#And they straightened Ryoko's hair
princescar · 2 months
Tsumugi, your hair is ugly. I will not apologize.
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morimakesfanart · 3 years
(7)what animal symoolizes you? (8) in Harry Potter are you in a House? if so which house ?(9) what do you do for a job ? (10) what is you're favourite female anime Character? (11) will you do a face reveal? (12) how often do you draw? (13) how tall are you ?
7) There's a few animals I've been related to. My family normally would joke that I'm a goat or ram because I'm an Aries. I turned that into a geep (goat/sheep hybrid) because born the year of the sheep. I'm also often referred to as a rabbit because I really like carrots and lettuce. I've even had lettuce instead of popcorn because I like it so much. I have drawn a fursona that's a jackalope with ram horns. I used to have a butterfly fae Sona that drew all the time in middle and high school. If I ever give Mori a Djinn it will probably be based in one of these animals.
8) I did read the books as they came out because my friends and mom really liked them, but I wasn't the biggest fan. I took a few of the placement quizzes online, but every time gave me a different house.
I support trans rights, and although many fans and even the actors have taken stances against JK Rowling, I cannot separate her from her writing enough to want to engage in it anymore.
9) I am currently working full time as a draftsman for microelectronics. I work with engineers to figure out the best layout for the internal parts of the device, and then I make a visual representation of what that will look like. The assemblers then use my drawings and notes to build the actual devices.
10) I have a few female characters I keep going back to in anime. It depends on what time period I'm feeling. From the 80's: A-Ko (Project A-Ko) and Iria (Iria: Xerium the Animation). From the 90's: Ryoko (Tenchi), and Akane (Ranma 1/2). From the 2000's: Duck and Rue (Princess Tutu), Paprika (Paprika), and Celty (DRRR). From 2010's Morgiana and Kougyoku (Magi), Chiyuki (death parade), Trish (JoJo's part 5)
Most of my favorite characters end up being male because they are often given more depth and more important roles in the plot.
11) XD I've shown my face a few times over the years including this winter, so I'm surprised by this one.
Here's one of the Christmas themed outfits I wore this past year, and one of the Halloween (plz excuse the messy bathroom). I just realized don't have many pictures of me with my hair down recently. I should work on that. XD My hair reaches my tail bone when down and straightened, but the curls keep it around my hips.
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I'm still working at drawing myself more accurately.
12) I try to draw everyday even if it's just a doodle. When I go a few days or even a week without drawing my skills start to drop, and it takes me a while to get them back.
13) I am 5ft nothing. (152.4 cm)
((I'll get to the next set during my next break. :D))
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ikumi has always interested me bc of her unique experiences with femininity: her childhood girlishness vs. her dad's insistence on masculinization, her inner desires to be soft vs her conflicting desires to be sexy, her society's views on tomboyish and sexually open women. ik that ikumi & isami would never force bella to change herself like what grandpa mito did, but has she ever struggled with being blunt, bold, and sexually liberated in a society where feminine ideals are the opposite?
Thanks so much for bringing this up! I’ve had similar thoughts about Ikumi, and I wish the narrative had spent more meaningful time on developing her story!
For Bella, there were definitely some rougher times. She’s always felt a little unwanted by her family in Italy. Since she was young, she felt like her paternal grandparents and great uncle were always comparing her to Maria and judging her and her mother. Although she cares for the regular customers at the trattoria and enjoys her time cooking there, she’s never felt much love or support from that side of her family (except Aunt Megumi, who is not judgmental, and Uncle Takumi, who clearly loves her fiercely despite his reservations about how his brother raised her). Maria, for her part, has always been oblivious to all of this, so she never understood why Bella avoids coming around over the holidays. 
She also has some...let’s call it baggage around the idea of being the type of girl a guy can’t bring home to his parents. Right now in my drafts, I have an unfinished piece about Sosuke taking Bella to meet Shun and Ryoko for the first time, and it’s mostly just her thinking about how they’re going to hate her and insist that he ends up with “the nice, wholesome girl who’s boring as fuck” (Bella’s words, not mine lol) instead. She puts on this ridiculous white dress and straightens her hair and tries to say as little as humanly possible, but as one might imagine, the facade doesn’t last for very long. In the end things turn out fine (well, they will, when I get around to finishing the story), but that anxiety stays with her for a long time. 
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polar-stars · 7 years
Destined for each other
Soulmate AU (The one where everyone is born with heterochromatic. One eye being their natural eye color and the other one being the one of their soulmate)
Pairing: Shun Ibusaki x Ryoko Sakaki, but some mentions and hints of other side pairings specifically Zenji Marui x Yuki Yoshino
For ShokugekiOTPWeek 2018 - Day 2
Prompt: Soulmate
Author’s Note:
So yes. This is actually the first fan fiction I ever wrote for Shokugeki, so please excuse some potential OOCness here and there as I was just beginning to write these characters back then.
It’s originally written in German and I spontaneously decided to translate it for ShokugekiOTPWeek.
Hope you like it I guess. 
One last time Ryoko Sakaki straightened the new, naval-blue uniform. She adjusted the striped ribbon and took a glance into the mirror.
There she stood, the new student for Totsuki Culinary Academy: Ryoko Sakaki.
It had been her dream to attend the school for years. Totsuki was the most acclaimed Culinary School in the entirety of Japan. Famous for throwing out a ridiculous amount of student during the six years they had to walk through to make way for the absolute Elite. The graduates could be count off by hand.
It was not going to be an easy journey, but the Koji-specialist was willing to face the challenge and give it her all.
And well, maybe the academy would also turn out to be the place where she would meet him. Her-
"Ryoko! It's time! You don't want to miss your first day, don't you?“ Ryoko turned around to look into the amused eyes of her mother. "Come on now slowpoke. Or your soulmate has already graduated when we arrive.“ Ryoko blushed and protested: "Mom!“ But then she followed her mother outside where her father waited with the car.
And as she sat in said car and looked at her reflection in the window, she just couldn't help but to let her thoughts trail to her soulmate once again.
Totsuki was not just famous for being a cooking school. No, it was also said that a good bunch of people had found their soulmate on this very school grounds. According to a ton of blogs and TV-Shows there was a 75 % chance that Ryoko's soulmate would visit the school as well.
Everyone on the planet had a soulmate. A true love, a completion of one's soul. You just had to find this certain person. To make this easier, every human was born with two eye colours. One eye held their own eye color, while the other eye had the color of their soulmate's eyes. When the two destined for each other would meet and look into each other's eyes, they would sort off exchange their eye colors and both would have two eyes with the same color then.
