#Aelfric tomatoes khalidstans and being happy at the halloween lineup because Duma'n'Mila
randomnameless · 2 years
My condolemces on your bad taste 😔
Eytmology time :
Condolence comes from old french Condoléance, and the latin condoleo - con is "with/together" and doleo is "suffering"
So if you express your condolences on my taste, you imply you are sharing my suffering, and while this is very kind of you, I am not really suffering.
I mean, yes, some people don't think Fomortiis can be fucked, but I think he can, and I do not derive any hurt or pain from this opinion. People can enjoy, or dislike a ship or a bunch of pixels without causing me any harm !
But if I ever happen to eat a mayo sandwich, I know that somewhere, a random anon will suffer with me, and that makes me happy to share this pain with someone kind enough to accept it !
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