#Anyway I heart knowing what's going on and not having to suffer Newscaster voice or Article
hellonoblesky · 1 year
People who make videos giving rundowns of current events in a not newscaster voice I love you
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whump-a-la-mode · 3 years
this is such a general thing but defiant villain whumpee slowly breaking pls :)
Thank you so much for the ask!! I hope this is slow enough. It's not exactly the traditional whumpee breaking, but I hope it's interesting nonetheless! Feel free to send in another ask if you want something different ^^
CW//Talk of mass destruction, sleep deprivation torture, brief pet whump mention, forced to eat gross food
"It's over."
There was a weariness to the newscaster's voice-- the kind that those in the profession were never meant to display. The sheer essence of bone-deep exhaustion. A body squeezed dry of adrenaline, until fight or flight turned to fatigue.
But, the fight was won.
"For the last three days, we have been running twenty four hour coverage of the battle occurring downtown. The battle began when Villain's forces attempted to overrun an R&D lab, following the occupation of their original headquarters by our city's heroes.
The destruction has been uncountable. But, it's over.
After a final assault at three in the morning, today, the last of Villain's personal guard fled the stronghold, and were taken into captivity. An hour later, the menace themself was captured.
It's over.
What exactly will be done with Villain is unclear, but Leader has assured us that appropriate measures have been prepared for their secure containment.
As for us? At long last, goodnight Metropolis."
"And good morning, sleepyhead."
Villain could not help but wince as light washed over them in a boiling wave-- the warmth of darkness torn away from them-- as the back doors of the truck were swung open.
"You're making the biggest mistake of your life." They snapped back, hoping the venom in their voice reached its recipient, standing at the truck's mouth.
Of course, of all people, their welcoming committee had to be fucking Hero. The biggest asshat Metropolis had to offer. The worst, most stupidly noble, stupidly loyal, stupidly-
Their fury reached a boiling point to which enraged thoughts turned incoherent. It did not matter why they hated the idiot standing before them. It mattered only that anger alone made their veins feel as though they were overflowing with magma.
"Am I?" The noble fool cocked their head to the side, mocking and arrogant. "Or are you just upset that you've lost?"
"You think I've lost?" Villain let out a hearty chuckle. "All this effort, and you've caused me a minor setback, at most."
"Well, which one of us in the cage?"
They narrowed their eyes to slits. Hero was right. They were both staring through the bars of a cage, but Villain was very much the one contained. It was a tiny, steel construction. Large enough to stand up in, and take one step in each direction, but such was all.
Loaded into the back of a truck like some kind of zoo animal. They wanted to scream!
But, unlike the heroes, they could hold back.
"Me staying here to amuse you does not equate to defeat, Hero."
"Is that all you're doing? Humoring me?"
"Do you have any reason to believe otherwise?"
"Plenty." They smirked. "For one, sitting in the back of a truck for fourteen hours doesn't exactly seem like something you'd do to humor me."
Fourteen hours...
"Have you considered that I'm simply playing a long game?"
"It'll be the longest game of your life, then. Don't plan on getting out of here anytime soon. Or, y'know, ever. That's kind of the whole point."
"You really think you can hold me forever?"
"Oh, I know so. If you knew what was coming for you, you wouldn't be taking this so lightly."
"Oh, I'm so scared. What are you gonna do, give me a donut and tell me to hug this whole thing out?"
Hero chuckled, at that.
"Why don't you come and see for yourself?"
"You're sure this will work?" Leader cocked a brow, hoping that the teeth marks in their lower lip weren't visible. It was a nervous habit, chewing like that.
"Certain." Scientist had a chipper tone to them-- a student having solved a math problem. "We've been developing this method for months. Trust me, they have no chance."
"None. Even better, this technique is more than a simple containment method. It has a progressive weakening effect. Within a few months, they'll be like putty in your hand."
"You know we're talking about Villain here, right?"
Villain had expected high security.
Of course they had. They'd quite frankly expected something ridiculous. A cell suspended over a pit of lava. Or a shark-infested pool. Or maybe they'd simply contain them through the power of sedatives.
None of the options sounded particularly enjoyable. But, all three sounded better than the room they stood in front of at that moment.
Six guards stood around them, each heavily armed, and not afraid to display this fact. Two stood on either side of them, each holding a chain attached to one of the twin manacles that adorned both their wrists-- they'd expected handcuffs, but two shackles per wrist seemed a little excessive. The two remaining guards stood with one in front and one behind. Their chains were those connected to Villain's feet. One tug, and they'd be face-first on the tile.
The restraints didn't make them want to flee any less. Not when they saw that room. Even chained as they were, they squirmed at the very sight of what stood before them.
It was rather large, though not ostentatiously so. Though, its size was accentuated by the complete lack of furniture lining the walls.
No. There were only two things inside the chamber.
The first stood at the center. A massive, metal ring, perhaps ten feet in height and the same in width. Four cylinders of the same material extended into the circle's center, looking terribly like hungry mouths.
One for each wrist, one for each ankle.
They were going to be splayed out like a bearskin carpet. Not to mention the vulnerability... With their limbs spread in every which direction, everything would be exposed. Their stomach, their back, their head. And they would be without a hope of retaliation.
It was a terrifying thought, but the elaborate restraint was nothing compared to the other thing inside the chamber.
There must have been a thousand of them. Shimmering, dazzling lights. On the ceiling, on the walls, some even on the floor.
It had not been since Villain's childhood that light had truly affected them. The manifestation of their abilities had coincided with the appearance of their acute sensitivity to the sun. Such was to be expected' a supernatural ability to move through places dark and shadowed, to control the shroud as though it were a thing rather than an absence did not exactly leave one looking forward to the sunrise.
Yet, they were not a vampire. Through gradual acclimation, they had learned to become comfortable with normal levels of light exposure. Spending a few hours under the sun's rays was not a problem, nor was existing within an indoor space, dominated by artificial lamps and LEDs.
But that room...
Villain could not take it. In desperation, they pulled, tugging on the restraints that dangled around them like tails. But, even they were no match for six men.
And, thus, they entered.
"Now, I can see you weren't lying!"
The voice startled Villain, sent a jolt through their chest, but it did nothing to raise their head or open their eyes. Not immediately. Lifting their gaze was a task accomplished with a considerable amount of effort, and unveiling their eyes from their lids made their corneas feel to have been pierced by searing blades.
They could hardly see Hero, through the blazing lights.
"You really were trying to humor me. This is hilarious!"
It was with a terribly uncomfortable feeling that they felt fury overtake their fatigue.
"It's only been six days. I can play the long game."
"Is that why you've been hanging around?"
Though they tried, in their manacles, it proved impossible to ball their fists. The metal fit too closely around their fingers, contoured to not allow the slightest shadow of movement.
"Maybe it is, Hero. Maybe it is."
"Maybe." The Hero took a step forth, then another, until they were mere inches from their captive nemesis. "They've really done something here, huh? Ya' can hardly move an inch."
"There's a difference between not being able to and not wanting to."
"Is that so?"
Hero placed a chilled hand on their nemesis' side-- just above their hip, where their range of movement was the most limited by their splayed limbs.
Villain's heart leapt as they felt a tiny spark, jolting through their chest.
