#Apollo's Disappearance is a Whole Big Massive Things actually
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In your story does Apollo willingly leave or is there some other circumstance? In addition, does he know the consequences of his departure? Your story sounds very interesting !! Also, I got some new character designs that I’d be happy to hear your opinion on !!
YOUR DESIGNS HAND EM OVER AAAAA I will absolutely nyoom over to obsess over your babies after this - I still have those notes on Aphrodite, Ares and Hermes to give too!!
As for Apollo - he is extremely, intensely aware of his roles and responsibilities which is why anyone who knows him also knows that he'd never abandon his station. Even when he leaves for Hyperborea to rest, he is extremely punctual about returning. That said, the circumstances under which he disappeared... he was not himself after Hyacinth's death and he certainly wasn't in his right mind either. The jury is very split on whether something happened to him and now he's lost or needs a rescue (which would be difficult considering no one can find him anywhere) or if he's pulling a Demeter and decided to damn the world in his grief. Since no one's seen him in years and there's that whole 'end of the world' thing going on more people currently believe the latter than the former.
There are a few alternate theories as to what happened to him as well - that he went searching for - or even found - death like he had begged Zeus for, or that his grief metamorphised him into a tree or animal of some sort and that if they could find whatever he's turned into, they could use that to help restore the divine order. The point is, everyone is looking for him but not many people actually want to find him for fear of learning the truth behind his absence.
#ginger answers asks#thank you so much for the question aaa#Apollo's Disappearance is a Whole Big Massive Things actually#Pretty much everyone has their own theories and explanations but also everyone is mad at him LMFAO#It's a very “Okay but why do you want to kill US just because your boyfriend died” type thing#Zeus Eros and Aphrodite are the only ones that know the truth/where Apollo is#Not that that matters because Zeus can't bring him back Eros is currently in Bi Baby Jail#and Aphrodite can't speak a word of what she knows if she doesn't want the other Olympians to straight up murder her and her son#Artemis is deathly worried about her brother because she KNOWS he would never do anything like this purposefully#He loves the world and he loves mortals#So wherever he is - he must be hexed or captured or something#pursuing daybreak posting#apollo
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Harry Potter AU where instead if standing there laughing like a lunatic, Sirius transforms into a dog at the last second and gets away from the Ministry. Thus beginning his years as That Stray™ of Privet Drive. Prepare for an insanely long post just fyi:
He shows up about a week after Harry is dropped on the Dursley's doorstep.
Sirius is smart enough to understand he's a wanted man and can't reveal himself, and they would never let him take Harry, so he does his best from a distance.
No one really notices him at first, some people think oh he moved in with these people or those.
It takes them a while to realize he's a Stray.
They try to chase him off but he always comes back, and mysteriously disappears whenever the dog catcher is called.
He lingers mostly by the Dursley's, finding a nice rose bush to burrow under that gives a perfect view of the house.
It's a vigil he keeps up for years, ears perking up whenever he hears a baby crying. He can so easily pick out Harry's cries from that other kid in there, but it pleases him and worries him that Harry doesn't cry that often.
For the longest time he doesn't see Harry. He eats from the trash and sleeps in the rain, occasionally daring to move towards the house and try to look through the window.
The first time he gets a look at Harry is half a year later. He's seated in a worn out highchair looking curious as he plays with bits of cereal laid out for him, while his aunt and uncle stand on the other side of the table with another highchair and another baby.
This one pudgy and red faced and screaming as his mother, Lily's sister, tries to get mashed carrots and peas down his throat. He doesn't settle until Petunia gives him a cake, and sets the baby food in front of Harry without a spoon.
There's a scar on his forehead that Sirius sees for the first time, still red and blotched purple as if still healing, in the shape of a lightning bolt.
Sirius' heart breaks in half as his baby godson eats the food left for him unsupervised, scooping the mush onto his fingers because it was familiar and eating it. He looked happy enough, but Sirius could hear through the window when he swivels around and chatters "mumma? Mumma?"
"It's talking again, Petunia darling."
"How am I supposed to stop it?"
"Da? Da?"
"Shut him up, he's upsetting Dudley!"
Sirius growls, Harry must have heard, his green eyes finding Sirius at the window and breaking into a grin as he waved his fists, "Pa-foo! Pa-foo!"
Sirius wants to cry. Harry remembered him.
Then Petunia sees him and screams, Dudley starts crying and Vernon Dursley yells at the window and crashed to the ground, tripping as he tries to get out of his chair, but Harry is laughing and clapping and Sirius feels pleased with his work as he dashes off to hide.
The first time he's given the chance to get near Harry and not just see him through the windows is when harry is five years old.
It's a scorching day out but Harry is sitting on the front stoop of the Dursley's home. He'd been brought there thirty minutes ago by Petunia and given a popsicle, told to keep quiet while Dudley's having his playdate.
