#AUUUUUUGH this calculator's killing me. i need to grab someone by the shoulders and shake them
im thinking about suns again (and making it everyone's problem)
they are an iterator. they were designed to have truly incomprehensible amounts of knowledge and processing power, to be able to compute countless possible outcomes of a situation
and yet
this one time, they failed to consider it. they didn't expect what would happen. they didn't realize it was too risky
they just… loved him too much, i think
all they wanted was to help him. they hated to see him so sad, so desperate, at a fate neither of them believed they could change
until, maybe, just maybe, there was a way
and they knew that they would never see him again if he made it work. but, they thought, at least he would be free.
how tragic, then, that it ended the way it did
that they were built to be perfectly calculating, able to precisely find out how to solve every problem, yet they are still swayed by emotion
truly, they are their creators' child
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