#And a smart anarchist knows when most Americans get like that they start executing anarchists for crimes they didn't commit
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bijoumikhawal · 11 months ago
"no one reblogs anything nice about biden" that's because none of you post about the good things the decrepit sack of flesh has done without jerking yourselves off about it. You can't let the good thing speak for itself, which alienates others from spreading that information because they dont agree with the unnecessary shit you added on. You're doing the electoral politics equivalent of "reblog this or you're a bad person" additions (which we have all agreed are incredibly annoying) on posts that are otherwise good and have a point.
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liberaleffects · 8 years ago
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The first two weeks of the Trump Administration, malevolence has taken over the country. Darkness forged in cruelty and spite: American Carnage. We’re seeking to make sense of this. Trying to find order. Trying to spot patterns in random chaos and meaning in irrational rage. It’s maddening. It feels like a coke-induced psychosis — every minute brings new fears and insurmountable dread, news articles triggering a fight or flight response. Is there such a thing as paranoia anymore? “Are they coming after me next?” The word “dangerous” is caked on the lips of every measured public official on TV. There’s no escaping. There’s no resting. There’s no pause. If you are a civically minded American: It’s a constant barrage of bad and worse news.
In 10 days we’ve discovered it really does matter who’s in the White House. The whole “both sides do it” retort is dead, its head on a spike in the Oval Office. Trump has insulted every group of Americans save the white nationalists. He’s insulted every world leader save war criminals and his bestie dictator buddy Putin. Finally businesses are saying they’re concerned by the uncertainty of a conman operating on the largest scale imaginable. Mass demonstrations in places like Boise freaking Idaho and Salt Lake freaking City along with the coastal elites are now massive and daily. The president of the European Union actually called, for the first time ever, an American President a threat.
Here’s where I keep going as I’m watching this constitutional crisis unfold: Never attribute anything to conspiracy, coordination or planning when laziness could explain it. I call it the Theory of Relative Laziness.
(Yes, I could have come up with a better name…but…lazy.)
My column in 2013:
While perusing the weirder corners of the Internet the other day I stumbled upon the Flat Earth Society’s website. They believe — and claim to have plenty of evidence the world is not a sphere; it’s instead flat. Why? According to their site it’s because the world looks flat. The first question in their FAQs is, “Is this a joke?” The answer: “No.” What about the moon landing and space travel, they’re asked? It’s been faked.
What’s more lazy? Fifty years of an international conspiracy to commit massive (not to mention expensive) fraud to needlessly trick the world into believing our planet is shaped like a basketball? Or some dude looking at the ground beneath him and saying, “It looks flat.”
The laziness theory is not just a lack of planning; it’s an intellectual laziness. The conspiracy theory takes so little effort. The Alex Jones “I don’t need to know anything because everyone’s in on it and all evidence to the contrary is invalid.” It’s the easiest and quickest explanation free from rigors of examination, there’s a microwave version of history — and Trump is a connoisseur. “It looks flat.”
This explains all the simple answers and over simplified worldview. He’s either a simpleton or just too lazy for anything other than tweets. Not that the two are mutually exclusive.
Which is why when I see hot takes about this evil “plan” of Trump’s is unveiling and WE’RE TOO DISTRACTED TO SEE are falling short for me.
Think this through: The house always wins unless it’s owned by Trump. Why would anyone think a guy who went broke operating a casino would be able to pull off anything successfully? (That is without the help of the Kremlin.) Trump’s dad can’t bail him out of this one. He’s more likely to do something smart by accident than intention.
The first 72 hours of his administration were spent scandalized by the itty-bitty size of his teeny tiny crowd at his inauguration and his absurd denial. That wasn’t a goal. It makes him look like a moronic child. He then cast aspersions on HIS OWN LEGITIMACY as the leader of the free world by claiming there were millions of illegal votes in an election he won. There are reports that this is a real fear for Trump that he, like the beauty contestants he’s publicly abused, won’t be taken seriously. Calling into question the integrity of the vote in a razor thin election won on a technicality isn’t a part of a larger vision. It looks like a part of a larger mental illness. There was an effort to fix this by calling for an investigation into voter fraud, citing people registered in more than one state. And, of course, after some investigation it was found many of Trump’s aides and his own daughter Tiffany are all registered in more than one state.
