#And she can’t explain why she keeps messing up their plans near the princess
mc-lukanette · 3 years
I haven’t watched the new episode but I heard it was awful. Do you have a fix-it that I can pretend is canon?
- Marinette is stressed, and extremely so; her schedule is more hectic and the kwami have been keeping her busy with teaching her any guardian rules/lessons they know from their limited knowledge that she might not have gotten from Fu since he hadn’t had the time to teach her due to what happened.
- Because of these factors, her dates with Luka have often been interrupted and constantly replanned, only the cinema date being anywhere near complete due to her giving him the guitar pick necklace. Luka is trying to be respectful and not pry, but can’t help being disappointed whenever she leaves.
- Eventually, Luka talks to her on the matter, concerned for where she goes and how she always seems anxious when she does. Marinette assures him that she adores him, but she has... things that she has to do, and even though she wishes so badly for it to be different, she’s forced into this situation and she’s so sorry for it.
- Luka is pained by the secret she’s forced to keep, but gives her a sad smile and ends the conversation there. She can tell that he’s putting on a brave face from the slump as he walks away.
- Later on, Marinette is walking down an empty street, muttering to Tikki about the situation, when an unfamiliar form descends from above and lands in front of her. Tikki quickly conceals herself and Marinette goes on the defensive, recognizing that this must be an akuma. “Who are you, and what do you want with me?!”
- The akuma reaches out... and gently takes her hand in his. “We have a date planned today, Marinette, and I want to make sure that we get to finish it this time.” “...W-what? Wait--Luka?”
- In that instance, someone from a distance screams at the sight of the akumatized Luka, yelling for someone to call Ladybug. Luka faces them, muttering, “You’re disrupting us,” his sentimonster helper using their ability to make the person and even the phone they were trying to use go completely silent, much to their shock. Roger, who was nearby at the time, approaches and gives a speech about defending Paris, then tries to attack Luka, but Luka uses his own power to flash Roger back to where he was a minute ago (meaning Luka’s sentimonster is an equivalent to Silencer whereas Luka himself is similar to Viperion); this happens to put Roger in the middle of the street - where he’d originally been directing traffic - and he has to dodge an oncoming car.
- “Luka!” Marinette states, panicked. “You can’t do this! You’re akumatized, you’re not thinking!” In response, Luka settles his hand on her shoulder. “I’m thinking perfectly well, and all I can think is about how you’re so burdened by something that I could never help you with. Now I can, and I’ll stop anyone or anything from bothering you or interrupting us, so we can have the date you deserve.”
- It’s at that moment that Marinette realizes that this akuma literally just wants her to have a nice time and that’s the sweetest freaking thing she’s ever heard.
- She can’t help being torn. On one hand, this is an akuma who will inevitably cause havoc, and she stops akuma as Ladybug... but on the other, this is Luka and she’s so touched and this is an offer for them to finally have a date not interrupted by an akuma because he IS an akuma, and she’s felt so bad ditching him before so this is a chance to remedy that.
- Marinette can see Tikki peering at her judgementally from her purse, but the opportunity is too tempting to pass up and Marinette agrees to go on a date with him, exciting Luka as he enthusiastically tugs her closer so they can walk together.
- Cue montage of Luka recreating their dates, though this time where she can actually enjoy them without interruption. Luka and his sentimonster occasionally use their powers and Marinette clearly hesitates, but he dotes on her so much that it’s hard for her to not want to continue their dates.
- Meanwhile, Shadow Moth probably: Wh--where the heck is Ladybug???? (there’s also probably a moment where Luka mentions Shadow Moth and Marinette uses the opportunity to gather some information)
- During one of the recreated dates, Chat Noir shows up and manages to snatch Marinette away, jumping up and out of harm’s way while trying to find a place to hide. He ducks into an alleyway and is about to go on about how neat his save was when Marinette huffs and asks, “What do you think you’re doing?!” “...U-uh, saving you?” “I didn’t need saving! We were on a date!” “You were on a what now.” “Chat Noir, it’s very rude to interrupt someone’s date. “I’m sorry, Princess, but I’m still stuck on the fact that you said you were dating an akuma--”
- At that moment, a hand clamps down on Chat Noir shoulder. He stiffens and turns, seeing Luka there and very much not happy. Luka squints, asking lowly, “What did you call her?”
- Chat Noir can only weakly look back at Marinette, who waves apologetically at him right before he’s yeet’d off into the distance. The sentimonster gives chase.
- Marinette does eventually leap into action as Ladybug once she recognizes that okay this was amazing and incredible and I’m officially de-stressed but Luka is akumatized and there is definitely a rule against Ladybug dating supervillains.
- Naturally, when Ladybug arrives, Luka’s first concern is what happened to Marinette. Ladybug tries to get him to back down and points out that he won’t even remember any of this once de-akumatized, but Luka insists that, “It’s okay. Marinette will remember.”
- Ladybug is internally like okay but can you not, I’m trying to fight you here and you’re making it difficult.
- Ladybug tries to negotiate/convince Luka into getting de-akumatized, until Chat Noir shows up on the scene again, the sentimonster following after. The fight itself is significally difficult and limiting; if they make any loud, disruptive noises, they’ll be silenced, but if they try to fight Luka directly/physically, he can zap them back to where they were a minute prior; knowing Luka, he could even engineer it so that one of them perhaps gets trapped if they’re not careful.
- Post-deakumatization, Marinette meets up with Luka and gives him a long overdue kiss. Luka is stunned, having been prepared to apologize for getting akumatized, and asks her what he did to deserve it, to which Marinette explains that he’s amazing and she’s happy to have him.
- They end up talking and Luka apologizes for trying to pry about her secret, but explains about his dad and the mystery behind his identity (foreshadowing the conflict for a future episode: I'd have the whole Jagged thing be a different episode so it gets proper focus). Marinette insists that she understands and he has nothing to apologize for, but pauses and laments that their dates might very well continue to be interrupted.
- Luka hesitantly starts to ask if she thinks it’d be best if they broke up, but Marinette cuts him off to insist otherwise. She wants to make this work with him but it’s complicated and she literally (stressing that it’s not a trust issue) cannot tell him why she leaves all the time. Luka smiles reassuringly and points out that a perfect song doesn’t exist and that every song goes through edits. Marinette asks what he means and Luka explains that he can’t help wanting to be selfish and spend time with her, but also that the knowledge of them dating is enough.
- Marinette, considering this, realizes that - yeah - not going on dates doesn’t mean they can’t be in a loving relationship, and maybe they can stop planning dates and get together right after she deals with akuma instead. She’s been a mess because of stress and that’s caused even more problems, so it doesn’t make sense to cause herself more stress by breaking up with Luka; she needs to take care of herself.
- The episode ends with Marinette in her room, some of the kwami being a bit chaotic/loud but Marinette being completely unphased and talking excitedly to Luka on the phone about their recent date “after that crazy akuma attack,” as Luka can’t hear the kwami due to their voices not breaking through technology.
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mysticalrambling · 3 years
Missing You (T.H)
Tom Holland Fan fiction (Fan fiction Masterlist)
Summary: Tom is away for shooting and he is missing his daughter’s first easter. You and Sophia miss him terribly and he feels terrible for missing it. Sophia gets hurt during the egg hunt and Tom flies back to be with his family.
Warnings: Angst and some fluff.
“Daddy?” You had been folding your laundry because it was a therapeutic chore. The maid always left it for you by the end of the day because she knew that you enjoyed doing it. Your moment was interrupted by your one year old daughter barging into your room with only one question on her mind.
She had recently started walking and you were silently thankful because your over protective husband wouldn’t let her touch the ground in the fear that she would hurt herself. It even came to the point that Sophia started becoming agitated whenever he interrupted her progress. She would scream Bloody Mary when she saw him approaching with his arms outstretched. You sat him down one day and gently explained to him that we have to let her explore the world. If she falls and gets hurt, then it was our job to take care of her but we could not protect her from everything in advance.
The moment she took her first steps, they were towards Tom. You were there to record the moment and you guys were so glad that Tom had backed off a little bit. He would be there for his little princess every step of the way. If she wanted to leap, she could and he will be there to catch her if she started to fall. Sophia was the most important person in his life after you.
“Daddy is going to be here before your first Easter, bunny. Hopefully.” The last word was more of a mumble for yourself because you really hoped that he would be here. Sophia was born a few weeks after Easter so this was her first one.
Sighing, you said, “Let’s just get ready and see how cute you look in your new costume.”
“Bunny!” She ran off to her room to put her name on the and you opened your phone. Your husband told you that he would drop a text at approximately this time if he was going to make it back before the party. Disappointed, you just put the phone back on the side table.
“Okay, you need to sit tightly so that I can make your braids.” She was a hyper ball after she found the candies on the coffee table that you were going to give it to her at the party. Allergies to nuts was one of the many things that she had inherited from Tom and you never liked to take chances regarding their health. “No more sweets for you today, miss.”
“Nooooooo. Daddy!” Sophia’s voice trembled in the end because she knew that her dad would defend her. He was her knight in shining armor.
“Daddy is not here so let’s stop screaming now.” You were already in a sour mood as your husband was not with you on an important milestone. And Sophia was not making things easy for you either.
“You are ready. I am going to give you your coloring books while I go get ready.” You did not listen to her small sniffles and went to take a shower while keeping the door open so you could keep an eye on her. When you got out, your phone was ringing and it was Tom.
“Hi. I am so sorry I can’t make it today. I tried my very best to get done with filming but it was not possible. So sorry, darling.” There was a crack in his voice that let you know that he was devastated about it.
“It’s okay, baby. There will be other Easters and you will be there for all of them. Don’t be sad, please.” You  tried cheering him up but it was not working.
Tom was always big on firsts; your first date, your first I love you’s, Sophia’s first kick, Sophia’s first tooth. He kept a record of all the moments and he was incredibly sad that he did not get to witness his child’s first Easter. Acting was something that he really enjoyed but he hated it right now. It was keeping him away from his family. He had planned everything out from where to hide all the eggs to where to buy the small bunny cupcakes that he would give to his little girl at the end of the day. This was not right but he was helpless. He could not do anything because he had an obligation to his fans as well.
“Is she wearing the costume that I ordered her?” When you mumbled out a yes, he asked, “Can you please send me a picture?”
“Soph, come and stand here. Pose for daddy.” When you sent him the picture, there was no response from his side. Seeing the picture, Tom choked back a sob. His little bunny looked incredibly cute with a white dress and a bunny ear headband. A pink tint graced her cheeks which meant that she had some candies and she had a toothy smile. Before he could say anything, the director called him back to shooting. “We will talk to daddy later. He might be busy right now.”
Tom’s mom had planned a party at her house and the whole garden was prepared for the egg hunt. You both wanted to host the party this year but Tom had to go to Cardiff last minute because of his shooting. Your siblings and nieces and nephews were all going to be there. You were happy that you got to spend this occasion with your family but you were miserable right now. Tom was not here.
“Hi. Who is this little rabbit here?” Nikki leaned in front of the toddler and squished Sophia in one of her famous bear hugs.
“Sophia Anne Holland!” There was a proud undertone to her voice because she could speak her whole name now.
“You are the cutest bunny ever.”
“I know.” You all chuckled at her haughty admission and watched as she skipped towards her cousins.
“Tom isn’t going to make it today?”
“Um no. He could not get away from work and he said to apologise on his behalf.” It was like something was missing and you didn’t want to indulge in that feeling.
“I am sorry, darling but he will make it up to you and Sophie.” You wanted to divert the topic so you started to talk about the guests and the decorations.
Pretty soon, you started mingling with the people and they always asked about Tom. You either replied to them or politely redirected the conversation. It felt weird being at a gathering without Tom. You haven’t done that from the past five years and you realised you didn’t much enjoy it now. Keeping an eye on Sophia was hard because it was usually Tom who performed that duty. You were given a free pass at parties from all the responsibilities and were allowed to enjoy every moment. He was always considerate towards you and that is why you loved him to death.
“Sophia, you can not go near the pool.” You caught her in your arms before she could fall in.
“Dada swimm- swimming.” Tommy was the one who was teaching her to swim because it was a hobby that he wanted his daughter to adopt from him. When she saw the water, she thought that her dad will be there to teach her.
“When dad comes back, you can go swimming.” Sophia still kept looking around for her father because this is the longest she has been away from him. Her toddler mind thinks that if she goes to do things that they do together, he will come to her. You couldn’t even get angry at her for wandering around the house without anyone. Hugging her, you tried to distract her, “Now, granny is having an egg hunt and we need to win it, okay bubs?”
“Win!!” You took her in your arms and went towards the garden where all the people were.
“Look, Tom. (Y/N) is here.” A phone was shoved in to your face by Sam and you saw Tom’s face on the screen.
“Hi. I was calling you and you didn’t pick up. I wanted to see Sophie on the egg hunt.” There was a look of longing on his face.
“I was busy with your daughter. She was running near the swimming pool and wanted to get in because she thought that you would be there to teach her.”
“Is she alright? Let me see her.” You angled the phone towards your shoulder where she was leaning on him. “Hey, baby.”
“Hi. Back?” Tom wanted nothing more than to hold his daughter in his arms and his heart broke when his daughter asked him that question. It meant that he was away too long because she never asked that question before. She didn’t need to.
“I’ll be back in no time and then we will go swimming. Promise.”
“Yes.” She hopped down from your arms and went to the start line of the race.
“How have you been?”
“Just missing you a lot and handling Soph is getting harder by the day.” You moved to a more secluded place on the ground so you could talk to your husband.
“I am sorry, darling. When I come back, you can have the whole weekend off.”
“Just come back. I want to spend sometime with my husband.”
“That is a tempting offer but I have to stay here a little longer. But when I come back, we will do more than spend sometime together.”
“I will look forward to it. The game is starting so I have to go.” You were about to end the call but he stopped you.
“I want to see her and I have a break for another twenty minutes.”
The race soon started and among all her cousins, Sophia was the youngest and the most hyper. You cheered her on with her grandparents and Tom. She was about to win the race and you were more excited than her. Tommy wanted to be there to witness her first victory but he settled down for seeing it on the phone. However, she stumbled on some rocks that were on the trail and she fell hard.
“Oh my god! Go to her, (Y/N).” Tom’s voice broke you out of your horrified trance and you went in to autopilot. When you reached near her, you gave the phone to someone behind you and kneeled in front of your daughter. She was crying really loudly and her arms was bent to an odd angle. Cuddling her in your arms, you picked her up and went towards your car. “What is happening? Mum, tell me!”
“I think Sophie’s arm is broken. (Y/N) is taking her to the hospital right now. I will keep you updated.” Nikki was moving quickly towards her car while she gripped the phone in her hands.
“Mum, I want to talk to my daughter right now.” He didn’t even realise that he was pacing and his hair was all messed up because he ran his hands through it several times.
“Tommy, I will keep you updated. Right now, she is a lot of pain and she is scared.”
“Please keep me informed.” This was one of the worst moment in his life because he wasn’t there for his girls. You both needed him right now and he wasn’t there. He decided then and there that he was going back to London.
Meanwhile, you reached the hospital with Sophia wailing in your arms and Sam driving like a cray man. You were sure that he would have multiple speeding tickets waiting for him when he gets home. The E.R was busy at this time of the day and you just laid your daughter on one of the beds while Nikki went to go get a doctor.
“Honey, it’s going to be okay. Please be strong, baby girl.” There were tears in your eyes as your daughter’s face turned red with all the crying and screaming. The little girl was in too much pain.
“Daddy, plea- please. Hurts a lot.” Hiccuping in the middle of the sentence, you looked at your brother in law helplessly. She wanted Tom and he wasn’t here right now.
“We will talk to daddy after the nice doctor here checks you out, baby.” She wouldn’t let anyone near her or her arm and kept asking for her father, She was inconsolable.
Sitting in front of the bed, the doctor asked, “Hi, I am Dr Ana. What happened to this little bunny here?”
“She, uh, she fell during the race and I think she broke her arm.” You stood on the foot of the bed as you shakily explained the whole situation. “Soph, let her check your boo boo please.”
“Daddy, please.”
“Okay, let me call your dad and you can talk to him.” Nikki interjected when she saw that the conversation was not reaching any end point.
“Okay.” You wiped her snot with your sleeves as she clutched her broken arm in pain.
“Tom, talk to Sophia. She is not letting the doctors treat her.” Putting the phone on speaker, Tom’s voice filtered through the phone.
“Hey bubs. You need to let the doctor check you and make the boo boo alright.” His soothing voice brought tears to your eyes as you wanted nothing more than to hold his hand right now.
“It hurts. Back please?”
“I am coming back right now so you need to let the doctor check your arm. I will be there in no time.”
“Okay.” The moment the doctor started examining her arm, you took the phone from your mother in law.
“It’s going to be okay. You don’t have to come back.” You sniffled a little as the doctor got a portable x-ray to check up on Sophia’s arm. She held on to your hand tightly as even the little movement hurt her.
“I am. In fact, my flight is already confirmed. I will be there in four hours, tops.”
Tom declined the call as his manager called him downstairs. Getting in to the car, he just prayed to God that his little girl would be okay. He swore mentally that he would never let Sophia run. He should have been there and he was going to never leave his family’s side ever again.
“I have given her some pain meds for her pain so she should be settling down now.” Sophia was moved to a pediatric room and now she was calming down a little bit. “What color cast do you want, Miss Holland?”
“Pink.” She stated as a matter of fact and you lightly laughed. Nikki and Sam were in the room as well and they were staying till Tom got here. The pain medication slowly started working and Soph drifted off to sleep with Mr Fluffs in her arms.
“We are going to get coffee and then we can get you a change of clothes. Do you want something else?” Whispering, Nikki placed a hand on your shoulder.
“I am fine. I just need the clothes and can you please bring some for Tom as well. I know he would come straight here from the airport.”
“Okay, darling. Take care and call us if something happens.”
“Okay, thank you.” You put your head on the bed and drifted off to sleep.
Tom entered the hospital and the receptionist guided him towards Sophia’s room. Quietly steeping in there, he saw his two girls sleeping. Sophia looked so tiny in that patient bed and he never wanted to see her there. When he got close, he saw dried tears on his little girl’s cheek and his heart broke when he thought about the pain that she was in. The pink cast was set on her right arm and he want to her side and gently kissed it.
“I am so sorry baby, I wasn’t here. I won’t ever leave you again, I promise.”
“You are back.” The commotion in the room woke you up and you saw your husband right in front of you.
“Just got in.” Tom’s eyes never left the tiny human being laying underneath the sheets. “(Y/N), she is never running again.”
“Honey, children get hurt all the time. She will recover in no time.”
“Dadda!” Your baby jumped in to his arms before any of you realised what was happening. Her cast bumped on to the iron rod of the bed and she let out a blood curling scream.
“Call the doctor. It’s okay, bubs. You are going to be okay.” Kissing her cast, he tried to calm down the crying toddler. Meantime, you went to call Dr Anna so that she could check Sophia’s arm.
“It is all fine. You just need to be really careful with that arm. We are going to keep her here for one day and then you both can take your little girl home.”
You took Sophia from your husband and told him to go change in to comfortable clothes. When he came back, you both settled on the small bed and your daughter told him all about the injury and the pain. You both signed her pink cast and Tom also drew some rainbows and birds on it. Soon, it was time for her to take her medicines and you had to bribe her with chocolates, She always got her way.
“I love you, baby. Go to sleep now.” He wrapped the blanket around her and switched off all the lights.
“Love you. Be here?”
“Yes, I will be here darling. Now, sleep.” Sophia soon drifted off to sleep and Tom sat beside you on the couch.
“I missed you, Tommy.”
“I missed you too and I am never leaving you both for this long. Now, let’s go to sleep. It has been a tiring day.” Pecking him on the lips, you both laid down and just basked in each other’s warmth. Contented, you drifted off to sleep with your husband and child in the same room. Everything was going to be okay.
Hope you guys enjoyed it!!
A/N: I loved to write about Tom Holland as a family man. Tell me how you guys feel about it and I am open to requests regarding dad Tom. If you want to be added to my tag list, comment down below.
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watchmegetobsessed · 4 years
VALERIE - Part VIII. (Harry Styles)
i can’t believe we are slowly nearing the end of this story, don’t forget, we only have two more parts left!! please leave a feedback/coment/like/ANYTHING if you liked this part, it means so so soooo much to me!!
word count: 5k
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Harry can be such a persistent pain in the ass sometimes. You haven’t decided if you like it about him or not. If he makes up his mind about something it has to be that way, no objection.
He texted you in the morning that he would be coming over to your place after work, because he is looking after Valerie for the night, for the first time ever and he needed you to tell him everything he needs to know about taking good care of her.
“I think Rosa will tell you all about it when they arrive. I got a list from her as well,” you tell him when he calls you during your lunch break.
“I know she will, but I’m a single man, it’s bold of you to think I know anything about babies.”
“What are you talking about? You are always so good with her. I’m sure it’s gonna be fine.” Steven has a business dinner tonight and Rosa was invited as well. You know that because they asked you first if you could look after Valerie, but you had already made plans with Marcus, so you had to turn them down. Guess they found someone who is free, but it seems like Harry is a little panicky about it.
“Is it not the best time to admit that I have no idea how to change a diaper properly?”
You laugh at his question and you can almost picture the worried look on his face, lips pressed together and that little crease showing between his eyebrows.
“Then why did you say that you’d look after her?” you ask giving your salad a shake before you start eating.
“Because Rosa sounded so desperate, and I wanted to help. I thought I would figure it out, even googled it, but I’m not sure I have the right idea about everything.”
“What do you mean you googled it?”
“Well, if you’d look at my search history it would be filled with maternity sites where they describe in detail how to wipe a baby’s ass,” he states, making you laugh once again. 
“You’re nuts,” you sigh, shaking your head. “Unfortunately, I have plans tonight, so I don’t think I can help you.”
“Um, Marcus is picking me up at seven.”
“That’s perfect, Rosa and Steven will drop Val off at mine at four, so I’ll have plenty of time to go over to yours so you can show me everything.”
“Harry, I’m working until five.”
“Alright, I’ll be right there at five thirty.”
“Harry... “ you chuckle, shaking your head. 
“Please, Y/N! I’m begging you! This is a kinda life or death situation. You can’t do this to me! You still owe me for the time you were looking over her!”
Closing your eyes you lean onto the table. You already know you’ll say yes, how can you not when he is right about owing him one, but you should really learn how to say no next time, before people start to see you as the loser who just does as she is told all the time. 
“Okay. I’ll be home by five twenty.”
“Fucking perfect. I’ll see you later,” he cheers before ending the call. 
Turns out he is quite punctual, because just as you walk around the corner you see his car parked in front of your building and you just smile. He spots you from the rearview mirror and gets out, unbuckling Valerie from her seat as well.
“They left you the seat as well?” you ask and help him get the huge bag Rosa packed for Valerie.
“I told them I need to do groceries so Steven left it for me.”
Valerie babbles to Harry relentlessly, who occasionally hums a response as the three of you go up to your apartment. 
“So, what exactly do you want me to show you?” you ask, setting the bag down on the couch as Harry puts Valerie down on the plush rug to wander around a bit as the two of you discuss what he needs help with.
“Diaper change, feeding and burping. I think I’ll be alright with the rest.”
“Okay, first of all, she doesn’t need to be burped, she’s old enough to skip that. Only try that if she is fussy after eating,” you tell him and he nods, mentally taking notes. “Alright, let’s see a diaper changing. How many did Rosa leave for you.”
“Oh, she left a bunch but I dropped by the store and bought another pack just to be sure. Let me grab it from the car.”
Harry runs off, in the meanwhile you sit on the floor with Val and get everything you need from the bag to change her. You figured he just bought a smaller pack in case he might mess up the first few times, but when Harry returns he has a huge pack under his arm, written on the side you see that there are 92 pieces in it.
“What the fuck, Harry? Are you trying to supply her for the rest of the year?” you snap with a laugh.
“I panicked, don’t give me shit about it!” he whines joining you on the floor. 
You put an old blanket down and grabbing Valerie you make her lie on her back as Harry opens the mega pack and hands you a clean diaper. You go over the whole process step by step, making sure you cover every detail that might come to you naturally but wouldn’t be that obvious for Harry. He intently watches your every move, at one point you almost expect him to get a notebook and pencil to take notes.
“Okay your turn. Let me see what you learned.”
Scooting over you let Harry take your spot and his hands carefully reach to get rid of the diaper you just put on Valerie, who is still carelessly babbling around, stuffing her fingers into her mouth without a worry in the world. She surely doesn’t give a damn about being experimented on. 
Harry’s fingers work delicately on her, doing everything just as you told him and he even folds the used diaper in a prettier way than you did.
“See? It’s not that hard. Just expect some poop in it the next time,” you tell him and laugh at the grimace that tugs on his face.
“How often do I need to change her?”
“Just… give her bum a sniff now and then, you’ll know when she has left a gift for you.”
“Awesome,” he sighs nodding. “Okay, now onto the feeding.”
It’s been a while since the night you looked after Val, since then Rosa has stopped breastfeeding so she is now fully on baby food from any store and basically anything pureed. Rosa packed a few different kinds of foods and wrote on the list that Valerie has been a fan of smashed apples, banana and peas.
Harry takes her to his arms and sits at your small dining table as you get one of the baby foods with a small spoon and her bib.
“Feeding is nothing special, just make sure to give her small portions and wait until she swallows everything. But she is a calm eater, so she takes her time tasting everything and then swallowing it,” you explain to him and show him what you just said, bringing some food to her mouth on the spoon. Harry watches her take it, some of it ending up on her lips and you wipe it off with the spoon when you pull it out of her mouth.
“See? She is quite chill, you have nothing to worry about,” you tell Harry. Some babies tend to turn feeding into a race and they want to get as much food into their mouth as possible at once. Valerie is a luckier case in this field. “Wanna try?”
Harry nods and you drop the spoon into the jar, putting it to the table before you take Valerie from his lap. Once again, he is doing perfectly fine, feeding her just the right amount and wiping the excess off her lips and cheeks easily. He had nothing to worry about. 
“You’re doing great, as if you were a natural,” you tell him smiling and you swear you see him blush. 
“I’m a little far from that. I’m still in panic that I do something wrong.”
“It was a bold move to say yes to Rosa if you are so worried how you’d do.” Harry keeps feeding her, eyes focused on the spoon and the little girl sitting on your thighs.
“Rosa sounded really desperate, I wanted to help. That’s what godparents are for, right?”
“I guess,” you nod. You watch him treat her so delicately and gentle, before you could even stop yourself, your thoughts wander over to imagining him be just like this with his own baby. 
The thought of Harry being a dad and taking care of his baby has a weird and surprising effect on you. You imagine him doing all these everyday things like feeding her, playing with her, falling asleep on the couch with her curled up on his chest. You’d give an arm to see him like that, the vision of a curly haired little girl playing all too vividly in your mind. You see him having a girl, that’s what feels right for him. He would definitely make her feel like a princess and a total daddy’s girl. 