Suffering a direct blow from their nemesis was a fate they had only endured a handful of times. Now, there was nothing to protect them from it. Not even the adrenaline of battle.
"They say you're gonna give up, y'know." Hero trailed their hand, up and down Villain's taut skin. "I think they're betting on it, up in HQ. It's only a matter of time. We can all see you're getting weaker. Tired. You aren't great at hiding it."
"What I'm good at is acting."
"You're saying this is all an act? So you won't mind if I do... this?"
That time, the feeling was more of a spark.
Villain's scream echoed throughout the chamber, but there was no one to hear them but the light.
"Hey! Get up. Can't you hear me?"
Of course Villain could hear Hero. They'd been hearing their stupid voice every single one of these last...
How many days had it been?
They couldn't remember. Too many.
"There's a difference between hearing and listening."
"I thought this whole breaking you thing would be more fun."
"I'm sorry that I'm not entertaining you."
"Nah, I don't think seeing you strung up like this will ever get old." Like a child, Hero laughed. "Anyways, I brought you some food. It's fish!"
Villain hated fish.
But, struggling would mean opening their eyes. Looking at the light.
And, thus, they ate.
"Come on."
A sharp vibration rattled through the restraint frame, and, consequently, to the cores of Villain's bones. But, they did not move.
"I know you can hear me. So get up!"
Hero kicked the frame again, but received the same reaction.
"I thought you were playing the long game. I'm looking for some payoff, here. This new Villain is boring."
Maybe they were boring.
But they didn't have the energy to be anything else. Not anymore.
"What did I tell you?" Scientist smirked. "Like putty in your hand!"
"I still don't understand how you did it." Leader shook their head. "The biggest threat to the city..."
"Oh, it was easy. They've got those weird dark powers, yeah? So they aren't hurt by the light. Not exactly. But, when there's lights on, they can't sleep! Not a wink. You could leave 'em outside and give 'em the keys to your own car, and they still wouldn't be able to escape."
"You really think so?"
"I know so. By the way, who won the betting pool?"
"Engineering department. They said three months, they were the closest. You're saying they haven't slept in three months?"
"Yep! There's not much left of the old Villain anymore, though. So... I mean, now, they can be whatever you want them to be. Do you have any ideas?"
"Hm..." Leader drummed their fingers against the wall. "I have always wanted a bodyguard."
"I thought you always wanted a dog."
"True, true."
"So... why not both?"
"You have a technique for that too?"
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hybridfanfiction · 6 years
Heart Hunter - One
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Pairing: Peregrine Falcon hybrid Minseok x  Deer Hybrid Reader
Word Count: 1,469
Summary: The government has officially outlawed prey hybrids, leaving your herd with no choice but to escape into the depths of the forest. Since none of you have been outside of the city before, you soon find yourselves struggling - until you start finding food waiting on your porch every morning. But where is it coming from? 
The newscaster is explaining in great detail what the newest proposal from the President means without a shred of shock or sympathy painting his stoic expression. All breeding of prey hybrids were to cease immediately. The government had been pushing more and more against hybrids, using claims of massive overpopulation and crime rates to scare the human community. After years of debating over what to do, they’d apparently settled on announcing that prey hybrids were considered unnecessary.  
You suppose it makes a twisted sort of sense. Wolves, bears, and big cats make up the bulk of the military and police forces. Even the domestic dog and cat breeds would be safe, as most of the people in power had one as a companion. Rabbits would most likely continue to be bred for black markets, considering that they were used for exactly what you would think they were, poor bunnies. However, deer and rodents, most birds and even more like them would die out. 
You shut the massive tv off and throw the remote across the elaborately decorated room, shivering in both anger and fear because unfortunately for you and your family, you were prey.
Deer hybrids were bred for their gentle grace and beauty, making them ideal as dancers and other various forms of entertainment roles such as modeling or acting. Your own family had been with your owner’s for several generations, bred and trained exclusively for ballet. Hybrids were never allowed to become principals - due to the damage that would have on the human ego - but Madame’s family had still produced the finest soloists in history. You were soon to follow in your parent’s footsteps, as Madame had been hinting that your days as one of the coryphées were nearly over. 
You knew that you had it better than many hybrids. Your owner and your mother had grown up side by side and Madame spoiled her, even going so far as to buy your father from his owner once the two had fallen in love. Such generosity was unheard of for their kind, as does were usually mated with bucks of good breeding for staggering amounts of money regardless of feelings. Lucky for your mother she had fallen for someone that came from decent enough stock for the elite snobs to overlook, and he was an exceptional dancer. The two were as madly in love as ever and were the best of parents to you and your brother. You were always grateful that you knew when the time came Madame would do no less for you. However, it didn’t matter now, as you were apparently doomed to remain unmated and childless under the new law. Madame’s legacy of producing the finest dancers in the country would be no more. 
You sigh morosely and walk to the kitchen to finish preparing your simple meal. Your parents and Madame were still at the studio and you had told the cook that you would be fine on your own. You weren’t sure where your brother was, but Luhan had been disappearing quite a lot recently, so you weren’t too concerned. Since it was only you eating you were only going to make something small. You weren’t that hungry anyway, considering how upset you were, so you settled on a tray of fruits and veggies. You couldn’t cook, but you could handle taking things from containers and placing them on a tray, at least. 
As you nibbled on some veggie sticks you contemplated your new fate. Your mother had always told you that you had a romantic soul, and you’d never bothered to argue because you knew it was true. You had grown up surrounded by dancing and music that were tales of grand love and had your own parent's still strong relationship to back it all up. You had always planned on having a loving family just like them and had wondered what your future mate would be like. No doubt they would be a deer hybrid like you, perhaps even another dancer. Then you could dance together in the living room like Mama and Papa did all the time. 
Except all of your daydreams of love and happiness were floating away like wisps in the wind. No mate. No fawns of your own. Just a bleak future of dancing until your body fails you and you become worthless. Worthless to Madame and worthless to the world. 
You had been so lost in your melancholy thoughts that you hadn’t heard anyone come home until suddenly you heard Madame screaming for you, your parent's voices soon doing the same. You get up and follow the sounds into the living room where the three of them are frantically grabbing suitcases from the hall closet. All of them look harried and wild-eyed, your father’s face stony while both Mama and Madame were crying. 
Mama saw you first, crying out as she rushed to you and held you in a crushing grip. “Oh, my baby! You’re okay.” 
“What’s going on?” You ask as you awkwardly pat Mama’s back. 
Papa was nearly growling, a strange sound that you’d never heard him make before. “It’s your brother. They took him. They took my damn boy.” 
“I’ll do everything to get him back, I promise you.” Madame sniffled, bringing a lacy handkerchief to her eyes before she gazed at you with heartbreak in her eyes. 
“They aren’t just banning breeding of prey hybrids, they are eliminating them. I’ve been hearing rumors for weeks about hybrids going missing, but I never would have suspected this.” Tears continue to fall down Madame’s face as she pulls your sobbing mother into her arms. 
“Hybrids are being taken to a military facility where they are either killed outright or used in whatever sick way they want to. A peacock hybrid came to me a little while ago. He and Luhan were picked up earlier today. Luhan helped him escape but wasn’t able to get away himself. He told the peacock to come straight here and warn us that they know about the rest of you and are coming for you next. We need to get you away.” 
