sjhhemmings · 7 months
“Give me a hug?” Pt.1
brian zvonecek x fem!reader
a/n: bear with me since this is my first one-shot sorry if it’s bad! also i didn’t really expect this to turn into a two parter so i’m sorry 😭😭. (also also i’m super surprised since i’ve gotten a lot done with my account organization tonight so yay me!?)
warnings: swearing, possible bad grammar, the fluffiest fluff to have ever fluffed, and more fluff. (+angsttt)??, anything i missed
sorry not sorry hehe
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“Give me a hug?” you ask patiently in front of Otis who was in the middle of reading a book in the common room.
You feel everyone’s eyes watch you after your bold request but you don’t care because your eyes don’t once leave Otis. He looks up after a few seconds and glances around the room before standing up.
“Course.” is all he says while wrapping his arms around your torso as your arms find their place behind his neck. Taking a deep breath in you inhale his signature cologne and close your eyes.
This is your happy place. Right in his arms. You figured this out early on in your relationship, every time you have a bad day, or a bad shift, all you have to do is ask Otis for a hug and it helps for the time being. Of course everyone else was judgy in the beginning but now it’s apart of everyone’s routine.
They walk in, get a cup of coffee, get some breakfast, either get a call or sit and watch TV for a little bit, then you ask Otis for a hug, and the day continues.
After a few seconds you step a way and give him a smile. “Thanks,” is all you say before walking back out to the app floor to which he responds with a nod and sits back down to continue reading.
A few hours later Otis comes to find you sitting on the back of the ambulance and stands between your separated legs.
“Hi” is all you say as he grabs your hands and holds them gently.
“Hey, what do you want for dinner tonight?” He asks while lazily grazing the back of your hands with each of his thumbs while looking into your eyes.
“Umm, anything is fine what were you thinking?”
“Ah, spaghetti?”
“Do we have stuff for spaghetti?”
“Shit you’re right. We haven’t gone to the store.” He drops his head back in irritation which makes you giggle.
“I can go tonight when we get off.”
“No, no, no, it’s been a rough shift and I just wanted you to relax, you shouldn’t have to go to the store.”
“But you don’t like going and I can be really fast.” You say wiggling your eyebrows in amusement to appease his protest.
After a few seconds of mutual giggling he squints his eyes and makes the exact request you specifically forbid last night.
“What if we just order in?”
You give Otis a ‘seriously’ look before you just gave in and nodded your head.
“Yes! I can order in from that one Thai place you like!” He says cheerfully.
“Okay, but this is the last night then we’re not ordering in for a month.” You say strictly solely because the two of you have ordered in too many times in the last 3 weeks and you both need a cleanse.
“Scout’s honor.” He says holding up three fingers which makes you giggle.
“C’mere” is all you say while pulling him closer meeting your lips with his.
The kiss was slow and sweet so after a few seconds when he tries to back away you pull him in again and place 3 seperate quick pecks on his lips before you truly pull away.
“Otis! Come help!” You hear Cruz yell for your boyfriend and you roll your eyes. By the tone of Joe’s voice you know he’s only calling after Otis for something stupid like to break a tie in a game or something.
“Catch you later?” Is all Otis says with a raised eyebrow as you watch him walk away back to the common room.
You continue watching him walk away but your heart feels heavy and you don’t like that.
“Wait!” you shout as you catch up with a now stopped Otis who turned around confused wondering what the matter is.
“Give me a hug.” Is all you ask standing barely a foot a way from your boyfriend who now is the one to give you the ‘seriously’ face.
You raise your eyebrows and open your arms impatiently as he playfully rolls his eyes and picks you up into a big bear hug spinning you around saying “You are so demanding you know that right?”
Once he sets you down with his hands resting on your hips, the statement he said finally sunk in making your heart drop.
“I love you, моя любовь (my love)” Is all he says while pulling you into a real hug and squeezing you gently.
You exhale deeply while closing your eyes and thinking about what he said. The hug provides little to no effect as to what it normally does and you pull away unsatisfied. Does he really think you’re demanding?
“I love you too…” Is your only response after a few seconds watching him walk back into the firehouse.
The rest of the night went smoothly as you tried to push his perception of you out of your mind but when you layed in bed that night you reflected. As you were remembering all the times you asked for a hug, or anything for that matter, you never said please. You were never nice or polite. Always demanding. So when you were thinking about your next shift, you decided you would no longer demand anything from him. Even if it made your heart twinge as you thought about no more hugs unless he initiated them, it was for the best. He doesn’t deserve to be with someone who wasn’t going to respect what he wanted or felt, so you were no longer making any demands.
During your next shift Ambulance 61 was immediately sent out onto a call to which you quickly found out that the patient was DOA. Since you missed breakfast you arrived back at 51 at about the time you would ask for your first hug which made your heart hurt, but when you stepped into the common room you walked right past Otis got a cup of coffee, and walked right back out.
