#Also while I know they’re made of bone for their endoskeleton
seven-thewanderer · 3 months
…so it might be obvious how I quickly forgot…
so this character took a while to make, as their model is not original (who would’ve thunk) to SAMS (who would’ve thunk) and was a model taken from something else (not gonna say it a third time you can guess)
So I did a bunch of research on the think they were based on, to try and make a completely different appearance for them
Now who is this character in question..?
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Since their VR model is just Deadline Simon from Popgoes Pizzarea (fun fact for those who didn’t know that), and it honestly infuriates me that I can’t look at that model in a different context without thinking “oh Dazzle!!” like INGPEKB OEKIJEOLWLMDKHVNRPLLMWINJD
(This same response has happened when I saw someone make a CANON FNAF AU WITH JACK ‘O MOON and I INSTANTLY pictured Jack from SAMS and got angry at myself)
But I tried to design her more as if she was a scrapped animatronic concept… and how else do I do that if I didn’t also design how she looked fully made
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Boom. it’s a doodle still but it’s good enough
I made it that she had those big ol’ hands to store CDs in, since she was supposed to be the dj and all that
I also decided she’d have headphones which were not functional at all, and were just for decorational purposes
But her eyes are completely screen, that’s why her endoskeleton form has that screen section as the whole upper face
Also - while this can’t really be canon cus Jack can’t exist logically in this AU - I did come up with a funny thing since the speakers are located at their ears, that his audio might be either in his stomach area or in the mouth (mouth was probably better out of the two I thought), cus I pictured Jack trying to whisper something to them, but she couldn’t hear him cus he was whispering into their speakers, which is also where their voice comes from, and then the other walk in just seeing Jack actively whispering into Dazzle’s mouth, and they’re all just completely confused
…it was funny in my head and now I feel it’s just confusing typing it out
But yea um CDs stored in hands, decorative headphones, speakers in ears, auditoral thingy in mouth
In short Fazbear screwed up the anatomy and endoskeleton so much that they scrapped it
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pkmnprofloblolly · 2 years
Hi! I don’t have a specific question, but I wanted to learn more about trapince, vibrava, and flygon? They’re super cool and I love them but as I’m growing older and learning how much I don’t know, I’m realizing I don’t know a lot about these guys! (How is your flygon also? Did you raise them from a trapinch?)
sure!! flygon is one of my favorite pokemon in the world, i'm always down to talk about it.
i think the biggest misconception about flygon is what it actually is. the majority of dragon-type (or just dragon-like, hi charizard) pokemon with arms, legs, and wings as adults- species like dragonite or salamence- are part of a group of squamates (lizards, snakes, and six-limbed dragons) called the hexapodisauria, meaning six-limbed lizard/reptile. and you'd be forgiven for thinking flygon is part of that group! but in actuality, the trapinch line are actually insects. seriously! they're a kind of antlion, also called a doodlebug (joyous). most of their relatives aren't pokemon (many invertebrate species are not!), so their closest pokemon relatives most would be familiar with are beetles like pinsir and heracross.
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you'd be forgiven for thinking otherwise, though- they've secondarily lost their first pair of legs (though to be fair, there are many insect pokemon which have only four limbs plus wings), and while trapinch and vibrava are covered in a chitinous exoskeleton, flygon's exoskeleton is only present on its head, legs, and tail. it also, rather uniquely, has a highly developed endoskeleton compared to its relatives. arthropods do indeed have endoskeletons, though they're much less substantial compared to their exoskeleton.
(in case anybody in unfamiliar- skeleton just refers to the supportive structures of an animal's body, and can come in forms like hydrostatic (supported by fluid pressure, as seen in many squishy invertebrates such as frillish or pyukumuku), exoskeleton (skeletal elements on the outside, like the hard carapace of a beetle), and endoskeleton (skeletal elements on the inside, like your bones). arthropods have skeletons made of chitin, while you and other vertebrates obviously have skeletons made of bone.)
the endoskeletons of arthropods are generally for muscle attachment or connective tissue. flygon's endoskeleton is derived from the exoskeleton, and has convergently formed elements similar in function to a tetrapod's skeleton. though, if you were to dissect one it'd look wildly different, more lattice-like in shape in addition to being made of different materials.
& my flygon's doing fine! she's her usual grumpy self. gummy worm (eelektrik) has realized that ground types don't take electric damage and has taken to zapping hermes for fun and she gets SO mad about it
&& nope, i met her as a vibrava! in the desert between castelia and nimbasa, pretty soon after i moved to unova in my first year of college.
