#Another COTC fanfic LET'S GOOOOOO!
confusedhomicidalrage · 6 months
As Fips stretched and picked Abel up, his gaze quickly went to Malachai. "Malachai, me and the rest of the family, except Isaac because he's sick, are gonna go ice skating, do you wanna come with us?" Malachai turned his gaze to Fips, and after a few seconds of consideration, he shook his head and said: "No"
Fips shrugged and then yelled over to Lawrence, who was upstairs helping Eli get ready: "He doesn't wanna come!" "Alright!" Lawrence yelled back to him. When Lawrence and Eli finally came downstairs, Fips was already standing at the door with Abel in his arms. Joshua quickly ran downstairs after Eli, to not keep them waiting, while Mordecai and Micah came out of the kitchen, considering they got a quick snack. Fips then looked back at Malachai and Isaac. "Alright, behave you two" ,He said sternly before they left, locking the door behind them just in case.
After a few seconds of silence, Isaac and Malachai exchanged looks. However, it wasn't long before Isaac grabbed a tissue and sneezed into it, narrowing his eyes as he blew his stuffy nose. He had Fips played in the snow a few too many times without proper winter clothing, and now Isaac had gotten sick. Malachai sighed, he didn't particularly like Isaac, but they were brothers, and Malachai still cared about Isaac in a way.
"uh...do you want me to make you soup?" ,Malachai asked, to which Isaac perked up, staring at him. With a hoarse, quiet voice, the younger boy muttered a small "...yes please" in embarrassment. Malachai stood up from the couch and walked to the kitchen, grabbing a pot and sighing. He made some chicken soup, how Fips always does it, and then brought a bowl of soup to Isaac, who was cuddled up in blankets on the couch. Isaac accepted the soup with a small nod, and began eating it, enjoying the sensation of the heat going down his throat and filling his stomach.
Malachai sat down on the couch and put the TV on, going on Netflix and selecting a random horror movie he had watched a billion times already. In the middle of it, Malachai felt something hit his shoulder, and grumbled in annoyance. When he looked, however, he saw Isaac had fallen asleep, with his head resting on Malachai's shoulder. With a small sigh, and a thin smile on his face, Malachai pulled Isaac closer, so the latter was on the former's lap, with Isaac's head on his chest. As He covered them with a blanket, Malachai turned his gaze back to the TV, his left hand subconsciously toying with Isaac's hair while the right one held him so he wouldn't roll off the the older boy and onto the floor.
Few hours later, Malachai heard the front door open. He turned his head, and saw Abel practically bouncing back into the house, with Fips right behind him. Joshua was carrying a sleepy Eli in his arms, while Lawrence was holding hands with Micah and Mordecai. "We're back!" ,Fips announced as Malachai rolled his eyes and stated: "Obviously"
"Where's Isaac?" ,Lawrence asked as he looked around the room, raising a brow. Malachai sighed, and then gestured at Isaac, who was still sleeping on him. "Awwww.." , Mordecai cooed. Abel giggled, but didn't care enough to really comment as he just went upstairs, probably to play with his chew toys. "Well, at least you two didn't fight" ,Fips mentioned as he took off his coat. Joshua smiled, agreeing with a nod as he carried Eli upstairs so the two could go to bed. It was late after all, and Eli was tired. Micah leaned onto Lawrence, yawning adn hugging his Beloved Father, as Lawrence grinned and hugged him back. Mordecai chuckled, and walked over to where Isaac and Malachai was laying.
However, as Mordecai reached out to Touch Isaac, he was met with Malachai pointing his machete at him with a glare. "Don't fucking touch him" ,Malachai scowled, as Fips narrowed his eyes and quickly forced him to lower his machete. Fips sighed, and sternly told Malachai: "Don't point that at your siblings!" Lawrence sighed and walked forward to take Mordecai, who was now whining and whimpering, into his arms. Meanwhile, Micah just waddled upstairs to fall into his bed and sleep.
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