No one really said anything, It’s not like you were avoiding Otis or that the two of you had some crazy tension, you just skipped the fact that you would ask him for a hug. Now to distract yourself you took yourself out to the ambulance to restock and repack anything you needed.
But about an hour later suspicions started to rise.
“Is it just me or does it feel like I forgot to do something today?” Herrmann questioned out to which majority in the room agreed.
“I mean I wouldn’t say I forgot to do something but I definitely feel like something is missing…” Gabby said in response as they all thought about what they could have missed in their normal routine.
“Oh! has someone checked to see if the milk is expired?” Cruz asks as he made his way to the fridge.
“No, that doesn’t seem like that’s it Cruz.” Otis said in response to his best friend.
“When was the last time we put gas in the trucks?” Lieutenant Casey asked taking a sip of his coffee.
“On the last call,” Herrmann said back.
“Is it anyone’s birthday today?” Gabby asked knowing that’s probably the one thing they’ve all forgotten.
“No, I just checked the calendar and there’s nothing for today.” Casey then said in response.
“Well I’m stumped.” Severide said as he flipped the page in his newspaper since he really didn’t care that much in the first place.
A few people chuckled at his nonchalance towards the matter then sat in an anxious silence as to what could they have all forgotten.
“It’s not expired guys!” Cruz finally said out to no one in particular to which no one in particular replied.
“Wait guys, It’s 10:34…” Mouch said as everyone looked at him confused because what significance does 10:34 hold?
“10:34?” Stella asked in response confused.
“It’s 10:34, and you know what hasn’t happened? Y/LN asking Otis for her daily hug.” Mouch stated as a matter of factly.
Herrmann scrunched his face thinking if that was what hadn’t happened today but it didn’t really click.
“Really?” Herrmann said doubtfully.
“Yeah, It makes perfect sense. Y/N always comes and asks Otis for a hug between 9:45 am and 10:00 am. Always on the dot one way or another, even with unexpected calls and stuff it happens everyday.” Mouch says trying to convince everyone.
Otis sat in his seat thinking about what Mouch was saying and it made perfect sense. Thats what hadn’t happened today.
“Mouch, I mean I wouldn’t get to worked up over that, she probably forgot and will probably come in here sometime soon and ask.” Herrmann said trying to come up with a reason as to why it hasn’t happened.
“No, Mouch is right. She doesn’t just “forget”. It’s happened everyday in that time frame for the whole time I’ve worked here, and that’s like 9 months now.” Stella said halfway at Herrmann and halfway at Otis.
“Otis what’d you do man?” Gabby says as a joke which obviously shook Otis because he sat in his spot white as a ghost.
“I didn’t do anything I don’t think. But Mouch is right, there has not been a day I haven’t given her that hug between that time frame for like years now.” Otis said rubbing his chin worriedly.
“Hey man, I wouldn’t worry too much about it okay? She’ll be in here on her own time to ask for that hug.” Herrmann says lightly tapping Otis on the arm and walking towards the kitchen.
“No, I’d be worried. Did you forget to do the dishes? Because that’s what Trudy messes regular routines up for, you know one time..”
“Mouch! Leave the kid alone it’ll happen.” Herrmann says in a warning tone at Mouch who put his hands up in surrendering manner.
“I’ll bet you $50 that you should be worried Otis.” Cruz said in a not helping tone at both Otis and Herrmann.
“$150 he’ll be fine.” Herrmann says back.
“Stop! I’m just gonna go talk to her now okay?” Otis said standing up from the table in the common room when at the same time the bell rang.
“Ambulance 61, GSW”
“I guess not.” Otis said sitting back down and sighing.
“Better start figuring out what you did,” Casey said lightly squeezing Otis’ shoulder and giving him a shit eating grin.
Pressing his lips into a line Otis began thinking of the night before…
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ilobehwanghyunjin · 9 months
My Atlantis
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:: You and hyunjin haven't been communicating well. (Mostly hyunjin's fault.)
Warnings:: ANGSTTT,
Hyunjin x fem!reader
"hyunjin... you should eat." You said on the other side of the door. Hyunjin has been painting every minute of the day and you were sick of it. You were sick of Constantly telling him to sleep, eat, drink, and other things that a human is supposed to do to live. You were sick of the constant arguments. You were sick of him not acting like the Hyunjin you met. He was paying you no attention to mind as if you were a ghost.
"I'll eat later." He said annoyed. "Okay"... you said defeated. There was no point of trying to get him to do the right things.
As you plopped on the couch you started overthinking. You decided to go on a walk to clear your mind.
Slipping on your shoes and grabbing your jacket, you walked out.
Sighing after painting for hours, he plopped down on the couch to look at his phone.
10:00 the clock read.
Thinking you were already asleep he took a shower and walked over to the bed side. You weren't there.
"y/n." He yelled throughout the house as he started to get worried.
He called your phone once only to find it on the living room table.