That’s not a plan to take away voting rights. That’s a patch trying to cover lack of impulse control botched by whoever’s job it was to make sure the entire inner circle wasn’t guilty of what they’re accusing brown skinned Democrats of doing.
Trump doesn’t read, doesn’t study and isn’t going to start. Even the human-shaped carcinoma and Donny Svengali Steve Bannon can’t trust Trump to not botch anything he’s hoping to do. We have President Loki. He brings chaos not a “new order” that Bannon portends.
Evil requires better planning to be pulled off. It also requires participation.
Trump’s indiscriminate anarchy can be and is being countered.
The weakness with anarchists is they can’t build coalitions. (See everything I’ve written about Occupy.) And even if we’re now officially dubbed a “flawed democracy,” not even an illiterate canker sore like Trump can govern without consent.
The Muslim ban debacle went really poorly for the White House because of this laziness. It’s been pretty clear the order about extreme vetting…wasn’t vetted. So instead of looking like a resolute leader keeping his people safe, Trump looks like a racist plunder puppet that can’t get his lackeys on message to not refer to it as a Muslim ban (which is unconstitutional and unconscionable and an apt description of this EO). When tumult broke out at America’s airports — toddlers handcuffed — unbelievably brave Iraqi interpreters detained — children separated from their parents, it could have been a time to try and smooth things out. Instead Trump said it working out very nicely.
But it wasn’t. And the flunky white supremacists in the White House couldn’t see it. Instead they just galvanized more citizens to join the opposition. Trump may not care about the international condemnation but members of his own party have rebuked him and those are the only people keeping him in power. That’s not planning. That’s just abject stupidity and arrogance by way of laziness.
In less than two weeks this administration has killed its credibility. Trump, again, is more likely to tell the truth by accident than on purpose. He makes his bellicose worst-guy-at-a-football-game press secretary roll out self-aggrandizing lies about the size of his…whatever.
All of his cabinet picks are corrupt suck ups, their only qualification being supporting a geriatric Twitterstorm for president. Most of the appointments are the equivalent of nominating an atheist for Pope. It shows contempt and breeds resentment. This is not how you inspire confidence in your ability to pick “the best people.” Caligula picked his horse to be consul. Trump picked Rick Perry.
The self-proclaimed face of the movement, Kellyanne Conway is a much-deserved punch line for her ditsy mean girl obfuscation shtick. I’ve been accused of making fun of her looks which is not true. I’ve merely pointed out that Conway going on national television shiny with hilariously crooked eyelashes tells me her makeup girl is in the Resistance. Steve Bannon, Trump’s favorite gelatinous warthog, seems to be pushing out rank nepotism poster boy son-in-law Jared Kushner. Well, Kushner that’s what happens when you don’t work on the Sabbath but DO work with neo-Nazis. So amoral cannibals are at war with one another which is fun to think about.
Last December, Obama set a trap for Trump. Obama signed an EO sanctioning Russia for interfering in our elections. The one Trump won by one of the slimmest margins in history. Of course, Putin’s prom date has the power to lift any sanctions done by executive order. And because Donny is clueless, that’s of course what he’s said he’d do his first week in office. Which would be admitting everything he’s been denying when it comes to Russia and our election. And again, would play against his legitimacy at home and on the world stage. This is not something a thinking person would walk into. That’s dumb even for Trump. It’s like playing chess with a hobgoblin that’s only interested in eating the board.
But with his volatility there’s a self-destruct mechanism and we’re seeing flashes of it. A conman has to be able to escape before the dupes wise up and get their torches and pitchforks. He’s got nowhere to go. So we keep seeing his ham fists in the proverbial cookie jar. It’s good news.
What’s not happening is any reaching out to the other side. What’s not happening are his approval numbers going up. What’s not happening is winning people over or at the very least not enraging them. What’s not happening is an American Presidency. No, what we’re seeing is a farcical PSA on why civic engagement is indispensable. “Self-governance can be a slog, but there are worse things…”
I say this all to make a point: This fight is winnable. Trump can’t build consensus, but we can. They’re unimaginably bad at their jobs and all we have to do is resist. Just say no. Beat up on your Congressman and Senator. Call them. Hold them accountable. It’s working. Encourage defections. Protest! March! Reach out to Republicans. If I can openly (gulp) admit that I (gulp) agree with Dick Cheney who said Trump’s Muslim ban is unconstitutional, then you can too! (The pain is fleeting, I promise.)