Ryoko's reflection showed a pair of eyes that did not met her soulmate yet. Her right eye was orange. The left one however held a slate blue which she did not inherited from her mother who had fresh forest-green eyes. No, this blue defiantly belonged to her soulmate and like many people who were yet to met theirs, Ryoko often wondered who this person might was.
❥ · ❥ · ❥
"Goodbye, my dear." Ryoko's mother sobbed while holding her daughter in her arms. "I wish you the best of luck, Ryoko. We'll see us then during the holidays." Smiled her father. Ryoko answered honestly: "I will give it my best but I will miss you two a lot."
A last time Ryoko's mother runned her finger trough her daughter's long, purple hair before placing a kiss on her forhead. Her father hugged her as well before the two let their daughter go.
Now Ryoko was alone in a school full of hostile classmates, strict teachers and other dangers. But she did not feel cowed. Rather curious.
With a smile she took a piece of paper out of her pocket. "So, first an opening ceremony and then they already start with the lessons. Alright."
Together with the other newcomers Ryoko then started to move to the place where the opening ceremony would be held. Here and there she already spotted students who immediately had all looks on them with their mere appearance. .
A white-haired girl with glowing red eyes, who was accompanied by a tall, black-haired guy with the same red eyes. A blonde girl with tanned skin. One of her eyes was shining in green, while the other one had a beautiful, bright blue. A tall boy with white hair and brown skin, one green eye and one brown eye.
Suddenly the crowd parted to let a girl with long honey-blonde hair pass. She had closed her eyes and almost glowed of pride and power. A pink-haired girl carrying a clipboard followed her. Her eyes had the same combination that the boy with white hair had.
"Nakiri Erina." "The legendary God Tongue." She heard around her and while the majority of the students was was still staring at the walking beauty, Ryoko had already turned away. A student with orange and blue eyes she didn't saw yet.
"Hiya!" She suddenly heart a high voice. Slowly Ryoko turned her head into the direction the voice had come from and looked right into the beaming face of a girl her age.
The girl was quite short and build rather petite. Her amber hair she had styled into two cute buns. Her right eye shone in a bright teal color while her left eye held a dull grey.
"Ehm...Hey." Ryoko answered and it turned out to be enough for the girl to hold out her hand. "Name's Yoshino Yuki."
A little unsurely Ryoko took the hand and shook it. "Nice to meet you, Yoshino-san. My name is Sakaki Ryoko."
Yuki giggled. "You can call me Yuki. May I call you Ryoko-cchi?" "Ryoko-cchi?" Ryoko repeated a little taken a back. Yuki's grin only got wider. "Ryoko-cchi is it then."
Once again a jolly laughter escaped Yuki's lips and she continued to talk without even taking a second to breathe „So what brings you here to Totsuki? I honestly would have expected a harder exam given the school's reputation, but maybe all it's cruelty is yet to come. But in the end everyone who makes it ends up being a legacy! This might be the chance to get a glimpse of what heaven might look like, or what do you think?"
Ryoko answered her question with a friendly smile. Yuki might was a little hyperactive but defiantly seemed sympathetic. She probably would have chatted for ten hours straight if the headmaster had not just appeared on stage to give a speech.
❥ · ❥ · ❥
"You used the rice perfectly, it's worth an A. You may go now." A relieved sigh escaped Ryoko. That had been her last lesson for today.
Now she just had to find her sleeping place. Her parents had assigned her to a dorm. Polar Star was it's name if she remembered correctly. The more important question right now was it's location. Adding to that she had to buy some ingredients, since the sheet handed to her read that there would be some sort of entrance test.
The sun was already setting as Ryoko finally arrived in front of the building she had searched for. A big, western house almost overgrown by ivy. From the outside it looked a little like a haunted house.
A bag full of ingredients in her hands Ryoko dragged herself into the dormitory.
In a big entrance hall, that looked surprisingly neat and comfortable given the dorm's outer appearance, a small group of students had already collected. It was mostly silent except for the very loud conversation between two boys. "You stepped on my foot!" "I will step on something entirely different if you blockhead don't get out of my way right now!" "How did you just called me, runt?!" „Did you just call me runt?!"
But the argument between the black-haired boy and the blonde boy was interrupted by the shrill voice of an old woman. "This is no good!"
A girl with deep blue hair ran out of a room that Ryoko suspected to be the kitchen. Tears were shimmering in her eyes and she rushed out of the door, so that Ryoko had to jump out of her way.
It was now entirely silent and the woman, who that voice belonged to, stepped out of the kitchen. Her strict look shifted to the two boys who had just bickered loudly and barked. "The next one!"
„Ryoko-cchi!" Ryoko suddenly heard a familiar voice. Yuki runned towards her with that ever-lasting grin. "So you're in this house as well! How nice. Fumio-san said that we could repeat the test as much as we please. I hope Megumi-cchi is going to make it as well." She looked to the door with a worried look, before beaming. "Then we would be three girls."
Ryoko smiled unsurely "Good day, Yuki-chan. Yes, looks like we're going to live in the same dormitory." Yuki nodded eagerly. "Just a question." Ryoko said and looked around. „What exactly is happening here right now?"
Immediately Yuki's eyes grew wider and she exclaimed. "An entrance test. We have to pass to even get in here. I don't even have ingredients with me!" "Oh, that." Ryoko mumbled understandingly and took a look at the bag in her hands. "I have bought some things. Way too many to be exact, I can lend you some if you want."
Happiness spread on Yuki's childlike face as she questioned. "Really?" Ryoko nodded and began to sort the things she did not need out to hand them to Yuki.
"Is that of any use?" "Oh yes it is! Thank you a bunch, Ryoko-cchi!"
"Not enough, try tomorrow again." They heard the old lady's voice again. A second later, the black-haired boy who had just fought with the blonde was walking out of the kitchen with an upset look on his face.
"Is there an order?" Ryoko asked Yuki who quickly shook her head. "No, you just have to be fast enough. Now that I have ingredients, I'll give it a try I guess."
"Next one!" The woman was calling out.
Yuki gave one last smile to Ryoko before moving forward. But she was not the only one who wanted to prove herself apparently. And so she ran right into a lanky, black-haired boy.
Vegetables, packed meat and other ingredients fell to the ground as the two crashed. Yuki and the boy both lurched backwards and a tingle could be heard as something else hit the ground as well.
Yuki quickly looked up with an upset expression. "Can't you watch your walk?"
But then addressed lifted his head as well and their eyes locked. Ryoko, who had run forward with the intention to help her new friend up, gasped as she looked at the boy.
