#Alfie Solomons fan fic
hecatemoon87 · 1 year
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Tom Hardy
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padfootdaredmetoo · 1 year
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Pt 6. Blood Bath
Things come to a head at Arrow House. The enemy makes their move as they have the Shelby family cornered.
Warnings: blood, graphic description of murder, panic, peaky themes
Previous Parts
Tommy watched the boy size him up, and he hated the respect he had for him. Noah cared about you more than he feared him. 
“Now before you round on me for kissing her, what are you going to do about that fucking priest.” The boy’s eyes were dark and his knuckles were white. 
So they had that conversation. 
“Need to clean this mess up first.” He answered not happy with the situation. 
“And after.” The boy pressed. 
“Haven't been in that business for a long time,” Tommy said not wanting to admit the murder he already had planned. 
“That’s still our business and -” 
“Then we’ll handle it together.” The words came out without thought. This seemed to put the boy at ease. 
“How long were you going to sleep on that?” His anger was understandable, he hated how much of himself he saw in the boy. 
“Only found out a few days ago-” The boy held up his hand. 
“Not the time to send people away. But you were going to do something about it.” Tommy gave him a nod, his patience wearing thin. This boy in his house questioning him on his love for his daughter. “Good. Sorry, Mr. Shelby.” 
Tommy cocked his head to the side slightly. 
“Just hate seeing her like that.” they both gave each other a nod. For your comfort, he let you stay in your own bed, unsurprised when he heard footsteps creaking into your room later that night.
Noah cared about you enough to be a man about the situation, and if a single kiss had you puking your guts out he felt like the danger of a pregnancy was too far away to be a concern. 
You laid awake in bed thankful that Esme had looked after you throughout the afternoon. She made you some tea and broth, both helped settle your stomach but nothing helped the numbing buzz radiating through your system. Polly came through in the evening and brought you a glass of brandy. 
She had a look in her eye that told you Tommy must have mentioned what happened. She didnt say anything but mentioned she was in the room next door if you needed anything. 
Then the unthinkable, but somehow expected happened. Noah pushed your bedroom door open. He pointed to the bed and you nodded at him. 
“Will you freak out if I lay beside you?” 
“No.” You whispered back. He got into bed and you immediately made things indecent by moving up against his body. Feeling him close put the fears of him leaving at bay. 
“I’m worried you’ll break up with me.” You said softly, you were surprised you got the words out so clearly. 
“Definitely not going anywhere. As for the physical stuff, lots of time to figure it out.” 
“I don’t want you to think- like you know that I - just - erm - it’s just sort of complicated but - I do, I do want you.” Your chest closed up and swallowed in on itself like a black hole.  
“Woah, you have a thing for me? This whole time I thought we were just good friends.” He ran a hand through his hair blowing out a large breath. You swatted at him, wanting him to be serious. “I’m not going anywhere.” He whispered before kissing your temple. 
“I will figure it out.” 
“I know you will.” 
The next morning there was a severed hand tied to the gate. Johnny Dogs brought it up to the house and you caught a glimpse of the frozen hand before your dad redirected you and Noah to the downstairs to distract the children. 
“Why would they -” 
“It’s a warning, they know we are here and that they are coming,” Noah answered accepting another picture drawn by your little cousin Elena. “Thank you, darling.” He said giving her a pat on the shoulder. “It’s really good.” She looked up at him in adoration before running back to the coffee table to start on another one. 
You sunk into the couch next to him. You could feel he was tense, eyes scanning the room’s windows and doors periodically. You made up the excuse of needing the bathroom and dashed up to your room. 
Deep down you knew it was pointless, no one was going to come close enough to use it. Not to mention people used guns these days. But tucked in between your mattresses there was a large dagger. John and Esme had got it for you from a trip they took to the Highlands. You tied its case to your hip and pulled your long skirt over it. It was unnecessary but it calmed your nerves knowing you had something. 
You were on your way down the steps when Esme caught your arm. Her hair was more frazzled than usual and her eyes were wide. 
“Take Lizzie, round the kids up, and stay in the cellar.” You went back upstairs and told Lizzie. She moved very quickly, her house coat billowing behind her. She and Noah helped wrangle all the kids into the cellar. It was cold and slightly damp, but the adrenaline running through you kept you together. 
You did a head count and realized someone was missing. Elena was not here. 
“I’ll go back to grab Elena, stay here.” You told Noah who was about to protest. “I know where the rest of the hiding spots are if we can't make it back here. Just stay put.” You slipped out of the door and dashed down the hall before Lizzie could get involved. You ran downstairs looking for her everywhere. Then came back up and checked the kitchen. You were about to leave when you caught her in the corner of your eye. She was outside. 
You saw her red wool dress toddling towards a man standing at the edge of the woods. You opened the back door and felt the man's dark eyes land on you. The sounds of machine guns firing became unavoidable and you took a deep breath. 
“Elena” You called out to her thankful your voice didn’t shake. She turned around to look and you. “Come here.” She moved towards you and you got on your knee and whispered to her.
“Noah needs you in the cellar. Tell him I’m fine, that I’m hiding. Don’t stop for anyone or anything he really needs to see you.” Her little eyes lit up and she made a dash towards the house. 
You stood up and sized up your opponent. 
“Come have a walk with me.” He had a gun in his hand and you knew that it was your only option, but that didnt mean you would show it. With your head held high, you went with him. Once close enough you could see him properly. He was tall and had a large hat that shadowed his sunken face. “You want to save your family? Yes?” He had a slight accent. 
“Yeah, that’d be alright.” You said back casually, his eyes sparkled with curiosity. 
“Well, your father has something I want. You're going to help me get it.” 
“Alright.” You motioned for him to lead the way. You assumed you were a hostage, not a bad position really. He saw value in you, therefore he wouldn't kill you right away. You waited until he tucked his gun away, He took a few steps towards the forest turning his back on you. You quickly took out the dagger tucked into the top of your skirt and held it tightly. 
“The thing about your family -” Much to your relief he started his big story giving you a bit of time. Quickly to catch him off guard, you charged towards him, sending the dagger right under his left rib cage. 
Elena’s voice called on the other side of the door. Noah opened it while Finn was ready with his gun. The little girl ran in quickly hugging onto his legs. 
“She said you needed to see me.” 
“Where is she Elena,” He asked her while picking her up. She hugged onto his shoulders. “She said she's alright, she’s hiding.”
Panic shot through him and Finn quickly put a hand on his shoulder. 
“She knows where to hide here, she’s probably fine.” His jaw was tight as was the grip on his arm. Lizzie sniffed and suddenly got up. Noah looked around and did the math. Finn was most likely right, you sent Elena along and had to hide somewhere else. Going after you could put you in more danger, and it would leave Lizzie and the kids one man down. He knew that would only piss you off. 
He didn’t like it but it was a gamble he had to take. 
“She’s alright Lizzie. She mentioned earlier if she got separated she had a few places she would hide.” He lied, and Finn gave him a slight nod. Elena stayed attached to him so he held on to her and tucked the gun he was given into his waistband. Down here it was painfully silent as Lizzie kept the kids comfortable. 
“Hey, did your dad ever tell you about the time he, Tommy, and my dad got into a fight with a bear?” The kid's eyes all lit up and he sat down on a barrel and started to tell the story about the bear in the pub. 
The knife pierced his lanky body and a gasp left his mouth. Your hand slipped into his jacket quickly and you grabbed his gun. 
“You -” He said starting up again and you shot him, in the back, straight in the chest. The man's body crumpled. 
Faces of your father and the priest started to swim in your head. Anxiety ripped through you as the blood seeped into the white snow. Flipping him over you grabbed his wallet. 
“Luca Changretta” You whispered. Well, that wasn’t so bad. You looked down at the man's dark eyes and something inside you lessened. There were plenty of bad men in the world but now there was one less. You did that. 
You thought of the hand-tied to the gate and let out a sigh. If that’s how these people did things, that’s just what you would have to do. You pulled your dagger out and your hands got coated in thick blood. Moving the knife to his throat you started hacking and carving away. 
It surprised you how rubbery everything was, in your mind the stupid thing would just tople off. As you worked your mind tried to argue that this was a horrible thing you had done. But something in the pit of your stomach reminded you what horrible men were capable of. Maybe God's sense of humor is what allowed the dagger to pierce his flesh. 
Eventually, you were covered in blood and you had a head to gift back to the Italians. You ran in the snow down the hill along the side of the house. The front yard was a complete mess. The snow was red, everything was red. Your mind swam but you kept moving forward, those were your men getting shot at. 
You could see that they had made a sort of barricade and the Italians were making it down the driveway. Unsure of what to do you waited for the silence as they reloaded and let out a loud wolf whistle. You held the head up high and a roar of shouts erupted from both sides. 
Before you could take another step a large bear-like figure tackled you down from the side. You instinctively used the dagger's handle to smash into its face before your arm got caught by a massive hand.
It was Alfie, in a big fur coat, looking very pissed. 
“Sorry, Mr. Solomons” You whispered weakly, hoping you hadn't hit him too hard. 
“You're just like your father - fucking troublemaker.” He grumbled keeping his body over yours as bullets rang out. “Take his head and run down the hill. Not go in through the back door, come out the front door, and give the head to us? Eh?” 
“No class with you people. Straight savagery every time.” he continued to chatter on and it was nice to have something distracting you. The snow was deep enough that if they didnt move they were probably out of vision. He moved up slightly to look over the snow. 
“Looks like you gave them the distraction they needed though, chasing them down the drive.” He let out a rumbling sigh. 
“So, you were going to run down the hill causing a distraction?” You asked him, he looked down at you and narrowed his eyes. 
“That’s business between me and your father.” He said in a low voice. There was a long silence and Alfie still kept you there. Your teeth started to chatter and you realized your hand was still fisted in Luca’s black hair. 
“Nah, don’t start thinking about it. I don’t know how you did it but wait for a glass of whiskey. Trust me you'll be alright.” 
You gave him a nod hoping he wasn't angry. Then your father pulled him off of you and picked you up. He crushed you against himself  and you wondered how he could still carry you despite your size. You closed your eyes not ready to deal with everything yet. 
He got you onto the couch in his study and tried to take the head away from you. It took you a long moment to realize you could let go now. You took a deep breath untangling your fingers. Tommy’s hands ran over you before a loud scream erupted. Esme was there with a look of horror on her face. Polly soon followed. 
Various questions were flying around you their hands trying to push your hair back and get the blood off your face. 
“Sorry.” You mumbled eyes locked on Tommy. “His body was too big to drag in the snow.” It seemed significant to apologize as you got blood all over the sofa. 
“Eh, knew that knife was a good gift,” John mumbled picking the knife up off the sofa beside you.
“Hacked his head off, all by herself. They grow up so fast.” Arthur boomed looking at you with pride in his eyes. Esme gave them both a murderous look and suddenly they followed Alfie out of the study. 
Polly locked eyes with Tommy who was kneeling directly in front of you. After one last look, he gave her a nod. He squeezed your hand and stood up. Polly and Esme led you up the stairs and guided you into your parent’s bathroom. It was larger than yours, but the blood smearing all over the white tiles made your stomach flutter. They sat you down on the lid of the toilet. 
The warm air stung your skin and your lungs. When the door pushed open you felt your body get swallowed up in hot guilt. Lizzie looked positively feral. Her arms wrapped around you, your mind thawed out and tears started to form.
After a long while, she took a few deep breaths before helping you into a bath. First, you showered with warm-ish water to get the blood off and to get your limbs back to a normal temperature. By that point, Polly had come back with her arms full of herbs and oils. 
You sat in the bathtub and she poured various things over you. The scent stung your eyes but you felt your heart lurch then become lighter somehow.  
“How are the kids? Noah?” You finally whispered. 
“Surprisingly, only a few minor injuries in the men, and everyone in the house was fine,” Esme answered while Lizzie gazed at the tiles on the wall. Her hand was on her belly and you could tell by the set in her jaw she was angry with Thomas. 
Once you were cleaned up Lizzie got you tucked into your bed. 
“I told everyone you need to rest. We can deal with everything in the morning.” She kissed your forehead and ran a hand through your hair. She left and the sadness and anger that radiated off of her brought in a fresh wave of uncertainty and anxiety. 
Tommy came in a short while after. He sat on the edge of your bed looking into the fire. 
“You have any questions or things bothering you?” He asked in a faraway voice. 
“No, I feel a bit better honestly.” You sighed and his gaze flicked to you. “Spent a lot of time running from men like that. Now I don’t feel so helpless. Plus I think that was the last of the past coming back for you. Alfie didn’t sell you out. Things on my side are looking pretty good.” 
He gave you a hard look and then nodded. You knew he was dreading talking to Lizzie. 
“Dad, I shouldn't have landed that blow. It was beyond lucky, I think it was just what was supposed to happen. Elena had been lost, he was going to snatch her up, probably in exchange for John. I sent her back and he was happier with me anyway. The whole thing was lucky.” He took in what you were saying and you knew he didnt know how to respond. 
“Please make her understand it wasn't your fault, If you could blame anyone blame Elena for wanting snacks from the kitchen, but she’s five, and me and Esme will fight you.” You took a few breaths but it was getting hard to breathe again. “She’s got to understand, all of us need to stick together.” Tommy put down his glass of whiskey on your side table and put his hands on your shoulders. “That’s why everything worked out all right - it’s because we stuck together- if you guys break up-” You couldn't talk anymore, your body got light and heavy at the same time, and your vision started to get blurry. 
“Stop.” He commanded and you took a deep breath. “It will take a lot more than Lizzie’s anger to tear us apart. Trust me, I don't give up that easy.” 
You nodded and he pushed you down into your bed. You curled up on your side holding his hand. 
“It’s like with the storm, I needed to face this.”
He gave you a nod and kissed the top of your forehead. “Drink this if you can’t sleep.” He left his whiskey on the side table. “Come get me if you need anything.” 
With that, he got up and left your door slightly ajar. 
He didn’t like what he did next. But he knew it would keep your mind off of things and put the boy out of his misery. He knocked on the door and waited for Noah to respond. 
He opened the door and could see that he had been pacing, much like himself. 
“She’s alright, bit fragile though.” He said watching the boy muster up the courage to ask the question Tommy knew he was struggling with. “If you wouldn't mind staying with her, I think it might help.” Tommy saw the boy light up but quickly composed himself. 
“I could do that.” He said calmly. 
“No messing around.” He said sternly before giving the boy a nod and leaving the room to go fight some more battles. 
Lizzie was rummaging through her closet and Tommy realized this was probably a lot worse than he realized. He sat on the edge of the bed waiting for her to start up when he heard her give a shout. 
“Stupid fucking -” He saw her trying to reach a box high on the shelf. Part of him wanted to leave it there, so she couldn't pack it, and maybe it would prevent her from trying to leave. He sighed looking up at the box. 
“You're a lot of things- short is one of them” She bit out crossing her arms. He pulled the stool out of the corner and he grabbed the box for her. She accepted the box and started rummaging through the folded clothes. “She could have died.” 
“I know.” 
“That’s it, you know, and what!?” 
“And she didn’t. She saved Elena. She outsmarted Luca and tried to protect her family. I’m not happy about it, but I am grateful she’s alright.” 
“Thomas - she's 17 - it was a blood bath, in no way is she alright.” Lizzie snapped. 
“She said she needed to face this, she’s run from men like that her whole life. I don’t like it, I feel like I failed her every time she opens up about her past, when she was there covered in blood, I knew I failed her. But you leaving right now will be what kills her.” He knew it was underhanded and mean. 
“Leaving?!” Her eyes narrowed and Tommy was grateful that the box didnt have anything hard or dangerous in it. She threw a yellow nightgown at him. “YOU THINK AFTER EVERYTHING I WOULD LEAVE HER HERE WITH YOU.” She started to rage and she almost tripped over another pile of clothes on the closet floor. He stedied her and shut the door hoping it concealed some of the anger. 
She held on to him and tried to catch her breath. 
“Well, your tearing the closet apart, I thought -” 
“You, as always, thought wrong, stupid man.” She kept her slender fingers gripping his shoulder and he wondered what was going to happen next. Tears started to fall down her cheeks. “I’m too fat.” 
Tommy was glad he rarely smiled or laughed, in that moment he knew that either of those things would have been a deadly mistake. 
“I can’t fit my nightgowns anymore, the maternity ones I have remind me of Ruby.” Her voice broke and he pulled her into his arms. They stood like that for a long while. He ran his hand up and down her back, realizing if not for Ruby, he may never have been this lucky and blessed in his life. In the end, he was very sure that it was always Lizzie. She fought him every step of the way, but at the same time that also meant she chose him every single time. 
He guided her to the bed and pulled out one of his long sleep shirts. It was broad and baggy, and would easily cover her frame and the ever-growing bump, long enough for him to order her some new maternity gowns. She let him undress her, then slid the cotton shirt over her head. 
“I am sorry - for everything.” 
“I know you are.” She said softly. “Thank you, for keeping the family safe.” He didnt know how to respond to that so he gave her a kiss. They settled into bed and he turned the lights out. For a moment he thought he might finally drift to sleep when Lizzie opened her mouth. 
“So the bear in the pub huh?” Tommy let out a groan.
“Where did you hear about that?” 
“Noah, he told the kids the story to keep them quiet. He’s really good with children, I think if Elena was a bit old she would try to challenge her for him.” 
“Fucking boy.” Tommy pinched the bridge of his nose wondering why out of all the other 17-year-olds on the planet you had to pick that one. 
You closed your eyes and felt good that there was nothing but darkness. No men, no blood, just an empty void. It only lasted a few moments before you heard Lizzie's muffled shouting. Your stomach rolled and you opened your eyes to look around your bedroom. The fire gave everything an inviting glow, it truly felt like your piece of the world. The thought of it being torn apart made you want to cry. 
A soft tap at the door made you jump. You poked your head out of your blankets to see Noah. He forgot himself for a moment and dashed towards you. He wrapped you up into his arms and you fell back against the bed. You had a moment of initial shock before you sought out his mouth. You kissed him hard, and you felt his hands stay firmly in place on your back. 
He broke the kiss and stood up moving off the bed. His face was flushed and his hair was a mess of curls. More than anything you wanted him to come back, you wanted his hands all over you. Remembering what it was like pushing him off of yourself to vomit made you calm down a bit. You knew you needed to move slowly, no matter how much you hated it. It wasn't fair to Noah. 
“Sorry - I promised your dad I wouldn't mess around.” He took a deep breath looking at the ceiling. 
“My dad sent you.” Your eyebrows knitted together. 
“Yeah, didnt want you to be alone.” He came back to you and you moved over as he climbed into bed. 
“Yeah, he looked really worried. Don’t want to push him any further today.” He said tucking in next to you. Your body felt like it was on fire as he ran a hand through your hair. “Why are their flowers stuck in your hair?” 
“Oh, Polly gave me a bath to make sure I wasn't traumatized or haunted.” 
“Oh yeah.” He gave a nod and you let out a soft laugh at his expression of confusion.
