I told him with a scoff I could not suppress, betrayed by my bashfulness.
With a low chuckle and a smile still as playful, he got up from his armchair and took just a few steps toward the bed, toward me: in an elegant movement, he joined me on the bed, lying his body next to mine as he stared deeply into my eyes, one of his gloved hands brushing my hair while the other cupped my face gently.
"You mean the world to me, amore." He said in a much more intense, much more passionate tone of voice. "I don't know exactly what you and Luca talked about that day, but you don't need to worry about a thing: you're extremely important to me, more important than most of the things I have, and that won't ever change."
0 notes
perplexedflower · 1 year
Debito Fluff Alphabet - [U]nderstanding
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Fandom: La storia della Arcana Famiglia.
Category: F/M.
Relationship: Debito x Female Reader.
Type: Fluff Alphabet.
U) Understanding: How well he knows you/how empathetic he is.
Generally speaking, Debito is a rather understanding person, although, like most things with him, it can sometimes depend on who he is being understanding towards and for what reason; but, in most cases, he shows to be quite empathetic with those around him, even those he doesn't know quite well, or even with complete strangers. If anything, he's somewhat more empathetic toward individuals he doesn't know personally than with people he's close to, but this is only because his demeanor changes over time as he gets to know people better. Additionally, he is very perceptive and has never had any issue reading people easily, which further helps him understand others. Aside from himself, the second person Debito knows best is you: he could be questioned by other people about various facts related to you, the things you like and dislike, the way your mind and body work, and he would give correct answers to every question. As your partner, he spends a lot of his time with you, on a daily basis, and this has helped him grow more and more understanding toward you. Of course, even without all this time spent around you, he'd still be able to get to know you well, just by observing you, but the quality time you share with one another is essential for the two of you to know each other in detail, to learn about all the facets of your personalities. There may or may not be certain sides of yourself you've never shown him, sides you've never let him see, but everything else about you is familiar to him. It's safe to assume he knows you better than you know him, given his somewhat unpredictable personality and behavior, but you're glad that he does: thanks to how close you two are, Debito is able to show you a lot of empathy, whenever you need it, whatever it is you are going through. In most instances, he will listen to you, share your feelings, relate to them, and help you feel better as best as he can.
Mini Scene
I walked the streets of Regalo with a heavy step, as heavy as I paced through the hallways of the Family manor once I arrived there.
Since it was early in the evening, I feared I would cross paths with many other family members, as the manor was especially animated at this time of day, given it was the time at which most of us got back home from work. But, fortunately enough for me, I did not come across anyone else as I walked to my room, which was for the best: I was in no mood to have social interactions with anyone at that moment.
I entered my bedroom then closed the door behind me, somewhat loudly, before I made my way to my bed. In silence but with heavy exhales, I let my body fall on the mattress, sitting on the edge of the bed as I closed my eyes.
Some time later, three gentle knocks echoed against my door, after which it slowly opened: Debito entered my room, one hand buried into his pocket, a pensive expression on his face.
"... I take it something bad happened at work today?" He asked in a soft voice as he walked to me.
I was no longer sitting on my bed and was now lying down on top of the sheets, and Debito looked down at me while he approached the bed.
"Yeah..." I let out quietly.
"Do you wanna talk about it, amore mio?" He offered as he sat down next to me.
"It's alright... don't worry." I replied, looking away from him.
I may have sounded harsh, but I knew Debito would not take offense at my behavior: he knew me well, enough to know that I needed some time alone whenever I felt upset and angry.
Without saying a word, I sensed him lean down close to me, his breath close to my skin, and I felt his lips leave a gentle kiss on the top of my head, which undeniably soothed me into a calmer state of mind.
"Get some rest, alright, Bambina?" He murmured against my skin. "I'll come back to check up on you again once dinner is ready. Until then, I'll tell the others not to bother you, I know it'll only make you grumpier if they come in here."
0 notes
perplexedflower · 1 year
Debito Fluff Alphabet - [T]hrill
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Fandom: La storia della Arcana Famiglia.
