#Alisaie leveilleur
xyrishi00 · 2 days
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paintedscales · 3 days
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free trial friend gave me another group chat template
time to see ocs that aren't often talked about
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coldshrugs · 20 hours
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i just think they're cute!
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agui-chart · 23 hours
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Through you, we live...
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autumnslance · 2 days
FFXIV Write 2024: 20 Duel
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(Dawntrail Contest Spoilers)
“I meant what I said!” Wuk Lamat exclaimed, grinning, fists clenched in excitement.
“And I repeat: you cannot be serious,” Aeryn said, blinking up at the Vow of Resolve.
“I am! I challenge you, Warrior of Light, to a duel!” Wuk Lamat repeated, pointing decisively at Aeryn, eyes twinkling and all her teeth showing in glee.
“Well. All right,” Aeryn replied reluctantly. “If you really insist.”
“I do. And you can’t go easy on me, either! It has to be all out, understand?”
Aeryn winced. “Sure, Lamaty’i. All out it is.”
“Are you certain?!” Koana gasped as he ran after Alisaie.
“That’s what they said! Lamaty’i challenged Aeryn to an all out duel! They’re at it now!”
“This will be a slaughter,” the Vow of Reason groaned.
From the courtyard ahead, they heard Wuk Lamat’s snarl. “You promised!”
“I know…”
“You said you wouldn’t go easy on me!”
“I’m not!”
“Just because I’m a beginner—”
“Lamaty’i, I swear—”
“Sister!” Koana called, as he and Alisaie made it through the door.
Alphinaud was already there. He looked at his twin and Koana and shook his head mournfully.
Wuk Lamat stood leaning over the table, claws dug into the side, scowling at their Warrior of Light, who sat with her face in her hands. Between the two women, the board told the story.
“How can anyone be this bad at Triple Triad?! I thought it was a serious Eorzean game!” Wuk Lamat demanded.
“It is…” Aeryn groaned through her fingers.
“Oh no, Lamaty’i,” Koana shook his head. “Everyone across the salt knows: the Warrior of Light is hopeless at cards.”
“It would really help if she wouldn’t choose her deck based on the cuteness of the art or the sentimentality of her collection,” Alisaie said acerbically, crossing her own arms in mirror of her brother.
“They have good numbers!” Aeryn replied indignantly, raising her head to look at the twins.
“And you have no idea how to employ them regardless,” Alphinaud sighed. “Even in basic rules.” He shook his head while Aeryn pouted. “No, if Lamaty’i wants a challenge, she’d be better off learning from Thancred.”
“He would be a good teacher,” Koana agreed. “And would show her how to watch for cheats.”
“People cheat at this game?” Wuk Lamat looked doubtful.
“You should have seen some of the Scion card nights in the Rising Stones,” Alisaie said. “No holds barred, everyone cheating. Absolutely brutal. Aeryn helped with the refreshments.”
“I did warn her,” Aeryn sighed.
“I suppose I ought to have believed you,” Wuk Lamat said, still incredulous, shaking her head and gathering her deck.
“It is a good thing the fate of the realm has never relied on your Triple Triad skills,” Koana said.
“Please don’t speak that hell into existence,” Aeryn moaned.
“Here, Lamaty’i,” Alisaie laughed. “I’ll play with you, until we can find Thancred to give you an advanced lesson.”
Alphinaud chuckled. “After he’s tended to our champion’s trampled ego once again, of course!”
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briar-ffxiv · 2 days
FFXIV Write #19 - Taken
FFXIV Write 2024 Master Post
Prompt #19 - Taken
Note: Continuation of this story and this story!
Trigger Warning: Mentions of injuries and being injured/choked.
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Briar swallowed carefully, lips thinning as it made his throat ache. He reached up, slim fingers brushing over the bandages still carefully wrapped around his neck. The wounds were healing steadily, but the damage had been done. The chirurgeons had been optimistic and supportive as they tended him. They kept telling the half-Elezen that, with time, the pain would lessen and he would speak again.
Green eyes slid shut as he leaned back on the pillow, breathing slowly. Technically he could speak a few words, but it hurt and his voice was raspy and strange to his ears. It was simply easier not to.
But it was strange to have no voice of his own so suddenly. Briar had never realized how much he valued his own laugh and his ability to voice his thoughts until it was taken from him. Until Zeno had half-crushed his throat, metal claws tearing his flesh. It was a blessing he had not bled to death, but he had not expected to be robbed of something so vital.
