#And that's part 5 to wrap up the Moorland arc!
equestrianequivalent · 9 months
- Reconciliation -
This chapter is also Ao3, If you'd rather read it there
"You again! Didn't I tell you to stay the hell off my grounds." Didn't he tell us to scram. Old people memory am I right. "I have these for you." "Papers? Hah, are you trying to employ that scumbag Kembell's tactics on me? Won't work, miss, unlike some, my papers are in order." "Just read it." "Well let's see- Oh my." No way that worked. Careful, miss, he hasn't finished reading yet. Don't ever call me miss again. My bad, girl. Thanks, that's much better. Anything for you.
"Are these from my daughter?" "Supposedly." "You know what… Excuse me, what's your name?" "Deia." "Deia, thank you for bringing me these, I think I have some things to put in order. Would you mind helping me real quick?" Well, maybe this time I will. I thought you didn't help out. We all have our flaws. "Take this key and find my vault in Fort Pinta, it has the documents Thomas needs to get Kembell off his back." The legal mess has a solution!? And we just stumbled upon it. I'm amazed. Guess Fort Pinta's next, Moonie. Hmm, am I nice enough to allow you a nickname? I don't know, are you? Just don't make it a habit. I won't. Then by all means. Thanks, Moonlight. Okay, you don't have to hammer it in. Just making sure. Where is Fort Pinta anyways? Well, if you had listened to old Holbrook, you would've realised we just follow the path and turn right. What would I do without you. Glad you're above not acknowledging how incompetent you are. Hey, I just solved a family feud and saved my workplace from collapsing in court. On accident no less! Accidents don't count, you said yourself it was snooping. And I said that fortunate side effects were possible, and this is two fortunate side effects. Fine, I'll consider it a small win on your part. Guess you're not above forsaking credit where it's due. Never said I was.
"Deia, there you are! You will never believe this!" Oh wait until you see what we have with us. "My grandfather was here and asked me and my father if we wanted to come for lunch tomorrow. He hasn't even acknowledged my existance since I was born! Can you believe it?!" "Only if you take these to your father." "What's this?" "From Holbrook, to Thomas." "Deia, I have no idea how you got these, but whatever you did, thank you. I'll get dad, hold still." Oh I'm not going anywhere. Not much for dramatic disappearances? No, not exactly. Glad he seemed happy though, that probably means it's legit. You think the old man would scam us? You've got to admit it was quite the heelturn. Icy hearts melt quicker with age I suppose. That's worrying. You're no ice queen anyways. Let me pretend.
"Deia! What ever have you done?" Interesting choice of words for such an overjoyed man. Cut him some slack. "I really can't thank you enough. Jasper did say he had a delivery for me but I would've never imagined it was this. He has saved this stable. Or, well, you have. You've evidently helped out loads." See, I told you, helping. Okay, fine, I helped. "Say, I'll make a copy of this, and you have the honour of delivering the copy of it to Silverglade's mayor and secure this legal battle for us. If you want to of course, I know I've asked you for way too many things outside of your contract already." Hey, better than the things actually stated in my contract. Are you sure you should've taken this job? I'm staying on Jorvik anyways, this was just a bonus, it's their fault for accepting my application. Really? Why did you come here then? School. Once autumn rolls around I'll be a university student here, but I guess I can allow myself to accidentally save a stable before then. What can I say, you don't exactly come to Jorvik for your average vacation. Evidently not. "Great! I'll prepare all the annoying paperwork, and all you have to do is ride to Silverglade village tomorrow, deal?" What do you say, Moonlight? I think it's a deal.
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