Your eyes wander over to his arm where his tattoos are showing from under his rolled up sleeves. Surely soon enough Valerie will be coloring the many shapes and maybe one day he’ll do the same with his daughter. There’s no doubt Harry will be an amazing dad.
Realization hits you hard that how badly you want to witness all of these and it gets to your head a little too heavily, feeling your eyes tearing up a little. You need to take a few deep breaths that draws his attention to you.
“You alright?” he asks, furrowing his eyebrows at you as Valerie finishes up the lasts of her meal. 
“Yeah, I just… I need to start getting ready,” you say clearing your throat as Harry takes Val from you. “Feel free to stick around,” you tell him making your way to the bathroom with the sheer intention of having an ice cold shower before you lose your mind over your wandering thoughts. 
Harry seemingly takes up on the offer and stays, playing with Valerie in your living room while you soak yourself in the freezing water. It helps though, you feel a lot more put together when you walk out, wrapped in your fuzzy bathrobe, your damp hair falling to your shoulders. 
“Feel free to get anything from the fridge, by the way,” you tell Harry as you move into your bedroom to start getting ready.
“Thanks, but I’m alright,” he calls back. “Where are you two heading tonight?”
“Just this new Indian restaurant Marcus has been wanting to try out.”
“Sounds nice.” Harry walks into your bedroom with Valerie in his arms as you sit at your vanity and get started on your makeup. You watch him from the mirror as he slowly walks around your bedroom, just looking around, examining the framed pictures and little memories you keep on your walls, shelves and dresser. 
You catch his smile when he sees the photo you and him got from Rosa and Steven, you put it next to a childhood photo of Rosa and you. 
“You had braces?” he asks looking at that photo.
“For three years.”
“Well, they surely did a great job on your smile,” he teases you. You know you had a quite crooked smile back then, it was actually your idea to get braces. One insecurity off the list once they straightened your teeth, a lot more to deal with that couldn’t be fixed that easily. 
Harry continues to snoop around as you do a quick, natural look, just the bare minimum. You don’t necessarily like wearing much makeup, but you like what just some mascara and blush does to your appearance. You leave the room a little to blowdry your hair and when you return, Harry is sitting on your bed, eyes watching over Valerie, who is playing with one of your pillows that has a fuzzy cover on. 
You catch Harry’s eyes from time to time as you loosely braid your hair, watching yourself in the mirror. He always smiles when your eyes meet. When you’re done with everything at the vanity, you step to your small closet to find something to wear. You narrow down the choices for three dresses, but you can’t quite decide which one would be the best.
“Wear the light blue one,” Harry speaks up, grabbing your attention. 
“I was thinking about that one too.”
“You wore it to dinner once a while ago. It looked great on you.”
“You remember it?” It’s a surprise he remembered since it was quite some time ago, more than a year, to be exact. You weren’t on good terms back then, but it seems like he still had an eye for the small things. 
“Yeah,” he chuckles softly, his cheeks turning red again as he turns back to Valerie. You grab the dress from the hanger and go to the bathroom to change. 
It’s one of the kind of dresses that just don’t let you wear a bra, but you’re fine with that, because the final look makes up for the discomfort it causes. You try your best to pull the zipper up, but your flexibility didn’t get any better through the years. A heavy sense of deja vu comes over you as you walk back to your room, holding the dress to your chest. Harry looks up at you curiously and you don’t miss how his eyes wander up and down your body.
“Could you please zip me up?”
“Sure,” he breathes out as he gets up from the bed and steps behind you. 
It’s just like the day you met, you suddenly feel like it’s years ago and he is helping you zip up your bridal dress. His fingers brush against your skin the exact same way as he pulls the zipper up, and his fingertips even run over it once it’s all done, like they did back then. You wonder if he thinks the same or it’s just an irrelevant little moment to him, nothing more. 
Stepping to your mirror you take a look at yourself, Harry standing a few steps behind you, his eyes taking in your look as well. For a moment you doubt this is the look you should go for, but as if Harry could feel your hesitation he steps forward and his eyes catches your gaze in the mirror.
“You look amazing. Marcus is a lucky guy.”
Turning around you smile at him breathing out your thank you. 
It’s nearing seven so you quickly pack your bag and choose a coat that goes well with your dress while Harry packs Valerie’s stuff. Just when you put on a pair of white heels your phone starts ringing and Marcus’ smiling face appears on the screen.
“Hi, I’ll be right down in a second.”
“Great, see you in a bit.”
When all three of you are ready to leave you lock the door and you head down. There’s a heavy silence between the two of you in the elevator and you don’t know how to break it, but it’s almost painful. 
“Call me if you are having trouble with anything,” you tell him as you walk through the hall, out of the building.
“I’m not gonna ruin your date night, but don’t worry, I had a great teacher,” he smiles at you. Marcus is parked right behind Harry’s car and he gets out seeing you walk out of the building. “Hi Marcus!” he nods in his way.
“Hey, didn’t know you were here too,” he smiles nicely and as he steps to you he presses a soft kiss to your lips. 
“Just needed some help with this little Princess, but we are off. Thanks again, Y/N,” he smiles in your way as he buckles Valerie up in her seat.
“No problem.” Stepping to the car you peek inside catching Val’s attention. “Be good and don’t give Harry a hard time, okay?” you tell her and she just stares back at you with those curious eyes of hers. “See you later,” you tell Harry nodding his way before following Marcus to his car.
As you sit in the passenger seat you watch Harry start his car and drive away and suddenly you wish you were sitting in his car. Your heart is aching to spend the rest of the evening with him and Valerie.
The guilt quickly kicks in when Marcus asks about your day. You definitely shouldn’t be thinking about being with Harry instead of your boyfriend who did absolutely nothing to deserve to be thrown away. 
You try your best to forget about Harry and focus on Marcus, because that’s the right thing to do. 
It takes all your energy to stay present and focus on your surroundings and what’s happening to you, because every other minute you find yourself thinking what Harry and Valerie are doing right now and if everything is alright. You try to tell yourself that if something was wrong he would text or call you, but he said it himself he wouldn’t want to bother you during your date.
“Is there a specific reason why you are paying absolutely no attention to what I’m saying?” 
Marcus’ voice snaps you back from your thoughts once again and you feel the heat crawling up your neck to your cheeks.
“Sorry, I just… I’ve had a tiring week.”
“You know, that’s totally fine, but you don’t seem to share it or anything without me asking about it. Is it something I do or you are just… not planning on letting me get closer to you anytime soon?” You can feel the little harshness in his tone and he has all the rights to be annoyed at you, but you still feel the need to defend yourself. 
“That’s not true. I just tend to keep things to myself.”
“It’s fine, but building up a relationship kind of requires a lot of talking. I want to hear about whatever it is that’s on your mind. How else should I help you or be there for you if you keep shutting me out every time?”
“I’m sorry if it’s coming off this way, but I’m just… not used to this.”
“To what?”
“Having to always think about someone else too, not just myself. I know it sounds selfish, but I’ve been on my own for a long time, I need time to adjust to the changes.”
“You know that I wouldn’t push anything on you and that I’m gonna wait for as long as you need, but… sometimes I feel like you’re not even trying.”
“I am trying!” you snap, feeling yourself growing frustrated that he is questioning your efforts even though deep down you know he is right. “I do want to share things, it’s just…”
I don’t want to share them with you, you think to yourself and the thought makes you shudder. The worst thing is that in the back of your mind you know exactly who you want to share things with. 
You shake your head with a defeated sigh. It’s a dead end and you clearly need to make a choice if you want to climb the walls and see what’s on the other side, even if it’s just another dump filled dead end, or you could just turn around and walk away with the possibility that you’ll never get to see what’s on the other side. 
Part of you is struggling with opening up to Marcus because deep down you know he might not be the one for you, but the other part is violently holding onto him because… if it’s not gonna work out with him, who else will it? Marcus is everything any girl would wish for in a guy, nice, funny, good looking and caring. There is nothing you could bring up against him except that you just have this weird feeling in the back of your mind. If you can’t make it work with him, who else could you possibly try with? You constantly feel like you’re running out of time and chances. The music might still be playing and there are plenty of empty seats, but it will eventually stop and you don’t want to be the one without a seat. 
Dinner cuts quite short as your little fight poisons the mood pretty fast. Clearly, Marcus is fed up because of your behavior while there’s nothing you really can or would do about it, so the drive back to your place is quiet and tension filled. He kisses you goodbye when he drops you off, but it’s more like a dry peck on the lips before you basically escape from his car. 
You are quick to get rid of your dress and change into sweatpants and a hoodie, the urge to call Harry and check in on him takes over your thoughts quite fast and you find yourself calling him.
“Y/N, hey!” you hear his voice on the other end.
“Hi, how is everything going?”
“Everything is fine, I just gave her a bath, we’re gonna watch some cartoons and then I’ll try to put her to sleep. Are you already back from your date?” 
In the back you can hear a shriek from Valerie and Harry coos at her, that’s followed by a giggle from her.
“Um, yeah. I…” sighing you close your eyes. You feel like an idiot, but it seems like you just can’t deal with your feelings tonight, so why not completely give up? “Can I come over?”
There’s a short pause before he answers. “Sure, of course. But is everything alright?”
“Yeah, I’m just… I don’t want to be alone.”
“Alright. We’ll be waiting for you right here.”
You call an Uber and in thirty minutes you are walking up Harry’s driveway. The lights are on inside and the nerves you’ve been fighting on the way here feel to dissolve quite fast, as you think that he is still up, even though he told you he’d be waiting for you. 
You ring the bell and just a few seconds later Harry opens the door, Valerie in his arms, now wearing a pink onesie with the hood on her head.
“Hey, come inside,” he invites you in. “Can I get you anything?”
“No thanks, I’m fine.”
“So,” he sighs after locking the door and turning to face you. “Wanna talk about it?”
“Is it okay if we don’t?” you ask biting into your bottom lip. You know he is probably dying to know what made you want to come over and that you probably should tell him since you are seeking shelter at his place, but you just don’t have the energy to talk about it.
“Totally fine,” Harry smiles and you return it with a quiet thank you. “I was just about to put Val down to sleep, wanna join us?”
You follow him to his bedroom where the same portable bed is set up that was in your just a few months ago. Harry lays her down bringing a blanket over her as you sit next to the crip while he grabs the book Rosa packed. Harry joins you on the floor, your legs mingling as you sit facing each other and Val can see you through the sheer side of the bed. 
You watch her in awe as Harry starts reading a story, Val listening to his deep voice as if she understood every word that left his lips. A few pages into the story you see her eyelids slowly close and she eventually falls asleep, her little chest rising and falling steadily.
The two of you tiptoe out of the room so you don’t wake her up.
“I’m gonna make a tea, you want one?”
“Yes please.”
You walk into his kitchen and while you sit on a stool at his kitchen island he starts the kettle and digs into his little box that’s filled with filters. 
“Apple and cinnamon?” he asks, holding two filters up and you nod your head. When the water boils he fills up two mugs and throws the filters into them before placing them on the counter in front of you.
“You know, I’m a little mad you had it so easy with her,” you point it out with a smirk, making him laugh.
“I made it up with the panic at the beginning.”
“You really had nothing to worry about. You did great.”
“Thanks,” he chuckles shyly. “Y/N?”
“I know you said you don’t want to talk about it, but I just need to ask. You’re not feeling down because Marcus did something to you?”
You smile at how careful and protective he is. Shaking your head you turn your gaze to the mug in front of you.
“No. It’s just…” You have to take a deep breath as you feel the tears forming in the corners of your eyes. “It’s stupid,” you breathe out shakily. Harry notices what’s going on and sliding off the stool he steps to you enveloping you into his embrace as you curl your arms around his torso and bury your face into the soft fabric of his shirt on his chest.
You really didn’t want to cry, especially not in front of him, but it’s been piling up for a while and tonight has been a little too hard for you.
“Shit, now I’ve cried in your presence twice,” you sigh with a shaky chuckle as you let go of him and wipe your cheeks. 
“Actually, it’s been three times,” Harry huffs with a smirk.
“You cried at the wedding too, when we were talking outside.”
“Amazing,” you shake your head with a bitter laugh. “I don’t even remember that.”
“No surprised, you were quite drunk by then,” he chuckles. “But it’s alright, don’t worry about it.” There’s a pause where neither of you really knows what to do or say. You feel like such a cry baby for breaking down at such a simple question, but Harry couldn’t know how deep it was digging.
“Hey,” he speaks up finally. “Wanna watch a movie? I have quite a few movies saved on Netflix that I’ve been trying to watch.”
The small smile on his lips eases your nerves almost instantly and you nod with a thankful smile. The two of you move into the living room and he puts on some kind of romantic comedy as you get comfortable on his huge L shaped couch. The movie is not the best you’ve seen, but it’s good enough to stop your racing thoughts and relax for a while. 
When you know it’s nearing its end you think about if Harry will tell you to leave or let you stay. Because selfishly, you want to stay, and not just sleep on the couch. You want to sleep next to him like at Christmas. You miss what it felt like falling asleep with his arm wrapped around you and that’s exactly what you need today. 
When the movie ends, you glance over at Harry who is examining the carpet, clearly thinking about something really hard, but you make the move he probably wasn’t expecting.
Boldly, you stand up and just simply walk into his bedroom where Valerie is still sleeping in peace. You climb up to his bed and make yourself comfortable under the covers, waiting for his reaction with your heart pounding against your ribcage. 
You hear his tapping footsteps and you wait for him to arrive with your eyes closed. It’s just a soft huff that comes from his way when he stops at the door seeing you all curled up in his bed, but he doesn’t say a word. You hear him shuffle around a little before the mattress moves under you and he lies next to you. When he stops moving you turn around so you are facing him, only making out some of his features in the dark, but you can tell he is looking at you.
“Harry?” you whisper.
“I’m gonna be a little more selfish now,” you say without any further context.
“Okay,” he breathes out, clearly curious what you meant by that, but he quickly figures it out when you move closer and cuddle to his side, laying your head to his chest. You tell yourself that it’s okay, you can be selfish sometime and just do whatever feels right. This is exactly that, just an act of selfishness because you want to be close to him, feel the warmth of his body and not feel so lost and alone for just one more night.
When you feel his arm weigh down around your shoulders, a wave of relief washes over you. Everything that’s been bothering you quickly fades and it’s just the two of you, lying in his bed in silence, but it has never felt better. 
You think about how you would be okay with feeling like this every night for the rest of your life and you wouldn’t ask for more. Nothing would really matter if you could end your days like this.
But then you remember that you might be alone with this thought. That you shouldn’t let yourself get fooled just because he was there for you when you needed him. Maybe you didn’t even need him, just someone and he happened to be the closest. But you figure that’s not true, because you wouldn’t feel the same way with someone else. 
You think back to when he apologized about everything he said after the wedding. He said that he was sorry and he shouldn’t have been such an ass to you, but he didn’t say he would act differently if it was to happen again. He would probably still end it right there, just in a nicer way and it makes you think that it’s all just his friendly side, nothing more.
And the thought that you are alone with this heavy and confusing feeling scares you to death, because you have no idea what you’ll do when you lose control over it.
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Not just a soft princess  - Azula x female reader imagine: Part Four
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You are torn between your growing feelings for Azula and the fact you can’t forget all the harm she’s done in the past but if one place can help you think it’s the Ember Islands.
Part one here
Part two here
Part three here
Part five here
Part six here
Your POV
You arrived on the island early in the morning after travelling all night and you mind has been occupied by Azula the whole way. You’d liked a handful of girls before but none of them ever made you feel as excited and happy as Azula and that kiss....but you also couldn’t stop that surging guilt that followed every fond thought of Azula you had. She was the reason you were here and not in your city. You’d heard your people were fine but you couldn’t be sure. For all you knew Azula had laid waste to your city and spared the dai li and you just because you appealed to her. You didn’t believe that at all but every time she looked at you the thought flickered into the back of your mind and you were struggling to see anything else.
To make matters worse Azula was evidently still experiencing the bliss you had yesterday and was being coy and attentive to you. As the island came into view she appeared at your elbow smiling “it has only just occurred to me that all your clothes we brought are useless, here you cannot wear green as we are supposed to blend in”. “Ow...what will we do?”. Azula shrugged “I’ve sent a messenger hawk back to the palace asking them to send some clothes and I sent one ahead asking for some to be purchased for you until they arrive. All red of course” Azula smiled and looked at you waiting for a reaction. You knew she expected some playful banter like before but you just weren’t feeling it today. “Thanks” you nodded and you saw Azula hesitate, her smile fell away and you felt the familiar conflict rise. “I mean it, thank you” you smiled squeezing her hand before stepping away to go sit next to Ty lee. You saw the confused and almost hurt look on Azula’s face and had to look away...of all the times to be sent on a holiday together why did it have to be now?
As the day went on your resolve to stay away from Azula slipped further and further away. On the beach you watched amused as Azula complained about everything and noticed how adorable she looked when angry. Ty lee and Mai had abandoned the two of you so you were alone together and it was hard not to become swept up in your feelings. A guy had offered to help you lay out your towel and when you dismissed him abruptly Azula’s lazy smile made you feel weak. So you were already slipping and then Azula decided to show off her athletic side. You’d never played volleyball before so Azula said you could just watch. So you did just that and found yourself enjoying the show nicely. Azula was obliterating the competition and your jaw actually hung open as she kicked the ball so hard it caught fire before ripping through the net and sending the other team flying. You watched her, the net around her still smouldering and had to look away, you could’ve sworn she was doing it on purpose. You smiled admiring how happy she looked before that thought flickered in your mind again and you looked down with a heavy sigh.
Azula’s POV
Azula felt the thrill of her victory as she glowered over the other team informing them of their shame in case they didn’t already know. She was feeling good and confident. Something had been off with you all day but she’s noticed you watching her in the game so she knew your attraction to her was still there. However when she glanced back at you after the game was over she saw you weren’t even watching. You were tracing the sand a large worried frown on your face. Azula’s smile fell away as she watched you. What was upsetting you? Had her father done something? Zuko? You glanced up and as soon as you met Azula’s eye you looked away. So it was her Azula realised. She was the reason you were upset. Azula had no idea what she’d done and suddenly felt a surge of anger. How dare you be mad at her! After all she’d done to save your life, what could you possibly have against her? But as Azula’s heart continued to hammer she realised she wasn’t angry, not really, she was upset. She felt worried you didn’t like her anymore, embarrassed at the idea that like everyone else you’d realised she wasn’t good enough but overshadowing all of that was just a sinking sad feeling. She’d been ecstatic when you made the first move and actually went out of your way to show her you liked her. She’d felt excited and just joyously happy and then...then it all went away and Azula couldn’t figure out why. She didn’t know how she’d messed this up too but she knew it was her fault. It always was. 
Your POV
After the show on the beach you got invited to a party. You didn’t want to go but Ty lee insisted you had to and so you obediently agreed. You and Azula had by chance got stuck sharing a room and the tension in the air as you got ready was painful. Azula had evidently caught onto your caution and she had been off with you and everyone ever since. You hated thinking about how just a few hours ago she’d been blissfully happy and now she just looked blank. Her face was a mask and you couldn’t tell if she was holding back anger or sadness. Either one was bad but you hoped it was anger, the thought you’d made her sad...that hurt. 
You and Azula finished getting ready first and if sharing a room in tense silence wasn’t bad enough she caught you waiting by the door to leave. Azula came around the corner and you jumped as she spotted you. It would’ve been awkward for Azula to retreat and so instead she leant against the wall but kept her distance from you. “I guess we’re the first ones ready” you commented and Azula nodded “looks like it”. She tried to act unbothered and cold but you could tell it was an act, the fact she seemed unable to look you in the eye proved that. Unable to keep this up any longer you sighed “Azula I need to talk to you”. Azula immediately straightened and looked around to make sure nobody was around “no not here”. “But it’s important!” you tried but she shook her head “no y/n!”. You sighed and went to argue when the others appeared. “There you two are! You both said you didn’t want to go and you’re the first one’s ready! I bet you’re secretly excited aren’t you?” Ty lee asked and Azula rolled her eyes “I can assure you I am not” and she stormed past you out the front door. 
As soon as you got to the party Azula headed as far away from you as she could and you watched her with a sad look. “Has something happen with you two?” Mai asked and you quickly shook away your expression and smiled “no of course not, Ty lee want to get a drink with me?”. “Okay!” Ty lee agreed and you rushed off with her hoping the peppy acrobat would take your mind off Azula. 
Your plan failed. Ty lee was soon side-tracked by a swarm of men and you struggled not to show your contempt for them. They gradually worked you out from your spot next to Ty lee and you just accepted it, watching the party alone or more accurately watching Azula. The party wasn’t so big she could totally avoid you and so you’d gotten glimpses of her all night. Watching Azula pretend to be a normal teenager was oddly endearing. You watched her glare at anyone who passed her while also staring longingly at the happy teenagers. Her posture and expression got worse as time went on and you worked out she was having just as bad a time as you. You were contemplating going over to her when a man knocked into her. Azula had him twisted painfully against the wall, arm behind him in a tight lock, seconds later “you made me spill my drink you clumsy oaf!” she yelled. “Sorry” the boy babbled and she rolled her eyes in disgust before letting him go. The boy rushed away and Azula sighed “idiot”. Azula saw you smiling and her own eyes softened too. You thought she was going to smile too but she just ripped her eyes away from you and walked away. 
She went to the drinks to grab some napkins to clean the mess that boy had made. You saw her sigh as only one napkin was left and she angrily attempted to use the single one to mop herself up. You saw some on a nearby table and grabbed them going over. “Here” you offered. Azula glanced at them before looking away “i’m fine”. You sighed “Azula just take them...”. “I said i’m fine” Azula snapped and you ran a hand through your hair. “I know you’re angry at me but please can we just talk? Can you give my 5 minutes to just explain?”. “Fine” Azula said suddenly making you jump “but not here” and she took off for the front door rapidly. You rushed after her and followed her as she made her way outside. She found a place far enough away from the house and then spun on you “talk”.  Her tone was sharp and her body language intimidating but you weren’t scared or worried, just sad. "So you’ve probably noticed I’ve been off since we got here”. “That’s an understatement” Azula snapped “you practically flinch whenever i’m near you, you smile at me one moment and then can’t bare to even meet my eye the next” Azula spat “yes you’ve been off”. You sighed “I know I’ve been cold and I’m sorry I didn’t mean to....let me just start from the beginning”. 
"So after i kissed you, i was ecstatic because i really like you" you started and Azula looked away her cheeks slightly pink "but then i started thinking...what my nation would think. Was I betraying them by liking you? You’re kind and nice to me but are you like that to everyone else? I started worrying I didn’t really know you and that I was being naive...I mean you took over my country and i was running around the palace with you" you sighed "and i know you only did that for your father but does that make it better?". Azula paused "well it was a war y/n casualties are a given". "Yes but we never started or engaged in the war, our crime was existing". "You don’t think Long Feng knew?” Azula asked. "He knew but he didn’t do anything to provoke an attack! All we did was take in refugees, we got attacked for no other reason, i’m technically your prisoner and i’m here admiring how you play volleyball" you sighed "it’s just a lot to process and so that’s why I’ve been so distant, I’m just trying to work out what I should be feeling and what I owe my people". Azula was quiet for some time before speaking "i don’t regret any of the thing i’ve done, to your home or you, i would do them again and i think if you were in my shoes you would too but i do regret that they hurt you” Azula said carefully "i’d hoped to have minimised that for you but i see i haven’t...I am sorry for that and that you’re upset. I like you too and even though i just said all that about what i’ve done to your home i do wish i didn’t have to do it...that it didn’t have to happen like that but the fact is it did happen. I don’t know what this means or where it leaves us but that’s my honest opinion". You looked at Azula unsure what to say. She was trying but was it enough when by her own admission she’d do it again? You sighed "i think i just need some space i like you but i’m not sure i should, so i need to think about that". Azula didn’t react she just nodded her head and left. Her reaction was a lot better than what you’d expected so why did you feel so guilty? You thought after you’d explained yourself to her you’d feel better but if anything it just made you feel more miserable.
You didn’t see Azula the rest of the party and figured she was avoiding you. When Mai grabbed you and told you see wanted to leave you were only too happy to oblige, but Ty lee suggested you go down to the beach and so you ended up doing that instead. When you spotted Azula and Zuko there both you and Mai tensed but you still walked to the campfire seeing no way to avoid this without being obvious. Maybe it wouldn’t be so awkward?
Of course it was. 
The atmosphere was already tense due to Zuko and Mai’s break up and you and Azula just added to that. Mai and Zuko were glaring at each other while you and Azula stared anywhere but at each other. The atmosphere was so tense you weren’t surprised arguments soon broke out. Ty lee had been chattering awkwardly and Zuko got annoyed and snapped her. You listened to what he was saying to her and eventually your anger peaked. “Circus freak” Zuko spat at her and you glared. “Don’t call her that” you said annoyed. Ty lee looked so hurt by his words it made you furious “don’t lash out at her just because you’re feeling trapped”. “Trapped” Zuko asked “that’s rich coming from you...prisoner” Zuko glared and you raised your eyebrows surprised. You went to argue back when someone else intervened. “Don’t talk to her that way” Azula said suddenly and Zuko looked at her out of the corner of his eyes “why? because she’s your special play thing?”. “Because she’s a princess and deserves respect”. “Like you’ve ever shown anyone respect, you’re just saying that because you have a thing for her, don’t you?”. “Zuko...” Mai tried to warn him but Zuko shook his head “no we’ve all seen how she looks at y/n, for her to try and pretend she’s being nice to her for any other reason is ridiculous. Like Azula is anything but selfish and cruel! Why do you think our own mother feared you?”. “I don’t care about what your mother thought of me so that is irrelevant but so what if i like y/n?” Azula asked standing up and Zuko paused “what?”. “You said I have a thing for y/n and you’re right. I like y/n, i give her special treatment because she’s important to me so yes i’m selfish but can you say you don’t do the same? You put mom on a pedestal when she wasn’t a good mother, you strop behind father’s back but would never dare say anything to his face and you mope around Mai like a child with his favourite toy nobody else can touch, you’re not so noble big brother so I suggest you stop acting like it”. Azula and Zuko glowered at one another inches away from each other and you exchanged a look with Mai and Ty lee. “Zuko” Mai said and you stood up too “Azula...”. Zuko looked at Mai but Azula didn’t stop glaring at Zuko until Mai had pulled him out of her sight. Mai led Zuko away from the campfire but Azula didn’t move, she just stood there glaring at the ocean.  You and Ty lee looked at one another and you could tell Ty lee was wondering what you wanted her to do. You nodded for her to follow Zuko and Mai and she did leaving you all alone. 
Apart from Azula.
