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odoraful · 6 months ago
⟡ i wish i can be your sanctuary until the end of time
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⟡ i need to show them i already have a lover
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⟡ let's push the what-ifs to the side
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⟡ we'll just have to blame the moon
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lovlieziam · 6 years ago
No, no, no, no, no!! You can't just stop writing that drabble! The 100 one I mean. Oh my god, I need that to be finished! I need them to kiss! God, I'm such a sucker for friends to lovers, it's insane. But just.. please? I really, really need that! And I would write it myself but believe me.. you don't wanna read that! Plus! I love your writings a lot! Like.. A LOT! Even though the drabbles are so short, they're all soooo good?! Okay.. sorry for rambling, but.. I'm weak. Have a nice day! ❤
Well, we can’t have you hanging in suspense forever, now can we? Also thank you so much? I’m so happy you like them and your compliments mean the world to me
The story anon is talking about can be found here, and this is a direct continuation of it. Enjoy :)
Liam watched as Zayn walked away, a familiar ache startingup in his chest. He was so gone on this boy that, despite his previous words,he really didn’t mind too much staying behind to charm some of his aunts. Notthat he had to do much more in the charming department, they were all prettymuch convinced already.
“Oh, Liam, sweetie.”
Liam closed his eyes, taking a deep breath before openingand turning back around to the group of women. Getting groped for a few moreminutes was a price he was more than willing to pay if it meant he got to holdZayn’s hand later. Liam was aware of the fact that he was more than a littlepathetic over Zayn, but he’d accepted it. If he was going to be this pathetic overanyone, he was glad it was Zayn.
Liam stepped forward, joining the group of women once more.He was hoping they had calmed down a little; he hoped that being exposed to Liamfor as long as they had meant that his newness had worn off. He was so, sowrong, though. If anything, they’d gotten more relentless with Zayn’s absence.It was going to be the longest minutes of Liam’s life.
Liam had just fended off his fifth pair of hands when hefelt a set of arms wind around his waist. He immediately stiffened, shockedthat on of the women was that bold, before he realized who the familiar armsbelonged to. He relaxed back into Zayn’s embrace just as quickly as he’dtensed, relief washing over him at his rescue.
“Sorry, ladies, but I think I’m going to steal Liam awayfrom you for the night. It’s my turn to swoon over how strong he is.” Liam turnedhis head to face Zayn just in time to see him wink at the group of women, andLiam had to physically prevent his knees from giving out. Zayn was so fucking attractive,and Liam found it really inconvenient.
Zayn unwound his arms, sliding one of his hands down Liam’sside until he was able to reach his hand. He interwove their fingers, and Liamwas once again assaulted with how in love with this boy he was. Zayn grinned upat him, humor still dancing in those deep brown eyes, and Liam should pretendto be angry. He should keep up the teasing game they’ve had going on for mostof the night, but he couldn’t. They were at a wedding, couples were acting alllovey dovey, the lights were twinkling and making Zayn’ practically glow, and Liam was overwhelmed with hisfeelings. He knew he should keep the atmosphere between them light, but it wastoo difficult for him in this moment. Sometime in between Zayn winking and himinterlocking their fingers, Liam had developed tunnel vision. All the couldthink about was Zayn; how he looked in his navy suit—fitted perfectly to showoff his lean frame—the way he was smiling up at Liam—eyes soft and fond underthe gleaming lights. Being anything but obvious about his feelings wasimpossible for Liam right now.
“Dance with me, Z.” Hesitation danced in Zayn’s eyes likeLiam knew it would. He figured it was a long shot—Zayn was a lot of things, buta good dancer was not one of them and they both knew it. That was okay, though,Liam didn’t think he would need that many skills for the type of dance he hadin mind. Liam reached forward, taking Zayn’s other hand in his before leadinghim out to the dancefloor.
“Li,” Zayn began, but Liam wasn’t going to take no for ananswer.
“C’mon, Zed,” Liam said. “You owe me after leaving me to bedevoured. Plus, it’s just slow dancing. We’ve done it a thousand times.” Zaynwas still doubtful, but he relented and slowly relaxed as Liam pulled him forwardinto his arms. Zayn wound his own arms around Liam’s neck, leaning forwarduntil their faces were inches away.
“Aww, c’mon, Liam, what ‘dya expect? Their a bunch of oldwomen who haven’t seen a body like this up close in years.” Zayn pressed alittle closer to emphasis his point, and Liam felt his breath leave him in arush. Holding Zayn this close was really starting to mess with his head. “Really,how did you except them to behave themselves?” Liam rolled his eyes, trying sohard to feign exasperation when all he really felt was dizzy—dizzy with Zayn’sscent clogging his nose, sweet and spicy and so familiar; dizzy with the heat of his body pressed along Liam’s;dizzy with thoughts of leaning forward the scant few inches and just takingwhat he’d been dreaming of for so long. He wouldn’t, though, and he knew it. Herespected Zayn too much, valued the friendship they’d built up over the manyyears. He wouldn’t do anything to ruin it, no matter how much he just wanted. He would take whatever Zayn waswilling to offer, and as far as Liam could tell that was simply this.