Category: F/M.
Relationship: Debito x Female Reader.
Type: Fluff Alphabet.
T) Thrill: Whether he needs new things to spice up the relationship or prefers a certain routine.
For Debito, all things in life are similar to games: he likes to explore and try his hand at everything, but without ever taking things too seriously, since he is the type to rather enjoy taking things as they come and go. If there is something new that presents itself to him, an opportunity to try something that is new to him, he will give it a go and go with the flow from that point on. However, if he soon acknowledges that he's not necessarily good at it, or that it doesn't work out for him, he won't try any further, and will leave it be; he's not the type of man who wishes to be the best at everything he does and will be content enough being skilled in what fits his area of expertise. Additionally, he's a man who thrives on thrill, no matter what aspect of life we're talking about: thus, this is something he brings into the relationship you have with him as well. On a daily basis, he will enjoy providing your couple with new things, new ideas, to spice it up, and so that neither of you may ever find yourself bored. He also appreciates and welcomes them when you're the one presenting them to him, as it shows him you share his perspective and agrees with him on the necessity to add some thrill to your relationship. Nevertheless, this doesn't mean Debito dislikes the idea of routine; if anything, there are some aspects of his lifestyle that follow a certain routine, and he wouldn't like to see them change. He doesn't appreciate change under specific circumstances: when it's decided for him against his will, when it's done too abruptly, and when it happens too often over a short period of time. While you may or may not share his vision of routine, you respect it and never try to force him into any new things or changes he wouldn't appreciate; the two of you are lucky enough to have found a lifestyle that suits both of you and allows you both to flourish.
Mini Scene
I opened my eyes slowly, surrounded by the sweet yet heavy scent of cologne floating around me. I had no idea what time it was, but judging by how little sunlight was peeking through the window and how tired I was feeling, I assumed it was early in the morning, earlier than the usual time I woke up to.
With sleepy eyes, I looked up at Debito, against who I was lying, and who was still peacefully sleeping. Our legs were intertwined, my warm hands were resting on the surface of his bare chest, with his head just above mine, his graceful face partly hidden by his hair.
Whenever I saw Debito this way, in those intimate moments, when it was just the two of us, I could never resist but grow filled with love and desire.
I gestured on the bed a little, pulling myself up to his face level, and leaned in to kiss him: a soft morning kiss, which I made last for a few seconds, taking the liberty to gently hold his face, grabbing the opportunity that he was asleep.
But as soon as I pulled away, my breath slightly shaky, the muscles of his face began to move, along with his limbs.
"Hmm... Bambina...?" He let out in a sleepy voice.
Keeping his eye closed, he kept on moving around while I was still in his embrace.
"What time is it?"
"I don't know, but it's early." I answered him with a smile.
With a groan, he blindly grabbed my face with both of his hands and brought it back in front of his chest as he pulled the sheets up.
"Hmm, why?" He started to whine. "Am I not a good boyfriend to you? What have I done to deserve being woken up so early?"
My smile widened as I giggled against his torso.
"Oh, so taking me out on a surprise date late at night is perfectly fine, but you're all grumpy when I wake you up just a couple hours early?"
"They're not the same thing, amore..." He said with an audible pout.
His hands on my back pulled me back up in front of him, in front of his face, with his amber eye now open.
"If I let you cuddle me, will you let me go back to sleep?"
0 notes
perplexedflower · 1 year
Debito Fluff Alphabet - [S]upport
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Fandom: La storia della Arcana Famiglia.
Category: F/M.
Relationship: Debito x Female Reader.
Type: Fluff Alphabet.
S) Support: How he helps you achieve your goals/how much he believes in you.
