#And then I'm stuck with a giant wad of nonsense
scrambleclan · 5 months
So this blog's been empty for a while now, huh? Might as well explain why just to have something here instead of nothing and also for anyone who may be lurking around waiting for me to reveal something lmao.
> I started playing Clangen to satiate a hyperfixation I had gotten on other people's Clangen blogs. Did a first run and wasn't liking where it was going, then restarted and absolutely fell in love with the goobers there. So much so that I wanted to give them the most very specialest story I could possibly give them. And I... tend to set. Very high standards for myself when it comes to that so. I threw in a boatload of ideas and I'm now having trouble linking them together.
> Oh yeah, I'm doing multiple Clangens in one, because 1) I have ideas to interweave their lore, and 2) I really don't want to have to make multiple Clangen blogs and feel like I'm juggling several projects for this when I can instead stuff them all into one Large one and maybe that'll be easier on my energy as I tackle this. That said, we're looking at three different groups right now, maybe more if I decide I need another to explain things or provide a place for something important to connect to.
> The two other Clangens I had created were done out of personal challenges. The original ScrambleClan was a normal run, but I began a side group out of the leave-one-kit-alive-remove-everyone-else challenge, and then I made a third Clan out of a death curse challenge I made up on the spot lmao. All three of these will be pretty prominent on here; any others I end up making may just stay in the background unless I end up really attached to the characters there. I dunno I'll figure something out
> Planning to do a writing-heavy layout for this blog. Comics have never really suited me besides silly purposes, and I want this to HAVE silly energy but also be more serious and. Writing's just easier on me for that. I will definitely have lots of accompanying art on my posts though, both for visual aid and just because it's Cool As Fuck.
> Don't know for sure yet but this blog may rely heavily on user interaction. Like you guys may come into play for decision-making on lore bits. Mostly because the aforementioned lore is half-intentionally nonsensical. You'll see why eventually lmao
But yeah. I should be able to do the very first part of the story without too much hassle sooner rather than later, but then I may have to go on hiatus because. Good golly what the hell and fuck am I creating I can barely comprehend it
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