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thanksjro · 5 years
Last Stand of the Wreckers, Issue #5: I Sure Hope You Didn’t Go and Get Attached to Any of These Characters…
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We ended on a cliffhanger last issue, so let’s see what the lads are up to now.
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Hm. That’s not great.
Overlord’s just ripped Guzzle in half for the fun of it. If you’re wondering why everyone’s outside now, it’s because he exploded the torture chamber so hard when he came in, it no longer exists. Kup doesn’t appreciate having one half of the Big Gulp duo torn in two, so he goes in for the attack. This doesn’t work out very well for him, as he has his head crushed between Guzzle’s upper and lower halves. This whole situation is a non-issue for Overlord, and barely distracts him from his goal of having Megatron show up to kick his ass. Impactor tries to have a big hero moment by shooting Overlord in the eye with his harpoon hand-attachment. Again, very little effect on Overlord; it doesn’t even seem to register on the same level as getting a little soap in your eye.
Back over with Ironfist and the Big Conundrum, Verity’s arguing that killing Impactor will kill the Wreckers- as a team, not in the literal sense. However, time’s running out, and Perceptor really doesn’t seem to be bothered by the idea of not having Impactor around.
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She gets smaller every issue, I swear.
Verity makes her case to Ironfist, trying to play off of his fanboy status; the Wreckers are a symbol of hope, one that Ironfist himself created with his datalogs as Fisitron. Killing Impactor to make things easier for themselves destroys the illusion of a cohesive unit who can always be counted on when the chips are down. Too bad ol’ Ironfist knows Things™, and it’s actually Perceptor who’s swayed by her argument, which is interesting, given that he was about to vote Impactor into an early grave a minute ago.
Perceptor wasn’t always the cool, efficient sniper we see him to be in Last Stand of the Wreckers. He used to be a regular old science nerd, and a relatively talkative one at that. He wasn’t really built for a four million year war.
Then all that talking got him shot and he was left for dead.
He made some changes after that, both in body and personality.
Could his own experience with being forsaken by his peers for his flaws perhaps be influencing him here? Or am I, a reader and giant dork, just trying to justify a very quick backtracking on the narrative’s part, most likely due to page number limitations?
So they decide to fight. Then Pyro suggests they run. The “they” in this case doesn’t include himself. You remember how Optimus Prime’s big character quirk in every continuity is self-sacrifice? Yeah, we’re hitting on THAT portion of Pyro’s hero worship. It’s not exactly what he was hoping for in death, but it’s what’s got to be done at this point.
The others run off, and Pyro shoots the control to the door, bracing for one hell of a fight.
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Holy shit, I forgot they had Fort Max with them! That scared the crap outta me.
There’s one last look at our hero before we go, and it…
Well, it sure is something.
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Yikes. That’s a series wrap on Pyro!
Now it’s time for us to learn about what really happened on Pova. Turns out the files Ironfist had access to weren’t exactly virginal.
First things first, it was raining, and Impactor is kind of a dick. I mean, we already kind of knew that from what we’ve seen of the guy in the present day story, but this little scene really takes the cake. Springer had to basically beg him to stay with him; none of that “I’m not leaving you behind” nonsense. And the whole “shoot Springer through the midsection” idea? That was all Impactor. Springer doesn’t have a way to dampen the pain the way Impactor suggests, and doesn’t even get a moment to brace himself as he’s blasted more or less in half.
When Springer regains consciousness, he’s treated to the sight of Impactor and Prowl having a little chat. It turns out there’s a problem, and that problem’s name is bureaucracy. Pova is a protected planet, declared off-limits by the Neutrality Agreement, so any Cybertronian war business is pretty much null and void there. The fact that the Wreckers are there at all could have disastrous repercussions if the Decepticons catch wind of this and tell the Povians. They’ll have to let Squadron X go.
But it looks like Prowl forgot that Impactor’s a bad boy who doesn’t play by your daddy’s rules.
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He walks into where they’re holding Squadron X, chained together into a circle on their knees, with their arms pinned behind their backs, locks the door behind himself, and executes every last one of them as Springer bangs on the door trying to get him to stop. This, obviously, puts a bit of a damper on everyone’s mood.
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Even Whirl’s bummed out, and you just know that guy loves a good ‘Con-killing spree.
