#Adrian Ţepeş
throuple-tournament · 7 months
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Nathan/Vlad/Ursula created by @thebibliosphere.
Description provided by @wanderingandfound.
Trevor: the born and bred monster slayer, whose noble family was all killed by a village mob when he was a child, and he is the lone survivor of that massacre. Alucard: the half-vampire son of Dracula who lived a very happy life until the church killed his human mom and his vampire dad went mad from grief. And Sypha: the magician from a travelling people known as Speakers who have a prophecy that basically says the three of them are to team up to kill Dracula.
Description provided by @powerpolyculeshowdown.
Nathan/Vlad/Ursula: For most of the book it's about two of the characters' romance (Vlad and Nathan) and Ursula meets them closer to the end. Their relationship, I think, is supposed to be continued in the next book. They all kiss each other and it's clear from the book that they like each other, and are all open to polyamory.
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ydotome · 1 year
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Adrian Fahrenheit Ţepeş “Alucard”- Castlevania: Nocturne - Episode 8
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sylvain-ia · 2 years
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Alucard & familiars (2)
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sir-klauz · 2 years
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The Alucard anime vamp we got
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The Alucard anime vamp this generation of anime fans get
goth girl Dracula vs barbie son of Dracula AU
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ifishouldvanish · 8 days
Adrian Fahrenheit Ţepeş cut himself off from his anger and pain because they are the very things that lead to his father waging war against humanity. But then he meets Olrox–a man who is driven by these things, yet demonstrates perfect control over them.
Adrian Fahrenheit Ţepeş feels drawn to Olrox like a moth to a flame, because his soul craves the kind of warmth that can only come from experiencing the raw emotion he has always denied himself.
Mourning the loss of the only man he's ever loved, Olrox sought justice by going after the one responsible–without succumbing to his grief the way Adrian's father had.
Adrian Fahrenheit Ţepeş looks at Olrox and sees the kind of man his father could have been, the kind of man he wished he had been, the kind of man he isn't sure he could ever truly be himself–and he aches to get close to it, to feel it in his hands, to taste it on his lips. To know in the deepest parts of his soul that it was always possible for his father to be that man, that it is still possible for him to be that man.
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beevean · 2 months
I find fascinating that no one in the games calls Alucard by his birth name, not even his own father.
If you never read the manuals, you will never learn that his birth name is Adrian Fahrenheit Ţepeş, and has been ever since Dracula's Curse. He calls himself Alucard, everyone around him calls himself Alucard, and even Dracula accepts his son's new name. He greets him as such in SoTN and in Julius Mode in DoS, and the latter instance is even more striking, because by then he goes by Arikado - but to Dracula, he's still Alucard. Not Adrian.
And you'd think that he'd insist on calling his son by his birth name, right? As a way to control and demean him. "Oh, you chose that cute nickname for yourself? Charming. But you are still my Adrian, the boy I raised, and you can't escape from that." But no. Dracula has fully accepted that his son is so against him that he used his own name backwards: and I think that it's a sign that he has completely disowned him. He has no desire of pretty pleading him to join him by reminding him of their family ties: he will do so once Dracula has killed Lisa's last influence on the boy. It speaks of his utter coldness, and how estranged the two have become - after all, Alucard accuses him that he has completely lost his ability to love. (and, as a reminder, in the Japanese version of SoTN, Dracula doesn't even say farewell to Alucard before dying)
There is only one exception to this:
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This is a different writer so take this with a grain of salt, but since it's the only instance we see Dracula's thoughts during the 1476 battle, it's interesting. Perhaps he still hasn't learned that his son has changed names, but I can believe he hadn't accepted yet, hence why he's so emotionally distraught. By the time of SoTN, his heart has hardened enough that he no longer cares, and he calls his own treacherous son with the name he has chosen to indicate that the two are enemies.
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lonelydeathgod · 1 year
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Adrian Fahrenheit Ţepeş (Alucard), Son Of Dracula, In Castlevania: Nocturne Season 1
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"Netflix's Castlevania" Weapon Pack - D&D 5e
The Morning Star (Very Rare Whip, 1d4 piercing)
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This whip was created for the progenitor of the Belmont clan, Léon Belmont, in order to fight the creatures of the night at Dracula's command. Known as the most powerful anti-vampire weapon, it was passed down along the generations of the Belmont clan, all the way down to Julius Belmont, the man who would eventually succeed in ending Dracula's unlife permanently.
