#ANYWAY im fucking going to sleep. have this kross post before i can overthink it too hard (ive already overthought it)
unknownarmageddon · 3 months
timeloop kross au where they’re both living in this town they hate so they swear to each other to get out whatever fucking way they can, but killer’s reckless, and dumb, and a hopeless romantic, and gets cross wrapped up in all kinds of crime. and they rob someone’s house for money so they can get out of town and killer kills the guy who’s house it is. and so cross has to deal with the moral turmoil of killing and robbing an almost complete stranger and actively running from authorities with this guy he realizes he doesn’t actually know that well, this guy he’s truly seeing for the first time (be it good or bad or both), but he’s so so stupidly in love with anyway. and who’s stupidly in love with him. and maybe killer gets hurt, maybe they both get hurt, and they’re lost and everything went to absolute shit just in a few days and they have blood literally on their hands. and part of cross wants (so desperately, even though he doesn’t realize that part) to go back, to how it was. to just get rid of all this shit. because of how jarringly different, foreign, unrecognizable, everything is. he hated that town, but it was what he knew and there was an odd comfort found in that familiarity. and now he’s afraid. and then cross wakes up. and it’s the same date as it was when it all started, and he’s back in his own house, and there’s no blood. but, no, no it had to have been a dream. a really weird, fucking vivid dream. so he tries to act normal, move on. and then stuff starts to get familiar. killer makes the same promise to him to get out of town. so cross tries so fucking hard to change it, to make sure it won’t end up the way it did in his dream. but it inevitably does, god it does, and again cross is filled with that turmoil and almost guilt, or regret. that unease. dissatisfaction. and he wakes up again. and it happens all over again. and this time he thinks something’s wrong with him. he’s having some weird ass dream. he’s lost his mind. and then it happens again. and again. and he can’t change any of it. and he keeps seeing killer with someone else’s blood on his hands, then he sees killer’s blood, then his own, and he feels that desperate, terrible fear of running again, of not being able to go back to how it was. of being ripped from this town he and killer were clawing till their fingers bled to get out of nonetheless. and now he has no fucking idea what’s happening to him. and it keeps happening. god, it keeps happening. he doesn’t know how many times it’s started over. and the only way to get out of this loop is to accept it. to accept that if he chooses this path with killer, of staying with him, of getting out of town, this is what’s gonna happen. he can’t avoid it, none of it. he has to make peace with that, accept that inevitable crushing abnormality that will come with his choices. he has to face them.
is that anything at all
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