“Away? We can’t just leave Luhan!” You push away the shock and disgust over what's happening in favor of concern for your brother. 
“There’s nothing you can do. I, however, still have plenty of connections and money. I will abuse them all to get my sweet Lulu out of there. Meanwhile, I still have Pépère’s cabin that I never use. I don’t even think it’s listed anywhere, so there should be no way for anyone to find you. It’s a bit rustic, but I have faith in you, my dears. I will do all I can and come for you when it’s safe,” Madame pushes Mama and Papa towards the stairs as you follow behind. 
“Go and pack, ma bichette. Only one suitcase, so take your most treasured and essential items. We must leave as quickly as possible.” She pushes you up the stairs as well, patting your cheek lightly before heading towards the kitchen. “I will put together some food. Goodness, I don’t even know what sort of things we have in the pantry.” 
Disbelief and horror have you shaking as you walk to your room and find a single suitcase waiting for you on your bed. You take in the elaborately decorated room, realizing that it might be the last time you ever saw it. Madame had been so thrilled when they’d learned your mother was having a girl and it showed in the room that was fit for a princess. Or a ballerina, of course. 
Your canopied bed was massive and covered in ruffled pink and gold silk. The color scheme continued throughout the entire room - from the pink and gold vanity covered in products to the lush carpets on the marble floor. One of your walls even had a full mirror and barre so you could practice in privacy. There were trophies and ribbons from your various competitions, signed posters from shows you’ve seen, and pictures of friends and family everywhere. You’ve been in this room since the day you were born and now you had to fit a lifetime of memories into a single suitcase. 
Tears fell as you slowly pack your suitcase. You wept for your family. For your poor brother who hopefully wasn’t suffering too much. For Mama and Papa. For Madame. For the little girl that had grown up in this room whose dreams and hopes for her future were dead.
AN: I had planned on this just being a one-shot, but it got really long and complicated, so now it’s becoming a series! I’ve already got most of it written and now I’m just working on breaking them up in appropriate chapters and adding bits here and there. PLEASE let me know what you think, what theories you have, or any ideas for future fics! I love to hear from you guys and I really really hope you like this one! 
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boku-no-hoe · 6 years
hey, i noticed you're a new blog and immediately had to follow since i'm super excited to see some of your work!! d'you think i could have some headcanons on how todoroki would react if he found out his S/O's parents are villains? S/O was freed from their parents when they were maybe like eight, they absolutely despise their villain parents and want to become a hero? i'm not sure if that's /too/ specific but i'd love to see your take on it either way! anyway, lots of good luck my friends!!
ah i really liked this prompt!! i’m sorry if this isn’t exactly what you meant, but i hope you like it!!- mod vena✨
You were reluctant to tell him so you put it off for as long as possible. It’s not that you didn’t trust him and you knew he’d probably be the most understanding, considering his own family trouble, but you were afraid. It’s not something you ever told anybody unless absolutely necessary.
However, you weren’t left with much of a choice when you saw your parents on TV while sitting in the dorm common room. Your eyes widened as the newscaster went over the details of their latest crime. Physically feeling ill, your fists balled up when you heard, “... resulting in the deaths of 6 civilians.”
As they went into more detail on the actual perpetrators, Midoriya turned to face you. “Ah… combined, their quirks kind of resemble yours.”
You knew he didn’t mean anything by it because he didn’t know, but to even be compared to them made your heart hurt. You wanted nothing to do with people who could hurt others so freely which is why you decided to become a hero in the first place.
Unable to respond to Deku, you just stared at him until tears began to form in your eyes. “Y-you’re wrong…” you whispered, frustration and sadness welling up inside of you.
Todoroki was alarmed when he realized you were crying and shaking. He took your hand in his, unsure of what to do as Midoriya apologized profusely. “N-no, I wasn’t trying to say that you’re like them, Y/n! Just that your quirk is kind of-”
“Midoriya,” Todoroki cut in. It was clear his explanation was only making things worse. “Y/n, come with me.” He helped you up and silently walked you up to his room, never letting go of your hand.
Setting a warm cup of tea on the desk, Todoroki sat behind you and pulled you into his arms. “Y/n…”
You inhaled sharply, unsure of what to say. There was no way you could play that off, especially since he knew you so well. “Shouto, I have… a secret, I guess.”
He nuzzled his face into your neck, urging you to go on while letting you know he was there for you.
“The villains on the news earlier… those were my parents.” With a sigh, you explained yourself to him - about how you escaped from your parents, the horrors you were forced to see as a kid, the exact reason why you decided to be a hero, everything.
Shouto listened quietly, only offering a small noise every so often so you’d know he was listening. He held you tight in his arms, holding you to his chest with his chin on your shoulder.
As you neared the end, you inhaled and said, “I’m sorry I kept it from you, Shouto.” Now that it was all out, you were afraid. What if he was mad at you for keeping something from him? Especially something this big...
But instead of getting upset, he just shook his head and kissed your temple. “Don’t be sorry, please, Y/n. I understand how hard it is to talk about family matters… I’m just sorry you were suffering alone this whole time. I’m here for you now and I always will be. You don’t have to be by yourself ever again…” Todoroki’s voice trailed off as he tilted your chin to kiss you. “I love you and I will always be by your side, through everything.”
You smiled at him, knowing you were loved and safe with Shouto. “Thank you.”
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connywrites · 5 years
also on [ao3]
“It’s ninety-two degrees and overcast outside,” the voice stated to Carl, notifying him of the weather as soon as Leo had drawn the curtains.
“Sounds like a great day to stay in bed,” Carl muttered as he rolled onto his side, closing his eyes while he felt himself doze back into unconsciousness. Leo settled beside him on the bed, gently grabbing his shoulder with a soft nudge.
“Come on, Carl. It’s time to take your medication. You know we can’t skip that. It’s important.” Lifting faded gray eyebrows, Carl sighed, turning back over so he was on his back and held out his arm for the typical routine. Leo fetched the device needed, planting the needle carefully into Carl’s arm while it automatically dispensed the chemicals.
“I won’t be here forever, you know,” Carl brought up.
“What will you do when you have the house to yourself?” Blinking, the blue ring on Leo’s temple rotated with a few times while it considered the question.
“I don’t know. Look after things, I guess. I could rent it out for a roommate, maybe,” it thought out loud, glancing out the window to the cloudy skies. It looked like a nice day to paint, it mused.
“Honestly I thought you were gonna sell the place, but maybe there’s no point.”
“Oh, no, they want to turn it into a museum,” Carl said with disdain in his voice, face lengthening as he griped.
“I’m not having my home become a display case, though. They can do that with my art, not with my house. I want you to have the place. Markus can, too, if he ever comes home.” Always quiet about the subject, Leo nodded once.
“Has he called?”
“No, Carl. Want me to call him?” With sadness in his eyes, Carl glanced away, covering the part of his inner elbow that had been nicked with the needle as he waited for the sting to dissipate.
“No, thank you. I need to use the restroom and I’d like breakfast.”
“You got it,” Leo responded, standing up to scoop him out of bed and begin the sequence of chores.