Tears stung the corner of his eyes when Briar suddenly thought about what he could not do again. He couldn't call Jack, his sheepdog. He couldn't whistle for his sheep. He couldn't sing 'the morning song' to his chickens.
He could not speak the names of those he cared for.
A thousand little comforts and freedoms were taken from him with one flex of the Garlean prince's hand. A brutal violence done to him so casually and easily that it was unsettling. By a man who called him 'beast'. A man that killed far more casually and callously than any animal Briar knew of.
Yet here he was. Voiceless as any 'beast', robbed of something so vital that many races referred to themselves as 'Spoken' with pride. The half-Elezen wondered if he could be called 'Spoken' when he no longer had a voice to share with others.
Shaking his head with sudden frustrated anger, Briar opened his eyes and wiped them. He shoved messy red curls out of his face, absently tying them back as he moved to stand. He wobbled a bit, still weakened by the injuries but he couldn't stand the walls of the infirmary another moment.
He needed to get out. He needed to breathe in open air and see the sky denied him for days. He needed to feel part of the world again. Even if it was only for a short time. Briar wanted to feel real again. In the quiet corner of the infirmary, he felt like a silent ghost watching the rest go by.
Fortunately for him, there were enough wounded to keep the chirurgeons busy which allowed Briar to slip from his room unnoticed. He felt better as he walked, although he still had to touch the occasional wall for support. He breathed a silent sigh of relief as he stepped out into the afternoon sun and felt a breeze against his skin.
As always, Rhalgr's Reach was a bustle of activity. It allowed the half-Elezen to make his way toward the river in the middle, finding a quiet corner where he could slide down to sit on the short grass and lean against one of the warm stone walls. He closed his eyes and simply breathed, focusing on the sun and the wind, on the warm earth beneath him and the quiet water beside him.
Briar wasn't sure how long he'd sat there, not sleeping but almost dozing, simply trying to quiet his mind before a voice startled him. It was sharp in his ears and close enough that he jumped, eyes snapping open as he turned to look at the white-haired Elezen marching toward him with intent. His ears tilted back in a bit of worry.
"Briar!" Alisaie said as she halted in from of him, hands on her hips. "What are you doing here? You're supposed to be resting!"
Briar opened his mouth to answer, but the effort made him grunt with pain, hand to his throat. He shook his head and just gestured around with helpless frustration. He rubbed his neck and patted the ground beside him, attempting to convey what he meant. What he needed in that moment.
For a moment, Alisaie simply glared at him, blue eyes narrowed. Then she studied his face and sighed. "I suppose I understand," she huffed, suddenly dropping to sit beside him. "I hate convalescing as well." She looked at him a moment, frowning. "How are you?"
Briar shrugged, rubbing his throat again, feeling the tingling itch of healing from the claw-marks. He attempted a smile, but he suspected it was shaky given Alisaie's expression.
"Right," she murmured. "Stupid to ask. You can't--" She looked a little stricken for a moment. "You can't yet. You will. It'll heal, Briar. It will."
Briar couldn't help but smile at Alisaie's determined voice. He wasn't sure he was as certain as she was about his voice returning. Still, if Alisaie Leveilluer wanted something to happen, it was very likely to. She was too fierce and stubborn for it to be otherwise.
Alisaie studied Briar's face and blew out a breath, reaching over to rest her hand on his. "It's going to be all right, Briar." Her fingers curled around his firmly.
Briar turned his hand to squeeze hers back. He might not be able to speak, but he did mouth 'thank you' to her. She nodded and leaned her shoulder against his as they settled against the wall in companionable silence.
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hotshotriot · 2 months
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i know for a fact one of the twins has slipped up at least once ok
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robynostornwyn · 1 month
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My version of the twins (once they are released from their purgatory of forever being teenagers). In my mind the story from ARR to now has taken some 8 years, so they are well into their twenties by now.
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mmariesr · 3 days
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I love them so much! Made this drawing when i was playing sb...
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artalfons · 2 months
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Be Estinien
Show up randomly
Be cool (and hot)
this is him the whole expansion and i think its very funny
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deathflare · 12 days
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wind's chosen
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coralroott · 4 months
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shadowbringers was the best xpac i dont make the rules
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that new meme + Alisaie + Exarch pov
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eemamminy-art · 1 month
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some ffxiv ladies that I enjoy :3
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koyoriin · 2 months
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quick drawing of an older alisaie!
https://twitter.com/koyoriin https://patreon.com/koyorin https://instagram.com/koyori_n https://bsky.app/profile/koyorin.bsky.social
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