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Jasper Delano (OC APP)
Who are you?
What will we call you?
How old are you?
17, going on 18 in November
Preferred Pronouns?
She/her or they/them
Do you have any triggers we should be aware of?
Please tag images of fire, and all mentions of self-harm and negative body image
Time Zone?
I start school next week but my workload shouldn’t be too much to work around, but I am involved in two other rps and would like to divide my time between my children fairly. I think I will be able to make more than the minimum posting requirements for activity.
How did you find us?
I actually found you through Penny’s rph blog!
Are you okay with RPing smut?
Nope. (And honestly, I probably won’t be even after I turn 18.)
Why this character?
Because I like to live vicariously through fictional characters and to inflict emotional pain in others.
Alternate means of contact?
my skype is jacemchardwick! i have it on my phone and my desktop so i’ll see messages from anywhere.
Who do you want to be?
Meet JASPER DELANO. He is 29 and people mistake him for PETE WENTZ.He is currently UNEMPLOYED but would rather be A BAND/TALENT MANAGER.
I can move mountains, I can work a miracle, work a miracle ♪
JASPER also responds to JAZ.
+ Spunky, Honest, Empathetic - Opinionated, Idealistic, Stubborn
The Past
Jasper Delano grew up the youngest of three siblings in a crowded townhouse in the suburbs near San Diego. Money was always a little tight in the Delano household, but they were never really unhappy. His father worked for a local construction company, and his mother was an elementary school teacher. There weren’t many kids his own age in the neighborhood, so Jasper’s older brother and sister often had to bring him along when they went out to play. Growing up, Jasper always had to prove that he was tough and smart enough to play with the big boys. His brother taught him how to throw a punch and twist out of grapple holds, and his sister taught him how to dodge offenses. Most kids learned not to pick on the Delano Baby after that summer.
When he was a sophomore in high school, his brother picked him up from school one Friday and took him out to his college campus for the weekend. Jasper experienced his first college party as a high schooler, and experienced his first concert in the same night. The concert was in a dingy basement in some dingy building just a short walk from his brother’s dorm, and the band totally sucked, but he admired their enthusiasm. It was inspiring to see these kids putting their heart into a show that they probably only made fifty bucks out of. After dealing with his first ever hangover, Jasper decided to look into the music industry when he got back home that Sunday.
Jasper quickly learned that he couldn’t play music for the life of him, but that wouldn’t stop him from getting involved in the music scene. After high school, he bounced around job to job, saving everything he could. He moved out of his parent’s home and focused on giving back to his community and donating musical instruments to the schools before he heard about Harmony and planned his next move. Sure, helping out and being close to home was rewarding, but it also meant he worked any job he could, and he needed something permanent. So he packed up and found himself an apartment and would figure it out when he got there.
The Present
In Harmony, Jasper is just getting started. He’s only lived here a few months, but he’s still scoping things out. He can’t just throw himself at talent and ask them to hire him, and he can’t offer his services to just anyone. Right now, he’s skating by on his savings and Top Ramen, but he’s keeping his eyes and ears open. He’s a little nervous because most kids these days take care of themselves as far as their bands go, but he’s determined to reel in a catch before his bank account catches up with him.
The Future
Jasper wants to find the Next Big Thing and help them become the Best Big Thing. Honestly, a little of it is because he’d like a source of income, but also so he can hop along on the coattails of fame. and to get himself out there. He’s almost 30 and he still technically doesn’t have a career, and he can’t help but feel a little out of place. He hopes that Harmony is the place that can change that.
GIF Hunts: x x x Icons: x x x
Jasper Delano is an OC
3+ Paragraphs in Character:
Despite the air conditioning in the small venue, Jasper felt like his skin was melting off his bones. Even standing on the outskirts of the crowd, heat radiated from the mass of bodies that gravitated towards the stage. He used to love going to concerts and being part of the crowd and never used to care if he felt like half the sweat on him was from other people. But once you start going to two or three shows a week and you’re not sure what exactly you’re looking for, it kind of loses its magic.
Jaz tried his best not to let his spirits waver, but sometimes he couldn’t help but wonder why he did this at all. At least back home the kids at the schools were excited to see him when he brought in boxes of new drums. Here in Harmony, the men at the doors of the concert halls and bars just gave him looks that all but said ‘You again? Ugh!’ It was a little (a lot) discouraging.
He sighed at the thought and migrated to the bar and ordered a bottle of the cheapest beer they had. A band took the stage as he sipped half-heartedly and found a spot to lean against the wall. Their drummer desperately needed a click-track, their bassist had too much feedback from their amp. The singer wasn’t bad, but they seemed more interested in trying to get everyone to scream in between songs than actually focus on singing. This was not his golden ticket.
If his Next Big Thing was out there, he wasn’t going to find it in here tonight. Jaz downed the rest of his beer as the band finished their set and was almost to the door when the crowd roared with excitement and applause. He glanced over his shoulder and the lights went down and a soft piano intro began to play. A soft voice found its way over the other noise pollution and Jasper found himself moving back towards the audience. Okay, maybe he could stick around a little longer.
2+ Character Development Questions:
What is their worst quality?
Jasper has a hard time grounding himself. He likes to live in the moment, and that can mean making spur-of-the-moment decisions like moving to a new city with a vague idea of a plan instead of researching the job market and situating himself in a way that is stable. He feels like he missed out on a lot of stuff by staying back home, and he wants to make up for it now. The boy’s got big dreams, and he’s gonna chase them, even if it’s not totally clear how he’s gonna get there.
What are they most proud of that they’ve done?
Jasper doesn’t have a lot that he thinks he can be proud of (yet), but being able to give back to the town where he grew up is one thing that he wears proudly. If he can help children find their niche by giving them a tambourine, then that’s his badge of honor.
2+ Goals
Find talent to manage.
Get paid. His rent will be due eventually, and he can’t pay in ramen noodle flavor packets.
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