You turned back to her and watched as she stared out at the sea, almost refusing to turn back around. You knew she was aware you were there but still she stared off at the horizon clearly just ignoring your presence. You waited a while to see if she’d speak first or tell you to go away but when she didn’t you sighed and started to speak. “Azula I...” you started but she cut you off. "What do you want y/n?” she asked and you could hear the tired tone of her voice, the mask she’d been wearing all day was breaking. “I just wanted to thank you for what you said to Zuko...”. “I didn’t say all that to make you change your mind". "I know" you said "but still you stood up for me when you didn’t have to...thank you". Azula shrugged "he shouldn’t talk to you that way ever...nobody should". Azula turned around but she still wouldn’t look at you, she crossed her arms tightly and stared at the ground. "Azula i...i should've said something when he said those things to you, i should’ve stood up for you". Azula shrugged "i’m good at defending myself". "I know but you shouldn’t always have to!". Hearing what her relationship with her mother was like made you realise just how self reliant Azula was, her mother feared her and her father used her, did either of them just care or love her? Had anyone ever just cared for her? Azula glanced at you and she winced when she saw your expression "don’t look at me like that". "Like what?". "Like you feel bad for me just because of what Zuko said! I am fine y/n, i’ve always been fine don’t you dare pity me". "I don’t pity you". "Yes you do i can see it in your eyes". "I don’t" you said loudly "i just care about you a lot". "Yeah but you hate me more I got all that from your speech back at the party". "I don’t hate you i’m not sure i ever could" you said softly "I do hate and fear the fire nation and worry about my place there and my country and my citizens...but none of that overshadows how much i like you Azula" you stepped closer. "I like you a lot" you said simply and Azula rolled her eyes "we already did all of this you like me but you have your duty blah blah". "Forget all that" you said sharply and Azula looked at you "what?". "I’m sick of prioritising what other people think...putting what they’d expect of me before what I want! Can't i just be selfish? Can’t i have what i want?".  Azula paused "and what you want is me?". You nodded your head "yes fire nation and all". You weren’t sure what it was that made you come to this realisation but as you said it, it felt right. “I know the situation i’m in...some people might think it’s weird or that it’s wrong of me to like you but I don’t care” you shrugged “you’re the only person in this whole nation who I smile when I see, who helped protect me and makes me happy, who I get excited just thinking about” you smiled “so i’d like to carry on what we started if you would?”. You stared at Azula and time seemed to endlessly drone on as you waited for her to do or say anything but after an eternity she smiled. “You should know i don’t give out many second chances" Azula smirked taking your hand. “Really? Well I guess i’m pretty lucky then”. Azula nodded her head “you definitely are but not just for me forgiving you”. “Why then?” you asked and Azula smiled “this” and crashed her lips against yours.  
You laid in the sand staring up at the sky as the waves leapt at your feet. It was cold but Azula gave off heat so you were comfortable. Azula was laying against your chest and you held her gently. Neither of you had left this exact spot despite the time that had passed and you couldn’t imagine disentangling yourselves for anything. Everything about this was just perfect. Azula evidently thought so too. "When we go back to the fire nation we’ll find the time for more occasions like this" Azula told you. You looked down at her "we will?". "Of course" Azula replied looking up at you "i’ll just tell them it is extra sparring lessons...it won’t be far from the truth". You smiled "that’s true" and Azula grinned before glancing at your lips again. She leant in and you prepared yourself for how amazing it would feel when cold water splashed over you. You and Azula both jumped up in shock as a wave washed over you. "The damn tides!" Azula cried and you laughed "come on let’s go!". You took Azula’s hand and rushed for the path leading to the house. You both ran up to the house freezing cold and as soon as you were inside rushed to the fire. Azula fuelled it more and you both crouched before it laughing. Azula stopped laughing and just sat back and admired you. You blushed when you realised what she was doing and stood up "shall we go to our room?". Azula nodded taking your hand "i thought you’d never ask".
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firetextskpop · 4 years
Hi , can u do pentagon's reaction when they are doing sex with their wife and suddenly their son / daughter come in to their bedroom bcs they had a nightmare ? I think it would be funny lol ..
A/N: Absolutely! Let’s see how this goes.
PTG when their kids have a nightmare and they were doing the do 
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With your wrist pinned above your head and husband pounding into you, it was hard to hear anything but the both of you. Jinho whispered in your ear, “I think Mina would love, a little sibling. Is that what you want love? Another baby.” His words nearly take you over the edge until you hear crying. “J-Jinho, wait. I think she’s up.” Your husband stops his movements and hears the same thing. “Is she in the room?” He asked, pulling out of you and turning around. Low and behold stood your 3 year old daughter. “Fuck.” Jinho mumbled. You hit his arm and began speaking to your child with open arms. “Mina, what’s wrong baby?” She walked over for you to pick her up. “I had a bad dream. There was loud noises. I went to the noise and its here.” You pout your bottom lip at her. “It’s okay princess, let’s get you back comfy. Go to your table and I’ll heat you up some milk.” She nodded and went to her table. Jinho looked at you and started speaking but you cut him off. “Absolutely not.” Now it’s Jinho’s turn to pout. “She’s going to your mom’s next week.”
Seok was very sure he locked the door. So when your 5 year old twins busted in as Hongseok fucked you in the mirror with the camera on, he felt terrible. Immediately He covered you and yelled at the boys not to look. The twins turned around as Hongseok got everything situated. “Okay, Daddy’s sorry for yelling, you can come in now.” He says and the boys came in and hugged you both. “Why are you two up at 3 am?” You asked stroking the younger of the two’s head. “Haneul had a bad dream then scared me too.” Hyunmin said cuddling into your side. “Can we sleep with you please?” Haneul asked with puppy dog eyes, (like his father.) Hongseok nods and tucks them in between you both before telling them a story he made up on the spot.
After a long hard day at work, Hui just wanted to endulge in you. Anywhere, anytime. Being able to take you on the kitchen counter was more than enough for him. When your son walked in with his protective blanket, you know something wasn’t right. Thankfully, he wasn’t looking completely so you began to push off Hui and fix yourselves just in time. “Jisung?” Hwitaek addressed his son and picked him up. Surprisingly, this made you son cry more as he held on dearly to his father. “Talk to me Sungie.” Your husband coddled Jisung. “I miss you daddy, please dont go.” This of course confused Hui. “I think you had a bad dream. I’m not going anywhere. Let’s go to bed” He says and pats your sons back.
Changgu literally just put the kids to sleep. But at the same time he couldn’t keep his hands off of you. The second your bedroom door shut, he ripped off your clothes and began pleasuring you with mouth. Just as you neared our climax, there was a small knock on your door. Quickly you tapped on his head to inform him of this. Changgu sighed before throwing the blanket over your private bits and opening the door. There stood your youngest child with the biggest tears you’ve seen in your life. “I sleep with you please daddy?” She says wiping her eyes. “Absolutely.”
Surprisingly enough this was your 4th round at it and it was 5 am. You bounced on Shinwon as he tightly grasped your hips. “Fuck, you ride me so well.” He mumbled against your neck. You began to scratch at his chest but then felt a little dip in your bed. Neither of you thought too much about it until you heard a soft sniffle. Both of your attention turned to the 3 year old laying on her side facing away from the two of you. Panic rose in the two of your eyes as you both looked at each other but you moved calmly. Quietly and slowly getting off the bed to put on your under clothes at minimum before sliding back into the bed. When you went to ask what was going on, she already was soundly asleep. You and Shinwon decided not to prompt her on it but join her in sleep.
He finally came home after being on tour and doing shows and you really missed him. Every night leading up to this one, you promised that the day would be all about him. Yanan sat in the chair as you worked your oral magic on him with ice cubes in your mouth. His sensitivity was severely high, so high in fact that his other senses were heightened and he actually heard your 5 year old son come close to the door. “Xiaohui is coming.” He warns you and you immediately pop up as he fixed his pants. Not a second later, your son knocks on the door and you let him in. “Monsters aren’t real, right?” He asks immediately. Yanan chuckles a bit and you shoot him a look. “No HuiHui, but if you want, I can still check the room for you.” You say and push the stray hairs out of your son’s hair. “Please.” He asks and holds on to your wrist.
You both were in the shower getting clean but Yuto looked a little too good under the water. He noticed you staring and started flexing a bit for you. After some teasing and messing around, he began to fuck you against the shower wall. “Come for me babe.” He whispers in your ear and you do just that. In that moment there were 3 loud bangs on the bathroom door. Normally you would be afraid it was an intruder but it was your 7 year old daughter. “What’s wrong Natsumi?” Yuto asked drying off and throwing on his basketball shorts. “Naoki is having a nightmare and keeps talking about some big bug and I can’t sleep.” This wasn’t the first time your son had a sleeptalking nightmare. “Okay, we’ll be there in a minute.” You responded through the door. Once you both were dressed, you went to your sons side with a glass of warm milk.
Hyunggu had you pinned against the couch. Your legs completely spread apart as he rocked his hips into yours. Well explaining how he was a father of 3. “Are you gonna give me a daughter love?” You nodded your head agreeing to anything because, well...he was fucking you so well. His head now buried into your neck. “Dad?” Your oldest asked from behind the couch coming from his room. Kino panicked and sat up to face his child who had dried tears. “Hyunwoo what are you doing up?” He asked nervous. “I had a bad dream..Why are you naked on the couch?” Your 7 year old son asked genuinely concerned. “Don’t worry about it, I’ll be there with you in a minute.” Kino responded. “Also where’s-” “Now.”
It was one of the many nights that you both had pre-planned. The 4 year old should be sleep by 9, wine at 10 and 11? It was time to ‘double your pleasure’. Wooseok held your legs around his head and you moaned around his shaft as he rapidly flicked the tip of his tongue on your sensitive bits. When he began fucking you with his tongue, without thinking, you made attempts to deepthroat him. Wooseok began to growl a bit before spreading you open a bit more. When you both least expected it, the door busted open and there stood your child, sobbing the hardest since he was an infant. Immediately, Wooseok threw you off and pulled up his pants. “Jinwoo?” The child nodded his head. “I had a bad dream.” Seok pouted and looked at you, who was slightly more dressed now. “Can we talk about the bad dreams Daddy?” Jinwoo asked. Wooseok nodded and ushered the child to the kitchen where he fed him food Yanan cooked for your husband’s birthday.
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show-choir-gal · 4 years
“Pretty Boy” Oliver Wood Smut
Requested by: savannah117230 on wattpad "Can you do an Oliver Wood smut? They could be best friends since 3rd year but she is a Slytherin so they kept their friendship a secret but in their 5th year their friendship is exposed. You can make up the rest because I'm not that creative lol."
A/N: I really like this idea! I'm going to switch it up a bit but I still really enjoy this! I did a bunch of drinking towards the end of it so if there's anything wrong just lmk lmao.
Warnings: SMUT, cursing, a brief instance of sexual assault, oral (male and female receiving)
Word count: 7,473
Guide: Y/N: Your Name Y/L/N: Your Last Name Y/H/C: Your Hair Colour
I was the presumed heiress of Slytherin, both my parents were very prominent and well known Death Eaters. I was even sometimes called Slytherins "princess" just waiting for another noble Slytherin to come and sweep me off my feet. Marcus Flint, a boy in my year, was convinced he was my "knight in shining armour" and would try to get with me every chance he got. Typically, it always ended with me saying, "I'm sorry but who are you again?" But it never stopped, he was really persistent. It was kind of sad though, but I had to just deal with it. It was a big shock, to my fellow housemates, when I showed up at Quidditch trails. I walked out onto the pitch and just saw all these mouths agape. I looked at every single boy on that pitch with confusion. "We just weren't expecting to see you here Y/N." Our captain, Duncan Pucey said with almost as much as confusion drawn on his face like the rest of the boys standing there. "You boys seem to forget my father was a keeper his entire time here AND played for years on the Falmouth Falcons. Now, can we please stop gawking at me and start trials already?" I retaliated. It was no surprise when I made the team, but it was a surprise when I was placed as a chaser. I for sure thought I would be keeper just like my father. Duncan pulled me aside the last practice before games officially started, "I want you to know that you're brilliant in any position you play, but I need you as a chaser. There's a boy on the Gryffindor team, his name is Oliver...Wood? I think it's Oliver Wood and he knows Quidditch almost as well as you. I need you to keep the chasers on the best path to keeping us winning." He explained as he patted my back and then sent me off to the locker room. And that's exactly what I did. I was keeping the chasers in check, including Duncan. We made plays that no one dared to mess with and were almost impossible to beat. I wasn't entirely like my father, no no. My mother was the brightest witch of her time and it was clear I was following those footsteps as well. Best of both worlds one would assume. I wasn't some Slytherin who only did enough to pass class, I was going above and beyond each time and I quickly made it to top of my class.
The end of our second year wasn't super eventful, until Oliver and I were paired together for what seemed like the millionth time in Charms. Professor Flitwick rarely ever let us choose our own partners which would typically would be fine with me, but I was just continuously paired with Oliver Wood. Once I saw his usual grades, I immediately knew why. He was doing enough to pass, such a shame because he actually was brilliant. Our last class of charms before final exams came and went, but Professor Flitwick surprised me when he called Oliver and I up to his desk after class. "Is there something wrong Professor?" I questioned, shifting my bag behind my shoulders as I pulled my Y/H/C out from behind the bag. "Not per-say Miss Y/L/N. But I am concerned about Mr. Wood. He seems more concerned about Quidditch than his grades." "But I don't need good grades to get recruited for Quidditch." Oliver butt in, to which I rolled my eyes and scoffed. "But you need good grades to graduate Mr.Wood," Professor Flitwick turned to me, "Miss Y/L/N, could you be his study partner?" Professor Flitwick almost pleaded with me, but I didn't have the heart to turn down one of my favourite professors. I let out a long sigh, "I suppose." I replied as I crossed my arms across my chest and moved my weight onto my right leg and hip. Professor Flitwick beamed with delight, "Brilliant! 20 points to Slytherin. Now you two have a good rest of your day." He said as he started to clean up his classroom, Oliver and I made our way out of the classroom and toward the dining hall. Oliver opened his mouth but I responded quicker, "No, you are not getting any Quidditch secrets. Meet me in the library tonight at 7 or I will find you and drag you there myself." "Is that a threat or a promise?" He asked with a smirk. "Wipe that fucking smirk off your face before I decide to hex you instead." The smirk dropped off his face and we entered the dining hall and went our separate ways as I rolled my eyes, eager to let my friends in on the trauma of Oliver Wood I will endure for the foreseeable future.
Our third year came up a lot faster than expected, but I was still excited. I entered Platform 9 3/4 with my parents, and immediately we were met with stares and whispers. We quickly said our goodbyes, but not before my father handed me a broom. As he handed me the broom, he hugged my mother closer and smiles grew on their faces when they saw the excitement in my eyes. "A Transylvanian Barb! They're brand new! But why?" I asked, confused about the gift, but still excited nonetheless. "Our beautiful girl deserves only the best. Keep breaking records out there darling." My mother said before they pulled me in for one last hug and kiss before I boarded the train. I made my way to the back where the Slytherins were, but I couldn't help but notice all the stares and whispers now directed toward me. Directed solely toward me. I just hurried to the Slytherin car and I saw all my teammates waiting for me. We were all so excited for the new year because a new year meant new Quidditch plays. But a new term also meant that soon enough, you were Olivers study partner. It wasn't the ideal situation, but if it meant that the only person close to your skill was still on the pitch, and I was willing to make sure I had a worthy opponent. Soon enough, Oliver was asking for help in all our classes. I didn't mind, I got to keep him accountable, but it took up a lot more of my time. Eventually, it was nearing the time final game of the year. Gryffindor against Slytherin. Both of our teams were practicing as much as we could. I almost had no time to breathe, but this would all be over soon and everything would be a lot better and easier. I found myself in divination class, seated next to Marcus and Terence at our table. We were learning tessomancy, the divination form that requires you to read tea leaves. This class was meant to focus on soulmates and finding their initials in our leaves. Terence was struggling to figure his out, while Marcus just smirked at me. "It's your initial, looks like you really are my soulmate babe." Marcus said with a smirk. I shot him a disgusted look, "Mine is an 'M' BUT before you say anything it's the initial of the persons last name you git." I looked down at my cup and realised my mistake, my cup was upside down. That 'M', is actually a 'W'. I wasn't going to admit this to them though. "Fuck," I sighed, "Must be Malfoy." I played off how I really felt and what everything really meant. There were plenty of people in this school with last names beginning with 'W', but I didn't want to press it to much longer. I ended up helping the rest of the Slytherins and Trewlaney gave me 15 points for Slytherin. I immediately went to my usual spot in the library and just hoped and prayed to Merlin everything would go back to normal. Oliver arrived moments later and took his usual seat. We had two essays to write so we just created small talk every now and again to fill the air. I finished before Oliver, I did some studying before he finished. I proof read his essay, it was actually really good. "Oliver, this is great! I told you that if you a little more effort in you would be great! You might not need me much longer." I said with a playful chuckle. "I would hate to end these study sessions, working with you is actually quite fun and you help me keep on track. Who knew the princess of Slytherin had it all? Looks, smarts, and excellent quidditch skills." Oliver said with a smirk, which made me blush. "Alright pretty boy, I love my ego being stroked, but both of us have practice tonight. Mine is soon, yours is later. I'll see you tomorrow on the pitch Wood. Can't wait to kick your ass." I said as I sent a wink his way and walked away after all my stuff was packed away. I made my way down to the pitch where I got ready and headed over to Duncan to discuss what plays we need to make and so on. By the end of practice, we had a solid plan in place for the game against Gryffindor. We were all radiating positivity with how well practice went for us. We all changed but as soon as we left the locker room, Gryffindor was making their way onto the pitch. Marcus went right up to them and I followed, not wanting anything serious to happen. Marcus was about to say something but I grabbed his arm and pulled him away, "Marcus if you lay even a finger on them before the game tomorrow I will make sure you don't play and you're a sub next year. Step away from them or I will force you to back away." "Awe you're hot when you're angry. How about this, I don't do anything to these pussy's and when we win we celebrate in my dorm and you sleep with me?" Marcus asked in a condescending tone as we walked away. I stopped and immediately started to pretend to gag at the words that just came out of his mouth, "I would much rather sleep with Wood over there ten times over before I even thought about touching you." I practically yelled. All eyes were on us. "What does Wood have that I don't clearly I'm packing a lot more than him." He said as his right hand moved to touch his member through his pants and his left hand trailed around my waist and  squeezed my right butt cheek. That was all I needed to immediately cock my arm back and land a hard punch directly on his nose, which was now just gushing blood down his body. Marcus stumbled back and scrambled to his feet. Terence started to bring him off the pitch. I took my wand out and pointed it at him. I started to make my way towards him when Duncan and a few other of my teammates held me back with all their strength. "I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU FLINT. I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU THE NEXT CHANCE I GET. I SWEAR TO MERLIN. YOU WILL WISH YOU NEVER EXISTED YOU FILTHY PIECE OF SHIT EXCUSE FOR A WIZARD!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, I had tears streaming down my face at this point. Both from the experience and the pain my throat was in. Miles ran to get a professor as Duncan hugged me and apologised to the Gryffindor team. Duncan held onto me as we made our way to meet with Dumbledore, Snape, and McGonagall. I made eye contact with Oliver as I passed by and he looked broken just from witnessing the exchange. Duncan and I met with the Headmaster and our head of house in his office and explained everything that happened. It wasn't a long meeting but it wasn't a short meeting either. Duncan agreed with Snape and Dumbledore that Flint was going to be out for the last game of the year and sub for most of next year. We made our way to dinner and all eyes were on me, but I just ignored it and just put on my RBF and plotted revenge (and how I could possibly tell my parents). It was the day of the biggest game of the year to us. I got to the locker room extra early to clear my mind and go through last minute plays to make sure they were as clean and thought out as possible. Duncan followed not too long after me and I informed him of some errors I found and we worked through them. Once the rest of the team was in the locker room and changed we went over the game plan. After Duncan's speech, we entered the pitch to some cheers but mostly boo's. We were all on the pitch when we got into our positions and went up into the sky. Before we took our actual positions, Oliver sent a wink my way. I just shook my head and shoo'd him away to the posts. The game was going great, we were leading but not by much. We needed that snitch to win. Terence was so close to catching it, Charles wasn't making it too easy though. I paid as little attention as possible toward the seekers fighting for the snitch. Fred and George Weasley were towards the left of me but pretty far behind. I had just caught the quaffle and was heading towards the goals when all of a sudden, I was hit hard in the side and I let go of the quaffle as I flew off my broom from the force of the hit. I hit the corner of the Slytherin stand and just free fell to the ground. I was out cold before I hit the ground. Terence caught the snitch, but people were concerned with my limp body lying on the ground. I woke up later that day in the hospital wing, my team was surrounding me. They told me everything that happened. Fred and George performed a Dopplebeater Defence and the bludger went straight for me. It hit me hard enough to throw me to the corner of the stands like I was a muggle rag doll and I immediately fell hundreds of feet to the ground. I had several broken ribs and many more fractures. But I was more concerned about my broom and if we had won. Duncan chuckled, "We did win, Terence caught the snitch right as you hit the stands. And your broom is fine. I grabbed it before it plummeted to the ground." We were all caught up in conversation when there was a throat clear from behind my team surrounding my bed. "Leave her alone Weasley's, she doesn't need to be hurt anymore." Duncan said, in a voice so firm yet so angry. "We came to apologise." The twins said in unison. I chimed in before Duncan could, "It's fine. You guys can go. I'll be fine." I smiled and hurried them along. "We're so sorry Y/N," Fred started. "We didn't think it would curve and get you." George chimed in. "We promise, once you're better we'll get you all the sweets you want," I cut them off, "Guys it's okay. It's a game of quidditch. I'd be naive if I didn't believe I would never get hurt. I forgave you a long time ago. But I still appreciate the care you two have." I replied with a smile as they handed me a bouquet of wild flowers. They made their way out, I placed the flowers on the bedside table. I looked up and saw Oliver. "How are you feeling?" He asked as he took the seat next to me. "Besides just a blanket of pain, I'm pretty good now that you're here." I said with a smile. There was a thick silence that enveloped both of us, eventually Oliver broke that silence. "Are we friends?" He asked. "What do you mean?" "Like, you've really grown on me in our study sessions and I want to be friends with you but.." "I have an image to uphold Wood. But we can, if that's what you want. Just, we must keep the study sessions professional. Secret friendship, for now," I said, I saw the sorrow in his eyes "It's a secret for now. Until I can figure all this out. I promise Ollie." I said as I stuck out my pinky finger, he chuckled and hooked his pinky finger with mine. Oliver came down every day to help me with homework and our usual study sessions. But once everyone left we just chatted like old pals. It was so much easier once I could actually go back to classes and roaming the castle. Every day meshed together; I went to my classes, bickered back and forth with Oliver, had study sessions, and then snuck away to have alone time with Oliver and acted like normal friends behind closed and hidden doors. I hated it, but being the "heiress of Slytherin" I had an image to uphold. Hopefully our 5th or 6th year I can just be open about this, but right now is not the time. Especially because I don't know what they'd do to Oliver. It was more for his protection, and he figured that out the more we hung out and talked. The deeper our friendship grew, the more we learned about each other... and the more I started to feel something more for him. The end of the year came so fast, yet went by so slow. Saying goodbye to everyone hurt when the one person I didn't want to leave I couldn't even say goodbye to. No matter how bad I felt, Oliver and I still wrote to each other practically every day. Each new letter was a countdown to the first of September, a countdown to seeing my best friend. But with each letter also came stronger and stronger feelings I had never felt before. Was this love? Was this what love felt like? What is this feeling?
