#And even though Nick and Bree never “officially” said that they were dating I'm pretty sure that they're officially dating
sappholovell · 2 months
So... you guys realize that Sel and Nick had an entire conversation about how beautiful Bree is, right?
Which she is, but that's not the point. I think it's worth noting that the reason that Nick didn't want Bree around Sel in Legendborn is because Sel actively wanted to hurt her. Now that he knows that Sel wouldn't do that, and would protect her with his life, many of his negative feelings toward Sel from the first book have kind of gone away.
Sel and Nick have a really interesting relationship. Yeah, it's really toxic because the order forces them to play certain roles and do things that they rather wouldn't. But when it's just them, without the order (and with Bree) there's a sort of... devotion? That they have toward each other that's really fun to read about.
When people are like "Oh, Bree is cheating on Nick" I think that things have changed with the Bree/Nick/Sel dynamic because he DOES think that she cheated on him with Sel for a moment in book 1. And he's really upset about it. But in Bloodmarked him and Sel have a whole conversation about her being eternally beautiful, and how she misses Nick (and misses Sel being emotionally closer to her). Nick is the one who brings up Bree missing the closeness between her and Sel (I think. Google Translate Welsh-to-English is iffy at best). It's almost like Nick is giving Sel the go-ahead to stop holding Bree at arm's length. Bree also describes Nick as Sel's safe place, and both Nick and Sel as hers.
Is this poly confirmation? I hope so, because I love them all deeply.
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