#Also I know that she fell in love with Tantai Jin not the Devil God I know you can make a distinction. But I'm not calling him the Devil
deadsince1973 · 9 months
As the year comes to a close, let's all take a moment to appreciate 2023's greatest pranksters: whichever marketing people it was that decided that the show about a woman falling in love with the Moon Supreme would be called Love Between Fairy and Devil, and the show about a woman falling in love with the Devil God would be called Till the End of the Moon. -_-
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silverloreleysfanfics · 2 months
Yet another idea for a TTEOTM fanfic I'll never come around to write.
Roleswap fic!
Cang Jiumin is a cultivator, the adopted son of Master Zhaoyou. His world has been on literal fire because of the Phoenix Demoness Li Susu, daughter of the Ancient Devil God's Lieutenant Di Mian who managed to snatch the Evil Bone along with the Sky-Slashing Sword when the Devil God fell. Even if Di Mian was trapped in the Barren Abyss, he managed to free himself and found his daughter's egg, powering her with the Evil Bone's power he corrupted Li Susu's original pure nature, turning her into the Phoenix demoness who brought destruction upon the world ever since she hatched.
When Li Susu decides to attack the Immortal Sects to obtain their artifacts, she and Cang Jiumin clash for the first time, and she seems to recognize him somehow, much to his confusion. She attacks him anyway, but he's protected by Ming Ye's dragon scale and able to access to the Mirror of the Past's power.
This leads the elder Immortals to believe he must have some godly ancestry or protection and can use the relic. As such, Zhaoyou entrusts Cang Jiumin with the task of going back in time to make sure Li Susu won't be corrupted by demonic power.
Now, he finds himself in the body of Tantai Jin, Ye Xiwu's husband, and here I have two routes:
The past background is the same: Tantai Jin is the hostage prince of Jing who managed to marry the favourite daughter of the Pillar General of Sheng, Ye Xiwu is vicious and shows every possible bad trait that will lead to her easy demonization, so he has to try to awaken her best feelings so she can learn to love the world and respect others.
Tantai Jin is the favourite prince of Jing, even though he was born the son of a concubine. When he brought an end to the long-time war against Sheng thanks to his wit, he was ordered to marry Ye Xiwu, daughter of the Pillar General of Sheng, to consolidate his power in the foreign land where he's staying as regent (basically, his father let him have Sheng to compensate the fact he can't get the throne of Jing due to existence of his older, legitimate brothers). Obviously, Ye Xiwu hates him, is spoiled, and all the drill.
which is actually 2.1: Tantai Jin is the favourite prince of Jing who is friend with Xiao Lin and his marriage to Ye Xiwu was wanted to ensure a more lasting peace (like in his dream in ep 4). Ye Xiwu, who thinks Tantai Jin will never get the throne due to the existence of his older and legitimate brothers other than the fact he has a reputation of being weak and meek, despises him and the marriage.
Plot 1 would retrace some steps from canon, with Cang Jiumin having to try to elicit pity and affection from the tyrannical Ye Xiwu from his disadvantaged place as a hostage prince and unwanted husband. The moment he transmigrates is when he dies kneeling on the frozen lake, he's "saved" by the benevolence of Grandmother Ye.
Plot 2 would require some more imagination and delve into palace matters and politics (which are not my expertise) but would make a more novel plot.
In any case, they should come around to discover a few things about each other:
Ye Xiwu's life was not as nice as it looked, despite being the only legitimate daughter and most spoiled, in fact, she was always overshadowed by Ye Bingchang ever since she stole Pian Ran's Love threads. Ye Xiwu genuinely loved Xiao Lin and had her heart broken by his indifference, other than the fact Ye Bingchang used her newfound influence to push her sister out of society.
Tantai Jin is a tribulation of Cang Jiumin (like YXW was LSS), but he's not the Devil Fetus here. Instead, he's the lost son of Ming Ye and Sang Jiu, who she lost without even knowing she was pregnant when she saved Ming Ye the last time in the Ruo River (hence why he was born from Concubine Ruo)
Ming Ye drags them into the Bo're Life to show YXW who her father really is like (Di Mian did kill Chu Huang after all, which he lied to LSS about), and also the risk of allowing herself to demonize like Sang Jiu did. For his son, he wanted him to know the real story and see his mother, but also apologize and warn him not to make his same mistakes of being too cold and distant with the woman he loves, along with the hint to the presence of the Evil Bone in LSS and the need to replace it with an Immortal Marrow.
After their deaths (which will depend on how the plot develops) Cang Jiumin comes back to his life in Xiaoyao sect and is surprised to find that Li Susu is now a new disciple of Qu Xuanzi, leader of Hengyang sect.
This could be the end... or not.