The first of September has come yet again, welcoming me to my fourth year at Hogwarts, but this time my family and I were accompanied by the Malfoy's. Mum and dad have always wanted me to marry Draco, keep the pureblood line going. I didn't hate Draco, he was very annoying for an 11 year old, but I didn't hate him. Neither of our families believed in arranged marriages, but they definitely mentioned a married between Draco and I often. Draco was definitely infatuated with me. Trying his best to flirt with me and to keep my attention on him. At the train, I hugged my parents goodbye and hugged Narcissa and shook Lucius' hand. Draco and I boarded the train together, "Now, I sit with all of the older years and first years aren't allowed, but after tonight you can always find me when you need me." I said as I sent Draco a smile. Draco took my hand and kissed it and went on his merry way to find someone to befriend. My eyes drifted from Draco to Oliver, who seemingly was watching the whole time. He shot a smile my way, causing me to blush. I walked passed him to the Slytherin cart and he slipped a piece of parchment into my hand. I kept walking and as I entered I sat in my usual seat, but only Terence and Miles were in their seats. I read the note, "I really missed you, more than ever. Meet me on the pitch at 8?" I let out a smile as I slyly slid the note into my right pocket. We continued our conversations of our summer holidays as more of our peers came through and sat down. I announced that I was the quidditch captain now that Duncan has graduated. We all enjoyed our time together once again, after all, it was just another year and another House Cup we were determined to win. It came to the sorting ceremony and I only was anticipating Draco and his sorting. He was sorted into Slytherin faster than I was, but he was proud and made his way over to me and kissed my cheek before sitting right next to me. My teammates just looked over at me, and then Draco, and looked more confused than when a professor calls on them and they're not paying attention. Draco happily chimed in, "I'm going to marry her. Join the Malfoy and Y/L/N pureblood names and have the greatest bond to ever occur in the wizarding world." He had a smile beaming from ear to ear. They all shifted their gazes onto me, questioning if it was real or in his imagination. "I'll explain later, don't worry guys." I said to calm them down, which it only helped slightly. The upperclassmen made their way to their perspective common rooms. I told my teammates how it wasn't fully a thing, arranged at least. It was encouraged but not forced, and to just let Draco believe whatever he wants to believe. They all finally understood and proceeded to start a whole new conversation. It was almost 8 and I decided to sneak away from my friends and down to the pitch. If someone finds me on my way there then I can just say I need to cleat my mind or something like that. I can always get myself out of trouble. As soon as I walked by the Gryffindor locker room, I heard a faint whisper and made my way to see inside. As soon as I cracked the door, an arm reached out and grabbed my forearm and yanked me inside. I practically fell onto whomever just pulled me in. I looked up and saw Olivers infamous smile and pulled him in for a tight hug. The hug seemed to go on forever, but eventually we let go, but not fully, his arms were still wrapped around my waist and my arms were wrapped around his neck. "Oh how I've missed you." He said with a smirk, but there was definitely something hiding behind it. I was studying his face like it was a written exam. And caught on and he guided me to the benches right behind us. "Obviously I wanted to say hi, but that's not the only thing I wanted to talk to you about," Oliver started as he sat beside me, "I've been having this thought and this feeling for a while now," I was confused, and the furrowed brows and now titled head made him keep going. "I know you like sleeping around and fucking whenever you can... NOT that it's a bad thing because I like that too. But... B-but I want to know what it's like to like, sleep with one person. And I just hope you've been feeling this sexual tension too, Y/N. Would you like, to like, maybe be friends with benefits?" He asked and he started to blush as he looked away. I knew it was too good to be true, he didn't feel the same way I think I feel about him. But if this was the closest to a relationship I could have with him, I was going to seize the moment. "I'm glad you felt the tension too, I was starting to grow exhausted just hiding it," I said as I inched a little closer to him as I unbuttoned the top buttons of my white blouse, "I was getting tired of hopping from dick to dick. Although the variety was nice, getting railed by the same cock over and over sounds so much better to me." I got even closer to him, I moved his hands to my bare thighs and my hands tugged at his shirt. Oliver crashed his lips into mine, the rough intensity of the kiss threw me off guard but I enjoyed every moment of it. I quickly deepened the kiss, feeling myself grow wetter and wetter as Oliver finished unbuttoning my blouse. I unhooked my black bra and he took off his turtleneck and we threw our articles of clothes onto the ground, just letting them land wherever they pleased. I took one look at his body and my mouth dropped. Toned but not overly defined, a perfect middle ground. Oliver took full advantage of the moment and placed his hands roughly on my bare sides, sending sparks throughout my body, and he pulled my into him and crashed his lips onto my bare neck as he sucked and bit every inch of my neck and collarbone. Oliver was still in a sitting position while I was standing over him, one leg on each side of the bench. As Oliver found my sweet spot, he started to pull my skirt down to my knees and I took it off and threw it wherever it decided to land. He started to leave hickies all over my upper body he kissed his way down to my breasts. He took my left breast into his mouth and sucked and kissed every inch of it. His right and trailed from my side down to my warm and wet pussy. He didn't even hesitate to move my panties out of the way and rubbed the folds of my dripping wet pussy. That feeling all on its own made me whimper and melt into him more than I was. His mouth moved to my right breast and give it the same attention my left breast received earlier. His left hand was free and moved to unbutton his pants and pull out his pulsating cock. As soon as I felt his cock touch my thigh, I positioned myself over his member. "I've waited all summer for this." He said right before he took his cock and rubbed the tip up and down my soaking wet folds. He stopped at my entrance but before he could say anything I lowered myself onto him, feeling his cock fill up all the empty space inside of me. No one has ever filled me so perfectly. I crashed my lips onto his as I rode his cock up and down and making sure he understands what he's getting. "If I didn't want this, I wouldn't be this wet for you... pretty boy." As those words left my mouth, Oliver held me close to him, picked me up and laid me down on the bench. He would alternate his thrusts between fast and slow, seemingly trying to pace himself so he can savour this moment. I felt my core start to contract and tighten and my pussy became more and more sensitive. In between my increasingly shallow breaths, I noticed that I was edging closer and closer to my climax. "Ol-Ol-Oliver," My breaths were becoming more and more shallow, "I-I'm g-g-g-getting cl-lose." Oliver was letting out low grunts of pleasure as he gripped my hips tighter than before, but with the words that seemingly dripped out of my mouth, Oliver thrusted harder and faster than he had previously in our little rendezvous. With each new thrust, a new grunt or groan came out of Olivers mouth, I could feel his cock twitch inside me and I knew he was ready to cum. I reluctantly brought my right hand down to my clit and started to stimulate myself while he thrusted into me. I started to feel myself become undone in Olivers grasp, my head was thrown back and my back arched as I let out a final pleasure filled moan. Oliver watched in awe and pleasure as I came undone on his cock. Once my high finished, I pushed Oliver back and got onto my knees in front of him. I took his hard cock into my hand started to pump before I placed my lips onto the tip of his dick. I pumped his shaft as I played with the tip of his cock with my tongue. I felt his cock twitch in my hand one final time before he let his cum release into my mouth. He was a mess of sweat and heavy breathing, I swallowed his seed as he sat on the bench we were just having our most amazing high on. I started to gather my clothes and get dressed, as I was putting my bra on I said, "That was-" I was cut off my Oliver, "Amazing." "That was amazing," He said as he slapped my ass, "I would love to do this again." He pulled me closer as he still hungrily looked me up and down. We both finished getting dressed but then he grabbed my hand and sat me down on the bench again, "We should probably figure out a game plan for this, like rules for us being friends with benefits." I nodded my head in agreement. "Alright, chime in any time you have something to say," I nodded at his statement and he continued, "Consent is the most important thing of all, we are still friends and I trust that both of us will let the other know if sex isn't in the cards for the night. We are friends above all. Secondly, we should probably stop when one of us gets into a relationship. Lastly, no catching feelings." He finished with a chuckle, but my face sort of flushed but I tried to keep my composure. "Couldn't agree more." I said behind a fake smile as I stuck my hand out for him to shake, and he returned the favour. I snuck out of the Gryffindor locker room and went into my own, grabbing my broom and waiting to see Oliver walk up to the castle. I went onto the pitch and just flew around, trying to sort through my own thoughts. I realised it was close to curfew and so I landed, but my broom back in its spot and headed back up to the castle. My team was waiting up for me, scared that something had happened to me but I assured them I was just at the pitch starting to get a game plan going and clearing my mind. As the boys trickled out of the common room, the only ones left were Terence and I but we had sat in silence for some time and I was just staring into the fire. "Is everything okay Y/N?" He asked, which slightly startled me enough to look him in the eyes. "Of course I am T, I just...have a lot on my mind." I said with a bit of a forced smile. He wasn't quite sure if he was buying it but then he said, "Okay, but I care a lot about you and I want you to know you can always talk to me." He placed his hand on my thigh in reassurance, I placed my hand over his and shot him a smile before standing up and heading to our dorm rooms. Maybe Terence could help take my mind off of Oliver only wanting to fuck me. And that's what started to happen. Several times a week, Oliver and I would meet up and either just have a grand ol' time or just to fuck but during the day, I was growing closer and closer to Terence. But Oliver still definitely had my heart, in more ways than one. Nothing I could do would make me feel differently. Oliver and I were both captains, which made fuck sessions and wagers even better than before. Slytherin won the first game of the year, so Oliver had to eat me out, and honestly he might've loved it more than I did. When Gryffindor won their first game, I gave him a blowjob and really whatever he wanted. The Quidditch house cup was quickly approaching and both of us were starting to have stress sex several times a week. He was my release of this stress and I was his. The day before the last game against Slytherin and Gryffindor, Oliver and I had just finished working on our DADA essays and I was cleaning up when Oliver just looked at me and said "Oh, I have a girlfriend now. So, no more funny business." He said with a smirk and a chuckle as he collected his things and went on his way. My heart sank to my feet as tears welled up in my eyes, but I just wiped whatever there was away and I marched my way down to the pitch to try to take my mind off of everything going on around me. I changed into my uniform and sat down thinking and rethinking plays as my leg bobbed up and down with stress. I had notes scribbled everywhere and I was struggling to keep my head on my shoulders. Terence, Miles, and Adrien walked in expecting them to be the first but were shocked to see me but even more shocked to see the chaos surrounding me. Terence asked the other two boys to give them a moment and he sat next to me and rubbed my back, trying to soothe me. "What's going on Y/N?" "A guy I thought really liked me doesn't and he has a girlfriend. We were doing a friends with benefits thing but I hoped it would turn into more." I replied and he pulled me closer. "Well clearly he's an absolute git for leaving you for someone else, even if all you two did was fuck. You deserve so much more than whoever that asshole is." "You're right, I deserve so much better than him. I shouldn't have let it go on this long." "I know this is quick, but we have been hanging out a lot more these past few months and I was wondering if you would be my girlfriend? No pressure, but the hogsmeade dates made me feel a type of way and I hope you feel the same." I smiled and cupped his face in my hands and kissed him, "I would love to. Thank you for showing me I deserve better." We both smiled and the team joined us in the locker room as I reworked plays with my newly cleared mind, well, not fully cleared. Practice went really well and I'm very pleased with what we have prepared for tomorrow. We came down from the sky and Gryffindor was awaiting us in the pitch. "Trying to calculate how much you're going to lose Gryffin-snore?" Adrien shot at them, unprovoked but no care in the world. "Save it for the game boys. See you on the pitch tomorrow, Wood." I said in a dark tone as I shoved passed him as Terrence and I interlocked fingers as we walked into the locker room. It was officially game day and the dining hall was buzzing with wagers and thoughts for the day. Terence and I walked into the dining hall hand in hand and I looked over at Oliver who was staring straight at me. I looked away as we made our way to the table where the rest of our team was sitting. We ate a hearty breakfast and headed to the pitch. Once we were in the locker room and all changed we went over the plays we needed and I finished with a speech, "[...] I know I never say this, so believe me I need you all to listen and take this to heart, play dirty. I will be giving commands but I trust you all know how to play dirty since most of you have been playing that way all year against my wishes... Yes Pucey, I'm talking to you. But you all better hope that if you get a foul on purpose, you better hope Merlin finds you before I even start to hunt you down. Go out and kick some Gryffindor ass." We all exited the room and made our way onto the pitch. Terence and I exchanged a quick peck right in front of Oliver right before we all took position on the pitch. Madam Hooch released the balls and I immediately got the Quaffle and headed toward the goal posts. Angelina and Katie from Gryffindor got on both sides of me but before they could successfully perform a Body Blow on me, I picked up speed and drifted in front of the goals as I threw the Quaffle in and scored. "Forty-three seconds and the first goal goes to Slytherin! The goal was made by Y/N Y/L/N and made a new school record for fast goal made in a match!" Lee Jordan announced. The game went on for ages but I was on fire. I was scoring and checking like no tomorrow, to say I was determined was an understatement. I was fighting for that win, I wanted to see Olivers face lose first hand. And almost as quick as the game started, Terence caught the snitch and Slytherin won! I briefly looked over at Oliver who looked heartbroken, but in more ways than one. I was broken from my chance when Terence came up and pulled me in for a passionate kiss. "And there is it folks, Slytherin's seeker Terence Higgs caught the snitch which landed Slytherin the win of the inter-house Cup! Oh, and by the looks of it he also scored the winning kiss with Slytherin's Captain, Y/N Y/L/N! Y/N won the game with brilliant plays and won Terence's heart!" Lee Jordan said before he said his usual Quidditch game closing announcements. The night was buzzing with drinks and games and cheer in the usually gloomy Slytherin common room. A few weeks passed and Oliver and I were studying for our History of Magic exam when he suddenly stopped and looked at me. "Oliver, are you okay?" He kept staring, I snapped my fingers a few times in front of his face which seemed to take him out of his trance. "Are you serious?" He asked sternly. "About what?" "Dating Terrence." "Well, yeah. That's why we hang out all the time. He treats me like I matter. Anywho, we shouldn't be discussing this because you are also in a relationship. Now keep studying so you don't fail." I left that night feeling uneasy but acted like everything was normal. The end of the year approached fast, but Terrence and I agreed that we just weren't meant for each other romantically and so we broke it off and remained friends. Finals were coming up and so Oliver and I were cramming like we had for countless exams prior. We were in the library very late each night, and this night was no different but something about the atmosphere was very different. "How are you and Terrence?" Oliver asked. "Oh, we broke up a while ago." I replied, keeping my head on my study guide. Olivers head shot up and he looked at me, "What? Why?" "Well," I started as I looked up, "Since you want to be nosy, we just were better off as friends. Simple really, nothing too extreme or anything. How are you and your girl?" "We actually broke up yesterday." "Oh I'm so sorry to hear that. Are you okay?" He pondered that question for a bit, before finally saying something that caught me off guard, "Yeah, but I miss our old nights together." He was waiting for my reaction, hell even I was waiting for my reaction. I missed them too but I didn't want to go through all those feelings all over again. "I miss them too Ollie, but I don't want we used to have. If I'm being honest," I looked around to make sure no one was still in the library, "I caught feelings for you and being friends with benefits hurt me and really messed me up emotionally. I can't put myself through that again." Olivers reaction went from shock, to confusion, to relief. I watched the gears in his mind turn every step of the way for him to process the information I just gave him. "Well that's a relief, I caught feelings for you as well." He said with his signature smirk. My brows furrowed, "Then why did you date another girl?" "To try to get you and your body out of my mind, but the Slytherin heiress has her way with men and I never forgot our endeavors and I just kept missing them. I didn't think you felt the same, so I suppressed my own feelings. I'm sorry, I should've said something sooner." There was an awkward silence between us for a few moments, before Oliver spoke up, "Is that why you destroyed us in the inter-house Cup?" I started to blush and nodded my head yes. His eyes widened and a smile formed on his face, "I hate to admit it but it was bloody brilliant. You're bloody brilliant...on and off the pitch... Can you be my girlfriend?" I blushed and just smiled at him, "Of course. But it's still a secret." The year finished and Oliver and I had successfully kept our relationship under the radar. I hated it but I had a plan, I think.
Fifth year rolled around and started off great. Nothing too exciting happend, except whenever Oliver and I were alone it was more cute and no sex. We mutually agreed to wait. A couple days before the inter-house cup, we snuck into an empty classroom and just talked and chilled together since tomorrow we were both going to be super busy. I was sat atop a desk and Oliver was standing in front of me and holding my hands. Oliver and I leaned in for a kiss when suddenly we heard the door open and a gasp fill the empty room. Both of us spun our head in the direction of the sound, and in the doorway was Lee Jordan. Lee immediately left but that little thing just knocked the wind out of you. "Fuck." I muttered under my breath, "Alright. Hopefully he doesn't go around blabbing about what he saw." "And if he does?" My eyes darted around the room in a moment of pondering, "If he does, then we'll have to make it official in front of everyone." "Is that okay for you?" "We deserve to be open about our relationship. I just need a day or two to get all my ducks in a row. You deserve to be in a public relationship." Oliver smiled at that statement and pulled me into a kiss. We both left the room and headed to our prospective common rooms. The next day started off with an early practice. Lee hadn't spilt the beans about what he saw, yet. I was a bit more nervous than ever before but I still led the team like tomorrow was the last day of their lives. We all left practice happily but I was a bit behind, cleaning the room and pondering my thoughts. I walked into the dining hall for dinner and all eyes were on me and whispers immediately started. I just strutted to my usual seat and just dug in. My teammates opened their mouths and I immediately shot back, "If sone of you says ONE THING I will make sure you don't play tomorrow. I finished eating and went straight to my dorm and fell asleep. I wanted nothing more than for things to be normal again. I woke up bright and early and headed to the pitch. I knew Olivers plays so well, so I was busying myself with coming up with new plays and how to implement them. Eventually the rest of my team joined me and we all got ready. I gave one of the best speeches of my career, but before I could step away from being the centre of attention Marcus asked, "Are you and Woods really dating?" I took a deep breath in, "Yes, yes we are. Now go on the pitch because I never want to hear another word about this. Got it?" We all entered the pitch a few minutes before Gryffindor did, one they came out I immediately looked for Oliver. We made our way over to each other and we looked into each others eyes. "I love you, pretty boy." "I love you too, princess." Oliver threw his broom onto the ground and grabbed my waist and pulled me into a deep and passionate kiss as the crowd roared behind us.
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officialwittek · 4 years
pt. 4
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*gif is not mine* 
word count: 2,101
Ever since my little conversation with the girls I haven’t been able to really be myself around Jeff. Now I notice the side glances, the lingering touches on my thigh, the way his breath hitches when I get pushed a little too close to him at parties, and everything else I haven’t noticed before. My friends were adamant that he liked me back but I couldn’t see it. Slowly I distanced myself from them, for one my manager thought it would be a good idea to release some new music soon so I was extra busy and I can’t really be around my friends without feeling like my heart is going to explode. Of course they started noticing and not a day went by where I didn’t get texts from at least three of them asking where I was and why I stopped coming around. Even Jason and Josh dropped my apartment to make sure I was still alive.
Three weeks have gone by since my sleepover with Jeff. We still talk but not as much as before. Carly and Natalie were constantly calling and texting and I truly felt bad, but it would seem like such a bullshit excuse to say it’s because of my crush on Jeff.
“Sage, this is... this is real good work. I’m thinking we finish it up, and be set to release it in two weeks” James, my manager, said listening to to the final of three of the songs
“Thanks dad, I think today we’re recording the last song. I’ll email you our final version by the end of the day” I reply, he ruffles my hair and nods, leaving for another meeting while the producer and I talk about the last track
We record for about four hours, fine tuning every last detail. After the two of us finally felt good about it we sent the file to James who also gave the approval. We sent it in the the higher ups who also gave us the ok. All the promotional pictures were finished, we had an album cover chosen, now to put it all together and make this my first serious piece of art. After the long morning I decided to head straight to my apartment. I wasn’t particularly hungry anyways. I parked my car and took the elevator up to my apartment.  
I noticed shushing and brushed it off, thinking it was just Carly and Erin messing around. I unlock the door and see all of my friends crammed into this fairly small apartment. No one had their cameras out and they all had their arms crossed I sighed and put my things down before shutting the door.
“Before you even say anything. No I’m not on drugs, I don’t hate anyone, and I actually have been working on my music. My first EP is coming out in a few weeks” I explain, their faces relax and Carly walks up to me
“Don’t you ever try to ghost us like that again. We hated it” She said, wrapping her slender arms around my shoulders and I nodded, our friends came around and we all had a sweet group hug
“Well a congratulations are in order. I think we should celebrate tonight” David says, laughing loudly
“Fine, I’m stealing a Red Bull from your fridge though” I say, we all go downstairs and I finally notice some of their cars parked there
We all head to David’s house and I grab a Red Bull. We all sit in the living room. Filming dumb bits and getting ready for tonight. David wanted to throw it at his house since he wanted to keep it relatively small. Natalie, Carly, and Erin went to stock up for the night, asking me about all my favorite things. It took about an hour and a half for them to come back. Everyone helped get things from Nat‘s car and set up. We were finally ready and decided to start drinking before everyone got here.
“May Ilya and Zane stay away from the hospital. Amen” I yell, all of them cheering in response as we take our shots
After a few rounds of shots I was already pretty tipsy. I sat down at the couch, answering a few congratulatory texts from others. I talked to a few of our friends here and there. Jeff was nowhere to be found. I frowned a bit, but who can blame him? After all, I’m the one who made the decision to not talk to him.
“Do you think we could get a sneak peak?” Jason asks, taking a set next to me but I shake my head
“I want to keep it a complete surprise. Plus I’ve been thinking about having a release party and showing everyone there” I said, Jason actually thought that was a much better idea than just playing it
We made small talk here and there, apparently Wyatt has been dying to see my new studio. I loved Jason’s kids like they were my own family, especially since Wyatt and I have such a love for music.
“I’d love to have Wyatt at the studio. He can even record some things if he wants to. I know how to produce as well” I said, Jason damn near cried at the suggestion and we set a date
“Someone looks a little sober” Zane yells from behind us, I laugh and allow him to take me to the kitchen where the others were taking shots or making their best interpretations of different cocktails
After sampling everyone’s horrible attempt at a blackberry mojito it’s safe to say I was one shot away from exiting the physical realm. Especially since Zane decided it was appropriate to just dump nearly an entire bottle of rum in the drink. After a few minutes Todd headed to the door and let someone in. I heard the familiar accent and my heart dropped to my stomach. Jeff is here.
To be fair, I’m probably the only one who really cares that much, especially since I’m drunk as hell and I have a crush on the dude. I try to run and hide in a corner but there’s a lot more people now. I finally see an opening and head straight for the backyard. Thankfully no one noticed because Zane was too busy doing something extremely dangerous. I sit in one of the chairs we reserve for smoking, hitting my puff and scrolling mindlessly through TikTok, trying to get the thoughts out of my head. I hear the sliding door open and look up to see David.
“Alright what’s wrong? You look like we threw a party because we killed your dog” David jokes, my lips spread into a light smile
“Nothing, I’ve just been so exhausted lately with everything going on.. that’s all” I lie, I mean I’m not really lying, just not telling him the whole truth
“So it has nothing to do with Jeff showing up and you’re definitely overthinking and avoiding him even more. C’mon I’ve known you for forever, you can’t lie to me” He replies, his tone suddenly being serious
And it’s true, I’ve known David since I moved out here. He was my first real L.A friend. He’s seen me at my absolute lowest moments, and someone I could always go to whenever something was wrong. I hated that he could read me like a book.
“Fine, the Jeff thing is a contributing factor. But I’m being honest about the exhaustion” I say, crossing my arms like a child
We sit and talk, something we haven’t done in forever. It felt nice to have someone listen to me. After about half an hour of just talking we decide to head back inside. I felt too sober again and took some shots with Natalie and Toddy. I could feel Jeff’s eyes glaring a hole into the side of my head, but I was too sober to deal with anything right now.
At around 1:00 am. I got hungry and ordered DoorDash for everyone. All the other guests had left so it was just our main group scattered around the house. Jeff was surprisingly still here. Todd had whispered to me earlier that the only reason he was sticking around this late was to make sure I got home alright. I smiled at the sentiment, he was always making sure my drunk ass was safe.
Our DoorDash arrived and we all ate while watching some movie David found on Netflix. Jeff took a seat next to me, the look in his eyes was telling me he was going to ask for my permission so I simply nodded and scooted over so he could be comfortable. After we ate David wanted to get some last minute bits before we left for his vlog tomorrow.
“Jeff are you attracted to Sage?” David asks, my breath hitches in my throat, making me choke on my water
“No, I’ve blocked her out. Since she’s part of the friend group I don’t want to make anything weird” He replies, I can tell the answer even made David a little upset
Jason makes a joke to lighten the mood before there’s any tension which I greatly appreciate. Although Jeff’s words struck a cord, while I sit there repeating what he said it hits me. He’s right, I can’t guarantee that if Jeff and I were together that it would be for life and I can’t lose my second family. He’s right, it would never happen. Before I know it I feel my eyes watering and Natalie gently grabs my hand before leading me to her room with the rest of the girls in tow. When she closes the door I finally let it all out
“It’s ok princess, let it out” Mariah says, the girls wrapping me in a group hug
“It’s so stupid, we’re best friends before I let this stupid ass crush ruin everything but just hearing him say that out loud made it so much more concrete that we will never be together” I cry, resting my head on her shoulder
We have a little talk and I clean myself up before we all go back outside. At that point  David was done filming and was looking through the footage on his camera to pick out some clips. Jeff was waiting patiently on the couch before Corinna spoke up.
“Hey Jeff, I’m gonna take Sage home. We have some plans tomorrow and it would just be easier if I stay over” She says, it’s sort of true, Corinna has some meetings in the morning and they’re closer to my place but she isn’t staying over
“Oh ok, I should head out then. I’ll see you guys later” Jeff says, saying his goodbyes and leaving
“So was anyone else uncomfortable with Jeff’s answer or was it just me?” David asks, the group agrees, it’s definitely in his right to say that I mean no is mad
“Yea, I wasn’t mad cause it’s his own opinion and Jeff is a big boy, but he seems to sort of lead you on for him to turn around and say that he doesn’t even see you like when we ask him about Natalie and Corinna” Heath replies, everyone nods in agreement and I just sigh
“I’m not mad, I mean I have been sort of ghosting everyone these past few weeks, maybe he’s just upset” I explain, Heath and Todd give me the look
“Baby that’s bullshit and you know it” Heath laughs, Todd agrees with him and taps my leg
“To be honest, he was very stressed out while you were gone” He says, I know he’s trying to make me feel better but it doesn’t really help
Corinna and I leave shortly after we have our little group talk. We caught up during the car ride and before I know it we’re at my apartment. We say goodbye and plan to meet for lunch tomorrow before I head up to my apartment. I knew Carly was probably fast asleep so I tried to be as quiet as possible.
I get ready for bed and climb into my warm blanket, wrapping myself like a burrito. I browse TikTok on my phone for a few minutes before setting my alarm. Just before I let sleep take over my phone buzzes on my nightstand.
Jeff: I missed you.. I’m sorry for being an asshole tonight. I had no idea that I was leading you on, but I didn’t know you had a crush on me..
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tydelwve-main · 4 years
Going Public
JJ Maybank x reader
1367 words
Summary: [angst w happy ending] JJ’s used to lying about everything in his life. When it comes to you, he realizes he can’t do that anymore.
a/n: this is the first obx fic i’ve written and i have a knack for writing angst sooo yeah :) pls be gentle
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“What if they hate me, J?” you ask, fiddling with the hem of your shirt.
“I promise you they won’t. Kie already likes you. I’m sure Pope and John B aren’t too far behind,” JJ reassures you.
“You’re just saying that to keep me calm.”
He tilts your chin up, getting you to look at him as he softly says, “I’m saying it because it’s true. You’re important to me, and they’ll understand that.”
You give him a quick kiss as the sound of the HMS Pogue pulling up becomes louder. “Well, it seems they are earlier than we expected,” you hummed.
“Wait here,” he jumps up, walking towards the door, “I won’t be long.”
“I don’t like this plan,” you reminded him, earning a childish grin before he walks through the door.
“Hey guys! What are you doing here?” JJ asks, glancing behind him as he jogs down the steps of the Chateau.
“It’s my house,” JB laughs, hopping off of the boat, “I thought you were busy today.”
“I was!” JJ scratches his head, “It ended early, so I came here. I wasn’t expecting you guys until later tonight, though. I was thinking 8 or 9.”
“There’s a party in the boneyard. You can’t pass up on free alcohol,” Kie says as her, Pope, and JB walks towards the house.
“Wait a second, guys,” JJ stretches out his arms to stop them from walking as he continues, “Aren’t you going to tell me about the trip?”
“Are you stalling for something?” Kie questions, giving him a weird look.
“And why do you have a bracelet with Y/N’s name on it?” Pope asks, pointing at JJ’s wrist.
“I stole it earlier,” He lies, “I plan on selling it tomorrow.” He quickly slipped the bracelet off of his wrist and put it in his pocket.
JB starts, “We know you snuck off to see her the other day.”
“I saw your jacket in her room last week. She said that she found it, but I know that one was your favorite. You didn’t just lose it,” Kie adds.
“Don’t tell me you’re sneaking around with a Kook. It goes against all of your principles and rules,” JB says.
“I am not sneaking around with a Kook,” JJ scoffs, “I know better than to break my own rules. We’re at war with the Kooks right now, do you really think I’d be fraternizing with the enemy?”
“J-” Pope was cut off.
“I’d have to reach a new low to even think about that,” JJ rambles, ”They’re self righteous and get handed everything on a silver platter. If I’m going to go after a girl, I’m going to need someone who isn’t afraid to get her hands dirty.”
“JJ! Shut up!” Kie exclaims, making eye contact with you.
“What?” he snaps, following her eyes to see you on the verge of tears. His features soften and guilt washes over him. “Y/N, I didn’t-”
You cut him off, “What happened to being proud of me? Wanting to call me yours in public? Was that just to keep me around?”
“No, I meant all of that. I still do.” He rushes towards you.
“No, you don’t, J. You finally had the chance to be honest about us, and you leaped at the chance to lie. If you can’t even tell them, you can’t tell anyone. I should have known that I wasn’t good enough.” You brush past him, walking towards your car. 
“Y/N, can you at least let me explain?” 
You slam the car door without giving him a second glance and drive off.
That night, you felt JJ wrap his arms around your shoulders as Rafe walked up to you.
“Go away,” you state, taking a sip of your drink.
JJ looks at Rafe with a smirk, “You heard the lady. Keep moving, Rafe.”
“I don’t think she was talking to me,” Rafe says, noticing your side glance at JJ.
“Tell him, Princess,” JJ hums.
“Go away, J.” You take his arm off of your shoulder and his eyes widen. 
“Alright,” he softly says, taking a swig of his beer before backing up, “I’ll give you some space.”
