#ANYWAY they all love richie and that's that on that! it's true love babey! best friends for life
rchtoziers · 5 years
if you're taking prompts in the martian au universe: i'm sure richie was so fucking touch-starved on mars and the idea of him cuddling with the losers for the first time in years was enough to bring tears to my eyes
athis took me approximately one billion years to get around to writing because 🎶motivation fails when we need it most🎶 but !! better late than never !! ?? i hope u enjoy xoxo.
The first thing Richie does after Eddie lets him leave the med bay is make all of his friends sit together in the same room.
Well—that’s a lie. The first thing he does is take a shower and sit on the ground and cry harder than he has in eighteen months. Then put on clean clothes that don’t smell like Mars’s surface. Then ask Stan on a scale of one to ten how dangerous it would be to set his old clothes on fire.
But then. Then. The first thing he does is ask, quietly, over the comms, if everyone can meet him in the rec room.
It’s kind of alarming how fast everyone gets there.
“Jesus,” he says mildly, from his seat on the couch. He’s got two blankets over his shoulders, and in the kitchen area Eddie is brewing him a cup of tea. “Is everyone out of breath? Did you teleport here? Did I miss that while I was away? God, we’re so Star Trek right now.”
“Oh my god,” Stan mutters. “We came here for this?”
“Beam me up, Scotty,” Richie says seriously.
“If we had installed teleportation on the Hermes, we could have rescued you a lot sooner,” Ben points out.
Richie huffs. “Hey, speaking of Star Trek. My dearest Michael, I think we need to have a little chat about what you deem worthy of filling an entire data stick with.”
Mike laughs. “I stand by my choices.”
“Of fucking course you do, Mikey, I would expect literally nothing else of you,” Richie says seriously. “But all of the OG Star Trek? And literally nothing else? Did anyone tell you that you didn’t have to fill out every computer nerd stereotype ever?”
“Drink this,” Eddie says, placing a warm cup in Richie’s hands. Richie pulls a face at the tea. “Knock it off, it won’t kill you.”
“Yes,” Richie says dryly. “I think we can safely say that tea will not kill me. Let’s add that to the list of other atrocities I’ve survived!”
He’s so focused on taking a sip of his tea that he almost doesn’t notice no one responds to him. It’s quiet enough that he could hear a pin drop. When he looks back up, everyone’s eyes are on him.
“Why’s everybody looking at me like this?” he asks.
“Richie…” Beverly says. There’s sympathy in her eyes that he can’t stand to look at.
“What, too soon?” Richie asks, instead of saying anything else. “This is uncharted territory for me, I’ve never come back from the dead before, I don’t know what’s okay to joke about.”
“Why’d you ask us all to come here?” Beverly asks. She leaves no room in her tone for anything besides seriousness.
Richie swallows thickly.
“Richie,” Stan says. He takes a thwarted step forward, like he’s uncertain of whether or not he wants to move closer to Richie. The whole thing hurts a lot more than it probably should.
“I’m so fucking cold,” Richie says, and it isn’t the thing he had meant to say but he isn’t exactly lying. Eddie makes a move like he’s about to get another blanket for Richie’s shoulders. “No—not. Not that kind of cold. I don’t fucking know. I feel like I. Like I couldn’t warm up even if I was on the fucking surface of the sun. I’m not getting any ideas, don’t look at me like that. I don’t know. I just. I needed us all to be in the same place.”
Bill’s voice is quiet as he says, “I f-f-felt like that, too. When we first g-g—got back. Without you.”
“Me, too,” Stan agrees.
“Yeah,” Eddie whispers.
Richie laughs, because he’s not sure what else he can do in this situation. His hands are in his lap, writhing anxiously together. “Did you find anything to make that go away?” he asks, only half-joking.
“Honestly?” Stan says with a shrug. “I’d go bunk with someone else. It helped, sharing that space.”
“Aw, Stan,” Richie says, though his throat is tight and his eyes are burning with tears that threaten to fall. “You were cuddling someone that wasn’t me? How could you break my heart like this? How will I ever move on?”
“It helped all of us, I think,” Ben says. “Holding on to one another. It makes sense. Richie, I mean. Honestly. You’re probably…”
Richie should have known there was no hope for him making it through this without crying. He wipes at his eyes, unsubtle and more choked up than he feels like he should be. “You can say it.”