Debito is quite a supportive man by nature; although he may not always show it to everyone, as his degree of support increases or decreases depending on the person concerned and his own mindset at that moment, he will always support and encourage those he loves. This can sometimes even apply to somewhat negative circumstances, such as when he instigates others into crossing some lines or going too far; this is something he himself doesn't fully acknowledge. But as a supportive individual who cares for those around him, you, his partner, are one of the people Debito supports the most, and he's always willing to do whatever is needed to help you achieve your dreams. If your goal is financial, he won't hesitate to lend you a hand using all the knowledge he possesses in economics and by giving you all the handy tips and tricks he knows; if your goal is artistic, he'll be ready to assist you in your creations, whatever they may be, and will help you find all the inspiration you need, when you need it; if your goal is social, he will aid you using his extraverted personality and by teaching you the ropes of whatever it is you need to learn; if your goal is physical, he won't ever doubt your abilities and will be at your disposal if you ever need him to train you and help you practice certain combat techniques, regardless of their specificity, but especially if it relates marksmanship. Debito believes in you very much, he knows you're a capable woman who can achieve whatever it is you wish to achieve, as long as you put your mind to it; nevertheless, he doesn't want your ego to grow too big and wouldn't want you to misevaluate your own true worth, so he never overestimates you, never pushing the encouragement too far. You're very grateful for how much Debito believes in you and of how much he helps you progress toward your goal, so you always try your best to do the same in return.
Mini Scene
"Pace, you were right... This lasagna is excellent!"
"I know, right?!" He exclaimed with a bright smile.
"I can't believe it's the first time I'm tasting it..." I said as I looked down at my plate. "All the delicious lasagna I've missed..."
Pace chuckled as Debito smiled at us, after which he brought his glass of wine to his lips and took a sip.
"Yeah, it's true it's really good." He said with a nod.
As he finished his sip, his expression changed slightly and he put his glass back down before he stood up from his chair.
"Not to be rude and leave you two alone, but I have to swing by the restroom." He announced as he made his way to me. "I'll be right back, Bambina, so don't miss me too much, okay?"
He kissed my forehead then left us with a charming smile, leaving me with rosy cheeks.
"I'm sure you're glad Debito brought you here." Pace addressed me in a gentle tone.
"I am, it was a wonderful idea." I replied as I grabbed my fork and knife again. "The atmosphere in this restaurant is pleasant, the lasagna and wine are both of high quality, the prices are... well, pricey, but I've seen worse in other establishments. And it's always nice to spend some time with you, too, Pace."
As he grinned at me, my expression shifted emotions as I stared in front of me.
"Debito's been doing so much for me these days..."
"Well, he's very proud of how far you've come since you first joined the Family."
"Yeah, I'm not the girl I was when I was 18..." I said with a scoff. "But again, that's thanks to Debito, I wouldn't be where I am today without him."
"Don't undervalue yourself so much, [Y/N]." Pace said in a comforting tone. "Debito may have helped you along the way, but you're here today thanks to yourself, to your own efforts and hard work."
"Pace's right, amore." Debito suddenly spoke behind me, his hands on my shoulders and his lips against my cheek. "I'll always be here to help you, but know that I believe in you and your abilities wholly, and you should too."
0 notes
perplexedflower · 1 year
Debito Fluff Alphabet - [R]omance
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Fandom: La storia della Arcana Famiglia.
Category: F/M.
Relationship: Debito x Female Reader.
Type: Fluff Alphabet.
R) Romance: How romantic he is/what he would do to make you happy/whether he is cliché or creative.
Debito is a romantic man, no matter whether you two are on your own or around other people, though you've noticed he tends to be even more romantic when he is alone with you. He hasn't always been the most romantic of men and surely isn't distinguished in all aspects of life, but he is when it comes to women: although his vocabulary isn't the most refined, whenever he's around a woman, his natural charisma and charm will win over her heart, as though the presence of women changes him. And, as his partner, you're no exception; if anything, he has become more romantic since the two of you have gotten together. Over time, he learns what gestures you like best to receive, what words you like best to hear, so that he may satisfy you wholly. Debito would do anything to make you happy, as long as you don't ask him for something he physically or morally couldn't do, as well as something that would go against his principles; set aside these criteria, it's safe to assume he will do anything he needs to do to make you happy, and especially so as his partner. He knows you're always ready to do the same, always ready to go to extra lengths for the sake of his happiness, for the sake of your couple, even if it means pushing yourself to your limits, and so he's willing to do the same for you in return. Debito is the perfect mix between cliché romantic and creative romantic: he will try as best as he can to be original with the ways he chooses to express his love to you, and you're very grateful for it, but a man can only go so far before he runs out of ideas, having explored them all already. When he's not surprising you with yet another one of his creative gestures, he will stick to the clichés, which make you just as happy; whether it's a few sweet nothings whispered into your ears once night falls or romantic gifts he has bought for you, you love him all the same.