Throughout the next hour, JJ watches you and Rafe from afar, sulking in silence.
Had he really messed things up this bad?
He notices Rafe whisper something in your ear and sees you laugh without a care in the world. 
He doesn’t know if it’s jealousy or the alcohol that’s making him walk towards you, but he couldn’t watch Rafe flirt with you any longer.
As he nears, Rafe snakes an arm around your waist and JJ sees how uncomfortable you’ve become. He runs over, shoving Rafe as he yells, “Get the fuck off of her!”
“JJ, you’re causing a scene,” you harshly say, tugging him away from Rafe as a crowd begins to form around the three of you.
“I don’t care if I’m causing a scene because he shouldn’t have put his hands on you like that!” JJ bursts.
“Are you supposed to be something? Because all I see is a Pogue sticking his nose in business that doesn’t belong to him,” Rafe chuckles as he crosses his arms.
JJ lunges at Rafe, grabbing the collar of his shirt and sneers, “My girlfriend is always my business. The only reason I’m not beating the shit out of you right now is because of her, so count your fucking blessings.”
“Girlfriend? She has to have a death wish to be seen with you.”
“JJ, take a walk,” you say, knowing that he was a few seconds away from starting a fight. 
“Say something else, I dare you,” JJ threatens.
“JJ!” you yell, gaining his attention. He looks over at you as you repeat, “Take. A. Walk.”
He hesitantly lets go of Rafe’s collar and walks off with you close behind him. 
After you both were a good distance away, JJ turns to face you. Before he can even get a word out, you shove him backwards and say, “You’re unbelievable!”
“Rafe had his hands all over you! Was I supposed to sit there and watch like it didn’t bother me? Was I supposed to be okay with him touching the girl that I’m in love with?”
You paused as your eyes widened, “What? What did you say?”
“Y/N, I’m in love with you. I know it’s not the most convenient thing right now because of how terrible of a boyfriend I’ve been today, but I don’t want you to leave me. I’m vulnerable when I’m with you. It scares the fuck out of me, but I stay because the past two months with you are happiest I’ve ever been. When I’m with you, I’m not JJ the thief, the liar, the stoner, or the Pogue. I’m just JJ. I don’t have to pretend to be anyone to make you happy. That’s why I lied to my friends about us, I was scared that they’d see a side of me that I only have when I’m with you,” he hesitates as he walks towards you, intertwining his hands with yours, “I am crazy about you, Y/N. I mean it. I don’t care who knows it. I’ll scream it from the top of my lungs if that’s what you want. Just tell me what I have to do to get you to forgive me.”
“Go to Midsummer’s with me,” you softly requested.
“I already told you that I’d sneak in to see you,” JJ tilts his head in confusion.
“No, J,” you laugh, bringing a hand up to gently caress his cheek, “Be my date to Midsummer’s. I don’t want you to sneak in. I want you to walk in while you’re holding my hand.”
“Yeah, I can do that. I think I’m going to need a suit, though.” JJ wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you into him.
“We can go look tomorrow.”
“Does this mean I’m forgiven?” he asks, dipping down to give you a quick kiss.
“Almost,” you hum, “I think a little groveling and extra love will get you forgiven in 2-3 business days.”
He laughs, “I’ll get right to work on that.”
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paper-n-ashes · 3 years
sparks and embers - chapter 7
Characters: Poe Dameron x Original Female Character, Kylo Ren x Original Female Character
Story Tags: Explicit (18+), Canon Compliant/Divergent (Set after TLJ), First Person POV, Love Triangle, Slow Burn, Enemies to Lovers, Porn with Plot, Hurt/Comfort, Kylo Ren hates Poe Dameron
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Chapter 7 - The Transmission
Words: 5.6k
Chapter Tags/Warnings: Mentions of medical procedures, ANGST, description of severe anxiety/panic attack
Read on AO3 or Start from the beginning
Poe didn’t exit the study for a long while, finally hearing the creak of my office door as it opened for the first time in hours. Within that time I'd farewelled the last of my patients for the day and begun to prepare dinner in my quarters, feeling significantly more balanced as the evening wore on.
Mind over matter. That’s all I needed to remember.
It was BB-8 who rolled in to demand my attention first, knocking his body into my ankle as I stood chopping vegetables at the kitchen counter.
“Hello again,” I greeted, still marvelling at how sweet this droid’s disposition was. Placing my knife down, I turned to face Poe as he slinked into the space, taking a place at the dining table. He seemed tired, almost despondent, possibly even more solemn than he appeared when I saw his face last.
“How did the transmission go?” I asked, breaking the silence. From the energy drifting out of his shape, it was clear he hadn’t completely moved on from the sadness we’d shared during our last interaction.
“As well as it could have. They’re still safe, for now. Think I gave them all heart attacks when my transmission came through,” he responded, exhaling hard. “And you were right. There was a search initiated. But my last reported co-ordinates were over Hutt Space, so they never would have found me.” He looked puzzled then, and I mirrored his expression.
“What do you mean? That’s at least a day’s trip from here.”
“That’s exactly what I can’t seem to figure out.” He huffed then, exasperated. “I don’t remember getting any further than that. I hadn’t even nearly reached my destination.”
“Were you traveling Galactic North or South?” I screwed my face up immediately after asking the question, already assuming he wouldn’t give me an answer.
“Yeah, I can’t tell you that.” He looked down to his hands, wringing them restlessly. “I know I can trust you, but I just can’t risk it, for both your own sake and the Resistance. All I can say is that I wasn’t flying to anywhere near Raxus.”
I nodded, understanding. “Well, no matter which way you were headed, Hutt Space is way too far from here for a ship to be unpiloted.”
“Right. Something, or someone, must have changed my course while I was there. And whether it was the crash or some other reason, I’ve lost any memory from after I was flying over the region that might have explained the cause.”
A sparkle of thought flickered, looking down at BB-8 still stationed at my feet. Poe appeared to read my mind.
“I thought the same too,” he remarked. “But he has no data logs indicating any unauthorised navigation. I’m still concerned about how his internal circuits looked when I was repairing him - I don’t think that kind of damage was caused by the crash. If BB had something to do with this, if he’s been tampered with, I won’t be able to be sure until I can conduct some deep diagnostics back at the Resistance base.”
BB-8’s head fell in his own form of remorse, emitting a few low beeps I could only gauge as an apology. I leant down and patted him softly, feeling sorry for the droid. It felt a little unnatural for me to have any sort of emotion towards a machine. All the medical droids I’d worked alongside in the past had the personality of a decaying tree.
BB beeped back happily at me, appreciating my sympathy, when I realised abruptly what Poe had been implying. “Wait, do you think someone did this on purpose? Sabotaged your flight?”
He seemed hesitant to answer again, most likely debating internally how confidential this information was. But eventually he nodded. “It’s what Leia seems to think, and I’m tending to agree. It seems too orchestrated. But the more worrying concern is that only a select group of Resistance personnel knew about my mission, even less knew exactly where I was headed.”
Both the casual mention of Leia Organa, famed princess of an obliterated planet, daughter of one of the most powerful Sith to have lived, now Leader of the Resistance, and the notion Poe seemed to be hinting at, tilted me slightly off balance.
“You think a spy might have infiltrated the Resistance?”
“That’s the theory we’re running with for now. Whoever did this assumed a crash landing on an Outer Rim planet would have meant my certain death, and any evidence would have most likely never been found, especially with them looking in the completely wrong place,” Poe explained. He looked up from his hands, his eyes finally gentle again, the creases in his forehead relaxing. “They obviously never planned on me landing right on your doorstep.”
“The universe clearly wanted to keep you around for a little longer.”
“Lucky me,” he laughed gently. “Hopefully I don’t mess up whatever it has planned.”
“You’ll figure it out,” I said encouragingly, glad he had relaxed a little. But it was short lived.
His face became sombre again, gaze moving to his fingers once more. “Leia is keeping my reappearance quiet for now - her and our most trusted Resistance members, my friends, are the only ones who know.” I saw his jaw tighten, face tense, a controlled breath seeping past his lips. “They’ll be arriving sometime in the night to take me back to base.”
I knew it was coming. I was more prepared now, my resolve holding strong against the gloom I’d pulled into a locked box inside my mind, easily keeping it restrained.
“I bet you’re excited to see them,” I said kindly, hoping to pick up his mood.
Poe smiled softly to himself. “I’ve missed them,” he agreed, glancing up at me. “They’re pretty eager to meet you actually.”
I furrowed my brows, dubious. “Really? You told them about me?”
Poe looked at me incredulously, like that fact should have been obvious. “Of course. How else was I going to explain how I managed to survive that crash? Leia seemed particularly impressed. She's disappointed she can't give her thank you in person, being too valuable to send away from the base.”
My cheeks threatened to flush with crimson, wanting to shy away from the compliment. Relief was the more overwhelming emotion, glad I wouldn’t have to navigate my way through a conversation with Leia Organa, having no doubt I would make a fool of myself. “So, who is coming?” I wondered, interested in learning more about the people Poe considered his trusted friends.
“Well there’s Chewie-”
“As in Chewbacca the Wookie?” I interrupted. “The Chewie?”
Poe rolled his eyes playfully at my marvelling. “So I don’t need to tell you anymore about him then,” he continued, smirking. “There will be Finn, an ex-stormtrooper who defected to the Resistance, royally saved my ass when I was captured by the First Order. And then there’s Rey, who has been training as a Jedi, and technically pilots the Millennium Falcon now, although if you ask me, I’ve flown that rustbucket way more often…”
Poe kept talking, but my mind was barely able to focus on his words.
A Jedi. A Force user. Coming here.
This is bad.
I forced my face into a veil of interest about what Poe was chattering about as he remained oblivious to the panic that had erupted inside my chest. Eventually his words ran out, thankfully without ending on a cue for me to reply. It took all of my focus to keep my voice steady as I spoke. “I thought all the Jedi were gone?”
It was a question anyone would ask. Not too suspicious.
He appeared slightly confused at the point I’d decided to back track on, yet quickly seemed to realise I’d not had the same encounters with force users that he’d had. “We thought that too,” he remarked. Poe then relayed what was evidently an extremely condensed story of the re-emergence of Luke Skywalker, who had then begrudgingly taught Rey how to wield the Force.
It was an unbelievable tale, something any other being would be enthralled to hear. And honestly, I couldn’t believe Poe had made it so far as to have landed on my doorstep. But there was one thing my mind centred on amongst the rush of information.
She’d been trained by a Jedi Master.
I’d learned an essence of control over my power, whatever kind it was that I utilised, both before and after I’d run to Raxus. After realising the target it put above my head at a young age, I’d taught myself to restrain it, hide it away in the absolute pit of my consciousness, only summoning that which helped heal people in the most dire of circumstances.
When the wrong person caught me, when I’d let my power become unconstrained for only a few moments, I knew I had to deepen my command over it, in case I ever found myself in that situation again. And now, I was completely unsure if four more years’ worth of preparation was going to be enough to hide it from a trained Force user.
“Why is a Jedi coming to get you off this planet? Wouldn’t she have more important things to do?” I pointed out. Only when the words escaped my lips did I realise how rude it might have seemed to Poe.
Come on Alex. Simmer down.
He actually laughed, taking my perception with good humour. “You’re not wrong. But as I said, she pilots the Millennium Falcon now, which is the fastest ship we have available at the moment. And she insisted on coming herself. Said she owed me.” Poe appeared warmed by the sentiment, and I would have enjoyed his happier demeanour if not for my own internal fretting.
There was no avoiding it. Rey was already on her way here, and there wasn't an appropriate way I could prevent myself from meeting both her and the other crew members without arousing heavy suspicion. I was truly trapped, heart thumping along fast with anxiety, fearing I could be hours away from facing all I thought I had escaped from.
I made dinner for us both, Poe continuing to make idle conversation in our last hours together as we ignored the looming farewell.
Yet now I was more concerned with what I needed to confront before that moment. My mind was a mess of warring emotions behind the indifferent façade I held in Poe’s presence, wanting his departure to be both as quick as possible and dragged out as long as I could make it.
I knew he sensed some of the unrest behind my eyes, but he didn’t probe, probably hoping to maintain the easy-going nature of our last meal together, however fake it might have been.
It was long after we finished eating that I recalled the need to do one last assessment of Poe’s injuries, remembering something I’d promised to do before he left.
“Your cast!” I gasped, thinking out loud, startling Poe as he dried the last of our dishes. After turning around, smirking at himself for the way I’d made him jump, he rose the casted arm into his view.
“Oh yeah,” he realised, flexing the fingers. “I’d actually kind of forgot about it.”
“Well come on, one last assessment and you’re officially free of my care.”
I said the words with such pure intentions, yet it was starkly clear both of us were jarred by the reality hidden behind them - a cold, unbroken hush settling in the space. I noticed BB-8’s head movement from my periphery, once again calling into question our sudden stillness. He raced to my feet, squealing little beeps in an inflection I couldn’t understand. Poe’s expression swiftly turned aggravated at the droid, and didn’t immediately translate like I assumed he would.
“Is he okay?” I asked. “Did he say something important?”
Poe’s face forcefully relaxed in an attempt to seem unbothered by BB’s insistent beeps. “He’s just appreciative of how well you’ve treated me.”
I knew he was lying, but I could only assume it was better I didn’t discover what was really said. 
Poe had perched himself back onto his hospital bed, and I could feel his gaze follow me as I placed the monitoring over his figure for the last time. The moment for conversation had obviously passed as we maintained a heavy silence during my final tests. He barely winced when I took blood, the results revealing all of his inflammatory markers had receded. The bruises had disappeared, the scars had begun to fade, even over his badly burned arm and torso.
I glanced to his face while taking some X-rays of his femur, pulling up the initial post-crash shots and scribbling down my final progress notes on the healing of the fracture. He seemed awed once again at the damage I’d managed to repair, and he turned thoughtful as he looked down at his perfectly functional leg. I could tell without words he was grateful, knowing we’d both experienced the outcome of those who might not have been so lucky as to keep their limb after such an injury.
I’d kept the casted arm until last, wishing to drag out these final moments, most likely the only thing he’d truly remember of our time together. A comforting thought simmered into my awareness, realising his deeper scars wouldn’t fade for years yet, somewhat of a memento etched onto his skin.
The X-rays were textbook. The fracture line had fused nicely, with almost no irregularity in the shape of the bone shaft. The cast had done its job, and now, there was no need for it to be connected to him anymore.
Just like me.
I pulled my thermal scissors from within my medical trolley, used specifically to melt through the hardened plastic I’d moulded closely to his forearm. It was over in seconds, slicing through the cast and peeling it from his limb, the skin underneath looking slightly clammy but otherwise acceptable. As soon as he was free from the plastic he begun to flex and twist his wrist, a small exhale of relief slipping out of his throat.
“Well that just about does it,” I stated flatly. “You’re all healed up.”
Poe looked away from his newly freed arm and locked his eyes with mine. “I know I’ve said this a million times, and it will never be enough, but thank you.”
I looked down from his gaze. “You’re welcome. I’m glad I could help you.”
He lifted his left hand to my chin, tilting my head back up to meet his stare again, holding it there while he spoke. “You’re really good at your job Alex, I hope you realise that. You saved my life. And I won’t be the last one you save, I’m sure of it."
His eyes were so penetrating, so impassioned, that it made me want to turn away. I didn’t like being praised like this. It made the flesh under my skin feel itchy. Somehow, through no power of my own will, I kept my stare locked to him, confined into place with his thumb softly resting on my skin.
He began to breathe slower, more cautiously. “If we…” he started, voice barely above a whisper. “If we never see each other again…” The words trailed off as he seemed to grapple with the future bearing down on us. My heart was pounding painfully in my chest, instigated merely by the sensation of his fingertips pressed to my skin.
Please. Please stop making this so hard.  
“I won’t forget what you did for me… I won’t forget you.”
Without conscious thought I felt my hand begin to rise, instinct pulsing within to pull him into another fervent kiss. Before he noticed the movement, I wrenched it down, closing it into a fist. It was my own voice that echoed in my head, louder and louder.
I will not let this ruin me.
It felt cruel, the way I abruptly stepped away from his touch, but it needed to be. I glared back at him, hoping my words, particularly the meaning behind them, would suffocate the flames of yearning I kept seeing in his irises. “You’ve been a cooperative patient Poe, and I’m glad you survived. But I wouldn’t wish on seeing you in the future. It would only be because you’re in need of my medical care again.”
Poe’s head snapped back, stunned at my reply and the harsh recoil from his hand. Clearly, he'd predicted a different reaction. “You don’t know that,” he urged. “I could come ba-”
I flew my hand up, palm forward, immediately indicating him to cease talking. “Don’t. Just don’t.”
He ruminated on my request for a few eerily silent moments before his stare turned fiery, irritated. “Why are you fighting this?” he shot, rattling me. “We both know there’s something here, something more than you’re willing to admit.”
His maddened tone made it harder to keep my stoic demeanour. “I told you why.”
“Wouldn’t it be more painful to leave each other like this?” he retorted, the muscles in his arms tightening. “Not acknowledging what I know you feel? Pretending it’s not eating you alive, like it’s doing to me?”
A beat of silence passed before I turned and walked away.
I couldn’t do this. I couldn’t keep my restraint if he continued interrogating me this way, revealing emotions a strangled part of me hoped he had. I wasn’t strong enough for that. I needed distance.
“Alex!” he boomed, hearing him leap off the bed behind me. “Tell me you haven’t felt it! Tell me you don’t want to give in to it!”
“I barely know you!” I shouted, swirling to face him again. “You are- were my patient! And you’re about to leave! You shouldn’t come back here, and I shouldn’t go with you!”
“You know more about me than nearly all of the galaxy! And that’s within five days!” he growled, offended. Poe took a tentative step towards me, letting some of the anger recede before speaking again. “I would come back for you. I would come back, if I survived, if you wanted me to. If you admitted what you’re keeping hidden, the feelings that made you kiss me.”
“Please stop doing this,” I begged, a hopeless attempt to keep him at bay, my resilience starting to fizzle away. “You seemed to understand yesterday. That it would be too difficult if we crossed that line.”
He shook his head in frustration. “I've already crossed it Alex." His eyes turned pleading, an intensity within them I was sure I hadn't witnessed before. "I don't want to ignore it anymore, what I feel for you. I can't keep holding back."
I pulled my hands into fists, resisting every temptation to throw away resolve and allow myself to experience the warm glow of happiness his revelation brought. There was no denying the way in which my walls started to weaken, mercilessly barraged by the raw emotion he was exposing.
Don’t give in Alexys. His life, and yours, depend on it.
The voice toughened my determination, enough to keep my willpower solid against the craving to surge into his arms. “I guess I’m just stronger than you are,” I muttered, turning again to prevent catching any type of reaction in Poe’s face. Even one glimpse would make me crumble.
I stormed down the hallway, desperate for the isolation of my quarters, closing the entry and setting the lock. Falling back into the door, my teeth felt like they were going to shatter if I clenched my jaw any tighter.
My brain focused solely on the rhythm of my breathing, centring on the quickened rate, trying to force it into a more calmed pace. Soon I began to concentrate on expanding my lungs, inhaling until the space was full of air, letting it sit there as long as I could hold, before allowing it to whistle out of my nostrils.
That’s all I permitted myself to think of, the slow inhale and exhale, imagining the oxygen particles seeping into my bloodstream, travelling to every cell in my body, keeping me functioning amongst the turmoil thrashing through my soul.      
Time passed. I wasn’t really keeping track on how quickly. Imprisoned in my own mind, pacing my quarters, continuing the attention on my breathing. It was the only thing that kept me stable, that pushed away the memories of Poe’s voice ringing in my thoughts.
Eventually my legs grew fatigued from the movement, and I placed myself on the sofa, dropping my head into my hands, grasping my fingers through my hair in frustration.
He couldn’t have just left it alone. He couldn’t have just ignored it, departed this planet and forgot all that happened here.
A memory slipped through the cracks, pushing its way out into the forefront of my awareness. One that refused to be smothered.
'I would come back for you.'  
I shook my head within my clenched hands, trying to physically rid myself of it. I wanted to claw my fingers into my brain, pluck the memory from my inside my head and banish it forever, never to torture me again.
Breathe. Focus on your breathing Alexys.
The voice caused a realisation to strike, how hard it had become, my ribs stuck in place, intercostal muscles rigid, refusing to let my lungs inflate. It felt as if gravity had increased its pressure over my body, making me crumple underneath its increased weight. The load was too much, my head screaming for oxygen. I knew what was happening, I knew I was in the throes of a crushing panic, helpless to stop the cascade of anxiety from taking over.
Instinct was quick to surface, telling me exactly what to do. What I’d done only once before.
I withdrew my fingers from their entanglement within my hair, placing the tips on each side of my temple, and within my depths, I set it free. The energy swiftly begun to course through my blood, bringing with it an incredible radiance that lit up my veins. It crawled its way through every capillary, every vessel, as if it was replacing my own blood with its glow.
Soon, it weaved itself through my chest cavity, relaxing the muscles clamping down on my lungs, the relief of an easier breath making me feel lighter. It's journey didn’t cease, surging through my neck to my brain, twirling in between the individual neurons, clouding me with a feeling of peace, serenity, the rest of the world blocked off from my senses.
I wanted to stay in this place forever. Every fear, every sadness, every frustration, all of it melting away into nothing. I felt whole, a brilliant euphoria shimmering from every part of my being.
Let go. You cannott linger here for too long.
My fingernails were suddenly pierced into the pillows of the sofa, panting, grateful I had something to remind me not to surrender myself to the dangerous void any longer. The energy recoiled instantly, my own invisible hands pushing it within the confinement I'd kept it behind for much of my life. I took a moment to push it even deeper down my consciousness, praying it would be too far for Rey to sense when she arrived.
The panic was gone, my chest moving in even time, an aura of composure enduring even with the healing energy locked away. But it also left me exhausted, my brain feeling slightly fuzzy with fatigue. Although for this, I was glad. Even a short time in the peace of sleep would stop me from thinking about Poe.
I had just risen from my seat, about to walk to the comfort of my bed for however long time would allow, when there was a solid bang at my door. I tilted my head in confusion at the noise, knowing Poe would have simply knocked if he wanted entry. Although right now, that seemed extremely unlikely.
When I heard an artificial squealing piercing the air behind the wood, it was obvious what had made the sound.
BB-8 was still beeping urgently when I allowed him entry into my quarters, whizzing past my legs before I even had time to greet him. I noticed the sound of the ‘fresher running as he rolled quickly to the space before my sofa, his head movements darting from me to the pillow where I had just been seated. He wanted me to sit down, that was clear, but I couldn’t determine why.
I did what was requested, settling back down, BB-8 at my feet, his eye appearing to whir and focus in on my face. He was quiet for a moment, doing what I could only imagine was a droid’s version of thinking, before his head darted away. Suddenly a burst of blue light flickered into the air, floating the outline of an image on top of the metal table that sat in front of us.
He was showing me a hologram.
It was fuzzy at first, slowly becoming clearer, displaying a scene I hadn’t been privy to this afternoon. The simulated image of Poe was sitting at my office desk, his own hologram transmission only just visible in the blue beam.
It appeared BB was showing me a long way into their discussion, Poe’s face stressed as he listened to the multiple figures in the holo, their lips forming words that only came out muffled.
“I don’t think you should be showing me this BB-8,” I fretted quietly, acknowledging how private Poe had been with Resistance information.
BB-8 beeped insistently, sounding like he disagreed, and continued playing the holo. The voices became more defined, eventually loud enough for me to make them out.
“We’ll have another X-wing ready for you as soon as you make planet fall,” an older woman’s voice explained. I could only assume it was Leia’s, holding a gentle yet authoritative tone. "Do you think you’ll be ready to attempt the mission again as soon as you return?”
Poe didn’t immediately answer, and I could almost make out the pain in his holo image.
“What is it?” another woman, a lot younger sounding, questioned. Her voice was more on edge than Leia’s, speech displaying an accent I wasn’t familiar with. This was most likely Rey. “Are you still too injured?”
“I’m fine,” Poe reassured. “Better than fine really. Alex… uh, Dr. Jago had me walking within the first few days. And everything else has healed well enough.”
Yet another voice, this time a man's, piped in. "You broke your leg and she got you walking that quickly? There’s no way.”
Poe rolled his eyes, the small movement still obvious in the flickering image. “Finn, you nearly died and you can still doubt the effect of bacta? That stuff fixed your shattered spine for maker's sake.”
“Still took more than a few days though,” Finn mumbled.
“It’s irrelevant,” Leia interjected, seemingly annoyed for a moment, before softening. “Is something wrong Poe?”
His eyes looked down from the hologram in front of him, hesitant to answer. “Is there…” he started, breathing in as if to gain courage. “Is there anyone else who could make that flight?”
All three of the figures recoiled in disbelief at the question.
“You’re the best pilot we have,” Leia said definitively. “There’s no one else who could navigate that route except you.”
“What about Rey?” he retorted, looking to her figure insistently. “She’s got the Force to help her.”
Rey sighed, troubled. “I... already tried. I thought maybe your navigation system may have malfunctioned, preventing any tracking, but that you’d still made it to-” BB-8’s hologram suddenly became engulfed in static for a few moments, leaving me unable to hear the destination of Poe’s mission. Eventually the picture cleared into the same scene, only a few seconds later. "-but I couldn’t make it through. It was too dangerous to traverse, even with the Force to guide me.”
“Why are you even asking us to find someone else?” Finn challenged. “You were more than ready to do it yourself a week ago.”
Poe gritted his teeth, looking somewhat ashamed. “I know.”
There was silence in the holo, and for a moment I thought this was all BB-8 wanted to show me. But Leia’s voice struck up again. "Finn, Rey, could you let me talk to Poe privately?”
From their small faces I could still see them look quizzically at each other, Finn appearing more puzzled by the request. But they left under the General’s orders, slinking past the frame of the holo.
“Poe… Tell me. Tell me what’s changed,” Leia urged softly. “You and I both know you’re the only one who can do this. And if there’s something worrying you, or making you doubt yourself, you need to tell me.”
He looked despairingly at her, uncomfortable with the prospect of hiding anything from his General. “I don’t want to admit it.”
Leia breathed out heavily. She began to pace inside the holo, arms folded in thought, before turning back to speak to Poe again, her face gentle. “It’s the doctor, isn’t it?”
It took an excruciatingly long time before Poe responded, finally nodding his head.
I felt every muscle in my body tense at his reply, heart thrumming to a faster beat.
“I thought so,” Leia whispered. “I... wasn’t expecting this.”
“Neither was I, General. I’m sorry.” The expression he wore, filled with such unyielding turmoil, shot a pang of cold ice through me.
Leia looked kindly to him, her face melting into understanding. “Oh Poe, you don’t have to apologise. You aren’t the first, and you won’t be the last, to question everything for the sake of their emotions.”
“I want to do what we planned. I do. I’m ready,” he asserted, voice rising into confidence, only for his face to fall again. “But every time I think of leaving her…” His face became buried in his hands, frustrated, unable to finish his sentence.
“Does she feel the same way?”