She had seen the eyes of the boy already. One a bright teal, the other one a dull grey.
It was the same combination that Yuki had.
The two who had bickered earlier also stepped forward to inspect the scenery. Even the old lady had become silent and only watched with calm eyes.
Ryoko looked to Yuki who was blankly staring at the boy in front of her.
And suddenly she closed her eyes. One look to the boy, revealed that he did the same.
Ryoko held her breath as she watched Yuki, waiting for something to happen. And then Yuki finally opened her eyes again.
And there they were. Two brightly, shining teal-coloured eyes.
Immediately Ryoko swung around to take a look at the boy. He now had a pair of grey eyes. One of the two guys behind her whistled. The old lady smiled a little, while Ryoko heard whispers emerge behind her. "Have you seen that?" "Of course I did! The two are soul mates."
While Yuki had seemingly lost her voice, the boy was sheepishly scratching his head before saying. "I...I am sorry, I should have payed more attention. Are you hurt?"
The boys behind Ryoko exchanged a confused look. "Wait...does he even know?" "Is that seriously how one greets his soulmate?"
"Wait, I'll help you up." The boy announced and bend down. "Just a moment." He started to feel the ground, clearly in search for something. And a second later Ryoko saw what he was searching for. The round glasses laying on the floor. They had probably fell off as the two had crashed.
"I don't think he has seen her eyes clearly yet." Ryoko mumbled. The boy had reached his glasses by now and was now putting them back on.
"Oh, you did not fall down." Were the first words he directed to the utterly pale Yuki. She had found her voice again.
Her shivering hand pointed to the boy in front of her and she whispered. "Y...Y...You're...my" „Your what?"
"My soulmate."
Now it was the boy's turn to be speechless. His eyes had grown wide behind his glasses and after a little silence, he finally asked. "Did you just said...I am...I am...y...your..."
The Old lady was speaking up again. "Four eyes. She's your soulmate!"
Behind her Ryoko could hear the approval. "Yep.", "We've seen all of it."
The woman pulled a hand-mirror out of her pocket and handed it to the boy. Stunned he looked into it. His pupils shrank and he stared at Yuki. Then at the mirror again. Then Yuki. Then Mirror. Then Yuki. He seemed to have understood.
"Y...Y...You're my..." "Soulmate." The old lady ended the sentence to shorten the situation. "Does any of you two wants to cook now, or what?"
"Fumio-san." A male voice suddenly said. A blonde boy, one year older than Ryoko, stepped out of the kitchen. A shock went through Ryoko as she saw that he was wearing nothing but an apron.
"Look at them." He said to the old lady and Ryoko would not have been surprised if he had just started crying. That's how happy he seemed to be. "Two young souls have found themselves in our wonderful dormitory. Give the two a little time." Fumio let out a little sigh, before turning to the other blonde in the room. "Alright then, you are the next one!"
Yuki had blushed immensely in the meantime. She did not like it how everyone was looking at her. Embarrassed she looked to the ground where all her ingredients were spilled.
She then sank to the ground with a sigh and started to pick up her things. "Wait, I'll help you." The boy called out and bended down likewise to assist her.
"I am...uhm...Marui Zenji, by the way." He then introduced himself. "Yoshino Yuki." Yuki answered, but Ryoko noticed the small smile that formed on her lips. With a smile on her own she turned around. She was happy for Yuki. It seemed she had gotten a decent guy with a good attitude.
So that's how it looks like when soulmates encounter. It's...so romantic. She thought for herself. But before her thoughts could travel to her own potential soulmate once again she heard the sound of an opening door.
In wonder who could possibly be even later than her, she swung around and her eyes fell on a boy in her age. But there was something odd. He was taller than Ryoko, wore the school uniform with an opened coat and had shaggy, auburn hair. And this very hair hid his eyes perfectly. Not even a brief look on them was possible. How should he ever find his soulmate that way?
Suddenly he seemed to cast a look to her. At least Ryoko suspected that he did, but she couldn't be for sure of course.
❥ · ❥ · ❥
Time Skip - Three years later
"Now that I am here the top spot is mine."
The rest of the transfer student's speech was not graspable anymore because of the loud, angry yelling of the student's body that emerged afterwards.
"What do you think?" "Get lost!" But suddenly one voice threw a quite interesting information into the crowd. "Wait a moment people. I heard rumors that he is in fact Erina-sama's soulmate!"
The name 'Erina-sama' alone silenced the crowd immediately. The transfer student with two golden eyes and fire-red hair only scratched his chin. "Oh yeah, right. That Nakiri-Girl. Yeah, she's my soulmate. But that does not really interests me to be perfectly honest." He grinned. "This here is all about cooking!"
While the famous Erina Nakiri now stormed on the stage and fumed that she did not wanted to be connected with this incredible airhead, Yuki turned to Ryoko with a smile. "First day of highschool and so much action already, hm?"
The two were standing right in the crowd together with their dormmate Megumi Tadokoro. Today was the day on which them and the other survivors of the 92nd Generation would start their first year of highschool.
During the three years they had spent on the school already, they had grown from childs into teenagers. Ready to take on the endless, culinary battle.
And how many have hoped Totsuki had also united many souls already. But Ryoko was not one of them. She was still looking at an orange and a blue eye.
"That concludes the opening ceremony. Please move to your classrooms now." Between the many students who started to walk towards the many school buildings Ryoko, Yuki and Megumi also got moving.
"Hey!" Yuki then exclaimed. "There are the guys!"
She pointed to a group of boys and pulled Ryoko with her. With the other hand she waved and called out. "Zenji!"
Yuki's soulmate turned immediately and so did his companions. There were Shoji Sato and Daigo Aoki, Polar Star's ever-bickering musclemen. And of course, how else could it be, Zenji's best friend Shun Ibusaki. Dubbed "the one without soulmate" by some students.
Sometimes Ryoko couldn't help but to agree. She didn't know why, but for some reason it annoyed her that she did not know how Shun's eyes looked.
Zenji and Yuki were the only couple within Polar Star for now. They had grown closer and closer by each day during the three years. They were destined for each other after all. Now the two were laying in each other's arms while Ryoko and Megumi greeted the rest of the boys.
Shun, she greeted a little more festive. "Hello, Ibusaki-kun. Did you had nice holidays?"
"Can't complain." Was the short-cut answer.
"Well, here we're all united back again." Shoji grinned, but Daigo added. "Well, minus Isshiki-senpai." .