Ignore people who say protesting doesn’t matter or isn’t important. It’s a visual representation of dissent. There’s a reason why it’s protected in the very first Amendment: It works. It demoralizes any sitting President. Take to the streets.
The acting Attorney General Sally Yates pulled off a perfect act of nonviolent struggle this week. She took an oath to defend the Constitution and defied the Commander-in-Chief’s order to violate it. If Trump were smart (which no matter how many times he tells us he is — he ain’t), he would have ignored her and quietly replaced her with his pick of Jeff Sessions. By firing her and sending out a Trumpian insult-laden statement attacking her, he made her into a national hero. Super villain, meet your archenemy: Ms. Martyr for the Constitution. The main tenet of nonviolent struggle is to resist and let the monsters show themselves. John Lewis knows that. We’ve watched him in action! The more people who peacefully stand up only to be knocked down by Baby Boom Boom, the less likely he is to achieve his goal of having the biggest crowds showing him how much we all love Dear Leader.
Kidding, his goal is to use his awesome power to crush his enemies, dehumanize people of color and enrich himself. However, if he keeps on hitting sympathetic targets like freaking war orphans, that’s going to be much more difficult.
As of this writing there are nearly 1,000 State Department Foreign Service officers and civil servants that have signed a dissent document about the Muslim ban and delivered it to the White House.
Unprecedented. That’s not “working out very nicely,” for Trump. That’s a disaster.
This isn’t Nazi Germany. This is the richest country on the planet and we’re all horribly spoiled with our prosperity and relative economic security. Germany was reeling from WWI when Hitler took power. Our country has been stable and the economy had been steadily improving. The conditions are different. Also I bristle at the 1930s Germany analogy because Trump really likes being compared to Hitler. Trump doesn’t read but liked having Hitler’s speeches in his bedside table according to one of his long-suffering wives. Apparently he sleeps better when the Fuhrer’s words are close by. Yes, I’m saying we’re insulting Hitler’s intelligence by calling him Trump.
Which leads me to the most important thing: It’s essential to mock this vulgar fried chicken as much as possible. He can’t handle criticism. If he were smart (which he ain’t) he would have known that public servants get eviscerated for sport. He wishes our national pastime were baseball. Our national pastime is telling our leaders they suck at their job. Say it with me now: We need a pitcher, not a pussy grabber!
Every day since Trump was elected, I’ve made it my personal objective to publicly shame at least one Republican lawmaker for their ability to work with a prolific sexual predator and make up a rude nickname for the President. Today’s? Odious Orange. Although I’m not sure is Orange Odious is funnier.
I get a lot of emails asking me what we should do. I worked on the Hill. I’ve been a member of the much-maligned media. I’m the person in their address book who should have these answers. Right? I’ve been struggling to not dip into despair. Instead, I’m angry and I’m plotting. Here’s the strategy: Revolt.
It’s working. They’re failing. Help them along. Support Democrats laying their bodies on the gears. Practice civil disobedience. Stand up for human rights. I have friends who have chosen their civil disobedience to be reaching out to Muslim groups on the phone and telling them they’re welcome in our country. If you can’t figure out what to do, be kind to someone who’s a target. #Revolt
The silent majority is a rhetorical device to boost unpopular ideas. While 63 million Americans voted for him, nearly 250 million Americans DID NOT. Trump’s rabid followers are microscopic by comparison. We are the majority; it’s time to start acting like it.
We’re the noisy majority. We’re the popular voters. Don’t shut up. Don’t lose hope.
They’re bigots but they’re too lazy to pull this off. And there are more of us. _______
ABOUT AUTHOR Tina Dupuy's column is published in over 100 newspapers. Follow her on Twitter at
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taz-writes · 6 years ago
Since I'm biased towards Slytherins and Gryffindor-Slytherins, could you tell us more about Suenya, Talxin and Nyrene?