“You’re probably touch-starved,” Eddie says, instead. “I’m not a psychiatrist, I don’t. I didn’t study that side of medicine. But Christ, Rich, I mean. You were isolated for eighteen months. You probably just need some. Fucking human contact.”
Eddie pauses, and his face goes pink as he rushes to say, “And there’s nothing wrong with that! I just. I don’t know. Maybe it would help.”
Richie laughs wetly. “Crew cuddle pile?” he says, and his tone is light but there’s not a single person in the room who thinks he is joking. It makes him feel loved in more ways than he can even stand to bear.
“Is it too much to say your commander orders it?” Beverly asks. There’s scattered laughter from all of them.
“Hell yes,” Bill says, and he’s the first to take a step forward.
“Gently,” Eddie reminds them, voice sharp and loud as he tries to be heard over the commotion coming from the group getting ready to swarm Richie on the couch. Richie’s laugh is the loudest out of all of them.
There’s not really room on this couch to fit seven people clambering over one another, but Richie’s crew is nothing if not committed. His heart is bursting with love as they all adjust carefully around one another to fit, with Richie at the heart of it all. Stan and Bill flank him on either side, and Richie gets tucked securely under Stan’s arm. He thinks his legs are in Bill and Bev’s laps but it’s hard to tell. Mike takes his spot on the ground, leaning against Bill’s legs but close enough that he can take Richie’s hand when Richie stretches it out to him. Ben sits precariously on the back of the couch, half pressed against Bill as Richie rests his head on Ben’s leg. Eddie, Richie thinks, is on the other side of Stan. He must be the one playing with Richie’s hair, combing through the curls softly. The thought warms him in ways he doesn’t dare break down right now.
“This feels a bit extra,” Richie says, once they’re all situated and the giggles have died down.
“Beep beep,” Stan sighs. “You quite literally asked for this.”
“I can’t tell who you people are, I think someone took off my glasses in the midst of all that,” Richie says. Beverly laughs and squeezes his ankle. “No, I’m serious. I legit can’t find my glasses.”
“You d-don’t need them,” Bill tells him. He puts his hand on Richie’s knee. “We got you.”
And fuck, if that doesn’t make emotions swell in Richie’s chest and throat. They’ve got him. They’ve had his back since day one, and now they all quite literally have his back. He doesn’t doubt them; he never has, if he’s being honest. He wonders what he did in this life to deserve getting put with the crew that would walk through hell and back just for him.
“Yeah,” he agrees, and it’s a testament to how great these people really are that they don’t say anything when he starts to cry. “You guys got me.”
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ambitiousskychild · 4 years
Ooh how about Mike and Eddie? :)
ahhh i’m so sorry it took me FOREVER to get to this, but thank you for giving me these characters in specific and also i’m apologizing now for how long this is gonna be let’s begin
Why I like Eddie and Mike
They are HANDS DOWN the best characters of the 7 of them hands DOWN. 
Eddie in the book is the BIGGEST badass, not only did he LAUGH IN HENRY BOWERS’ FACE when he broke his arm at 11 years old, he KILLED bowers 27 years later right after bowers broke the same arm in the same place, by smashing his classy glass Perrier against his bedside table and stabbing bowers to death with the remains :) 
Mike Hanlon is the reason the book happens AT ALL. He’s essentially the narrator. And he is the final member of the losers club, they save his life from bowers and co, and he automatically knows he can trust them and they all know, like magic, that their group is complete and that was so fuckin sweet to me. He often puts his body in the way to protect Eddie and Stan and AHHH
Why i don’t like Eddie and Mike
bc i LOVE them next question
Favorite scene
For Eddie there are so many, here’s a bulleted list
“They’re gazebos! They’re BULLSHIT!”