"And what do you think of the transfer student?" Yuki asked now. "Well he must have quite the balls to hold such a speech." Was Daigo's statement and Shoji nodded approvingly. A rarity by the way. Megumi only looked to the side.
"Well, the aspect I find the most interesting is that he apparently is Nakiri Erina's soulmate." Yuki said. "She didn't looked all to happy though." Ryoko deadpanned.
"I really don't want to disturb our reunite party, but we should really get moving now. Or else we'll be late for class." Zenji now spoke up.
"You're right." Yuki then replied and grabbed his arm afterwards. "See ya all later in the dorm. Then we celebrate a party in Zenji's room."
"Why in MY room?" Was the last thing they heard from the two, as Yuki pulled her soulmate away to get to the lessons.
❥ · ❥ · ❥
"Welcome back to school." Professor Jun Shiomi smiled. "Please search yourself a partner for this task."
Ryoko scanned the classroom, while slowly pairs formed around her. Then she suddenly felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned around and had a boy with red locks in front of her. He was an unfamiliar face to her eyes. "Ryoko-Chan, wanna work together?"
Confused about the sudden first-name-basis from a stranger, she asked. "Oh...uhm...Do I know you?" But then she noticed that the boy's eyes were only focused on one thing: her chest. Immediately she felt uncomfortable. The older she had got, the more her breasts had grown. And now she could show off quite the respectable bust. Not that she wanted to badly.
Often she felt lusty looks burning on her and just wanted to sink to the ground.
"I am..ehm..." She just wanted to deny the offer as suddenly an arm laid around her. A blonde guy was now standing beside her and wore a prideful grin. "Sorry, but Ryoko-Chan already works with me."
"Excuse me, but could you please let go off me. I don't even know you" She said politely, but sharply. To her dismay, the grip of the boy only tightened. "Let go off me!" She demanded a little louder this time. But the boy was seemingly deaf to her voice. With shock Ryoko watched how his hand slowly but surely moved to her breast and she prepared to scream.
"Hey!" Another voice suddenly reached her ears. A familiar one. She turned her head and saw Shun Ibusaki, with an emotionless facade as always and crossed arms. The two guys had turned as well. "Don't you two twats see that she's uncomfortable and does not want your company? She clearly stated it."
For the redhead, Shun's cold and sharp voice was enough to run away immediately. The blonde though was harder to impress.
"And? It's only a girl?"
Shun calmly took a step forward. "Maybe you know that I am an expert in smoking. I suggest that you let go off her right this instance, apologize to her for the audacity to even look at her and next time you keep at least 3 meters away from her. Or I will smoke your disgusting, perverted ass right here and now."
"You goddamn-" The blonde wanted to growl some threat but was interrupted by the light voice of Professor Shiomi who had approached their table without making a sound. "Is there a problem here?"
All colour went out of the blonde's face and he stammered "No...No.." "Well then, Daishi-kun, I would suggest that you begin searching for a partner then. I think Sakaki already has one." She smiled into the direction of Shun.
Reluctantly Daishi took his arm from Ryoko who sighed in relief. Daishi threw a last hate-filled look towards Shun before disappearing.
Professor Shiomi gave the pair one last nod before continuing her stroll.
Ryoko turned to Shun. "T...Thanks, Ibusaki-kun." But Shun only shrugged. "No big deal. We are dormmates after all. Adding to that, Yoshino would shrew me into pieces if I would not help in a situation like that."
Ryoko nodded. "Of course." Still she felt a mild disappointment gleaming in her. "So, do we work together now?" Shun asked then, which made her let out a surprised: "Hm?"
"Well, you're the only one here who has talent." Shun answered as if this would be totally obvious.
Slowly Ryoko nodded. "Alright then, when you put it so nicely."
In front, Professor Shiomi clapped her hands. "So now that you all have found your partner, I'd like to ask you to cook up a Curry dish."
Immediately the students got uneasy. Professor Shiomi was an acclaimed expert when it came to Curry after all. She certainly would not be easy to please. Ryoko was not all too ecstatic about this task either.
"Curry? I barely worked with that." "Hey." "And this is Professor Shiomi after all!" "Hey!" "No way, I'll be able to please her!" "HEY!"
Suddenly she felt how two hands grabbed her cheeks and then her head was turned to the emotionless face of Shun. "Hey, calm down. Look at me." "Well, I don't have another choice don't I?" Ryoko mumbled.
For a short moment Ryoko believed to see a small smile forming on Shun's face. But no, her eyes must have tricked her. He looked as stoic as ever.
"Listen." He stated calmly. "This will probably not be the last time, we'll have to work with curry. This is highschool after all Sakaki. Shiomi did only say that we shall use Curry, not that it has to be the main factor. If we use our specialities correctly we'll surely be able to cook up a good dish. What do you say?"
Ryoko nodded and Shun let go off her. "Alright, first we have to get ourselves some meat."
❥ · ❥ · ❥
"The curry could honestly be better, but this smoked chicken coated in rice malt is absolutely delicious. You two have earned yourselves a B." Professor Shiomi praised after laying away the spoon. "You two will surely make it far."
Shun mumbled a Thank you, while Ryoko bowed. "Your praise means a lot to us, Shiomi-sensei. We're glad you liked it."
„You two are done, you can go."
The two simultaneously turned to leave the classroom while they felt the looks of the others burning on them. As they were outside, Shun already wanted to walk away but Ryoko grabbed his arm and stopped his walk. "Ibusaki-kun. I just wanted to say thank you again."
"Again, no big deal." But Ryoko smiled at him, warm-heartidly. "It was fun working with you. You're really talented. We should do that more often."
Something seemed to spread on Shun's face. Was that...Red? Ryoko could not recognize it properly as he turned his head at the speed of light away from her. "You're also a really good chef, Sakaki. See you later."
And then he walked away.
❥ · ❥ · ❥
Totsuki was actually a school that was great at offering distraction. But no matter how many cooking tasks were thrown on Ryoko that day, she still couldn't help but to think over and over again about her first lesson.
She had never realized how much Shun has grown over the year. His stoic voice also had some calming aspect in it. Adding to that he was really attract-
"Ryoko, is everything okay?" Startled Ryoko whirled around to look into the confused face of Yuki. "You're so absent the entire time. We still have to finish our dish." "Oh. Yes. Of course. I was distracted, I am sorry."
That's how it went for the entire day and even later in Polar Star her mind trailed again and again to Shun Ibusaki.
Sighing she stepped out of the bathroom. She had quickly made use of the girl's time and took a shower. Now she was about to get the rice juice for the party from her workshop, as suddenly Megumi stepped in her way.