Mini Scene
As we passed by the port, I looked up at the seagulls dancing above us in the air, among the clouds, over the orange sky. The atmosphere was pure, soothing, and peaceful, despite how crowded the streets were, waves of people flowing all around us, walking in and from all directions.
It was late in the afternoon, and Debito and I had decided to leave work earlier than usual so that we could walk the streets of Regalo to unwind. Arm in arm, we walked down the street, illuminated by the streetlamps, and I looked around me with a gleeful smile. But as we approached Abito di Federica, my heels stopped echoing against the stone tiles for just a second.
"Have you seen something, amore?" Debito asked me with curiousness.
"This dress..." I started as I walked to the storefront, dragging him along with me. "It's so pretty, I've never seen anything like it before. But I don't even know if Frederica would have the model in my size..."
"We can always go in and ask her if you want." He offered with a smile.
And so, we entered the store and chatted with Frederica, who handed me the dress in a size that fit me perfectly. I slipped into it, looked at myself, and then at Debito, who was leaning against the wall in front of me.
"So, do you like it?" He asked me.
"I love it." I replied while I smiled shyly.
"Good." He said with a loving smile. "Because it's yours, now."
I stood still, mouth agape.
"... Eh?"
"I bought it from Federica while you were changing." He explained as he walked to me. "I could tell you really liked it by the way you looked at it in the storefront."
Not knowing what to say in return, I remained silent as he tenderly cupped my cheeks.
"Besides, I think it looks beautiful on you..." He whispered, smiling warmly.
"Debito..." I let out as I closed my eyes with rosy cheeks.
"Don't thank me, love."
"But it's so expensive..."
"You know I can afford it." He said as he slowly shook his head. "And if it's for you, it's worth all the money in the world."
0 notes
perplexedflower · 1 year
Debito Fluff Alphabet - [Q]uirk
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Fandom: La storia della Arcana Famiglia.
Category: F/M.
Relationship: Debito x Female Reader.
Type: Fluff Alphabet.
Q) Quirk: Something he has that is beneficial to the relationship.
While certain individuals possess a handful of specific traits and quirks that may come in handy in a romantic relationship with someone else, this isn't entirely the case for Debito: due to his rather unique and eccentric nature, it's his entire personality as a whole that helps to contribute to his relationship with you. He's known to be quite unpredictable at times and is considered by many, including yourself as a wild card, especially within the friend group you form with the other division heads in the Family. You know that this side of him is sometimes frowned upon by some, mainly because it can get him in trouble, but also because these people simply don't appreciate much being around a loose cannon such as him, never knowing what he might be about to say or do. But when it comes to you, unlike these people, you've never found this trait of his as annoying or bothersome in any way: if anything, you actually like it. Maybe this is only a point of view that can be applied to you, given you're in a relationship with him, but you think of Debito's unpredictability as beneficial. Thanks to it, your couple never falls into a boring, repetitive routine that would bore you over time, and it's instead spiced up with various, unprompted changes from time to time, which pleases both you and Debito. Obviously, he doesn't overdo it, not wanting to drown you under too much irregularity and inconsistency. But he brings into the relationship just enough of them to keep the two of you busy, to keep you entertained; a part of you suspects that this may be the manifestation of one of his insecurities, that he makes sure you won't leave him any time soon by ensuring that you remain satisfied in the relationship and that you won't ever go look elsewhere for more adventure. And even if this instinct of yours is right, he would never admit it. But he's got nothing to fear: you're not going anywhere.