when richie set his broken arm back into place and most definitely made it worse lmao
when eddie got puked on by pennywise and literally SHOOK with rage bc there was sooooo much of it in his tiny little body and he decided he was no longer afraid and swung at pennywise with those tiny HANDS
For MIke omg
In the book there’s this scene where he faces Pennywise as a giant bird that’s terrifying and I can’t describe it but Mike is just SO smart and brave
In the book when the losers decide to fuckin hotbox their underground clubhouse hoping to get high enough to see the origins of IT and it fuckin works, but Richie and Mike are the only ones who can stand it anymore in there to actually SEE anything
In the book when they’re fighting IT as kids and pennywise turns into that bird again and swoops down for Eddie, and Mike is so worried the bird will just take him that he rolls his body over Eddie’s
When in Chapter 1 they ran from the Neibolt house after Eddie broke his arm and Mike picked Eddie up all by himself and put him in his bike basket like a little puppy lmao
Favorite movie
Favorite movie for both of them is Chapter 1
Favorite Line
Eddie: “Get my bifocals, they’re in my second fanny pack”
Mike, tragically didn’t get really a lot of good lines butttt probably “I know the difference between what’s real and what’s not” bc that’s like,,, literally the only thing he got that wasn’t just sad lol
Favorite outfit
For Eddie it’s the pink polo shirt and red shorts with the rainbow stripes but ALSO the thundercats shirt with those same shorts both of those were LOOKS lol
And For Mike i love the outfit we first meet him in, his jeans and the grey shirt. i thought at one point he wore overalls, but i think i imagined it lol
For Eddie, obviously Reddie
For Mike, i like him with Bill AND Stan, but i also think he and eddie together would be adorable
For Eddie- him and Bev! They’re so similar anyway i love to think they’re absolute best friends, aside from him and richie. And i especially love the idea of Richie, Eddie, and Bev as a trio. Eddie and Mike could be the cutest best friends, and Eddie and Stan, and Eddie and Bill omg, Everyone should be best friends with Eddie
For Mike, i like the idea of him and Richie being close tbh! Him and Eddie too and him and Ben! Also, everyone should be best friends with Mike
Head Canon
ummm i hc that Eddie develops an almost INSANE need for thrills after they defeat Pennywise for good and he wants to get tattoos and try smoking and he gets a motorcycle to go real FAST, and richie is not only supportive, but stupid, so they have a lot of dumb matching tattoos and a motorcycle they’re trying to get rid of like a year later :)
I hc that Mike always wanted to be a vet or something with animals, but he just never got to :( but when they finally defeat pennywise, Bill supports his dream to care for animals :)
Unpopular opinion
I love soft!Eddie! I know that’s like,,, not cool to say in the fandom these days but that’s literally the coolest most rebellious thing about Eddie is that despite it ALL he still chooses to be soft and kick your ass lovingly
And for Mike, it’s so hard bc he got so little attention or screentime or ANYTHING that actually let him be a character, so my main opinion for him is that he deserved better but that’s not unpopular lol
A wish
I wish that Eddie had been allowed to not be a raging asshole and then a coward for like all of Chapter 2, and I wish that Mike’s character hadn’t been somehow turned into crazy man who steals from Natives and “lies to his friends” lol
An oh-god-pls-don’t-ever-happen
Oh god, i would fuckin HATE it if Eddie died for no fuckin reason and then his friends just moved on 20mins later like he didn’t literally die for them, that would suck, thank god that doesn’t happen
And it would also suck if in the book, Mike, the whole reason they’re all even back in Derry, despite knowing the dangers of Derry during the height of IT being back and knowing he should be watching his back, put himself alone in harm’s way for no reason other than to be taken out of the game so he’s not even down in the sewers for the final showdown with Pennywise, that would suck and be infuriating, glad that didn’t happen either
5 words to best describe them
Eddie: brave, loyal, loving, funny, chaotic
Mike: sweet, kind, strong, brave, wise
My nickname for them
i usually just call them both sweet angel babey lmao but also spaghetti boy and farm boy lol
thank you for the ask and sorry i wrote you an essay
send me a character? if you dare lol i really snapped on this one
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garbage-tozier · 5 years
a shocking new development - reddie
prompt number: 19 - “yes, i admit it, you were right.”
fandom: it (richie tozier x eddie kaspbrak)
rating: e for everyone who isn’t a fucking homophobe
warnings: fluff and also trashmouth tozier finally gets called out!
word count: 1k (short and sweet babey!)
five of the seven losers were grouped off in the corner, while the other two, richie and eddie, sat on their couch. an hour ago, the pair had invited their friends over to their house, hinting at a special announcement.
the group whispered on, entirely ignoring their hosts. "you think we should say something?" eddie said quietly to richie.
richie shrugged, staring at their friends. "i don't know?"
"i'm gonna say something," eddie said, making up his mind. "guys, would you mind talking to us, maybe?" he made his voice louder for this, hoping to interrupt their conversation. when no one looked over, he poked mike- who was closest to him- in the arm.
"shhs, shut up, we're trying to bet on what shocking new development might've pushed you to call us all over," stan said from next to mike, leaning over to swat eddie's hand.