He's dressed sloppily, his clothes are too big for him, his sleeve stained in the popsicle that was melting down his hand because he couldn't eat it fast enough. His eyes were squinted like he couldn't quite see and Sirius could already tell he would need glasses. Why he didn't already have them was a mystery.
Sirius, hiding under a bush till that point, creeps out and over to Harry with his head low, just in case he startles him, but little Harry is so brave even at his young age, head turning to squint at Sirius and lighting up when he seems to realize it was a dog.
The polite boy he was offers his popsicle to Sirius, who wasn't rude enough to refuse, and they spend the afternoon finishing the popsicle before he sits next to Harry, who babbles on and on about everything, though he couldn't quite talk well yet. He was a smart boy, despite being only five years old.
Sirius almost forgets he shouldn't be there when Petunia opens the door hours later and screams in horror. Sirius bolts as Vernon sends a kick at him, and Harry complains about his friend being chased away.
Mrs. Figg is not a dog person, but Sirius IS a cat person, and her cats take a liking to him immediately. Some seem to know he was more than what he appeared to be.
He wasn't allowed in the house, but Mrs. Figg left him water and food on the back porch and didn't complain when he slept on her porch swing.
He loved it there even more when the Dursley's started to leave Harry there for Mrs. Figg to babysit. He would sit on the porch and watch dutifully through the glass door as the old woman showed Harry albums of her cats before falling asleep in her chair.
Once she had, he would paw at the door to get Harry's attention, and the boy would come outside to sit with him. He would talk about his day, the Dursley's, whom Sirius was growing to hate more and more each day. Sometimes he would throw a stick or ball, and damn if Sirius wasn't going to chase it to make his godson smile.
He had glasses finally, and his green eyes were just like his mother's, but he looked so much like James already that Sirius sometimes felt his heart being torn out of his chest.
When Harry was eight, somehow Sirius managed to get into the Dursley's house. His godson lead him through the front door and Petunia screamed, and Harry asked if he could keep him.
"No! No! Get that thing out this instant! You stupid boy! That's not even a dog, it's a bear! A bear!"
There was a lot of yelling, Sirius kept his head low, torn between pretending he was a good boy and snarling or snapping at anyone who came close to his godson. He went for the first route and laid himself down, his body trembling from the force it took not to lunge at Vernon Dursley's fat neck.
"If I can keep him I won't talk for a whole two months," Harry said, "and Dudley can have all my desert until I'm ten."
Vernon appeared amused at the proposal, deviously so, "One word out of you and the mutt goes!"
Sirius felt proud of Harry for managing that, but sick at the same time. He expected to be brought to a bedroom, and instead Harry opened a door under the stairs and scooted in before patting the area beside him on the bed that had been shoved in there.
The moment Sirius had jumped up, Vernon had shut the door, and Sirius was utterly horrified when he heard the lock engage and the grate shut with a yell of "not a word!"
Sirius moved between lying on the bed and lying on the but of ground between the bed and the door. Harry kept to his word and remained utterly mute for an entire two months when he was with his family.
The only time he spoke was deep into the knight, with Sirius curled up on the bed and sharing the pillow with Harry as he whispered stories and told Sirius about his day, about muggle school, about the kids bullying him.
"I need to name you, you know?" Harry whispered the first night, "If you're gonna be my dog from now on. What do you think? Spot? Shadow? Spike?"
Sirius snorted loudly and shook his head, ears flapping. What kind or names were those? Harry had definitely inherited his father's pension for bad titles.
"Alright, what about Bolt? Or Ace?"
Harry fell asleep halfway through his long list of absolutely horrible names, and Sirius, for the first time in years, transformed back into himself.
There was no way he was going to live there if Harry was going to give him a dumb ass name like Apollo, Bo, or Benji. So he found a notebook and scribbled down all the names Harry had thought up before writing down "Padfoot" at the bottom and circling it a few times, then transformed back and curled up at Harry's feet.
The next morning Harry was very confused ("Did I write this down? I must have.") But he didn't question it and just settled for the name he must have circled.
"I don't know why I liked Padfoot so much last night, it's a weird name isn't it."
Sirius was greatly offended by it, but there was something warm and nostalgic at the way Harry called him "Pads". It made him even happier when Harry told Vernon his name, because it made his face red in fury.
"What a stupid name! Unnatural! Ridiculous!"
For the next few years, Sirius acted as Padfoot, the Stray taken in by the Dursley's but owned by Harry. He was happy to be with his godson, that was all he wanted, but little things made him so made that sometimes he couldn't stand it, and more than once he nearly transformed to hex the faces off of the Dursley's.
Sirius was kicked out of the house whenever Harry was at school, which was well and good in his opinion, for it allowed him to remain close at all times, watching his godson in the playground and sneaking out to join him when no one was looking. He nipped at the kids who bullied Harry, never actually biting them because then he could get in trouble and wouldn't be able to stay with Harry.
When Hagrid first came on Harry's eleventh birthday, Sirius worried maybe he'd be found out, but instead Hagrid only marveled at him (massive dog, got one of my own, name of Fang, you'll meet him soon Harry!).
