#Also love how he opens this section of the video by clarifying that he doesn't hate gay people he just hates the gay people who want to be
rayofspades · 1 month
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chitsangenthusiast · 3 years
zukka roommate au <3 :)))
i actually got this prompt a few times!! so behold a tiny extra for the asmr/roommates au that hasn't even been written yet lmfao
"Okay that's it, you're officially banned from being in any of my future videos."
Zuko cracks open his right eye at the statement, observes just for a moment the cranky look on Sokka's face before glancing down to the pestering hand on his hip, then shuts it.
And promptly turns over to face the wall.
"I was napping, Sokka," he grumbles. It was a really nice one too, with him prefectly warm and comfortable against Sokka's pillows after being lulled to sleep by the soothing sounds of his boyfriend's recorded voice in the background.
"You fell asleep in the same room that I'm doing my editing, not my fault," Sokka instantly shoots back, the usual response to a usual complaint, then says, "but that's besides the point. You have completely messed up my metrics!"
Zuko sighs from underneath the blankets. "I have no idea what that means."
"The key performance measures," Sokka clarifies, and when there's not even a twitch of a muscle from the bed he gives a loud huff. "You're too hot and it's ruined all the hard work I've done to curate my intended audience."
That finally gets Zuko to twist back around to stare at Sokka in open confusion. "What?"
"Don't what me," Sokka complains, before leaning his chair back so he can gesture at his computer screen. Zuko doesn't even try to pretend to look at the various graphs. "The numbers are all screwed up! I've never seen the bars for these age ranges so high before!"
Zuko's face scrunches in disbelief. "So you're mad that older people are watching your videos?"
"No, I'm mad that older women won't stop only commenting on all the videos you're in. It's skewing everything! Now the front page of my channel only highlights my videos with you, which—" Sokka cuts a quick, slightly chagrined glance at Zuko after realizing his poor choice of words— "isn't a bad thing, I love seeing your pretty face, but—"
"Hold on," Zuko interrupts. He's not a content creator or much of a numbers guy; whenever Sokka starts talking about the channel or video analytics, he generally tends to zone out.
Except for one time, when Sokka had mentioned off-handedly about how his data includes not only a ranking of his top videos, but also a breakdown on which parts of them are watched the most.
"Who's the one with shirtless videos on his channel?"
Sokka stills. "There's only one—"
"Sure, and who's shirtless video broke over a million views in two weeks and before even having a million followers?" Zuko asks, and Sokka flushes. "Uh huh, that's what I thought. If I checked my phone right now would I still see that video as the very first one to pop up?"
"That doesn't—you liked that video too, don't try to play me."
"Yeah, I did. A lot." With an indulgent smirk, Zuko burrows back under his boyfriend's blanket. Sokka has the high-level data to generally know what section of that video is most replayed, but only he knows just how many times he's rewatched minutes 25:08:36 to 32:49:12.
"Just like everyone else. But you don't see me complaining about the fact that the entire world thinks you're hot, do you?"
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