#Also we could have gotten a New Year's Caineghis! How cool would that have been!
childofaura · 2 years
Hmmmm, Banner thoughts
Ashe: How do you say no to that cute little face? I love her. Probably won’t summon but I love her ;w;
Elm: It’s expected. Weird that we still haven’t gotten him on a Mythic banner but it’s not bad.
But that Beast N Trace...
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Panne: She deserves her alt, and I’m happy for her, I really am. I just... wanted... Ranulf... this year. We got Lethe and Lyre and Kyza, the fact that we didn’t get Ranulf makes me feel absolutely cheated.
You still deserve though, Panne. I’m happy for you.
Askr and Embla:
That artwork is just
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Nishiki Areku is a master of art, I absolutely love how they drew Askr and Embla’s expressions. And Embla looks gorgeous. And yes, Askr is handsome as always. I’m still not too psyched on the voice acting, I just keep wanting a more high-energy actor even more. Actually, my friend was talking about Final Fantasy 7 with me and maybe it’s just my own crazy opinion but.. Askr kind of looks like Zack Fair. Rick Gomez would have been a really good casting choice for Askr.
Yarne: Bunny boy!
So overall, this is a great fun banner with a lot of firsts, buuuuut I probably won’t be summoning. I’ll take my free Yarne, though.
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