You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls made with this magic whip. In addition, it deals an additional 1d6 bludgeoning damage.
Consecrated for Fighting Vampires and Demons: The Morning Star deals an extra 1d6 radiant damage if the creature is a fiend or undead. In addition, when an attack hits a creature with a weakness to sunlight, a burst of light comes out of the striking head, triggering the weaknesses to sunlight of the target and any creature within 10 ft. of it.
Grapple: When making a grapple check, you can use the Reach property to determine at which distance from the target you can be, and forceful movement doesn't end your grapple, instead moving your target in the same direction and distance as you.
Finesse: When making an attack with a finesse weapon, you use your choice of your Strength or Dexterity modifier for the attack and damage rolls. You must use the same modifier for both rolls.
Reach: This weapon adds 5 feet to your reach when you attack with it. This property also determines your reach for opportunity attacks with a reach weapon.
Special: You have disadvantage when you use the Morning Star to attack a target within 5 feet of you.
Alucard's Sword (Very Rare Longsword, 1d8 slashing)
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A sword used by the legendary Adrian Fahrenheit Ţepeş, better known as Alucard, Dracula's most persistent foe and his son. Despite being only half-vampire, Alucard is remembered as one of history's most powerful vampire, second only to Dracula himself. His combat prowess mainly involved his sword, which he'd wield using magic and his physical strength in equal parts. After centuries of use, the sword has absorbed Alucard's energies, granting a weaker, but still substantial version Alucard's magical swordsmanship.
When attuned to this weapon, you gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.
Balanced for Superhuman Strength: In order to wield this sword with only one-hand, you must have a Strength score of 16 minimum.
Telekinetic Battling: The sword has 3 charges and regains all expended charges daily at dawn. A creature attuned to the sword can use a bonus action in order to expand a charge and wield the sword telekinetically for a minute. When wielded this way, you can make a weapon attack on a target within 10 ft. of it as a bonus action, and once per turn, you can move the weapon up to 15ft. If you use your action to attack, you can attack using this magical weapon. You cannot use the Versatile property of the sword while using Telekinetic Battling.
Reach: This weapon adds 5 feet to your reach when you attack with it. This property also determines your reach for opportunity attacks with a reach weapon.
Versatile (1d10): This weapon can be used with one or two hands. A damage value in parentheses appears with the property—the damage when the weapon is used with two hands to make a melee attack.
Cross Haladie (Very Rare Chakram, 1d6 slashing)
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Legend says a mad Norwegian vampire hunter went to India in order to ask renowned Indian weapon master Raja-Putra to make him a weapon able to kill vampires easily from a distance. Taking inspiration from the chakrams of his home-country and applying his knowledge of vampire weaknesses, Raja-Putra made the Cross Haladie, a chakram with four bladed points rather than a single circular blade. The points serve to confuse vampire vision, who is not used to these types of geometric shapes.
When attuned to this weapon, you gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. In addition, it deals an additional 1d6 piercing damage.
This chakram has 3 charges. As an action, you can expend 1 of its charges to use a curving throw. The trajectory of the chakram is a circle with a radius of 15 ft. or lower. If any creatures are on its path, they must succeed on a Dexterity Saving throw (DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Decterity modifier) or take damage from this weapon as if it were an attack.
The chakram regains all expended charges daily at dawn.
Returning: Once thrown, if there is a direct path between you and your target, the chakram can return to you. Enemies on the path of the returning chakram are not damaged by the weapon. You must use your object interaction in order to catch the weapon.
Light: A light weapon is small and easy to handle, making it ideal for use when fighting with two weapons.
Confusing Geometry: Undead eyes are not made to process even midly complex inorganic geometry, and are thus slower to react to this weapon. When calculating AC or making a Dexterity Saving Throw against this weapon's damage, the Dexterity modifier of targeted undead creatures is halved. A creature with blindsight ignores this property.