Sirius was stuck out of the house for the next year, waiting patiently for Harry to return with news of Hogwarts, happy that they had moved to a bigger room up the stairs, likely to appease Dumbledore. Sirius liked it much better than the little cupboard, and he liked the gorgeous snowy owl that Harry had dubbed Hedwig.
He sat and marveled as his godson showed off pictures of his new friends and told him stories about magic, revealing his wand and wisely saying he wasn't allowed to use magic outside school but don't tell the Dursley's.
His favorite thing was the scrapbook Hagrid had given him, filled with pictures of James and Lily, one framed and sitting on his bedside table that Sirius would sometimes sit and stare at for hours on end, blankly, pitifully.
The second year, when the house elf appeared, and Ron Weasley came flying in a car to rescue Harry, he was urged into the car just as Vernon came crashing through the door, sitting on Harry's lap as they flew in the Ford Anglia towards the Weasley home.
"That's one gnarly mut, Harry," one of the twins noted, and Harry wrapped his arms around Sirius.
"Isn't he brilliant?"
"Massive. And scary," Ron wavered, "Mind keeping him away from Scabbers, do you? Don't mean to be mean, but-."
"Alright Ron, Pads is used to being outside. That okay?"
Sirius nuzzled his bangs, nose against Harry's scar, because no he didn't mind, because they were out of that house and Harry seemed very excited.
Truly the Burrow was a sight to behold, Sirius thought it brilliant, and Molly Weasley didn't mind him as much when she found him chasing gnomes out of her garden. She though it was excellent, offering him bits of bacon as a reward, and Sirius was all too happy to stay there when Molly offered.
"We'll look after him while you're away, Harry darling, make sure he's well fed and exercised. Scrawny and scruffy thing."
Sirius wasn't that excited when Harry, Ron, and the twins were tasked with bathing him, because he wasn't allowed into the house until he was scrubbed clean, complaining the entire time he was being hosed with jets of water and soap and head stooping in complaint when Harry and Ron set about combing the tangles from his black fur.
Only made worse when Ginny started tying bows into the fur at the top of his head while Fred and George laughed themselves sick.
Sirius was a good pet, he was patient and he was enjoying being with Harry, helping him as well as he could, but there were things that he just would not stand for. A year later, the newspaper that Harry recieved from Ron in the mail, that showed the Weasley family in Egypt, had Sirius sick in anger. There on Ron's shoulder was a rat, and Sirius recognized him, as many times he'd seen him transform.
He left that summer, and made the mistake of transforming and being seen by the public, and the next thing he knew his face was being plastered in the Daily Prophet and even the muggle news. Murderer Sirius Black, twelve years a fugitive, spotted after so many years.
He couldn't get close to Harry after that, people were watching out for him now, so he could only follow from a distance, traversing the cruel countryside on his way to Hogwarts and hiding out in the Forbidden Forest, waiting for his chance.
He saw Remus there, for the first time in so long, so many years, and something in his heart both shattered and swelled. He looked aged, tired, but he looked at home, like he belonged there at Hogwarts, as the DADA professor. Like it was truly what he was always meant to do.
During the full moons Sirius sat at the edge of the forest waiting, watching, just in case, in case Remus needed him, but he never saw him wandering thr grounds. Sirius only hoped he was okay.
Many times he'd see Remus walking alone, limping, a walking stick in his hand that he leaned heavily against. Sirius trailed after him and stayed in the shadows, watched after his old friend.
His favorite moments were when Remus walked with Harry, talking, many times talking about James and Lily, and Sirius was so happy that Harry had someone he could talk to about his parents, who knew his parents as well as Remus did.
Harry didn't seem all that worried over the Grimm prophecy that he discussed with Remus, shrugging casually.
Harry: That's not a Grimm, that's my dog, Padfoot.
Remus: Pad what now?
Harry: Yea, but he ran away just after school got out last year. I hope he's okay.
Remus: Pad what now?
We all know how oblivious Harry is though.
"The Mauraders map has my dogs name on it, how weird."
The rest of the year goes by the same as in the books, Sirius ends it by escaping with Buckbeak and Harry is left very confused but very happy.
"I guess my godfather was with me all this time after all, looking out for me."
"It's only a little weird that he was a dog for like, twelve whole years."
"And slept on the foot of my bed."
Remus: He did that when we were younger too. Sometimes he did it when he wasn't transformed. I don't think he realized.
Sirius: Remus he wanted to call me Spot.
Remus: Lol.
Sirius: It's not funny, Moons.