And Liam knew, deep down, that’s why he hadn’t refused Zaynwhen he’d first brought this daft idea up to Liam. He could lie to himself allhe wanted and pretend that it was because Zayn looked so scared—so panicked atthe thought of the prying questions and countless blind dates Zayn knew hisfamily would try and set him up with—but Liam knew his own reasons for agreeingwere much more selfish. He wanted a chance to touch Zayn in a way that went pastfriendly; a chance to hold Zayn against his side and nuzzle into him withoutthe questioning looks and worried glances from their friends who knew hisfeelings. He wanted to pretend that Zayn was his—even if it was pretend, even if it was just for a night. Heknew it was daft on both their parts—the aftermath of their little scheme wouldno doubt be messy despite Zayn’s assurances of the opposite. Even if Zayn’sfamily was as understanding as Zayn was sure they’d be, Liam wouldn’t be thesame. Fighting his feelings before were bad enough, but after having actuallyheld Zayn? After not having to hide his emotions away and being able to openlytell Zayn he loved him? It was heady, and Liam doubted he’d be able to stophimself after tonight.
“Li?” Zayn whispered, and Liam felt his attention focus backonto Zayn’s worried face. He had no idea how long he was lost in his ownthoughts, but it was obviously long enough to worry Zayn. “Were they reallythat awful?” Liam was momentarily confused until he recalled what they weretalking about.
Liam let out a soft laugh, removing one of his hands fromZayn’s waist to cup his face. “Nah,” Liam said. He stroked his thumb over thebone of Zayn’s cheek. He knew his eyes probably betrayed his feelings in thatmoment—not to mention the more than sappy curve of his mouth—but Liam couldn’tbe bothered to care. He was feeling more than a little reckless in that moment.“And even if they were, it’s a sacrifice I’d be more than willing to make foryou.”
Liam watched as Zayn’s eyes widened a fraction,understanding exactly what Liam was implying. Logically, Liam knew he should bepanicking—he had essentially just revealed how he felt about Zayn—but he wasn’t.He was high on the romance in the air, the feeling of Zayn pressed against him.
“Liam,” Zayn breathed, and Liam understood. He was feelingmore than a little breathless right now, too. Liam watched as Zayn practicallymelted forward into Liam, rushing up and sealing his lips over Liam’s. Liam’sbreath caught in his throat as shock worked it’s way into his brain.
Zayn’s lips were against his. Zayn was kissing him. He waskissing Zayn. Holy fuck.
Liam pressed himself forward into Zayn, tightening his armaround Zayn’s waist and tilting his head back with the hand pressed against hischeek. He deepened the kiss, darting his tongue forward to slide over Zayn’slips. Zayn let out a soft groan, pressing himself impossibly closer to Liam.They let their lips linger for a few beats longer before Zayn wrenched himselfaway, tightening his arms around Liam’s neck to keep him close.
“It was dumb of me to ask you to pretend to be my boyfriend,Liam. So, so stupid.” Liam’s initial reaction was to be hurt because—what? Buthe didn’t have time to fully process Zayn’s words before the boy was continuing.“Especially when my feelings for you are anything other than pretend. They’reso fucking real, Li.”
Liam let out a small gasp, shock once again flooding hissystem. He wasn’t entirely convinced this wasn’t a dream. Zayn had feelings forhim?
“Zayn,” Liam whispered before leaning in again to slot theirlips together. He kept this one chaste, knowing he had something to say. Whenhe pulled away, he leaned his forehead against Zayn’s. “You’re right, it wasdumb of you to ask, but it was dumb of me to say yes, especially knowing howmuch I love you. Because I do, Zed, so fucking much I ache with it.” Zayngrinned up at Liam, his eye glowing bright and happy.
“Liam,” Zayn said.He pressed forward once again, unable to keep his own lips away from Liam’s fortoo long, not now that he knew he didn’t have to. Zayn broke away much toquickly for Liam’s liking, but he didn’t go far at all. “I love you, too, Li. Ithink I always have, if ‘m being honest.”
Liam felt his lips stretch into a blinding smile because this was real. He was sitting here in aroom full of people kissing his best friend because he could. Because Zayn wanted to kiss him, too. Zayn loved him, andLiam didn’t think anything else would ever matter to him as much as hearingZayn say those three words. He leaned forward again, ghosting a ‘me, too, Zayn,me, too’ over his lips before closing the small space between them for thefourth time that night.
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