Ooh! Yeah I can, but be warned, I could write a whole essay on any one of these characters. This is gonna be LONG, so I’m putting it under a cut for the sake of everyone’s feeds. (Also I’m sorry I didn’t get to this sooner, I don’t know when you sent it but tungle is eating my inbox notifications I guess...) 
Nyrene is.... kooky. In the words of the immortal TVTropes, she’s a cloudcuckoolander. Ny is weird and unabashedly so, partially because she’s actually Like That and partially as a tactic to unnerve and disarm the people around her. That’s why I think she’s a Slytherin, her entire gimmick is deception. People don’t lie well when they’re faced with something (or someone) that completely contradicts their understanding of reality. Ny’s one of my oldest non-fairy OCs and her original characterization was a direct manifestation of my most infamous ADHD-fueled manic episodes, if that gives you any idea of what we’re working with here. She probably does have actual ADHD but there’s more to her weirdness than that, she’s deliberately exaggerating stuff and she’s also just a super dramatic person. Very smart, surprisingly emotionally mature, but sometimes flips out over random stuff. Her ethics are questionable. 
Underneath the kookiness, Nyrene’s incredibly clever. Her main power as purple paladin is the ability to manipulate time, typically by traveling through closed loops. This takes a ton of coordination, memory, and clever improvisation. She’s constantly keeping a record of everywhere she goes, everything she touches, everything she sees and hears, so that she doesn’t overlap herself by mistake. Paradoxes are potentially lethal, after all. As a result, she can be a bit spacey, which reinforces how weird she is... but you can’t underestimate her. She’s paying attention to everything. Like, she’ll miss being spoken to or miss random information for the sole reason that she’s too busy memorizing everything else. The proof of her intelligence is the fact that she does this successfully and hasn’t broken reality yet. No dead timelines allowed here. In theory, she could jump forward through time or even pause it, but she’s never tried--it’s not safe to mess around with that stuff, the consequences could be even more devastating than those of the closed loops she currently works in. 
Way back in the day when I first made these characters, Nyrene and Syzyga had a really close relationship--sometimes I shipped them romantically, sometimes they were just platonic BFFs, but they were always stuck together as a duo. In the current iteration of the story they’re still very close, I think Syz is the only person who really gets what Nyrene’s deal is. Anlied knows in theory that Nyrene’s smarter than she looks, but Syzyga gets it. Syz is also pretty good at making Nyrene calm down when Ny loses her temper or just freaks out about something. They play well together. 
Another big part of why Nyrene’s Like That is her origin story, she’s from Nemmonay. Nemmonay is the weirdest setting in the Nymiaverse, it’s basically just one island off the coast of Kelrie, but it’s walled up and has survived attacks by all three of the other realms on the continent. Nemmonay’s  home to a lot of pirates and criminals, anyone fleeing the law in another country or who just doesn’t buy into the “system” of normal society. There’s a whole little hierarchy and social order to it, but the Nemmonese system grows out of pure anarchy and things could tip over at any time. Nyrene grew up there as the daughter of a major Nemmonese power family. Her mom is even smarter and more ruthless than she is, Pagala Enkeli is on another level of badass. Pagala also raised Nyrene with um.... with a really questionable set of ethics. I mean, they’re anarchist pirate gangsters, some of that’s just to be expected. Nyrene got her goofball act from her mother and took it up to 11, Nyrene also got her intelligence from Pagala--Pagala’s a chessmaster type and Nyrene is chessmaster junior. Ny knows a ton of different ways to kill people, pick pockets, manipulate a fight, and just generally get what she wants. What she’s lacking in is a sense of social awareness. She reads people like a book but doesn’t understand that she shouldn’t always do that, she has strong battlefield instincts but doesn’t always realize that she can’t punch or time-loop all her problems away. that’s why Syz is good for her. Pagala tried to teach Nyrene manipulation and social savvy, but Ny’s just not that good at it. Everyone’s bad at something. 
Soenya’s different...so she comes from a pretty remote area up in northern Sapir. The Sapiran Empire is the biggest realm of Nymia by far, but most of it is very sparsely populated because of how barren and cold it is. Sapir’s got a lot of mountains, a lot of tundra, and only a small handful of places where people could reasonably expect to live the year in one place. I want to take inspiration from IRL northern cultures to start building these remote settlements, I’m still deciding if I want to lean more towards Siberian cultures or American indigenous groups in terms of reference. Either way, the point is, Soenya’s from a tiny place up on the northern Sapiran coast that’s very small and close-knit and cold. Before the Academy she had very little exposure to anything beyond her village/group, and she was one of the only magic users she knew. 