#harry potter au#harry potter headcanon#Stray!AU#sorcerers stone#chamber of secrets#prisoner of azkaban#sirius black#remus lupin#harry potter#padfoot#ron weasley#fred weasley#george weasley#scabbers#peter petigrew#i thought up this au the other day#it was depressing and also hilarious#mostly sad though#but how great would this have been#honesty now
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Something Flutters
Written By: Admin T.Pot Summary: Not everyone knows at once when they’ve fallen in love. And although you are the expert, you’re blind to your true feelings. The feelings you have make you uncomfortable hence gives you the idea that it’s unpleasant. Something... flutters... inside whenever he’s involved. But maybe it’s not always negative. A/N (PLEASE READ): There are a few things I would to let you guys know ! This is a series but every shot has it’s different title so I won’t be naming the whole series;; Just know they are all somewhat connected but like;; they’re not really connected LOL For those who know mythology really well;; I’m sorry if these don’t really match up with the actual myths, but it’s just my twist on it so please bear with me TT it’s just a fic LOL;; Another thing, you might get confused along the way but here’s an easy guide: Aphrodite (goddess of Love and Beauty) = Y/N Hephaestus (god of Fire [and like craftsmans / metals / etc.]) = Chanyeol Also ! Keep an eye out for who may be next to come in the 5 part series ;) Okay ? Okay ! Enjoy ~ Word Count: 5,200
"Y/N, I got you some flowers," Chanyeol smiles sheepishly as he hands me a bouquet of flowers.
Yet, the flowers aren't really real. I stare blankly at the bouquet of flames in the shape of roses. The petals move as if the flowers were actually alive and dancing. It was quite beautiful and honestly, if he gave this bouquet to another girl, anyone from a human to a goddess would most definitely appreciate the effort and the creativity. Some may even fall for him. But it was different for me. In fact, it irritated me.
My eyes moved up from the flowers to see the shy stupid grin Chanyeol had on his face. I don't know what it is about him, but everything he did just annoyed me. Everything about him just irritated me. And I'm the goddess of Love for crying out loud. I love everyone. EVERYONE !
Heck, Hades was going to take a serial killer far earlier than his due date because he was messing up Hades' system but I had love for the man so I spared him another chance by giving him a wife that he comes to love. Hades strongly opposed, but what can he do. He can't hate me cause no one hates me. I'M THE GODDESS OF LOVE. I am Love itself.
But this god who does nothing but help other gods prepare for their battles, who protects us by building our safe haven, who has done nothing but try to show me how much he loves me, is annoying the hell out of me. And all I want him to do is leave me alone and stop pestering me with gifts he's handmade with his fire.
It's sweet, and I want to love him. I really do. But something about him doesn't quite click with me. I've thought on this for years... Decades... CENTURIES. But no matter what he does, I can't help but show him a pathetic look and turn away from his sincerity. And I regret it every time, but only long after the deed is done.
I see Chanyeol's face drop from the shy bashful twinkle in his eyes to the hurt puppy pout of his lips. His big eyes were visibly watering up. I can’t help but think he has too much tears. For a god who's very rough and beaten with his line of work, his heart is very gentle and fragile. I know for a fact he's going to go cry to Apollo, and Apollo will blame me for disturbing his work. And I know I will regret this later when I listen to Apollo tell me what I'm doing wrong, but as of right now, I can't wait to get rid of him.
"Haphaestus, I'm tired. You can give the flowers to Demeter or someone," I waved him in dismissal and looked away cause I could no longer bear to see his tears drop down from his eyes.
"You... want me to give fire to... the goddess of Harvest...?" I could tell Chanyeol's voice was confused, hurt, and shaky from his emotions.
"Hestia then," I snapped and glared at Chanyeol who jumped at my outburst.
I sighed at his timid attitude and so decided to try to talk him into leaving me alone as gently as I could.
"I'm tired, Hephaestus. Please. Leave me be," I tried to sound less annoyed then I actually was.
I turned away from him again and closed my eyes since keeping my eyes open made my headache worse which started when he first walked into my door.
"Okay..." Chanyeol choked.
I heard the sound of his footsteps make their way to the door, but then they stopped right before he actually left the room.
"Y/N, could you possibly call me by my given name...?" he asked softly, almost like a whisper.
"... Later ..." I sighed.
And soon enough, I heard him leave the room and shut the door behind him. I then opened my eyes and turned around to see the empty room. I sighed again at the playback image of his hurt expression. I felt my guilt crawl up to me. It's been coming faster than usual these days.
At first, I didn't feel a thing. Then Apollo started judging me, telling me how Chanyeol goes and tells him what happened, but he would never blame me for all the horrible things I've said or have done towards him, and that was the start of my guilt. It began to grow as he became more persistent. No, I may be lying. He might not be so persistent, and instead I might be the one who is getting short tempered for the same little things he's been doing.
But when I actually see him face to face, I get annoyed and don't even want to deal with the likes of him at all. Not even for a minute. Was it because I know I'm going to feel guilty later and so to save myself, I don't want to face him at all ? Or is it cause I don't want to seem like a fake ass bitch when I'm the goddess of Love and I should be giving love to everyone ?
These same questions and thoughts have been running through my brain since the beginning. But I have yet to find the answer. I don’t know how this even started. The first time I saw him was at the gathering of the gods about a few years after I arrived at Olympus. I knew he was the god of Fire and I’ve only heard of him. I wasn’t too interested since there were other gods like Ares, who was a hunk, and Apollo who was even better.