“I don’t know,” Poe muffled under his palms. “I... think so. She’s holding back. Her loyalty to this clinic is annoyingly similar to mine with the Resistance.”
“So she wouldn’t consider coming with you, joining us? We desperately need doctors of her calibre.”
He pulled his face back up. “I asked. And she refused. She would never want to leave, fearing for the health of her patients without her here. Not to mention she’s staunchly against the war we’re fighting in.”
“She sounds like someone I would like to meet,” Leia smiled to herself. “So... That’s why you don’t want to return yet. Why you need someone else to complete the mission. You want more time with her.”
Poe nodded slowly. “I know we don’t have much time to get-” Another fuzz intercepted Poe’s speech, an additional piece of information too confidential for my ears. “-but I just… I just don’t want to go yet. If someone was able to go in my stead, then I wouldn’t be completely dooming us. I know it’s selfish… Irrational… But the thought of leaving her behind right now, on a mission I might not make it back from… It’s too much.”
“Oh,” Leia mouthed, her voice muted. “Do you… Do you think that you…”
She didn’t have to finish her question. Poe knew what she was implying.
“I… think I could. If I had more time, a chance to figure it out.”
His revelation made me stop breathing, a tear wriggling from the duct, crawling down my face.
Leia sighed loudly, her stress evident. “I wish I could Poe. I would want nothing more than to give you this, after all you’ve given for the Resistance. But you’re the only one who has a chance of completing this mission, and we are desperately running out of time and options.”
Poe clenched his eyes shut as she finished, his jaw tightening, lips fighting back a frown. He took a few moments held in this position before relaxing himself back into composure, his face serious and professional. “I understand,” he replied flatly. “I’ll get this mission accomplished General. See you back at the base.”
“I’m truly sorry Poe-” Leia began to apologise, only to be interrupted by his sharp tone.
“It’s fine. Tell the engineers to make sure the new X-wing is prepped before my return. I want to leave as soon as possible.”
Leia nodded, her expression remorseful.
Suddenly the blue, illuminated image was ripped from my view, the rest of my quarters coming back into focus around me.
My body was stuck, motionless in the now painful silence filling the air. Inside my mind there was chaos, memories of the hologram darting around randomly. I tried to capture at least one rational thought, to analyse the emotions bubbling up from within my chest.
He wanted to stay. For me. Everything he wanted to accomplish, for the Resistance, for his friends, for his parents, for the galaxy. He wanted to put it all on hold.
Just for me.
He’d been right. I was holding it back, the same thing he felt, and it was clawing at my insides, desperately wanting to be set free.
Purely out of my selfishness, my own excuses, the voice in my head threatening our lives. All of it keeping me from what I really wanted.
Him. I wanted him. To be close to him. Even if it was just for a little while.
You’re giving in? So easily?
Damn right I am.  
Next Chapter
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simpforsnape · 4 years
Sincerely Yours.
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Severus Snape x OC/Reader
wordcount: 1191
warnings: minor typos, more plot. enjoy.
Credit to the creator of this gif.
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Chapter 13
Twelve years ago.
Ivory appeared in what seemed to be a room. It took her a moment to realize where she was. The room was dark, but it was surrounded by burning candles that sat all over.
A noise caught her attention as she soon turned to see a woman propped up on the bed. In her arms laid a newborn.
It was her mother Anah, and herself when she was a baby.
Anah was cooped up against her child placing multiple kisses against her cheek.
“You're so beautiful my little Princesse.”
Her lips mumbled against the baby's forehead.
“My little Ivory..”
Anah praised her baby.
“Ivory Aria Vaneraries Snape . It fits doesn't it?” She snickered while she spoke to her child.
A smile peered on the girl's face as she watched the moment happen. From the looks of it, Anah seemed happy with her. She caught the very last, last name. Snape? Why did it sound familiar?
The doors to her room opened rapidly catching Ivory’s attention. About five people marched into the room. There stood her grandfather, grandmother, aunt, and two house-elves that served the Vaneraries.
“Anah.. It's time my love.” Mally spoke with a quiet voice as she settled next to her daughter. Anah held on to the child tightly.
“I-I’m not ready to let her go..”
Jayhen, her father gave a vociferous sigh. It was clear that he was upset. It was written all over his brown wrinkled face.
“Anahstacia. I've given you three days to say your goodbyes to this child. Now, we must do exactly as we planned and send her off with Maykaylah. It's the only way we can keep.. this situation.. Under control.”
May stood near her father as she slowly began to walk to Anah.
“Anah, come on. We don't have time for this.”
She shook her head again as the tears soon formed in her eyes.
“No, she's my baby, my responsibility! I can't let her go... Severus-”
“Must.not.know. It's bad enough that you've cultivated with that half-blood.” Jayhen expressed with his hands tucked at his sides. He stood there emotionless.
“Jayhen, you've said enough,” Mally uttered as she glanced back at Anah.
“My dear, you have to let her go..”
The tears began to stream down her face. She couldn't let her child go. Not now, Merlin, not ever.
Even within three days, It showed Anah how much she truly loved her child.
May’s hand grasped down to gently pull the babe away from Anah.
She still held onto Ivory as her mother grabbed her arms to pull her back.
“Anah, please..”
“No I-I can't.. That's my baby.. I can't lose her! I can't lose another child!” She whimpered still fighting with her sister. May eventually grabbed whole to the child as she wrapped her tight in the clothe that was containing her.
“Please give me my baby back!” Her weep grew louder as she shifted out of the bed with her mother still holding her back.
“Maykaylah, take care of her..” Jayhen spoke giving his youngest daughter a look.
May shook her head at his command.
“Enrona, Berius.. Take them to.. you know where..”
“Yes, Master Jayhen.” The older elf bowed in respect ushering Enrona to come along. In a blink of an eye, the four of them were gone.
Anah was becoming a sobbing mess as she held herself in full distraught. They took her away.
“Why.. Why did you have to take my baby!”
“That Half-blood child?.. She will do nothing but bring dishonor to this family Anahstacia. You know this.”
“She’s an infant! She knows nothing! All you care about is bloodlines! You don't know what she will become when she grows up. Hell, you can’t stop me from going and getting her back right now!”
Anah shot back causing the older man to frown. It was obvious that his daughter wouldn't let this go.
“Maltevin Hasbro.” He muttered. He cursed Anah.
“Until the child turns Twelve. You will not see her. Only through photographs, violate this. You die.”
Bitterness coursed through her veins.
“Drop dead.”
The words fell off of her lips like nothing. How could he?!
His face remained the same, unbothered.
“You will leave this house by dawn. You are to never set foot in this house again .”
The memory was beginning to fade. Ivory watched as their faces withered into nothing bringing her back to reality.
She stood away from the Pensieve turning to see Anah standing on the side, waiting for her.
“Do you.. understand now..?” Anah questioned hesitantly after catching her daughter's gaze. There were tears in her eyes. She wrapped her arms around her waist once again as she let off a soft sob.
“Mom.. I'm so sorry..” She whispered into the woman's shirt.
“It’s not your fault, my love.” She brought one of her hands up to the back of her head, holding her child close.
“It’s done and over with..” She murmured which caused Ivory to pull away again.
“So.. This Snape man.. He's my father?..”
Silence filled Anah.
“Your Mum will explain all of this later neicey, Right now let's get you off to sleep. But first, let's gets you sorted into your house.”
It was mentioned over letters between the two sisters. Ivory would become a student at Hogwarts and live with Anahstacia after the curse had ended.
“Dumbledore, if you would be so kind and do the honors..” May replied.
Ivory was ushered to a seat once again as the Elder Wizard approached her, holding nothing but a hat.
It was soon placed on her head.
“Hm..” The sorting hat expressed.
“I’ve seen a mind as wide as yours before..”
It continued.
“Ah yes, I know exactly where to place you, Ravenclaw!”
Sweet and simple. It's like Ivory was a replica of Anah. She had yet to show her father's traits.
“Perfect..” Anah smiled as the hat was soon removed from Ivory.
“Off we go Iv, We have a big today tomorrow.” May ushered at the child. Ivory gave one last hug to her mother. Anah placed a gentle kiss on her head.
“Sleep well my sweet, I will see you in the morrow.”
“Love you mom..”
“I love you more, my princess..”
Maykaylah and Ivory left the office soon after leaving Dumbledore and Anah. He returned the hat to its proper place as he then turned to the young witch who stood there. Lost in her thoughts.
“Albus. How do I tell him?”
He settled at his desk with his attention on her.
“It will come fluently, my dear. Do not fret. Now, if you don't mind.. There are things I must attend to.”
“Goodnight Sir.”
“Farwell, Anahstacia..”
She bid him a bow leaving out of his office now heading down to the dungeons. The heart in her chest was pounding. How would Severus react? Would he leave.. again? Maybe she should wait? Give it time Anah. It will be reviled in due time.
She arrived in the dungeons quicker than she thought. She stopped in front of the door before giving out one gentle sigh.
“I’ll tell him.. eventually..”
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mummybear · 5 years
The Best Distraction
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Words: 5213 
Warnings: Threesome, Soooo Much Smut, Spanking, Swearing, Oral Sex (Male and Female Receiving, Mentions Of Cheating Ex, Think That’s It ;)
Pairings: Dean Winchester x Reader x Damon Salvatore, Dean x Reader, Damon x Reader
Characters: Dean Winchester, Damon Salvatore, Reader
Summery: After tough day at work preparing for two very important businessmen arriving Monday, all you want is a drink. Your cheating ex finds you at the bar you decide to go for, but when he won’t take no for an answer two extremely handsome strangers have something to say about that, and they would really like to make your night that much better.
A/N: This is written for my girl Sian’s 500 followers challenge! @deanwanddamons I had the prompt: And Every time I Scratch my nails down someone else's back I hope you feel it. So happy for you my little beauty!! Hope you enjoy this ;) 
Work had been long and hard today, even more so than usual. Since these two big time businessmen were supposed to be coming in for a really important meeting on Monday, which you were leading. With so much work to do in such little time, everyone had stayed at the office later, in order to get all of the preparation finished in time. Needless to say, everyone was feeling the strain. 
To top it all off you’d found out just days ago that your boyfriend of five years had cheated on you with your next door neighbour of all people. You should’ve known, all the signs were there. You couldn’t help feeling stupid for not realising sooner.
It was a Saturday night and all you wanted to do was get a drink and drown your sorrows. Your best friend has been a constant source of support. The only problem was that she was working tonight, but she’d promised to come out if she finished work in time, after all your favourite bar was only a short walk away.
Now you’re finally home you take a nice hot shower, finally washing away the grime of the day. You’d already picked your outfit the night before, your tight black dress, that hugged all your curves in the right places and a pair of red heels which worked with your dress perfectly. 
The walk to the bar is easy and only takes you ten minutes. 
Walking inside the bar you’re surprised at the lack of people. Especially for a Saturday night. It was almost deserted compared to most nights, let alone the weekends. Only a few of the booths were filled and half the bar stools were occupied.
The click clack of your heels follow you all the way to the bar. Noticing the young barman, you lean against the sticky bar top, you call him over. His smile is kind and welcoming when he approaches you.
“What can I get you?” 
“Whatever bottle of beer you recommend” you answer, returning his smile as you fiddle with the damp beer mat in front of you.
“Comin’ right up” he winks, but thankfully not in a creepy way. You thank him when he returns with a bottle. Annoyingly, he disappears quickly after you pay. 
A small squeak of surprise leaves your lips, when a pair of arms wrap around your neck pulling you back into a hard chest.
“I missed you baby girl, when’re you coming home?” His voice makes your stomach lurch, the bile quickly rising in your throat. 
You throw your elbow back into his ribs, making an instant connection. A pained grunt sounding from him. Luckily, it’s enough to make him let go. Turning around you shove hard against his chest, watching as he stumbles backwards. 
“I told you that we’re done. Now just leave me alone you cheating sack of crap” 
He grabs your elbow and lowers his voice, stepping into your personal space further.
“And I told you, get home. Now.”
You don’t remember him ever speaking to you like this, the whole time you’d been together. You’d never seen him this angry. In fact, the look in his eyes is scaring the crap out of you. His grip tightens as you attempt to back away. 
Gathering every ounce of confidence you can muster, you bring your knee up and slam it between his legs. 
He lets go of you with a shout, hands grabbing between his legs as he slumps against the bar.
Keeping your tone even, you bend down close to his ear, making sure to keep enough distance that he can’t surprise you too easily. “Every single time I fuck someone else, I hope that you remember, it’s all your fault. And every time I scratch my nails down someone else’s back, I hope you feel it”
He snarls at you, causing you to take a step back. “You stupid b-” before he can finish the sentence and launch himself at you, someone grabs his arms and slams him face first into the bar, roughly pressing his weight onto your ex.
You look up at the stranger and have to stop your jaw from dropping. He’s drop dead fucking gorgeous. Well styled light brown hair, that sticks up enough so you can imagine nothing but running your fingers through it. Perfect plump lips that pull into an easy smile. Eyes that are the most incredible green, with crinkles at the sides. Giving you panty dropping smile and a wink that almost stops your heart.
 All you can do is smile back nervously. Watching the way he moves, hauling your ex off the bar like he weighs nothing, before marching him over to the bouncer by the exit.
You jump a little nervously when a large hand lands gently on your shoulder. You turn to face the newcomer and find yourself unable to speak. Was there some kind of male model convention in town you weren’t aware of or something?!
“Hey there, are you doing okay?” he asks, carefully taking your arm in his hand and studying your elbow.
Chewing your bottom lip nervously you look up, meeting his stunning crystal blue eyes. That mess of dark, almost black hair on his head. Hair that was just begging you to run your fingers through it, much like the guy before, except there is a little less style to it. He has a jawline that could damn near cut glass and that freaking smirk was just something else all together. 
You clear your throat and nod slightly, shifting yourself so that you’re standing a little closer to him. 
“Yeah. I’m good, thanks to your friend. Just a cheating ex that can’t take a hint” you tell him truthfully, fiddling with your fingers. His hand leaves your arm and you feel a chill against your skin.
“I would say it’s a good job we were here then. But you look like you can handle yourself,” he smiles cheekily.
“Guess it could’ve gone worse” you reply quietly, easily returning his smile.
“So what’s your name beautiful?” he asks a little seductively, leaning closer to you, both of you taking a seat at the bar. You can’t help but blush under his intense gaze.
Is he flirting with you? The way he’s looking at you, sure as hell makes you think so. But he can’t be right? Then you watch the way his eyes skim down your body. It’s slow and deliberate and you know that he knows you’re watching him.
Thankfully this doesn’t make you more nervous, in fact, you get a little more confident. Watching the way he sips the whiskey he’s ordered, the bob of his Adam's apple in his throat. 
Your knees bump against his as you cross your legs and that smirks back on his plump lips.
“My name is Y/N. How about yourself, handsome?” you ask seductively, holding out your hand to him. The two of you lean in just a little closer to one another. You can smell the aftershave he’s wearing.
He takes your hand in his, pressing his lips to the back of it, causing goosebumps to erupt across your skin. 
“Name’s Damon princess, and this here is Dean,” he informs you, nodding in the direction of Dean as he walks up behind the two of you.
Dean claps a hand on Damon’s shoulder, standing between the two of you. 
“Nice to meet you sweetheart” Dean winks, sending a blush across your body as you smile back. “He won't be bothering you again tonight” Dean assures you kindly and you can’t thank him enough.
It doesn’t take them long to convince you to join them at their booth for a drink, where you discover they’re in town on business, leaving their little brothers in charge of their company which they share. Neither of them go into too much detail about what they do, but that’s completely fine with you. You explain what you do for a living, but don’t go into it too much, since a lot of what you do is very confidential. Talk of work only goes that far though. The three of you fall into easy conversation, with stories of their friends back home and things you and your best friend have gotten up to.
You feel like all you’ve done is laugh. These two guys are nothing like you would’ve expected. They’re both very down to earth, completely hilarious and they actually seem to be interested when you’re talking. They were similar in a lot of ways, which of course included being sexy as hell and just as flirty as one another. 
Which wasn’t making your predicament any easier to deal with. You had Dean pressed up against your right side, while Damon was pressed against your left.
“So, how long are you guys in town for?” you question glancing between the two of them, still a little breathless from the laughter.
“Probably until Tuesday morning. We’ve got a little business to take care of on Monday. Why, do you want us to leave already?” Damon asks, smirking knowingly when Dean’s hand rests on the top of your thigh, finger tips slipping under the hem of your dress squeezing gently.
You swallow around the nervous lump that’s returned to your throat, meeting those blue eyes again, you shiver.
“No, I just wondered if you guys had to get going,” you reply slightly quieter, voice shaking a little when Damon’s hand grips your other thigh tightly, fingers digging into your soft skin. 
“So you’ve got nothing else planned for tonight?”
“Well beautiful, that really depends on your answer to our next question,” Damon replies, the seductive tone that drips from his words is like honey.
“Okay, I’m listening,” you reply quickly, mouth as dry as the Sahara desert. 
To your surprise Dean’s other hand gently turns your face to look at him. 
You're practically hypnotised when he leans in closer, close enough that his nose practically bumps against yours, breaths mixing together in the close proximity.
“Well sweetheart, we were wonderin’ if you’d be interested in us showing you just how you deserve to be treated, one night and no pressure. Of course, you can say n-” you cut him off before he can finish speaking, his voice so deep and husky and it’s really beginning to do things to you. 
Your lips press against his, firm but yielding and he groans into your mouth, fingers tightening on your thigh. His tongue swipes across yours, melting with the way he controls the kiss. You can’t help but whimper into Dean’s mouth when Damon drags his teeth over your earlobe, pressing kisses down your neck.
Reluctantly you pull away from Dean’s lips and Damon pulls back from your neck. Your eyes follow the blue eyed man as he slips out of the booth, eyes fixed on you as he speaks.
“We should probably get outta here, before someone starts complaining or things get indecent” Damon grits out past clenched teeth, but you’re already halfway out of the booth, taking his offered hand, with Dean getting out close behind you.
“So I was wondering, do you guys do this often then?” you ask curiously, linking your fingers with Damon’s and Dean wraps his arm around your shoulder, easily falling into step with the both of you. They can’t help but chuckle as Damon leads you towards Dean’s baby. 
At least that’s what he’d called it. 
“Honestly. No sweetheart, we don’t usually agree when it comes to women, normally go our separate ways, and honestly we usually have the time. There’s just something about you, that we couldn’t agree on more” Dean reveals, releasing you to unlock the sleek black car door.
You kiss Dean’s cheek when he opens the door for you. Climbing inside carefully, so that your dress doesn’t ride up too high, closely followed by Damon. You watch as Dean rounds the front of the car, his hand gliding lovingly along the hood.
“Nice car” you grin as Dean closes his door behind him and starts the engine. The rumble vibrating under your ass, is followed by the most amazing sound that fills the air. Dean throws you a wink as he pulls out of the parking lot.
You can  feel Damon’s eyes on you as Dean drives the short distance to the hotel. Turning to him with a smile, you're a little shocked when his lips roughly press against yours, hands pushing into your hair holding you close, he presses you back into Dean.
Dean drags your thighs over his, one of his large hands gripping you roughly, slipping under the hem of your dress. Damon grunts when your hand brushes against the bulge in his pants, the firm drag of your hand has you impressed by what you find. Your moans melds with Dean’s, when Damon presses your free hand into Dean’s lap. 
Damon pulls back from your lips with a cocky smirk, your eyes lidded as you look into those icy blue eyes. 
“Dean, please” you whimper desperately, when his fingers brush over the material of your lacy panties, bumping against your clit repeatedly.
You know you’re blushing under Damon’s intense gaze, but you don’t care, this was easily the best you’d felt in months.
“Does that feel good baby girl?” Damon all but purrs, pressing his soft lips to yours all too briefly as Dean’s fingers continue to stroke you teasingly. “Maybe we should just fuck you right here, you’d like that wouldn’t you?” 
Damon’s words are affecting you almost as much as Dean’s fingers and your mind feels like it’s buzzing, skin on fire and tingling. You huff in annoyance, feeling the car slow and Dean moves his hand away. Pressing a kiss to the side of your head.
You glare at Damon hearing him chuckle, but it quickly turns into a giggle, when practically pulls you out of the car and you fall into his arms on shaking legs. 
“Falling for me already, huh?” Damon chuckles, wrapping an arm around your waist and you can’t help but smile up at him.
“Full on cheese mode already Damon?” you ask as the two of you follow Dean inside the impressive hotel. 
“Wow!” you gasp looking around at the lavish furnishings as the three of you walk inside the elevator.
The doors have barely closed and Dean is on you. Silently, he backs you up against the wall as the elevator continues to climb. You can’t help but whimper at the forcefulness of it. His firm chest presses against your soft one and you practically melt against him, soft plump lips press against yours in a needy kiss. Dean’s large hands move to grip your ass roughly, pulling you against him as he rolls his hips into you, causing the bulge in his jeans to press repeatedly against your throbbing clit. 
You gasp for air when Dean finally releases your lips, so that he can kiss and nip down your neck, your eyes quickly locking on Damon’s over Dean’s shoulder. The perfect blue of his eyes has been almost swallowed by the black of his pupils. 
“Fuck that’s hot” Damon groans, stepping closer to you he pecks your lips, gasping into his mouth when Dean drags those perfect white teeth over your pulse point.
“Damon likes watching sometimes. I just wanna be the reason you come so hard you forget your name” Dean breathes out against your heated skin. 
You swear your entire body is on fire and their filthy mouths are not helping at all.
The ding of the elevator coming to a stop catches your attention and they both step back slightly, dragging you down the hall to their room, the three of you giggling and touching the entire way.
After a little fumbling and batting your hands away Damon finally gets the door open, doing his best not to laugh as the three of you stumble inside together. 
“Wow, this is gorgeous,” you marvel as they give you the tour, but the bedroom is something else.
You turn away from the bed feeling both sets of eyes on you. Quickly coming face to face with both of them, green and blue eyes locked on yours.
“You nervous baby girl?” Damon asks, keeping his voice low and steady as he walks behind you, pushing the hair over one shoulder.
You swallow around the dry lump in your throat, nodding slightly when Dean steps closer, Damon’s lips are soft on your skin as he pushes the straps of your dress down your arms.
“Why sweetheart?” Dean questions brushing his lips over yours, fingers hooking into the tops of your dress helping you tug it down your body. Until you kick it away along with your shoes.
“Fuck look at you,” Dean growls softly, fingers trailing across your skin, leaving goosebumps in their wake.
“We’ve got you baby, just relax,” Damon murmurs against your neck. 
Dean’s fingers hook in the sides of your lace panties but you stop him. Green eyes flash to yours and you can see the underlying worry there, so when you smirk at him, he physically relaxes almost immediately. 
With shaking hands you slip the plaid shirt from his broad shoulders. Looking up at Dean’s face, you notice he’s chewing on his lip as he watches you. 
Damon unhooks your bra and pushes it off of your shoulders. You let out a relieved sigh when it hits the floor with Dean’s black under shirt. Cupping your breasts in his large hands Damon groans behind you. You can’t take your eyes off of Dean as he steps back to pull off the rest of his clothes. Pulling you back against his naked chest, Damon’s thumbs brush over the stiff peaks of your nipples, rolling them between his thumb and forefinger. Lips pressing to your ear and you can’t hold back the shiver.
“Bet you’re so wet baby, you like watching Dean? We’re gonna make you feel so good, make you come so hard,” Their voices are gonna be the end of you, you’re sure of it.
As soon as Damon says those words, Dean’s boxers hit the floor. You can’t help but moan their names unsure of what you’re asking for, watching as Dean wraps his fingers around his thick length and starts to move his hand.
You turn quickly in Damon’s arms, pushing your hands into his hair, pulling him into a rough kiss, which turns into a mess of tongues and teeth as you try and tug at his belt.
“Need you, fuck need you both” you moan against Damon’s lips when Dean presses up behind you, breath hot against your neck, he pushes your panties down. 
Dean’s fingers slip between your soaked folds before you’ve even kicked your panties away, a hungry growl leaving that sexy mouth. 
Damon steps away from you to fully remove the rest of his clothes and you almost fall forwards. Thankfully, Dean’s hands hold you up, a strong arm wrapping around your middle as he slips a thick digit inside you.
“So fuckin’ wet and tight sweetheart, can’t wait to get my face between your thighs, wanna feel you come on my tongue” Dean’s words coupled with the movements of his fingers, almost have you coming there and then.
You whimper at the loss as Dean pulls his finger away. Stepping back you turn to face him, watching him suck and lick your wetness from his finger. Dean gently nudges you, until you fall back. As soon as your back hits the mattress, Dean pulls your legs over his shoulders. 
You turn your head, finding Damon standing by the edge of the bed, watching the scene before him intently. Plump lip caught between his sharp white teeth, pumping his thick cock. You seriously can’t believe your luck. 
You’re quickly pulled from your thoughts, a loud gasp leaving your lips, when Dean’s tongue pushes through your soaked folds, swirling around your clit. Fingers pushing into his hair, your back arches off the bed, when he pushes two thick fingers inside you. Dean groans loudly, sucking your clit between his perfect lips, gorgeous green eyes lifting to meet your lust blown ones.
“Dean, i’m so close! Please!” your voice is a broken mess, begging him for more, one hand leaving Dean’s ruined hair you reach for Damon.
Damon steps closer, cock still gripped tight in his hand. You sit up on your elbows and lick your lips, a loud whine leaving your lips when Dean crooks his fingers upwards inside you. 
“You want it baby? Think you can handle both of us” Damon smirks, his cock only a breath away from your lips.
“Please Damon, want you to fuck my mouth” 
“Can’t say no to that, can I?” 
He steps that little bit closer as you open your mouth. You moan as his pre-come drips onto your tongue. Swirling the thick muscle around the swollen tip. Damon’s hands tangle in your hair, when your lips seal around his cock and you hollow your cheeks.
“Fuck, that’s a good mouth,” Damon grunts, his head dropping back, slowly starting to thrust his hips, your fingers digging into his muscled thigh. 
You moan around him when Dean pushes one of your knees back into the bed, his fingers picking up the pace. His lips pull from your clit with an audible pop, nipping his way down your thighs, down to your ass. His tongue circles around your puckered hole and your back arches, pushing Damon’s thick length against the back of your throat.
Damon lets out a choked groan, hands tightening in your hair, his hips picking up their speed. Your pussy is fluttering like crazy around Dean’s fingers, you’re so fucking close.
“Come on baby, give it to him” Damon grunts, pulling his cock from your mouth, letting you fall back on the bed to breathe. 
Dean’s mouth moves back to your clit, doubling his efforts his free hand disappears and you feel the vibrations of his moans intensify.
“Come on beautiful, give it to me. Come all over my face” Dean growls breathless and needy. Like a switch has been flipped inside you, your thighs tighten around his head and your orgasm pushes through your body.
“Oh fuck” you hear them both, but your brain is fuzzy and swimming with pleasure.
Dean is kissing his way up your body when you finally start to come down. Kissing you slow and languid, allowing the taste of your pussy to invade your mouth.