“I don’t have anything for you here,” Carl snapped, doing his best to keep a civil composure. Markus’ hands were on the sides of his head, feeling the pinpricks of unshaved hair poking out from his scalp and face that cast a shadow over his cheeks that made him look a bit older and much more tired.
“Don’t lie to me, you know that’s not the truth,” Markus said with dismay, walking over to grab one of the nearby canvases and tuck it under his arm.
“Some would say it’s impolite to steal from your dad,” the android quipped from its place, standing next to Carl with a downcast glare in Markus’ direction from its position.
“Oh, shut up, you picture-perfect little prick,” Markus said with a surprisingly smooth tone. His anger was but a flickering flame, generally tame unless you added to the fire, but it could flicker and consume with fury given the chance.
“You’re just another rich people expense that’s taking advantage of the markets and utilizing the situation of poverty for the sake of another multi-millionaire company.” Turning to look at his father, he frowned.
“I expected better. I know you didn’t want me around, but replacing me? And with one of those?” He gestured to Leo with his other arm, setting aside the canvas as he redirected his attention to the argument he decided was now at hand.
“I’m surprised it doesn’t have blonde hair and blue eyes, you superficial asshole.” Carl sighed.
“We’ve had this conversation, Markus. It isn’t about that. I needed a caretaker and you know I don’t have any immediate family to rely on. You certainly haven’t done your share in helping me after the accident, either. I know you would be upset with me no matter what the android’s skin color was, anyway.” Glowering, Markus acknowledged that he was right, and he didn’t like that. When he went to reach for the art again, Leo stepped up to him, holding a hand out to signal him as it put itself between the two of them.
“Sorry, but I’m not gonna let you do that. Leave Carl’s stuff alone and get out of the house before I call the police.” Vision darkening, Markus took one more step forward, analyzing Leo as he stared down at it with looming green eyes.
“Easy for you to say, when the protection is on your side,” he said with long-festering hatred in his tone. Being a poor person of color in the light of bright privileged white men’s flashlights was never a beneficial angle, and he’d make sure it was never forgotten as long as he lived.
“Get out of Carl’s house. This is your last warning.”
“You’re lucky you’re not scrap metal. I could make more money selling you. Not to mention blue blood goes for a nice price these days,” Markus underhanded, prompting a particularly hurt glance from his father.
“Don’t be gruesome,” Carl told him.
“Joke’s on you, father. I know you like to think these assholes bleed and all, but it’s just advanced oil, really.” Casting Leo a sideways glance, he sneered, shoving it away by the chest in one rough motion.
“Bettering our society…by what? Replacing humans with these dolls?”
“Androids have been useful for a variety of things and are particularly handy in cases like mine, with disability,” Carl repeated yet again, slowing his words as he wondered if they ever get through. Markus sighed, rolling his eyes.
“I’m poor too, dad, but that doesn’t mean it’s fine to just cast me aside and get one of these things instead!”
“What am I supposed to do? A human nurse will tire out and be left just as miserable as I am watching me wither away, and there’s no need for that. Leo has taken great care of me,” Carl explained with more care than he knew his son would appreciate listening to.
“I don’t expect you to understand that, Markus, but please respect the situation for what it is, and not what you don’t like about it.” The wisdom cut deep as Markus folded his arms, shifting his weight and leaning back on one leg. Leo’s eyes never left him.
“I’ll respect these mannequins as soon as I get the respect I deserve first,” Markus snapped. The way Carl and his android both stared him down made him feel uncomfortable, so he backed away and turned around to leave.
“You can’t act like a victim in the shoes of an opposer,” Carl warned him with keen words he knew Markus would hear, understand, and remember. Predictably, Markus froze in place, even with the paintings under his arm and fury beneath his skin.
“You don’t know what being a victim is, you spoiled son of a bitch,” Markus spat with poison in a voice that weighed memorably under his breath, ashamed to be speaking such words from his own mouth to his father of all people before they so much as left his mind. As if awoken from an unidentified stillness, Leo shifted into motion again, having stood idly by while the two had their exchange and it felt no need to intervene until the situation became particularly heated.
“Get out of my way,” Markus warned it between clenched teeth.
“Not ‘til you hand over the art,” Leo responded.
“Please, Markus,” Carl agonized, leaning back in his wheelchair.
“I’ll give you a hundred dollars, but that’s it. I want you to leave. I don’t want to see you on my property again, son,” he said with heartbreak in his voice, but kept his tone somber.
“But you’re not selling my art to buy drugs with.” Markus, while looking for an ultimate gain in his quest of money and material items, ironically hated when Carl bargained so easily. There was no way to win when he tried to remain neutral and meet halfway, and no way to lose. Always on a mission to outsmart his father, it often hurt his ego to fail.
“Your art’s worth way more,” Markus argued simply.
“I want a grand.” Carl scoffed, closing his eyes and turning towards to Leo, ensuring it was safe where it was; watching and listening quietly but always prepared to step in if need be.
“That’s ridiculous,” Carl denied. Temper flaring, Markus tossed aside the painting, thrusting it to the ground and stepping over the wooden frame so it snapped beneath his feet. Leo stepped forward, stopping him in place.
“Last warning, pal,” it remarked with a yellow flash of its LED swiftly turning red once Markus cast it a particularly dark glare.
“Take it or leave it and get out.” That was it. He went to shove the machine, only to find his vision blank and a loud ringing in his ears.
“I’m sorry, Carl. I didn’t mean to-“ Leo’s hands were pressed to the sides of its head as it froze in place, trying to decide what to do with a turn of its heel before it began to pace.
“Get out of here, Leo,” he warned gravely under his breath, looking up at the android with a solemn gaze in his eyes.
“They’ll tear you apart. Go!” The gunshots were the last thing Carl heard before a tightness in his chest swept him away from consciousness.
Waking up with his heart thrumming heavily to the sound of beeping monitors was one thing. Hearing the newscast about his own father nearly dying of a heart attack while he and the android were right there on the scene was another.
The words didn’t immediately register for what they were, but his memory was good enough they echoed in his mind crisply so it was stored for later, when he could think over it all again when his head didn’t hurt. Coughing, he felt his breath catch in his throat, turning to stare down a trash can and vomit into it.
The next thing he realized was the blood dripping down his face from his forehead, fingers grazing over the wound with an upward glance of disgust. It wasn’t too bad; he’d suffered worse, and if they didn’t wrap it up, it probably wasn’t anything to worry about. Still. He took a moment to question whether he was left in the ICU, a familiar scene settling in once he took a look around him.
“Not again,” he groaned out loud to himself, rubbing a hand over his forehead with a sigh as disappointment welled in his chest and nausea tugged his stomach tight. He’d gotten high again, he recollected, thinking back to his time before the ‘visit’ to Carl’s house. Running his hands over his pockets, he checked to see if he had his phone; he did. Pulling it out, he glanced over his recent calls, squinting through the blurry vision as his eyes adjusted to the brightness of the screen.