Mini Scene
Standing in front of Felicità's office, I knocked on the door.
"Come in!"
I opened the door halfway and peeked my head into the room.
"Good afternoon, Felicità." I greeted her with a smile. "You wouldn't happen to have come across Debito at any point this morning, would you?"
"Oh, no, I haven't. Have you tried his bedroom?"
"Well, we took a nap in his room earlier this morning, but when I woke up he wasn't next to me anymore. I wonder where he's gone off to, and I don't even know for how long he left before I opened my eyes..."
"Oh, I see." Felicità said with a nod. "I'm sorry I can't be of any help..."
"Don't worry, it's okay. Thank you anyway."
I closed the door, letting Felicità to her paperwork, and exhaled a deep breath.
"This is gonna take a while..." I whispered to myself before I walked off.
It was no surprise I had lost Debito, this was something that happened every now and then; he would disappear, without leaving a trace, and most of the time, without informing anyone of where he was going.
And so, I repeated my exchange with Felicità with the others as I searched the manor, running into Libertà, Nova, and Dante. But none had seen him.
Defeated, I headed to the kitchen in hopes of asking Luca. But when I opened the door to the dining room, I was met with an unexpected sight: the table had been arranged for two people, two sets of silverware placed in front of each other. And as I stepped deeper into the room, the door closed on its own behind me, startling me into a jump. Before I could turn around, I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist, an invisible pair of arms that appeared out of thin air.
"Surprise, amore." He softly spoke against my cheek before kissing it. "I thought I'd invite you to lunch here in the manor since we always eat out. I had Luca help me out with the food, of course."
I gazed at the neatly set table with a smile as he held me tighter in his embrace and leaned even closer to me.
"So, Bambina, hungry?"
0 notes
perplexedflower · 1 year
Debito Fluff Alphabet - [P]ublic Display of Affection
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Fandom: La storia della Arcana Famiglia.
Category: F/M.
Relationship: Debito x Female Reader.
Type: Fluff Alphabet.
P) Public Display of Affection: How upfront he is about the relationship/whether he brags with you or is rather shy in front of others.
Debito has always been a man of assurance, who never regrets his words or his actions, and who stands by his choices. This is the way his mind works, which he applies to all things in his life, including his relationship with you; and not only is he confident about the couple the two of you form, he's also very proud of it. While he may not go as far as bragging and showing off to other people, he will take great pride in letting everyone know of your relationship, informing all those he meets of how lucky he is to have found you. Where some other women would perceive his behavior as embarrassing and somewhat degrading, thinking Debito is displaying to others the image of a trophy wife, this isn't at all the way you see things: you know he respects you greatly and easily tells people about your relationship because he wants to show to the world how amazing of a partner you are, because he genuinely loves you. As an extrovert and a naturally touchy-feely individual, Debito doesn't mind PDA in the slightest; in fact, it's something he does instinctively, as he never thinks twice before giving you affection, thinking with his heart instead of his brain. This isn't an issue for you, since you appreciate PDA as well: at first, you happened to get a bit shy when he acted in front of others, and depending on the day, place, and people, you sometimes still do, but it has faded a little over time, suspecting his confidence has probably rubbed off on you. But even then, even when you do get blush on your cheeks and ears after having heard Debito praise you in front of other people or even get close to you physically, it is never a bad feeling: it's a form of shyness that makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside, one that always comforts you as to what he thinks of you, and although you're not fully aware yourself, you do enjoy it.
Mini Scene
"Could you pass me the wine, love?" Debito asked me softly as he leaned against me.
"Oh, of course, darling." I answered with a smile.
I extended my arm slightly and grabbed the bottle of red wine sitting on my end of the table, then handed it over to him.
"Grazie, amore mio." He thanked me as he gently took the bottle from my hand.
As he said those words with a charming smile, he closed the distance between our bodies and approached my neck: delicately, yet sensually, he left a kiss on my skin, just under my chin. I felt my cheeks redden just a little as my smile shortened out of shyness.