Chanyeol was known to be very dedicated to his line of work. I respected that he was so diligent but I didn’t have the urge to actually meet him. During one of the meetings the gods held about some problems amongst the mortals, I met Chanyeol for the first time. He was the only god I haven’t met so I recognized him almost instantly.
He was talking to his brothers Apollo and Ares. They seemed to get along quite well despite the fact that he was less godly attractive than the two. I was never one to judge by looks, but you would think Apollo and Ares would rather be around those who were equally attractive. But as I was observing the three, Chanyeol turned his gaze and our eyes met instantly. For a second, his eyes flashed dark red and I felt something turning in my stomach. It was very uncomfortable. I swallowed the lump in my throat with a troubled look and turned away from his stare. He was definitely different. It wasn’t that I didn’t like him. It was more uncomfortable for me to be around him, or better yet, him around me.
I walked out my balcony door and saw the view of Olympus. The clouds were spread far out, who knows how far. Olympus is full of gods and goddesses who own massive homes. Of course, there are those who don't live in Olympus, but we have more than enough already. I looked down from my balcony and saw that Chanyeol left my front door and was walking towards his own home.
But he stops his tracks, turns about 30 degrees. He seemed like he was going to take a step but stops and turns back 30 degrees again. I didn't have to guess hard to know what he was debating about. And sure enough it was about whether or not he wants or should go to Apollo's. After turning back and forth multiple times, looking like a huge idiot (since he has such a massive build), he finally decided he was going to go back to his house.
Even as he was walking home, I see him tripping on his own feet. Luckily for him, he didn't fall on his face. If he did, I was sure the guilt in me would disappear. But instead he didn't, catching himself quickly. And even though I was only looking at his back, I could tell he brought his hand up to his heart, trying to calm it down, since he clearly was surprised by his self-inflicted blunder.
"You're so stupid," I whispered as I shook my head.
I didn't want the image of him to linger in my thoughts any longer than the amount I’ve already seen so I turned around and went back inside.
I looked around my room, thinking of what to do to get the thought of him out from within me. It was still too early to go listen to prayers, but since mostly everyone prays to me, I was never out of prayers. And since I'm behind anyways, I decided to go to my temple and listen to prayers, answer a few of them if I deem acceptable, and maybe even bless a few unbelievers with the gift of Love.
"What are you doing here ?" Chanyeol asked, clearly surprised to see his closest brother in front of his doorsteps, waiting for him even before he got back home.
"My sword has become a bit used. I was hoping you can tinker it a bit for me ?" Apollo shrugged with a grin. "And I was kinda bored. Thought I might spare you your emotions. Come, I know you went to Aphrodite today. Tell me what happened."
Chanyeol smiled in gratitude and invited the god into his home. The two went down to his work area to fix Apollo's sword as Chanyeol was going to tell him everything that happened.
"Why do you think she doesn't call me by my given name ?" Chanyeol asks, working Apollo's sword as if it wasn't anything difficult to him.
"Don't take it to heart, she doesn't call me by my given name either," Apollo smirked.
"But you don't need her to call you by your name," Chanyeol frowned.
"Touché," Apollo nodded. "Well, why do you want her to call you by your given name so badly anyways ?"
Chanyeol was silent for a while, still sharpening Apollo's sword.
"...Cause it's more intimate...? Everyone calls each other by their god names and it feels distant..." Chanyeol finally answered after about 5 minutes of silence.
"So why won't you call me by my given name ?" Apollo asked.
Chanyeol looked up and rolled his eyes at Apollo.
"I do, cause I love you, brother" Chanyeol chuckled.
"Yea... You do, actually," Apollo shrugged again. " Well, Aphrodite doesn't seem to love you then."
And with that, Chanyeol decided that if Apollo shrugs one last time, he's going to throw him out of his home and dull out his sword before giving it back to him. Cause he really needed to be reminded of the obvious. He turned back to his work in front of him as Apollo kept looking around, picking up little trinkets he's been working on yesterday and examining them with bored interest.
"Do you think maybe it's cause I'm not handsome...? I mean, she is the goddess of Beauty... I should at least be appealing to a certain point, don't you think ?" Chanyeol looked up to see Apollo looking at him with a confused look that screamed 'you crazy'.
And with that, his arm paused midway before hitting the hammer on the scorching blade in front of him.
"What...?" he asked uncomfortably, remembering to move his arm to hit the blade.
"You do know you're a god right ?" Apollo asked.
"I'm not stupid, Apollo," Chanyeol rolled his eyes as he kept working on the sword.
"You know, you already surpass the highest level of beauty a man could have-"
"Human man. I'm a god. And I know for a fact I am last in line when it comes to looks amongst the gods," Chanyeol corrected him.
"Don't be ridiculous. In my opinion, Hercules is the ugliest," Apollo joked.