It's getting late. You thought to yourself finally deciding to go home to deal with a grumpy hyunjin.
As you walked through the door, it was awfully qhuiet and the place was very destroyed and dirty.
The lights were off too, you thought he already went to sleep.
Quietly tiptoeing your way to the couch, where you have been sleeping for the past week. Only to find hyunjin.
"hyunjin.?" You said kind of confused.
Bombarding you with questions like "OMG WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN."
"Hyunjin, just go to bed."
"Unt unt, you come to bed."
"What do you mean I haven't slept there since last week." Chuckling to light up the mood.
"That's not funny c'mon."
"fine sleep there I dont even care." He said stomping into your shared bedroom.
You shrugged and took your shoes off as you laid down to go to sleep as you felt something tug on your arm.
"Y/n.." hyunjin whined
"I'm sorry come to bed please."
"why are you doing this all of a sudden, I haven't slept there for a while n-."
"I know... I know. I can't believe I did that. I can't even believe I slept without you. This week has been very stressful and painting was the only way I could cope with it please come to bed." He says with a pout on his face.
"fine.." you say with a low voice.
"YAY" with the widest smile on his face.
You squeal as he picks you up. (Not bridal style)
As both of you clicked into the bed hyunjin was very close to you as you sighed in relief. Until you felt something wet on your shoulder.
"Love..?" You said in a low voice.
"I'm so sorry I treated you like that I didn't mean to I swear"
"Hyunjin it's okay I promise, can we go to sleep now?".
"Goodnight, I love you" planting a soft kiss to your cheek
"I love you too"
He was sure he'll make it up to you tmmr you
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arcanemoxhi · 2 years
💜 Choose ❤️
Vi or Sevika x Fem!Reader
Summary: Their big fight in the bar will result in one of their deaths, until you interrupt them. Now you have to choose between them.
Warning ⚠️; Blood, death, curse words, betrayal, angst, romantic, crying
This is a grave mistake! You know you should be staying home like they instructed you to do, but you can't help but think either one could die. You don't want Sevika or Vi to die, but you know one of them will if you do nothing. You run fast to the last drop where you see the chem tanks broken and destroyed. Nothing stops you from busting down the door. You catch the attention of Sevika and Vi feet apart with blood running down their body with heavy breathes. "Stop, this is crazy!!" You know they won't listen, they expect you to pick. You look towards...
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"I told you to stay home!"
You run to Sevika and hug her bloody body, you begin to cry that you have to pick. She pulls you close by her mechanical arm and holds you close, "I know, darling. You don't have to worry anymore... She'll be gone before you can blink." Sevika stares at the shocked red haired woman.
"Did you really choose the woman who helped killed Vander and do Silcos bidding?! You know what fuck this, I knew to never trust you. I knew you never loved me."
Vi starts strutting towards you and Sevika. "Vi, I'm sorry..." You say sobbing. Sevika pushes you aside and gets back to fighting Vi. Vi's gauntlet is fighting against Sevika's mechanical sword. You unfortunately watch.
The fight is intense and it ends with Sevika stabbing Vi brutally, leaving her lifeless almost immediately. Vi falls to her death as her head rocks lifelessly towards you.
You stare at Vi's lifeless body and eyes. You begin to sob hard as you quickly cover your eyes. You can't look at her no more, it's hurts too much. You feel Sevika pull you close as your face lays on her chest. "Shh, now. It's okay, Princess. You're going to be okay, don't waste your tears on the bartender's failure. Just look at me, I'm here. I'm alive. I'll make everything better, all you need is me..."
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"what are you doing here?! I told you to stay at the apartment!"
You run over to Vi and hug her tightly. You can't help but tear up because you have to choose. She holds you close with her one exposed arm. Her broken gauntlet is on the ground. Vi gaze up from the hug to see a disappointed Sevika.
"I knew you would pick her. You always choose the weak and pathetic options. No bother. I don't need you." Sevika begins to put shimmer into her arm.
"Sevika, please..." You begin to sob a little at the sudden aggressive Sevika.
"Move aside, cupcake. I don't want you to get hurt." Vi's eyes glances over to you sobbing at Sevika. "No, we don't ha--"
Behind you is a preparing Sevika ready to swing her laser sword at you and Vi. Vi pushes you aside. You got a little scratch from Sevika and Vi wasn't having it. You watch from afar, unfortunately.
The end of the battle resulted in Sevika being thrown against the old clock and the glass stabbing her vital points, killing her immediately.
You begin to cry at the lifeless Sevika. You didn't want them to fight, but you knew one of them wasn't going to make it out alive. You turn away from the lifeless Sevika. Vi runs over to you and hugs you closely, with your face into her chest. "Shh, shh. I know baby, it's not your fault. You tried baby, I know. But she can't hurt you or anyone else. Come on, let's go. We need to go home."
A/N: this was another idea I had to break some hearts :') so yay angsttt anyways later love ya muah muah bye
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