“Hands and knees sweetheart” Dean smirks when he pulls away, tapping your hip, Damon moves to sit at the head of the bed. 
“Oh fuck, yes” you moan crawling towards Damon, angling your hips to push your ass in the air. You kiss your way up Damon’s thighs, while Dean kneels behind you, long fingers smoothing over your ass, finally stilling on your hips and digging harshly into your skin. 
Damon’s head thunks back against the bed frame when you run your tongue over his balls, up the underside of his thick length.
“You’re too good at that” Damon moans, wrapping your hair around his hand so he can see your face.
Dean’s cock pushes through your folds slicking himself up with your wetness, he slips the tip of his length inside you, loving the way that you stretch around him.
“Jesus, you’re so tight baby, feel so good wrapped around my cock” Dean groans. Your eyes almost roll into the back of your head when he moves again, slowly pushing himself further inside you. Fingers digging into Damon’s strong thighs, you feel the muscles tense beneath your grip.
You wrap your hand around the base of Damon’s cock, swiping your tongue over the head, dipping the tip into the small slit, meeting his eyes when the salty tang hits your tongue. You can hear his breathing getting heavier when you finally wrap your lips around his thick length. He tosses his head back and moans your name.
Dean stills for a moment, now that his hips are flush against your ass, letting you adjust to the sheer size of him stretching you open. Keeping your eyes on Damon’s face you begin to bob your head over him, feeling the stretch of your lips the further you take him. Speeding up your movements your back arches further, pushing Dean just slightly deeper.
Dean leans over your body, grabbing your arms he tugs them behind your back. Your hands wrap around his wrists as he starts to move, pushing you onto Damon’s cock with every slow harsh thrust of his hips. 
You’ve never been so full. So satisfied. 
Saliva leaks from the corners of your lips and down Damon’s rock hard length, making the slide of him into your mouth that much easier. Your moaning uncontrollably around Damon’s cock as Dean’s thrusts force Damon’s cock to slip down your throat.
The sounds of skin on skin echo around the room, “Fuck, I’m close” Damon grunts trying to pull back a little. You shake your head the best you can. He seems to understand. 
Sinking his teeth into his bottom lip his hips start to thrust faster, harder, stuttering slightly when he bumps the back of your throat again. You gag taking his cock as deep as you can and Damon growls low in his throat, fists tightening in your hair. Dean’s fingers tighten around your wrists, fucking into you harder. His free hand smacks your ass harshly and you whine around Damon, the vibrations shooting straight through him.
“Oh fuck! Dean, do that again” Damon begs, sweat coating his body as he chases his release.
Dean has no problem complying with that, his large hand coming down harder on your other cheek. You practically scream around Damon as you come. It’s hard and fast, it almost hurts, when it shoots through your body. Damon pushes deeper into your mouth, the tip of his cock slipping into your throat as he comes too. 
Dean stills behind you, giving you time to breathe. You swallow everything Damon gives you, the best you can, until the pulsing of his cock stops and he pulls himself free of your lips with a pop.
Your body sags, forehead dropping onto Damon’s thigh.
“Shit baby girl, you were incredible” Damon pants, running his fingers through your hair. Letting go of your wrists, Dean wraps his arms around your body, pulling you back against his chest.
“You think you got one more for me sweetheart?” Dean questions against your neck, lips and tongue gently brushing across your skin.
“Yes Dean” you respond a little dazed when his hips start to move again. 
Damon’s watching you both with the sexiest look you’ve seen on him yet. 
Humming Dean presses his lips to your ear, dragging his teeth over your ear lobe gently, “You’re fucking soaked baby, shit. Feels so good, perfect little pussy” Dean groans, sucking a mark into the side of your neck.
“Dean faster, harder please. I can take it” you beg desperate for release, clinging to his arm that’s wrapped around your stomach. Your eyes lock on Damon when he moves, lips sealing around one of your nipples. You push your fingers into his dark hair, tugging harder when his teeth scrape over the hardened peaks. One of Dean’s hands drops between your legs, his hips start to stutter, spreading the lips of your pussy open. 
Damon presses his fingers against your clit, rubbing back and forth quickly, while Dean fucks into you at a punishing pace that has you screaming their names. 
“Dean, talk to me please?” 
Dean chuckles, causing goosebumps to prickle across your skin, “You’re close baby, so close, I can feel it. I can feel how fucking tight your little pussy is squeezing my cock. You wanna come don’t you baby girl?” 
“Yes! Yes please” you whine desperately, hands clinging to Damon’s back, nails digging into his soft skin. 
Damon pulls off your nipple, eyes boring straight into yours, “There you go princess, use us. Fucking come on, come all over him, he wants it” 
You cling tighter to Damon and pull him closer, when you finally find your release, your pussy clamping down around Dean for the second time, finally succeeding pulling him over the edge with you. 
Blinking your eyes open, you have no idea how you ended up laying down between the two of them.
“Welcome back sleeping beauty. Watch him, he’s kind of a cuddler” Damon chuckles, pressing a chaste kiss to your lips. You giggle feeling Dean’s strong arms tugging you back against him tighter, face buried in your neck.
“Well, that was intense and incredible” you grin happily, linking your fingers with Dean’s under the duvet, as Damon takes your other hand pressing a kiss to your knuckles.
“Couldn’t agree more, beautiful” Damon winks, his nose brushing against yours when he snuggles closer.
“Sleep” Dean grumbles against your skin, making you smile sleepily, letting your eyes slip closed.
When you open your eyes again the sunlight is bleeding in through the curtains. You wince at the blissful ache between your legs. Luckily they’d both rolled over at some point during the night. You climb off the bed awkwardly, doing your best not to disturb them. 
You dress as quickly as you can, unable to stop glancing at the bed, at their gorgeous peaceful faces. Slipping into your shoes, you decide to leave your number on the bedside table. 
With a final look at them you slip out of the room. 
When you get home you have a nice hot bath, wishing that you hadn’t left that room, but you had to be truthful with yourself about last night. It was just an incredible one night thing. 
The day passes quickly, watching Netflix and a little more prep work for tomorrow, you receive a text from Dean and Damon which makes you smile. Informing you that they intended to meet up with you again, very soon, which you are more than happy with.
Monday morning rolls around all too quickly, walking into your office you prepare to give your presentation. Very aware of the hickey that Dean had left very high on your neck. You’d covered it the best you could, but you knew it was there. 
Handing out the manilla folders to your colleagues, you wait for the two high big shots to turn up, the door squeaking open catches your attention. You look up ready to greet these businessmen but your smile falters, jaw almost hitting the floor. 
Blue and green eyes find you quickly. Clearly, they’re biting back their obvious smiles. Shaking both their hands you’re failing miserably to hide your blush. 
Dean leans in close enough to speak in your ear, “I gotta say, you look fucking delicious with my marks all over you” his voice is a rough husky rumble and you can’t help but wonder what you’ve gotten yourself into.
Clearing your throat as they take their seats, you smile at the rest of the room, “Shall we start?” 
All Fic Tags: @chewie-redbird @julzdec @lettersofwrittencollective @stiles-o-dylan24 @mogaruke @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone @dylanholyhellobrien @desireepow-1986 @emichelle @lilulo-12 @22sarah08 @deanwanddamons @simsadventures  @charmed-asylum @nicole-lynne  @hazel-eye-coffee-shop-girl-blog
Dean Tags: @fandom-princess-forevermore​ @flamencodiva​ @hobby27​ @akshi8278 @littlelonewolfgirl @ladywinchester1967​ @screechingartisancashbailiff​ @maddiepants​ @spnfanfic-reblogs​ @holylulusworld​ @mrswhozeewhatsis​ @thoughtslikeaminefield​ @sonofabringmesomepie​ @manawhaat​
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hanadolphieron · 4 years
princess!hyejoo; chapter three~
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warnings; mentions of m*rder, yeosang is messed up, hyejoo gets angry, it’s not a good day for anyone
genre; fluff, angst
pairing; son hyejoo x female reader (mentioned: kang yeosang, kim jungeun)
word count; 900
summary; you’re caught up in a power game that has more dire consequences than you expected. what will you do?
a/n; i promise there will be more romantic spicy stuff in the next few chapters, i have to do some plot stoof first <3 also kinDA SHORT SORRy
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sighing quietly to yourself, you watch the paintings flow by along the walls as you stroll through the castle.  (you’ve been doing quite a lot of wandering through the halls lately.)
you’re off to find hyejoo, who left a note at your door saying she’d meet you in the back corner of the library at 8:00 a.m. sharp. 
see, after she’d confessed to you that she was heir to the throne of aurileo, a neighboring kingdom, hyejoo had immediately launched into a spiel of reasons for why she was doing this. she’s in cohorts with heredia’s heir, her cousin, kang yeosang, who wants to become king of heredia. 
see, as she explained to you, aurileo would be able to have a greater influence upon heredia. the two nations had been warring for years over land, money, and power. hyejoo seemed to think prince yeosang could stop this.
you didn’t believe her in the slightest. over your years in serving royalty, you’ve learned to never trust princes. especially the handsome ones who manipulate you into thinking they can save the world.
also, the aurileo’s princess hasn’t even told you how her cousin is going to accomplish this. you can’t think of any way to get rid of the king- unless she was planning on outright murdering him. you didn’t think she had the guts to do that.
in any other situation, you would have backed out by now. done the right thing, told the royal family, gotten the conspirators arrested. however, right now, doing that would mean condemning hyejoo, something you didn’t have the willpower to do.
she had you wrapped around her finger. you barely knew her, and yet she seemed to draw you in like a moth to a lamp. you could tell she needed someone, all she’d ever had in her life were power-hungry royals. 
and you couldn’t stand to see her become. so, you had taken it upon yourself to try and fix her mindset. you wouldn’t let her become part of a game like this.
“hey,” said royal schemer calls out to you softly. you make your way over to her position near one of the bookshelves, smiling at a guard, jungeun, who was nearby.
before you can say hello back, hyejoo motions for you to follow her. you almost roll your eyes at her hyper-focusing.
she brings you to one of the libraries private rooms and sits down at one end of a short table. you take a seat opposite her. 
“we have a lot to discuss,” she states.
“really?” you say, “it’s not like you’re scheming against the ruling power of this entire continent or anything.”
“are you mad at me?” is all she responds with. insufferable.
“confused and a little worried, yes. but mad, no.”
“good. you’re going to be the main part of this plan and i need complete devotion from you.”
you stand there shocked, before asking what in the world she means by “main part of this plan.” hyejoo begins to explain to you...
at the next banquet, the two of you will be dressed in your handmaiden clothes, serving food and helping out. once the meal has ended and the guests are standing around chatting, you will quietly tell king hiron of heredia he has urgent news to receive in private.
then, you’ll walk him out into the courtyard. where hyejoo will be waiting.
“waiting to do what?” you ask suspiciously. please don’t say what i think you’re going to say.
she sighs, placing her hands on your cheeks,  staring at you, “y/n, you’re not going to like this part. i’m going to have to kill king hiron.”
eyes wide, you hold her gaze, shaking your head against her hold on you, “hyejoo, you can’t. you- i won’t let you, it’s not right.”
her eyes moisten, a fearful, guilty look fogging them. she doesn’t want to do this, and both of you know it. “hyejoo, who’s making you do this? who came up with this plan?”
“yeosang,” she says quietly, “he says it’s the only way.”
you refuse this, trying to reason with her. yeosang should do it himself, you’re going to get in trouble, nobody should be forced to take a life, let alone have their life taken from them.
hyejoo looks unbearably sad. you move to comfort her, standing up and wrapping your arms around her, holding her against you. she stays there, silently, for a moment, before pushing you away.
surprised, your arms fall to your sides. you thought you had a moment there. “y/n, you don’t understand. i have to do this. yeosang is right, there is no other way. i’m brave enough. i can do it.” 
the princess turns away, not being able to meet your gaze.
“hyejoo, no, it’s not right. think about what you’re doing,” you plead with her, trying to keep her from walking out the door.
“i have thought about it y/n, and i know this is the only choice,” she looks almost as resentful as you do. you can see it in her gullible, determined expression- she’s being manipulated into this. 
“the right choice for you?” you place your hands on her shoulders, “ or the right choice for yeosang?”
anger bubbles across her face. she pushes your arm off of her, storming to the door, sparing one last look at your helpless figure before pacing out of the library and into the hall.
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"i'm gonna kiss you right now" for rowaelin
Ok so I used this prompt to make a part 2 for Drunk Mistakes (I really want to kiss you right now prompt)!! I hope you guys like this because I had fun writing it. It is heavily inspired on a conversation I’ve had with my best friends
Drunk Mistakes (part 1)
Tipsy kisses
Rowan’s eyes narrowed slightly, as if he was trying to read into her words.
Aelin’s heart was beating so fast that maybe Rowan was narrowing his eyes because even he could hear it. Underneath the covers, Aelin twisted her hands, both of them starting to sweat.
“Nothing at all?”
She shook her head, getting up from the bed. If he kept staring at her like that, she’d probably break and commit the same mistake from the night before. All Aelin wanted was for Rowan to drop the subject and believe that she was just a blabbering drunk. She just wanted him to forget last night.
“Did I do something? You know how I get when I get drunk like that.” She said, forcing worry and curiosity in her voice but not turning her face to him. She entered her bathroom and Rowan, thank the gods, didn’t follow.
She looked at herself in the mirror and almost gasped. A corpse looked better than her at that moment. Smeared makeup, the hair a mess and huge bags under her eyes, the pounding headache wasn’t the only thing a hungover brought to her. “Fuck, I look hideous.”
She was trying to change the subject, trying to make things seem natural again. Judging by Rowan’s silence, it wasn’t working.
“Ro.” She called again, finally looking back at him through her reflection in the mirror. “Did I do something?”
Rowan stared at her for a few seconds before shaking his head. “No. No, you didn’t.”
Aelin nodded back, a forced smile on her lips. She couldn’t tell if she was happy or disappointed with his answer.
Six weeks. It had been six fucking weeks from her little drunken incident and Rowan was still acting strange around her.
Whenever she thought of it, Aelin wanted to cry. This is why she didn’t want to tell him about her feelings. This is why she didn’t want to make a move on him. If he was all tense and strange after hearing her say she wanted to kiss him while drunk, Aelin couldn’t phantom what he would do if she had said the words sober.
Maybe a restriction order. Or just finding excuses to not even look at her when they went out, even if he was already doing that.
“I hate this.” Aelin murmured, taking a deep chug of her beer. She was a little tipsy and the beer sent a rush to her head. “And I hate beer.”
“No, you don’t. You love beer, you’re just bitter lately.” Fenrys answered, putting an arm over her shoulders and pulling her close. Aelin laid her head on his chest, groaning quietly. “Just talk to him.”
“Last time I talked to him in a bar, I fucked it up and that’s why things are the way they are.” Aelin grumbled and Fenrys only chuckled, rubbing her arm with his hand. “Gosh, I’m an idiot. Four years. I managed to keep my mouth shut for four years and then I get drunk one night and fuck it up.”
Fenrys wasn’t surprised at the words. He had been her friend for much longer than she had known Rowan. Actually, both of them met four years ago because of Fenrys. Both he and Rowan were planning on going to pre-med, and were to be roommates during freshman year of college. Fenrys threw a party during the summer and that’s when Aelin met Rowan.
Since the beginning Fenrys had been the first person to know about Aelin’s feelings towards Rowan. The other four people were Manon, Lys, Elide and Dorian. Manon and Dorian were currently traveling the world in their gap year, only sometimes stopping by Orynth. Elide and Lysandra knew everything, but Fenrys had always understood better. She didn’t even had to tell him four years ago, the asshole just guessed.
After that Aelin was more careful in expressing herself with Rowan when there were other people around.
“Everyone makes drunk mistakes, baby.” He said, voice always carefree.
“You were supposed to stop me from making this certain mistake!” She smacked him across the chest. That had been their pact; Fenrys wouldn’t let Aelin confess her feelings when she was under distress, sad, overjoyed or, as he had failed, drunk.
“I tried! I fucking came by and swept you away, it’s not my fault you have this big ass mouth.” He hissed when she hit him again. “You were dancing with Vaughan and then I blink and, oh gods, where is Aelin?”
Aelin huffed a laugh at the sarcasm in his voice. “Three seconds earlier and I wouldn’t be in this situation right now.”
Fenrys laughed, ending his beer. He put the bottle on the table with a loud thud and everyone around them, including Rowan, turned to them. That was the first time during the night that he had looked at her and not averted his gaze quickly. His eyes narrowed a tiny bit while he watched Aelin and Fenrys. When Fenrys put his hands on her shoulders and drew her away from his chest, Rowan shook his head quickly and turned back to talk to Lyria.
“You want my advice?” Fenrys said, looking her dead in the eye. Aelin laughed at his sudden seriousness.
“Yes, give me all your extensive knowledge.”
“Smartass.” He replied, not letting go of her shoulders. “I fuck up a lot—”
“I have noticed, yes.” Aelin nodded solemnly.
“I will gag you if you don’t shut up.” When she didn’t say anything, he continued. “As I fuck up a lot, I know when a situation needs disfucking—“
“Did you just say disfucking?” She was either a little bit more than tipsy or Fenrys was just being his usual self.
“For the love of the gods, will you let me finish? Yes, disfucking. When you un-fuck what you fucked up.”
Yeah, just Fenrys being his usual self.
“Fuck down then?”
Aelin was bitting her cheeks to keep herself from smiling. This was the stupidest conversation she had ever had and the alcohol made it ten times funnier.
“Proceed. How do I disfuck Rowan?”
“How do you what?” Vaughan who was passing nearby stopped, eyes wide and brows furrowed.
“Oh, gods.” Fenrys rubbed his temples, sighing and looking at Vaughan. “Disfuck. Now get out.”
“What the hell does that mean?” Vaughan said, turning to Aelin.
She shrugged. “Un-fuck what you fucked up.”
“Fuck down?”
“No!” Fenrys shouted and everyone looked at him again. “Disfuck and fuck down are different.”
“What the hell?” Lorcan sitting by Rowan’s side murmured.
“Mind your own business, M-rated Grinch.” Fenrys snapped at Lorcan and this time Aelin could help but laugh. She was almost doubling over when Fenrys turned to Vaughan. “You get the fuck out.” He turned to her. “And you, baby, shut the hell up and hear my teachings.”
She nodded, breathing hard. She looked at Rowan again to see him with furrowed brows. He turned away again. She sighed.
“You won’t disfuck this situation.” Fenrys explained. “It won’t help, it’s already too throughly fucked.”
“Wow, thanks.”
“What you will do, is kiss Rowan.” Fenrys finished, flashing her a smile.
“Someone needs to disfuck your brain. How is that supposed to help?”
“It won’t. He thinks you don’t remember but he does remember. He won’t forget. If the relationship is destroyed, at least get the kiss you’ve wanted for four years.”
“He’s right.” Vaughan added quietly.
“Bloody gods, you’re still here.” Fenrys turned to his brother-in-law. “Didn’t I tell you to piss off?”
“I was curious.” He shrugged, approaching Fenrys and Aelin. “But he’s right. Everything already went to shit, so why not?”
Aelin’s heart constricted at the words. “The two of you are so, so helpful. I feel much more comforted now that you guys said my relationship with my best friend is ruined.”
“They have no social skills, that’s why. It’s a wonder they can ever have a conversation with other people.” Lyria said, coming on their direction. “But they’re right, you should kiss Rowan.”
“You can’t have one private conversation these days.” Fenrys grumbled and Lyria hit him in the back of the head.
Aelin ignored him and turned to one of her closest friends. “You think?”
“I mean, yeah. I’ve known you for four years and Rowan for longer than that. I have been wondering why the two of you haven’t done it yet.” Lyria said, her voice calm and steady. She smiled knowingly at Aelin.
“Isn’t he your ex? You’re trying to pair up your best friend and your ex?” Fenrys butted in.
“You can’t have one private conversation these days.” Lyria mimicked Fenrys and the two immediately started bickering as usual.
Aelin stared at them for a few seconds before turning to Vaughan. “Can you take Lorcan away from Rowan?”
“Anything for you, princess.” Vaughan smiled at her, turning around and starting to walk to the bar. “Salvaterre, drinking competition. You say no, you’re a spineless coward and I’m showing Elide your baby pictures.”
Aelin watched as Lorcan immediately got up, following Vaughan as he threatened her friend.
Without giving herself time to consider what she was about to do, Aelin drowned the rest of her beer and got up. Her head was buzzing and she didn’t know if it was the alcohol or the adrenaline. She dodged Lyria who was still standing near Fenrys, arguing with him. With a purposeful stride, Aelin walked up to where Rowan was sitting. He saw her seconds before she stopped in front of him, brows high.
“You ok?” He said when she stood before him.
“Are you drunk?”
“No.” He answered, and Aelin could hear the confusion on his voice.
“Neither am I. A little tipsy, but that’s besides the point. And I lied six weeks ago.” She said, voice coming out rushed. Her heart was thundering and her mind was racing. She was feeling an adrenaline rush and would probably want to murder Fenrys, Vaughan and Lyria when it ended. “I was drunk, but I remembered the whole night.”
Rowan’s eyes widened at that, and some sadness took over his expression. “You lied?”
“Yeah, sorry. I thought that you were giving me an out the following morning. Because, you know… I said I wanted to kiss you and you didn’t want that.”
“I—“ Rowan started, dumbfounded.
“But it doesn’t matter, because I can’t disfuck it so I am going to kiss you.”
“You will?” Aelin sworn she could see Rowan fighting a smile.
“Yeah.” She nodded at herself. “I’m gonna kiss you right now.”
Aelin grabbed Rowan’s face in her hands, stepping in between his legs. The second before Aelin’s lips met his, she could see him finally smiling.
Rowan’s hands went immediately to her waist when her lips touched his. Rowan’s mouth was warm and soft against hers, and Aelin sighed contently. He drew her closer, and Aelin felt her body flushed against his. Aelin skimmed her hands from his face to the back of his neck, fingers playing with his hair. When Rowan’s tongue swept over her bottom lip, Aelin opened her mouth and would have probably moaned if they weren’t in public.
They kissed until Aelin lost track of time, mouths and tongues moving against each other, his fingers hugging her waist and hers playing with his hair.
When they finally drew apart, both were breathing hard, a small smile on Rowan’s lips and a very satisfied one on Aelin’s.
“So this is disfucking.” She said after breathing in, voice raspy.
“What the hell is disfucking?” Rowan’s brows furrowed, but he was still smiling.
Aelin merely stepped forward again, catching his lips with hers.
@in-love-with-caramel-macchiato @jlinez @courtofjurdan @aelinfeyreeleven945tbln @ladywitchling @lexflame @sleeping-and-books @annejulianneh111 @perseusannabeth @linshryver @mu-si-ca-l @camilamartinezdunne @dank-queen7 @minaidss @starborn-faerie-queen @abookishfreak @faerie-queen-fireheart @maastrash @morganofthewildfire @queen-of-glass 
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shabre-legacy · 3 years
A Pirate Wife for Me Chapter One: What Must Be Done
Four Days Left
Corso stared at his hands as he sat on the rough bench outside the farmhouse. He didn’t know how to do this. How was he supposed to explain this situation to Vesha? He was supposed to marry her in 4 months. They’d made all the arrangements and announcements. How did he explain that he had to marry someone else? That the situation was worse than most were being told, nearly awful as was feared. How did he explain that without hurting her? He loved her. Or at least he thought he did. There hadn’t been a lot of romance in his life so far. But he was pretty sure that he loved her. Enough to sacrifice so that she’d be safe, her family would be safe, so that she didn’t have to do this. He could do that. 
The bench tilted a bit as Vesha settled onto it, her hand coming down to rest on his shoulder. “What’s going on? Papa said you needed to talk and sounded pretty broken up? Is it your family? Did something happen? Was there another attack? I didn’t hear about another raid.”
 She was chattering, she always chattered, usually it was fine, but he couldn’t deal with it today. Not with everything going on. 
“Vesh, Vesh, I need you to stop talking and just listen. Please.”
She shut her mouth instantly, staring at him, He never told her to be quiet. Usually he just followed along with whatever she said, so that she would be happy. 
He reached over and took her hand, trying to look at her, but failing. “I’ve been sitting here, trying to think of how to explain this. It’s a real mess. And I’m so sorry, I never wanted to hurt you. But this, everything, it’s so far beyond our control.”
Vesh was just staring at him silently still. He didn’t know what to make of that. 
“I tried, you know I tried. I was out there with my blasters every time the seps hit. I tried. It’s just not enough. Me and the folks met with the council. It’s bad Vesh. Worse then….” He just shook his head. They were adults. Old enough to understand the situations, but they were young, he was just 19, Vesh 18. They should have been finishing wedding plans, he should have started on their house by now. They should be moving to their future. 
“They’re going to kill us, Vesh. We don’t have the fortifications or the resources to hold out, not with how frequent the raids are. If we don’t do something, most of us won’t make it to the next planting season, let alone the harvest. The Ronto’s will last us awhile, but eventually we’ll run out of feed for them if we can’t get out to take care of the fields.”
“I know, that’s why we asked those karking pirates for help. But Papa said they wouldn’t help.”
He sighed, this was going to be the hard part. “Not for free, they won’t. That’s why I had to meet with the council. Apparently, they said that they only protect their own. But the council made a deal. Got the pirates to treat the village and all our farms as one family. Apparently they’re run by one family, so make a pact between ‘Families’ and they’ll treat attacks on us like attacks on them and help protect us.”
“What are you saying Corso, What kind of pact do they want? We aren’t rich. We don’t have a lot of money, even if the whole village pooled all their money together.” 
“They don’t want money.”
“Then what do they want?”
“They want someone to marry the daughter of the family.”
“Apparently, the pirates want a marriage between us and them. They have a woman about our age and that’s their condition.”
“That’s insane! Even for Ord, that’s crazy! I mean they’re pirates. Why would we bother? Who’d even agree to a deal like that?”
He couldn’t say anything. He’d always been better with a blaster in his hands than talking with Vesha. He was better with blasters then almost anything. 
“Corso...Did you agree to this?”
He sighed “I’m so sorry, Vesha, but it’s the only thing that anyone can think of that might actually save us.”
“Are you Karking kidding me! Four months before our wedding and you up and decide you want someone else instead!”
“I don’t want someone else! I want you to live! There are only 2 of us who aren’t already married in the age range that they’re finding acceptable. It’s you or it’s me, and Vesha, I know you. You wouldn’t do well among the pirates. They’re too rough. I can’t put you through that. I can’t make you deal with that, with marrying her, or losing your family. And I can’t bear to lose mine either. This is the only way. The only way that our families live, that you get to go on and live your life.” 
She stood up and stared down at him. “If you want to make excuses, make them. But don’t lie to me. You’re just bailing because you can. You’ve humiliated me. I thought I knew who you were, but this… Choosing some pirate scum over me. I never would have expected this from you.”
“I’m trying to keep you alive, Vesha, to keep everyone alive.”