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ironflowerflower2008 · 3 months
Devil god (tantai Jin x reader)
Part 2
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My eyes open as girl yelling at me and crying badly for me to wake up "yeah yeah I am awake crying baby!"
'crying baby?' she thought... I get up... And look around so 'I am in past now... I have to find Li susu.. soon' I turn to the maid...
"y/n!!! I-i-i mean lady Zuonei la" I turn to hear her voice ... I go towards her and hugged her... "We finally got in past" I whisper in her ear... as both maids look at us confusingly...
"... Lady... Xiwu.... You Just fought.. lady Zuonei la... .. I am sorry I will not say anything" as she bow... I look at her confused... "My name is lady xiwu here"
'oh now I understand' "so why are we here?" As the maids both look at eachother confused but knowing we both hit our head... Chuntoe came forward and said "lady zuonei la you both were fighting eachother and then suddenly some.. robbers came... And try to took something from both of you as you both run away and slipped... And fall... Here."
I look at li susu and she look at me 'we both are rivals here' as suddenly that robbers came again.. as we both run with grabbing their hand and run away... After running me and li susu find... A sticks and I take one and she take other..
As the robber kept winking at me or li susu as we both fight and the stick break as we run again... Suddenly a prince.. called IS THAT GONGYE JI WU!...
Li susu run towards him to hug him but he stopped her... "Behave!" As chuntoe go towards li susu and bow to they call prince lin...
"Ms xiwu has hit her head that's why she is saying like that" as he walk away and look at him with a slight sadness but quickly walk away...
I hit li susu head "are you idiot!?" She pout at me "and by the way chuntoe right? Why was he like that? And why he had sadness in his eyes while he looked at me?" I ask my maid.. she look at chuntoe and she nodded to tell her
"lady zuonei la you really wanna know?..." I nodded eagerly to know why he acted like that towards li susu and look at me with sadness..
"I insist!" She sigh "Ms zuonei.. you were originally the fiance of prince lin.. and he used to love you a lot... But then something happened and he had to be engaged to your elder sister and for why he acted like that towards Ms xiwu... She pushed her elder sister in lake... Which he is fiance of that's why he was angry"
I was gonna ask about why I didn't marry that prince lin... But then those robbers came again.. "ms.xiwu.. you promised us that you will give us something if the prince came to save us"
I look at li susu as she also look at me as how obsessed this xiwu was!? But nonetheless she has to give them something.
*time skip to the palace*
Now I was in my home.. as li susu was taken to another room by her maid and me to mine.. "umm.. listen" as the maid turns towards me... "Yes Ms.zuonei?" I call her closer
"you know someone... As tantai Jin?" She look at me dumbfounded and I smile awkwardly at her "he is your husband ms.Zuonei la!"... I look at her wide eyes..
"where is he?" As she take me to the place he was kneeling their... I quickly go towards him.. and see how weak he look like... I kneel Infront of him..
"here to make me suffer again... Or mock me for the punishment your sister give" I look at him... He didn't look like the devil king at all...
I get up and take maid hand run away from their"tell me why I put him at this punishment?"... She look at "ahh ms. zuonei la don't for-" "ugh my head hurts It's hard to remember" ...
The maid sigh "that day when your elder sister was pushed in lake by Ms.xiwu so xiwu also fell ... And prince lin go to save her along with tantai Jin.. he didn't go to save ms.xiuw but lady bingchang and that made her angry so she gave tantai Jin punishment... To kneel their."
"and I didn't say anything?" I ask she shake her head "you already hate him more than anything.. so you were happy that you said " xiwu did something good in her life..."
'oh my that means me and that xiwu both torture him?' I thought as I go back... And see him shivering... I feel sympathy for the mere mortal... He really suffered... Really... Evil aren't born they are made
As I go back to sleep in my room.. 'he deserve that for killing my father... But it's not his fault right now?' as I keep thinking... As I don't know at what time of overthinking and I feel asleep...
My eyes shot opened in the middle of night as I get up wear slipper and run to see tantai Jin still in the snow.... I feel really really bad... As I go towards him... He eyes look at me.. so weak.. "tan-" "here to mock me?".. I shut my mouth he hates me this much?...
I turn around to walk away trying to act tough for him as I hear thud sound ... As I turn to see he already unconscious on ground I quickly run towards him and pick him up...
As I take him in room calling for my maid... As I wrap the blanket around us as she came "go!! Quickly warm some water oh god he is freezing!" As she look confused but quickly go to boil water for bath
She helped me take tantai Jin... Towards bath and I put him in bath tub... "You can leave" she bowed and left as I look at tantai Jin pale face and his white lips...