I guess the moral of the story here is Impactor kinda sucks.
Speaking of Impactor, Overlord’s currently stomping him to death as he holds Springer by the face. It’s honestly almost tender, the delicate placement of his fingers. It also reminds you that Overlord is literally twice the size of Springer, who, as a triple-changer, should already be on the tall side. Overlord is a big dude.
Springer’s still doing okay, because he knows that even if he doesn’t make it, the rest of his team will, and they’ll save the day and get all those Autobot prisoners off Garrus-9.
Ha. Haha. Oh, Springer, you naïve fool. You forgot that this was hell, didn’t you? Overlord already took care of the Autobot prisoners.
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Someone really took their gun to that hanging guy on the left and said “fuck this dude in particular.”
Then the calvary arrives! With guns! And art tangents!
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Surely things are looking up now!
Ironfist throws Springer a gun that’s about as big as he is- where did he get that?- and Springer proceeds to light Overlord the fuck up.
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You don’t get the B-word pass at IDW unless you’ve already had your series truncated and the entire universe is about to get ended for a reboot. That’s just how it goes.
Of course, even the big boy gun isn’t enough to do much to Overlord outside of annoy him, and Springer gets his face ripped off for his troubles.
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Now it’s just Ironfist and Verity left, and Overlord is very much looking forward to doing very bad things to both of them. Ironfist has a gambit though! That gun Springer had was actually firing deterrence chips into Overlord’s body, and now he’s just chock-full of the things. And since Ironfist has all of Aequitas in his head now- including the detonation codes- he can do this:
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He blew Overlord’s lips clean off! The evil truly is defeated.
However, using this newfound power has costs- Ironfist is knocked clean out by a sudden pain in his head, eyes flaring and fizzing as he hits the ground, leaving Verity alone with Overlord’s flaming, animated endoskeleton.
Yeah no, he’s still not dead, and he’s still not fucking over Megatron, lamenting on how he just isn’t sure how he’ll fight him, now that he’s little more than robot bones. Verity has to be the one to break it to the guy that Megatron’s dead, and Overlord takes it about as well as he can.
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I’m sorry Overlord, but at what friggin’ point were you promised ANYTHING from Megatron “Peace Through Tyranny” of Tarn? You were threatened, but that’s a little different than a vow to get revenge. Hell, that’s not even on the same level as as pinky-promise. What a baby.
Impactor ends the pity party by shooting Overlord with his alt-mode’s weaponry and then does a little something for Springer… by not ending Overlord. Nope, looks like the death of Springer finally let him see the error of his ways, and they’re going to bring Overlord in to stand trial, because while the guy deserves to die, Impactor doesn’t deserve to kill him. Maybe if more Transformers took this little idea to heart, they wouldn’t still be at war four million years and counting.
Impactor goes to radio for a ride, and Ironfist wakes up. It looks like everything’s going to be okay now.
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Or not.
Yep, those weird brain-seeking bullets Ironfist had loaded into all the guns he brought on the trip were perfected after a disastrous prototype testing accident. THE accident, if you will. Prowl knew about this, and used it to his advantage, throwing Ironfist on the mission, with the intent that he’d be used to unlock Aequitas. Topspin, of course, caused the plan to change a bit, but it all worked out in the end.
Also, Springer isn’t dead. He’s pretty messed up, but he’s not dead. They’ve got Ratchet on it, it’ll be fine.
And thus we arrive at the debriefing, between Prowl and Ultra Magnus. Magnus is questioning just why Prowl had this mission sanctioned in the first place, if he was so very against the Aequitas trials while they were happening. The answer is simple: propaganda. If the Decepticons were to find out that the trials involved nothing but Autobot war crimes, and lots of ‘em, it would be the ultimate blow to the Autobot forces.
Ultra Magnus thinks that they should go public with the information, but Prowl disagrees. The only copy of Aequitas is left with Prowl, and while Ultra Magnus would like to trust that he wouldn’t destroy this info, the end result is left a mystery.
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But you’ll have to read the sequel series to see just how that all turns out.
If Ironfist is dead, just who is writing up this narrative framing device for the issue? Why, it’s none other than Verity Carlo, using the power of the internet. I guess she has access to the Cybertronian internet now. Wonder who hooked her up with that. Probably not Ultra Magnus. Maybe Percy did her a solid as a thanks for surgically removing Overlord’s will to live.
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Whether you want it to or not, I suppose.
This miniseries is a little dark, ain’t it?