Carl tried to call once, no voicemail left behind. Checking the time from three hours ago, he sighed, deleting the notification and carelessly tossing the phone onto the plastic stand next to him. In the process of the device clinking over the furniture, he heard the rattle of a pill bottle and the sound of shaking dishware, glancing over to realize someone had left him a small meal and some medication; probably to help with the withdrawal symptoms. Without an appetite, he felt no real drive to eat, but chewed away at half of the sandwich and a portion of the peach fruit cup sitting nearby. Swallowing down the glass of water in halves, he took the medication in-between before laying down in his side in case the nausea caught up with him again, feeling dizzy and lightheaded.
“Dad’s worried you’re dead.” The way it said dad settled illy on his ears.
“Well, now you can tell him I’m not,” Markus said flatly.
“Is he going to come visit me or not? He could have called me himself instead of having his android do it,” he murmured. Leo’s voice held no audible difference in reaction.
“Only if you agree to sober up.” Regret formed a knot in his throat, and he felt like his entire head had gone numb.
“For how long?”
“I dunno,” it responded, and the aspect seemed strange to him that an ever-intelligent android didn’t know something.
“That’s not a fair bargain, if he doesn’t even set the terms,” Markus stated stubbornly in a low tone.
“It’s not up to me,” Leo responded. He sighed.
“You didn’t get taken to the scrapyard, huh?”
“I did. I pieced myself back together and left,” Leo replied simply. Markus narrowed his eyebrows in confusion, squinting at the screen of the hospital TV as he tried to digest the news. Nothing was really settling in through the headache from his fall.
“That’s…freaky,” was all he thought to say, and hung up the phone, setting it aside on the nearby nightstand with a sigh. It was time to make some big decisions for himself.
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1dimagineclub · 5 years
Liam Imagine
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“5 Months”
{Your POV}
“Bye Love!” I shouted downstairs and saw Liam descending quickly without a shirt and trying to buckle his belt. “Wait! I'll take you to work.” Liam spoke as he approached. "You do not need it Liam, I'm very late, and you're not even dressed yet, I'm going to or I'll miss my bus.” I said leaving a seal on his lips and he whispered a "I love you & be safe." That I reciprocate. 
I was just going to work, but today the city is crazy! I put a song on my headphones and continued the day-to-day running, if I did not arrive at work soon, I would risk being fired.
Liam always said I did not need to work, he makes enough money to support us and there's still plenty left, but I think it's good to have a job, after all, I do not want Liam to think I'm only with him for money or that he works to support me, I like to have my responsibilities.
I stopped on the sidewalk waiting for the sign to turn green, but as I looked ahead where my spot was, I saw the bus I had to get, I needed to get there right away because the next one would only come in half an hour, even with the sign closed, I saw that there were not many cars passing and then I tried to cross, the first car stopped beeping and I gave a small apology even though he could not hear, but as soon as he would pass the next, he came at high speed and I soon felt a great impact against my body, my vision was blurred and I felt strong pains in my arm and my left leg.
“Hey, girl are you okay? Do not close your eyes you need to stay awake!” I heard a voice and then what was blurred began to get dark.
{Liam’s POV}
(Y/N) had gone to work and I was finishing packing. Today I have to go to the studio to finish recording my songs. I took the keys from my car and turned it on quickly to the studio.
Arriving at the same, I greeted everyone who was there and I spent some time talking to one of the security guards since they were cleaning the studio. While I was talking to Paul, I heard pass on a newscast about an accident near my house, I wondered what had happened, and turned toward the TV to pay attention.
"Apparently, earlier today a girl was crossing the street but the traffic light was  green and the cars were passing at high speed, one of those cars hit her full, the driver got out of the car and helped her along with some pedestrians who were passing. All we know so far is that she was taken to the hospital and it looks like it was pretty bad. The street vendors found her documents, her name is (Y/F/N) (Y/L/N). " The reporter said, my heart stopped at the same moment and I bet it had gone pale because soon I got dizzy and I had to lean on Paul.
"Liam, I'm going to call the hospital to see how she is and if you can go, okay?” Paul said putting me in a sitting position.
"Take me... to her, I need to see (Y/N), Paul, please take me to the hospital." I pleaded already with tears in my eyes. Paul nodded regretfully and asked some people to keep an eye on me if I felt bad.
Soon the same returned with a not very good feature and I felt my heart tighten even more.
“We can go, but she still can not receive visits, only after some procedures and exams.” He spoke and I nodded frantically, feeling the dizziness coming back.
“Come on then, can you drive?” I asked the same one who nodded.
We headed to the parking lot to get my car - which Paul drove since I was not psychologically fit for it - and as soon as we got to the hospital there were already reporters at the entrance. There were so many that we could not enter but luckily a nurse saw us and let us enter the part where only authorized personnel entered.
Paul and I hurried to the front desk. “Where is the patient (Y/F/N)?” I asked desperately for the receptionist. “She just went into the x-ray.” He said calmly. "When will I be able to see her?" I asked again. "Sorry, but only the doctors can tell you that.” He replied and I snorted.
We sat in the waiting room and stood there watching the hospital move. Reading magazines and watching fish swim in an aquarium was no longer entertaining me, not to mention all the truffles that were on a table and I had practically shredded with the teeth. And no sign of my girlfriend. There was no doctor who even passed by so I couldn’t ask to see how she was. Even Paul was getting anxious because he left me some time alone to get out of the hospital and light a cigarette.
Until a doctor came out of the emergency room and it seemed like he was my only hope at that moment. "Are you Liam?" He asked with a small smile. “Yes, I am. Any news on (Y/N)?” I got up from my seat facing him.
“It happened that the accident was serious, she ended up breaking her left arm and leg. And from the impact with the car, she ended up getting some cuts & bruises on her face, and there could have been something worse that happened with her head.” He spoke looking at the her chart. “Something worse? How is she?” I asked worriedly as he tensed.
"As I said, she might have suffered a head injury, but luckily, she didn’t. She is breathing with the help of some tubes and is currently... in a coma.” He spoke and I rolled my eyes. “You gotta be kidding me. Is that a lie?” I asked and I saw Paul approaching. "Sorry, but no, it's not a lie.” He answered seriously and I felt the warm tears wet my face. Paul hugged me and I felt as if my lungs were going to stop working making me run out of air.
After five hours waiting at that hospital, the nurse informed me that I could see my girlfriend. I was slightly happy, to see her, but knowing that she was in that state. But as the doctor said, it could have been worse.
As soon as I accompanied the nurse and entered the small room, I was startled to see her there, breathing with the aid of breathing machine, her face and her pale hands, the only thing that had color was her bruises and her veins that were purple from the needles. I approached the same seeing her chest rise and descend slowly.
“My love...” I whispered, bending beside her. Unable to speak, I just stood there, caressing her hand and face and leaving a few kisses on her cheek and arm. It hurt so much to see her in that state.
After the doctor told me everything that had happened, I discovered that there was not an exact time to know how long she would be in a coma, he said that there are people who stay only a few months and then wake up... but others take years and in some cases they have to turn off the devices because they can not keep trying for a long time. That's what despaired me the most, knowing that I can lose it is horrible.
It was the second day I was going to visit her in the hospital, I took a rose to take that hospital air out of the room, (Y/N) always hated hospitals.