"No one cares for your opinion," he scoffed, clearly seeing he's joking, since Hercules is one of the most popular beings in Olympus, and he's only a demigod.
"Is that so ?" Apollo's eyes gleamed. "And is that the reason why you always come to me for advice and even ask me if it's your appearance that's the matter ?"
Chanyeol's arm came to halt once again. His lips turned into a frown. He glanced up to see Apollo shrug and half of his face flinched in disapproval. Chanyeol's eyes rolled back to his work. He was almost done anyways. It was more work to dull the blade out now.
Apollo went back to waiting, bored out of his mind as he played with his fingers. After a few drumming on Chanyeol's carving table to the beat of his hammer hitting the blade of the sword, Chanyeol was finally done. He slipped the blade into the cool water next to him then pulled it out the check the blade. He quickly sharpened the sword and handed the weapon to his brother.
"Thanks," Apollo nods as he flings it around a bit on the side.
"Now get out of here," Chanyeol chins towards the door.
"What, no dinner ? I thought this was a date," Apollo smirks.
"Shut up. Go home. It's late," Chanyeol smiles, finding his friend's sarcasm somewhat amusing.
"Alright, I'm going," Apollo turns around. "I have to go set the sun for Artemis anyways."
"You left the sun up..? It's 3 in the morning for the huma-"
"For the gods, you idiot," Apollo shook his head and finally left the room leaving Chanyeol feeling like a fool.
Once he was left alone, Chanyeol sat down on the seat Apollo was in to review his work from last night. He wasn't the best at making fine jewelry, but he tried the best that he could, only hoping that Y/N will at least look at it twice. He thought about the roses he's made this morning for her. He left it with one of her maids asking her to put it somewhere Aphrodite will be able to notice it.
Of course it hurt how Y/N rejected his love, and not even once but multiple times. But Chanyeol couldn't blame her. She was the goddess of Love and Beauty. He couldn't help but fall in love with her the moment he laid eyes on her.
He's heard of her before she arrived. She was who and what everyone talked about before she even got to Olympus. Some say Hermes almost forgot how to fly when he first saw her. Hermes, the god who's seen more beautiful women than any of the gods combined. You can't blame him though, he couldn't help but see them cause he's the one who sends all those love letters and gifts to Zeus' lovers in his stead so that Zeus had a smaller chance of getting caught by Hera. Not that he's never gotten caught. In fact, he got caught every single time.
It took Chanyeol a few years before he finally met her in person. Unlike the others, he was always busy with his work, whether it's providing for the gods or for the humans. He believed that he wasn't the best looking god out there, so he gave up on love. His rough callused hands weren't the kind that any woman would want holding onto them, let alone a goddess.
Even still, Chanyeol was a romanticist. He dreamed of falling in love with someone who didn't mind his general roughness, or his cruel line of work which always leaves him sweaty and smelly. And when he heard of the goddess of Love and Beauty, he couldn't help but wonder if she would ever see him in love with a woman who loves him just as much.
What he didn't expect was to fall in love with her. Was it the fact that she was so beautiful ? More than the other goddesses he rarely gets to see only through meetings for important matters since he's working most of the time, even through parties. Was it because she was the first one who actually asked him a question about what he does ? Or was it only because she's the goddess of Love ? No matter who you were, you were drawn to her. Even Hades has a soft spot for her even though he says he loathes her and they argue all the time.
Whatever the reason, Chanyeol couldn't deny his obvious feelings. He tried many times to try to have her accept his love. But it wasn't easy. She's the most popular amongst the gods and goddesses, whether it be to the humans or the gods. It was always hard to approach her.
Chanyeol picked up the chunk of diamond he's been working on. It was the next gift he was working on to give to Aphrodite. And probably the last. Chanyeol sighed at the memories running through his head. All the gifts he tried giving her, all the times he's told her he loved her, all the glances they've exchanged. And it hurt to know that it was all one-sided. Of course, he knew that already. But it still hurt to finally have to let go of his feelings.
Chanyeol always felt guilty of expressing his feelings to Y/N. He wasn't sorry for his feelings, but he was sorry for bothering her with them. It always seemed to annoy her, how persistent he was. The last thing he wanted was for her to have any sort of negative feelings in her. And if he believed he was the purpose of it, then he would bring his love to a stop.
Chanyeol caressed the piece of diamond in his hand with his thumb as a teardrop fell from his eye.
"My lady, there's a message for you," the maid interrupted.
I nodded, letting her know I heard her. But I don't take my eyes off the large glass orb in the center of my shrine. I had my arms crossed as I debated whether or not the man the girl is praying to me about is the right choice for her. Although he's not a bad man, and I'm sure he'll be good to her, I wasn't sure he would love her. It seems as though he sees her as a younger sister rather than a love interest.
Instead, I flung my hand to the right to move the orb to another prayer. This time, a prayer from a man who's praying about the girl before. He's praying for her happiness rather than asking me for her love. Now, this man truly loves the girl. I could see that he treasures her happiness and well-being more than his own.