“Guess your family doesn't do that.” 
“No, not really. Lot’s to learn about.” 
“Likewise. Mum said you really helped keep the kids distracted. Thanks for doing that.” 
“Don’t worry about it. I’m sorry I didnt go after you, Finn said you would know where to hide. Isaiah came later and said he thought you were with Polly and Esme” His arms tightened his grip on you and you fought to keep your heart in check. 
“Knowing they were safe with you made it easier to deal with the situation.” 
“It’s over - never again, I’m - I’ll figure out a way to keep you from everything.” 
“What do you mean?” There was an edge to your words. 
“We - I can’t go through that again.” His voice was heavy. “I need to sort out with my dad how to clean things up on our side.” 
“Meaning you want things to be more legal?” The edge had turned to straight panic at the thought of him leaving. 
“Yes, for myself, but also because your dad is right. He fought really hard to get things clean. He even sent your uncles to prison once. I won’t take you back into that place. All of them would come after you. Won’t bring everything he built toppling down. Not when you could get hurt” 
His face finally looked down to meet yours. He must have seen the anxiety eating you. 
“What I’m saying is, I want to do good things with my life, and I want to build you something good too. Because - I - I love you.” You started up at him in disbelief. 
“I love you too.” You breathed. 
It took a long time to fall asleep, but eventually, you drifted off in his arms. At some point, the morning began as light poured in through your windows. Esme poked her face in and you met her eyes. She gave you a thumbs-up and a wink before shutting the door. 
You relised then that the rain was thundering on the roof. A sadness filled your chest, but insdead of dealing with it, you pressed your face against his neck and went back to sleep.
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buttercupsandboys · 1 year
Sunshine & Rainbows
Alfie Solomons x Livy (OFC) — Chapter 15
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18+ NSFW - minors don’t interact 🙅🏻‍♀️
CHAPTER 15: only love could hurt like this
Summary: The Shelby women torment Alfie and secrets are revealed ...
TW: language typical of Peaky Blinders, a touch of angst
Word count: 3273
A/N: It’s been a while, so here’s a super quick recap! (Or click here to read Chapter 14 again!)
Alfie found out Livy was missing, then beat the crap out of Tommy. A few hours later, Polly and Esme show up at his hotel room ...
This chapter picks up right where we left off. 
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“Well, go on then,” Alfie demands. “We haven’t got all fucking night. Where is she?”
Polly chuckles darkly, looking far too amused for his liking. She takes a moment to light a cigarette, raising it to her painted lips before replying. “And what makes you think I’m just going to hand over that information?”
Fucking hell.
The room goes deathly silent, save for the ominous tick of the clock, reminiscent of a bomb just waiting to explode.
… much like Alfie's stormy expression.
He’s exhausted, and his patience has officially run out. A volatile mix at the best of times, but with Livy gone, the look on his face is more than a threat. It’s a promise of violence.
But Polly doesn’t notice or, more likely, doesn’t care. Instead of backing down, like any sensible being, she stands with one hand on her hip and the other in the air, smoke dancing from her fingers, chin raised like the Queen of fucking England.
“‘Cause that’s what you said, ain’t it?” He glares at her through narrowed eyes. “You asked if I wanted to find Livy.”
“Exactly,” she smirks. “I asked if you wanted to find her. I didn’t say I would tell you where she is.”
Alfie considers snatching her cigarette and shoving it down her slender throat. Polly’s asking for trouble, pushing his buttons at the worst possible time, and they all know it. It’s almost like she wants to see him lose his temper, or at least expects it.
But he is nothing, if not unpredictable.
Despite the displeasure written across his features, Alfie remains seated. He doesn’t speak, barely even blinks as he raises his fist and cracks his knuckles, slowly and methodically, one by one.
The women watch on, seemingly unfazed, but the longer Alfie sits and stares, face like a predator stalking his prey, the more their facade begins to crumble. They are bold, not stupid, or so it seems. The minutes pass, and Polly takes a hesitant step backwards, Esme following suit, dropping her boots to the floor as they brace for an explosion.
Alfie surprises them all. He should be fucking furious, but his blood cools when he recognises this for what it is: a negotiation. And despite the high stakes, the familiarity of it all is comforting.
This is one game he knows how to play.
“Right, then.” Alfie grins as he leans back and spreads his arms wide. Everything is still fucked, Livy is still fucking missing, but at least he has something to work with. “Let’s talk, love. Why don’t you tell me what you want, yeah?”
“For you to fuck off,” Esme mutters, confidence restored now that the danger has passed.
Polly shoots her a stern look before returning to Alfie. “What makes you think I want anything, Mr Solomons?” she asks, cool and composed behind a cloud of smoke.
Alfie laughs; in another time, another place, he might genuinely enjoy their banter.
“Don’t play coy, sweetie. It’s three in the fucking morning. Now she”—Alfie waves in Esme’s general direction—“she might be here for Livy. But you?” he huffs. “You’ve got too much Shelby in you.”
Polly’s mouth falls open, a retort on the tip of her tongue, but Alfie cuts her off with a raised palm.
“I don’t want to hear it, yeah. Normally I’m happy to go along with these little games you fucking gypsies love so fucking much. But tonight, I’m going to need you to get to the point, ya hear?”
Alfie watches as Polly visibly bristles, her lips pressed in a firm line, her spine impossibly straighter. But the Shelby matriarch quickly recovers.
“Of course, Mr Solomons,” she replies, her voice and smile sickly sweet. “You’re obviously a very intelligent man.”
Polly waits for a reaction, but unfortunately for her, Alfie is a very intelligent man. So he ignores the trite tactic and gives her 30 fucking seconds to explain herself. The clock continues to tick, and he resumes cracking his knuckles; it’s a veritable symphony of unspoken aggression.
“Fine,” Polly huffs, rolling her dark eyes when it becomes clear they're doing this on his terms. “I need your help,” she reluctantly admits. “I’m not sure if you’re aware, but I have a son….”
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Livy wiggles her toes, delighting in the morning dew against her bare skin. The sun is low on the horizon, but it’s already promising to be a beautiful day. The air is crisp, the birds are singing, and she half expects rainbows to fall from the sky. She breathes deeply and, for a few minutes, finds peace.
Because then she remembers what brought her here.
With a groan, Livy flops on the grass, not caring about her state of dress—or her hair, for that matter, her scarlet locks tangled, free from adornments save for a few twigs and burrs. She’s feeling quite sorry for herself as she drapes her arm across her eyes, the weight pressing her into the damp earth. If only it would open and swallow her whole.
“Well, Holy Lord God, it’s Livy Lou, queen of the fairies. What would your father say if he saw you like this?”
Livy smiles at the familiar voice, lips curling despite her melancholy.
“That we should bury our sorrows and rise like the sun,” she recites.
“Rise like the sun,” Aberama repeats as he drops into the grass beside her, stretching his long legs and propping himself on an elbow. “A mighty wise man, your William.”
She hums in agreement, grateful for the company, and together they sit in comfortable silence, watching the sun rise higher in the sky. Minutes pass until it blinds—not the light but the unfettered hope that for once feels so fucking foreign—and Livy turns away, tracing the ground, wishing she could take her father’s advice.
But her sorrows refuse to stay buried.
As she inspects the dirt beneath her brightly painted nails, Livy can’t help but wonder if she made the right decision. Which is strange in and of itself; usually, she’s so confident, trusting her gut and following it faithfully, eyes on the horizon, never looking back. It’s her life’s motto and often the only thing keeping her sane.
Except now she’s in love with Alfie—and doesn’t that just change everything?
She wipes her hands on her dress and closes her eyes to avoid Aberama’s curious gaze. Being here with him reminds Livy of those first months after escaping Bernard. It was all new then; the kind faces and open fires that chased away the darkness, smoke and songs accompanying them into the night. As joy and laughter replaced fear and pain, she was, in many ways, reborn.
How fitting that she should find herself here again.
Last night was a turning point, and Livy knows it, although she’s not ready to face the truth. Instead, it would be easier to ignore altogether, to fall into the comfortable rhythm of life on the road and let it consume her as she rides out this chapter.
With enough time and enough whiskey (or perhaps that broody Shelby gin), she might come to see this nightmare as a blessing in disguise. Livy was truthful with Esme; she missed the life, the freedom, even the creaky wheels beneath her bed.
One door closes, another opens—right?
Livy snorts before she can stop herself, drawing another look from Aberama, who she continues to ignore. Her usual optimism has bolted, much like Cyril, who is off in the bushes chasing a rabbit. This is no blessing, of that she’s sure. More like a lesson—the universe punishing her for holding too tightly onto something that was never hers to begin with.
Of course, Livy knew this day would come, but she wasn’t expecting this.
Only love could hurt like this.
His scent still lingers on her skin—warm and slightly spiced, like rum and sweat and home—and despite everything, a part of her wants him back. She misses Alfie dreadfully; those beautiful lips, maddeningly distracting as they trace the valley of her breasts, his whiskers teasing her flesh, leaving his mark behind.
Just like the mark he left on her soul, and he should be hers, even though logic and reason tell her to run and run and run.
And she will because as much as Livy hates to admit it, the truth is she’s terrified.
Not of Bernard McCall or Thomas Shelby, as one would reasonably expect…
No, Livy is afraid of Alfie.
Because if he knew about Bernard and still chose to do business with him, he couldn’t possibly love her back.
And how on earth is she supposed to survive that kind of heartbreak?
Livy shakes her head.
She’s always been impulsive, but she’s never been in love, and sometimes it’s easier to give everything up than to have it all taken from you.
She picks a blade of grass and pretends to be fascinated by the vibrant shade of green when Aberama reaches over and plucks it from her fingers.
“You know…” He pauses, eyeing Livy from beneath his low-slung hat. “I didn’t expect to see you again. At least, not anytime soon.”
Livy blushes at the unspoken question, her thick lashes kissing her cheeks as she averts her eyes. How can she explain when she barely understands herself? Everything is jumbled, and she’s never felt so confused.
“Yes, well, you see …”
She bites her lip and considers how much to share with Aberama. He’s fiercely protective of those he considers family, and Livy’s fortunate to count herself among the few not related by blood. But she doesn’t want to see a bullet with Alfie’s name on it. At least not yet.
“I’m taking precautions,” she finally replies. “Keeping a low profile for a bit.”
“Precautions?” Aberama repeats. He stares for a long minute before wiping his palm on his thigh and extending his hand. “Well, come on then. You know the promise I made to your father.”
Livy nods in relief and accepts his hand as he pulls her to her feet. She’s grateful for the help—and the lack of questions—but it’s still too much. The weight of everything is drowning her, and she needs a distraction, something familiar to ease her troubled mind.
“Aberama, darling, do you still keep that blade inside your boot?”
He flashes a brilliant smile.
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“What the fuck does Michael have to do with anything?” sputters Esme, the shock written across her tired face.
Polly ignores her, keeping her chin raised and eyes hard, refusing to wilt beneath Alfie’s probing stare.
“Michael has recently shown an interest in joining the family business,” she continues. “But Thomas has … ambitions that come with unnecessary risk. Risks I cannot allow my son to be exposed to.”
“Right…,” mutters Alfie, stroking his beard as he contemplates her words. It’s just as he suspected: a fucking mess. “And what the fuck does this have to do with me?”
“I need you to terminate the deal with Bernard McCall. Ensure Thomas no longer has access to Liverpool.”
“Why would you want that?”
“Does it matter?” she snaps. “Help me, and I’ll help you find Livy.”
His heart clenches at the sound of her name, and in that moment, he’d sign away his fortune, his bakery, anything to get her back.
But then he has a better idea.
“Tell me more about your business in Liverpool,” Alfie demands.
Her eyes flash darkly. “Our business is not your concern.” Polly exchanges a look with Esme, and her face softens. “But I’ll make you a deal, Mr Solomons. Agree to help me, and I’ll tell you more about Bernard McCall. And trust me, there are things you need to know.”
“Trust you,” Alfie repeats, the words hanging heavy in the air. “Right, well that’s just it, Mrs Gray. Trust is a fragile thing.” He strokes his jaw. “And what about your boy? Is he … fragile?”
Polly leaps forward. “Are you threatening—“
Alfie stands, towering over her with his broad frame. “I don’t make threats,” he warns, advancing slowly until she has to crane her neck to face him. “Now, you’re going to tell me about Liverpool, you’re going to tell me about Bernard, and you’re going to help me find Livy. If she’s safe, nothing will happen to your precious son, and in exchange, I will end things in Liverpool.”
She glares at him, and Alfie can only imagine the gypsy curse she’s placing on his black soul. But he’s already damned, so he returns her cold stare. Livy is all that matters now, and he’d deal with the devil—or worse, a Shelby—to get her back.
“Fine,” Polly finally agrees, spitting on her palm and extending it to him. Alfie responds in kind, and she nods, inhaling deeply from her cigarette.
“Thomas is working with a group of Americans who support the Bolsheviks,” she begins, taking a seat. “He’s importing weapons from them under the protection of Shelby Company Limited. But security is tight in London, which is why he needs Liverpool.”
Alfie briefly closes his eyes. “Fucking hell. Meddling with the Russians, that silly boy.”
She snorts. “Exactly. It’s going to blow up in his face, and I don’t want Micheal around when it does.”
“And what about Livy?” he asks sharply. “Don’t fucking tell me she has anything to do with—“
“No, not the Russians,” she reassures him. But something in her tone has him on edge.
“But what?” he demands.
Polly gives him a sad smile. “Alfie.” It's the first time she’s used his given name, and a chill runs down his spine. “I’m assuming you know that Livy had a … difficult past?”
A growl escapes from his chest, a feral sound, raw and violent. “Yeah, I fucking know. And when I find the fucker responsible….”
Alfie trails off at the look on the women’s faces.
Oh, fuck no.
The table goes flying, splintering into pieces, just like his heart.
“Yes.” Polly and Esme reply in unison.
He wants to vomit.
Alfie has a strong stomach—after France, not much offends him—but when he thinks about Livy, he nearly drops to his knees.
And he will soon, to beg her forgiveness.
But for now, violence will have to do.
“I’m going to kill him. I’m going to fucking kill him.” He stalks forward, reaching for Polly, unable to stop himself. “Does he have her?” he roars, yanking her to her feet. “Does he fucking have her?”
Polly remains oddly calm. “No,” she assures him, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder.
Alfie lets go, visibly relieved. “Right, then where the fuck is she?”
Polly and Esme exchange another look, and he glances around for something else to throw.
“Stop with the fucking faces and tell me where to find Livy before I cut off your—”
“She doesn’t want to be found,” interrupts Polly.
“I don’t give a fuck what she wants—“
“Maybe that’s the problem,” snaps Esme, arms folded defiantly across her chest. “You men are all the same. How do we know you’re not working with Bernard?”
“Esme, shut up,” retorts Polly.
“No, you shut it. Neither of you care about her, it’s all about Michael with you, and fuck knows what he wants—“
“Enough,” roars Alfie, his temper at breaking point. “Fucking, enough. I love her, yeah, and that’s all you need to fucking know. So gather your shit, and let’s go get her.”
There’s a moment of stunned silence before Polly nods, looking relieved as she collects her bag and makes for the door. But Esme stares at him, eyes dark like the window to her soul.
“I don’t give a fuck what they say about you,” she announces, stalking forward until she’s toe to toe with him. The top of her head barely grazes his chin, but Esme speaks with a confidence that betrays her small frame. “If anything happens to her, it’s you that will be afraid of me. Do you understand? I’ll be watching you, Mr Solomons.”
She takes a few steps backwards. “Always watching,” she repeats before turning on her heel, leaving Alfie no choice but to follow.
Bloody Shelby women.
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“Fuck off, no. Categorical.” Alfie pokes the side of the wagon with his cane. “That there, right, is a coffin on wheels. If you want to travel like the living dead, knock yourself out. But you see, for my people, it’s a matter of principle, ain’t it?”
Polly sighs. “Do you want to find Livy or not? We can’t go any further by car, and it’s too far to travel by foot. So unless you want to ride a horse, this is your only option.”
“Ride a fucking horse,” Alfie mutters as he steps forward and nearly loses a shoe in the mud. “This is just fucking perfect, innit? Drag me out in the middle of nowhere, in one of your curious gypo wagons, yeah? Then you put a bullet in my fucking skull, and when my poor Jewish soul is liberated from my body—“
“I can’t fucking do this,” mutters Polly, closing her eyes and pinching the bridge of her nose. She takes a deep breath and gathers her strength. “Mr Solomons, please, I implore you. Get in the fucking wagon. If there’s any hope of finding Livy, we need to move quickly.”
Alfie nods and, for once, does as he’s told.
The mud and wagon had provided temporary distraction, but now his nausea returns with a vengeance. His head is spinning, his mind frantic, desperate to pinpoint the moment where everything went so horribly wrong. How the fuck did this happen? All his men—a network of spies, a fortune in bribes—and not one goddamn whisper about that bastard McCall.
Because they’re all bad men, but there are just some lines you don’t fucking cross.
Alfie grits his teeth and settles into the vardo (which is surprisingly comfortable, although he’ll never admit it) when the truth hits him squarely in the face.
Thomas fucking Shelby.
It’s the only explanation. Somehow he knew the truth about Bernard and Livy, and purposely kept it from him to protect the Liverpool deal.
Because of the fucking Russians.
Alfie groans and runs a hand down his face, recalling the conversation in Tommy’s office. It’s all coming together now, and it’s not fucking good. Livy is gone, and he’d bet his left nut both Bernard and Thomas are searching for her, making this whole fiasco a race against time.
And here he is—creeping across the countryside in a fucking box.
To make things worse, his fate lies in the hands of not one but two Shelby women and for all he knows, he’s riding headfirst into a trap. But what choice does he have? He’s armed and angry, a dangerous mix, fueled by emotions that are entirely new, fucking raw, and he will find Livy because right now nothing else matters.
Of course, what happens after he finds her is another story.
Fucking hell.
Just 24 hours ago, he was working up the courage to share his feelings. Now he’ll be lucky if she doesn’t cut his fucking balls off.
And that’s if Livy agrees to see him.
Alfie shakes his head and sits taller in his seat. He’s negotiated ‘deal or die’ offers with some of Britain’s most dangerous men, and this is Livy. His Livy. When he finds her, he won’t give her a choice. After all, it was God himself who delivered her to his doorstep.
Some things are meant to be, and once he has her in his arms, he won’t let her go again.
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A/N: So ... let me know what you think! I really wanted this chapter to be longer, but honestly, I’ve been sitting on this for months. It got to a point where I think I just needed to publish it, so I could get creatively unstuck! 🙈
Or at least, let’s hope! 
Thanks to everyone still reading this story. I appreciate all of you xx
Tag List: @noz4a2 @confessionbrain​ @omgeternal​ @potter-solomons​​ @quarterpastmidnight​ @woofgocows​ @shaddixlife​ @redhead7799 @cillmequick​@goddessfuck @peakyscillian
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boogiewrites · 2 years
Choking On Sapphires Masterlist Pt. 2
This is part TWO of the Choking on Sapphires Masterlist.