"how cruel is this zuonei la!?" I said... But I get up to find that evil bone as I search in water.. my hand slipped causing me to fall in bath tube... I look up to see him awake.. and our face so close to eachother
"hehe..." I quickly get up as he groan from my body weight... "Sorry..." As I get up quickly to go take clothes for myself "you should wear something now!" As I go to change my clothes... As I assume he is changing clothes himself...
I blushed while thinking about how close we were... I put hand on my cheeks to see it warm "i-i-i am blushing but why!?" I thought.... "D-d-didn't I like prince lin? What is happening I can't even understand a bit"
As I lay on my bed... Waiting for him... As my face towards the window and I search my hand to see if he is here empty bed as I turn to get jump scare he was standing their...
"aren't you going to that?" I look in his as 'does he mean that?' I thought.... As I quickly get up to go for my maid "bring me tea!!!" As I run outside.. she stand with me outside... "W-what I do to tantai Jin at night ?" As she was sleepy I feel a bit guilty for not letting that poor person sleep but I need answer
"you whip him at night to make yourself happy and satisfied as your engagement was ruined by him" and with that I dismissed her and she go away... I go inside to tantai Jin give me the something like use for whip? Like hitting?..
As he gets on one knee.. I don't know what stopped me I need revenge but noth like this"I am not in mood today" as I throw that thing away and go to sleep... 'ugh why I am feeling so guilty?' as he just couldn't understand why I am acting like this.. as he take the blanket and put it on floor and sleep...
I just on another side.. keep breathing like I am sleeping... After moments I feel him shivering... As I quickly get off my bed..
I check his forehead... "Oh my he is burning of course outside in wind for 3 days" as I put my blanket on him...I decided to not disturb my maid anymore as she also need sleep... I go to find kitchen myself as I bump into xiwu.. and we both fell..
"oh my susu thank goodness" she rub her head and we both get up "I was trying to find you! From the moment I found out you were married to devil I found many more things! You are alright?? "
"yes yes I am alright he is so weak right now... tell those things on walk! But I need to find kitchen" I tell her "it's that way I will escort you! I saw it while searching for you" As we both walk towards kitchen "you know! You were going to marry prince lin" I nodded "and on the day when you both were going to announce your engagement ... And that xiwu put drug in your food so you would sleep with another prince which I don't remember name of"
I nodded to her to tell me more "so after that she succeed in making you drug... And then somehow that drug food that prince was going to eat was accidentally eaten by tantai Jin... And you somehow find tantai Jin alone outside that results in you know... And whole palace knew of that... And you get married to tantai Jin for that... And prince lin get engaged to bingchang for reputation... I also find out that you were really kind soul but after that incident you get really bad and I was spoiled from start"
"that's why zuonei hate xiwu so much!" As we go in kitchen I made some soup for him... "And you were the only one palace to be nice to tantai Jin.. like nice and their were rumors too that Tantai Jin liked you a lot.. by the way why are you in kitchen?" Li susu ask "I.. um I was hungry" I said.. as she nodded after making soup and talking how to find his evil bone"I have to go know bye bye" as I quickly walk away with soup in my hand
"hey y/n!!!!" But she sigh as she see me going away towards my room she sigh and go towards her room... It was already night she should sleep too.. and I go to see tantai Jin and make him drink some soup and then put some soaked clothe on his head... And suddenly I was turn around... And presses against my bed "why are you being nice again? Huh? Didn't you hate me!? Huh tell me ?why making me fall for you again? Hate me Like others!! Don't be that zuonei again!"
As I just look in his eyes with my wide one 'he just wanted someone to understand him... Nothing more... What if I made him fall in love with me.. and be nice.. what if... And after that he doesn't become evil ? Give him love to break that evil bone?' I thought
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coffeeandritalin · 1 year
Questions and intrusive thoughts as I watch episode two of Cang Yue Jin Ming/Till the End of the Moon. (Possible spoilers ahead.)
"Let him suffer a little for now." - Like... no... like... my pal... this is how you create demon gods -_-
Oh she's going to let him get up
WHAT!? SHe actually let him kneel all night? WTF!?
How do you sleep with that huge hair accessory on? Why aren't you sleeping under the covers!? Why aren't you sleeping on the pillow!? What is happening here!? Is this some cultivation thing I'm not aware of?
Her over-determination to be prejudiced against him in order to create tension and misunderstanding between them is a little bit too much for me. (But to be fair, I also did not have to go through witnessing everyone I care about get murdered by him so *shrug*. I think it's just hard for me to be on her side because I know (or think I know) that the story is about how he does have the possibility for good in him... idk.)
