#And maybe if y'all voted when you have an election day and you're done bitching about how you think your vote doesn't count
backonmybullship · 4 months
Do we really have an issue with the "freak in the sheets" comment or are we desperately trying to impress others with our weakness and feminism-ness?
Cuz I'm woke as fuck and I'm feminist as fuck and it didn't bother me one bit.
You probably don't know your state senator or your state representative off the top of your head and here you are bitching about how Tim added some levity to attends and awkward conversation by essentially telling Lucy she was the best sex he's ever had. He's obviously not going to tell her in such a short scene, everything he talked about in his therapy sessions.
I promised it's not anti-feminist it's not sexist It's nothing but levity.
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mugiwara-lucy · 2 months
LMFAO that bitch is definitely one of you white liberals trying to pretend to be a POC just so you can use us for a vote and throw us away when we get done serving y'all like good little slaves. I'm laughing at the world you white bitches created by electing Trump and you're all finally getting a taste of your own medicine. I don't give a fuck about any of you Americans and I hope y'all get a second term with Trump. Maybe quit bombing innocent areas and y'all won't get fucked. Fuck Off.
Again @bitchy-peachy is LATINA, you dumbass.
Secondly, if Trump gets back in office, he will DESTROY Palestine:
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This is the anon about why voting is important. Be mad at people who stop at voting. But if the gun wins, good luck protesting and getting something. This is coming from an European living in a country where the right wing government made it illegal to record the police. I have friends in legal battles and who might end up in prison for being in protests. Historically, think Thatcher vs. the Miners. Vote the knife AND protest. It only works if you do both.
P.S: Also, I understand you're replying to the side you think I'm on and not to me personally. But I'm pro violent protests, pro strikes, pro boycotting, pro sabotage, pro self-organized autonomous zones... etc. In fact I've been actively involved in everything I've mentioned. And I still fucking vote. Because low voter turnout always, ALWAYS benefits the right. So again, it's not vote OR protest. You can do both, and you fucking should.
Hey anon. Today is Orange Shirt day.
You may know it as the day where we think about how Every Single President (both red AND blue), prime minister, and monarchy regardless of their beliefs allowed residential schools to function and kill natives, even FDR the most social Democrat this country ever had and even the same man who created the minimum wage and asked corporations to stop bleeding workers dry.
Yeah he didn't do shit. Neither did our "allies" who constantly wanted our vote but didn't want anything to do with us when elections are over.
Decades later look at you. Still using the same bullshit, gaslighting tactics.
Anyway did you know attendance was mandatory at the residential schools til 1947? You may recognize this as the year WW2 officially ended. Y'all remember what inspired Hitler? Yeah I guess keeping mandatory attendance at the 'schools' that inspired Hitler's concentration camps must have been a bad look for allies. They kept functioning tho. The last one didn't even close until 1997.
And what have yall done about those schools since? In the 70 years since. What have yall done about the treatment of natives besides pretend to care for a week whenever it's trendy? Besides try guilting us to be the bigger person & vote your way every time the guy you don't like seems like he might win? Which of the 13 presidents you've had since then has given a singular shit about anyone who wasn't a settler? How many times have y'all demanded your president to give a shit about us?
Not one. And you voters haven't done a damn thing about it except bitch at us to accept the slow death you've sentenced us to over and over again. You refuse to recognize your participation in our genocide. Voting doesn't help. It never has. It's something you tell yourselves is reducing harm when the opposite is true. To placate your own conscience.
Maybe if you spent less time trying to recruit votes that Do Nothing then we'd have more to show for 200 years of "progress" than reservations still without running water and an ignored national MMIW crisis spanning 2 countries.
Hell, we still have to beg your goverments to give our kids back. Over 200 years of asking to be considered humans worth respect and you still want me to vote for the guys who killed our sons, our daughters, our elders and won't even do us the decency of admitting it, let alone return them to us.
Voter turnout has enabled white supremacists and has helped uphold white supremacy. In fact, that's literally why laws were created. Reminder that prison labor was created specifically to be a form of ongoing slavery in the same exact article where slavery as a whole was abolished. That article still allows slavery through the prison system and in fact it's used and abused all the time to exploit prisoners to do shit they have no business doing (like fighting fires). And that's just One Law. Just one example. Nevermind the thousands of others that sought to harm specifically BIPOC, some even passed this year.
So fuck you, your knife, and the horse you rode in on.
"vote for the knife that's stabbing you in the throat"
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When settlers show me they give an actual shit about brown people, I'll start to give an actual shit about your half formed colonizer opinions.
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