There are so many chapters it won't let me link them all in one post!
(Find part 1 here Chapters 1-50)
Pt. 51 She’s Gone Pt. 52 Pale Blue Eyes Pt. 53 The Rat Pt. 54 Whole Wide World Pt. 55 Wild Horses Pt.56 Knee Socks  Pt. 57 Wonderful Tonight Pt. 58 I Wanna Be Yours  Pt. 59 Under My Thumb Pt. 60 It Must Be Love Pt. 61 Maybe I’m Amazed Pt 62 This Feeling Pt. 63 Gimme All Your Love Pt. 64 Love Is Blindness Pt. 65 Stuck In The Middle Pt. 66 Your Sins Pt. 67 More Than Words Pt. 68 What Kind Of Man Pt. 69 The Boy I Love Pt. 70 Killer Shangri-Lah Pt. 71 Shotgun Pt. 72 Stay In My Corner Pt.73 Loverman Pt. 74 Tonight Pt. 75 Just Like Heaven Pt. 76 You’ve Got The Love Pt. 77 It Makes No Difference Pt. 78 Blue Veins Pt 79 Baddest Man Alive Pt 80 505 Pt 81 Mardy Bum Pt 82 Levee Breaks Pt 83 Baby Says Pt 84 Sleazy Bed Track Pt 85 Breakdown Pt 86 Love Interruption Pt 87 It’s too late Pt 88 It ain’t over Pt 89 Bad Company Pt 90 Right Back Pt 91 Golden Hour Pt 92 Love Her Madly Pt 93 Bigger Boys 94 The Less I Know 95 List of Demands 96 Dog Days are Over 97 Golden Dandelions
41 notes · View notes
wandawiccan60 · 2 years
Part 18: The Witch of Camden Town
Alfie Solomon's X Jovonka(FemOC)
A/N: Hello everyone and I am once again back with another new chapter that's right it's part 18 of my Alfie story. I somewhat had a hard time again in were to end this chapter ending but I am happy to announce that it was an accomplishment but a very devastating one for the most part. I really hope in the end it makes you guys feel a bit of some hope and want to see what will happen next. And yes I got very excited to include another character that I am proud to finally introduce to this series. As always guys thank you for reading and growing with me on this journey. Please as always comment, like, and reblog, it'll mean a lot for the page and I appreciate you all for the much love you have sent. And as always everyone please Enjoy!!!. I'll catch you guys again in the next post. See Ya!!!
Word Count: 4,374
WARNING 18+ ONLY!!!: Graphic Blood, Death of a Character(or maybe not???), Torture, and Some Cussing
TAGS: @i-love-th-characters1, @hecatemoon87, @jarvisrocks, @kittycatcait219, @evita-shelby, @theshelbyclan, @theshelbyclan, @potter-solomons, @ao3feed-symbrock, @annisse, @zablife, @tomhardyspinkyfinger, @edwardthomashardy1, @star017, @thealmightybitchgoddess, @mollybegger-blog, @ninja-potato-shelby-solomons, @professor-alfie-solomons, @solomons-finest-rum, @tea-atfive, @rikki-b-lake, @symbean, @veddieiscanon, @97freaknik, @jollysoulfestivalfreak, @weirdgirl16355, @twvstedsouls, @omgeternal, @bubblyani, @buttercup32sstuff, @raincoffeeandfandoms, @queencoraline3, @queenofthefaceless, @quarterpastmidnight, @thefics-that-drip, @lovebitesimagines, @alfiesolomons-treacle,
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Camden Town
 “You were goin’ to hurt and rape her, Sabini. I did what I had to do. All because you were being a fuckin’ stupid drunk who likes to hurt innocent girls,” Alfie said, giving a serious glare back at his “friend” which Sabini found the insult unacceptable.
“Hehe, you know what I find more hilarious Solomon’s,” the Italian said, still pointing his gun, wanting to blow his face, but he held back. “All this time that we have been talking. I sent a few of my men to go catch a familiar little runaway that you know of. Don’t you worry, though I told my men to keep her clean and unharmed. How about you say hello to her right now, yea?”
“What are you talkin’ about Sabini,” Alfie said, fearing the worst was yet to come.
The Italian gangster didn’t answer him as he snapped his fingers toward Bob, making his way out of the office. A moment later, Bob came back. Alfie’s heart dropped on the floor once he saw the love of his life. Along with Isabel, Edna, and one other woman he didn’t recognize coming inside his brown-lit office. 
“Alfie,” Jovonka said in a frightened voice as the man behind her holding onto her arms, setting her on her knees. 
“You fuckin’ bastard! Let her go!” yelled out Alfie as he tried to reach for Sabini, but two henchmen restrained him down on his chair, as he breathed heavily through his nostrils.
“No! Now you will sit the fuck down like a good boy and watch as your sweet witch bitch gets what she deserves,” Sabini yelled back, still pointing his pistol in Alfie’s direction.
The scum Italian then stood on his feet, facing away from his fellow mate, looking at the girls in front of him.
“Before we get any further, you ladies must wonder how I knew you were in, Margate. Well, as a matter of speaking, I had a little help from someone you might know of. 
Jovonka looked away, trying to not make eye contact with the man, and instead looked at Alfie. Her eyes showed him how scared she is feeling and thinking that things could get terrible. The Italian gangster knelt in front of her face. Jovonka only ignored him as best as she could. 
“It’s vulgar of you to not look me in the eye, my dear. Especially now that I know you were the little shit who cast that spell on me. Just so you can protect your savior who put me in the fucking hospital for weeks, even months,” Sabini’s voice erupted, making her and the rest of the girls jump in fright.
Jovonka finally locked eyes with her captor. She has grown to hate and fear. Giving him a serious death stare, wishing she could just end his life on the spot.
“It hurt, didn’t it? To be useless for quite some time all because of your own drunkness and pathetic attempt to have your way with me,” said Jovonka in a confident reply, a small smile appeared in the corner of her mouth.
Sabini’s face turned into annoyance and anger as, in a swift gesture, slapped Jovonka across the face with the back of his left hand. Both Alfie and Isabel reacted to this as they both wanted to strangle and murder Sabini for laying a hand on her. 
“You’re goin’ to fuckin’ pay for that, you piece of shit I swear to fuckin’ God!” Alfie threateningly yelled out, trying his best to struggle out of the two men restraining him back. 
Jovonka let out a small groan under her breath as a faint red mark showed up on the side of her face. Sabini wrapped a hard hand around her neck, letting out a gasp for air. 
“You think that was funny, eh? Well, you won’t be smiling after what I will do to you next now, will ya? Victor, my boy, would you be so kind as to hold her face down for me?” Sabini said, gesturing a finger for the man to come forward.
“No, No! Leave her alone you fuckin’ bastard! Do it to me and not her!” Alfie yelled out to the Italian mobster, ignoring his proposal as Victor now held her face out, exposing her right cheek.
Isabel looked on with horror as she tried her best to get out of the henchman’s restraints. But it was no use. Sabini then took out a sharp blade from behind his belt glistening under the semi-lit office. Ready to plunge the sharp object into the girl that got away.
“You cold-hearted wretch, punish me, not my sister,” said Isabel, giving a death stare at Sabini and making an ugly smile at her. 
“You two are pathetic to want to take this thing right here, yea, in your fucking places, then her. But you’re all forgetting that every one of you had a part in all of this. So everyone should shut the hell up and stay quiet yea?!” Said Sabini pointing the blade towards the older sister and seeing a small tear streaming on the side of her right eye as he continued his speech “And you all must be wondering who knew you were in Margate. Well, then I had to take him by force if you all could recall a certain restaurant where he used to work. However, I had to encourage him to give in and tell me what I needed. But don’t fear, he is quite fine. Henry let him in.”
Once he called out to his henchman, the door of Alfie’s office opened, revealing young Novel all bruised. Jovonka’s and Isabel’s eyes grew in shock seeing the young boy alive but heavily damaged from his face. 
“Novel… tell me this is not true?” Isabel questioned him. The young boy only lowered his head, feeling ashamed for putting everyone he loved and cared about in this whole situation.
“Isabel… for-forgive me I… I had no other choice,” said Novel with tears in his eyes as he looked up at Isabel and towards Jovonka. 
“Ah ah boy, you’re not telling the entire truth. Young Novel here agreed to tell me about you two. Just so he could get rid of Alfie and win back the heart of the Dancing Witch and have her as his own. That’s how easily we came to you two. Isn’t that so, my dear boy?” Sabini said, placing a hand on his right shoulder, enjoying this whole encounter. 
Jovonka couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Seeing her best friend whom she loved and cared about would do such a thing. Just because she fell in love with Alfie and not with him, it still wasn’t right for him to give away their hideout. 
“How could you Novel have you’ve never thought about for a moment how much Alfie has done for us? Just because I didn’t give you my heart, it didn’t mean I never stop thinking about you. But you went ahead and everything away,” Jovonka said, infuriating her tears forming in her eyes, not believing how Novel would betray her, Isabel, Elena, and Alfie. 
Novel only stood there with no other words to say, directing his gaze to Alfie, both of them giving each other death stares. Sabini found this entire ordeal enjoyable, seeing everyone going at each other’s throats. 
“Now then, where was I before you came in? Oh, that’s right, you little rat,” said the Italian leader, pointing the sharp object in her direction. "You will not forget this little reminder of when you fuck around with someone like me.”
“Wait, Sabini, you said you were going to let us all go fre-.”
“SHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH! You thought I would let you all go away that easily? Well, you are wrong now do me a favor and shut your damn mouth,” said Sabini pointing a sharp finger at the young boy while nodding his head towards Henry and another henchman of his to restrain the boy down on a wooden chair. 
“NO! You fucking devil you promised!” the boy yelled, but Sabini just ignored him as he looked back at Jovonka, already eager to give her the punishment she deserved.
He then grabbed Jovonka by the neck. Victor held out her left cheek for Sabini to see. Alfie struggled once more, wanting to jump across from his desk to murder Sabini, but the two men had him in place. She felt the tip of the blade against her skin. She trembled like a leaf, expecting the worst was yet to come.
“Let’s get this pretty little face a new look, eh?” Said Sabini with an evil grin on his face until suddenly everything went by slowly and painfully.
Puncturing the blade against her skin, Sabini slowly cut deep and slow across her cheek. A few drops of red blood oozed out slowly as he continued on. From behind him, he heard Alfie hissing out “No” in anger and cursing out at the Italian mobster. Jovonka tried her hardest to not let out any whimpers, but it was no use. She screamed in pain, feeling the sharp cut of the blade puncturing deep against her skin. Novel’s anger grew uncontrollably, wanting to end the monster’s life, but it was no use. Isabel and Edna looked on helplessly seeing the young girl getting cut so brutally. 
“You think it’s funny now, huh? You little fucking shit,” Sabini said as he went along, cutting her other cheek without stopping for a second.
“YOU FUCKIN’ WOP! You're goin’ to fuckin’ die for this, you hear me!?” Alfie threateningly yelled at his now used to “old friend” struggling to shove away from Darby’s henchmen but they still put him down.
Screaming more in pain, Jovonka felt the now bloody blade puncturing deeper into her other cheek, feeling her thick tears streaming down her eyes, wanting this nightmare to be over. Sabini felt satisfied with his work, leaning back and seeing the once beautiful face of the dancing witch now covered in her own blood. Alfie looked on with hot, raging flames in his eyes. Seeing the love of his life being tortured in front of him. He felt his tears streaming down his cheeks as Jovonka cried her eyes out. 
“Anyone else want to have a new fresh face just like hers? Hmm?,” he asked cold-heartedly, looking around the room and waiting, but nobody said anything, “that’s what I thought. Now you, my dearest friend, I have saved the best for last for you. Bring him forward, gentlemen.”
The men did what they were told, bringing forward Alfie by his arms. He then sat on his knees against the hard wooden floor beneath him. He focused his attention on Jovonka, seeing her sobbing, her face covered by her hands. Sabini blocked his view from her, looking up at the man he was now close to wanting to choke to him to death. 
“How does it feel Solomon’s? To feel weak and vulnerable beneath my feet, hmm? I never thought that my most loyal and close friend would protect such people, especially your little bitch you fell in love with. Pathetic is what I think,” said Sabini shaking his head in disappointment, both men giving staring death stares as he continued on, “what did you even see in her? To get this far in hiding and protecting her away at your not-so-secret hideout anymore. Thinking I wouldn’t get my memories back for a long time, well, you have been wrong, my friend.” 
Alfie glaringly looked up at Sabini with fury in his eyes, saying nothing. From behind, Jovonka slowly sat up on her knees, seeing both hands now covered in her own blood. She reached in front of her dress, slowly taking out the small knife Alfie gave to her. Without a moment to lose, she stabbed Sabini’s left arm, letting out a loud groan. Before she could stab him another time, Victor harshly grabbed her by her hair, making her tumble down hard on the floor. Alfie reacted quickly, giving Sabini a hard punch to the face, but was held back by his arms once more. The Italian wailed in pain, seeing he had now a wounded arm and a bleeding nose. 
“YOU BLOODY FUCKERS!” He shrieked out placing a hand on top of his arm trying to hold some pressure on it.
Jovonka smirked at this as Alfie caught sight of her, which he also found amusing, feeling proud of his beloved.
That’s me feisty rebellious girl…
One of Sabini’s men helped their boss remove his coat from him, trying to be careful as much as they could. Once it was off the spot where Jovonka stabbed Darby was visible to see. 
“Not so sharp looking now, eh, Sabini?” Said Alfie between a chuckle. Jovonka gave off a small smile for what she did to the Italian devil.
Darby groans out in pain, deathly staring at Alfie and then toward the witch dancer. Having a mischievous smirk on her face finding the whole situation funny. He inhaled a sharp breath of air Henry then came to his aid gently applying a white bandage around Sabini’s arm. He shrugged him off completely away as he straightened himself, trying to look his best. 
“So this all seems like a joke to you both, eh? But all of you won’t have the last laugh once you’ll witness what will happen to you Solomon’s. And it will be quite the show. Novel, come forward,” said Sabini, gesturing his hand towards the young boy being released from the henchman. 
Novel slowly walked forward, his head hunched down, looking at the wooden ground. Until he was beside the Italian, awaiting what was yet to come. Jovonka’s face became uneasy while watching her friend standing in front of Alfie. 
“Do what you have to do boy I don’t care how knowing this is something personal for you. But this man yea is beneath your feet now. Be quick about it,” said Sabini, making his way toward Alfie’s chair behind his desk.
Novel said little until he made eye contact with the Jewish gangster, that’s when he knew what he wanted to do.
“You took us in and gave us everything we could ask for, but you took away what I really cared so much and loved. Jovonka shouldn’t have chosen you, but she went along to do so. But now I’ll make you feel that pain,” the young boy said while from behind Jovonka look on with fear, holding back a breath and trying to understand why was he doing this.
Victor handed the boy a steel crowbar while Sabini leaned back against the chair with a big devil grin on his face. Novel had the tool between his hands. His eyes locked once again toward Alfie. 
“Novel, why are you doing this?” Jovonka questioned her friend, but he didn’t listen to her while he tighten his grip on the crowbar.
Alfie locked his eyes on his beloved soulmate, seeing the fear and tears in her eyes. 
This is all wrong… this can’t be happening…
Jovonka tried to break away from the Sabini’s henchmen but she failed at every attempt. 
“Novel, stop, please. Have you gone mad? Please,” she cried out, feeling her burning cheeks as her tears streamed down her face.
Novel blocked her voice away as he stared down at the Jewish gangster, ready to strike down at the man that took every opportunity away from him. Without saying another word, he lifted the crowbar over his right shoulder, feeling like everything was going in slow motion. Novel hit the older man’s left side of his face, tumbling down hard on the floor. Jovonka cried out, seeing him unconscious, groaning out in pain as he tried to get up, but he couldn’t. The boy then hit once again, but from behind his back, Alfie let out another loud growl Novel hit slow hit after another, hearing some bones crack while Jovonka cried for her friend to stop his rampage.
“NOVEL STOP! You're going to kill him, please just stop,” she wailed out, but the boy was stopping for one bit.
The young lad stopped for a moment and heaved in and out for breath while a now injured Alfie layout on the floor. He mumbled some audible words that couldn’t hear clearly. His face tilted slowly in Jovonka’s direction. The left side of his face showed an ugly big red scar while his eye covered in blood.
“Jo-Jovon-ka…,” he mumbly said, his mouth dripping with his own blood and spit, slowly reaching a weak hand towards her.
Suddenly Novel hit his face with his foot, blood splattered onto the wooden floor. 
“I think he understands your message, my boy. I’ll take care of him from here now,” Sabini said slowly, sitting up on his feet, feeling the side of his arm burn but trying to ignore it.
Making his way around the desk, he walked his way beside Alfie, looking down at the helpless big gangster that people of Camden Town once feared. But now he lay injured, covered by his own blood, which brought a smile upon Sabini’s face. 
“Do you feel useless now, Solomon’s? Seeing yourself lying here in your own failure knowing thinking you can get away so easily,” he said menacingly placing one of his feet above his chest and letting out a small chuckle, “Don’t you worry my friend, I’ll take very good care of your little whore. After I make her suffer slowly with my bare hands, just like you went through.”
Alfie tried to say something until everything went black before his eyes. Sabini gave him another blow on Alfie’s face, knocking him out cold. His body lay lifeless as Jovonka let out a painful wail.
“NO. ALFIE!” she yelled out. Victor let her go free as she knelt down beside him, hugging him tightly around her arms and letting out more tears.
Alfie… oh my love… no, no…
“Alright then boys, let’s go. I have had enough of this place. Take them all away and dispose of the body. I don’t care how you do it, but get rid of his corpse, yea?” Sabini commanded his henchmen nodded their heads and said “yes sir” in unison.
They led away Isabel and Edna from the office room, struggling and screaming for them to let them go. Jovonka still held onto Alfie for dear life, not wanting to let go in a heartbeat. Sabini was not having it until he snapped his fingers at Victor, gesturing him to take her away. 
“Alfie, no, don’t leave me, please. I love you, my darling,” she whimpered until she felt a large hand grabbing her tightly by her hair as they escorted her out of the office, letting out wailing screams of pain. 
Outside of the dark chilly night, awaited 4 black vehicles awaited waiting for their boss to come. Edna, Isabel, and Jovonka were then aggressively shoved inside one car. Ollie was instead taken away towards the side of the rum distillery, frightened by what was going to be done to him. Two of Sabini’s men were now carrying out Alfie’s lifeless body as they put him inside the other black car. A loud gunshot was heard in the air, making the women yelp as the two henchmen reappeared from the side of the building. But Ollie was nowhere to be seen until Jovonka realized what they had done to the poor young secretary. 