The poor girl looked very defeated. "Megumi, everything okay?" "Oh, it's nothing." Megumi shook her head. "I just need a fresh bath, that's all."
It did not sound all too convincing, but Megumi had always been like that.
And so Ryoko only answered with an "Alright then" and let the petite girl pass.
As she then walked through the hallways she suddenly saw smoke crawling out of one of the doors. She knew instantly who it was. She also herd a wild herd of animals, Yuki's yelling, books loudly falling to the ground, Zenji's whining and how Fumio scolded room 208, 116 and 205 through the speaking pipes, but her entire concentration laid on the smoke which was now slowly fading.
The door went open and like she expected it Shun stepped out of it. "Used one of the empty rooms for smoking again?" She asked.
He nodded, but didn't said anything and so Ryoko had to continue."I want to get the rice juice from downstairs." After a short pause, she finally asked. "Do you want do help me?"
For a few seconds it was silent, before he said. "Well I can't smoke anyway, so why not?"
She felt a warm happiness spreading in her body and smiled. "Thanks. Well then, follow me."
❥ · ❥ · ❥
Time Skip - A few weeks later
"Would you like to go on a date with me?"
One should think that this was an emotion filled question, but Shun managed it to convey it as stoically as ever.
In return Ryoko almost bursted from all the feelings and questions that raised within her as she stared at Shun with wide eyes.
Did he just asked me...to...Alright calm down Ryoko. Everything's alright. I can't believe it! He really asked me! He wants to go out with me! Wait a moment. This is not my soulmate. But is that even important?
The first word she could vocally get out then was. "What?"
"Would you like to go on a date with me?" Shun simply repeated, but she noted that his voice didn't sounded as apathetic as usual. More serious with a glimpse of...hope? He held out his hand.
A part of her wanted to. Right this instance. That part wanted to jump into his arms and clamour: "I thought you'd never ask me." But there was also another part. This part lectured: "Shun is not your soulmate. Ryoko, remember that your destined for someone else. Isn't it one of your biggest dreams to meet him? The man who is going to complete your soul? What you feel for Shun is probably not true love. Just hormones playing a prank on you."
The smallest part of her whispered. "How do you want to know that it's not him? You did not saw his eyes."
Ryoko brought up all her courage and spoke. "Ibusaki-kun. On the one hand, I want to go out with you really badly, but..."
Shun pulled his hand back and asked with an timid undertone. "And on the other hand?"
She averted his face. "Well you know. We live in a world in which we are all destined for someone." "And you care about that?" Shun suddenly crowed, making Ryoko flinch a little. Not understandingly she looked backt to him "Of course I do. That's nature. Just look at Marui-Kun and Yuki. They're happy together, it can only be right  thing to find one's soulmate."
"And what if you don't?"
Ryoko gave him a shocked look. There were people who did not find their soulmate. It was one of her biggest fears.
"I...I need to."
Shun did a step backwards and his voice swung back into it's emotionless tone. "I understand."
"Listen." Ryoko called out. "I really would like to-" "I did understand!" Shun barked, making Ryoko flinch a second time.
He was just about to exit the room, as the smallest part of Ryoko finally called louder: "What if it's him after all?"
"Ibusaki, wait!"
Right in front of the door Shun stopped. He did not turn to her though. "What is it?"
"Let me...", she took a deep breath , "let me see your eyes."
Now he swung around and seemed to be utterly aghast. "Why...Why would you want that?"
"I...I.." She stammered. "Maybe there is still a chance. I just want to know."
She took a step forward. "So?" "No!"
Now she heard it clearly. Panic.
"Please Ibusaki. I need to know." "No way!"
Anger started to raise in her. "Why not?!"
"You just...can't..." Shun tried to explain, but Ryoko immediately snapped back. "Why?! I really don't understand why you are hiding your eyes! Are you...are you scared of meeting your soulmate?"
"No...it's..." Ryoko now walked right to him and crossed her arms in front of him. "Of course you are." She accused.
"No!" Shun threw back and his voice had gotten a little louder now as well. "If there's no problem, why can't I just take a look at them ?!" "No means No."
Slowly but surely Ryoko had enough. What was that guy's deal? She did not understand this hiding of his eyes from the start on.
"By god, Ibusaki! What's the matter?!" "That's none of your business!" "Gosh, just tell me Why? Why? Have you met your soulmate already and try to hide it from the world?" "No, of course not!" "Then what? What are you afraid off?!"
Now he was actually shouting. "That it's not you!"
Instantly all her anger was gone in the wind. Her brain was now way too busy to comprehend the information she had just received.
Angrily he turned his head away but repeated much softer this time. "I am afraid that my soulmate might not be you."
She stared at him blankly. His auburn shaggy hair, the green turtleneck, the white jeans, the gritted teeth, simply everything.
And then she knew what to do.
Gently she lifted her hand and slowly turned his head back to her. Now she lifted her other hand which came nearer and nearer to Shun's bangs in slow motion.
As her hand was directly in front of his bangs, she paused for a second. He wanted to turn his head away quickly, but it was too late.
She lifted his hair and exposed the widened eyes underneath.
Ryoko's heart stopped beating and her breath got stuck in her throat.
What looked at her there, she had seen often enough in her life.
One slate blue eye. One orange eye.
The two looked at each other, waiting for something to happen and the time seemed to have stopped.
Ryoko's heart pounded up to her throat and millions of voices inside her screamed: "Please! Please! Please!"
Suddenly it was like a heavy weight was put on her eyelids, nearly pressing them shut.
No...I need to stay awake...I can't.
But all resistance was useless. A second later she found herself in total darkness. But then she felt something. Something warm. Her eyes seemed to tingle and a feeling of freedom and happiness came over her. As if she could fly.
But the feeling left as quickly as it had come, leaving Ryoko alone in the dark and the unknown.
But her eyelids now felt refreshed and awake. Shun came back into her mind again and immediately she teared up her eyes.
A pair of slate blue eyes was looking back at her.
"Ibusaki?" Ryoko asked. But it was all she could say before Shun pressed his lips on her's and pulled her closer.
She was surprised and her eyes widened. But then she put one and two together.
The beautiful realization spread in her body like a warm sun:
Shun is my soulmate!
She closed her pair of orange eyes then and returned the kiss.
To say that she was happy did not even came near it. No words could be used to describe the sheer joy she was feeling right now.
The kiss took a while until they let go of each other and gazed deep into each other's eyes with reddened cheeks.
Then Ryoko broke the silence. "Well, looks like we are destined for each other."