A smile crawled up at the edge of my lips and I couldn't help but feel the love this man has for the girl. It always made me happy to know there still were those who prayed for others than for themselves. I lifted my hand and slightly touched the orb. The orb glowed once but before it went onto another prayer, I gently tapped the orb twice and with that, the prayers faded away and all that was left was just a glass orb.
I turned over to the maid who was patiently waiting for me to finish and handed me the paper. After I thanked her, she bowed respectfully and left the shrine. I opened the piece of paper and read the message. It was from Zeus. He summoned me because he had important matters he needed to discuss with me. I raised an eyebrow, wondering what in the world he needs to discuss with me.
I walked out and summoned someone to get the chariot ready. Soon after, a maid told me that everything was ready. Once I got settled in, the driver started the chariot. It wasn't long till I reached Zeus and Hera's mansion. It must be the grandest of all the Olympian gods, and like always, I was in awe of the new decorations displayed outside the front steps.
A maid of the household lead me to where Zeus was and announced that I've arrived. When the doors opened, I realized it was a leisure room. To my surprise, Zeus and Hera were seated at a table on the balcony. Hera invited me in and I awkwardly went forward. Zeus stood to open the seat for me and I sat down, still not understanding the situation.
Everything was out of place. Zeus at home with Hera, Hera smiling at me, and the two of them having tea. Together. I was seated in between them, so I kept turning my head from Zeus to Hera, then from Hera to Zeus.
"How was your day, Y/N ?" my eyes widened when I heard Hera's voice calling my given name.
"E-excu... F-fine...?" I stuttered, thinking it would've been rude if I asked her why she was being so affectionate.
"I'm glad," she smiled.
I was clearly shocked by her change in attitude towards me. Hera didn't really like me. Or so I believed since everyone told me she didn't like me. Of course, the reason being that I haven't married anyone yet. Being the goddess of Marriage, Hera would like nothing more than to see me settled down. She's not even my mother, but she definitely cares about my marriage more than my actual mother does.
"So... What was the important matter you needed to talk to me about ?" I turned to Zeus, taking a moment to avert my eyes away from Hera's sweet smile.
"You're mother, Hera, and I have been talking..." Zeus starts, forcefully trying to pull off a calming smile.
"Yes...?" I couldn't help but get a gut feeling of where this was going.
"It's about your-"
"No..." I cut Zeus off, with a bit of plea in my voice.
"You can't stay single forever Love," Hera came in.
"Oh, please no," now they heard the plea in my voice.
"Love-" Zeus started.
"You can't make me marry someone !" I burst.
"I'm sure you'll come to love him," Zeus smiled with concern.
And with that sentence, I knew exactly who they were pairing me with.
"Hephaestus ?!" I asked in disbelief, knowing he's the only one I didn't love among all the gods.
"Honey-" Zeus put a hand over mine, trying to calm me down, but I quickly avoided his touch.
"Really Zeus ?! Hephaestus ?"
"Love, please," Hera tried to calm me down.
I turned to see that Hera was mortified at the way I acted upon rage.
"I'm sorry," I dropped my head down.
I heard both of them sigh. There was a long silence before I felt a soft pair of hands holding onto my shoulders and a firm hand holding onto my hands that were clamped together on top of my thighs. I looked up to see their eyes full of affection.
"He loves you so much... I'm sure you know better than anyone," Hera softly reminded me.
My brows started to crinkle, trying to dismiss the unwanted feeling.
"And although he doesn't pray to you for the love to be returned, we know you feel his love even from separate homes," Zeus rubbed his thumb on my hands.
I sighed and averted my eyes away from them to see two birds having fun on a birdbath.
"And you know better than anyone that when the man loves the woman to the point where her happiness is more important than his own, then the love between them is bound to be filled with joy," Hera smiled with hope.
I sighed through my nose, not wanting to open my mouth to indicate I have something to say in this ridiculous matter. Honestly, I had a lot to say on this matter. But I can't oppose the god and goddess of all the gods.
"We know..." Hera assured me by gently rubbing my shoulders soothingly. "We know you're not ready to love just one god when you're the goddess of Love... But honey, you need to at least settle down."
I gazed into Hera's eyes and felt the concern she had for me. Coming from a similar line of work, I guess I understand a bit of where she's coming from. Sharing the load will lessen the weight.
"Plus, no one is telling you to be super committed to him," Zeus let out a laugh. "You're just like me ! Loving one person then moving onto the next ! Heck, I could be the god of Love !"
Hera's hands stopped instantly and her eyes glared at Zeus.
"That doesn't give you the right to go around sleeping with every female in the universe !" Hera exclaimed.
"Trust me honey, I haven't slept with EVERY female," Zeus scoffed.
"You do not want to test me, Zeus," Hera's eyes were blazing with rage now.
"This is why I don't want to get married," I sighed as I shook my head and stood up to leave, breaking myself free of their hold.
"Don't be like him, Love," Hera commanded. "He's just a playboy who can't keep it in his pants. I know you know better."