She’s uh... she’s enthusiastic about people. Soenya’s a constant flirt, wants to get in everyone’s pants, and if she’s not attracted to you then she’s peppering you with random questions about whatever’s on her mind. She’s nosy and can’t mind her own business. She and Nyrene butt heads a lot because they’re both very strange people, but in different ways--Nyrene is reclusive and likes to be enigmatic for effect, where Soenya is nearly impossible to unnerve, at least not in the way Nyrene likes to unnerve people. Ny doesn’t know what to do when she genuinely can’t freak someone out? And of course Soenya’s noticed this and uses it to mess with Nyrene right back... Soenya’s pretty clever. She’s not that book smart (for reasons explained) but she’s good with people and has strong intuition. She’s got that good good folksy knowledge. She’s also pretty competitive, and she tends to provoke Nyrene’s competitive instincts whenever she gets going, because they just cannot STAND each other. Nyrene doesn’t like that Soenya won’t react to her weirdo act, Nyrene doesn’t like that Soenya keeps flirting with her (and everyone else). Soenya doesn’t like that Nyrene won’t give her a straight answer, and Soenya thinks Nyrene’s behavior means she’s a medical oddity--who’s ever heard of a person going senile by the age of 20? 
Soenya’s the paladin of yellow and that gives her some serious trickster instincts. She can control weather (within reason), talk to animals once in a blue moon (elk/deer and rabbits are the easiest bc she grew up around them), and she gets a power boost when somebody underestimates her or doesn’t take her seriously. She’s super annoying in a fight. 
I’m still developing Soenya as a character, because her role in the story has changed a lot since her creation--originally she was an antagonist, being mind controlled by the villain from the very beginning and fucking with the heroes all the time. she was also banging the villain (which given the context and character ages is gross and creepy, @past me WTF!!!), and then I deleted her entirely from the story for a while because I didn’t want to deal with the baggage of that original character dynamic. I’ve brought her back because she’s a really fun character and I like her, I want her to be part of the good guy team now, but I’m still figuring out who she is. You know? So pretty much everything I’ve said here could change. All I’m sure about is that she’s still a flirt, just with people worth flirting with, and she really hates Nyrene. (It’s mutual.)
Of the three you asked about, Talxin’s probably the most thoroughly developed, just because he’s a little more straightforward? He’s a beaten-down guy who’s been through shit and who’s fighting to make sure nobody else has to suffer the way he did. Archetypal antihero stuff. He’s brave, and stubborn, and smarter than he looks. He’s also impulsive and reckless, leaving him vulnerable to the darker side of his powers. Talxin’s what you get when I rewatch the Star Wars prequels and get pissed about how cool and morally ambiguous Anakin deserved to be. 
Talxin’s small, and for most of these characters’ early development he stays that way in his friends’ minds. Fair warning, his backstory is HEAVY and really dark, and one of the things I’m most worried about in terms of actually executing this story well. He grew up basically enslaved--Elcrin has a really really broken system of generational punishment. Talxin’s grandfather committed a crime, what he did is irrelevant, and so the family line got stuck as “indentured servants” to pay for the crime. Talxin’s dad Temerius was supposed to earn his freedom at age 20, but the owner of the farm where they all worked framed Temerius for another offense to lengthen the sentence and trap his children with him. So Talxin grew up in a horribly broken system, being told that this was justice, while his parents raised him worshiping the colorgod Red as a champion of true justice--all things equal in death. That later became Talxin’s mantra as a paladin. When Talxin was chosen as the red paladin in early childhood, he was attacked by the lord of the farm for having heathen magic, and he panicked and caused a ton of destruction. He got arrested and taken to an actual jail (this all when he was like four years old), escaped a few years later, and he’s been in and out of prison. Being called to the Academy for formal paladin training was a respite, and in his eyes, a chance for a fresh start and the tools to free his family. And then the Academy fell apart and he got sent right back to where he came from.