Thrown: If a weapon has the thrown property, you can throw the weapon to make a ranged attack. If the weapon is a melee weapon, you use the same ability modifier for that attack roll and damage roll that you would use for a melee attack with the weapon. For example, if you throw a handaxe, you use your Strength, but if you throw a dagger, you can use either your Strength or your Dexterity, since the dagger has the finesse property.
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cickhobear · 1 year
Adrian and Dracula (Castlevania)
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𝕮𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖑𝖊𝖛𝖆𝖓𝖎𝖆 🌪️• ドラキュラ・ヴラド・ツェペシュ(Dracula Vlad Țepeș)• アドリアン・ファーレンハイツ・ツェペシュ(Adrian Fahrenheit Ţepeş) // アルカード(Alucard)
[[Inspired by est_cos]]
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ruiniel · 1 year
Prickly thorns, tender roses
Fandom: Castlevania series (2017-2021)
Rating: Mature🔞
Relationship: Alucard/Original Female Character
Characters: Alucard, Original Character(s)
Story tags & warnings: Inspired by Castlevania, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Blood and Injury, POV Original Character, 'Happy Ending I Promise', Adventure, Post-Castlevania Season III, Eventual Smut, POV Alucard, Strangers to Friends to Lovers, Bloodlust, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Canon-Typical Violence, Non-Canon Relationship, Imprisonment, Disillusionment, Paranoia, Not Canon Compliant, Hurt/Comfort, Gore, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Blood Drinking, Unresolved Sexual Tension, Unresolved Emotional Tension, Emotional Sex, Drunken Confessions, Guilt, Mental Anguish, Heavy Angst, Monsters, Dark Romanticism, Personal interpretation of post-season III Alucard
Set after the events of Castlevania (Netflix) Season III. After the betrayal of his young apprentices, Alucard feels barely alive in his lonesome castle. Days wear on, chipping away at his mind and sanity. And what is the son of Dracula to do with this unwanted visitor, suddenly come at his doorstep? Often the prickly thorn produces tender roses - Ovid
AN: You're being cursed with my first ever Alucard longfic from 2020. Not even rewritten.
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I. Refuge
He looked outside the wide arching window, where heavy rain fell upon the world on a cold afternoon. This was the fourth day in a row when the even thrumming persisted against the silent walls of the castle. But then, at least my tomb is dry inside, he thought wryly. The door to the chamber opened with a dust trodden creaking to allow its master passage.
He paced through one of many endless hallways of the ancient structure with his elegant gait, one hand reaching behind his neck. Long fingers halfheartedly glided through fair, unbound hair. He descended the wide set of stairs, lost in thoughts of all and nothing, his bright golden eyes dimmed as he recalled meandering streams of forgotten times.
As ever, his gaze strayed to the wide painting adorning the wall to his right, depicting two figures. Blue eyes filled with purpose and kindness stared back at him; lately it seemed they were alive. He watched the other figure immortalized on canvas. Menacing but contained, it was yet one of the rare, if not sole existing representation of his father void of his renowned merciless and sullen might. He appeared...
Almost human. He lowered his eyes in a frown.
“Adrian! Adrian stop your fleeing this instant!” her voice still rang through the corridors of his mind, accompanied by her light scent of lavender and rosemary.
Caring arms wound around him. “I know you are loath to attend when the sun is so bright outside, but your lessons are not to be trifled with,” the fair-haired woman told the vision of her bright son, whose childlike face puckered in exasperated annoyance.
The images faded to nothing before him, leaving him in the solitary company of his half-human heart and its weak, endless beating.
His mother had always trusted them more than was perhaps wise. Now, after having barely survived an attempt to his own life at their hands, he was beginning to understand the determination of his father, if only an iota. He would never, and could never accept the unfathomable way in which his infamous father Vlad Dracula Ţepeş had chosen to dull his pain. Attempting to wipe humanity off the face of the earth as his last death cry had been a frightening goal even to his generals - and an achievable one at that, which made it all the more necessary to be thwarted.
Necessary. It was necessary.