Shun's hand went through his hair and he hid his eyes again. But that did not bother her anymore. "Looks like it." He replied.
One question was still burning on Ryoko's lips however. Calmingly she took his hand. "About what you said..."
Shun sighed. He already predicted that he would have to talk about this. "Since I've heard of this soulmate-stuff, I wanted to have nothing to do with it. I did not want someone who 'completes my soul'. I was absolutely sure, I would be better off alone. And to keep it that way, I let my hair grow that way. Over the time, I even nearly forgot that my soulmate was still walking around somewhere probably...But then"
He looked directly at her.
"Then I saw you. As I stepped into Polar Star the first time and you looked at me with your big two-colored eyes. Never before I had seen my combination on another person and first I wanted to ignore it but..."
His cheeks took a red color.
"You have always been so gentle and friendly. Also you were always so calm right in between this circus that we daily reside in. I always forced myself to look away but when you let out that warm laughter of yours and play with your silky hair. I just couldn't anymore. And I think I just fell in love with you over the time."
While Ryoko's heart accelerated once again and she tried to resist the desire to put her lips on his again, Shun turned his head away again.
"I wanted to talk to you and tell you that we might be soulmates but then the fear hit me. No way, we are the only ones on the planet with a pair of orange and blue eyes. What if your blue eye had belonged to someone else and not me? So I really didn't wanted to know anymore if we were destined for each other or not. Because it would have hurted if we would have not been."
She lifted her hand once again and gently turned his face back to her's. Warmly she smiled at him. "But we are."
His hand reached for her's and he began to softly caress it. Then he smiled as well. It was a small, timid smile. But for Ryoko there had been nothing more beautiful.
„Yes and nothing could make me happier."
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Begin at the Beginning (Prologue Part 01)
They say Hope’s Peak Academy is the future of this world. The youth who attend that school contain more potential than is measurable. To excel in a field at such a young age… I suppose we’re considered geniuses.
I stand outside the school, its hardwood front doors larger than life. In fact, everything about this school seems too good to be true. But so are we, the students. I, too, am among them. One girl too incredible to seem real.
Though maybe I’m being arrogant. I’m only the Super High School Level Pianist, Subaru Shiina. Just a pianist. There have been some before me, and there will be some after. But for now I’m the only student with this talent. 
Subaru Shiina, Super High School Level Pianist.
They call them ‘talents,’ which makes sense. Even someone who’s incredibly dedicated, who works hard every day to be the best in their field, will never match up to anyone with raw talent. That’s what sets me and the others apart.
I place my hand on the door handle, then pull it open. It swings open easier than I expected. And similar to how I didn’t expect that, I also didn’t expect to be met with a blinding light.
Subaru Shiina: “Tch!”
I raise a hand to shield my eyes from a light I expect to fade. Yet it doesn’t; instead the light gets warmer, brighter. I freeze, squeezing my eyes shut. It seems to seep through even with them shut. In the distance I hear a woman’s laugh, though really it’s more of a cackle. But I don’t have time to locate the source of the sound, nor even think about locating the source, because someone immediately pushes me forward.
Subaru Shiina: “H-huh? Watch it!”
I stumble forward into the foyer of the school and fall to my knees. I open my eyes slightly, squinting, but still can’t see. The light is everywhere. The same laugh echoes throughout the room. My heart is racing. 
Subaru Shiina: “What’s the meaning of this?”
The room begins to spin, faster and faster. I’m thrown off-balance, falling from my knees onto my side. It’s getting hard to breathe and I’m not sure if it’s because of fear or something more sinister. My vision’s getting spotty, black marring the white light.
Is this what it feels like to die? I wonder.
Throughout all this, the woman’s cackles continues to echo through my mind. And as the laughter and darkness overwhelm me, I hear someone whisper in my ear.
???: “It’s time.”
Zetsubou: Reality Break.
…In the distance I hear rain. My eyes open slowly, afraid I’ll be assaulted by another blinding light -- or worse, absolute darkness. Though after blinking a few times, I realize everything is normal.
My joints crack as I sit up. My vision is blurry even as I rub my eyes, but slowly the world comes into focus. Nevertheless it still takes me a moment to take in my surroundings. I’ve been lying unconscious on worn-out wooden floorboards. How gross.
The wood-paneled walls surrounding me are made of equally dated panels. They’re a stark contrast to what you would have expected of an elite school. The lighting is dim, the only source of it being a shadeless light bulb. I have absolutely no idea where I am. But based on the smell of cleaning products and how cramped the room is, I’d say I’m in…
Subaru Shiina: “Ugh, is this a supply closet?”
I finally spot the door, adjacent to shelves lined with cleaning supplies. I stand up. The world begins to spin again, and I’m half-worried I’ll hear another laugh. Instead, there’s only rain. I take a deep breath in to calm my nerves, before stepping towards the door. If this is Hope’s Peak, it’s a sick joke to put one of their students in a closet. I take another step. However, instead of feeling the floor beneath me, I step on something uncharacteristically soft.
Subaru Shiina: “Eek!”
Only after I slip do I realize it was just a mop. I stumble backwards, knocking into the brooms leaning against the wall. They fall like dominoes, causing me to lurch forward. I latch onto the doorknob. It turns, the door creaking open and taking me with it.
Several brooms and mops spill out into the hallway, myself among them. Some prodigy I am, I think as I just barely stop myself from landing face-first on the ground. My hands scrape against the coarse floors of the hallway, which are made of equally old wood. Ugh. I grit my teeth and sit up, just in time to see a looming shadow approaching me.
Naturally, I scream.
???: “Ah! Oh dear, are you okay?”
The soft voice sounds husky, much different from the voice I heard earlier. A boy comes into view a moment later, having rounded the corner. And said boy seems to mean no harm, if his outstretched hand is anything to go off of. When I look up to meet his gaze, I find sleepy green eyes staring back at me. He smiles. I offer a blank stare in return. Is there something he wants with me? I wonder.
And though I don’t particularly want his help, it’d be rude not to accept an act of kindness. I slowly grab it, letting him pull me to my feet. As soon as he’s done, I let go. His hand wasn’t uncomfortable to hold in the slightest, but that doesn’t stop me from brushing my hand off against my skirt as I bow. I can only hope he doesn’t notice.
Subaru Shiina: “I’m fine. Thank you for helping me up, I guess.”
He waves his hand dismissively. Now that I’m on my feet, I notice just how tall the boy is. He’s even taller than my father, his hair messier than his as well. It’s tied back in a low, short ponytail.
Boy: “Don’t worry about it. Are you sure you’re okay? That’s quite the spill you took there...”