Oh no…. not Ollie…
Before Sabini got inside the car, he then nodded his head to Henry and two other of his men. They obeyed their bosses’ gestures as they made their way inside the distillery once again. Isabel, Jovonka, and Edna sat inside the dark vehicle in silence. Shivers ran down Jovonka’s body, recollecting what she had witnessed with her own eyes. Seeing Alfie brutally getting hit and kicked in front of her presence. She felt like half of herself within Alfie was crushing ever so slowly. Seeing her entire world in her presence felt like dying leaves in autumn. Sabini lit another brown cigar between his mouth, letting out a long, smokey cloud. They escorted Novel to the first black car in front of the others, being put in the back of the car with his wrists. Suddenly, a cloud of dark smoke smelled in the air. As the two henchmen reappeared from the building as flames rose from inside the distillery. Jovonka looked on in shock, seeing what once been Alfie’s empire now fell down into ashes. The orange flames consumed every part of the building. Sabini then took another drag from his brown roll, mesmerized at the work he has created. 
“Alright then boys, let’s get out of here,” he then said as he got inside the back of the black car, feeling no remorse.
As all the vehicles followed one leader to the other, Jovonka looked back at Alfie’s distillery. Wondering where they were taking her, Isabel, and Edna too, as her heart pumped ever so uncontrollably. In the far distance, she saw one car driving in the opposite direction, where the lifeless body of Alfie was driven away from each other. Jovonka shed a bit more tears, feeling the soul of his loved one no longer close to hers and what was only left behind was emptiness and sadness.
Oh my Alfie… I can’t believe you are gone…
The Next Morning 
The long boat was making its way through the quiet river path as the warm sunrise rose above the skies. It filled a good deal of endless storage brown boxes and other goods throughout the boat. But a very particular item in between the other stocks was making its way to a familiar place where no one even dared to step a foot. A little farther up on the river, heavy clinking of hammers was heard in the air. Working men here and there did their duties like any other normal day. Gray smoke rose in mid-air as the smell of steel and rust mixed with each other. 
“Charlie, we already packed the last few storages that came by boat, Are there still any more drivers that we should know of?” said one man his face filled with black stain marks on his face while he had his paperwork in his hands.
“No, that is all the stocks that we need for the moment, but we will be gettin’ more than soon as we get word again. You and your men should head on home. You all have done enough today,” said Charlie, taking a long drag from his white roll seeing at the piece of paper, seeing that everything looks clear.
“Charlie, Charlie,” called out another man with a dirty-looking black hat trying to catch his breath until a moment later he talked clearer, “You… you have to come and see this. You won’t believe what we found in this long boat.”
“What do you mean, Curly? Don’ start with sayin’ such nonsense. I have no time for this,” said Charlie, releasing an inaudible sigh.
“No, but you must, it’s somethin’ you won’ believe if you come see it yourself, man. Just come hurry,” said Curly back, gesturing a hand towards the other man to follow him.
Everyone made their way towards where Curly was directing them as they reached the bank of the river. There were a couple of men surrounding the boat. Charlie felt a bit confused to what was is all the fuss was about. Someone within the crowd came up to the trio with a light brown cap and a nice-looking suit.
“Charlie, you won’ believe wha’ we found in this boat. I couldn’ believe it meself either,” said the man in the cap with a thick Irish-like accent.
“What are you goin’ on about? Curly said the same thing and now you to Johnny Dog and yes, please show me what the hell you all want to show me,” Charlie said with a bit of frustration in his tone as he followed the man right behind.
As the other gentlemen made room for them to pass, Charlie saw what was everyone talking about. Inside the boat, there was a white sheet that looked to be in a shape of a human body with a few blood stains. Charlie, with a bit of bravery, step foot inside the boat, reaching a hand towards the peculiar item. He slowly unveiled the top of the sheet, revealing what looked to be a bearded man with half his face all beat up. While it showed a blood spot on top of his head, the man with a brown light cap recognized the man instantly. 
“By God, that is Alfie fuckin’ Solomon’s,” said Johnny Dog. His eyes grew wide with fright but yet confused at seeing the man from Camden Town be here, of all places.
There was a sudden wheezing sound coming out from Alfie’s mouth, freaking some men out as they took a step back. 
“Fuckin’ hell he still alive this man,” said Charlie, crouching down next to the Jewish gangster placing two fingers on the side of his stiff neck, feeling a faint pulse.
“Wha’ should we do with him?” Curly nervously asked, feeling unsure about helping a man that was clearly an enemy to them.
“Well, I know you lads will not like this as much. I don’ either. But we should take him straigh’ to Warwickshire,” said Johnny Dog, not liking where this whole situation was going.
“You mean… no you’re havin’ a laugh aren’t you Johnny?” Said Charlie looking up at the man hoping that he was not serious about what he was saying.
“No, I am not lads. But right now, let’s not waste any more time. We need to take him to the Arrow House. Come on, then hoist him up slowly,” said Johnny Dog, gesturing to some men to help them with Alfie.
I know Thomas is not goin’ to like this… not for one bit…
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twvstedsouls · 2 years
The Elephant in the Room - Playlist
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For @zablife​‘s playlist exchange, 
I created this playlist for @solomons-finest-rum​ for her amazing four part series The Elephant in the Room [you can find chapters 2, 3, and 4 here] 
Story Summary: What you thought would be a nice private space rented from a nice lady in a nice neighbourhood soon turned to be a living nightmare. Enter: the most excentric little girl and her even more unconventional father who just so happens to be the criminal boss of Camden Town.
Alfie is his usual lovely chaotic self, and the side/supporting characters are a delight and very detailed. Really loved your story Saga! 
🎶 Pressure by Youngblood Hawke
🎶 Young at Heart by Covenhoven
🎶 Hoppípolla by Sigur Rós
🎶 Glow by UNKLE
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enretrogue · 9 months
Destiny — @butterfly-lies-chase-them-away
A Brother For Cyril ⎢ Part Two — @muneca-lemon-steppa
You Love Is Enough — @muneca-lemon-steppa
Evenings At Home — @muneca-lemon-steppa
Good Girl — @ukrainianmotherfucker
Interviews For New Beginnings ⎢ Part 2 ⎢ Part 3 ⎢ Part 4 ⎢ Part 5 ⎢ Part 6 — @muneca-lemon-steppa
Kisses For Bad Days — @muneca-lemon-steppa
Change Of Plans — @muneca-lemon-steppa
Married Life w/ Alfie Solomons HCs — @muneca-lemon-steppa
All Kinds of Trouble — @muneca-lemon-steppa
Overstimulation + Praise Kink — @fandom-puff
Rum and Soap — @dearshleby
Always — @muneca-lemon-steppa
Show You How Much I Love You — @roguerogerss
I Can Imagine — @xoxoavenger
At the End of the Day — @lis-likes-fics
The Complaint — @look-at-the-soul
Midnight Interlude — @awritesthings1
Gone with the Leaves — @awritesthings1
Numbers — @mrkdvidal1989
Train Left - Moments Passed — @mrkdvidal1989
Ignoble Sins — @cillmequick
Empty Promises — @fallatyourfeet
You Have More To Lose Than You Take — @mrkdvidal1989
Bloodstained Hands — @mrkdvidal1989
Look At Me — @simplyundeniable98
Time After Time Chapter 13 — @all-mirth-no-matter
A Moment of Happiness — @gypsy-girl-08
Christmas Lights — @mrkdvidal1989
First Christmas — @acewritesfics
Eye Fucking Each Other — @mrkdvidal1989
All I Need — @gypsy-girl-08
Promotion — @acewritesfics
No Man Works Alone — @muneca-lemon-steppa
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The Best One — @theewokingdead
Are You On Mute? ⎢ Part Two — @rhoorl
Ask Prompt — @bullet-prooflove
Are You Going To Be Quiet? — @rhoorl
Bluffing Season — @beskarandblasters
Mesmerized — @endlessthxxghts
New Year’s Day — @hellishjoel
My Home Is You — @chronically-ghosted
Stars — @trulybetty
Need You — @endlessthxxghts
Cravings ⎢ Crash ⎢ Insatiable — @pedge-page
Merry Christmas Cariño — @joelsflannel
All I Want For Christmas — @morallyinept
When Sleep Comes Easy — @laurfilijames
Just A Little Push — @missdictatorme
Kinktober 2023: Sexual Exhaustion — @gosmigenergy
Clusterfuck — @velicibeewords
All I Want — @laurfilijames
Company — @pimosworld
The Story of Us Masterlist — @pimosworld
TSOU AU ⎢ Never Have I Ever ⎢ Down The Rabbit Hole ⎢ Santa’s A Homewrecker — @pimosworld
What Benny Doesn’t Know Masterlist — @backtothefanfiction
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The Nurse Series ⎢ 2 ⎢ 3 ⎢ 4 ⎢ 5 ⎢ 6 ⎢ 7 — @heresthestorymorningglory
The Spy Next Door — @renren-006
Homework Problems — @renren-006
Wide Open Spaces — @elusivewildflower
Hurt You — @j4desblurbs
Bodyguard!Sierra Six — @wiidvw .☘︎ ݁˖
Safe Hands — @hollandstrophyhusband
Bodyguard!Sierra Six — @wiidvw .☘︎ ݁˖
Aftercare w. Sierra Six — @ken-dom
Bodyguard!Sierra Six — @wiidvw .☘︎ ݁˖
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See You Soon (+ Jason Todd) — @reveluving
Batmom’s Biggest Fan — @silly-thinkings
The Bat in the Shadows ⎢ Part 2 ⎢ Part 3 — @ynscrazylife
Long Overdue Masterlist — @apocalypse-shuffle
Love Thorns All Over This Rose ⎢ Part Two — @youreobsessedwithtoomanyfandoms
Harmony (+Dick Grayson) — @soriseerakyra
Batprank ⎢ Part Two — @ciaraswritings
Unexpected — @ciaraswritings
Ballet (ft. Cass Cain) — @reveluving
I Want To See My Little Boy (ft. Damian Wayne) — @dragon-chica 
Gossip and Galas — @ciaraswritings
The Graysons — @hannibals-favourite-meal
Alleviate The Pain (Platonic!Dick Grayson) — @pugh-pugh-pugh-pugh
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inkwolvesandcoffee · 2 years
TH Characters as Writers
TH Masterlist
Tag list: @buttercup32sstuff @potter-solomons​ @zablife​ @ilovemanypeople​ @vir-tual​ @liliac-dreamer​ @alikaheroes
I was inspired by @hecatemoon87​‘s TH Characters as series and oddly, in particular, her Tom Hardy characters as vampires post. So... let’s just say some writers have a side they keep hidden.
Now, I might one day write individual little pieces for each of these or perhaps a whole fic (because we all know I struggle with doing one-shots). However, for now, this is what I came up with.
James Delaney ‘The Devil in the Shadows’
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Genres: Mysticism & Horror
Possessing a taste for cruelty and rumoured to be a vampire, James has everyone (publishers, agents, fans) quaking in their boots. The fact he seems to know an awful lot about what’s generally seen as ‘savage’ and ‘dark magick’ only feeds his image in the public eye.
His writing style is reminiscent of Edgar Allan Poe and the dark Gothic genre, the stories often set in the shadows of the Victorian era. They feel so life-like you’d think he’d actually experienced his own stories, but surely he’s just done a lot of research and done it very well.
James is very closed off from the public and strays away from social media. Any account on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or whatever other platform claiming to be him is fake. The only person he ‘talks’ (in his own way) to and occasionally gets him out of the house is his neighbour. She’s his proofreader and grateful for him escorting her to and from work (she’s supporting herself by working a waitress and singer on Friday nights), but the relationship remains difficult because she can’t get a read on him. He supports her small business and often can be found in her vicinity.
If you saw the both of them and read between the lines of his novel Taboo, you’d notice the female protagonist is eerily similar to her while the character’s counterpart resembles him.
Alfie Solomons ‘The Secret Romantic’
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Genre: Romance
Alfie works under the pen name Edna Spector to prevent the men working at his bakery from finding out about his hidden side. The only one who knows the real face behind the name on the covers is a young female barista who works at a café he’s fond of, close to his bakery. It’s also with her he exchanges books and sometimes goes bookshop hopping. Totally not dating her, no, not at all.
Or are they?
Though he might not show it and the novels by other writers are carefully stowed away in his home, but Alfie is an absolute sucker for bakery love stories. So it’s no wonder the majority of his are exactly what he loves and they tend to have a very smutty side. No one’s complaining, though.
Reggie & Ron Kray ‘The Twin Menaces’
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Genres: True crime & biography
The Kray twins are among the most famous (or, rather, infamous) co-authors in the publishing industry. They’ve made good money with their biography and now also write books to offer an insight into England’s underworld. It’s rumoured Ron still partakes in what goes on in the shadows, but Reggie claims they’ve both gone fully legal.
Eames ‘The Gentleman’
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Genres: Dystopia & Sci-fi
No one but his publishing house and agent know his true identity. Described as Loki incarnate, Eames is THE gentleman among British writers. While his charm has influenced the acceptance of his manuscripts, it’s still mostly his natural talent for the pen that’s made him come this far.
Underlined by realism, Eames’s stories take place in a more dystopian version of our world and explores the possibilities of technology. His debut novel, Inception, is still a bestseller to this day.
Eddie Brock ‘The Vigilante’
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Genre: Non-Fiction
Eddie is a journalist gone author who writes about current affairs. More often than not, his books border on true crime and have led to the downfall of some powerful people and companies. Therefore, it isn’t surprising each new release causes at least some controversy and leads to a heated debate.
He has the odd tendency to talk to himself, but most people write it off as a ‘writer thing’ and think he’s simply thinking out loud or talking through scenarios for his book.
A little known fact about Eddie is that he’s secretly a fan of fluffy romance and especially Edna Spector’s. As soon as a new book by the author is up for pre-order, he’s one of the first to place an order. Now, he could do it himself, using his laptop. However, Eddie visits the independently run bookshop he frequents to support its owner (on who he secretly has a crush). It’s also here where he can often be found working on a new book, sitting in the romance section, or, if it’s Monday, helping out with the weekly shipment.
Leo Demidov ‘The Brooding Lion’
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Genre: Thriller
Leo is an ex-KGB agent who uses his own experiences for his detective/spy series, which is set in the country he once called home. After losing his wife to the Russian regime, the widower fled from Russia. The decision was also in part due to his unwillingness to partake in the war with Ukraine.
The British stiff upper lip is easier to break through than the walls Leo has erected around himself. The only person or, rather, thing who knows him best is his keyboard. Sounds strange, but he bought one that’s like a typewriter since it reminds him of his grandfather’s typewriter he used to use to write letters. Although, perhaps there’s one person he occasionally shows what lies beneath the cold and distant attitude: his agent. And she’s known him long enough to pick up on the hidden hints of distress between the lines of his stories.
He has co-written a book with the Kray Twins about the ties between Russia, the Russian underworld and the English criminal underbelly.
Bob Saginowski ‘The Storyteller’
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Genre: Urban fantasy
Bob bases his stories on what happens during his shifts at the pub he works at as a barman. To think of it, it was only a matter of time before he’d turn to writing because he certainly has the classic ‘writer personality’. He’s a bit of a dreamer, shy, and quiet. However, he tends to be chatty when he drops by his favourite café for breakfast after a late-night shift or is hungover. Although, it should be noted he’s only like that when a particular girl is at work. She’s the only person he’s fond of in a way he’s never been of anyone else and it leaves him puzzled. All that he knows is that he enjoys her company and values her feedback. Also, in his words, she smells nice. Really, really nice.
His most popular book is about Tom, a werewolf barman who saves the girl he has a crush on from a Victorian vampire. It’s rumoured a spin-off is in the works focusing on the relationship between the two.
By the way, has anyone else noticed he isn’t on duty when there’s a full moon?
Forrest Bondurant ‘The Writing Husband’
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Genre: Adventure
Forrest isn’t good with words, that is, when it comes to talking. However, on the page, he has a natural flow in which each word is chosen with purpose. So it seems anyways, but if you’d ask him about his style and vocabulary choices you’ll get nothing more than a shrug and a “I write, that’s all there is to it.”
His main inspirations are Defoe’s Robin Crusoe, Henri Charriére’s Papillon and Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness (also a source of inspiration for James Delaney). Henceforth, his protagonists often find themselves out in the wild with all the dangers it accompanies. Moreover, and only his wife knows how unashamed he is in this, he loves the Indiana Jones, Assassin’s Creed and Uncharted franchises so there’s often the hunt for some lost artefact in his tales. Also, yes, he loves video games. He might not be good at them, but nothing beats a night filled with beer and gaming (preferably with his wife).
Two little treasures I found;
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hecatemoon87 · 1 year
Alfie Solomons: Choker
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Warnings ⚠️ Smut
Minors DNI!!
You've received a present from Alfie.
It's a black box with a red bow securing the top. You untie the bow and remove the lid, discovering the gift within.
It's a black velvet choker.
There's a note inside that reads:
For my pretty, pet. Place this around your petite throat when my hand cannot.
You blush, and quickly hide the note. You've only recently started sleeping with Alfie.
He discovered you liked being choked during sex.
In fact, you both discovered it because you had no idea how much you enjoyed his big, strong hand clutching your throat as his big, strong cock spread you open.
You go to your room and carefully put the choker on. It looks lovely and perfectly normal. Only you and Alfie know it's perverse meaning.
You go to work, and schedule meetings, organize and catalog contracts and other legal documents.
You know he is watching you. You feel his eyes on you as you do your work. You ignore him, though, as you do have a job to perform.
But you secretly smile to yourself as you know what he wants. And today, he seems very distracted by you.
"Fuck it. You, in my office, now," Alfie demands.
You are the only woman here, the rest are men who just think the secretary is in trouble.
You know better and follow Alfie into his office, closing and locking the door behind you.
"Yes, Alfie?" You said politely.
He's behind his desk, locking something in a drawer.
"I see you got my present," he said, pocketing the key and coming over to you. His intense eyes are drinking you in as he speaks.
"Yes, it's rather lovely, but it doesn't quite feel like the real thing," you said, coyly touching the choker.
Alfie chuckled and slipped an arm around your back, pulling you into him.
"I wanted to kiss you all day," he said.
"Well, here I am," you replied.
He takes that as permission, and he kisses you. He is such an excellent kisser. It's intoxicating and that's really all that it takes for you to get moist.
"Take me, now please?" You practically beg.
He chuckled, brushing his thumb over your choker. "Alright, dove, alright, don't fret."
He brings you over to his desk, and you hike up your dress, revealing your bare bottom.
Alfie sucks in some air, gliding his thumbs over your exposed cheeks.
"You mean to tell me you were sitting there all day without your knickers?"
You arch you back and wiggle your bottom. "Yes, just for you," you said, sighing as he glides his fingertips across your slit.
"Just for me," he whispers and inserts a finger into your canal. You spread your legs wider, moaning as he slips another finger into you.
"That's right, pet, sing for Papa," he hums, before removing his fingers and removing his belt and unzipping his trousers.