"But you love me," Zeus beamed a killer smile and Hera's face turned red; It could just be out of rage, seeing her expression wasn't that of a flustered lady being wooed by a handsome gentleman.
But we all knew what Zeus said was right. I felt the love from both of them to the other and it was definitely a very strong bondage between them. I told them it wasn't necessary to walk me out and so they wished me a fare trip back home.
As I was going down the steps of their home, I saw Chanyeol walking up. My eyes narrowed at the sight of his surprised expression, clearly asking why I was here. He was so easy to read, it was uncomfortable.
"W-what are you d-doing here ?" Chanyeol stammered, following me back down as I walked past him.
"What ? I can't visit them when I want to ?" I rolled my eyes.
"N-no, it's just t-that I-" he tried, but I was already stepping into my chariot and told the driver to go.
"Bye," I give him a hallow glance and then turned my gaze forward as the chariot started moving.
"O-oka- b-by-e," he waved quietly.
I have to live with that annoying stammer for the rest of my life...
I had no idea how many times I sighed on the way back home, but I'm sure I'll hold the record now.
"What was Y/N doing here ?" Chanyeol asked his parents who were surprisingly together.
He couldn't believe his dad was actually home. It was his mother who called for him, saying it was an emergency. But seeing how the two of them were together and the fact that Aphrodite was just here about 5 minutes ago, told him something was up.
"Chanyeol !" Hera's face had the widest smile Chanyeol has ever seen in years.
"Hello mother," Chanyeol met his left cheek with his mother's right and puckered his lips to make the kissing sound.
"Eh-hem, I'm here as well," Zeus spoke loudly to get his son's attention.
"Sure, hey, what's up dad," Chanyeol nodded.
"Is that all I get ?" Zeus asked in disbelief. "I'm your father !"
"Well, stop flirting with other girls and I'll treat you like a father and not some pubescent little brother."
Hera couldn't contain a laugh from leaving her. Chanyeol was by far her favorite son. Only because he is more like her and not like his father who goes around trying to get every girl to lay in bed with him. And even her other sons were so confident in themselves, they go around wooing any girl they lay eyes on. She still loved them, of course. All of them. Even Zeus.
But Chanyeol held a special place in her heart. He works hard and keeps himself busy with his work. He loves 1 goddess and although she doesn't return his feelings, he is loyal to her. Hera can't help but believe that Chanyeol is the exact replica of herself. And so she wanted to do anything she can in her power to have him be with the only woman he ever gave his heart to, and will give his heart to.
Others say that she doesn't really like Aphrodite cause she's more beautiful than Hera was or that she was jealous of Aphrodite's popularity when Hera used to be the one closest to Love. But that wasn't the case. Even if Aphrodite was more popular than she was, or even if she was more beautiful than Hera, those were not the reason to why Hera has been so sour to Aphrodite.
It was all because her son, who is so much like herself, fell in love the same way she did. He fell in love with a goddess whose job is to love everyone whether romantically or innocently. And that was no different than her love, who goes around seducing others when she was waiting all day and night for his return to show her the same attention he gives to others.
Hera was the one who brought it up to Zeus, and the two of them agreed to talk with Dione together. Dione accepted their proposal right away, feeling content her daughter has the blessing from the goddess of Marriage.
"You what ?" Chanyeol stood up from his seat, unable to contain the panic from rising inside of him.
"She said yes," Hera quickly followed him up, trying to calm him down with the good news.
"And you let her ?" Chanyeol turned to his father, without fully hearing his mother's words.
"Yes, but-"
"I can't believe the two of you would do that !" Chanyeol cut Zeus from trying to justify himself.
"Honey, she said ye-"
"Great, now she hates me..." Chanyeol slumped back down in his seat. "I was already pushing her too far... Now there's no way we could at least be friends even after I give up on this unrequited love."
Zeus scoffed and shook his head. He reached for a bunch of grapes and popped on into his mouth. Chanyeol heard his mockery, but didn't think to bring it up. He was already depressed enough. Hera on the other hand, shot Zeus a glare for the millionth time today. Zeus caught her eyes as he was about to put another grape in his mouth. He put the grapes on the plate in front of him, understanding the meaning behind Hera's glare.
"Chanyeol, sweetheart...?" Hera cooed, placing her hands on his back with a motherly touch. "Y/N agreed to marry you."
Chanyeol flinched. He lifted his head and saw the soft sincere smile on his mother's face.
"W-what ...?" he stuttered.
"You're getting married," Zeus said, lifelessly.
"Fuck !" Chanyeol cursed as he stood up to leave.
"Hephaestus ! Language !" Hera gasped and called out to Chanyeol.
"Please mother, I'm thousands of years old !" Chanyeol shouted as he made his way out of his parents' home.
He quickly went back to his house. Chanyeol barged into his home and hastily went to his work area grabbing the right utensils he needs as soon as he arrived. He started working on his new project and kept working till he was content with his piece.
-- To Be Continued --
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