#And it's really fucked up that you would capitalize on anti queer sentiments like that and then be mad that other people think that's fucked
That the discussion around "it's really fucked up that it's easier for someone who is not queer to benefit from telling queer stories than it is for someone who is openly queer to tell queer stories" has devolved into "a celebrity doesn't owe you information about their sexuality" discussion is ... well, it's just bad.
Also, a celebrity saying "I actually am queer, I just didn't want to come out because it would affect my career" isn't solving my original issue, which is that it's harder for people who are openly queer to make careers. In fact, that makes it worse, because you knew that going in and decided instead to use it to your benefit as opposed to encouraging or standing with more vulnerable members of your community.
It's also, honestly, embarrassing too because it always happens as a result of criticism. It's deeply concerning that queer people have a lot of interesting stories to share, but non queer people would rather hear those stories from other non queer people, which often distorts those stories for non queer engagement. And saying "I am queer but that's not your business and you're evil for "making" me talk about it. Queer people aren't a monolith" isn't doing anything and it's a stupid discussion.
Especially when other factors come into play, it just makes me so irritated how much people want to pretend like their individual circumstances somehow negates systemic issues.
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