#And my dad said that they're called fish flies because when a whole bunch of them are together they smell like fish LMAO
pumpkinpyre · 2 months
pyre what are some of your favorite bugs. or just your one true favorite bug. tell me about at least one bug you like. alive or past its all free game!!!
There are just SO MANY bugs I could talk about and this is from someone who hasn't ever considered studying bugs. However I think I'll pick something that just mostly gets looked over, not really hated or loved.
I have a special spot in my heart for fish flies/mayflies.
I always thought their wings were pretty! They're clear but also just a little iridescent. And they're completely harmless to people so I was never afraid to pick them up when I was a kid to get a closer look. Something I'm sure the poor things did NOT appreciate LOL
Where I grew up we used to get so many it was impossible to go anywhere without accidentally squishing a bunch. I remember them covering the windows at the local 7-11. Any given building there'd just be like a hundred of them.
They're small and cute (to me I know their long ass bodies are weird to a lot of people LOL) and don't really do a whole lot. But to me they mean childhood. They mean summer. They mean playing outside and ice cream trucks and swimming and car rides and exploring and learning. I just like them.
I miss how many bugs we used to have.
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