"Debito!" Luca suddenly shouted overdramatically while he presented his hand to him.
Debito opened his eye back and turned his head to Luca, but without pulling away from my neck.
"You can't behave in such a way in the presence of children!"
Luca accompanied his words with a gesture of the hand at Felicità and Nova, the former giggling at the situation while the latter rolled his eyes at all of us.
"I'll behave however I want." Debito said while he straightened his back on his chair.
With that, he placed his right arm around my shoulders and pulled me against him.
"It's my business what I do with Bambina." He continued as he poured himself a glass of wine. "If Milady and Shorty don't want to see, nothing's stopping them from closing their eyes."
I could not help but chuckle, a reaction others around the table shared, then took another bite of my steak.
"Besides, I don't see why I should hide my feelings, just because you're all here." Debito added as he removed his arm from around my shoulders. "It's not like any of you doesn't know about our relationship, you all know we're together, so what's the big deal?"
"It's a matter of manners, Debito." Luca said with a sigh.
"Yeah, well, you know what I think of your manners..."
And along with his words, though unseen by all, I felt Debito's hand rest on my thigh under the table, which only made me smile further.
0 notes
perplexedflower · 1 year
Debito Fluff Alphabet - [O]n Cloud Nine
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Fandom: La storia della Arcana Famiglia.
Category: F/M.
Relationship: Debito x Female Reader.
Type: Fluff Alphabet.
O) On Cloud Nine: What he is like when in love/how obvious it is for others/how he expresses his feelings.
Debito is not necessarily much different from his usual self when he is feeling particularly in love with you: his naturally warm and energetic personality remains the same, and his behavior doesn't change much either. However, something you have come to notice over time is the fact that in those moments, when he's fully embracing his love for you, he tends to unconsciously seek affectionate gestures and touches from you, most of the time physical; whether it's a kiss, a caress, or hand-holding, he will feel pleased after having felt your hands on his body, feeling reassured that you love him, just as much as he loves you. Although Debito is not always the loudest person in the room wherever he goes, what can be agreed on by everyone is that he has an assertive personality, that never goes unnoticed. He has complete confidence in himself and has no issue expressing his feelings to others clearly, which he most often does without realizing it, through his habits of speaking his mind without filters and acting on instinct without hesitation. Thus, his intentions are, more often than not, obvious for other people to see and understand, including his love for you: he never hides from anyone the feelings he has for you, no matter who he is surrounded by and where he is. The ways Debito expresses his feelings vary, depending on the day and his mood, but whichever means he chooses to convey his feelings to you, you're always satisfied, always pleased: most often, he will tell you he loves you in a very direct and straightforward way, other times he will express it through his body language and gestures, and sometimes, he'll do both at the same time. Whether it is during a romantic date, around lunch or dinner, in crowded public places, or under the sheets of his bed, Debito always finds new ways to communicate his love to you, to spread it over to you.
Mini Scene
I stood in the middle of Debito's bedroom, neither tall nor proud: the day had been exhausting, for all the divisions, and all I longed for at that instant was a good night of sleep, of refreshing rest. Now that I had gotten ready for bed, I stretched my arms to the ceiling before I made my way to the bed, on which Debito was already lying; but as my bare feet paced the cold parquet, I suddenly felt a firm hand grab my wrist, out of nowhere.
By the time I could realize what had happened, I was already in his embrace: Debito had pulled me on the bed with him and I was now sitting over his body, lying under mine.
"What are you-"
But I cut myself short, for words were useless; I stared down at his face, his silver hair down, covering part of his face, and a gleam in his left eye. A gleam I had grown familiar with, a sign I could read with ease.
Debito was feeling particularly loving tonight, I knew him well enough by that point to tell.
"Alright..." I said in a murmur as I closed my eyes with a gentle smile.
I leaned forward just slightly, enough to be close to him, close to his face, on which I rested one of my hands. At the contact of my palm against his skin, he pressed his cheek deeper into it, following the movement of my hand in rhythm. He quietly exhaled a deep breath and closed his eye, cherishing the moment, and I approached his face yet even more, this time to kiss his lips tenderly; he kept his eye closed the whole way through, but his hands held tight onto my lower back.