How interesting that you feel the need to keep telling yourself that, an antagonizing thought hit him with the force of a physical blow. It spanned from a different corner of his mind, one come alive only after the harrowing event of a past not far removed. He drowned in the silence of the vast hall, where sparsely lit torches shadowed broken furniture and the echoes of a great and lavish legacy; memory returned him to the recent past. When he thought he’d found a compress to the aching void left behind by the departure of the Speaker and the Hunter. When he thought he was nurturing the flicker of humanity that drove a part of himself. But he’d mistaken betrayal for sincere interest and companionship, and with it came proof that humanity was burdened with it.
Their corpses may have rotted away by now, he was not sure. He had not gone outside ever since. Not for work, not for gathering or tending gardens or even delving into the rich knowledge of the Belmont vault he guarded, close to the castle of the father he felled. Not for feeding like the vampire kin of his father would. But lately, he found the endless struggle for power within leaning more towards his vampiric side rather than the soft, carefully crafted steadfastness inherited from his human mother.
The downpour continued outside. The sound of his steps his only company, the tall figure changed his direction in the great and empty abode, seeking the library. Loneliness had ever been his mate, but now with the disillusion of recent events, where he had been forced to end two beings he’d cared for, well, it seemed seclusion would be his forever tenant. And he had cared for them, and would have imparted with the humans all his knowledge in time. They came knocking at his door in search of a master, after all. He had done his part, though perhaps failing to account for the impatience defining human race as a whole. And failing to recognize its ruthless desperation owed to the brief flames which were human lives. Yes, he had stalled. And yes, he’d grown accustomed to their presence. Mistakes to learn from. 
Forced by circumstance, he ended their lives. The wound was still there, yet raw and seeping. And even as he speared their bodies through and hung them before his gates, he considered retrieving them afterwards for proper burial.
But then he had not.
Let them stand guard to my secrets, as was their wont. Let the others see. Fear was what they knew best, and what drove them. And it will drive them away from here. Was not living death endured better in solitude?
He walked instead of using his lightning fast shifts in space, his form weakened from the intentional renouncing of sustenance. Even blood would do, though he denounced the taste of it to the heavens.
Having descended the stairs and into the grand entry hall, just as he was about to take a left towards the library, there was a desperate and insistent rapping at the great doors of the castle. His movements turned stealthy in the blink of an eye, and the following second found him at the other end of the hall. The strikes had ceased and instead, the tall doors slowly opened. He rescinded locking them at all since setting the bodies of the young warriors Taka and Sumi outside. And truth be told... did he even need or want protection? His thought was severed by the immediate assail on his senses; the incensed and fearful scent of warm, human blood.
Who on earth would dare go past the horrors at the gate to enter here?
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She ran. She ran as fast as her feet took her, through wood and fen, stumbling over gnarled limbs and underbrush protruding from the forest bed. Branches and tree boughs scraped her cheeks. Leaves caught in her pitch black hair as the woman stumbled in her flight, wary of the trampling hooves drawing nigh, gaining on her. It had been unwise to linger, most unwise indeed. But now here she was, losing ground the closer she heard the desperate whinnying of horses.
“Get back here you damned slut!” one was calling with ire in his bloodshot eyes, a heavily bearded man in robes of black and gold.
The woman was on her last remaining strength, and she faltered, near falling to her knees. And her eyes were deceiving her, as ahead materialized the walls and gates of an abode. No... that was no mirage or a fancy of the mind. The gates did exist! The great doors were indeed physical, and closer with each beat of time. She lunged forward with renewed hope, the primal will to survive taking precedence and fueling her desperate flee with a burst of strength. Soon the trees were sparser, and she reached a clearing of sorts, bolting straight towards the heavy metallic doors.
Were those—
Her heart dropped to her feet as the escapee gaped, wide eyed, at the two bodies impaled before the entrance to the castle. The woman turned to look behind her, where the riders pursuing her so fervently had skidded to a halt at the edge of the clearing. Their eyes were set on the same hanging, rotting corpses, the wide archways and tall towers of the ominously silent building. Their faces then focused on her, and hatred shone bright and dark through their eyes. They hurled insults and threats as far as the wind took them, but seemed to dare go no further.
