#And we forgot where we put the snow shovel - BTW it's at my parent's not in storage ugh
dewitty1 · 10 months
Saturday Six (Stuff)
There's white bullshite (aka snow) falling, and we hates it.(¬д¬。)
My cat lady customer was very sweet, and paid full price for a mix up that happened years ago, but took her forever to get back to me about getting it done, so eff yeah! o((*^▽^*))o
Mr Boots kitty is having a hard time with the new pine pellet cat box, so we have to compromise and hide it in the old covered box, and see how that works. (^・ω・^ )
Idk if I'm happy or sad that I'm not going to be decorate for Xmas.(’-’*)
My Dude (@super-ultra-mega-kami-guru-blog) and I have concluded that we can be bumbling idiots. Lol... Like we're both smart, but damn are we forgetful and, just plain dumb sometimes. It's like we're related or something lol. \(^▽^@)ノ
It's seasonal depression time, which means I'm back on watching comfort shows/movies, and barely any new stuff. But I have a ton on my list. Ugh.ヾ(*´ー`)ノ
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