So what you end up with, after all of this, is a kid with a horribly fucked up traumatic history and a massive amount of power at his disposal. Because redmages are rare and persecuted, Talxin proportionally has a LOT more magic than the other paladins, he’s the strongest one of the lot. He’s got a strong sense of justice and he’s very much willing to kill to make things right--all things are equal in death, after all, and his patron deity is a god of plague and decay as well as justice. And he’s fixated on getting vengeance for the cruel and unjust treatment of his family, who’ve been scattered on the winds during the few years he was at the Academy. 
Talxin’s... really, really brave. Brave enough that when he’s sent back to Elcrin after the Academy falls apart he goes right back to the system and starts breaking it apart, rescuing people from the law and stealing shit from the corrupt government and making a big loud mess. In a demon AU I once nicknamed him “frog Robin Hood.” He’s also smart enough to get away with it. He’s a minor antagonist for a little bit, even... he winds up losing control of his magic and going way too far. All of the colors have minds of their own to some degree, and Red is vengeful and destructive and bent towards revenge. Talxin goes on a killing spree, which is fine when he’s killing people who deserve to burn in hell, but he starts hurting innocents too in the process. He loses sight of why he’s fighting, the ideals and morals and drive for justice that led Red to choose him above anyone else. Plagues don’t just stop spreading once they’ve done away with your targets, famines hit the people he wants to protect so much harder than the people he wants to hurt. The other paladins have to step in and talk him down before he starts something he can’t stop. I feel like he’s stuck between Gryffindor and Slytherin in my head because although he’s so daring and brave, he’s also ambitious and willing to do some very unchivalrous things when pushed to the line. He’s got a difficult goal to reach but nothing’s gonna stop him. 
As you’d expect from a character with this kind of life story, he’s pretty serious. He’s quiet and keeps to himself, he’s always watching and listening... the main word I’d describe him with is intense. But at the same time, he’s got a great sense of humor when he feels safe enough to express it! He’s sweet and goofy, and he cares so so much about his family and friends and acquaintances and any random stranger on the street who looks sad enough. He also plays fantastic elaborate tricks on people who fuck with him, like, in a modern AU he’s the one who sneaks into your nasty ex’s house just to steal all their toilet paper and the batteries from the TV remotes. And then he leaves the doors open so they waste money on heating. He’s the god of April Fools’. When it comes to his primary objective, he takes himself and everything else very seriously, he’s willing to put aside minor moral issues for the greater good. But if you get him to come out of his angst shell and just be a person for a little while, he’s a genuinely good guy. He’s not quite at Batman levels, there’s still hope for him yet. He’s just lonely and angry and desperate for affection. 
Talxin’s very close with Nyrene and Syzyga, out of everyone at the Academy he probably trusts those two the most, but he gets along great with Pariya too once she shows up. He wants to like Soenya but he doesn’t trust her, something about her sets off his internal alarm bells. Anlied scares the living shit out of him. He may or may not have dated Syzyga at some point in the past, they were a couple in past versions of this story but I’m not sure their current iterations are compatible. He’s got an older sister named Elysia, Lyss for short, whom he hasn’t seen since he was very small. He’s been trying to reconnect with her ever since the Academy caved in but she’s nowhere to be found. Nyrene actually finds her first. 
So yeah! Those three! They’re a LOT, Talxin in particular is really fascinating to me. Nymia doesn’t really have a protagonist in the traditional sense, but I think Talxin’s the closest to playing that role, as his personal arc drives so much of the story so far. Whether he’s the hero or not, he exerts a major force of change on the world of Nymia, and everything he does is important. The others influence things, sure, but Talxin’s.... he’s that. He’s a big deal. He’s a symbol. 
Nyrene’s arguably the most fun to write, though, just because she’s so delightfully weird. It’s entirely in character for Nyrene to do something just because it’s funny, or just to see what happens next. She thrives on other people’s confusion. 