You feel the tip of his cock tease your bottom and then feel him edge into you. As he splits you open, he holds your hips tight and thrusts.
It's not the first time he's fucked you in his office. In fact, you've only been to his house once. He never seems to go home.
"Alfie," you sigh, taking him all in.
"You've got a lovely cunny, dove. Fits my cock so well, doesn't it?" He said, increasing his speed.
"Mhmmm, yes," you coo as he forces your delicate walls apart.
Alfie didn't forget. He slipped a hand around and grasped your throat, squeezing just how you like.
You feel the blood rushing all over your body, pumping in all the right places. Your breathing is lightly hindered and falling in rhythm with Alfie pounding you, you orgasm.
"Fuckin' hell, that's it cum all over my cock. Good girl, clench around it. Fuck!" Alfie was not a quiet man, he shouted this into the room.
It amazed you that no one heard, at least that's what you thought. It didn't matter. All that was important is that you and Alfie were enjoying yourselves.
After your dress was back down, and Alfie's trousers back up, he patted you on the bottom.
"There's a good girl. Back to work, yeah?"
You giggle and gladly return to finish up your work. He'd take you to dinner as always, afterwards.
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padfootdaredmetoo · 1 year
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Part 5. Heart Break of the Century
The family starts to realize that the reader and Noah make a good match. Tommy and the reader begin to realize she has PTSD and start to notice how that impacts her relationships.
Thanks to everyone who wrote in about this series! I really hope that you guys enjoy! <3
Previous parts
Warnings: Mentions of sexual assault/abuse, panic attacks, and anxiety about that experience. Nothing is actually described with detail, PTSD, general peaky chaos
Tommy was acutely aware that his daughter had some emotional problems. She didnt run, she wouldn't fight, she would crumple. Exposing something so broken it made his head swim with anger. He wanted to take the coward’s way out and tell Lizzie to speak to her about it. However, not even he knew the extent of how many awful things had happened to Lizzie, he knew it wasn't a topic she handled well. Having her stressed made him extremely anxious about the baby. 
He lay there in bed, thankful beyond belief that you agreed to sleep in their room. That you got into bed with them, that you hadn't changed your view on the two of them. He would need to speak with John and Arthur about how they go about things. 
The look that crossed your face flashed through his mind once more and flinched. 
“Dad” She whispered and startled him slightly. 
“Wot” He whispered back. 
“I don’t hate you for what you and Lizzie went through.” 
“That’s - good.” He said unsure of how to respond. 
“I - I love you both.” She stuttered and his heart broke a little more if possible. 
He sighed. “I love you too.” 
“I’m sorry I collapsed on the floor the other day.” 
“What happened to-” 
“Just a lot of beatings. I don’t exactly hold back what I’m thinking, doesn't make for the best student or daughter.” 
“Just beatings?” He said trying to remain calm, his fingers balled into fists at his side. 
“One particular priest, he – ah” Her voice was thick and he waited to see what she wanted to say. He wouldn't push her, he would make sure no one ever pushed her for anything ever again. “He used to run his hands on me - while punishing me. Could have been a lot worse. He was, as Polly would say, touched by demons.” 
Tommy lay there biting the inside of his cheek. He wasn't a good man, he didnt have words of comfort for her. He felt her move next to him. Her arms wrapped around his right arm and she pressed her face into his shoulder. 
“It doesn't bother me, I just get overwhelmed when men sort of get really angry.” 
“I’m sorry I scared you.” 
“Don’t- I know it’s only because you love me.” 
“Still, don't let men yell at you like that. Not even me.” The thought of Noah bossing her around, shouting at her was enough to make him light a cigarette. It’s a great example he had been setting for her. She was already confused and now- 
“I won’t.” 
He felt her relax and eventually listened to the both of them breathing softly. He relaxed accepting the fact that his mind would not allow him to rest tonight. 
Waking up you were relieved to feel both parents still in place beside you. Opening your eyes you found yourself still pressed against Tommy's arm, and you could feel Lizzie’s hand in your hair. 
“Morning” You whispered knowing that Tommy was awake. 
“Morning.” He whispered back. 
“If it's allowed can I go get dressed and see if Noah’s up?” 
“Fine.” He said getting up and stretching. You moved out of the room and quickly got washed and dressed in your room. You fussed over what to wear but decided that a pair of trousers and a long-sleeved top with a wool jumper would be best. Better to be practical when the enemy was afoot. You dashed to the kitchen to make some tea. 
You knocked on his door and heard a muffled grumble on the other side. You slowly pushed the door open while holding two mugs of hot tea. 
“Morning” You whispered before your voice got caught in your throat. He was a crumpled masterpiece. He was sprawled across the bed, sheets a mess. He was topless, and you felt your face get hot. “Oh, I have tea.” 
He quickly got up and grabbed the shirt hanging on the bedpost. He pulled in on and then ran a hand through his hair. His cheeks were pink and suddenly you forgot how to breathe. 
You handed him the mug and sat on the end of the bed realizing you probably should have waited for him to come downstairs. 
“How did you sleep? Was everything comfortable?” You resorted to being a good host for lack of better things to say. 
“Oh erm - ya, it was great.” He said taking a sip of tea. You both caught each other's eye and laughed. 
“Sorry for waking you.” You mumbled into the rim of your mug. 
“Not a bad way to wake up, really.” His eyes were so warm and inviting. “So what are we up to today.” 
“I’m not sure, thought maybe we could go for a walk outside. Play in the snow.” Once you said it you realized how childish it was. 
“They have some important meeting on today so being outside sounds nice.” 
You both drank your tea and Noha put his arm around you. You leaned into his side and watched as more snow fell outside his window. 
The morning was chaotic and you were grateful you had a half hour of quiet up in Noah’s room before Esme found you. You had to help with breakfast, and then everyone ate together before going in different directions. 
John and Arthur were given a task in the kitchen making calls, Esme and Polly were helping Lizzie while she rested. The kids were to play downstairs for the day, and Tommy and Alfie would be in his office making more calls and strategizing. 
You and Noah weren't given any instruction. You both sat quietly as everyone left the dining room. 
“Guess they forgot us then,” Noah whispered and it was nice not to be the center of attention for once. 
The rest of the morning passed you by sitting with Noah in front of the fireplace in your room. You both chatted and played cards, pretended to be mad when you caught the other cheating. 
Eventually, you got your walk, observing the groups surrounding the house. You were looking at the various fires and wondering if everyone was warm enough when something hard hit your shoulder. Snow flicked up and landed on your cheeks making you jump. 
You whirled around and Noah threw another one at you. This, much like the card games, became a brutal competition. You were both hurling snow at each other at a vicious pace. You could feel the adults looking at the both of you probably judging you but you didnt let it distract you. 
You wanted this boy to surrender. 
A bunch of shouting caused you to turn your head. A snowball caught your cheek and you brushed off the painful sting, eyes still focused on the commotion breaking out at one of the camps. 
“Are you-” 
You didnt let him finish what he was going to say, you ran towards the camp with a feeling of panic rising through you. What if the Changrettas were here? Running towards it wasn’t smart. 
Noah’s arms caught you preventing you from getting any closer. You stopped and he mouthed to be quiet, you gave a nod and he let you go. 
You both moved closer to the camp to see what the commotion was about. Various slurs and swears were being exchanged between the men. No real threat. Just a squabble between the Solomons and Shelbys. 
Relief flooded you and you walked up to the men at the center of it. You heard Noah swear before rushing to your side. 
“What’s the problem?” You looked to Johnny Dogs because you knew him the best. He answered in Romani, which seemed a bit rude but soon Noah was speaking to his men in Hebrew. 
You listened carefully, wanting to make sure you could come up with a reasonable solution. 
“Tommy - the men are fighting. Think she’s got it under control but it’s not really her place.” Finn was hanging out of the door to his study and the anger was quickly replaced with anxiety. 
Why the fuck were you outside? That was the one thing he told- ah, he didn’t actually remember giving you your tasks for the day at breakfast. Fuck. He apologized and ended the phone call he was having. He and Alfie moved out of the study. 
“She’s a real trouble maker you know that - Noah never sticks his nose where he’s not supposed to. Then she comes around and suddenly he’s always-” 
“Fuck off Alfie.” But they both shut up when they saw the two of them negotiating with each other. Negotiating on behalf of their people, if it was anyone else Tommy would have had to beat the living daylights out of them for overstepping. 
“Now, on our end, we would like to formally apologize for any words of disrespect spoken about anyone's mother.” You spoke clearly. 
“Accepted,” Noah said nodding. 
“Anything else to clear up?” 
“Nah,” Johnny Dogs said with a shrug. 
“Well, in the future, if you insult each other make it more entertaining.” You quipped causing both sides to laugh. “No one likes being cooped up here, try to make the best of it.” Your voice was still light but it had an edge of warning everyone seemed to take seriously. 
Eyes started to land on him and Alfie and they all hummed loudly in agreement. When you looked up at him your mask seemed to falter slightly. You knew it wasn’t your place to do such things, but he knew that you were just trying to be helpful. 
He didnt have to tell you to go inside, you could tell what the look meant. You trudged through the snow back up to the house. 
“Any problems here?” Alfie boomed his voice bouncing off of the snow. 
“No.” then men mumbled or shook their heads. 
“Good.” He responded before walking back up to the house with Noah. 
Tommy stood outside for a long moment. Letting the adrenaline wear off. As much as he hated the boy, the two of them worked well together. If this was anyone else's daughter in the family, he would have gotten them married. Strengthened the alliance a lot more than shipping passageways to New York. 
He shook the idea out of his head. You were 17, and he didnt want you to get married - ever. 
“Not a bad tactic down there. Very clever” Alfie gave you a pat on the back and your whole shoulder shook from the force of it. You were sat next to him at the dinner table tonight. 
“Erm - Thanks.” 
“Surprisingly the two of you make a pretty decent team,” He said quietly. 
“Oh, yeah I think so.” You said with a blush on your cheeks. Having someone's approval made you happy. 
The next few days everyone kept themselves in check. No drama or nonsense. Tommy had placed you and Noah on kid duty. Meaning there were at least five little kids between the two of you at any given movement. You were happy that Noah didnt seem to mind. He enjoyed spending time with the little ones. 
You felt the tension deep in your stomach, you never got a moment alone with him. Tommy, despite being overworked and overwhelmed seemed to always have something for you to do. Then before you knew it the day had flashed by and you were back in bed with your parents. You missed your room, but you knew that both of them were at their limits.
Lizzie was in bed all day now, she moved around the room and took baths, but didnt join the family for meals. No one could figure out what was wrong with her, just kept insisting she needed to rest. 
While getting ready for bed you noticed a white shirt on folded on the edge of your bed. It was a soft cotton shirt of Noah's. You breathed in his scent and hated how your body felt alive and pained at the same time. You changed into a pair of bottoms and wore his shirt hoping no one would notice. You went into your parent's room and settled in under the heavy blankets.  Lizzie smiled at you with a knowing look in her eye.
You felt both far away from her having been busy all day, yet closer to her as you slept next to her. 
“What’s causing these wrinklers hm?” She said running a thumb between your brow. 
“Do you like Noah?” You asked. She studied your features with a type of sadness you didn't understand. 
“I haven't had a chance to see much of him. Polly adores him, Esme says it will either work out or be the heartbreak of the century. She read his tea leaves though.” You let out a groan of embarrassment. “Says things look promising.” 
“Great.” You whispered feeling her thumb trying to sooth over the wrinkles on your brow again. 
“That’s the risk everyone has to take.” She said softly. 
“I really like him.” You sighed. “I don’t want the heartbreak of the century."
“No one does, but maybe that’s not a part of your story.” She shrugged. You nodded feeling your eyes getting heavy. She continued to run her thumb across your forehead.  
“Will you be alright?” You mumbled.
“Yes, I think most of this is just stress.” You nodded and quietly agreed before falling asleep. 
The tension only got worse as more snow piled onto Arrow house. Anxiety as your father negotiated trade deals and other nefarious things to ensure allies against the Changretta family. The stress of knowing that any of the men he makes a deal with could sell him out.
The radio says the rain was only a few days away, and a sadness filled you at the thought of Noah leaving. You loved having him and Alfie around. 
Things really came to a head when you both were forgotten again. You sneaked up to your bedroom and played cards by the fire. This time it was harder to notice the way his hands brushed yours. How warm his skin was, how his features shone in the firelight. 
He was losing the round and decided to switch tactics by grabbing your face and kissing you. This kiss was as heated as the one at the top of the ferris wheel. Your body hummed with life and a burning sensation that suffocated you. His hands were in your hair and you wanted to drown in him. 
When his hand slipped lower to your throat you nearly jumped out of your skin. The feeling washed over you leaving you stiff as a board. Memories came in and wrapped around your mind like a vice. 
It was inescapable and you moved your body with just enough urgency to just make it to the toilet. You puked hating the way your head was spinning. Noah was there apologizing looking frightened. His hands fluttered around you but you could tell he didnt want to touch you. 
Embarrassment hit you and it was almost as bad as the initial panic. 
“I’m sorry I just.” 
“It’s alright. Can I” He motioned towards you with his hands and you gave him a nod. He flushed the toilet and sat down close to you. 
“I’m sorry-” You started.
“It’s alright, I’m nervous too. I haven't done any of this before.” So he was a virgin. Your mind flashed back to Nancy Wellington in math class going off about how he’d banged a lot of older girls.
“Nancy Wellington told me you’d gotten the clap from a uni girl.” You were desperate for a distraction and blurted it out without thinking. Noah let out a laugh that calmed you down slightly. 
“That’s because I turned her down, she wanted me to take her to the spring dance.” He ran his hand up and down your spine. 
“What happened to you? Is it something I did or-” He deserved an answer as the boy looked tortured over the situation. 
“Well, as you know I came from an orphanage. And I used to get a lot of beatings.” You looked back into the toilet and took a shuttering breath. 
“People used to hit you?” His voice was riddled with anger. 
“My dad also used to hit me a lot.” You added weakly avoiding the next part of the story.
“That’s - just come home with me then. Dad loves you, he won’t care. You can take Lizzie with us if she’s also getting -” His face set into a hard mask, his voice was cold and demanding. 
“No! Not Tommy, my biological father.” 
“You sure?" His eyes narrowed in on you and thankfully you didnt get the usual bout of anxiety. 
“Positive. He looks grumpy, but he’s not with me - he’s never.” You whispered. 
“Right, so the orphanage. How bad was it?” He challenged you keeping your eyes there. Telling him about this made you afraid but his reaction so far had done nothing more than make you fall for him even harder. 
“He just used to choke me -run his hands all over me.” His eyes didn’t move from yours. He didn’t change his expression. He shouldered it like it was business- like he was in the trenches with you. “Still a virgin and everything.” 
“Not what I’m worried about,” Noah said dismissively, his brown eyes still boring into yours. 
“What are you worried about.” You said breathlessly considering throwing up again. You broke your staring contest to look back at the toilet. Your stomach was cramped up into knots. 
“That you're alright, how to help you. What you need. That type of stuff.” Noah ran his hand down your back again. His hands slowly came up avoiding your neck and pulled your hair up. 
“Thanks.” You said weakly. 
He was so comforting that tears formed in your eyes. He made a soothing sound. 
“You're just so nice to me - all the time.” He let out a little chuckle then the door opened further. Your dad’s eyes narrowed in on the situation. He left the room quickly and the panic washed up over you again. You puked again and Noah helped keep you upright. Then Esme was there fussing over the both of you. 
“Was it something you ate, love?” She untied a ribbon from her wrist and tied your hair up. 
“Noah.” Tommy pointed out of the room. You could tell by the boy’s body language this was going to be a fight. “Need to talk to you out here for a moment.” Tommy added quickly.  Noah looked at you and you nodded hoping that it wouldnt be a mess. The anxiety from the situaton only made your stomach roll again. 
Noah moved out of the bathroom and you felt Esme press a cold cloth to your forehead.
Already have the first bit written for the next part. Let me know what you guys think <3 Thanks again for all the love.
Tags: @sorrygojo @dreamy-caramel @pet1t3
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anadelaney79 · 2 years
Whenever he wants
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Summary: Alfie comes back home. I know that's a pretty bad summary.
Pairing: Alfie Solomons x Reader
Words: 1200
Warnings: 18+. Some blood, oral sex (male receiving), sex.
Title: Whenever he wants
You hear his footsteps down the hallway and you can tell for sure what's his current mood. That is how well you know him. And you are never wrong.
You sink a little deeper into the bathtub, letting the hot water covers you completely, and keep quiet, listening carefully to his heavy steps down the wooden floor. He is probably tired, you think. He's been out all day; when you wake up at sunrise, he was already gone, the bed empty and cold around you. But there is something more.
You hear him as he stops and opens the bedroom door, although he doesn't go in. He retraces his remaining steps to the bathroom, where you're engulfed in a cloud of soft steam and the sweet jasmine scent of the soap.
You squirm in anticipation. What Alfie provokes in you is indescribable. It is, at the same time, a padlocked box and an open book that you can read as if you knew it by heart. You know he adores you, even when he is so distant sometimes, or even when he comes home and doesn't talk for hours. You know that he is deep in his thoughts, but the slightest gesture lets you know that you are still there, deep inside him.
The door opens and his eyes narrows as he sees you. The warm light from the candles that illuminate the bathroom dances on his face, and his stern expression softens a little, almost imperceptibly.
He lets out a moan and rests his hat on a furniture next to him.
-Hello Alfie -your voice is low, almost like a whisper.
He looks at you, taking his time for his eyes to wander all over your body, sunken under the water. He doesn't say a word. He takes off his coat and waistcoat slowly, sets them aside, and pulls up a chair, sitting down.
-Do you want me to...? -you start to say getting up, but he stops you.
-Shhh... -he cross his index over his plump lips- Stay there.
You lie back in the bathtub and rub the soap on your arms. Alfie closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, a mixture of pleasure and relaxation, as if trying to slowly let his troubles drift away from him.
-Rub it over your breasts -he says, his eyes still closed.
You obey. You want to please him, to make him happy.
Your hands slide down your throat to your chest, and stop at your nipples. Alfie open his eyes, both dark pearls under his heavy eyebrows. His nostrils flare, capturing the scented air into their lungs. There is that fire on his look, a fire you know well.
Your nipples perk under the gentle touch of your soapy fingers, your back arches and you start to feel those well known flames in your core. And it's not because of your hands caressing yourself, but because his eyes over your body.
He grunts and adjust himself on the chair, his legs wide open.
-Come here -you say, but he growls as an answer.
-You look so fucking perfect there, sweethart -he strokes his beard, his eyes sparkling- Don't wanna ruin that.
You look at him, adjusting your eyes to low light . His face is splattered with blood, and there is a deep cut on his right hand.
-You're hurt... -you let the words out in a breath.
-It's nothing -he runs his other hand through his beard
You get out of the tub and wrap yourself in a blue silk robe. You grab a clean towel and wet it in the sink next to him, take some bandages from a drawer, and kneel in front of him, who hasn't stopped looking at you. You take his hand in yours and begin to gently clean the wound. He sighs, letting his warm breath fall on your head.