Is he trying to make fun of me? ...No, his timid grin seems apologetic. He looks more worried for my sake than anything else. It’s eerily kind. If anything, it makes waking up in an unfamiliar supply closet even more unsettling. Is he a kidnapper, trying to get on my good side? He doesn’t look like the type to do anything cruel, but one can never be sure. There’s a reason why there’s a term for that.
I’m about to ask him what he’s doing here when I hear a loud stomping noise. Another shadow passes across the wall and a moment later a girl enters the scene. She’s dressed in a red and white floral yukata. Her geta seem to be the source of the clomping. She grins brightly, hurrying over to the scene.
Girl: “Hm hm! So you found someone, did you, Hazuki-kun?”
She stops next to the boy and makes no effort to hide her curiosity. She looks me over a couple times, eyes narrowed. I shift uncomfortably, staring her down. The girl seems not to mind, instead taking her time examining me. Eventually she takes a step back, nodding.
Girl: “I’d say she’s with the rest of us, mhm. She at least has the aura of a Hope’s Peak student! Though… what kind of exemplary student makes such a mess, I wonder?”
She giggles. I scowl, knowing she’s referring to the brooms and cleaning products all over the floor. I surely would have come up with a scathing retort, but something the girl says catches my attention. I’ll have to get back at her later.
Subaru Shiina: “Wait, did you just say Hope’s Peak Academy?”
The girl nods. The boy, who has been quietly watching our exchange, bobs his head up and down as well.
Boy: “She did. We’re both students from there. And if Kagami-san’s right, then you’re a student as well, yes?”
Subaru Shiina: “So what if I am? Do you have any idea what’s going on? You’re not kidnappers, are you?”
The questions tumble out of my mouth in rapid succession. As I speak, I wrack my brain to see if I recognize them as being from Hope’s Peak Academy. They certainly don’t look like older students, so they must be in my grade.
Think, Subaru, think, I tell myself. This could be the difference between life or death. If they’re lying, then they’re obviously malicious. But as much as I concentrate, I can’t figure out who the boy is. At least the girl looks somewhat familiar.
And when she laughs again, it clicks.
Girl: “That’s a good one, hehe! Unfortunately, even I have no indication of what’s going on. But we’re certainly not--”
Subaru Shiina: “You’re that girl from TV!”
My cheeks turn red. I interrupted her, didn’t I? But instead of looking offended, she looks flattered. I had recognized that sickeningly cute giggle from that reality show my grandmother loves. The girl is the host of it, her name being Ryorin or something. Now, what was the name of that show… Ugh, I’m so forgetful today.
Girl: “Who, me? Hm hm, I suppose you’re referencing Dating Developments? Because yes, I’m the star of that. Ryorin at your service!”
She bows, making a peace sign with her fingers after straightening up. Well, that answers that question. I stare at her, suddenly feeling nervous. Though I’m famous in the jazz world, being around a mainstream celebrity suddenly feels unnerving.
Her smile softens, as if she can sense how worried I am. Am I really that easy to read? I try to harden my stare, but I still feel intimidated.
Girl: “Ryorin is my stage name, by the way. I’m actually Kagami Ryoko. You can call me Ryoko-chan if you want, or Kagami-san if you’re as formal as you look, hehe!”
I instinctively bristle, though in the back of my mind I figure she must’ve meant that as a compliment. Well, it’s her fault she wasn’t clear enough! The boy, whom I may or may not have forgotten was with us, clears his throat.
Boy: “Kagami-san doesn’t mean any harm by that, I’m sure. Right, Kagami-san?”
It’s clear he wants to keep the peace. I decide to humor him, content with seeing Ryoko’s smile waver. She seems just as taken aback now as I was a moment ago. Hah, so I got the upper hand, didn’t I?
Ryoko Kagami: “Mhm, I didn’t mean anything negative by it. My apologies… ah, what’s your name?”
Right. I have yet to introduce myself. Since the boy and Ryorin-- er, Ryoko -- now seem harmless, I decide to comply.
Subaru Shiina: “I’m Shiina Subaru.”
Short and sweet. A look of recognition flashes across the boy’s face, but Ryoko just continues to smile cluelessly. Ah, so she really is dense...
Boy: “Oh! In that case, may I ask if you’re the pianist? I heard a pianist would be in our class, so it makes sense it’d be the Shiina Subaru.”
He twirls a strand of hair around his finger as he talks. Meanwhile, I try not to appear panicked. I never thought my reputation would precede me. Instead of feeling excited I’ve reached that level of fame, I only fear for the worst. Hopefully he hasn’t heard anything bad about me.
Subaru Shiina: “Oh. Ah, yes. I’m the… yes.”
Subaru Shiina: “As in, I’m the Super High School Level Pianist.”
Their blank expressions change into smiles at the same time, both of them nodding in understanding. The boy looks like he wants to say something, but Ryoko quickly interjects.
Ryoko Kagami: “Hm, that reminds me! I haven’t told you my talent. I wonder… can you guess what it is, Subaru-chan? Since you know of my show and all, hehe.”
I give her a deadpan stare as I wonder if I’m allowed to say I don’t want to guess. The casual use of honorifics is off-putting enough, plus she totally steered conversation back to herself. I feel bad for the boy, who still hasn’t shared his name. However, her question sounds like an interesting challenge, so I decide to bite.
I think for a minute. The show my grandmother watches -- the one Ryorin stars in -- is called Dating Developments. It follows the lives of couples who have been paired together by a mysterious matchmaker. The whole gimmick is to see if the relationships work out. So far the matchmaker has only had six couples break up, which is an amazing track record for a show that’s been airing for a few years, having featured countless pairings.
Recently there’s been a lot of speculation lately on who the matchmaker could be. All the celebrity gossip columns (not that I read any of those) say the season finale will include the big reveal. My grandmother says they say that every season, and up until now I believed her.
But now with Ryoko attending Hope’s Peak Academy, I’m willing to bet this will be the last season. She’ll probably be too busy with schoolwork to continue hosting that frivolous reality show, so the producers might as well share the details.
Subaru Shiina: “Hmph, okay. Are you a TV personality, Kagami-san?”
Ryoko Kagami: “Hehe! Nope. But you’re close. It definitely has something to do with the show.”
Oh. Well, that narrows it down. She gives off a celebrity vibe, and though I doubt she could keep a secret to save her life...
Subaru Shiina: “So then you have to be the mysterious matchmaker. Is that your talent?”
