#Also small note incase their dad's decorative fan being up in Adeline's living room gives the wrong vibe: Both of their parents are still
obsessedwithegos · 2 years
BTHB: Wiping the other’s tears away with Emil
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CWs: Emotional whump, Familial whump, Talk of reason for cutting off a family member in the past
Notes: Canon in the even further future! But hey! More comfort and recovery!
It’s been 7 months since Emil was fortunate enough to meet Jolene and start helping her with her work on the ranch and tonight she granted him to do egg delivery by himself to get him used to going out by himself before his first birthday since he’s escaped.
He was on his way to the last house of the night, looking at the piece of paper Jolene gave him to note the name and pronouns. ‘Adeline Melite, she/her’. 
Huh, she had the same first name as his sister. He wondered how she was doing as he walked up the steps and knocked on the front door. 
“Hello?” A voice calls out from behind the door, Emil assumed she was looking through the door’s peephole. 
“Hello! I’m Emil with your egg delivery! I’m covering for Miss Jolene for tonight!” He cheerfully greets. 
There was a pause. 
“Miss Melite?” He asks, wondering if she wanted him to leave the eggs at the door or not. 
The door slowly opened, revealing a woman with short brown hair. Her bangs covered an eye patch, her remaining brown eye with hints of gold stared at Emil, wide with shock. 
Despite the changes, Emil recognized her immediately. “Adeline?” His voice was soft, he couldn’t believe it. 
He couldn’t believe that he was seeing his little sister again. 
“Emil?” She whispered. She glanced around before opening the door further “Would.. You like to come in?” She asked. 
He nodded. Once she moved out of the way, he walked in and looked around. 
Adeline’s home looked comfortable and well kept, he recognized one of their dad’s decorative fans displayed on the wall behind the couch. 
She closed the door behind him before carefully taking the remaining cartons of eggs from him.
“I have so many questions, Adeline.” He says, unsure of where to start. 
“Can I ask one first?” She asked. 
“Of course.”
“When did you get turned into a vampire?”
Emil pauses, becoming painfully aware of the fangs in his mouth. “Almost 4 years ago. I was on my way back home late when I was attacked and turned.” he answered. 
There was an awkward silence.
“What.. What did I do to make you cut me off?” He finally asks the question that had been bothering him for 8 years.
Adeline gives her brother a sympathetic look. “You know how Evher doesn’t like vampires?” She asked. 
A nod “Unfortunately.” 
“I had already been turned when I found out that’s who you were becoming a priest for.” She explained. “I couldn’t handle staying in touch with you while you were worshiping them so passionately and spreading their word. I knew it would mess with me mentally. That’s why I cut contact with you.” She took a deep breath, it was a hard choice for her to make and one that still upset her. After all, she had cut him off for following his own passion and dream. 
“Excuse me, I.. I need a moment while I put these away.” She says before moving to go to her kitchen to put her new eggs away and to also grab the money to pay for them. 
She took another deep breath to collect herself before returning to the living room and to Emil. She held out the money “For the eggs.” She clarified. 
Emil accepted it, putting the money into the box Jolene provided to him to hold payments. “So.. Are you a lawyer?” He asks, recalling it as her dream job. 
Adeline’s attempt to stay collected fell apart. Not only did Emil feel guilty about her cutting him off, now he was also a vampire, but on top of all that he remembered that she wanted to be a lawyer ever since she was a kid. 
She nodded as she tried to fight back the tears. “Yeah. Yeah I am.” She answered with a smile “I’m specialized in defending people like us. Vampires, werewolves, the rare zombie.” She elaborated, essentially saying she protected those with potentially infectious curses.
Emil beamed at her, his heart swelled with joy and pride to hear how well his sister was doing. “I’m so glad to hear that. I’m so proud of you Adeline.” 
She couldn’t hold it back anymore, she lets the tears fall as she goes to tightly hug her brother. 
He tensed at the sudden touch but quickly relaxes, he sets the basket down and hugs her back.Tears of joy were quick to start forming and falling as it sets in just how real this is. 
The two hugged in silence for a while, both letting themselves cry.
“I’m so happy to see you again.” she whispered as she pulled back a bit to see his face. 
Emil reaches up to wipe away her tears “Hey, you should dry your eye before you corrode.” He jokes, recalling the same joke he used to make when they were younger and he was trying to cheer her up. It was a joke about how her name initials were originally AAA like the battery. 
Adeline laughed “And leave your face soaked?” She says as she mimics his movement to wipe his tears away as well. 
He smiled, “I’m glad to see you again too.” He hesitantly fully pulls away from Adeline. “I.. I should probably head back before Miss Jolene worries.” He said, picking up the basket again. He didn’t want to leave her so soon but he also didn’t want Jolene to worry.
She nods in understanding as she moves back to the door so she could open it for him. “Hey Emil?” she says to get his attention as he heads out.
He stops to look at her. “Yes?” 
She kept her smile. “Feel free to stop by any time. I’ll be sure to visit Jolene more often to see you.” She figured he didn’t have a phone as reception and internet at Jolene’s was pretty bad.
Emil’s face lit up once again. “I’ll be sure to do that. I’ll also look forward to your visits.” He says with a wide smile. “Have a good night, Adeline.” 
“Have a good night, Emil.”
With that, Adeline watches Emil walk down the steps and start to leave, only briefly pausing to wave goodbye. A gesture that she returned. 
Once she could no longer see him, she closed and locked her door with a happy sigh. Her night now massively improved.
General: @emmettnet​ @thebluejaysworld​
Kira story: @whumpsday​
BTHB: @badthingshappenbingo​
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