When I slowly pulled away and leaned back, his amber eye was open, staring right at me, at all of me with an intense feeling of love. Still without speaking a word, both of his hands on my lower back slipped under my shirt, which was in fact his; I knew that seeing me in his shirt made him want me even more, made him want to hear and feel my love even more.
And it was perfectly fine for him not to speak: I did not need him to talk to know how much he loved me.
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perplexedflower · 1 year
Debito Fluff Alphabet - [N]icknames
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Fandom: La storia della Arcana Famiglia.
Category: F/M.
Relationship: Debito x Female Reader.
Type: Fluff Alphabet.
N) Nicknames: What he calls you.
Since you and Debito have gotten together, he has not once called you by your name when addressing you, preferring to use only pet names. One of the nicknames he most often uses is "Bambina", which means "little girl" in Italian; and although you love to hear him use this pet name when he addresses you, it always leaves you somewhat shameful, deep down. This nickname was originally the one he used for Felicità, for a long time, but that was before you came along. When you first met Debito and started growing closer to him, you happened to hear him call her this way often, and as your feelings for him developed, you couldn't help but wish he would call you the same way; eventually, after the two of you learned to know each other better, he realized you took a liking to hear him use it on Felicità, and so he decided to stop doing so to instead use it for you, and you only. Despite not being a child, unlike Felicità, hearing him whisper it against your skin always works its magic and you, and you never grow tired of it. Aside from "Bambina", the second pet name he uses for you is "amore" or sometimes "amore mio", which translates to "love" or "my love". You simply melt every time he sensually speaks words of Italian to you, especially when it is to call you affectionate nicknames; others include "cuoricino", meaning "little heart" and "amorino", meaning "little love", though Debito uses them only occasionally. He will sometimes call you more standard, classic pet names, such as "love" and "darling", but will avoid falling into the clichés whenever he can, as he always likes to spice up the ways he can call you. Debito will sometimes try to come up with new names to give you, to prevent you from growing bored of one, repetitive routine, and to make sure he is always full of surprises. You admire all the efforts he makes to keep every aspect of your relationship fresh, including the ways he can communicate his love to you.
Mini Scene
I sat down on the marble fountain and looked up: although it was only evening, the sky was already of a deep blue and decorated with countless shining stars. I set my hands beside my thighs as I closed my eyes, letting my soul be rocked back and forth by the lulling sound of the flowing water behind me, and a yawn slipped through my lips.
"Long day, amore?"
I opened my eyes upon hearing Debito's voice and a warm smile appeared on my face as I watched him make his way to me. Once standing in front of me, he slowly leaned in and held my face with one hand, after which he left a loving kiss on my lips.
"Sorry I'm late, Principessa, I had something to deal with at the casino at the last minute." He apologized as he sat next to me.
"It's okay... darling. I just got here, so you didn't make me wait at all."
Something in the way I spoke did not sound right, and Debito could tell: without a word, he turned to me, and without a word, he asked me to tell him what was on my mind.
"You know..." I started, awkwardly. "You're going to say this is ridiculous, but I always think my 'darlings' sound underwhelming, in comparison to all the varied pet names you give me..."
He smiled at me, a soft and kind smile, before he started passing a hand up and down my back.
"Are there any nicknames you'd like me to give you?" I promptly asked him while I turned to look at him in the eye.
"Not that I can think of." He answered with a light shrug, still smiling.
"Maybe I could use 'mio amato'? Or 'tesoro'?" I continued, focused on my train of thought. "... Oh, actually, what would suit you best would be 'caro', or better, even, 'carissimo'."
Debito presented one of his hands to me to make me stop talking as he chuckled at my uninterrupted list.
"No need for all of that, love." He said as he moved his hand under my chin and left it to rest there as he stared at me with passion. "Nicknames mean little to me, what I like to hear the most from your voice is when it says my name."
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