“Hi baby, I was thinking and... you were probably the best thing that ever happened in my life, you make me smile... make me cry, make me feel loved and find out what it was love. And I could not be more grateful for you. I love you. And I will say it every day of my life, even if you are no longer here and even if you can not hear me.” I spoke and left a kiss on her forehead.
The doctor said that she can hear me and even think about being in a coma, the same as not, maybe they are not listening to me, but what I really want is for her to know anyway I will be here.
* Day 3 *
Again I was at the hospital, yesterday I had posted on the instagram an explanation of everything that happened, because everyone was worried about the accident and my little disappearance. I called (Y/N)’s family and they are already coming here to be around, I warned my family and last night they came and stayed here while I went home to take a shower because I spent the whole day in the hospital.
* One month after the accident *
It had already been a month, today when I was talking to (Y/N) and I took her hand, she squeezed mine, the doctor said that this is very good sign and means that she can feel it when I touch her. I was immensely happy just to feel her grip that even weak held my hand. It was the most exciting part of that day.
* Two months after the accident *
After two months in hospital, I still kept my hopes of waking her up, I read some articles about people who survived and spent years in a coma yesterday, that gave me a lot of motivation, so I'm confident about her improvement.
"Did you know they're all missing you?" Even your cousin you always thought asked how you are. You must be wanting to disturb him again, right?
I gave a small laugh and saw that her chest began to rise and fall faster. I called one of the doctors and he looked at her and then explained that she had some feeling, something like anger, happiness, sadness and etc that made her speed up her heart rate. This made me even more hopeful, if I said something funny she must have been happy, or sad to remember that she is in that state. But at least that was an improvement.
* Three months after the accident *
(Y/N) was changing, she was getting leaner and it seemed that her appearance was over. Since I wanted to be able to put myself in her place and pass it on for her, the only problem is that she would be desperate just like me, and this is one of the last things I wanted to happen.
“My album is almost finished, you'll be the first person I'll let you listen to. Promise.” I saw a tear trickling from her eye.
* Four months after the accident *
“Down to earth Keep 'em falling when I know it hurts Going faster than a million miles an hour Trying to catch my breath some way, somehow Down to earth It's like I'm frozen, but the world still turns Stuck in motion, but the wheels keep spinning 'round Moving in reverse with no way out
And now I'm one step closer to being Two steps far from you And everybody wants you Everybody wants you
How many nights does it take to count the stars? That's the time it would take to fix my heart Oh, baby, I was there for you All I ever wanted was the truth, yeah, yeah How many nights have you wished someone would stay? Lay awake only hoping they're okay I never counted all of mine If I tried, I know it would feel like infinity Infinity, infinity, yeah Infinity
Eyes can't shine Unless there's something burning bright behind Since you went away, there's nothing left in mine I feel myself running out of time
And now I'm one step closer to being Two steps far from you And everybody wants you Everybody wants you
How many nights does it take to count the stars? That's the time it would take to fix my heart Oh, baby, I was there for you All I ever wanted was the truth, yeah, yeah How many nights have you wished someone would stay? Lay awake only hoping they're okay I never counted all of mine If I tried, I know it would feel like infinity Infinity, infinity, yeah Infinity Infinity, infinity
How many nights does it take to count the stars? That's the time it would take to fix my heart Oh, baby, I was there for you All I ever wanted was the truth, yeah, yeah How many nights have you wished someone would stay? Lay awake only hoping they're okay I never counted all of mine If I tried, I know it would feel like infinity Infinity, infinity, yeah Infinity”
I sang the song she said was the best song on the album Made in the A.M. She always asked me to sing that song at night for her to sleep.
* Five months later *
It's been five months, today I'll go to the hospital later since her family is there and they want to be alone with her, I took the time to feed myself and sleep more calmly. But soon the phone rang and I had to answer.
“Liam?” I heard (Y/B/N)’s voice on the phone.
“Yes?” I asked. “(Y/N), she woke up!” He warned me and I hung up.
My joy was so much that I bet it was passing to anyone who wanted to look at me. I got my car and hurried to the hospital.
Arriving at the hospital, I went straight to the room where I was finding her awake and already without the plaster on the leg and arm, only those orthopedic notes and a band on the arm.
“My love! I miss you, I love you very much.” I said leaving several kisses in her mouth.
“Who are you?” She pushed me lightly.
“It's me! Liam... your boyfriend.” I said confused seeing her startled.
“I do not know you.” She spoke as she moved further away and took hold of her mother's hand.
The doctor called me out of the room and explained that she was like that because the coma time has left her with no memories, she can only remember her family and few things about her childhood. That is it, as if to her we never exist.
My heart squeezed but soon a light smile took over my face. I can make you fall in love with me again.
We left the hospital and she agreed to go to our house as long as her mother visited us every day. I managed to make her comfortable, but I had to sleep away from her because she did not trust me very much.
(Y/N) spent every day on my care and those of her family, I tried at all costs not to make her uncomfortable so that she had more confidence in me, but her memory still did not return.
* One month later *
It has been a long, tiring month, and I am very happy that she has recovered and now is doing treatment with the psychologist to try to remember something. (Y/N) until she has a good relationship with me, she no longer thinks I'm a complete stranger who might want to kill but she does not trust enough to kiss me either.
Today the day was calm, she had already had lunch and was in "our" room - that in these last months has been only her - watching series, I would even be close but I am afraid of her to find me very sticky and also for her to be able to have the space her.
“LIAM!” I heard (Y/N) call me and I ran to the bedroom wondering what could have happened worse.
"My God, what is it?" I asked confused trying to find something wrong.
“I remember you! I remember you, Liam, everything, our first kiss, our first date... everything! I love you Liam!” Listening to those words was like feeling a light ignite inside me.
"You really do remember everything about us?” I asked and she nodded. Then I felt arms wrapping around me and her lips crashing into mine. She had come back, had come back completely to me.
“I'm sorry, my love, I did not want to have forgotten you... you always stayed in my heart.” She apologized, leaving a few kisses on my face. How I missed it.
"You do not have to apologize, you did not predict that would happen, I just want you to let me take you to work for now on and promise to be careful. I was serious watching her nod.
“I promise!” She answered confidently.
“I felt... I felt that you were by my side all the time, it was strange... a good strange, it was as if I felt your love heating my heart and making me comfortable even with all of the medical equipment and knowing that I could not open my eyes, speak or even move. You were my light Liam, my only hope.” (Y/N) spoke serious and I saw that she was not kidding, my eyes were already wet and I just wanted to cry like a baby as I hugged her.
"You felt that because I love you and I'll always be by your side, protecting you and taking care of you. I spoke and we began another kiss, slow and calm, to demonstrate everything we felt for each other.
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blame2pm · 7 years
Where is she?
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Wooyoung waved goodbye to his members as he got into his car. There was a last minute practice for their concert next month. It was already 2am and his body was aching from dancing for the past four hours. Wooyoung switched on the radio and listened as the deejay droned about the topic that night; regrets. The street was deserted because of the late hours except for a few vehicles. Out of nowhere, a motorbike overtook his car sharply. Wooyoung pushed his foot on the brakes hard to avoid collision as he cursed under his breath. But before he could move the car again he was blinded by the headlight of the oncoming vehicle.
He felt the strong impact first before the searing pain that followed. And the last thing he remembered was the darkness.