-It's deep -you tell him after cleaning the wound- Is there any more?
He shakes his head in denial and you wrap his hand in the bandage in silence. It hurts you to see him like this, but you say nothing. It hurts you more than hurts him, you can tell for sure. And he knows.
Alfie puts his hand under your chin and forces you to look at him. His eyes search yours, green over brown, deep, talking with no words.
You start to clean the blood on his face in silence, as you think how much you love him, how deep you love him. You always have. And even when you knew Alfie came with all of this baggage, you couldn't help to fall deeply in love anyway.
When you finish your fingers run slowly over the soft fabric of his bloodstained shirt, opening the buttons one by one. His chest is one of your favorite places in the world, and you caress it gently. He rests his hand on yours, and guides it down to his belt. You open it and he spread his legs wider, giving you more space between them. Your hand reaches for his erect manhood.
He takes a deep breath and his hands clench into fists as your mouth wraps around his cock. You want him, all of him, and start sucking softly but yet firmly, moistening it with your tongue.
-Fuck it -he says, and his palms rest on the sides of your head, leading the rhythm little by little.
You take him in as much as you can, from the tip to almost making you gag. The pleasure is his as much as yours.
His hands cup your cheeks and you stand in front of him, opening the ribbon that closes your robe. His fingers dig into the flesh of your waist, guiding your legs to his sides.
You sit on him, guiding his cock inside you, and you let out a deep breath as he slides inside with his eyes locked on yours, searching for clues to guide him on his next steps. You wrap your hands around his neck and he licks your nipples hard, alternating with his teeth, tugging at the sensitive skin, making you gasp.
-Alfie... -you say as you move up and down, slowly speeding up.
He says nothing at all, but he puts his arms around you so tight that you can only move your hips. His head rests on your chest, and you know he can hear your heart beating inside. You hug his head, running your fingertips through his messy hair.
The friction on your clit gets you closer every second to your liberation. Pleasure swirls in your center and it doesn't take long before you feel yourself pulsing on him.
-Come for me -are the only words that he says almost in a inaudible growl with his head still on your chest, and that is all it takes to finally release your orgasm.
Your head spins and it takes you a few seconds to come back to yourself. You take his face in your hands and lift it up to look into his eyes. Your lips caress his, and he opens his mouth to let your tongue invade his mouth. Alfie begins to move again, this time is harder, seeking his own orgasm, until you feel how it tenses under you, releasing completely inside you.
He rests his forehead on your chest, breathing hard, agitated.
-You don't fucking deserve this -he says.
-This? What do you...
-Waiting for me every night, not knowing if I'll even come back -he interrupts you- Cleaning up the blood from other people on my body. I don't fucking deserve you.
-Alfie, look at me -he slowly rises his head first, then his eyes searches for yours, bright and clear- I will always love you.
-Don't ever leave me -he whispers against your lips, as they open and seek for your tongue with his, lazily tangling again, his cock still deep inside you, hardening again.
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boogiewrites · 4 years
Mae Flowers Chapter 5
Characters: Alfie Solomons x Mae LeBlanc (OFC)
Summary: A modern, magical Alfie Solomons AU.
Warnings/Tags: Language.Magic/Supernatural. Soul mates.Some domestic fluff, getting to know you stage. Talk of the unknown. 
Click on my screenname then go to Mobile Masterlist in my bio for my other works and chapters. (Had to do this since Tumblr killed links, sorry.)
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When she woke to a warm spring morning, Mae was thankful she didn’t have puffy eyes or a headache from crying the night before. She’d sobbed hard, sadness surging from an uncontrolled well of emotion that had always been within her. She was a sensitive soul she’d been told before, both in the form of compliments and insults. Being sad that people weren’t nice to her when she always went into interactions with a good heart wasn’t something new to bring her down. But she’d had something to make the roller coaster of let down shoot back up suddenly and she was caught off guard. A nice man to be kind and take care of her after the rest of the world seemed to be against her all day. It was too much for her still fragile heart to handle and despite being less sad, but mostly confused and uncertain, she cried again. She hated crying in front of others, she quickly became overwhelmed with thoughts of being less than and looking down on her for not controlling herself.
But she hadn’t felt that last night. No, she felt seen and heard. She had someone to look her in the eyes and tell her her feelings were valid, that crying was healthy and being able to feel so deeply was a gift and not a burden. Perhaps that’s why she hadn’t woken up feeling an emotional hangover like she had every other time she’d cried. Things were already proving Alfie right with how they would work better together than apart. Luckily, she had just woken up and therefore didn’t have the capacity to think about that at the moment. Right now all she was really focused on was having to pee.
Alfie sees her scuttle the short distance between her room and the bathroom in her slippers and pajamas. Little shorts and a tank, all her softness wobbling with a sleepy shuffle of her small feet. He grinned, a small huff of amusement for the little fluffy goblin scuttling around her own house.  He hears the click of the bathroom door as it opens and calls out to her, “Breakfasts almost ready. Ya in?” his neck stretches in her direction, head tilted to hear her muffled reply in the affirmative.
She entered the kitchen, hand disappearing into her bed head curls to mindlessly scratch as she yawned. “Smells good.” she approves, a sniff and a heavy-footed saunter over to the round kitchen table.
“Fanks.” he mutters, multitasking with pans and spatula. “‘Mornin’ luv. Ya slept well I take it? Didn’t a hear a peep all night.” He could’ve said my dreams were as smooth and clear as a moonless night’s reflection atop a lake. A sure sign that she wasn’t bothered in her sleep.
“Yeah.” she nods, her hair bouncing as she did so. She fusses with her hair, pushing it back as he approaches the table. “Oddly enough.”
“Odd will become commonplace soon enough.” a nod and a self-assured tone she hoped to emulate moves out of a barrel chest in his plain white t-shirt. She recalled the shirt from the first time she’d seen him in her dreams. What an odd fact, she muses to herself. Perhaps he was right. “That’s some immense hair ya got there.” he smiles down at her with an affectionate inkling in his eye and tone.
“Thanks?” she gives him a quirked brow as she tilts her head up at him, peeking out from under her mop of half-formed spirals.
“Was a compliment.” he clarifies as she nods and becomes quickly distracted by the food being slid in front of her. “Full English.” he declares, his shoulders hunched as he turns to retrieve his own overflowing plate. A perk of being immortal was he could eat almost anything and everything and not give a second thought to it. He now had an excuse to make the rich comfort foods he missed. He found himself not neglecting but finding comfort in the things of old that made him, him. He had run from the messier human emotions for a long while. He ran from the things that made him human in the first place as well. That entailed disappearing and not emerging until everyone he knew was long dead. It included religion, sex, and human comforts. He was his darkness for long years, but this little sunspot was bringing him back to his old self. The things that made him Alfie before things took a turn for the worse and he became what he was now. She made him feel human again. Among other things.
“Tomatoes?” she asks, her head tilted like the curious Percy’s that just jumped onto the table to sniff at the mushrooms dissapprovingly.
“Breakfast, innit?” he says, a fork in hand and a sausage already on the way into his mouth.
“And beans?” she keeps the same confused expression.
“It’s what we ate when money was good when I’s growin’ up. Comfort food, that.” he points with a greasy fork across the sun-streaked table from the light coming through the patio doors.
“Full English.” she mutters as if it were still a question to her. “S’good.” she shrugs and pushes things around on the plate.
“Got tea, English as all bloody hell.” he chuckles and points to the kettle. “Coffee, bangers, beans, bacon, beefeaters from the garden and mushrooms. Ya made me some of your soul food, ya comfort food. This is mine.”
“Food is… weird.” the sleep starting to fade fro her voice but clearly her mind wasn’t matching up to what her mouth wanted to say.
He snorts with a mouthful of food as she chews thoughtfully. “You gonna elaborate on that ingenious remark?”
She gives him a smile, knowing there was no ill will in his jab but agreeing that she certainly would have fleshed out what she meant more. “Everyone’s gotta have it, but it’s different everywhere ya go. It’s the backbone of any culture, somethin’ anyone could know about y’know? But somehow it’s also deeply personal despite it bein’ somethin’ that everyone has.” she pauses and takes another bite. “It’s weird.” she shrugs despite that being her final statement.
“Humans are weird would be a more overlapping remark. But it goes without sayin’. Humans can make anything personal. A rock, a meal, a string of words. Very self-absorbed, very self-important. But it’s in their nature. Means of survival ‘n that.”
“Their nature? You aren’t human?”
“I was. At one time. I’m more of a vessel if you will. I am me, yeah? I hold everything that made Alfie Solomons a man, a human. But I am also timeless energy that is simultaneously full to the brim and empty all at once. Knowledge from the very beginning of time, and past the present. I’ve lived in the underworld and on this side as well.”
“That’s… sorta heavy for breakfast, man.” she states blankly before they both move into a shared laugh.
“You asked. I am here to answer.”
“Thanks for answering,” she says sheepishly. “Do I also contain all that? Time and space and the whole Carl Sagan monologue?”
He gives her one of those smiles that makes her avert her eyes. The kind that handsome men have beautiful ladies when they courted them. She wasn’t equipped to deal with his charm and ruggedly handsome face this early in the morning. Or ever, for that matter. “Yeah, love ya do. Which is why we’ll be starting with some meditation today. Help you get in touch with all that. It’ll help every facet of ya complicated self. Gotta learn restraint and control before we move onto the more… intense activities.”
“Am not gonna have to like..sacrifice anyone am I?”
He lets out a sudden laugh. “Nah, love nothin’ of the sort. Not unless ya want to.”
“I don’t.” is a quick and curt answer given. Of course, she didn’t. A little ray of sunshine made of life itself wouldn’t want to get messy. That was more his side of things.
“Noted.” he gives a firm nod and a supportive closed mouth smile before they both become absorbed by the task of fueling up for their work.
He had asked her where she would feel most comfortable, and to no surprise to him, telepathic of not, she had said in her garden. With a reassuring hand on her back, he leads her to the middle of a grassy patch in the center of the back yard. Her land was totally enclosed with a high fence and the outlines covered in different flowers and bushes and fruit-bearing trees, buzzing with insects already so soon into spring. A warm sun beamed down, making her brown skin shine, freckles happy to soak up the rays and darken across her cheeks, the yellow light hitting her eyes and lighting them up golden with her lush mixture of green spun delicately around her tight iris. Her curls shone, the sun-kissed streaks happy to lighten with their long missed sunbaths every day from being stuck inside during the cold months. They were bouncing happily, air dried as she perched with crossed legs on the soft grass.
“This is a lovely garden, by the way, pet. You’ve done a bang-up job on your own.” he grunts out as she adjusts his legs to mirror her.
“Thank you. I’m very proud of it.” a soft but accepting smile graces her round and darling face as she squints in the sun.
“Ya should be.” he nods and clears his throat. “Have ya ever meditated before?”
“Not really no.” she shook her head. “I’ve lit incense and practiced some deep breathing before. But not like... Ommm and…” she pushes her middle fingers and thumbs together, resting them on her knees to explain.
He suppresses a smile at her wordless explanation of her length of knowledge on the subject. “I see.” he moves to take her hands. “Ya have a hard time quietenin’ down that mind of yours don’t ya?”
She nods, a hint of being ashamed in her eyes as she casts them downward.
“Now, now. No judgment here. This is Day 1, Step 1. Any progress is good progress. No progress is still practice, yeah? I’ll be gentle on ya don’t worry. Not here to upset ya.”
She presses her lips together and nods and takes a deep breath to steady herself.
“Now. First, we’re gonna close our eyes, yeah?” He leads her through being in the present. Taking in the moment. Acknowledging every sound and feeling, the blades of grass tickling her bare legs, the buzz of bee’s and the warmth of the sun, a kiss of wind that rustled her hair. She could sense it all, that was fine, but now she had to let it all go. “Work to clear your mind. No worries. No curiosities and philosophical musings. Just be. If a thought comes, say ‘ello, and let ‘im be on ‘is way.”
She smiles at his playful lit in explaining and she finds comfort now with his touch, hands clasped together between them.
“We’re going to have a moment, now. Try to work on that for a bit. I’m here if ya need me.”
“‘Kay.” is her soft reply as she tries to clear her mind. The garden fades away, but her thoughts still clumsily barge in. Worries about the future, the past, is she doing it right, was he sure he had the right girl? She tries to push it away and struggles.
“Ya need help, luv?” he offers with a gentle rub of his thumb against her hand.
“Yes, please.” she asks in an almost whisper of a voice.
“No shame in asking me for help, right? So make it sound like ya aren’t ashamed. I’ll ask ya again. Do you need help, luv?”
“Yes.” she states clearly, louder and a nod to back it up.
“That’s a girl. I’m gonna use my energy to calm ya down. Don’t be afraid of it. You'll feel it.”
She takes a shaky breath. “Okay. I’m not. Thank you.”
“Good girl.” he acknowledges her attempts at being self-assured and squeezes her hands. He didn’t have to, but he thought a physical cue might help her out at these early stages.
She does feel it, and it feels amazing. A shiver up her spine, his power like cool water in her veins as she exhaled in a sigh, feeling her shoulders lose their tension. Is what relaxed felt like? She didn’t know her.  “Oh, wow.” she exhales.
“Good?” he asks, concern in his voice.
“S’good.” she gives a dazed smile that he doesn’t see. A grunt in response is all she receives.
There’s an easy silence between them. She doesn’t know how long it goes on, but she felt like a popsicle left out in the sun, a puddle on the grass, a fat happy frog soaking up the sun for energy without a care. A thought floats by, and she decides to share it. “Am I...looking for something?” she asks.
“If ya like. It’s a bit advanced but we certainly can. You can ask a question, ask for guidance, clarity, divination. Whatever ya like.” he explains.
“I’d like to try.” her voice quiet but due to the relaxed state she was in and not from fear any longer.
“Go on, then.” he reassures her.
“Do I have to share it with the class?” the honesty in her voice makes him let out a laugh, a quiet one as not to startle her but her endearing and effortless charm was taking him by surprise.
“Nah, luv.” he chuckles out and gives her hand a delicate brush with his thumb again to show support.
What do I even ask? She wondered. I’d like to know… anything at this point. Okay, focus. I wanna know who he is. Who… we are if we’re these… soul mates. I just wanna know what it all means. Hmmph, not asking for much there are you. She sighs out of frustration and focuses up again.
He feels her drifting and pull back and smiles. She’s learning fast.
I want to know who this man is. Who is this Alfie Solomons? Do I trust him? Is he who he says he is? What is it that I feel when he’s near, this vibrating energy inside that feels like I’m on the verge of something, good or bad I don’t know. I just want to know...anything really….please? She would be the only one who could give puppy dog eyes to the universe and have it bend to her will.
After a short while, a not awkward silence, he feels something. A tingling in his fingers first, then moving up his arms. Were they falling asleep? It wouldn’t make much sense he wonders but he soon realizes it’s coming from her. It grows warmer as if he’d sunk into a hot bath. He ran cold, like a reptile, cold-blooded before her, and feeling warm blood in his veins was something he hadn’t felt in over a hundred years. A wiggle of his heart in his chest, a warm slinking feeling up his neck and into his mind. It was far stronger than anything he expected. But he would soon find out, she was a lot stronger already than he anticipated. Her coy nature and shyness a mere cover for the intensity that lies beneath. She had been protecting everyone else with her reservations, not protecting herself.
Her intention ran through him, she wanted to know him, and her power sought him out. The universe said, if you want him, have him, I only made him for you after all, and lets her creep into his mind. It all came in flashes, waves on a shore that faded in and out, too fast to grasp it all at once.
She smelled alcohol. Something sweet and deep, she could hear machines, men yelling, heavy footsteps up old wooden stairs. There were strongly scented leather books, piles of paperwork and a feeling of unease. Another wash of nostalgia washes over her, she sees a dog, happy and excited. She sees an empty bed sat in a dark room filled with books and papers, the walls covered in so many different things, both common and rare that she couldn’t make them all out. She smells the strong scent of cleaning chemicals, a woman by a sink, working hard and a feeling a longing overtaking her. There’s a hat over the doorway, a beacon for something important, a cane by a bed, bottles that looked like medicine on a nightstand. She saw blood in the sink, a sinking in the pit of her stomach.
“Mae.” she hears him echo in her head. He wasn’t speaking aloud. “Stop it. You don’t want to go there. -I- don’t want you to go there. You won’t find what you want here. Go back.”
Her eyes fluttered behind their lids, her hands grasping his, his underlying anger showing itself for her uninvited intrusion.
A hiss that wasn’t Alfie snaps up and shuts her out. It speaks a language she does not know, but it doesn’t frighten her, although she wonders for a moment if it should. His darkness. She knew it immediately. She’s endlessly fascinated. A black smoke, formless and endless whirling, moving through muck and earth as she pursued it with hungry curiosity. -Come see. Your answers.- a distinctly masculine but not human voice says, the smoke twists into a long cylindrical shape, it forms and shifts, an awe-inspiring black iridescence comes to shape. She sees a snake, endless, it could fit in her mind but was larger than the planet somehow. She knew he, his darkness, was the snake. A fitting symbol of rebirth and transformation, immortality and renewal, as death and destruction were all forms of creation in the end. It was as if she were being gifted with sight for the first time. She could see him, and know what his essence stood for.
Sunlight shone on it and the most beautiful colors came off its scales. She realized she was the source of the light. It twists up and directs her eyes to a moon. It’s blue, purple and green, all pastel and colored like the snake. They were one, they were the night and the darkness and everything that called it home. The dirt, the death it holds, both old and new, the beasts that only emerged to worship the moon and live in the dark were its children. Every cold-blooded animal, every reptile and insect knew it and didn’t fear it. So it came for her to understand, neither should she.
She sees her sun take form, moving towards the moon. She felt no fight between them. It was as if they wanted to be close, but had long been separated by the sides of the earth. Something that existed, but didn’t, that faded in and out unnoticed until it was already upon you. They radiated blindingly bright together, and the behemoth snake reveled in it. She felt a strange pull, a split from herself as a rabbit came into view. The snake circled itself, mouth to tail as it writhed, an ouroboros as the white rabbit neared. The rabbit was her, she realized. She was seeing her light, the mate for his darkness. A rabbit she pondered, watching he fearless bound about in the sunlight, warm thick fur and a wet twitching nose, full of life and energy. Her light was life, fertility, and growth, creation and desire. A vulnerability, a softness unparalleled was what she contained. She suddenly understood it. Understood what it meant to be her, to be him, and thus, understood why they had been destined to find each other.
The rabbit and snake entwine, the sun and moon fusing, something that should’ve seemed unholy or apocalyptic seemed to make perfect sense to her. It all came together, just like everything did, from the first creation to the last, she’d always been there, and so had he. She, life, sending him, death, her gifts that he loved so much he kept them forever. A blinding light went dark and she was no longer separate from herself as she gasped and went eyed, flung back into the present, in her human body, hands tight around Alfie’s forearms, nails digging in and sweat pouring from her.