"shocking new development is right," richie said, laughing as he made eye contact with eddie. "what have you come up with, anyway, o brilliant ones?"
"are you getting a dog?" bev piped from the backmost place of the group. eddie grinned at his boyfriend, turning back to bev to shake his head no. she pouted, crossing her arms.
"adopting a kid?" mike questioned causing richie's eyes to widen at the thought. "i didn't think so," mike laughed.
"i'm not sure i'm ready for fatherhood," richie cried, sprawling out on the couch elaborately, making sure that at least one of his limbs ended up somewhere on eddie's body.
"asshole!" eddie yelled, pushing richie's leg- which had eventually ended up on him- out of his lap. "you'd be a shit dad,"
"and you'd be a great one, my love," richie grinned, sitting up almost instantaneously and promptly placing a kiss square on the tip of eddie's nose.
"come on, just tell ussss!" ben pleaded, walking over and leaning down so that he was propped up on his elbows on the back of the couch the couple was sitting on
"fine," eddie sighed, looking over at richie. "do you wanna tell them?"
richie nodded eagerly, standing up and running out of the room. he returned a second later, holding a stool that he placed on the floor and stepped on top of. "the reason we called you all here is.... we're getting married!" immediately, the room was filled with sound. the losers club- save richie and eddie- erupted into hoots, howls, screams, and high fives galore.
"i knew it, i knew it, i knew it! i told you, bill!" ben said loudly, grinning at his friend. bill rolled his eyes, pulling a twenty out of his pocket and reluctantly handing it over. "can you believe that bill actually thought you guys were gonna wait?"
"well excuse me for thinking my friends would be rational and wait more than two months before getting engaged-"
"bill, they've been waiting for this for almost thirty years- they don't wanna prolong it anymore," bev weighed in.
"exactly," eddie grinned, passing out glasses of champagne. "we already know everything about each other. what would we even be waiting for?" bill grumbled, taking the glass begrudgingly. 
"a toast!" stan said loudly once the room had quieted a bit, raising his glass of champagne high into the air. "to me! after all, i am the reason you two aren't still pining over each other like idiots, anyway,"
"hey!" eddie said, but richie put his hand on his fiance's arm, stopping him. stan smirked, lowering his drink.
"he's sorta right," richie said. the room went dead silent, all of its occupants stuck gaping at the comedian, absolutely awe-struck. "what?" richie said after a while, noting everyone's strange behavior.
"did the all-knowing richie tozier just admit to being wrong?" bev giggled, giving the man a light jab with her elbow.
"i honestly didn't know he could do that," mike remarked, earning a snort out of bill. richie crossed his arms, narrowing his eyes at the two of them.
"okay, listen here you little shits- first of all, i didn't even say i was wrong! all i said was that stan was-"
"nuh-uh-uh, rich, you said stan disagreeing with you was right." eddie cut him off. "that technically means you think you were wrong,"
"you too, eds?" the man whined, pouting at his fiance. eddie shrugged, laughing with the rest of their friends.
"come on, babe, you know it's true,"
"now wait a second-"
"just admit it, rich," stan said, setting his glass down- but not before putting out a coaster, and walking over to lay on hand on his best friends shoulder. "i was right and you were wrong."
richie muttered something, and everyone leaned in in such a dramatic way that he would've been proud of, had they not been using such exaggerated advances to taunt him. "what was that?" bev said slyly, grinning as she held a cupped hand up to her ear. "did you say something, richie? could you say it again, just a little louder this time, for the people in the back?"
"alright, alright, fine! you win, guys, you win," he gave in, waving his hand so that they would back up. "yes, i admit it, you were right."
"aaaaaannnnnd?" stan drawled. the six of them stared expectantly at richie, who rolled his eyes, crossing his arms again.
"i was wrong! okay? i was wrong! are you happy now?"
and they were indeed, very happy. richie leaned back, and he couldn't help but smile as he watched as his friends all freaked out, whooping loudly and clinking glasses with each other all around. he shook his head, smiling to himself. "idiots," he mumbled.
when the laughter and excitement died down again, stan clinked his glass with a fork, attracting everyone's attention for a second time. he raised his glass once more, smiling fondly at his best friend. "and another toast- to richie tozier and eddie kaspbrak," eddie grinned, moving over to loop his arm through richie's as stan spoke. "the world's most adorable couple,"
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