Seyoung was eating breakfast while reading a script when suddenly she heard his name on the television that she had turned on for background noise. She reached the remote to switch the tv off, hoping not to see his face but she stopped midway when she saw an image of a wrecked car in the middle of the road. That black car looks familiar. She knew the car all too well because she had spent countless hours in its passenger seat. Her heart dropped when she finally registered what the newscaster was saying. “Jang Wooyoung of 2pm was in an accident this morning at 2.40am in Ilsan where his car was rammed by a four-wheel drive. Police are still investigating the cause of the accident. It is reported that he is still in surgery and his current condition is unconfirmed.”
The remote that she was holding dropped to the floor as her hands covered her mouth. “Please no.” she gasped, shaking her head while her eyes were fixed on the tv even as the news moved on to reporting the weather. Fear and worst case scenarios ran through her mind. When she finally came to her senses, her first instinct was to search for her car keys and get to the hospital. But after a moment of rummaging through her purse, Seyoung paused. Does she even have the right to care about Wooyoung anymore?
Months have passed since their breakup and the last time they had seen each other. She did not wish him on his birthday nor did he contact her on the success of her drama. She was aware of how much he was hurt over their breakup. When scrolling through her twitter feed last month, she came upon his emotional performance during his concerts. He also looked thinner than ever. Doubts settled in that she decided to wait.
It wasn’t enough to make her stop worrying though. Seyoung spent the entire morning refreshing the news sites, hoping to know any updates on how he was doing. He had to be okay. She desperately wanted to believe that he was not seriously injured because the thought of him hurt was utterly frightening. The condition of his car flashed again in her mind. The sight of broken windows and the driver’s door smashed in made her heart raced.
It was almost noon when she braved herself to call his number, all the while praying for the best. A voice that wasn’t his picked up, it was Chansung.
“Seyoung-ie noona,” he asked. “You heard?”
“Yeah, I saw it on tv.” It dawned on her then that none of his friends had informed her of the accident and she had to learn it through the news. She really was not part of Wooyoung’s life anymore and the thought broke her heart.
“Sorry noona, we didn’t know whether we should call you since, you know…” he trailed off as if reading her mind. “And it happened in the middle of the night too.”
“Chansung-ah, how is he? Is he okay? What happened, is he hurt?” Seyoung had no time for his small talk.
“He is stable. The surgery for his broken arm and fractured ribs went well.” Seyoung closed her eyes and held her breath. “He was driving home from our practice when a sleepy driver crashed into his car. The problem is he also hit his head really hard. His x-rays are fine but he is still unconscious.”
Seyoung breathed a sigh of relief. It wasn’t as bad as she had imagined it to be but the fact that he hadn’t woken up yet terrified her. She pressed Chansung for more information; the rehabilitation process, whether Wooyong’s parents were there, and the condition of the other driver. She hung up only until she made Chansung promised to call her as soon as there was any news.
The ward was piling up with flowers but the patient had yet to wake up to appreciate the many well wishes. Because of the crowded room, the members took turns to wait by the bed with Woooung’s mom. It was Junho who noticed when Wooyoung’s fingers began to twitch.
“Wooyoung-ah,“ he exclaimed, jumping out of his seat to quickly call the nurses on duty.
The doctor was brought in to explain about his accident and condition. He was asked primary questions like his name, age and address which he answered correctly. A few more tests was carried out and after he insisted that he was okay, his parents left to rest at the hotel.
“My head is pounding like I have a huge hangover.” Wooyoung sighed.
Minjun chuckled. “Yah, do you know how worried we were?”
Realization flashed in Wooyoung’s eyes as he tried to sit up.  “Wait, where’s Seyoung? Is she alright? Was she in the car with me?” he panicked.
“No Wooyoung, she wasn’t with you.” Taecyeon answered. “What are you talking about?”
“I almost died, my girlfriend must be worried sick. Where is she?”
Confused glances were exchanged between five pairs of eyes. “Umm, let me go get the doctor okay.” Chansung offered.
“It’s retrograde amnesia. Basically, Wooyoung has no recollection of anything that happened in the last six months.” Chansung updating Seyoung about Wooyoung as he promised.
Seyoung gasped. “You mean…”
“Yes, he has no memory that you guys had broken up. He was asking for you the whole time.”
“So, you guys have told him right?”
“No, how could we? The guy has a broken arm and fractured ribs. We couldn’t break his heart too.” Chansung explained. “Can’t you come and explain to him?”
There was a long silence before she spoke.  “I don’t think I can Chansung-ah. I haven’t seen him in so long and I’ve barely gotten over our break up the first time, and you’re basically asking me to go through it again.”
“Please noona, he’d have questions and we don’t know what actually happened between the two of you. He never really told us what broke you guys up,” he begged.
Seyoung sighed. “Okay, okay.” Even though she disliked the idea, she knew she was the only person to do it. Besides, she had to see Wooyoung with her own eyes to make sure that he was really okay.
On the way to the hospital, Seyoung ran through what she was going to say in her mind. She decided that she was just going to be honest and tell him what had drove them apart, how she had felt and how both of them was to blame for the failure of their relationship.
After greeting Wooyoung’s parents outside of his ward, she tentatively stepped into his room. The strong smell of antiseptic was the first thing that greeted her but her eyes were drawn to his body on the bed immediately. She took note of how he looked as he was resting with his eyes closed. He was wrapped in a cast and bandages, and despite the cuts and bruises on his face, she thought he still looked as handsome as ever. For a split second, thoughts to abort mission crossed her mind but it was too late as the sound of the door closing behind her rose Wooyoung up from his slumber.
His eyes lit up as soon as it set on her. A huge smile followed. “Seyoung-ah!” he exclaimed.
God, that voice. That smile. How much has she missed it? “Oh, Wooyoung-ah,” she stammered, her feet rooted in place. She almost blurted out she missed him. “How are you feeling?”
“I’m sorry, you must have worried a lot, didn’t you. But I’m fine now. I’m stronger than you think,” he said jokingly, beating his chest with his fist and then grimacing adorably at his own infliction.  
Seyoung couldn’t believe it at first. In front of her was the guy she loved, the old Wooyoung. The person she fell in love with and not the guy from months ago that broke her heart.  The reminder of what she lost was staring back at her so she looked away. Did she really have to tell him the truth? Couldn’t they just go on like the past six months didn’t happen? But Seyoung knew that wasn’t fair, for him or for herself. The emotional turmoil must have shown on her face because Wooyoung asked worriedly, “Hey, what’s wrong?” He extended his good arm towards her, “Are you not even going to give me a hug?”
It took all of her to not run into his arm but Seyoung walked to the chair next to his bed and fidgeted in the seat. She looked everywhere else but at him before finally exhaling, “We need to talk.”
His outreached hand dropped to his side and the cheery face that he was wearing grew concerned. She took a long moment before she finally blurted, “Wooyoung-ah, you’ve suffered a memory loss. The head trauma from the accident had caused you to forget what happened in the past six months.”
He let out a small laugh. “I thought you were being serious.”
“I am, Wooyoung-ah,” she reiterated, finally looking him in the eyes this time. She watched as his forehead creased upon realizing that she wasn’t joking around. The whispers between his parents and the doctor just now and the members walking on eggshells around him finally made sense.