The young woman wavered, and straightening her back, pulled the tattered cloak about her shoulders. She walked closer on hesitating steps, the faint scent of decay assailing her senses.
She looked back to the riders. They were still observing her, determined, waiting to see what she would do. If she fled back to the forest, she was theirs. The woman narrowed her eyes at them before looking back to the silent entrance.
The only way, Ravenna. Squaring her shoulders and steeling the shivering of her wearied and buckling feet, she rushed straight to the castle doors, striking at them until her fists hurt. When no answer came, she looked back to her pursuers, only to see them slowly approaching from the other side of the clearing.
Desperation taking hold, the woman groaned and with one last shred of an attempt she halfheartedly beat at the doors. “Please!” she cried.
Just as all hope failed her, there was a sharp noise of metal sliding upon metal from the inside, and a ghastly wail; the doors opened.
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throuple-tournament · 8 months
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Description provided by Anon.
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Description provided by @wanderingandfound.
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ydotome · 1 year
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Castlevania: Nocturne - Episode 8
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(NOTE: Read the Palutena's Guidance for Slime HERE and for Alucard HERE)
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brettccs · 2 years
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Adrian Fahrenheit "Alucard" Ţepeş, son of the dark lord Dracula.
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ifishouldvanish · 5 months
Sword Bisexuals Face-off
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For your consideration...
Alucard is a half-vampire and the son of Dracula; Zagreus is the god of blood and the son of Hades
Both of them love their mommies very much and drink Respect Women Juice by the gallon.
Alucard killed his dad once and has Depression about it; Zagreus commits patricide multiple times a day or night for Enrichment.
Alucard can levitate, shapeshift into a wolf or a swarm of bats, and is a master swordsman with a weapon he can control with his mind; Zagreus is trained in combat with a variety of mythical weapons, which include the very gun Lucifer once used to Fight God.
Alucard knows how to live off the land and can cook for himself; Zagreus eats gyros and pommes he finds in the trash.
Alucard is an intellectual–well-read with knowledge of magic, alchemy, and ancient languages; Zagreus doesn't know what a bird is.
Alucard isn't dead, he's just taking a 300 year depression nap; Zagreus has died countless times, including by: stepping on a rake, running into a wall that was painted to look like the way out, and slipping on a banana peel.
Zagreus receives boons from various Olympian gods and goddesses, and can summon his dominatrix girlfriend, his grim reaper boyfriend, and several other friends (including a giant rock) to aid him in combat; Alucard has the support of his husband a man from a long line of monster hunters who once fought death itself and won, his wife a woman who is an Enemy of God and posseses as much magic in her tiny body as half the Greek pantheon, and his other wife a bad bitch with a hammer.
Both of them have Immaculate Breasts.
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maddmuses · 2 years
Secondary Muse Directory
These muses are on-request for existing partners and under other circumstances where *I* want to play them only. If you’re new here, you’re not likely to get it unless I bring it up.
Multimedia // DC Universe
-Bruce Wayne: You know what it’s about. He’s The Caped Crusader, The Dark Knight, other third example; I Am The Night (Bruce Wayne) (He/Him; Bisexual)[I only RP this for specific friends quit fucking asking] 
Multimedia // Other Comics
-Al Simmons: The Hellspawn and rebel from hell, Al is the greatest enemy of both Heaven and Hell; Rexspawned (Al Simmons/Spawn) (He/Him; Het)
Multimedia // Avatar Universe
-Zuko of The Fire Nation: The Prince, and then later ruler, of The Fire Nation. He was once scarred as a sign of his dishonor, but has found his honor again as an ally to the Avatar; Honor! (Zuko) (He/Him; Bi)