Verity went to all the trouble to leave Earth and hide in the escape pods so she wouldn’t be abandoned, only to end up right where she started, with a heaping spoonful of PTSD to pair off with all the disappointment and lack of friends in her life. She watched a lot of people die on Garrus-9, and she’s in no way battle-hardened like one could argue the other surviving Wreckers are. All she has at this point is a blog she inherited from a nerd who accidentally committed a slow-burn suicide. I hope Perceptor will keep in touch with her, at least, seeing as he’s the only one who was also there and isn’t dead.
That’s the end of the miniseries proper, but not the entirety of the story. Up next, we’ll be looking at all the fun little extras Last Stand of the Wreckers came with.
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oct0lightsquare · 5 years
Praline Paradise
Animatronic Species: Fox
Height: 6’4”
Weight: 412 LBS
Pastel Pink: The inside of ears, paint across face, the middle section of torso, middle section (between thighs), paws and feet
Magma Pink: The deepest part of ears, painted cheeks, claws and paw prints
White: Outer part of ears, the outer section of face and rest of head, outer section of torso, outer section of thighs, calves, upper arm and lower arm
Gold: The outer ring of eyes
Sunset Red: The pupils of eyes
Build: Semi-Slender (Slightly Bulky Arms, Petite Waist)
Talents: Singing, Announcing, Leadership, Commanding
Occupation: Main Singer/Performer
Nickname(s): Mrs. Paradise
Building: “Preline’s Paradise” Family Bakery
Room: 1A
Location: On top of the stage
Has a bossy, impatient, somewhat motherly and authoritary personality
Takes the role of the boss very seriously
Fellow animatronics call her “The Denmother”. (Jokes on them she takes pride to this)
Won’t let other robots now this, but she adores children
Made a rule of “No bad-mouthing adults” because she heard Linda yelling slurs at the adults.
Not that she doesn’t agree with some of those slurs. It’s just that “....there were children in there Linda.”
Has a giant soft pink rosebud in the middle of her chest. It’s not fake and cannot be easily picked off. It wasn’t there before and the staff doesn’t know how to pull it off so they just go with it
(Has an audio tune chip that activate showtime fireworks. Don’t worry, they aren’t real. But have to make them kiddies happy, right?)
Sometimes let’s the birthday child sing with her on their special day
Also has a big fluffy tail. Let’s the children pet it but stops once they try to cross the line and pull some of the fur
The animatronics invite her to playtime and even though she is flustered easily, she accepts every single time
Animatronic Species: Cat
Height: 6’3”
Weight: 347 LBS
Thistle Purple: Entire Head, Neck, Entire chest except the middle section, torso, thighs
Royal Purple: Outer ring of ears, muzzle mouth, heart-shaped spot in the middle of chest, lower arms and hands, calves and feet, tail
Soft Pink: Painted Cheeks
Wine Purple: Eyes and Make-Up (only eyeshadow)
Build: Slender
Talents: Singing and Dancing, Teaching, Interactive with Children
Occupation: Second Main-Singer/ Main Performer
Nickname(s): Mama Christie, Momma Kitty
Building: “Preline’s Paradise” Family Bakery
Room: 2A
Location: On the highest stage
Has a classy, motherly and helpful personality
Loves dancing with children and teaches them new dance tricks that they can try at home
Has a little violet tutu with gold balls at the end
Doesn’t only dance in that though. Sometimes the boys want to learn how to classy dance, so she either wears a tutu or tuxedo.
However, if some boys want to wear tutus and learn to dance that way, she will allow them to do as such
Cannot cook. Has to read a cooking book at least 6 correct times before she can properly complete the first step.
Only sings when on stage with Ginger and Praline
Only calls Praline “Denmother” once in a while, as she believes the name could upset her
Has two lavender roses on her hands. Sometimes they get in the way when teaching and can mess her up often. The staff doesn’t know how to get rid of them and just provides Crystal the ability to teach without touching the children’s hands as it can harm them.