“Okay…” he said slowly, “but how much could have happened in the span of six months anyway?”
There wasn’t any other way to sugar coat it. “We broke up,” she murmured.
It took a long moment for Wooyoung to process this new information. They weren’t together anymore? Seyoung is no longer his? How did he lose the love of his life? With every passing question that he asked himself, his heart felt like it was stepped on bit by bit. He hesitantly asked one question out loud, “Who broke up with who?”
“I broke up with you.”
“Oh,” he whispered as the world simultaneously felt like it was crushing on him. His eyes turned watery and Seyoung looked away because the pain he had on his face mirrored the pain she felt in her heart.  This wasn’t how Wooyoung looked the first time she left him. The look he had before was like he was resigned by their fate. But now he looked hurt, distraught even.
“I had my reasons,” she gulped the lump that formed in her throat. “I think you did too because you also agreed to separate ways.”
“Can you tell me what happened? What I did?”
“It wasn’t solely your fault. Six months ago, we just got too busy. You with music and me on dramas, that we both stopped putting in enough effort to see each other. You were going out to clubs and partying a lot. I tried going with you, because I just wanted to spend time together but you know I don’t like that kind of scene. In hindsight, I guess you were doing it for your album concept. I just felt ignored and taken for granted,” she smiled sadly at the memory during the tail-end of their relationship that she desperately wanted to forget which ironically, he had. “I don’t know, maybe we should have tried harder but you were kind of distanced. In the end, the silence drifted us apart.”
Wooyoung shook his head. He wondered why he was being that way, how he could be that stupid to just let her go like that. “I didn’t try to get you back?” Wooyoung asked.
“No, we haven’t spoken. This is actually the first time I’ve seen you since,” she smiled but he could see the pain disguised behind it.
“I don’t know what to say. I’m sorry I hurt you Seyoung-ah.” He rolled his head back and groaned out loud in frustration. Since he couldn’t remember anything, it felt like he just skipped a time-dimension. He was angry at his past self for hurting the woman he loves and even angrier that the present him had to now live with the consequences.
“This is hard to take all at once right? I’m sorry I had to tell you all this. But I’m fine now, it had been a couple months. You know what they say about time healing all wounds,” she comforted him.   
Wooyoung nodded, trying is hardest not to break down at the thought of her moving on. “Is there anything else I should know?”
“Umm, about us?” she wondered if she had left out anything. “Well, I don’t really know how you felt then, but during your solo concert you sang this break-up song and kind of spilled your heart out on stage. It was really an emotional performance. I don’t know, I think you might have thought that we broke up because I had someone else but I just want you to know that I didn’t. I wasn’t seeing anyone else.”
Wooyoung face lit up slightly upon hearing the last sentence. She didn’t know why she had said it but she felt like letting him know.
“Take care, Wooyuong-ah,” Seyoung said as she instinctively put her hand of top of his on the bed. The sudden skinship sent a jolt of electricity to Wooyoung as he looked up into Seyoung’s eyes who moved her hand quickly as though she also felt the same flutter in the stomach that he had.
“I have to go,” she looked away and got up from her seat. She was afraid that if she stayed any longer she wouldn’t ever want to leave his side.    
Wooyoung only managed to nod, because the word ‘goodbye’ somehow felt too permanent. Seyoung turned around and left. Finally, the tear that was pooling in his eyes trickled down his cheeks.
Seyoung was getting ready for bed when the doorbell rang. She wondered who had visited her this late as she pressed the intercome button to check who was at her front door. She hadn’t seen the man in the small screen for two months.
“Hi,” Wooyoung said nervously when she opened the door.
“Hi, how are you?” Seyoung stepped aside to let him in. “You’re not wearing your cast anymore.” She noted, as they made their way to the living room.
“Yeah, I’m fine. I’ve started rehab on my arm just yesterday.” He held up his injured hand and waved his fingers slightly. “The doctor said aside from my memory, I’m recovering fast. He said the memories may come back to me one day, or it may not.” Wooyoung shrugged. “But yeah, it could have been worse.”
Seyoung shuddered at the thought of something worse happening to him. They sat on opposite sides on the sofa and Wooyoung noticed that their pictures together that once filled the frames on the shelves were now gone. It dawned on him how Seyoung might have already moved on.
“Umm, well what are you doing here?” Seyoung asked breaking the awkward silence.
Rubbing the back of his neck with his good hand, he found the courage to continue. “I have been thinking a lot about the night of the accident. It happened after practice and the members said I was driving home. However, you know, the accident didn’t happen near where I live, right? In fact, it happened just a couple blocks away from here.”
Seyoung nodded. She knew this but didn’t know why it was relevant now.
“What if, what if I was on the way to come here to see you that night of the incident?” Wooyoung asked quizzically.
“But you could have wanted to go anywhere Wooyoung-ah,” she said, incredulously. “Maybe you wanted to go to the tteobokki place around the corner that you liked. Or get your dry clean from your usual shop down the road.”
“At two o’clock in the morning?” Wooyoung stood up now.
Seyoung looked up at him, pacing the short length in front of her. The familiar sight of Wooyoung in this very living room was clouding her mind with memories they shared here. The board games they played, the songs he wrote as she read her scripts, the dances they had to the tune of his LP collections, the future they had planned together on this sofa. It was easier to forget everything when she hadn’t seen Wooyoung, their paths never crossed when she had filming and him touring. But now that he was here, the void in her heart that she tried so hard to fill felt even more wider.
“I don’t know, does it matter where you were going?’’ Seyoung asked, confused where the conversation was leading.
“I tried to recall and piece together what happened between us. I talked with the members, read our messages and my journals, but it still didn’t make sense to me. How we could have went our separate ways,” Wooyoung continued.
Seyoung smiled a comforting smile.  “Trust me, I didn’t lose my memory but even I am still confused how things got to the way it was.” Eventhough, in hindsight she knew she could have been a little more understanding of him working, put in a little more effort but it wasn’t like he fought for her either. Thoughts about what-ifs and what they could have done differently ran through her mind, so she was distracted when Wooyoung asked the next question.
“So, how do you feel about putting the past behind us and trying again?”
Seeing Seyoung hesitated, he started mumbling, “Unless you’re seeing someone else, I should have asked that first, shouldn’t I, how dumb of me, I’m sorry, I didn’t think…”
She stopped him in his tracks when she said, “I’m not seeing anyone.” A small, relived smile appeared on Wooyoung’s face. He pulled her up in his arms then. Seyoung didn’t pull away but she wasn’t confident either. “Let’s try again.” To be honest, she had wanted him to say these words months ago. Was it important that he was only saying it now?
Wooyoung’s a big believer of fate and that everything happens for a reason. All he knew now was that God had wiped the slate clean, at least for himself, and had given him a second chance to fix their relationship. He was not going to waste that chance by letting her slip from him for the second time. They were going to try harder, work it out together and communicate better. He promised this to her and more.
Seyoung wrapped her arms tightly around his waist. For every bit of uncertainties she felt, she also felt secure and safe in his embrace. Like the feeling of being lost and finally finding the way, like waves returning to shore. They were two souls coming home.
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