Ooooh here's the elder sister. LOL of course she's an absolute angel and handing out food to the poor compared to the vicious Ye Xiwu who pays people to "abduct" her and makes her husband kneel outside in the snow for 3 days X-D
Lol the maid and master aren't even trying to talk about this in hushed voices. The people are definitely here for the congee AND the gossip. I bet they're all huddling together after they get their bowl of food so they can all string together everything that's been said.
Okay, yeah. The older sister looks interested in the Sixth Prince. Why don't they just get married then?
Ooooooh hand touching
Huh magical telepathic evil crow
Wait why would Tantai Jin also not appearing in front of Sixth Prince mean Sixth Prince will fall for Ye Xiwu? Is this implying that Sixth Prince is bi?????
You didn't close your door before going to spy on him? Like... this is how ... YOU'RE LETTING ALL THE HEAT/AC OUT!!!
Yes, please have just a tiny bit of sympathy for him. (I totally get where she's coming from with her prejudice. I just... want them to.... kith. Is that so much to ask for? *hides face behind hands*)
Ok... real talk though. He's been ostracized and bullied and tortured all his life. The fact that he's not out and about just kicking people already - I feel like this says something about his actual (not devil-influenced) nature. But also, like his level of apathy and disregard for himself just hurts T.T. (Like, I get part of his deal is that he can't display/have emotions or something like that.... but this apathy feels different from that. Like, I didn't expect them to hit this real this early. Geez.)
Why... why would you tell someone that? Like... that doesn't seem like much motivation for him to be patient and keep holding on...
It's the dead of winter! It's cold as f*** outside. Why do you have the window open!? You're letting all the heat out!
Where is this bone located? .... >.> ... >.> don't think it don't think it don't think it penis don't think it don't think it
So is he just going to continue wearing his wet inner clothes? Is this not how one catches colds and fevers and die in ancient dramas?
Or did they prepare inner clothes for him? Because they seem magically dry now.
Is she... sleeping fully clothed? And with the headpiece still on? (Like I'll give a pass for before since she unintentionally fell asleep, but...) *pinches nose bridge* Like this might be the most unrealistic and nonsensical part of the whole drama for me.
There's only one pillow on the bed. Why would you think that he sleeps with you?
X-D Chuntao is like her baidu X-D I love it
OH Thank you! You're having a revelation.
Okay... but like... how does the whip not create a princess and the pea situation? The whip is just placed under the one-inch thick mattress. How does it not create a bump in the mattress surface? Did they carve out a little whip-shaped hole for storing the whip so that it doesn't create a bump?
He's just going to sleep with bloody clothes on. Actually no. Bigger issue. He's also sleeping fully clothed. This is ridiculous. Like how does the hairpin thing not accidentally poke a hole into his head?
Ah yes... the classic one-person-has-a-fever-so-the-other-person-has-to-cuddle-them-scene
or maybe not
Poor Chuntao. The poor maid just wants to sleep.
Ok. At this moment. I can totally understand Chuntao needing to stay fully clothed when going to sleep. But she's the only one who gets a pass at the moment.
I love how in ancient dramas, passed out/comatose patients are always so cooperative and manage to drink their medicine.
Why is the fever still so high? Like, d***, how effective was Chinese herbal medicine back then? It's been less than 2 minutes since you've feed him those meds. (Although, tbf I guess she also doesn't know how the medicine from the mortal realm works.)
Immortals get fevers.
So she makes it seem like she has no experience being a mortal. Does that mean that immortals don't come from mortals cultivating into immortality? Or do they get their memories wiped when they do become immortals?
You're going to make him sleep sitting up? Also, do really only have two blankets? Isn't this supposed to be some very powerful military family? Everyone is allotted one blanket and that's it? I guess they gotta stay frugal in case war randomly breaks out.
X-D X-D X-D actually she is possessed
Why... why does her family spoil her like this? Is it just because she's the youngest? They spoil her... but apparently only with food and attention but not with blankets.
Ah... I feel like they're setting things up to pit Ye BingChang against Ye XiWu with how much they dismiss YBC and spoil YXW. I would be hella resentful if I was YBC.
Also, like why does everyone in this family randomly dislike (or at least not think highly of) YBC? She seems like the standard definition of a well-behaved daughter.
Who wouldn't like her? Apparently the rest of your family...
What's in the dish wash tub? Are those blocks of ice? Oh. Yes. They're blocks of ice to torture him.
He can control flies? Is this like Gandalf talking to moths?
Ok but then how did you know it was her who drugged the pastry?
Oooooh that's why she got married to him and before her older sister.
Also, guess this is why she needs Tantai Jin to not appear in front of Xiao Lin too. Cancel the bi-Xiao Lin theory.
Also, how serendipitous that drugged-her just happened to run into drugged-him. Did that aphrodisiac also have a homing device built into it?
Why would she tell him the truth though? Just want to make sure her hubby has blackmail material against her?
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