#And I noticed I haven't done any Demyx HCs yet... I should change that
Can you tell me your headcanons about Demyx and Vexen? They had one of the best kh3 scenes so far! (It doesn't have to be shippy. Friendship hc are fine!)
Yes their scene was great! :D (For the post-KH3 stuff I’ll go with Dyme as Dem’s Somebody’s name. Myde is probably more likely but I like Dyme.)
They didn’t really interact much in the old Organization
Vexen basically took one look at Demyx and decided he was dumb and annoying
And Demyx took one look at Vexen and decided he was boring and annoying, like Saix
But when they worked together, Dem noticed that hey, Vexen isn’t quite as stuck-up and annoying as he thought (or else he wouldn’t have done that)
And Vexen notices Demyx is nowhere near as dumb as he originally thought
They share a weird sense of camaraderie afterwards, which they both don’t quite understand
After the final battles etc, there was obviously the little problem of Vexen and Demyx still being Nobodies
Of course they could wait until their Hearts grew back, but that might take years. On the other hand, they didn’t want to get killed, considering there was no telling whether their Heartless was already eliminated, too
So instead, Vexen decided to do some research, and Demyx actually was all “Ohh, can I help?”
Everyone was kind of surprised - most of all Demyx himself tbh - cause… Dem isn’t exactly known for doing things unless forced
(Which is wrong anyway, because Dem’s very motivated when it comes to his sitar, but anything work related? Nahh)
It honestly feels like these two working together shouldn’t work, but somehow it does
You know that saying of “Work smart, not hard”? Demyx loves to come up with ways that sound easier, and sure, it doesn’t always work, but new ideas are so important for sciences in general
Once they’re both recompleted (I’m not a scientist don’t ask me how) they spend a bit less time together, but Dyme still sometimes goes to the lab to chat with Even
And Even sometimes goes to find Dyme just to have someone not involved in the experiment to bounce ideas off of
Some of Dyme’s suggestions are kinda useless - for being too dangerous even for Even, or just unfeasible due to the stuff needed, etc -, but some give Even pretty great ideas!
Of course every now and then they manage to annoy each other; Dyme sometimes plays his sitar at the worst possible time, and Even can be a bit overbearing with a I’m-better-than-you attitude
But usually they just roll their eyes and leave, and then the next day they act like nothing happened
Everyone around is just kind of confused about the whole thing
Like, no-one thought these two would work as friends, since their characters are really different, but somehow it does?
They connect a lot via “really stupid but awesome ideas”
Dyme is usually not motivated enough to go through with them, so it’s usually just a “Hey wouldn’t it be cool if…?”, not even meant seriously
But Even, a scientiest and curious as they get, usually reacts with “Oh I’ll try it out.”
Or “I’ve tried it, this is what happens”
Dyme usually doesn’t get to have an active hand in the experiments - It’s nothing personal, Even is just kind of perfectionist about them and Dyme doesn’t have the training that he and the other apprentices have (And it’s rare he’d even let the other apprentices actively help)
Dyme is, however, allowed to watch, provided he doesn’t disturb Even’s work. And as long as he promises not to touch anything.
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