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kamikazemag11-blog · 8 years ago
On Righting the Ship 30-Jan-2017 1404GMT
The United States President swears an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution. In reality, this means he can choose his priorities and allocations of resources among the departments he manages. Obama chose to do nothing which is NOT an impeachable offense, when it comes to illegal alien invasion.  President Trump chooses to enforce bans to keep us safe even if the press puts up a few caught in the kerfuffle. Frankly who knows who was prevented from boarding a plane that would have caused terror later. That isn't reported or at least opined on.  The whole world wants us to buy their goods and take all their people. Not going to happen if America is to stand and it will happen no longer. Those that wish our demise and wealth are all nation states. Odd? Nope a PLAN for destruction from within.  A lot of people are going to be unhappy. They can yell their heads off in the street with a permit or stand on any public corner with a soap box beneath their feet and pass out literature if any wish to take it. The liberals have tried to persuade but they are not persuasive at all. They lost the vast majority of state elections and there are only 5 anarchist governors left. This isn’t the party of John Kennedy, F.D.R, or Truman. They were centrist democrats. Not anarchists hell bent on drugs, destruction and putting everyne out of work with radical policies that hurt America. No more will a sitting United States President kiss the ring of a Saudi King or kowtow to the Chinese. Generally we can expect smart deals that put more Americans to work. When that happens, there will likely be little to complain about. The election was close but we go by the electoral college lest NY have control of every election (at the time of the original 13 states). The same applies today. Not everything will be popular with everybody. Refer to the now deceased President Lincoln and his writings. Hard decisions have to be made to maintain SS, Medicare, care for the poor and other important issues.  The government is to large and President Trump knows this. So he put a freeze on hiring. This resulted in little complaint in the press. I believe he will cut the size of government by 20-30% in terms of staff. It won't be equal. He should focus on people drawing double pensions from the taxpayers. They may need to relinquish their pension or be terminated and keep the pension they have only.  He has proposed term limits and limited his own people from even contacting the government for 7 years (outside of ordinary requests say, for a passport). He takes no salary. Most of his appointees are going to take a salary or a pension either. That's a good start. True service. Sure he is rich. But he largely paid for his own campaign and destroyed what the press called, "A sure victory," for Hillary at 1/10th of the cost to advertise and trounce all over America to make his case. Pretty savvy if you ask me. And you didn't ask me.  There will be mistakes. False starts, debate, even heated debate like melting steel from time to time. That's how the Constitution works and what it expects. This is not new. Andrew Jackson was considered an outsider from the Washington elite.  Teddy Roosevelt, the accidental President was considered a wild man. Lincoln was very much hated by everybody in the establishment. But he won. And then  he appointed his enemies to political posts. The took the jobs. We barely survived as a Union. There have always been disagreement between state and Federal rights. There has always been disagreement between what powers the Executive Branch hold compared to the Legislative Branch. These things are not very clear in the Constitution.  If there is no agreement than nothing gets done. Worked very well against Obama in most cases. A few things went his way, but mostly not many things. So be patient. You didn't beat on Obama to solve all the problems in America in 9 days. And it is a good thing anyway. Most of his ideas were of a different slant than what the mainstream American people wanted.  He never should have had two terms, but when the President Trump saw Romney from Romulus get trounced for just kind of being a dull guy, he took action and ran. All the drama over Hillary is irrelevant. She is done. A bitter and sour woman who could have never lived up to her husband's powers of speech nor led like him even though it turned out many of his policies weren't such good ideas.  Remember HE Didn't balance the budget. Euphoria over the dot.com boom with billions in capital gains taxes coming in on now 99% dead companies happened in one year and he just drew a line up assuming it would continue. “ I am from the government and here to help.” The 9 words President Reagan warned us about. But as much as he did do on foreign policy, he did have trouble with domestic spending and he tried the amnesty shtick but failed to secure the borders. It might have worked if he had done the latter before the former.   Apparently we are going to go through another 1968 Berkeley styled culture war. We survived and most of those people went on to doctors an lawyers, investment bankers and so on. Those that did not die from drug overdoses/  Why Hollywood has any say in this confuses me. I don't care what Madonna and others think. She came as close to a real felony as she could have with her words talking about blowing up the white house. There a number of charges that could be levied for that. Inciting riots, threatening to kill the American President, and a dozen others. But because she did not say she had a PLAN to do it she escaped. That's a mighty thin line. I have no idea what they are whining about. She has money and nothing will change in her life or the others other than law and civil order rained down upon them if they break laws. Seem like everyday work of the police.
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