She ignored him. Walking into the house and slamming the door. The finality of it broke something and he buried his head in his hands. This is what he hadn’t wanted. He’d hurt her. He knew it would, but had hoped she’d understand. This was the only way to save everyone… To save anyone and they were the only two options. If he did this himself, she didn’t have to. That didn’t make it any easier.
 Luckily, however her family felt about him, they didn’t bother him. Perhaps her father had an understanding of how hard this was. He didn’t bother Corso, no confrontation for hurting Vesha. He’d expected that, but it never happened. It took a few hours before he felt steady enough to leave. 
He could leave, but he didn’t feel up to going back to the farm. Not yet. His parents had called the family together, they were going to explain the situation while Corso went to explain it to Vesha. They had three days. Tomorrow his parents would meet with the council and the pirates and formalize the agreement. There’d be documents for him to sign after. Two days after that, he’d be married off, at least he’d be able to help protect his home. That would be a good thing. It would provide plenty of reasons to stay away while he got to know the woman he’d be married to. This wasn’t how any of this was supposed to go.
His hands seemed to have a mind of their own, guiding the old rickety speeder into town, rather than back to the farm to face his entire family and all their questions. He parked it near the edge of town and started wandering. No destination, no goal, just walking out his thoughts. He thought about heading to the Cantina for a few drinks, but his mama would likely kill him for that. She’d always made him promise he’d never drink his emotions away. She’d lost a few uncles and cousins to that and didn’t want her sons following that path.  Time passed without him even being aware of it. At some point though, he noticed someone watching him. 
The woman was leaning against a nearby building. She wasn’t a local, he’d never seen her which meant she had to be part of those karking pirates. Mirialan, if he wasn’t mistaken; going by the dark green skin and tattoos across her face and arms; white hair cut short and messy. Short sleeves, fingerless gloves, blasters on both hips and a belt full of what he was fairly certain were dets and grenades. She looked wild and dangerous and… strangely fascinating. 
Five Days Left
Tama leaned forward and stared at the two pictures her aunt placed in front of her.
 “Charlie says that these are the only two in the area who are close to your age and not married.” 
She picked them up and leaned back reclining on the couch in her mother’s quarters and looked at them. Her mother and her three aunts filled the rest of the room. Their personalities taking up the space of more people then they personally did. 
“Does he have an idea on which of these two these dustball farmers are going to go with?”
She wasn’t sure this was the best idea. Sure, having access to more farms and properties would be useful for moving cargo. And having legit businesses would make hiding profits from both republic and imperial customs officials, and other government agents, easier. It would help as they moved in on other areas of the underworld and started their fleet in on conquering the whole damn thing. Still though, an arranged marriage made her squeamish. She wouldn’t have considered it, but as the unofficial princess of the unofficial queen of the fleet, she was the first of the cousins to be approached, and she was promised her own ship. She’d have to get it herself; but when she did, the family would let her keep it. She loved her aunties and adored her mother, but she wanted more independence than they were willing to give her. 
The freedom, the opportunities, the good of the fleet and advancement of the plans she’d helped draw out details for, she could marry one of these two for that. Plus if she didn’t like them, she could always give them a room on the other side of the ship and scare them into staying there, or just dump them back with their family, or just ‘lose’ them on a raid. It wouldn’t be hard. Farmers like this were always easily intimidated. 
Her aunt Ilma answered her question “Charlie thinks that based on the local culture, either the village itself will settle on the man there, name of Corso, or this Corso will volunteer himself so that the girl, Vesha, doesn’t have to.” 
“So rural backwards so-called “chivalry” is still a thing on this rock. That’s just great.”
She tossed the pictures on the table. The more she thought about this, the more she disliked it. But she’d agreed and told her mother her terms. They’d make those happen. “I’m going to get a drink, or a few drinks. Just…” She stood and sighed. “Just let me know when arrangements are made, or if they give you any fuss about my terms. I’ll handle it.” 
Her mother came up and gave her a hug, before letting her leave. They’d already been through this over and over again. Sorting out the details and drawing up the contracts, preparing their offer for the oh so desperate farmers of this part of Ord Mantell. They were going with a two-phase approach. First the group they would negotiate with would agree to be treated as a single family and have an arranged marriage to bring them into her fleet’s ‘family’. It would give them the protection they wanted. Then after they agreed and selected the individual they wanted, then her aunts would present her terms. It would be their last chance to back out. After that, everything would be signed and sealed. 
They normally wouldn’t bother with this much paperwork. In their world, your word meant everything. If you said something would happen, it was on your reputation and it was reputation that was the legal binding of the underworld. Paperwork and signed contracts, much less so. But it’d give the idiots on this karking dirtball some sense that they weren’t going to be screwed over. Which to be fair, they weren’t planning on. What good would getting working farms to hide their stuff between acquisition and auction, if there were no workers to work the farms. The crews certainly weren’t going to. 
It’d only be about a week probably. She’d wait until the decision was made by the village and then go and meet the guy. Best to get an idea on how she was going to handle him and cut off the dead weight early. After all, she was never one to let anything tie her down. 
The woman noticed that he noticed her, pushed off the wall and sauntered towards him. That was the only way to describe it. Swaying hips and a confident swagger. If he’d been in a better mood, he’d likely have been entirely drawn in. 
“Hey there, handsome.” Her voice, rolling with an edge of mischief and recklessness that made him certain that this was a dangerous woman. Was this the Pirate he was supposed to marry or just another one of the rabble? 13 ships, that’s what he’d heard they had; 4 big ones and 9 smaller, more mobile ones. He wasn’t sure what kinds exactly, blasters and vibroblades were more his thing. With that many ships, they were bound to have more than a few scum hanging around. 
“Can I help you?” He asked. He wasn’t in any mood to deal with anyone after the day he’d had. 
“Only if you know where I can find the strongest drinks in town. Thought about that Cantina” At that she gestured over her shoulder at the town's only cantina. “But it don’t look like it's got much more than weak ass swill.” 
“Seeing as that’s the only cantina in town, I’d say that’s the only place with any drinks.”
“That’ll have to do then, they’ll have to order in decent stock. You nerfherders ain’t got much on this dirtball.” 
Did this woman really have nothing better to do than to insult his home? He’d never hit a lady, but he was starting to feel like it. “It’s Rontos, not Nerfs ‘round here, and we’re farmers not galactic scum. We actually have things to do other than drinking.”
She started laughing, actually laughing, he’d expected… Well, he hadn’t known what to expect, speaking with a pirate, but it wasn’t laughing. “So one of you actually has half a spine after all. Good.” She moved a step closer, her voice dropping ever so slightly back into the same tone she’d begun the conversation with. “What’s your name, handsome?” 
“Corso Riggs.” It wasn’t worth lying. He never liked to lie anyways, and it wasn’t like the pirates wouldn’t know who he was in a few days anyways. 
She stepped closer,  bumping his shoulder as she passed and turning to look at him as she walked backwards up the street towards where a group of what appeared to be more pirates were approaching. “Well, Corso Riggs, appreciate the tip, toughen up that spine though. You’re lucky to have one, you’ll need it.”
What did that mean? “Wait… I never caught your name. Who are you?” 
She laughed at him again. “You’re right, you didn’t.” She spun around and stalked off to the pirates, same swagger in her step, his eyes glued to her as she walked to the pirates, paused to say something then continued on. It took a couple of minutes before he could process enough to move out of the way of the crowd heading to overwhelm the cantina. Whoever she had been, he was pretty sure he didn’t like her. 
Three Days Left
Corso sat at the table between his parents staring at the documents in front of him. His parents had insisted that he had the right to be part of the final negotiations and so he’d come to the meeting. The pirates had not done the same. He had gotten to meet his future aunt in-laws, they were an intimidating bunch. The leader of the pirates, they kept referring to her as “Commodore”, hadn’t been there. It had taken several hours to finalize the paperwork and he wasn’t fully happy with it, but his parents and the council assured him it was likely the best they were going to get. Honestly though, he didn’t need them to tell him that; he knew. At least he wouldn’t have to put in all the extra work to build a new house, and he’d get to see space again. That’d be nice. He’d loved traveling and seeing different planets during his time with the Peace Brigade. It was a silver lining to their insistence that he move aboard the ship with his new wife instead of her moving onto his farm, where he could stay close and help his family, could keep them and Vesha safe. He’d objected, he was doing this to protect his family, how could he do that if he wasn’t there? There’d been statements of non-negotiable, and that his farm would have extra protection. He’d caved eventually.
They were the desperate ones, the ones who needed this to work. The pirates had more flexibility, they could walk away whenever they wanted. He couldn’t. At the end though, they’d managed to reach agreement on every point and all there was left for him to do was to sign everything. The biggest hassle had surprisingly been getting the three Captains that had been sent to actually write the changes and agreements into the documents rather than having them as a verbal agreement. He couldn’t decide if it was a way to try and get away with not fulfilling their side of the arrangement or if they just didn’t believe in written contracts. Not that even those were worth anything unless both sides upheld them. But it made his parents feel better, or at least his mother. 
He sighed and picked up the pen and after closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, he signed his life away. A few quick strokes of the stylus across flimsi and it was done. There’d be festivities in a few days, but he already belonged to the pirates. 
He stared down at his hands as the documents were gathered and handed over to the pirates and they prepared to leave. 
“One last thing”
 He looked up to see one of the pirates, Captain Ilma, if he wasn’t mistaken, had remained at the table and was looking directly at him, the other two stood behind her. 
“We’ll return these to the Commodore and her daughter for their signatures. Our people will be in touch to return your copies and finalize the plans for the ceremony by the end of the day. Don’t worry about that.
She placed an additional piece of Flimsi on the table with an ominous clack of nails on wood and slid it over to him. “Corso, in case no one has bothered to inform you, you will be marrying Tama Riczu, the Commodore’s only daughter and heir to command of the whole fleet. Lots of responsibility there, we expect you to meet your obligations. We’d hate to have to pull our support from the village because you failed to perform.”
With that, Captain Ilma stood and the three of them walked out of the room leaving him staring in mild shock. These karking pirates. They just kept getting more difficult.
He picked up the flimsi from the table and looked down at the holo. There was the mirialan pirate he’d met the day before, but she wasn’t alone in the picture. There was another Mirialan girl, two identical Twi’lek girls, A Nautaluan, and a blue-skinned girl with red eyes; he wasn’t familiar with the species. The six women appeared about the same age and were crowded around the controls of starship, the imperial sigil on the panel and their lack of uniforms indicating it was likely a ship they’d either raided or stolen. There weren’t any names, but given context he could assume that his bride to be “Tama” was among these women and the others, likely her close friends. He tucked the holo into a pocket and as he walked out, he couldn’t help a small part of him that hoped it was the white-haired pirate from before. At least he’d met her, and there was something… just something about her. He didn’t like her, but still… Maybe she’d be the one he was stuck with. 
Tama collapsed onto her bunk and stared up at the ceiling. Having a private room was great, especially on nights like tonight where she was thinking too much. She’d prepared everything, got her mother to add her terms to their agreement, signed the final documents and had them sent off, even had a plan for taking her own ship. They’d leave the day after the wedding. She’d wanted one of the nice Republic command ships, but there weren’t any fitting the right circumstances. She’d have to settle with a smaller Imperial ship. But that was ok, it’d be the start of her own fleet. One that would quickly outnumber the fleet as it currently stood. 
She wasn’t quite as apprehensive now that she’d had a chance to talk to the guy. He’d seemed upset, but had still managed to stand up to her, a tiny bit, but it was enough for her to know he wasn’t completely useless. She might eventually be able to tolerate the guy. If nothing else, she had to admire the jawline. He was certainly pretty. She hadn’t been able to stop herself from flirting just a bit when she’d gone out to find him.
She wasn’t sure how quick he’d take to pirate life, but he’d learn. Just like the crew would learn to follow the rules for going to the cantina in town. They didn’t like them, they didn’t have to follow them in any other Cantina on Ord Mantell or anywhere else. They would follow them here. She was putting up with a lot in order to get what she wanted. She wasn’t going to allow the ruffians of the fleet to lose it for her. 
She reached over and grabbed her datapad, starting some music through the room. Before she could really settle in though, the door burst open and a pile of her girls burst in. Dhytie, a pretty, green Nautaluan jumped onto the bed next to her, “Time to go Tama”
She sat up on her elbows looking at her best friends “Where are we supposed to be going”?”
Her cousin, Cani, a tall purple Twi’lek laughed and started pulling her up. “You’re getting married, whether you like the guy or not, means you get your own ship.” 
Cani’s twin Konis threw her jacket at her face “Your own ship and a wedding, it’s an excuse to get drunk and cause some trouble, so get your ass up.”
Kihisa, a lively Chiss woman, who’d been in the doorway with Niyu leaned forward “We already got the ship ready and we got a plan on where to hit. Lucn is covering for us with the Commodore. We’re getting away from this rock for a few hours.”
These were her favorite people in the galaxy. They always had the best ideas. Trouble and drinks were an irresistible combination. She grabbed her jacket and her friends and they rushed out to one of the small ships her mother kept aboard. Niyu already had her holocomm and credit chit and tossed them to her as they left her quarters. They passed her last cousin Lucn on their way. He simply smiled and waved at them as Niyu and Konis pulled her down the hall, clearly in the know about what the plan was. She didn’t need to know the plan with them. Not tonight anyways, she’d planned enough, tonight she was going to celebrate with the girls she’d grown up with. The rest of the crew would be at the festivities. Tonight was for the 6 of them. Well, starting tonight. Technically, she had 60 hours until her mother would need her back. It was time to see how much mischief they could cause. They could probably even push further if they wanted to. She’d always had a nose for trouble. Tonight they were seeking it out for fun.
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ot5ismyhome · 3 years
33. Destruction Breeds Creation
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To read from beginning click here.
Coulson looked at agents- remaining agents- in front of him. They all had the hollow frightened look in their eyes. If he was alone, he would have adorned the same look but he had seen and gone through a lot to know that the team is just the reflection of the leader. When he spoke up, his ever-playful chirpy voice filled the room.
“No Darkhold. Base gone. If anybody has ideas now would be the good time to say it.” 
“Me and Fitz have been looking up about Loki. The normal ways used to kill a vampire will not work on him” started Simmons.
“How fucked are we?” Hunter quipped.
“He is a vampire and a witch” Fitz replied with a tilt in his head. “Sunlight, Holy fire, Stake, I guess even beheading cannot stop that guy. So, I will say very much.”
“That explains his powers. I knew something was up with that guy” Mack said. 
Simmons cut through the banter bringing the focus on the research. “Sir, All the powers, every single thing we saw out there was witchcraft. Actually, he is a winter witch. His powers are more prominent in colder weather. According to the data Agent Romanoff provided earlier, he can bring winter anywhere.”
“He needed the Darkhold to cast permanent winter. If he succeeds, we can’t turn it back. Maybe the book would help us turn it back but it’s just a theory” Fitz said. He sighed and placed his hands on his hips.
“But there is one thing that could bring him down. The Stake of the First Vampire”
“Now, we just need to know where it is” Hunter said looking expectantly at Lincoln.
“I have no idea,” Lincoln shrugged. 
“I will contact Jiaying. Trip and Thompson evacuate the city. Hunter and Elena run ops.”
The agents nodded to their Director’s order and took off. 
“Sir, I need permission to bring my daughter back here,” Mack asked. When Coulson gave affirmation, he left with Trip and Thompson.
The young man walked into the Gothite Industries. He was stopped by the security.
“Who do you want to see?”
“Oh yes. Mr. Malick. You could say I’m his family. Hail Legion.” Nathaniel said the last two words in the guard’s ears. The guard immediately stepped aside.
“Sorry sir. I didn’t know you were... But I have never seen you around.”
“This visit is long overdue.”
“We came across five bloody massacres and we still haven’t covered Brooklyn.” 
Elena sighed. “We need to prepare for the upcoming battle.”
“Hey. You there. What are you doing here?” shouted a man grabbing the duo’s attention. They turned around to see a policeman. “Don’t you know you have to vacate the city?” he shouted. “Fuckers. Making my job difficult.”
Back in the jeep Elena’s mind was racing on what to do. “We need to do something,” she told Hunter.
The policeman shouted racial slur at a black teenage boy who just exited the nearby shop. The police neared the terrified boy.
“What have you got there?” sneered the man, taking his gun out. “You are stealing, aren’t you?” he threatened the kid.
The kid started stammering and dropped the things down. He lifted his arms above his head.
“No sir, I left some mone-”
The kid’s eyes widened in surprise. He didn’t finish his sentence as he saw a man sneak behind the harasser and sucker punch him. The policeman went down to the ground, unconscious. Hunter turned towards Elena and made an ‘okay’ gesture with his hand.
Hunter approached the kid. “Hey are you okay?” he asked, still keeping his eyes on the police.
“You punched him.” 
“Yeah, if I hadn’t, he would have shot you”
Elena making her way towards them. “What’s your name?” she added looking at the boy.
“Flint, the city is in great danger. We need you to get out as soon as possible. There is a bus five blocks away. We will drop you there.”
“No. I can’t leave my sister. She is handicapped. I need to take care of her.”
“Then let’s get your sister.”
Mack went to collect his daughter. When he reached school, he saw that it was a total mess. All the parents and children were running around trying to find each other. Mack joined them desperate to find his daughter.
“Hope” he shouted. There was no response. He called her for her again and again. Finally, he heard a feeble voice answering back.
“Hope” he shouted again.
“Daddy” a little girl shouted from inside the classroom. She ran to him and he swept her in his arms. 
“Daddy, what’s happening?”
“A bad guy had taken over the city. We need to get out soon.”
“You always said we should always fight back. Also help others. Aren’t we going to do that?”
“First, I’m taking my little princess to safety”
As he reached the Quinjet, he placed Hope on the seat. “Be here. Daddy will be back.” He turned to Trip, “Can you watch her till I come back?”
Gideon Malick was on the conference call with the higher ups in the government. He used them as puppets in his master plan. What he didn’t expect was Loki coming back. He needed to put an end to it. For the Legion to grow over here, he needed to have control over The Council. Had Loki not come back, the ATCU would have been a success.
Gideon heard a rapport knock on his door. He wasn’t expecting anyone. He signalled to Giyera to be on alert as a young man stepped inside. The blood drained from the businessman’s face. His eyes widened and beads of sweat formed on his forehead.
“You weren’t expecting me, were you? I have always wanted to hunt you down. But Barnes and Wilson were also about letting it go. They don’t know the inner turmoil. They don’t know what you did to me” Nathaniel said pacing the big office. Giyera was on his guard ready to attack on his boss’ order. Gideon had lost the ability to speak as he looked at his so thought dead brother.
“Finally, my time has come. Anarchy is here. The Council would never understand that” Nathaniel stopped his pacing and glanced at his petrified brother. “Gideon, you trapped yourself in the Legion and the government, bound by their history, rules, hierarchy” he spat the last word.  “You go around saying ‘Hail Legion’ and ‘God bless America.’ Say goodbye to all that. Say hello to anarchy.”
“I didn’t come here to listen to your pathetic pleas.” Nathaniel closed his hands around his elder brother’s neck and lifted him. Giyera ran forward to stop him. But he caught the bodyguard with his other hand and threw him against the wall. Giyera went down unconscious. He turned his attention to Gideon.
“You planned and tried to kill me back then. Just for this Legion. You know what? It all turned out good. Your organizations are all the same. More and more hierarchy. It diminishes one’s true potential. It creates unbalance. I’m going to destroy all that. Destruction breeds creation.” Nathaniel snapped the neck of Gideon Malick. He dropped his brother’s limp body and walked out. 
Flint took the agents to his home. The door was slightly open and there were signs of forced entry. Elena and Hunter shared a look but didn't say anything.
"Tess" called out Flint. Hearing no reply, he panicked as he approached her room. He opened the door to see his sister lying on the bed. At first it looked normal but on closer look he felt something was not right.
Elena and Hunter noticed that Tess was pale. Her skin looked grey. Flint shook his sister awake but got no response. Hunter checked the pulse. He realised she must have just died now. There was no pulse but the body was still warm.
Hunter signalled Elena to scan the house. As she slipped away quietly, Hunter pulled the crying boy towards himself. He tried to get Flint out of the house but he resisted.
“Lad, we need to get out soon,” Hunter urged. But Flint pulled himself away from Hunter’s hold.
“My sister is dead, man. I’m not going anywhere” he shouted as he pushed Hunter further away.
Hunter’s eyes widened as he saw the figure in the bedroom doorway.
“Duck” he shouted as he drew out his gun and pointed at the man. The man came out of the shadows. He wore old crumpled clothes. His face was in contrast. His skin glowed healthy. His eyes were red and his fangs had descended. Hunter shot the man but it was in vain. He kept shooting again and again. Blood poured out of his chest but he kept walking. Hunter protectively pushed Flint behind him.
Elena was in the other room when she heard the gunshots. She hurried back to check on her companions. She saw an unknown man approaching Hunter and Flint. Hunter fired the next consecutive shots but it didn’t seem to stop the stranger. Elena took out her gun and shot the man straight through his skull.
The vampire fell down. Everyone breathed out in relief. Hunter kneeled down to examine the body. He noticed that the bullet was still lodged in the skull.
“Does a bullet kill a vampire?”
“No. I don’t think so.”
“Why isn’t he moving?”
“Do you want him to?” she said snarkly.
A new person appeared on the doorway startling the group. Elena swung around her gun raised. A man holding a baseball bat was standing there.
“He is a friend,” said Flint, putting himself between the two. Both of them lowered their weapons.
The newcomer was Mike Peterson. He was in the apartment next to Flint’s. He and his son were on the way to the evacuation bus when he had heard the commotion. So, he came to check on his neighbours. Hunter gave his gun and ammo to Mike. He asked them to head to safety.
“What should we do with him?” Elena asked pointing at the wounded vampire on the floor.
“Simmons would have fun cutting him up.”
Chapter 34
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littlemisslol-fic · 4 years
Mayhaps... Varian is found by the Saporians after Qfad and they take him under his wing... but when explaining their plan to him he ain't quite keen on killing anyone, so they mess with his head to make him the perfect saporian.
Ooooooooo interesting! I always love season one Varian, such an angry little goblin lol
1. They find the kid half buried in the snow. Andrew and his crew had been keeping to the outskirts of Corona, thinner guard numbers, more wiggle room to move during the day, but on their way to their new hideout they stumble across him nearly dead. For a second Andrew thinks to leave him, to continue on. The kid’s Coronan, he’s not their problem.
But then he recognizes the boy. The one from the expo, with the invention that had started a storm and had nearly killed them all. Andrew hadn’t known that kind of power was even possible, not without magic at least, and here was some little boy making a machine out of garbage and tape that was capable of such destruction.
They take Varian with them.
2. When the boy first wakes up, he immediately starts to cry. Andrew can’t help but feel a pang of sympathy as the kid blurts out his story. A betrayal from a friend, a useless King. A dead father. Corona had taken a lot from all of them, parents, sisters, brothers, friends, but this is the first time he’s seen the kingdom turn against one of their own.
Varian is a gullible kid. Even when he’s near devastated, he still looks towards anything with a pulse for approval; it’s easy for Andrew to placate him, to twist the scenario into something useful. It doesn’t feel good to do so, but it’s for the cause. It’s simple to take Varian’s sorrow, his grief, and turn it against the royal family, and eventually against Corona entirely.
They betrayed you, he tells the kid, left you to rot. You refused to be quiet, asked the difficult questions, and for that they turned against you. They’d rather live in blissful ignorance than actually help anyone.
Varian is easy to trick, to mold. His guard falls the second someone tells him he’s done a good job. Andrew knows that Varian thinks he’s in charge of what’s happening, thinks that he’s the one using Andrew. He couldn’t be more wrong.
The kid’s smart, deadly so. All it takes is a little push and the kid’ll be a perfect Saporian to add to their ranks. Varian’s an incredibly useful resource- he may not be a fighter, but his inventions and tactical capabilities are unparalleled, even at such a young age. Andrew can’t help but pay him close attention, drawing the kid further into his net.
Besides, he would need an heir, eventually.
3. Eventually they go for the Sundrop flower. Andrew already knows it’s a crapshoot, but Varian’s determined and to try and stop him would uproot all of Andrew’s careful groundwork. So they go, fight through the catacombs as a group. It’s easy with so many of them, even with the massive automaton that nearly kills them. Varian geeks out about it, but Andrew can see the gears turning in that brain of his.
They reach the flower.
Just as Varian shoves it in his bag, the princess shows up. She looks shocked to see them all together, her eyes zeroing in on Varian with horror. It’s obvious that she thought he was safe at home. Rapunzel snaps at them, frantically tells Varian to get away from them, to get away from Andrew, but Varian only scowls.
He turns his back on the princess, and Andrew feels smug.
4. Varian starts to double time his inventions after meeting with the princess. It seems seeing her had sparked an anger in him; almost in a split second he goes from devastated waif to ball of fury. He builds weapons, bombs, potions and elixirs.
Even automatons.  
Old Corona becomes Saporian territory. The villagers are long gone, abandoning everything out of fear of the black rocks. It’s a good vantage point, high on a hill with a thick wall to the back- Andrew couldn’t ask for a better place to start their revolution. Spurring it all is Varian, who gives them an edge they’d never had before. For the first time in almost a thousand years, Saporia has the advantage.
Andrew will see victory, with his successor by his side.
5. They go too far. Varian, for all his anger and pain, hadn’t wanted to cause undue pain to anyone. Andrew had been slowly working on it, squashing those pesky morals out with some soft guidance and a well-placed word.
It all comes crashing down when Varian sees them doing away with a spy.
A guard, young and stupid, had been caught. Jupiter had taken him out, as she always did, but they’d forgotten to check around before starting to drag the body away. Varian nearly screams at the sight of blood, flinching back. Andrew catches him, an arm around thin shoulders to keep him from running off.
Varian tries to argue, to demand that they stop this, they’d gone too far.
It’s easy to put him back in his place.
6. (Bonus) Varian betrays them, in the end. Kid rigs his own inventions to fail, the automatons collapsing under their own weight. Without them, the Saporians are forced to retreat, but Andrew knows better. Before he goes he throws Varian from his side, casts the kid clean off a bridge and into the moat below. If he survives, Andrew doesn’t care.
Varian does live, but he wakes up chained to a bed in the castle infirmary. Rapunzel sits nearby, holding his hand. The second she sees his eyes open she starts to cry, shaking her head and begging to know why he did what he did. He tells her about Quirin, about Andrew, about it all. He doesn’t expect to be forgiven, doesn’t even expect to be spared the gallows; he’s shocked when Rapunzel only hugs him tightly, promising to help him. 
It’s rocky,, and full of missteps, but eventually they grow back to a place where they’d call each other friends. Varian and Rapunzel work together, accepting that they both had made mistakes, they’d both either let things happen or had taken it too far.
When Andrew comes back, Varian stands against him, his friends at his side.
OKAY YIKES THAT WAS REALLY LONG LMAO I just love the intricacies of season one, all the craziness is always a treat. Thank you for the ask, these are really fun!!! 💕💕
Send me an AU, and I’ll come back with 5 points about it!
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