-Avatar Kuruk of The Water Tribe: An Avatar in an era of perceived peace. Traveling with his own team Avatar he would often fight dark spirits, which slowly ate at his own spirit; Go With The Flow (Avatar Kuruk) (He/They; Lawful Sad)
Anime // Boku no Hero Academia
-Toshinori Yagi: The number one hero All Might! Currently retired, he suffers from debilitating physical injuries and the loss of his quirk!;  A Real Hero Will Always Find A Way For Justice To Be Served!! (Toshinori Yagi/All Might) (He/Him; Demi)
-Rumi Usagiyama: No. 5 Hero Mirko and local Megan Thee Stallion impersonator, Rumi is objectively and empirically best girl. Literally ranked the highest, go look or she’ll kick your butt; I Live Every Day Like There’s No Tomorrow!! (Rumi Usagiyama) (She/Her; Pansexual)
-Toya Todoroki: The mysterious flame villain Dabi, and eldest son of Endeavor;  The Mysterious First Son (Dabi/Toya Todoroki) (He/They; Demi)
-Shoryuu Takeshi: A martial artist hero-in-training, he’s the national champion for high school karate in the open quirks division; It’s Time To Have Some Fun!! (Shoryuu Takeshi) (He/Him; Hetero)
Anime // Bleach
-Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez: Numero 6 Espada and verified catboy; Grim Jawed Panther (Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez) (He/Him; Fightsexual)
Anime // Naruto
-Kakashi Hatake: Sixth Hokage and leader of Squad 7, he is often known as The Copy Ninja; I Will Never Let My Comrades Die (Kakashi Hatake)  (Ask me about my canon divergence) (He/Him; Tired Bi)
-Tenten: A weapon’s specialist of the highest regard, and known in Konoha for being peerless. Give her a weapon, and she seems to know how to use it; The True Blade Maiden (Tenten) (She/Her; Bisexual)
Anime // Shonen
-Saitama: A hero for fun, that name exists for him and him alone; Hurry! We have to get there before the supermarket closes!! (Saitama) (He/Him; Homoromantic Asexual)
-Joseph Joestar: Grandson of Johnathan Joestar and the torch carrier of the Joestar legacy through Battle Tendancy. A master of Hamon/Ripple and user of the stand Hermit Purple, he becomes Jotaro’s mentor in Stardust Crusaders; Oh My God!! (Joseph Joestar) (He/Him; Powerfully Jojo)
-Jotaro Kujo: Grandson of Joseph Joestar and user of the stand Star Platinum, then later Star Platinum: The World. A stoic and aloof young man, he deeply cares for his loved ones, and will stop at nothing to protect them; Yare Yare Daze... (Jotaro Kujo) (He/Him; Devastatingly Jojo)
Literature // Fantasy
-Harry Potter: Prophecy’s hero, and future Auror; The Boy Who Lived (Harry Potter) (He/Him [trans]; Pan)
Literature // Horror
-Kay McCall: Feminist author and all around bad bitch who two abusive assholes can’t stop; The Survivor’s Survivor (Kay McCall) (She/Her; Heteroflexible)
Video Games // Fighting
-Jin Kazama: The son of Kazuya Mishima and two-time winner of The King of Iron Fist Tournament; The Crimson Lightning (Jin Kazama) (He/Him; Bisexual)
Video Games // RPG
-Yojimbo: The ultimate sellsword, an astral being and summon that specializes in taking payment for his ability to slay any enemy; The God of The Blade (Yojimbo) (Whatever you’ll pay He/Him to be)
-Adrian “Alucard” Ţepeş: Son of the most powerful vampire and hero of Romania;  Regal Dhampir (Adrian Alucard Ţepeş) (Eldritch Entity)
Film and Television // Karate Kid and Cobra Kai
-Johnny Lawrence: Ace degenerate and master of Cobra Kai, former champ of the All-Valley Karate tournament and sensei of the 2018 champ Miguel; The Best Defense is More Offense (Johnny Lawrence) (He/Him; Het)
Film and Television // Animation
-Clay Bailey: The Xiaolin Dragon of Earth, Shoku Warrior, and Rootinest of Tootinest Cowpokes; Quaking Beast (Clay Bailey) (He/Him; DemiPanRo)
-Reagan Ridley: Local science girlboss and COO of Cognito Inc. Generally too stressed by all this shit, and is making sure the world order doesn’t fall apart at the seams. (She/Her; Bi Bi Bi)
-JFK (John “Jack” F. Kennedy): The clone of the original JFK created by a board of shadowy figures. Captain of the football team and Capitán of the futbol team; I’m a Kennedy! I’m not accustomed to tragedy!! (JFK) (He/Him; Questioning) 
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