Does not like having her picture taken. It harms her eye lids and sometimes she closes them when taking a picture for a newspaper or family photo
Animatronic Species: Bird (Mix of a Pelican and Chicken)
Height: 6’5”
Weight: 365 LBS
Ivory White: The front section of face, last row of feathers on wings, splotches on the second and first row of feathers,Thighs and Calves
Olive Green: Left section of “Feather Hair”, Upper Section of Torso, Arms and Chest, The second row of feathers, Calves and Claws/Feet, Eyes
Pastel Blue: Right section of “Feather Hair”, Lower section of torso, arms and chest, thighs, the first row of feathers, Painted Cheeks
Build: Petite and Fluffy (Has a lot of feathers sticking around)
Talents: Baking, Dancing, Teaching, Pun Master
Occupation: Third Lead Singer/ Baker
Nickname(s): Gingy, Ginger Ale, Mrs. Pelican
Building: “Preline’s Paradise” Family Bakery
Room: 3A
Location: Behind the curtain on a stage
Has a bright, silky, big sisterly and childish personality
Loves baking, and loves it even more when her friends and children come to help
Thinks it’s funny when people mistake her for either a pelican or chicken
She basically have three rows of feathers, each a different color; her first row (which begins right after the bone of the arm) is pastel blue, her second row is olive green, and her third row is ivory white
Sometimes wears an apron that says “Kiss The Chick” (Coco made it for her)
Tries to eat sometimes (Even though she can’t and sometimes has to be enough to technician to get pizza and pie out of her endoskeleton mouth)
Blushes and gets flustered easily
Has a little cupcake called Candi. She’s Black, White and Orange (White Icing, Black Wrapping and Black and White Candle)
Has a periwinkle rose in the oddest place in the world- on her tongue. It doesn’t really bother her that much, since her entire mouth is made of metal. It’s just weird when she poked her tongue and bam!- there it is.
Tries to teach the others how to bake and cook so they could try to make the cakes for the children. She doesn’t mind making the cakes, she just wants the others to experience a baking talent as well.
She can’t sing, like at all. Her musical voice box was broken in an accident and she couldn’t sing properly without a scratchy tone. She stuck to baking after that, afraid of being embarrassed once more
Has a southern accent to replace her voice box a little. Can explain why she can’t sing so well because she doesn’t have a southern accent for her musical voice box which is still broken and would sound scratchy without the southern accent to help it.
But she can surely dance her feathers off.
Sometimes lays eggs during Easter for the children to find
Animatronic Species: Bear
Height: 6’0”
Weight: 350 lbs
Bubblegum Pink: Entirety of Face, Top section of torso, Thighs, calves and claws
Apricot Orange: Tuft of Hair across face, painted cheeks, bottom section of torso, calves, paw prints and paws,
Jade: Eyes
Build: Short and Chubby(“not chub. Fluff. Fluffy.”)
Talents: Singing, Baking, Motherly, Interactive With Children
Occupation: Second Lead Performer/ Second Baker
Nickname(s): Mrs. The Way The Cookie Crumbles, Mama Bear, Mother Bear, Chub Bear
Building: “Preline’s Paradise” Family Bakery
Room: 3A
Location: Behind the curtain
Has a shy, mature, isolated but sweet personality
Hides behind the curtain when Ginger is performing
Mostly speaks to Ginger, barely talks to the others
Why? It’s not that she doesn’t like them. It’s because she has a soft and adorable voice that isn’t usual for a bear animatronic. Not to mention she’s the shortest animatronic there, and feels very outnumbered when in the large group. Overwhelms her, prefers to stay alone
When she does perform, she sometimes sings “Happy Birthday” for the birthday child. Ginger adores it when she does. She even gives toys and free prizes to the birthday child and their friends because no one should feel left out just cause it ain’t their birthday
The kids love to cuddle her and she loves it too. It’s just - “They’re-They’re so- so little. I could- could smoosh them and they- they could get crushed and oh-oh I could do so much harm-harm to them and oh...” “Cookie hun, Ah love ya and all but you’re overreacting.”
Has a large golden rose on her back. Doesn’t bother her at all but when she cuddles with the children, they tend to get curious and try to pull it. Believes it’s important to her structure and tries to calm the children down before they can completely pull the Rose off.
Can sing great, but cannot dance for the life of her. Due to her structure, she can try but she is very clumsy and most likely fall on her butt.
Gets cookie crumbs in her hair sometimes
Loves “sleeping”. “Sleeps” all the time
Hates when others call her clumsy or chubby. That’s why she hides a lot.