She claps her hands together, which causes the boy with us to squeak. Even I’m a bit startled; the sudden sound is incredibly loud compared to the drumming of rain and our hushed conversation.
Ryoko Kagami: “Ding ding ding, that’s right! I’m the Super High School Level Matchmaker. Hm, you’re more intuitive than you let on, Subaru-chan.”
Ryoko Kagami, Super High School Level Matchmaker.
I wrinkle my nose at her back-handed compliment. I also make a mental note to tell her she should call me ‘Shiina-san’ until we get to know each other better. And that’s not just because I’m a bit scared that she’s incredibly famous.
I’m more concerned with the boy. Compared to Ryoko, he seems very reserved. He’s been quiet this whole time… what a doormat. But I’m pleased he knows who I am (even if it’s weird), so I still have to ask…
Subaru Shiina: “So what’s your name anyway? And since you’re from the same school, you should share your talent while you’re at it. I don’t really feel like playing any more guessing games.”
Ryoko giggles at this, which is starting to get annoying. If she’s hurt I insulted her playful nature, she doesn’t let on.
The boy stiffens, now looking more awake than he has this whole time. Maybe it’s because his eyes are so wide. Is he really that nervous to introduce himself?
Boy: “I’m Hazuki Iehisa, Super High School Level Architect. It’s nice to meet you, Shiina-san.”
Iehisa Hazuki, Super High School Level Architect.
Iehisa Hazuki: “Ah, and of course I mean it! I’ve never met someone as gifted as--”
Ryoko coughs loudly, cutting Iehisa off mid-sentence. This time I’m grateful for her wanting to take center stage. Even though I enjoy being talented as much as the next prodigy, I don’t particularly like direct compliments. They just seem like a way to cozy up to people, especially if it’s a stranger doing the flattering. If you’re complimenting me, I should have done something to earn it.
And since I haven’t done anything yet, I’m sure this Iehisa boy is faking it. He’s way too timid! If he wants my autograph, he should just ask for it outright.
However, it’d be rude to reject his compliment. He’s obviously a fan. I dip my head, trying not to look unhinged by his unbearable kindness.
Subaru Shiina: “Likewise, Hazuki-san.”
Iehisa gives me another smile, this one less frightened. I can’t help but smile back, even if it probably looks more like a grimace. He seems so pleased that I’m giving him the time of day that it’s sort of endearing.
...Wait a second, maybe I’m being held captive after all. No way would someone my age recognize my prowess as a star pianist, no matter how dorky he looked. They might just be trying to win me over. I should be more cautious.
Subaru Shiina: “Hold on, are you sure neither of you have any idea what’s going on?”
Ryoko tilts her head to the side and Iehisa stops smiling. They look unsettled, as if they’re now even doubting themselves. I feel like it’s too genuine a reaction for liars to have. That being said…
Subaru Shiina: “You’re both from Hope’s Peak Academy, but how’d you find that out about each other? And why did you assume I was going to be from Hope’s Peak too? It doesn’t really make sense.”
???: “There you are!”
Before I can continue deducing what’s going on here, someone else rounds the corner. The floor shakes as a brightly dressed, white-haired girl comes dashing towards us. It probably would’ve been a much more impressive entrance if she didn’t have to slow down to pick her way through the cleaning supplies.
White-Haired Girl: “Ugh, we’ve been waiting for you guys forever! Fujimori-kun thought you got lost, so I had to go find you… But hey, who’s this?”
She turns her attention to me just as I give her a curious look. As we stare at each other, I realize something: there are other people here. And based on how unsurprised Ryoko and Iehisa look, they’ve known that all along.
I study the girl, similiar to how Ryoko studied me when she first saw me. She looks to be the same age as us. Huh, weird.
Subaru Shiina: “No, first I have a question for you. Do you go to Hope’s Peak Academy too?”
The girl smiles and gives a thumbs up.
White-Haired Girl: “Sure do! Hey, Hazuki-kun, does this mean she confirmed your theory?”
Iehisa nods, remaining quiet. I glare at them. What theory is she referring to? Did I answer a question without realizing it? When he notices my mean look, he pales and speaks up.
Iehisa Hazuki: “Mhm. You see, Shiina-san, everyone here is a student at Hope’s Peak. Before Kagami-san and I found you, we were talking with all the other kids here. We’re all starting our first year this Spring, so we must be in the same class. In fact…”
Ryoko raises a hand, as if she’s a student eager to be called on in class. Of course she wants to interject during a crucial moment like this. And of course Iehisa lets her.
Ryoko Kagami: “Please hold! I want to tell her the scary part! When we were all comparing stories, everyone’s had something in common, mhm. Subaru-chan, what was the last thing you remember before entering the closet?”
I furrow my brow, worried about where this is headed.
Subaru Shiina: “Hmph, I didn’t go in the closet on purpose! I just woke up there after… Tch, I’m not actually sure. The last thing I remember is entering the school, and then there was a bright light. I was pushed to the ground, and things got brighter until… hmm. I guess I fell unconscious.”
A wave of dizziness washes over me as I recall what happened. I stumble, nearly tripping over a fallen broom. The white-haired girl grabs me by the arm to steady me. I nod at her as thanks and try to ignore the world spinning around me. It’ll probably pass.
Ryoko Kagami: “Ah, there you have it! Everyone here has the exact same story -- passing out on their first day and waking up somewhere in this building. But the strangest part is… We all heard the same thing. Did you hear it too?”
Oh my god. I’m relieved the girl is still holding onto me, because suddenly everything seems far away. Did they really all hear that laugh too? And the whisper?
This is all fake, right?
But… I feel I have to be honest.
Subaru Shiina: “I think so.”
My voice sounds distant. Ryoko adopts a triumphant look, seemingly proud she guessed correctly. Lucky her. I’m just trying to remain standing. She’s staring to look far away, as do the others. The world around me is starting to grow hazy as it turns a grayish hue. Everything feels like it’s slowing down.
I wonder if I’m about to pass out again, when I see something out of the corner of my eye. In the midst of all the gray is something a deep blue. I look closer and spot a blue notebook amongst the cleaning products I had knocked over earlier. It’s plain aside from something written in the corner on the cover. Yet I can’t make out what it says.
Even as I bend down to pick it up, nobody around me reacts. I feel strangely calm though, figuring time has stopped or something. The thought doesn’t feel unnatural. Plus this notebook is infinite times more important than the people I’m with. I know I have to read it. It’s imperative I read it! Because if I don’t, everything will--
Just as my fingers brush the cover, I hear a voice.
???: “No do-overs…!”
The world turns bright, and in the distance I hear rain.
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