He blinked at her, the most curious expression on his face as she caught her breath. “You understand now, don’t you?” It was more of a rhetorical question at this point. “You’re more powerful than even I knew, Mae.” he pauses again, waiting for her to process it all.
“Yeah… I am.” she says with the first absolutely certain tone she might’ve ever had in her life.
“You’ll only grow more so from here. You’ve surpassed my expectations already.” he pats her shoulder and they meet eyes, as if for the first time. He sees her with a question and not fear in her eyes. She had found the answers she was looking for. At least she had enough knowledge now to grasp the situation. “This is only the beginning, luv.”
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I tried to reverse search the image and came up empty handed so if you know whose it is, I’l gladly credit them. 
@jaegeeeeer​  @brianaisasongbird​ @hardygal69​ @emerald-bijou​ @captstefanbrandt​ @coolgh0st​ @tinastarkandco​ @xstylishmileage​   @s-h-e-w-r-i-t-e-s​ @peakys-mystic​ 
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fanaticalfantasist · 2 years
I’ll Marry that Girl (Alfie Solomons x Reader)
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It wasn't often that Alfie Solomons was left speechless by someone, he always had an answer waiting to use. After all he was the Alfie Solomons, the king of Camden town. The big bad gangster who would look a gun in the face and just smirk.
But what had just happened had lift him with nothing to say and a slightly uncomfortable tightness in his trousers.
He'd been in yet another meeting with Thomas Shelby, discussing something dull. Frankly he'd stopped paying attention when Tommy began mentioning stock prices and shipping costs. He just wanted to know who the girl was. Tommy had entered with two of his brothers and a young woman, she had the same blue eyes as Tommy but frankly she looked to dainty to be here.
"Sorry mate, right, this is all fucking hypothetical right? And frankly I don't give a rats ass if what you do unless it directly involves me. So let's make this easier..." Alfie had begun one of his monologues when a laugh interuppted him.
Tommy turned and glared at the girl.
"What's the matter love? Got something to say?" Alfie asked sitting back in his seat and opening his arms wider, offering her a chance.
"I do actually" she began.
"(Y/N) we agreed you'd stay quiet if I let you come" Tommmy snapped at the woman but she merely glared right back, not even flintching.
"I just think this whole thing is frankly stupid. Tommy wants to buy rum from you at a lower price so he can sell it to the Americans at a higher one and you split the profits. But that means you'd also have to still pay a lot in bribes, port fees, shipping costs all that bull shit. When if would be far easier to sell it to the Americans here at a higher cost, not have to worry about shipping costs or anything and then make them ship it. If they refuse you just jack the price up." (Y/N) explained looking at the men. Silence followed what she said.
"Sounds good to me" Alfie said shaking her extended hand. With that the meeting was over, Alfie stood with Tommy at the door watched her leave.
"I'm gonna marry her" Alfie mused out loud.
"Good luck with that, my sister isn't one to be wooed" Tommy smirked before following.
"Still gonna Marry her" Alfie yelled after him.
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potter-solomons · 2 years
Alfie fanfic: I think I've read it all. Currently in the middle of a few bring updated still.
I need some good longer ones. Slow burn or quick. I like smut but it doesn't have to contain it. It's just a plus.
I've gone through most of the tag on AO3. I've been rereading those on there and on here.
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wandawiccan60 · 2 years
The Witch of Camden Town
Alfie Solomon's X OC Character
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A/N: Hello again everyone I hope you all are having a good day and staying safe. Yes, I know it's crazy to see that I am back with another chapter of this story. I’ve been nothing hit on a roll with this story that I have grown to find so much time and inspiration ever since I started the first part. And as always I want to thank you all for your kind feedback and for sharing my stories for others to read I really appreciate it really🥰🥰🥰. Before you guys read I would appreciate it again if you guys leave a comment and reblog it would mean a lot to me you guys have been nothing but encouraging for me to continue this story😍🥰😍. Again as always, I’ll leave it here, and again please Enjoy!!!
Word Count: 7,257
WARNING 18+ ONLY!!!: Some cussing, Some lit SMUT, Some blood, and Mentions of prostitution
Tags: @hecatemoon87, @kittycatcait219, @theshelbyclan, @zablife, @tomhardyspinkyfinger, @alikaheroes
P.S. I recommend you guys play this playlist that I made once you reach the part where Jovonka is dancing then it goes to her singing and you’ll see the lyrics which I’ll make the words bold so the reading be a better experience.🥰🥰🥰  I’ll put the link to the mini playlist under here. Please again my friends enjoy part 3!!!🕷💜🖤🕷
Alfie’s breathing grew more and more by the second, while his eyes were shut tightly. His now sweaty head turned from side to side underneath the white hospital pillow and mumbled words that the nurse couldn’t really understand. Alfie saw Jovonka again deep inside his mind, but this time now they both were in his bedroom while she was lying in the middle of the bed fully naked in front of him. He then, without hesitation, made his way to Jovonka while he himself was also fully naked, his member growing just by looking at the Russian witch.
“Come to me Alfie Solomon’s,” her echoed voice said while she placed her arms around his strong shoulders.
As Alfie got on top of her, he kissed her soft lips, while his hands caressed through her milky white body as his hands landed now on top of her hips. As their kissing progressed more intimately, Jovonka then moaned in between their lips while Alfie then gently massaged her breasts, making her moan louder this time.
“Your so fuckin’ beautiful, you know that love?” he said while he looked into Jovonka’s dark amber almond eyes, while she gently bit her bottom lips.
“Give it to me Alfie, oh please fuck me,” Jovonka said as she tilted her head back, gripping the bedsheets under with her hands.
Alfie didn’t stop at any moment as he then adjusted himself in between his member and her sensitive flower, and with his right hand, he grabbed his cock and slowly and gently entered Jovonka’s warm, wet walls. They both now moaned in unison, while Alfie then pinned both of Jovonka’s hands above her head, while he placed small kisses on her soft neck. As Alfie increased his pace more slowly, Jovonka moaned out his name, while she closed her eyes while having a smile spread through her face while she chuckled in between. As Alfie looked back at Jovonka’s face, he suddenly stopped his movements and with a frightful gaze in his eyes, he saw Jovonka’s face now all beaten up, some bruises and scratches were shown around her face while a black eye was marked on her right eye, and blood gushing out from her nose and mouth.
“Save me, Alfie!!!” she screamed, while Alfie woke up with a hard gasp while he stood up from the bed as the young nurse placed a gentle hand on the gangster’s left shoulder.
“Mr. Solomons, it’s alright sir, just take some deep slow breaths in and out. You were just having an unpleasant episode again, that is all,” the young nurse said while the Jewish gangster did as he was told.
“Where the fuck am I?” he said while he calmed a bit more now. While looking around the room, he realized he was in a hospital room of his own.
“You’re in the hospital sir, your friend Darby Sabini told the head doctor that you fell unconscious and blackout out of nowhere. He mentioned that a woman was also there with you and she also had a blackout but we heard nothing from her after last night, here Mr. Solomon’s drink some water,” the nurse said while Alfie took it from her hand and drank the liquid in a quick swift.
“How long was I out for? And where is Sabini?” Alfie said after he handed the glass cup back to the nurse.
“He left this morning sir, but he said that I should give you a letter, he said that he expects you to come, and to not be late,” the nurse said to which she then made her way across the room, and came back again with a brown envelope with a red wax seal in the middle of it.
Alfie just took the letter from the woman’s hand while the nurse wrote something down on a piece of paper. As Alfie tore the envelope open, he then read the letter, which was about a party that his Italian friend will host at his house in London, for which he just grumbled under his breath. But once he saw the name of Jovonka on the paper, his heart skipped a beat and he then had second thoughts about going to the party.
“I’ll be attending to another patient in meantime, but I’ll let the head doctor know that you are awake, he will see you as soon as possible, Mr. Solomon’s,” the nurse said while Alfie just nodded his head in reply.
As Alfie now was left alone in his hospital room, he then stared back at the letter for a moment or so, not really knowing if he should go to the party or head back to his home. But as his head hurt after the millionth time if he should go or not, he then came to his senses.
“Fuck me yea, I’ll go, I’ll just fuckin’ go, right Mr. Solomon’s?” Alfie said to himself, while he laid his head back on the white soft pillow.
As what felt like an hour went by or so, the head doctor then came inside the room while the same nurse from earlier brought his clothes, his hat, and cane from the night before.
“I’m sorry for the long wait, Mr. Solomon’s, but one of your family members is here to pick you up, so overall you’re ready, sir. But take these pills n the meantime, you must take them every morning and afternoon after a meal. Do you have questions for me before you go, sir? “The head doctor asked while the nurse placed his belongings beside the small nightstand next to him.
Alfie just nodded his ‘no’ and just like that, the head doctor and the nurse said their farewells, he then saw his assistant Ollie coming into the room afterward.
“Alfie, for god’s sake, what happened to you last night?” Ollie asked, while Alfie just put his clothes back on.
“I can’ fuckin’ remember most of what ‘appen last night Ollie, I just want to get back ‘ome right now and rest longer until I go out later tonigh’ to Sabini’s house. I’ll be out in just a moment, so fuck off will you yea?” Alfie said while he then took his white hospital gown, to which Ollie nodded his head.
As Alfie was now left alone again, now fully naked from head to toe, he then closed his eyes once again, while he exhaled a small sigh through his nose. Having second doubts about attending the party later on tonight, for which in reality he wanted to go for one reason and one reason only, to see the dancing princess and hope if she can give him answers about last night’s incident.
It’s worth the fuckin’ shot...
As Jovonka put her black silk shawl over her head, she looked back at her reflection in the mirror, feeling nothing but emptiness inside her soul just by looking at herself. She then stood up on her feet, while she adjusted her two-piece dark purple dress for the second time, while her mother came inside the dark, lit tent, which made Jovonka look up from her dress. Her mother walked her way toward her daughter while in her hands had a silver chain belt with coins and bells on the ends. Jovonka said nothing while she then put on silver and purple bracelets with mini coins around them while her mother was now standing behind her, ignoring her presence.
“Gustovo told me he wanted you to wear this belt for tonight,” Enrieta said while she had her gaze down on the floor.
Jovonka said nothing back to her mother while she put on her dark purple lipstick on her lips. As she finished putting her lipstick on her mouth, then tied up the jewelry around her daughter’s waist while Jovonka kept quiet, not really wanting to be around her mother at all. After Enrieta finished typing the material around Jovonka’s waist, she then tried to say something back to her, but she in the end said nothing to her daughter. Jovonka then made her way across the tent to where a black drawer was placed upon a small brown table. She then took out a large bridal silver necklace with three purple gems hanging on the ends. As she finishes tying the silver material around her neck, she then puts on some large silver drop earrings with little purple gems in the middle, feeling the cold material against her cheeks. As she close the small black box with a small sigh under her breath, feeling unhappy and nervous about tonight’s event, wishing that her parents didn’t accept this offer from Gustovo. How could they let her go all by herself where there will be nothing but strangers she doesn’t even know much about and especially now that she overheard around the circus folk that Mr. Sabini is a notorious and dangerous gangster that people fear so much? But her parents were too blind to not realize this and weren’t concerned about her daughter’s safety. For one bit they only cared about at this moment is the money that they were getting paid.
“Mistress Jovonka, Mr. Gustovo, is waiting for you outside. He says that it is time to go,” Lucas said, opening the front curtains of their tent with one hand.
Jovonka then nodded her head in reply to Lucas. Afterwards, he was gone, while she and Enrieta remained quiet once again.
“I’ll see you tomorrow morning, Enrieta, please don’t worry about me I’ll be alright,” Jovonka said while she made her way to the front of the tent and placed on her black slippers.
“Darling, I..., I’m sorry for all of this really. Your father and I feel guilty about putting you into this mess. We just couldn’t say no to this offer, but I promise you that after this night we will make Gustovo pay for this and leave this place. I promise you upon my hea-.”
“CAN YOU SHUT YOUR DAMN FUCKING MOUTH MOTHER!!! You’re saying your fucking sorry right now before I’m this close to leaving to that man’s house and you’re promising me we are finally going to leave this place for good, which we should have done ever since papa signed that abominable contract of Gustovo. How dare you say that to me now, how dare you!!!,” Jovonka yelled after she finished putting her slippers on while she sigh in frustration.
“We had no other choice at that time, Jovonka! We were trying so hard to keep our home and jobs as much as we could, but we weren’t getting paid as much as before. That is why your father found Gustovo, and look where we are now. You should be grateful for this man even if he has been cruel to us but we have been doing better than before,” Enrieta said while she placed her hand on her daughter’s right cheek but Jovonka didn’t have it and just made her out of the tent walking her way towards Gustovo.
As she made her way through the many tents and caravan wagons she has grown to see, she heard her name called out, which was Novel out of all people.
“Jovonka, wait, I heard what you’re about to do tonight. Please don’t go your making a huge. Mistake you tell that fat fucking worm you’re not going. Fight back Jovonka please, I just don’t want to see you get hurt,” Novel said as he placed his hands on both of her shoulders.
“Novel, I wish I can say no but, my parents sealed a payment already beforehand, and I need to go, or if not then I might get into serious trouble,” Jovonka said looking up at Novel’s blue eyes, trying her best to not cry in front of him.
“No, you're lying. How dare your parents do such a thing to you? For fuck’s sake, you are their daughter. Don’t they fucking see that and you are going alone into this stranger’s house, not knowing what type of fucking people you’ll be seeing? No, I’m not allowing this,” Novel said while he made his way to where he saw Gustovo smoking a pipe in the front entrance of the circus tent.
“Novel wait, no don’t, please!,” Jovonka shout out to him, but it was too late, and he then threw a hard punch across the gypsy’s fat face.
Gustovo then landed hard on the gray pavement floor, as Novel now was on top of him, now hitting him harder this time with both of his fists. But Lucas and Henry were there now, restraining him away from Gustovo, trying to break loose from both of the men’s grips.
“You fuckin’ piece of shit, I’m going to murder you I swear to God, I’m going to get you one of these days, you’ll see!” Novel said while the Gustovo’s men kept him in place.
As Gustovo then got slowly to his feet again, he then looked back at Novel and as he got his balance back in place, he now punched him in the stomach making him groan and cough at the same time making him knelt down on the floor.
“Now you listen here, you piece of trash if you ever dare place a hand on me again, and mark my words when I say this. I will fucking kill you and I’ll make sure that the last thing you’ll see of this world is me cutting you up like a goddamn fish, you hear me drum boy?” he said while Novel looked up into the eyes of the gypsy devil Novel’s eyes filled with a raging fire.
“And as for you, my dear Jovonka, get your ass to that car there. We are leaving for Sabini’s house, NOW!!!,” he screamed, making Jovonka jump in fright.
As she looked up to see a very nice-looking black car, with what Jovonka can tell were two 40-year-old Italian men smoking cigars while they were impatiently waiting for both Gustovo and the Romania woman. As she made her way to the car, she stopped mid-way and turned around to face Novel, now completely kneeling on the cold pavement. She turned around and made her way towards Novel and knelt down on one knee while she then helped him up on his feet now.
“Please don’t go Jovonka, you just can’t,” Novel said in a whispery voice, while she cupped his soft baby face with both of her hands.
“I have no other choice Novel, I can’t say no right now, I’m sorry but there is no other way for me to get away from this offer,” Jovonka said while she then placed a soft small kiss on Novel’s forehead.
As she walked her way to the black car, Gustovo had the car door held open for her now, to which she then climbed inside without saying another word. As the gypsy man got inside after Jovonka, the two other Italian men then got in the front door igniting the vehicle to life. As the rumbling of the engine felt underneath their feet, Jovonka then stuck her head out the window looking back at Novel while behind him she saw Isabel, Elena, and Enrieta looking back at her. She sighed and closed her eyes as the car moved further away from the circus. She felt the cold night air running across her face while thinking very hard about after she leaves the house of Sabini should she really come back home to her family or even better just run away from Camden Town and go back to Romania even if it kills her. But as she now faintly saw the circus tent in the distance, she then went back inside the car, now patiently and nervously waiting for tonight’s event, hoping that this night would go quickly for she just wanted now to be left alone.
As they arrived in front of the entrance of Darby Sabini’s house, Jovonka and Gustovo got out of the car while they were greeted by another and bigger looking henchman of Sabini in front of the door. As the man open the door for them, they were greeted by many rich Italian, British, and Irish men and many women who Jovonka can tell by the way they dressed were prostitutes. Many of the men had glasses of whisky in one hand while smoking out their cigars on the other while hearing waves of laughter here and there. As some men saw the appearance of both Gustovo and Jovonka from the front door, they all murmured to each other while others stared directly at the Romanian princess, admiring her beauty up and down. As they made their way through the crowd, Gustovo hold Jovonka by the arm not wanting to lose her while they made their way through the crowded room, he caught sight, of Mr. Sabini, drinking and talking to some old Irish men who were, of course, other friends of his. As Gustovo and Jovonka made it to the other side of the room, Sabini then waved at the two circus people, while Gustovo waved back.
“Ah, at long last, good evening Mr. Gustovo, it is good to see you again tonight. Please have a drink. And oh where are my manners? Good evening to you as well, Mistress Jovonka,” Sabini said while he held up her right hand and placed a soft kiss on top of her hand.
Jovonka felt so uncomfortable while he kissed her hand that she wished she had just hit that nasty grin off of his face, but she knew that if she were to do it there would consequence afterward. Gustovo then gave a glaring stare back at her, to which she knew that had to be at her very best behavior, which she then had to forcefully put a smile on her face as she took a small bow.
“Likewise, Mr. Sabini. It is a great honor to be here in your home. You have quite a house as far as I can see,” Jovonka said while she felt so disgusted after she heard herself say that.
“My, my, Mr. Gustovo, I wasn’t expecting for your witch dancer to have some good manners, well then my dear, welcome to my humble home and I am grateful to see your beauty once again,” Sabini said while that ugly grin was shown again in his mouth.
Jovonka just nodded her head in reply while she then looked around the ballroom. She didn’t lie about the house part, she commented, for it was really nice to admire and gaze upon. A big chandelier was hanging in the middle of the ballroom, while a staircase curled upward to another floor of the house, while some art portraits were hanging here and there, which from what she can guess were his family members and some random art landscapes of some sort. As Gustovo then served himself a drink, Jovonka then felt somewhat now out of place, not knowing if she should stick around with Gustovo or maybe talk to one of these rich men. But then she felt a grip on her left arm, which it only could have been Gustovo for. They both then walked towards a small corner of the living room where he then made her sit on a brown gold armchair.
“Now listen here Jovonka, you are going to sit here, and don’t you go off wondering anywhere else unless I tell you to. And also, if you need anything, you come straight to me or Mr. Sabini. Do I make myself clear?” he said while he then took a sip from his glass of whisky.
Jovonka just rolled her eyes, but she then nodded towards her boss in reply.