Adores when the children call her mama bear. May cry sometimes by accident. (Wait if she’s a robot how can she cry?— *Hits you*)
Sometimes has puppets and may put on a puppet show, or use them to tell stories
Animatronic Species: Lynx
Height: 6’5”
Weight: Nearly 290 LBS
Mauve Purple: Entirety of Head Excluding the Muzzle, Top section of torso, calves and thighs, Arms
Blush Pink: Eyes
Peppermint Green: Tips of Ears, Eyebrows, Painted Cheeks and Corner Cheeks, Sections of Lower Arms, Pelvis Area, Paws and Feet
Build: Tall, Petite and Agile
Talents: Agility, Acrobatics, Atheletic, Interactive with Children
Occupation: Lead Entertainer
Nickname(s): Linsey, Da-Da, Lin-Lin, Mrs. Firecracker
Building: “Preline’s Paradise” Family Bakery
Room: 4A
Location: On the Highest Stage
Has a wild, feisty, childish and protective personality
Is extremely protective over Coco
Has the sharpest teeth you’d ever see. The staff sometimes has to put a muzzle on her when she gets too wild.
Is extremely stubborn, and won’t listen to riders given to her by Praline unless bribed with something
Or unless Coco asks her to
Gets into arguments with Praline a lot
Can get bribed with a bell or cat toys. But she hates to admit it
Sometimes tries encouraging Cookie to come out of her shell more. Hates it when Cookie shys away from group activities or playtime
Acts like a child during playtime and loves cuddling Coco the most
She and Coco are really close
To entertain the children, she and Coco sometimes do acrobatics and adventure activities with the children. They’ll even let some of them join the acrobatics, but only when they’re safe.
Have their own acrobatics room
Has a Bright Red Rose on her left eye. It bothers the h#ll out of her, and it strangely itches when she’s aggravated. It also emits this disgusting smell when she’s stubborn or angry. It’s really annoying.
Has a total sweet tooth (even tho she’s a friggen robot—). Sometimes she’ll have to join Ginger to clean out her endoskeleton that’s filled with Chocolate Dream Snap Cookies and Vanilla Frosting
Won’t admit it, but actually is pretty protective of all the robots, even Praline. Is pretty Tsundere about it.
(I don’t know about her design so much. I might change it but I’m cool with it right now. I want to see how it develops.)
Animatronic Species: Red Panda
Height: 6’7”
Weight: 310 LBS
Sangria: Entire head except for muzzle, Entire Torso, Upper Arm, Thighs, tail
Blush Pink: Half Section of Ears, Muzzle, Splotches shown across torso, kneecaps, claws and hands
White: Tips of their ears, Markings down eyes, Calves
Seafoam Green: Eyes, Nose, Painted Cheeks, Upper Arms, Scarf, Second color in tail
Build: Tall, Slender, Fluffy
Talents: Dancing, Acrobatics, Cuddling, Interaction with children
Occupation: Second Lead Entertainer
Nickname(s): No Nicknames
Building: “Preline’s Paradise” Family Bakery
Room: 4A
Location: On the second highest stage
Has a shy, gentle, delicate, sensitive, and emotional personality
A total gentle giant. You simply could not make this one sad unless you’re a total jerk and keep pestering them
Muzzle makes everyone think they ate some cupcake frosting. It’s really embarrassing.
Cares a lot about everyone, Linda the most
Was given no gender. Is referred to as they/them
Please do not call them an “It”, it offends them and makes them believe they are an item of some sort
Is sometimes picked up by Linda. Doesn’t mind if, just flustered by the suddenness of it sometimes
Tries to speak with Cookie sometimes, whenever they feel that the bear is lonely or needs some company
Hates standing on the stage because it brings up some memories. Will become calm if Linda is able to stand alongside them.
Is sometimes scared of Linda’s teeth.
Has a big seafoam green rose on their right eye. Doesn’t bother them much, but it doesn’t leave them alone either. Sometimes it will leak oil which could frighten the guests.
Always has a squint on their right eye
Can bake only a little. Can sometimes bake Linda something to make her feel better.
Animatronic Species: Puppy
Height: 7’0”
Weight: 380
Violet Purple: Her ears, the muzzle, her lower arms and paws, her belly and middle torso, the middle of her thighs, her paw feet
White: Head (exclude muzzle), upper arms, outer torso, outer portion of thighs
Gold: Eyes
Build: Tall and Petite
Talents: Puppeteer Practice
Occupation: Out of Order/ Former Puppeteer
Nickname(s): Pen-Pen, Mystery Puppy
Building: “Preline’s Paradise” Family Bakery
Room: Storage Room
Location: In the back behind chairs
No body in the pizzeria knows about this character too much. No one has ever seen them
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