#Antagonistic Flirting mostly from wilbur's end because i'm pretty sure quackity like. Fully Hates wilbur's guts. not going to lie
megablade · 3 years
Okay but like if Karl had told Quackity none of this would have happened
Yes he still built Las Nevadas but it's for them and George not the manipulation, it was supposed to be a safe heaven
But since he forgot he met with Gogy, he told him about Kinoko, Quackity suffers yet another heartbreak and out of destiny he visits the ghost of his ex that gave him the first heartbreak and ends up striking a deal with him. Then he starts torturing Dream and since the people he had originally built this for have a nation he has nobody so desesperatly has to think of members joining him and how to ensure their loyalty so he thinks about the ghost he made a deal with and hey if it worked with him and he stayed with Schlatt for a long time surely it must work. And so the manipulation starts and it works and they join and Wilbur and Tommy appear and tnt duo *head in hands"
C! Karl I know you didn't mean it but now your fiance spiriled into a dark path and you will lose him momentarily to his political rival whom he has tension with.
Man (late night rambles sorry)
karlnapity's always been a little messy and miscommunication has been their weakness from the very beginning, AND IF THEY JUST TALKED TO EACH OTHER MAYBE THIS WOULDN'T HAVE BEEN AS BAD... to be clear though i don't blame karl or sapnap in the slightest because for all we know, they think quackity is off vibing somewhere while they're dealing with karl's memory loss, so like.
i mean i think that quackity's past trauma feeds into this issue because he heard from george about kinoko kingdom and he came to his own conclusions (that they'd left him behind) and took off without even checking with karl & sapnap — he just Readily accepted the fact that he wasn't wanted, despite still caring Very Much about them (as we've seen in the las nevadas streams)
but yeah... the timeline of everything that unfolded after the interaction with george in front of the prison drives me WILD because up until then, quackity was still recovering from the (good) news of tommy's revival and was still trying to dissuade bad from the egg (before blowing it up), and then Boom,,, kinoko kingdom news
like it is Very Clear that there WAS a spiral, mostly likely kick-started by his overwhelming feeling of betrayal & abandonment (which, again, isn't the fault of karl & sapnap but rather stems from the unresolved issues that quackity was Supposed to resolve but everyone on the server is SO emotionally repressed so that never happened)
horse_by_the_sea.jpg Man
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