“Good girl, now, here, drink this, and I’ll be right back for you when Mr. Sabini requests for you to dance, which it could be soon.”
And just like that, Gustovo then made his way inside the crowded ballroom, disappearing like a ghost. 
Jovonka then placed the drink in between her hands, not knowing what else to do in the meantime, since she can’t go anywhere without the damn prick’s permission. As she looked around the living room where she was staying, she noticed some old texts books, on a tall brown book shelve, a globe of the many continents of the world, two small lamps, one next to Jovonka and one across the room, illuminating the room with a dark red velvet cap covering over the small objects, and so many artifacts that were decorated around the room. She has never seen such objects in her life and it made her want to learn more about these new things. As she placed the glass of whisky next to a small redwood nightstand, she then stood up from the armchair and walked around the room while removing her shawl from her head. As she picked out one of the small books from the bookshelves, she then didn’t notice behind her back that the Jewish King himself was standing in between the ballroom and living room entrance.
“So my good Italian friend Darby right, couldn’ stop thinkin’ about you eve’ since last nigh’ not surprised that he had to fuckin’ ask you to come into ‘is own home yea?” Alfie said which made Jovonka jump out of fright while the book she had in her hand dropped to the floor.
“For fucks sake, you gave me such a fright sir, but couldn’t you have been more polite and not stand there staring at me for I don’t know how long you have been there,” Jovonka said while placing her hands on top of her hips with an annoyed look on her face.
“Pardon my manners missy, you are righ’ I should ‘ave been more of a gentleman than a creepy bastard,” Alfie said while he made his way to pick up the small book that Jovonka dropped on the floor.
Once Alfie handed back the book to Jovonka, she then grabbed the book, but accidentally touched the Jewishs’s hand, to which they then saw another small and quick vision. This time, however, they now saw each other at the beach overlooking the blue sea, they were sitting down next to each other, feeling the sandy beach underneath their hands, while Jovonka smiled back at Alfie as they both then kissed against each other’s lips, while Alfie hugged her tightly around his big strong arms. Once the vision stopped abruptly, Jovonka then breathed in a small gasp as she removed her hand away from his strong large hand. Alfie, however, looked back at the Russian princess, shocked, as he breathed in and out slowly from his gap mouth after that strange vision.
“What in god’s name was that? You saw that didn’ you love?” Alfie said after he was silent for a moment or so.
Jovonka just then sat back on the armchair from earlier, placing her hands over her face while her elbows touched her knees. She couldn’t understand why suddenly these visions appeared out of nowhere whenever she was close to this man. Was it something to do with the forbidden spell her mother put on her years ago and it is now being broken because she has feelings towards the gangster of Camden Town? She couldn’t understand out of all places why it had to be specifically for him and not nobody else?
“I…, I did but, I just don’t understand why I’m seeing these things whenever I’m close to you. I’m not supposed to attract any man of any kind. I just can’t explain it. You won’t understand,” Jovonka said while she looked back at Alfie, who was now sitting down on another armchair next to the other side of the small nightstand.
“I saw you in another vision this morning at the hospital, you and I right, we were in my bedroom and we made love together, but then you was then covered in bruises, scratches, a black eye, blood gushing out of your nose and mouth right, and you screamed out saying ‘save me, Alfie,’ and then I woke up. I meself didn’ know what that all that fuckin’ meant, how can you explain that love?” Alfie said while he stood. I bit straighter on the chair, looking back at Jovonka.
“You... you saw me covered in bruises, scratches, blood, and a black eye? What does that fucking mean? I don’t understand, but my mother told me she heard a gunshot being fired. She saw us making love on a red bed, the baby in my arms, an ocean, and so much blood when I woke up this morning as well. I’m just so lost in all of this, I feel you do as well,” she said, looking back at Alfie. His dark and yet calming blue eyes were lit under the dim rays of the lamp.
“Wait, isn’t you’s a witch and fortune-teller yourself, right? Shouldn’ you’s see more beyond these delusions with the great magic tricks you are presumably gifted by your so call gods and goddess or all this time you are is a fake,” Alfie said he as well looked back at Jovonka.
“I wish I could, but I don’t have that much power to look more forward into the future, I can only cast spells to a certain limit, I tell fortunes, I dance, sing, but I can’t see more with these unusual visions we have been seeing,” Jovonka said while she felt weirdly enough comfortable which this it was new to her.
Alfie just mumbled something under his breath, and Jovonka couldn’t quite make out what he said. They both got quiet for a moment or so, while the sound of the immense crowd on the other side of the living room could be heard. Now there were sounds of popping bottles and some waves of laughter in the air. She didn’t know if she should continue talking with the bearded Jewish man, just so the silence between them both didn’t feel awkward and out of place.
“I think I should properly introduce meself to you, but I have a feelin’ yous might know my name from now on but I would want to rather tell yous here in person instead of inside your mind yea,” Alfie said while he stood up on his feet and then walked his way in the middle of the living room, his cane set in front of him with both of his hands on top of each other.
“The names Alfie Solomons, my dear, at your services. What about yours, love?” Alfie said while he tipped his hat towards Jovonka, which then made her spread a small smile on her lips.
As Jovonka also stood up from the brown armchair, she took off her purple silk shawl she had over her head, and was now beneath her shoulder blades, making Alfie feel uneasy about the woman’s beautiful presence.
Before she could introduce herself, Gustovo called out her name as he made his way inside the living room.
“Jovonka, Mr. Sabini is expecting your presence in the main hall, so get your little ass moving, now,” Gustovo said, not realizing Alfie was in the same room as them.
Jovonka just rolled her eyes as she looked back at Alfie, who then bit his bottom lips gently, a bit annoyed that the fat gypsy pig rudely interrupted them. As Jovonka pulled back her purple shawl over her head again, she gave a small smile back at Alfie, who he then nodded in reply.
“I must go, Mr. Solomon’s, but it was very nice to talk to you. I’ll see you around, sir,” she said as she walked her way through the crowded ballroom while Gastovo followed her behind.
Alfie just saw her leave while he was now by himself in the living room, really wishing he could have a bit of a moment longer with her. Something about her made Alfie feel something deep inside his heart, which he himself realized he is falling so much more for this Russian witch. Like he felt he had a purpose to be around this woman, as if he needs to look after her and keep her safe. As he saw the glass of whisky on the little nightstand that Jovonka left behind, he then picked it up with his right hand and, without a doubt, drank the rest of the liquid.
“Solomons, my best friend, you came. I was worried that you would not make it tonight, mate,” Sabini said as he walked inside the living room, while he placed an arm over the Jewish’s strong shoulders.
“Well, you see I didn’ really wanted to come since I blackout last night if I need to remind you yea, but I heard that your circus witch dancer was comin’ to your party for you’s and your rich horny friend’s right. But I also see you’s also brough’ some whores along to put the cherry on top, don’ you think these women are enough for your erotic pleasures than that circus girl?” Alfie questioned while Sabini chuckled in between drinking his glass of rum.
He felt deep down in the meantime, a bit bothered by Alfie’s criticism for having many street women that he himself will fuck almost every night. It didn’t bother him for one bit since he sees these types of women as just sex objects than human beings. Alfie, however, didn’t really find no interest in screwing around with many women, since he is a man of God who runs a bakery and, overall, is a dangerous gangster. He believed he didn’t have time for having women in his life, not since after he came back from the war.
He once fell in love with a woman. Her name was Alana, she was an exquisite, smart, and kind German woman. She really fell hard for Alfie when she met him before he left for the war. He remembered that night when she was crying and telling him to not go because she didn’t want to get a letter sent to her doorstep telling her he died on the battlefield. But Alfie promised her he will be careful and will be back to her as soon as the war was over. And so he left, and while he was with his troops on the fields, his mind will always think about Alana every night and day, desperately wanting to go home after 5 months have passed on those dark and yet hard days in that period of his life. Once he came back home now a year later, he couldn’t wait to see and hug Alana so much, missing her sweet smile and the perfume smell of flowers that she would always put every day.
As he made his way towards Alana’s house that he had shared with her, he couldn’t believe the eyes that he saw in front of him. She was greeted by a young man that had a very nice dark blue suit with a very expensive silver car behind him, while Alana had on a very nice looking dark short-sleeve blue dress that reach below her knees, with black slippers on her feet. While her blond curly hair was neatly combed and braided on one side of her shoulder. Alfie couldn’t feel anything but sadness and hate and just felt like a knife was stabbed against his heart. He could feel the tears forming in his eyes, really not wanting to break down at that moment. Once Alana and the young man gave a quick kiss to each other, they made their way to the silver car, and as they got inside, they now made their way to whoever knows where.
Alfie then just turned around, facing the other way he came from, and walked away from what was now the first home that he shared with a loved one that was now erased completely from his life. After years later now he didn’t let himself get easily get close to anyone or even bothered to even talk to any women of his own kind or anyone outside of his race. Since he now was, of course, a busy person with business in his head 24/7 and also running his rum business with his men and also just wanted to be the man that everyone should be feared off. He just didn’t see the point of sitting down and having to listen and deal with someone else’s feelings and problems. For he himself had already many things to deal with in his hands, which wanted to be left alone and just think about his legacy and his bread.
“Oh, shut your fucking blabbering mouth, Alfie, come on man let me get you another drink there, and oh the majestic witch is about to dance soon, I’m pretty sure you don’t want to miss seeing her again after the events from last night, eh?” Sabini said while he patted Alfie’s right shoulder.
Alfie then just rolled his eyes while Sabini walked across the room, while he poured himself more rum into his small glass.
“Mr. Sabini sir, Mr. Gustovo is now waiting for you in the main hall, and he wants to know if you are coming along now sir,” Sabini’s maid said while he then drank a bit more rum from his glass.
“Tell him I’ll be there soon Vanessa, now move along, no time to waste yes?” he said while the maid said nothing and just made her way back to the main hall.
“So Alfie, what do you say? Shall we make our way to be blown away by this goddess of mystery once again?’ Sabini said while he grin back at his Jewish friend.
Alfie said nothing, for the then just walked his way out of the living room, only for Sabini’s grin to disappear quickly while feeling suspicious of Alfie.
As the many men were crowding over the main hall of the house, Jovonka then felt very uneasy about this entire ordeal of her dancing in front of many men, both young and old. She was looking at everyone from behind huge red drapes that were connected to a medium-size stage made of hardwood. As she saw the audience get a seat here and there, she caught sight of both Sabini and Alfie sitting right in the middle of the stage, to which her heart skip a beat just by looking at the bearded man. She really didn’t understand why she was feeling some sort of devotion towards this man. But she just shook it out of her mind while she thought about the brief moment they had in the living room a while back. As she closed the drapes, she then breathed in and out slowly from her nose, hoping and praying to the Great Mother for protection and strength. For tonight she just wants this night to go by quickly and just want to go home or as she thought about earlier before she came here to run away from this cursed town.
“Jovonka, get yourself ready. We are about to start. And also if you do anything and I mean even a small tiny mistake you fuck up out there, mark my words you little witch, you are going to have to deal with me after we get back to the circus, you understand?” Gustovo said while he pointed a fat finger towards Jovonka who just then nodded her head.
“Good, now, go to your position. Now don’t need to remind you twice.”
As Jovonka took off both her black cloak and purple shawl she then heard the musicians play a small rehearsal before she came. As she adjusted her two-piece purple dress for a bit, she then closed her eyes for a moment, praying for one last time before showing herself to a thousand men. As she was praying, she then heard the music stop from the other side of the curtains, as the voice of Gustovo was then heard echoing around the main hall.
“Ladies and gentlemen, for the moment you all have been waiting for this entire evening, I give you one of the most precious and yet valuable performers of my grand circus. For tonight you will all witness the mysterious and the most beautiful creature that you’ll see that fell from the heavens themselves. But I must warn you all, especially for you my fine fellow men, for this creature is in fact a witch, a siren, a being that is not from this world for what you are about to witness is a woman that would cast you all under a seductive and yet erotic dance you will soon see with your very eyes. But I must warn you all my friends once you lay your eyes upon this beautiful sukkubus, she will cage you under a trance-like spell for which you cannot escape even if you try to resist the temptation of her goddess-like appearance. So, my fine friends, I give you the one and only Mistress Jovonka, The Dancing Witch!!” Gustovo announced while the red drapes opened from side to side as a spotlight was pointed at Jovonka.
As the men cheered and clapped loudly at the appearance of Jovonka, as the strings of the violin were heard first Jovonka then danced slowly at first while she swayed her hips slowly from side to side. Once she heard the drums thumping and the vocals of the two women, Jovonka then moved her hips from left to right while lifting and swinging her arms slowly and sexually above her head while rotating her hands from side to side. As the drums progressively got louder while the vocals of women still progressed with the sound of the drums, Jovonka then increased her dance moves while twirling her purple shirt to the sound of the music.
Sabini then stood up from his feet while he whistled and cheer for her while Alfie was sitting in his seat only to be lost in the sexual and yet beautiful moves of Jovonka. His and Jovonkas’s eyes locked to each other once again as she then smiled at him. This time she winked back at, him making Alfie smile. The motion of her body made Alfie’s member erect once more while Jovonka swung her belly from side to side as she closed her eyes, feeling the vibration of the drums flowing through her soul. Before the music stopped, Jovonka then twirled in a full circle and landed in a ballerina pose. Once she heard the violin and the accordion, she then slowly now moved her hips once again from side to side, as she placed one foot in front of the other. Once the music has stopped, she bowed before the audience while she heard looked back at Alfie’s wonderful enormous eyes.
The men all cheered and whistled in unison, as Sabini then clapped louder than before. Alfie in the meantime did clap for Jovonka but, he then winked back at the Russian princess, which he didn’t realize that Sabini caught the act in front of his eyes, which made him grow suspicious about the two.
“Encore, encore, dance another dance, my love,” yelled out an Irish man, which everyone in unison said ‘yay’.
“Come on now love, why don’t you also take those clothes off as well too,” another man yelled from the crowd, making everyone laugh.
Jovonka then felt uncomfortable after that request for which she then just stared back at Alfie for he as well, from the looks of his eyes, also felt her uncomfortableness. Gustovo then appeared back on stage, as Jovonka moved to the side of the stage, looking down at the stage floor.
“Ladies and gentlemen, next I would like for you to all stay listen while the Romanian witch here will present you with a song that she will sing her heart out. But beware, my curious friends, for she has the voice of an angel, a siren, and also it will probably make you want to also cover your ears for if you get caught in between her angel voice, she would yet again trap you under her spell. Now Jovonka, my dear, sing your heart out,” Gustovo said. He applauded for her in an encouraging gesture while everyone else in the hall followed along.
Once the crowd fell silent, the sound of a guitar was heard in the air, and as Jovonka straighten herself for a moment or two, she then sang her heart out, for which the song that she was singing made her remind of home. How she wishes she was back in her Romanian home, in the little cottage while surrounded by the peaceful grass field they used to live on.
“I am the Goddess, Mother of Life
I am the Goddess, bearer of Life
I am, I am, the Goddess Divine
I am, I am the Goddess Divine
Isis, Venus, Ishtar, Kali
Minerva, Shakti, Kwan Yin, Lakshmi
I am, I am the Goddess Divine
I am, I am the Goddess Divine
I am the Goddess, ever living
I am the Goddess, ever loving
I am the Goddess, creatress of life
I am the Goddess, who nourishes life”
While she was singing the lyrics to the song of the slow melody, Alfie’s mind fell into a trancelike state. This time, though, he and Jovonka both then closed their eyes in unison. For which now they both were now standing in the middle of a large grass field with both Crossandra and Arabian Jasmine flowers moving within the slow air. Alfie then looked around at his surroundings, while Jovonka was overlooking in front of her, which was a little cottage while they both saw goats, chickens, and 4 horses running around the field. As Alfie walked forward and then stood beside Jovonka, he then looked at her now to which he can see her tears streaming down her cheeks, while her long curly dark brown hair was flowing in the air.
“This was my home Alfie, this is the only memory I have left that I can still feel and see, oh how I wish I can be back here again in person,” Jovonka said while Alfie still stared at her to which he then looked out in front of the scene in front of them.
Alfie then felt Jovonka’s hand on his left hand, to which he felt tensed up as he looked down to see his and her hand together as one. As he looked back up into her eyes, Jovonka's eyes then glowed an amber color, which Alfie didn’t seem frightened this time. But before he could say anything else, he then heard a voice echoing around his head, which was the voice of Darby Sabini.
“Alfie, hey, Alfie, come on, man. Where the fuck did your head go? Did you just get hypnotized by the witch’s spell?” Sabini said while Alfie had a confused look on which Sabini looked at him funny.
He then heard the men’s clapping and cheers while Jovonka bowed once again, to which she looked back at Alfie. But when he looked back at Jovonka up on stage, the same glowing amber eyes appeared once again. For it then sent a chill down his spine, knowing that everything he saw and felt at that very moment was real.
A/N: Thank you all for sticking around I really appreciate every single one of you guys for sharing and liking this story so far. And I might take a break from making this story, for I have other stories to tell. I know again I’ve been on a roll with this story and so far I have been nothing but proud of how this story is going. And I hope I get at least either Black Rose or A Hope of Life out soon. I really know some of you want to know more about what will happen next with those stories. Again as always thank you guys for your support, feedback, and overall love for this storyline!!! And as always I see you in the next post. See Ya!!!
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weeo · 3 years
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Peaky Season 6 Response Challenge: Masterlist - Episode 1
To recover from our emotions after watching S06E02, I invite you all to have a look at the lovely fanworks which have been created during the past week for S06E01. If some of you are late, you can still send your fic/art for episode 1 to me and I'll add it to the masterlist!
• the unseen part 1 by @ganseybois
tommy x alfie // read ao3 & tumblr
• by the window by @doubleveil
ada & lizzie // read on ao3
• ashes by @emjenwrites
tommy & polly // read on ao3
• with spring comes new hopes by @weeo
ada & lizzie // read on ao3 & tumblr
• it goes like this by @deadendtracks
tommy x lizzie, tommy & arthur // read on ao3
• abstinence...or vices in lieu of by @whatsmyline-pb​
tommy x alfie // read on ao3
• tommy x female!reader imagine by @sophieshelby  & @retromafia
read on tumblr
• yes sir. please sir. by @findinghisredrighthand
tommy x female!reader 🔞 // read on tumblr
•  stolen child by @zablife
tommy x female!reader & ruby // read on tumblr
• tommy x alfie art by @thatgurlstuff
• tommy shelby art by @andtherewerefireworks
I split the canon characters fics and OC fics because I know the readership is generally not the same and it’ll be easier for everyone to find what they’re looking for. 
Congrats and thank you to every writer and artist who managed to create something for this first week, this episode wasn’t an easy one to respond to! (Yes, I wrote that before watching S06E02 but it still stands). If you loved the fanworks, please leave some love to the creators by liking, reblogging and commenting! 
If you’re curious and don’t know what this challenge is about, you can read the introduction post. (and you can join if you want!)
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